
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


Jun 8, 2008
Yssie|1316332467|3019982 said:

Our house sellers took the GRATE from the woodstove.

:nono: :nono: :errrr:

Why would they do that, for goodness sake! Ridiculous. Don't know if it's worth it to you but you could contact your RE agent and ask her/him to contact their RE agent to ask what happened to it. I mean, they should not have taken that! :nono:


Jun 8, 2008
slg47|1316325251|3019924 said:
chemgirl|1316307889|3019801 said:
slg47|1316304045|3019756 said:
chemgirl|1316303417|3019750 said:
Bridzilla alert!

Bride: I hope you're not too cold at my ceremony next week.
Maid of honour: I know! Its been really cold out the last few nights! I hope we don't freeze.
Chemgirl: I should be ok, I have a cardigan that goes with my dress.
Bride: You're going to wear a SWEATER to my wedding!?!!!?
Chemgirl: Um yeah....its a nice sweater...

are you in the wedding party?

Nope, just a regular guest. I thought a nice cardigan would look better on me than DH's suit jacket!

well how dare you wear a sweater!!!

seriously...that is ridiculous.

That truly is the most outlandish thing I have ever heard- she really sounds like a Bridezilla!! Lucky for you that you are *not* in the bridal party. I could not even fathom how she is treating them! I hope you will wear your cardigan- it will look better than your dh's suit jacket and I think matching cardigans are lovely!


Aug 14, 2009
missy - already contacted her! It's an oddly shaped thing so I think finding a replacement that fits well won't be a trivial project, so it's worth it to bug them a bit.

Things got a bit - messy, shall we say - in the end, with timing, debates on whose problem some issues were, our attorney turned out to be the most useless specimen we could've found... thankfully our realtor is on top of things, and she's pushy enough to get stuff done!

Zoe - we're both doing well, thank you for asking! Both our jobs seem very promising - still very much in the "getting adjusted" stages, but it looks like I'll have the chance to work on some interesting projects, and DH has already been recruited for a couple of things. The house is... we *adore* it - it's beautiful, and in a great location, and it has lovely land and all the privacy we wanted, but I want to strangle the owner every ten minutes.

He apparently was going through a divorce and hadn't actually lived in the house for years - the only regular tenant was his 20yr old daughter, and - well, note to self: never, ever, ever let 20yr old daughter take up full-time residence in my house alone. It's incredibly frustrating, the state of disrepair of the oddest things - it's becoming clear that she really just didn't care about the place one tiny bit! And that gets my goat, because it's a *beautiful* house that deserves to be taken care of...

We've got the carpet people coming in next week, so we've got to get stuff mostly in order by then. And unpacking is unearthing all sorts of treasures!


Jun 8, 2008
Yssie, I hear you on the useless attorney issue. During the time leading up to our closing I was ready to strangle our attorney. She was so slow and not proactive on important matters that I was just really fed up with her. It made it a more sticky matter because she works for a good friend of my husband's and my dh didn't want to do anything to make waves. She had handled our previous closings and I *think* I was similarly frustrated but who can remember as that was a long time ago. In any case it all worked out but it was extremely stressful and frustrating for sure. Mainly because our buyers were being huge PITA's but it didn't help that our RE attorney wasn't as sharp and efficient as I would have liked her to be.

I feel for you and hope you can get this matter resolved. It's just ludicrous that the sellers took that with them. I guess you didn't notice on the walk thru- but if they took it after the walk thru well, that is really nasty and I wonder what if any recourse you guys have. My dh would say to just *forget* it but that would drive me nuts. Hope it all works out and if you need us to search for a replacement grate let us know!


Jul 7, 2004
monarch64|1316324597|3019920 said:
So you're saying you have a 40lb handbag, Ame? J. Christy. You must have biceps of steel! LMAO! :bigsmile:


Aug 14, 2009
missy|1316372929|3020237 said:
Yssie, I hear you on the useless attorney issue. During the time leading up to our closing I was ready to strangle our attorney. She was so slow and not proactive on important matters that I was just really fed up with her. It made it a more sticky matter because she works for a good friend of my husband's and my dh didn't want to do anything to make waves. She had handled our previous closings and I *think* I was similarly frustrated but who can remember as that was a long time ago. In any case it all worked out but it was extremely stressful and frustrating for sure. Mainly because our buyers were being huge PITA's but it didn't help that our RE attorney wasn't as sharp and efficient as I would have liked her to be.

