
Engagement Ring - Best Bang for the Buck?

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Feb 19, 2006
I''m researching purchasing an engagement ring but I''m really cheap and don''t want to spend too much money. My goal is too spend no more than $2000 (1 weeks gross salary). Since I want a traditional look I will be getting a diamond solitaire with an 18K yellow gold setting. I figure with yellow gold, it has a classic look and won''t go out of style in 5-10 years like platinum or white gold will. Also a gold setting will let me get away with a stone that is not colorless.

I''m thinking the best deal would be a SI1 diamond that is eye clean, J colour with a very good or ideal cut. I think for that price range I should be able to get 0.6 to 0.7 carats. Since my girlfriend is very petite, this should look reasonable on her hand.

Is this the best bang for the buck? It seems that 0.5 carats is the "sweet spot" for diamond prices so maybe I should look for a better quality smaller diamond. Any thoughts would be appreciated.



Aug 31, 2005
Hi Hog,

Here's a gorgeous diamond you might want to consider:

.624ct, I VS2, Ideal H&A $1790.00

Drop that baby into a stuller setting (Stuller Solstice?) and you'll be right around budget.

Regarding the yellow you know YG is something your girlfriend will like? I ask only because these days, white gold and platinum are the more popular metal (and popular for a reason...white metals seem to go with more, clothing wise) and I doubt they'll go out of style anytime soon. I much prefer white metals to yellow; my engagement ring is platinum, my center stone is an ideal cut "I", and it's as white as it can be. Platinum doesn't make my "I" look yellow in the slightest. Then again, yellow gold is still beautiful and it's absolutely your decision, but I'd make sure it's something she'll love.


Feb 10, 2006
just my 2 cts...I have had yellow gold for the last 10 yrs, and I do not like it anymore....I am currently looking at platinum. I do not believe it will go out of style in a few years.....its kind of like sterling silver, its always been around, and probably will be....

I would try to casually ask her which she would prefer.


Dec 9, 2005
Yeah, be absolutely sure she will like the yellow gold. Can you look at her other jewelry and see what she has? Especially her favorite jewelry. I don''t think white metal will be totally out of style ever and what matters is if she loves it, not everyone else. Good luck!


Jan 29, 2006
I also prefer white to yellow. For one, white seems to go with everything better, like EBree said, but mostly white just looks better with my skin tone. Not saying you should go with white gold or platinum, but make sure its what your GF wants. I highly doubt white gold will ever be out of style and I would''ve been really upset if my FI had gotten yellow gold. Does she wear yellow or white jewelery now? I would advise you to consider what she really wants. Keep in mind its something she will be wearing every day and have forever. Many men just don''t understand how important an engagement ring really is to a woman, or at least most women. Just my $.02

The diamond EBree posted is really nice. I''d also try searching

Good luck


Jul 19, 2005
I agree with Ebree. I think the white metals are beautiful and are not "trendy." Most girls today really prefer the look of white gold/platinum so I would check with her first. For $120 you can get a beautiful solitaire in 14K gold from Whiteflash.

I have a K color, ideal cut stone in white gold and it really doesn''t show color at all.

.78 Expert Selection Ideal Round

.735 Expert Selection Ideal Cut Round

.702 Expert Selection Ideal Cut Round

Don''t forget to ask for the Pricescope discount. If you pay with a bank wire you will get a discount as well.

Good luck!


Aug 31, 2005
Jelly, that .735 J, VS1 is gorgeous! I didn't even see it on the Cut Quality search listing! And a 1.1 on the HCA...nice. That'd be my pick, Hog! Though I do love an ideal cut "I"...but I'm biased ;D


Jan 1, 2005
Date: 2/20/2006 12:02:57 AM
Author: jetmal
just my 2 cts...I have had yellow gold for the last 10 yrs, and I do not like it anymore....I am currently looking at platinum. I do not believe it will go out of style in a few years.....its kind of like sterling silver, its always been around, and probably will be....

I would try to casually ask her which she would prefer.
I had yellow for 14 years, still love it. Originally I never considered white gold. I just got my stone reset and I picked out an identical whild god and yellow gold setting. They my stone into each, and the white just nearly took my breathe away. With my stone it helped with the reflected properties of the silver it just kept bouncing the light back and forth from th stone and the metal. That said, I totally believe it depends on her preference and personal taste.


Feb 19, 2006
Thanks for all the great feedback everyone...especially the links to some of the diamonds. There are some beauties out there in that price range!



