
I'm a widow

I'm pretty sure everyone's cats are bigger than any of my dogs. When I suggested getting a dog, as PB must know (hopefully), I was kidding. The idea of a 50lb cat seemed equally ridiculous.:lol-2:
I'm pretty sure everyone's cats are bigger than any of my dogs. When I suggested getting a dog, as PB must know (hopefully), I was kidding. The idea of a 50lb cat seemed equally ridiculous.:lol-2:
There's gotta be someone out there loving some plus sized pussy :whistle::lol::lol-2:
@Angelwk Your furbaby is bigger than you are. Soooo cute!

Pinto Bean, Your babies are taking great care of you. Love the picture of Tin Tin snuggling.

@Weecam What a sweet picture!
I'm not suggesting she get one dog. I'm suggesting she gets 7. :saint:IMG_6407.jpg
I'm not suggesting she get one dog. I'm suggesting she gets 7. :saint:IMG_6407.jpg
In NY those are black bears. Cousin you are clearly from the side of the family where the tree is a straight line!:eek2:
Only 25 pounds, but definitely not petite! (Vet says this is healthy weight for him so no worries.) Stretches from DH's chin to knee if measuring nose to tail.

Seriously one of the cutest bear cats I've ever seen. :love:
I'm not suggesting she get one dog. I'm suggesting she gets 7. :saint:IMG_6407.jpg
I'm a cat person but those faces! :kiss2:

Only 25 pounds, but definitely not petite! (Vet says this is healthy weight for him so no worries.) Stretches from DH's chin to knee if measuring nose to tail.
He is BEAUTIFUL! A ragdoll? I had a ragdoll once, but I think he "only" weighted about 21lbs. Was a handsome devil but not the sharpest tool in the shed :mrgreen2:
I'm a cat person but those faces! :kiss2:

He is BEAUTIFUL! A ragdoll? I had a ragdoll once, but I think he "only" weighted about 21lbs. Was a handsome devil but not the sharpest tool in the shed :mrgreen2:

Thank you! The rescue said maine coon but you can never quite be sure with rescued cats. Ragdolls are beautiful and (I'm told) super mellow.
Pretty sure what you really need is a baby goat. It'd definitely keep you on your toes and be endlessly entertaining::P2
OMG I actually proposed that we replace the landscaper with a goat!:lol-2:
If you need extra cat love, I can bring my bailey over...he's a cuddler.

Actually all three of mine are cuddlers...Bailey just happens to cuddle the most conveniently
So many cutie patootie love bugs. :kiss2:

PB, I’m sorry that your mom sucks. If I lived close, I’d be up for hugs, arm wrestles, secret handshakes, whatever! I wish I had Matthew McConaughey’s number. :whistle: But not his way too hard to spell last name. :confused2:

Funny kitty story. My future husband and I adopted a kitten in our early 20’s. We named him Eddie Murphy because we couldn’t agree on a name. Well, calling him “Eddie Murphy” just became so common to us that we forgot what it must’ve sounded like to the outside world. One evening out at dinner, we were discussing Eddie Murphy and his wild antics (using phrases like “Eddie Murphy was all up in my business last night” and “Eddie Murphy sprawled out across my chest and wouldn’t move”, etc.), and a woman approached us and asked if we could introduce her. We’re like :confused:, and then we realized she thought we were talking about the real Eddie Murphy. From that point forward, we really amped up our stories about that silly cat while out in public. I wonder how many people have repeated our Eddie Murphy stories.... :lol:
Yes it was one health care system I was applying to but it felt good shooting off 11 apps lolol. They were for different hospitals within the system.

If anyone has suggestions for industries please shoot them at me!

I've covered local universities. I'm working on hospitals. @LAJennifer suggested hotels. I need to check out utility companies. I'm happy that I'm chugging along with the apps.
If you're any good at quickbooks....try small import export companies as accountant. With your JD you could try compliance positions, legal aide societies, maybe the court system? I think the post office has been hiring in queens but idk about long island...
Where's the pouty face emoticon? I'm fighting back tears right now. My litter robot has been giving me the blinking blue light of death for a few weeks. I've done all the troubleshooting and the vendor said it's probably the waste sensor. I had two choices - send them the base to repair it or I could do the replacement myself. I was told that it's mad simple. It literally took me a few hours to take this piece of shit apart. Lining shit up was a pain and the screws weren't lined up perfectly to begin with so they were so hard to unscrew. The sensor sits in a clear holder and my new sensor kept falling out of it. I tried calling at 7:01 PM and my bad they're closed at 7:00PM. I'm totally irrational right now so I ordered a new one.

Im on my mac mini right now my Honda just leaped onto the desk and sat down in front of me and pressed her wet nose to my lips. Then she repeatedly pressed the top of her head to my lips. She's trying to comfort mama because "shit happens". I'm soooo frustrated. These DIY repairs always went smoothly when it was me and Mike at a team. I'd be following along on youtube and the paper instructions and directing Mike.

Yes this is definitely worth the splurge with 4 cats and bad allergies bc I don't have to inhale any litter dust with the litter robot but for frack's sake, I'm not in the mood today. CHANGE is very very hard for me nowadays. When something breaks or is temporarily misplaced, I have melt downs. REGULAR days with routine happenings are SOOooo important to me. No more surprises and negative changes please. Like at the rate things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if I work up with a third appendage - like oh wow look at that... :roll
Where's the pouty face emoticon? I'm fighting back tears right now. My litter robot has been giving me the blinking blue light of death for a few weeks. I've done all the troubleshooting and the vendor said it's probably the waste sensor. I had two choices - send them the base to repair it or I could do the replacement myself. I was told that it's mad simple. It literally took me a few hours to take this piece of shit apart. Lining shit up was a pain and the screws weren't lined up perfectly to begin with so they were so hard to unscrew. The sensor sits in a clear holder and my new sensor kept falling out of it. I tried calling at 7:01 PM and my bad they're closed at 7:00PM. I'm totally irrational right now so I ordered a new one.