I feel for you and hope you can get this matter resolved. It's just ludicrous that the sellers took that with them. I guess you didn't notice on the walk thru- but if they took it after the walk thru well, that is really nasty and I wonder what if any recourse you guys have. My dh would say to just *forget* it but that would drive me nuts. Hope it all works out and if you need us to search for a replacement grate let us know!

Ugh. Mixing friends and business complicates everything!

Our attorney decided at 10pm the night before the closing that he wouldn't use the powers of attorney we had given him so as to avoid having to skip work in the middle of the day on our third day at our new jobs... we'd never met him before, and I was seriously expecting a likeness of Jack the Pumpkin King at that point :rolleyes:

In any case - I don't actually think bugging the sellers will yield results at this point. It's more to state the case I guess. I might just be starting that thread in the next few days!


Sep 3, 2009
Yssie, what a pain! Tell me about your house that you adore -- is it an antique one or new(ish)? What style? I love houses & roam r.e. sites whenever I can. Would give anything to have a real old one, but bring money! Never have been able to afford the maintenance etc. costs I know would come up. Anyway, more about it please!

I can relate to your missing grate, though in our case it was a missing refrigerator. Normal one when we saw this house, I don't even remember it, so nothing notable. Ok on walkthrough. When we moved in, it had been replaced by a...Harvest Gold ancient piece of garbage! I honestly think they got it from the local dump -- disgusting rusted metal shelves & SO filthy & full of mold, I opened it once & refused to touch it again. You can't be without a fridge, so I had to run out on moving day & freakin' buy a new one -- tough in a new city when you don't know where anything is!

By the time we got back to them & hassled it out, it just wouldn't be worth the trouble, so I let it go. Shabby sleazo people, though.

--- Laurie


Sep 16, 2009
JewelFreak|1316379946|3020279 said:
Yssie, what a pain! Tell me about your house that you adore -- is it an antique one or new(ish)? What style? I love houses & roam r.e. sites whenever I can. Would give anything to have a real old one, but bring money! Never have been able to afford the maintenance etc. costs I know would come up. Anyway, more about it please!

I can relate to your missing grate, though in our case it was a missing refrigerator. Normal one when we saw this house, I don't even remember it, so nothing notable. Ok on walkthrough. When we moved in, it had been replaced by a...Harvest Gold ancient piece of garbage! I honestly think they got it from the local dump -- disgusting rusted metal shelves & SO filthy & full of mold, I opened it once & refused to touch it again. You can't be without a fridge, so I had to run out on moving day & freakin' buy a new one -- tough in a new city when you don't know where anything is!

By the time we got back to them & hassled it out, it just wouldn't be worth the trouble, so I let it go. Shabby sleazo people, though.

--- Laurie

Something similar happened to me a few years ago, but luckily before I actually bought the house. During the first viewing the kitchen looked fairly modern and nice. Nice enough that I asked to see it again. The second time I saw the kitchen I wanted to gag. It smelled like rot and the appliances were at least 30 years old and rusty! I knew something was off, but didn't clue in on what it was until I saw the original flyer. They'd switched out all of the stainless steel appliances and modern window treatments and replaced them with somebody's garbage.

I told my agent that I would take the changed fixtures in to account when making an offer. Apparently they wanted their original asking price so no house for me!


Aug 14, 2009
chemgirl|1316388130|3020321 said:
JewelFreak|1316379946|3020279 said:
Yssie, what a pain! Tell me about your house that you adore -- is it an antique one or new(ish)? What style? I love houses & roam r.e. sites whenever I can. Would give anything to have a real old one, but bring money! Never have been able to afford the maintenance etc. costs I know would come up. Anyway, more about it please!

I can relate to your missing grate, though in our case it was a missing refrigerator. Normal one when we saw this house, I don't even remember it, so nothing notable. Ok on walkthrough. When we moved in, it had been replaced by a...Harvest Gold ancient piece of garbage! I honestly think they got it from the local dump -- disgusting rusted metal shelves & SO filthy & full of mold, I opened it once & refused to touch it again. You can't be without a fridge, so I had to run out on moving day & freakin' buy a new one -- tough in a new city when you don't know where anything is!