Jan 4, 2006
Hi Hog,

How do you define classic?
My grandma had 18k white gold in the roaring 20''s. My mom had 14k white gold in the 50''s. My wedding ring from the early 70''s was 18k yellow. I just reset a diamond that I got 8 years ago from yellow to platinum.

It really does come down to her preference. Another thought - I am allergic to white gold mixtures that contain nickel, so it''s 18k yellow or platinum for me!


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 2/19/2006 10:38:24 PM
Since I want a traditional look I will be getting a diamond solitaire with an 18K yellow gold setting. I figure with yellow gold, it has a classic look and won't go out of style in 5-10 years like platinum or white gold will. Also a gold setting will let me get away with a stone that is not colorless.


Out of everything you said this part bothers me. "YOU" want a tradtional look, so "you're" going to pick a solitaire in yellow gold because "you" think it's classic. we've had a few ladies on here recently b/c their boyfiends, whom they love dearly, proposed with rings the gals didn't like, one actually said "hated." I respect your budget and if you don't want to spend a lot of money, that's fine. But if your going to spend 2k please find out what your girlfriend/future wife wants. Many girls dream of their propasals and have idea's of what they want for an e-ring long before they even meet that guy. Please clue her in and give her some say because this is a ring "she" will be wearing. I would not want a yellow gold ring. My mom LOVES hers. But if you pick up any bride magazine every thing is WG or plat. Metal choice is a personal thing. Please find out what "She" likes. Also, I would be very sad if I knew or thought my husband wanted to 'get away" with my e-ring. i'd honestly rather have a nice eternity band for the money.
Actually, he probably wouldn't be my husband

oh and if you can find a well cut J stone it will look fine in Wg or plat.

check out this thread


Apr 30, 2005
Ditto Mrssalvo


Sep 3, 2004
White gold and platinum will go in and out of style as yellow gold has. It's about marketing and enticing people to change what they have in order to buy more. Classic will be whatever she loves and wants because she'll be less tempted to change it then. I got married in '81 with white gold e-ring and platinum w-ring. 10 years later we change it to yellow gold and my new upgrade is yellow gold with white gold prongs. The only real "classic" now in terms of e-rings is possibly the tiffany style solitaire setting cause it has been around for years and is still somewhat popular. Otherwise someone is always coming up with something new. 10 years from now some will look at their rings and think "what was I thinking?" Just like anythng else. Make sure she's in on the choice because she probably has a real preference in the type of metal and style.


Jul 10, 2004
hi hog--

dont let your cheapness ruin this.................a budget is a budget and its critical to keep to it for your financial well-being but to relish your cheapness and define your self as such is unhealthy and demeaning to your engagement and marriage. Also PLATINUM is the most classic and timeless--its been around for a long time --more expensive and durable and a better investment quality wise. Yellow gold can look cheap unless topped with platinum prngs like Tiffany sets their stones.

DITTO to MRS Salvo


Jan 11, 2006
I agree with what everyone else has said. You need to find our what SHE likes. And platinum is certainly as classic as yellow gold (but oh, it does cost more). But I am going one step farther. You said you are cheap and I am going to agree with you. I don''t think you realize how important an engagement ring is to a girl. You are not exactly poor if $2000 is one week''s pay (and if you were making $2000 a month, then I''d agree that your budget was good). It is an individual and personal matter how much one spends on an engagement ring, but someone with your income could certainly afford a more expensive ring for the true love of his life. My husband spent almost that much 29 years ago for my 1 ct. e-ring, and he was a semester from graduating from college and his first job paid about $12,000 back then. It sounds like you are more concerned with spending as little as possible than getting her what she''d absolutely love. I''m a frugal person, but this attitude could cause you trouble down the road in marriage. (I know, I have a brother-in-law just like that, and my heart breaks for my sister. He gets anything HIS heart desires, but she never gets anything other than necessities).

I''m sorry to be harsh, but that''s just the way your original post struck me. (Maybe you have medical bills or something like that that prohibits you from spending more.)


Jan 4, 2006
Diamondseeker, I have a husband like your brother in law. It''s been a long 32 years and now my kids are all grown up. I''m considering my options . . . I hope Hog examines his heart.

By the way Hog, are you into Harleys?

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
Hog, have you talked with your girlfriend about engagement rings and her preferences? Perhaps she actually wants yellow gold, and if so, don''t be pressured into getting her something different. There are many women who really don''t place as much emphasis on the engagement ring, so maybe she''d be perfectly happy with the ring you buy her. Then again, if you don''t know what she''d like, I''d really urge you to at least get some ideas, because it can definitely end up in an unpleasant situation if you get something she doesn''t care for. This can cause a big problem later on, even for the women who are less concerned with their rings.