Im on my mac mini right now my Honda just leaped onto the desk and sat down in front of me and pressed her wet nose to my lips. Then she repeatedly pressed the top of her head to my lips. She's trying to comfort mama because "shit happens". I'm soooo frustrated. These DIY repairs always went smoothly when it was me and Mike at a team. I'd be following along on youtube and the paper instructions and directing Mike.

Yes this is definitely worth the splurge with 4 cats and bad allergies bc I don't have to inhale any litter dust with the litter robot but for frack's sake, I'm not in the mood today. CHANGE is very very hard for me nowadays. When something breaks or is temporarily misplaced, I have melt downs. REGULAR days with routine happenings are SOOooo important to me. No more surprises and negative changes please. Like at the rate things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if I work up with a third appendage - like oh wow look at that... :roll

- hugs - I am so sorry that this happened today. Stability is important.

I know that with four cats a good clean litter box is so important. But try to step away from this for a little while, grab a scoop of ice cream, relax a bit then try it again in a little while or tomorrow. Step away from it completely.

You'd be surprised, a few minutes or hours away can really help you focus on what went wrong the first time you tried to repair something.
I'd cry too! Four cats mean a lot of scooping. It took me years to find a litter I am not allergic to. I know how miserable that is.

An all new one is on the way. Maybe they will even take to old one and repair so you have a spare (since these technology things always break at the worst time!).
100% agree with others who said that you were right to get a new one! Screw scooping litter from 4 cats--nooooope!
I had two choices - send them the base to repair it or I could do the replacement myself. I was told that it's mad simple. It literally took me a few hours to take this piece of shit apart. Lining shit up was a pain and the screws weren't lined up perfectly to begin with so they were so hard to unscrew. The sensor sits in a clear holder and my new sensor kept falling out of it. I tried calling at 7:01 PM and my bad they're closed at 7:00PM. I'm totally irrational right now so I ordered a new one.

Dear attempted a home repair!? I do that upon occasion when I'm delusional from watching too many DIY programs. Yesterday I re-caulked the tub in the guest bath. I was covered in caulk at the end of it -- looked like a mummy wrapped in strings of silicone. I didn't know that the caulk would shoot out of the end of the tube when I stopped pressing the trigger on the caulk gun. There was no helpful hint on the caulk gun about how to release the pressure so the damn silicone wouldn't continue to explode out. Do they think people are born with this knowledge!?

I empathize with your need for stability and the tendency to have a meltdown at things that wouldn't have fazed you two years ago. I went through that when I got divorced and was on my own for the first time ever. It may not be much consolation, but what you are experiencing is still a part of growth for your new reality. You will get better at handling this stuff. In the meantime (((((hugs)))))(((((hugs)))))(((((hugs)))))(((((hugs)))))
I'm going through some transitions this week and I'm trying to go with the flow.

Of course this just happened...My dad just called to tell me he wants to throw out my double E (electrical engineering) and law books to make room for his stuff. "You're never gonna be a double E or look at this stuff again." :wall: It's frustrating bc every time I'd go there I'd clear out a stack of stuff to donate. I'm not a hoarder. My dresser drawers are empty except for a few change of clothes for when I happened to stay there and left them.

I sent a handful of apps last night to a company referred to me by a PSer. The beauty of project management is that it doesn't have to be industry specific. It's a position that different types of company hire for. I'm on LT if anyone wants to email me some suggested companies :wavey:
Awww, I’m sorry that your Dad struck again! Hopefully, he backs down and understands why you’d like to keep them. Fingers crossed that some of your applications are the perfect match for a job opening and you are happily (and lucratively!) employed asap!

And yes, I’d definitely have caved and bought a new litter thing. If you get the other one working, you have an “heir and a spare”, lol!!

Hugs PB!!
Omg talk about stars aligning. 30 minutes after the cleaning lady leaves, fedex delivers my new litter robot. What was kinda absurd was that the service rep recommended removing the internal shield bc people sometimes have issues from it. I quickly replied, no way josefina! No more DIYs for this gal! Please remove it before shipping it! It was. Phew! I'd give my cajones a hummer right now if they were real :whistle:

I shot out another 6 apps last night to a particular company. 1030pm-midnight seems to be my prime job applying time.
Omg talk about stars aligning. 30 minutes after the cleaning lady leaves, fedex delivers my new litter robot. What was kinda absurd was that the service rep recommended removing the internal shield bc people sometimes have issues from it. I quickly replied, no way josefina! No more DIYs for this gal! Please remove it before shipping it! It was. Phew! I'd give my cajones a hummer right now if they were real :whistle:

I shot out another 6 apps last night to a particular company. 1030pm-midnight seems to be my prime job applying time.

Haha you too? That's when I started looking too when I was unemployed!

Oh Oh I have a tip from an HR friend of mine. Definitely fill out those apps whenever you want...just leave the e-mail/the app open until the next morning. Hit send around 9am-11am, or again at 3pm. Most offices open at 8/9am so if you send it around 9/10 then the hiring person will have had their morning coffee and cleared their inbox and Your e-mail will either be right on top or hit them at a quiet moment.

Don't send after 11am as between 12-2 is prime lunch hours...11 is when people start getting hungry and if they're cranky cuz of lack of food they tend to ignore the e-mail. If you send immediately after lunch, again - the hiring person will be in a good mood because they've eaten. Don't send between 4-6 when either food coma has kicked in, or they're busy looking at the clock to go home.

Hope this helps!!
Checking in, thoughts and prayers continue for the right job to open for you!