
Help! I may regret my upgrade...


Jun 16, 2023
Hi all, I need a little help navigating a situation.

A few months ago I purchased a 2.5 carat cushion cut stone after my husband and I decided that we would be comfortable doing the upgrade we talked about when we got engaged. Since then, I am having a bit of buyers remorse - the ring is beautiful, the stone is bright white and sparkly with no dead spots, the only thing is it has a crushed ice faceting pattern (see photo of my ring here) and I envisioned a more classic modified brilliant stone (see photo of inspo here with split shank band). I think I was a little under educated about the different cuts when I made my purchase, and I saw about 15 very poorly cut stones (so many dead and lifeless) so when this one came up it seemed like an easy decision! In the months following, I realized I should have spent more time finding a well cut modified brilliant. I think I was a little too eager.

I am a little embarrassed to contact the original jeweler about it - I was so excited and she was soooo helpful when I was very particular about the setting, she re-set it to my liking at no cost and was so pleasant all the while. I feel like she would be shocked to hear that I'm feeling this way after being so satisfied at the time! But, I have reached out so some other jewelers who are not willing to offer anything, or offering very very little for the stone as a trade in value.

My question is this : do I reach out to the original jeweler and ask her to find the cut I'm looking for and do a trade in? Do I keep searching with third party jewelers? Do I just live with it for a few years and get something else down the line?

Thanks in advance for advice.

Capture1.PNGClassic cut cushion.jpg
Which one is your upgrade? These are two different rings.
Which one is your upgrade? These are two different rings.

I described in the post, but mine is the crushed ice ring with 2 wedding bands, the inspiration ring is the one with the more classic cut and split shank band
I don’t think you are going to find any other jewelers w ho will give you a great trade in value. That’s not tailored to you/your ring. That’s to most anybody.

read your jewelers fine print. On their website and any paperwork you’ve received. To understand their policies, if they are documented. Once you know that
you can always ask what’s available to you within their policies. Then you can decide what’s worth it to you to make the change - or not. Yes, your vendor probably will be surprised. I think being honest with them is that you’ve changed your mind is the best route. If they think you are maybe trying to say they didn’t provide you with what you asked for (NOT saying you are implying this) they might immediately get defensive and not want to work with you on finding something you will really love long term.

you wouldn’t be the first around here to eat a mistake that’s paid for a learning lesson. So don’t feel too bad about yourself for it. Sometimes we don’t know until we know.
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I would tell the jeweler the same thing that you said here. You were not aware of the different looks of a cushion and now you are regretting the one you chose. See what they say - it never hurts to ask. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering what would have happened if you had only asked. Good luck and keep us posted!
I see the difference in the cuts that you're describing - there's an IG jeweler I follow - his prices seem good, but he definitely has that "crushed ice" look that has never really grabbed me long-term, although they look pretty on his posts. So I know what you're talking about.

You should not live with disappointment on a ring you've waited so long to upgrade. I agree with the posters above - check the fine print, then be honest and see if she'll work with you. Even if you have to eat a little bit of money, it's no fun looking at your hand and thinking you made a mistake. The least she can tell you is no or that the price to trade isn't worth it for you financially.
She’s in sales. Don’t sweat feeling bad or guilty because she was helpful…it’s her job to be helpful! And I’m sure the business would like to see you happy. Just talk to them IMO. But agree - check fine print first so you know what your options are technically speaking
As I tell my kids, it never hurts to ask, the worst possible answer is “no” but you’ll never know if you don’t try.
It's a pretty diamond but like you I don't favor the crushed ice look. I would reach out to the jeweler for another diamond that is exactly what you want and see if you can trade in the diamond you have. I would be willing to spend more if needed to obtain my preferred diamond if that diamond is worn daily. Good luck! ")
Is your stone GIA certified?

If you don't have luck with your original jeweler and are patient, you could always consign with the The Real Real or someone else.

It doesn't hurt to contact someone like The Real Real to see how much they would list it for. I only mention TRR because I have been able to get estimates quickly from them.
GIA grading is super helpful when trying to sell. I personally wouldn’t consider purchasing that size of stone without it.
Thank you all for your helpful suggestions! I appreciate all of them. Yes, my stone is GIA certified and I have the certificate available.