By the way, we just don''t know enough about Hog''s financial matters to comment on whether $2000 is an inappropriate budget or not. We have an income that is twice as much as his but we have other obligations and dreams at the moment that would make it really unwise to spend even $2000 on a ring at the moment.


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 2/20/2006 9:42:24 AM
Author: Logan Sapphire

By the way, we just don't know enough about Hog's financial matters to comment on whether $2000 is an inappropriate budget or not. We have an income that is twice as much as his but we have other obligations and dreams at the moment that would make it really unwise to spend even $2000 on a ring at the moment.

Logan, you're right but he said himself he doesn't want to spend more than one weeks gross salary and that he's cheap. If he would have posted he needed help on a 2k budget, fine, but it was his cheap and selfish attitude of the whole post that bothered me. I never would have called him cheap and any budget is a good one and should be commended for not going into debt. His post stated came across as it's not financial issue but a "waste of money" issue or a "what's the cheapest thing I can get that will look reasonalble on her hand.


Jan 4, 2006
Hog dear - you said any thoughts would be appreciated. You definitely got the ladies point of view here!


Jul 11, 2005
I have no problem with a $2000 budget whatsoever. However, I do think it odd that hog needed to tell us that he could indeed afford much more (from a weekly salary point of view). I don''t think that going into debt for a ring is a good idea but I also don''t think that it is the correct place to be very frugal in either. Afterall, it is something that may be worn for 50 years.


Mar 25, 2004
I think you need to start off by figuring out what shape and metal she prefers. Otherwise you may find yourself having to "upgrade." find out if she likes solitaires or sidestones.

Personally, (not knowing your finaces, but having had many friends with the same income, with debts bc they were straight out of school) I would aim for a $5K budget. get her a nice carat sized diamond. (if you buy just under one carat, you can save a lot of money) that way, it won''t seem too small or cheap to her or her friends. and as a girl, i know this: girls will talk about the size vs. your salary if you go too small. it''s not nice, but it happens.

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
Date: 2/20/2006 9:52:37 AM
Author: mrssalvo
Date: 2/20/2006 9:42:24 AM

Logan, you're right but he said himself he doesn't want to spend more than one weeks gross salary and that he's cheap. If he would have posted he needed help on a 2k budget, fine, but it was his cheap and selfish attitude of the whole post that bothered me. I never would have called him cheap and any budget is a good one and should be commended for not going into debt. His post stated came across as it's not financial issue but a 'waste of money' issue or a 'what's the cheapest thing I can get that will look reasonalble on her hand.

I agree with you on the tone of the post- he probably should've just stated that his budget was $2000 rather than throwing in there that $2000 was only one week's gross salary. I guess there is something to be said about the word "cheap"- maybe "frugal" would have been better. My husband came into our marriage with such a tremendous amount of debt that he really shouldn't have bought an engagement ring. If I really think about it (instead of trying to defend cheap people!
), I would be hurt if I knew he considered my ring to be the cheapest thing he could get that would look reasonable on my hand. But I will say (off the subject, really) that being cheap allowed us to pay of his $36,000 credit card debt in the first 9 months of our marriage. Yay!


Oct 6, 2005
I have to agree with mrssalvo on this one. When I first read the post, I thought it was rather odd to throw in the 2k one week''s gross salary comment. I have to agree that it''s best to talk to your girlfriend about what she wants because in the end she will be the one wearing it. For example with my original setting that my fiance picked out, it just wasn''t me. I had voiced a few opinions on what I liked but, he decided he didn''t like what I liked. In the end, (and also b/c of my WG allergy) we had it reset just 2 1/2 months into being engaged and we lost money on the original setting. My point is to get your girlfriend what she really desires to begin with as it will save you $$ in the long run.


Jan 11, 2006
Date: 2/20/2006 9:21:13 AM
Author: tulip928
Diamondseeker, I have a husband like your brother in law. It's been a long 32 years and now my kids are all grown up. I'm considering my options . . . I hope Hog examines his heart.

By the way Hog, are you into Harleys?
Bless your heart, Tulip. I am selling my mom my current 1.5 ct. diamond studs (cheap, because I am upgrading cut and quality) and I told her I want them left to that sister, because she'll never have more than chips from her husband. Yet he is on his second big screen tv, buys season tickets to football games, etc.