By the time we got back to them & hassled it out, it just wouldn't be worth the trouble, so I let it go. Shabby sleazo people, though.

--- Laurie

Something similar happened to me a few years ago, but luckily before I actually bought the house. During the first viewing the kitchen looked fairly modern and nice. Nice enough that I asked to see it again. The second time I saw the kitchen I wanted to gag. It smelled like rot and the appliances were at least 30 years old and rusty! I knew something was off, but didn't clue in on what it was until I saw the original flyer. They'd switched out all of the stainless steel appliances and modern window treatments and replaced them with somebody's garbage.

I told my agent that I would take the changed fixtures in to account when making an offer. Apparently they wanted their original asking price so no house for me!

Wow... what a peculiar thing to do! Gosh, I wouldn't want to be refrigerator shopping right after I move... chemgirl, you escaped!

All our appliances are the same, thankfully! We just didn't open the woodstove to check, or open the dishwasher to look at the state of the soap-housing, or check the island sides to see if the faux wood corners were on the verge of coming apart, or check to make sure the poster in the closet wasn't hiding a hole someone punched in the wall (that was the worst, the seller's attorney got an earful on that one!)

Laurie you're sweet to ask :)) We're so excited about it (even with the unexpected issues!) :bigsmile: It's just about 25 years old, so not all that old, actually. Cherry and oak hardwood everywhere - floors, cupboards, doors, trim - all the wood and brick makes it feel so warm and cozy.

The kitchen is HUGE, which I love, and there's a wood fireplace in the master bedroom. This was the only one with wood, actually - all the others had gas, and something about having a wood fire in the bedroom just seems so decadent... DH, of course, is envisioning dragging logs up the stairs twice a day and is rather less than thrilled. I told him we could rig up a bucket on a pulley - for some reason that didn't assuage his concerns :cheeky: There are tons of windows on the west side and no trees blocking the afternoon sunlight, which was really important to me.

We only have 2 acres, but we're surrounded by farms and much larger lots so we don't really have close neighbours. My FIL brought a U-Haul up from NJ to help us move some of the furniture, and apparently accidentally drove the thing right through one of the neighbours' front lawn... needless to say they were at our front door just a few minutes later none too happy with us! Lots of smiling and apologising and sending our landscapers over to fix it restored the peace - funnily enough we probably could've set the lawn on fire and they would've forgiven us, they were so glad that the previous owners were gone!

We've repainted and re-finished the wood, and most of the furniture is where it should be. There are some plants we've got to do something about - I despise greenery, though I'll put up with the grass and the big trees on the property line - and the solitary cactus in the bathroom. Fortunately plants also seem to despise me, and my ministrations inevitably kill them, so "doing something about" them shouldn't be all that difficult :halo:

It's our first house, we used to have a sub-1000sqfoot apartment in California - it feels pretty incredible, coming home to Our House after work every day ::)


Mar 3, 2010

It's just so inappropriate sometimes. :lol:


Sep 1, 2009
dragonfly411|1316114457|3018346 said:
TooPatient|1316109829|3018299 said:
I'm not ready for summer to be over.

No offense.... but TOO BAD! I want autumn SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad. Don't you take it from me! :nono:

:bigsmile: :saint:

Wanna trade?

I've been looking at red/orange trees and 60/70 degree weather since back in July. :-o


Jun 25, 2007
TooPatient|1316457741|3020796 said:
dragonfly411|1316114457|3018346 said:
TooPatient|1316109829|3018299 said:
I'm not ready for summer to be over.

No offense.... but TOO BAD! I want autumn SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad. Don't you take it from me! :nono:

:bigsmile: :saint:

Wanna trade?

I've been looking at red/orange trees and 60/70 degree weather since back in July. :-o

Not fair.


Mar 3, 2010
Ugh. Jewelry has unearthed a frenemy for me. I am totally bummed. :(sad


Jul 7, 2004
It definitely sucks. People suck sometimes.


Jun 25, 2007
I missed it again.


May 23, 2010

Dentist just told me I have to have a root canal and a post installed and a cap. The total cost on this horror is $2000! ;(

$2000, no jewelry, no sparklies, not even pearls!! :(sad

I am muchly sad. :blackeye:

Tomorrow is step 1, root canal day . . . :knockout:

I can't even argue since I've been hanging on to this last bit of tooth for 5 years and it finally shattered last week. :(sad


Dec 29, 2006
Yssie -- I'm glad things are going well overall. I'd be upset too, if my new house was in disrepair because of someone's neglect. That's frustrating!