I sent the e-mail to my jeweler and she replied back - she was very pleasant and said she would ask the supplier if they would buy back the stone, let me know that it would likely be at a reduced price from the purchase price, and said she would work to get me the best options for this trade in. So, it seems that she is not personally willing to take the stone back, - I'm not familiar with the arrangement or possibility of the supplier buying it back - is that even realistic? Wondering if she is trying to appease and ultimately will come back with something like "they said no". I did look into her online policy and it is all final sale for custom pieces.

TRR is an interesting option, thanks @lulu_ma I will check it out.

I had one online retailer say they would buy it from me but it may be at less than half the price. If I do a trade in with them, it would be closer to 65% of the price, but their stones are not the best quality. So, I am hopeful the jeweler will come through with a feasible option and I will keep you posted!
Oh I just thought of another option-Abe Mor. Other PSers have had success selling to them.
@lulu_ma I just got off the phone with them - they apologetically offered only about 35% of the stone's retail cost, attributing it to the shape. He said with elongated styles becoming so popular it is harder to sell a square cut.
Unfortunately, you are going to take a beating one way or the other to change your stone. You have to decide if you want to take it now, knowing exactly what it is, or wait and speculate that it will be less of a loss later. If your jeweler won't take it back herself in trade for something else and give you equivalent value, I don't think anyone will. We have all had hard lessons like this. You are not alone.
@lulu_ma I just got off the phone with them - they apologetically offered only about 35% of the stone's retail cost, attributing it to the shape. He said with elongated styles becoming so popular it is harder to sell a square cut.

Ugh-might as well try TRR.
May I just add that your stone is MUCH nicer than the inspiration?

The inspiration is dramatically photographed - but that mismatch in faceting face-up would be jarring in any “normal” lighting. Your stone looks like it’s a bucket of glitter end to end.

If you want a completely different type of faceting - I get it, no judgment! But if you do upgrade - you can do better ❤️
May I just add that your stone is MUCH nicer than the inspiration?

The inspiration is dramatically photographed - but that mismatch in faceting face-up would be jarring in any “normal” lighting. Your stone looks like it’s a bucket of glitter end to end.

If you want a completely different type of faceting - I get it, no judgment! But if you do upgrade - you can do better ❤️

Thank you so much! I appreciate that. You are right in that my stone is a beautiful white ball of glitter. There are no dead spots and the light performance is great, so its a good reminder that even though I may prefer a different faceting pattern I still have a beautiful ring. Thanks!
Thank you so much! I appreciate that. You are right in that my stone is a beautiful white ball of glitter. There are no dead spots and the light performance is great, so its a good reminder that even though I may prefer a different faceting pattern I still have a beautiful ring. Thanks!

I just struggled with a similar conundrum. Conclusion I came to is that there will always be something bigger/better/different out there. And that helps me love what I have, lol.
I like it too!
I prefer your current! The diamond, the ring, and the stack look Perfect on your hand!

Couldn't agree more! I can totally relate to buyers remorse as I've felt it too but for what it's worth, I love your current diamond and ring. It's absolutely beautiful!
Thank you all so much for your input! It's definitely made me feel better. I've had a hard time getting responses back from the jeweler so I'm not sure shes motivated to work on this. Will keep you posted with any updates and share any possible stones I would consider trading in for!
also - just a side note, I re-set a wedding gift my husband gave me that was beautiful but unfortunately poorly crafted (stones kept falling out) into this sapphire and diamond band - it's definitely making me love my stack even more these daysCapture.PNG
Your set is really pretty! As others have said, most of us have had diamond buyer's remorse at some point in life. Then when we stick around here, we are always seeing new things that we like! It would be nice if we could have a different diamond ring for each day of the week, but most of us can't really have 7 dream rings! So at some point, we have to be content with what we have. That said, I had a few diamonds before I settled on the final one. Then it took me a few years to decide on a final setting!!! Do an upgrade if you want. But by all means post here if you do, because people will be honest before you buy and tell you if you can do better for the price.