Feb 6, 2006
Date: 2/20/2006 8:55:38 AM
Author: diamondseeker2006
I agree with what everyone else has said. You need to find our what SHE likes. And platinum is certainly as classic as yellow gold (but oh, it does cost more). But I am going one step farther. You said you are cheap and I am going to agree with you. I don''t think you realize how important an engagement ring is to a girl. You are not exactly poor if $2000 is one week''s pay (and if you were making $2000 a month, then I''d agree that your budget was good). It is an individual and personal matter how much one spends on an engagement ring, but someone with your income could certainly afford a more expensive ring for the true love of his life. My husband spent almost that much 29 years ago for my 1 ct. e-ring, and he was a semester from graduating from college and his first job paid about $12,000 back then. It sounds like you are more concerned with spending as little as possible than getting her what she''d absolutely love. I''m a frugal person, but this attitude could cause you trouble down the road in marriage. (I know, I have a brother-in-law just like that, and my heart breaks for my sister. He gets anything HIS heart desires, but she never gets anything other than necessities).

I''m sorry to be harsh, but that''s just the way your original post struck me. (Maybe you have medical bills or something like that that prohibits you from spending more.)
ITA with this. If you have extenuating circumstances, then perhaps $2K is reasonable. But for someone pulling down $100K a year, in the absence of other circumstances, that is very, very cheap, and I don''t mean that in a good way. This is a piece of jewelry that your intended will wear everyday & is a gesture of love. If she opens the box and sees something "cheap", what will that say to her about how you really feel about her? Trust me, most women will not be flattered.

Not to mention, this ring is sounding like it is all about what *you* want: what you think it should look like & how little you are willing to pay. What about your intended? Do you know what she wants? I think you should try to find out and buy something that she will enjoy & wear proudly.


Aug 31, 2005
Whoa, whoa whoa. Who are we to tell this man he''s being "cheap"? $2000 is a wonderful e-ring budget and if it''s what he wants to spend, it''s what he''ll spend.

Yikes. I almost can''t believe what I''m reading.


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 2/20/2006 11:58:29 AM
Author: EBree
Whoa, whoa whoa. Who are we to tell this man he's being 'cheap'? $2000 is a wonderful e-ring budget and if it's what he wants to spend, it's what he'll spend.

Yikes. I almost can't believe what I'm reading.

Ebree, he called himself cheap...

First line of this thread:

"I'm researching purchasing an engagement ring but I'm really cheap and don't want to spend too much money...."


Jan 4, 2006
I love my .75 solitare set in the platinum Vatche Royal X prong! It''s a sweet size, and I love the simplicity of the setting. This size looks lovely on a petite woman. Hog has good intentions on selecting the stone - I especially appreciate that he is looking for a well cut diamond!


Jul 10, 2004
Date: 2/20/2006 8:55:38 AM
Author: diamondseeker2006
I agree with what everyone else has said. You need to find our what SHE likes. And platinum is certainly as classic as yellow gold (but oh, it does cost more). But I am going one step farther. You said you are cheap and I am going to agree with you. I don''t think you realize how important an engagement ring is to a girl. You are not exactly poor if $2000 is one week''s pay (and if you were making $2000 a month, then I''d agree that your budget was good). It is an individual and personal matter how much one spends on an engagement ring, but someone with your income could certainly afford a more expensive ring for the true love of his life. My husband spent almost that much 29 years ago for my 1 ct. e-ring, and he was a semester from graduating from college and his first job paid about $12,000 back then. It sounds like you are more concerned with spending as little as possible than getting her what she''d absolutely love. I''m a frugal person, but this attitude could cause you trouble down the road in marriage. (I know, I have a brother-in-law just like that, and my heart breaks for my sister. He gets anything HIS heart desires, but she never gets anything other than necessities).

I''m sorry to be harsh, but that''s just the way your original post struck me. (Maybe you have medical bills or something like that that prohibits you from spending more.)
very nicely said........................i agree his first post really bothered me as well. mu husband is very very frugal but he isnt cheap and heunderstands some things you spend what you need to others you cut back etc etc. spending as little as possible as his goal is...........depressing


Jul 10, 2004
Date: 2/20/2006 11:58:29 AM
Author: EBree
Whoa, whoa whoa. Who are we to tell this man he''s being ''cheap''? $2000 is a wonderful e-ring budget and if it''s what he wants to spend, it''s what he''ll spend.

Yikes. I almost can''t believe what I''m reading.
his attitude is what is bothering most people i think and that he states he makes 2000 a week............................NOT one person said that 2000 as a budget was a bad thing --i myself said a budget is important but NOT being cheap for the sake of getting away with spending as little as possible...........
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