Aug 14, 2009
iLander|1316468903|3020941 said:

Dentist just told me I have to have a root canal and a post installed and a cap. The total cost on this horror is $2000! ;(

$2000, no jewelry, no sparklies, not even pearls!! :(sad

I am muchly sad. :blackeye:

Tomorrow is step 1, root canal day . . . :knockout:

I can't even argue since I've been hanging on to this last bit of tooth for 5 years and it finally shattered last week. :(sad

Ohhh yuck. I'm sorry!

Good luck tomorrow :sick:

Zoe - yeah, pretty much! Thank you though ::)


Jun 25, 2007
That sucks ilander, wishing you a speedy recovery!

It's rainy here, so today is a sleepy day. Last night I dreamed that the shirts I ordered came reversed. I ordered a long sleeve "oatmeal" colored shirt and a short sleeve fall looking orange shirt. In my dream, the orange was long sleeved, and the oatmeal short. That better not happen.


Aug 1, 2008
How am I living in a place where everything closes at 6 pm? Grocery store? Closed! Drug store? Closed! This is insanity for someone coming from the land of 24/7.


Nov 3, 2009
iLander|1316468903|3020941 said:

Dentist just told me I have to have a root canal and a post installed and a cap. The total cost on this horror is $2000! ;(

$2000, no jewelry, no sparklies, not even pearls!! :(sad

I am muchly sad. :blackeye:

Tomorrow is step 1, root canal day . . . :knockout:

I can't even argue since I've been hanging on to this last bit of tooth for 5 years and it finally shattered last week. :(sad

I am sorry... Had my first root canal done recently. It sounds scary but is not painful at all. Wish you good luck and a speedy recovery!


Aug 1, 2008
I slept until 1145 this morning! Felt wonderful.


Dec 29, 2006
I'm having a pity party for myself today. Actually, it's a weekend event. I'm tired of dealing with sinus infections. I'd sign up for surgery right now if I could be guaranteed it actually works long-term.


Nov 15, 2008
April20|1316534670|3021391 said:
How am I living in a place where everything closes at 6 pm? Grocery store? Closed! Drug store? Closed! This is insanity for someone coming from the land of 24/7.
So true. Me, too. And closed on Sundays. So friggin inconvenient.


Sep 16, 2009
Had a scary talk at work today. Its a new job and I JUST moved specifically to be close to work.


I need a glass of wine.


Apr 2, 2006
I don't want to go to work today. Just don't want to. :blackeye:


Jul 7, 2004
I feel for anyone who has to go through those dental fiascos of root canals. I have had a rough year in that area. I had to have 7 of my 8 root canals redone, lose a tooth that was crowned to control a crack that cracked into my jawbone and fighting an infection IN MY JAW for a year now. I am so used to it now that the pain rarely bothres me anymore.


Sep 16, 2009
ame|1317221989|3027805 said:
I feel for anyone who has to go through those dental fiascos of root canals. I have had a rough year in that area. I had to have 7 of my 8 root canals redone, lose a tooth that was crowned to control a crack that cracked into my jawbone and fighting an infection IN MY JAW for a year now. I am so used to it now that the pain rarely bothres me anymore.

Ewwww, that sucks. I was squirming reading your post.


Sep 1, 2009
I need to get my rings cleaned before services tonight. The lighting is great in the building and I can ignore the pain in my poor feet (up & down for hours on end in heels :knockout: ) if I have pretty sparklies to look at.

Luckily I've got 2 right near my office -- Blue Nile and Marcy (I think this is the name). The parking at Marcy is better but I've never actually visited Blue Nile and really want to... Then again, if I visit BN I'd really want to look around and I don't have time.

Marcy is super expensive (at least it was the one time I went in) but they do carry a Tacori ring I've been wanting to see.

Would it be strange to walk into an upscale (pricewise at least) place and ask them to clean my 2 rings while trying on a Tacori?


Sep 1, 2009
Did Blue Nile leave Bellevue? I haven't driven by where their store is (had been?) for awhile. Their website doesn't list an address, but my search gave me an address in Seattle...

That would be sad! (we almost never go into Seattle)
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