
E-Ring Dream to E-Ring Nightmare in the Diamond District

They refuse a refund. :cry2: We will dispute with credit card using the clause and the report that was provided to us. Their excuse is that it is a special order item -- they wrote in the receipt but it was not. SO literally walked to the store and walked out with a ring. Never ordered or requested anything special. Confident the credit card route will work but I'm pissed as hell and this merchant just started war with us. Bad idea.
Well if he walked and then walked out with a ring it definitely was not a special order. Good luck!! I hope you get a full refund.
They refuse a refund. :cry2: We will dispute with credit card using the clause and the report that was provided to us. Their excuse is that it is a special order item -- they wrote in the receipt but it was not. SO literally walked to the store and walked out with a ring. Never ordered or requested anything special. Confident the credit card route will work but I'm pissed as hell and this merchant just started war with us. Bad idea.

The State of NY does not require merchants to offer refunds. It does ask merchants to post refund policies. Assuming a no refund policy is properly posted at this jewelry store (which I'd be willingly to bet one is), I don't see what you think your credit card company will be able to do for you. The special order thing is most likely going to be irrelevant.
The State of NY does not require merchants to offer refunds. It does ask merchants to post refund policies. Assuming a no refund policy is properly posted at this jewelry store (which I'd be willingly to bet one is), I don't see what you think your credit card company will be able to do for you. The special order thing is most likely going to be irrelevant.

You still don't see that as deception and selling trickery? There was no policy hanging and it was not special order. The merchant claims they can't issue a refund despite the clause on the receipt because they claim it was special order when it WAS NOT.

THAT IS GROUNDS FOR DISPUTE. As I previously said the special order notice was on the receipt missed after payment was made. So how do you not see that as trickery?

I'm so sorry to hear your latest update. I've been following your thread closely as my SO and I also started ering shopping recently and your situation hit close to home. I can only imagine the emotional roller coaster you might be going through...during this time (holiday season & life milestone) that should be celebrated and cherished! My heart really goes out to you. *hugs* I'm the type of person who likes to research and over analyzes every aspect, and maximize "value" within given priorities and feel confident about the purchase (especially at such price tags) - so I completely understand where you're coming from. FWIW I think you're handling the situation well, coming up with list of actionable items, seeking advice from a community that's wealth of knowledge, and teaming up with your SO. :)

From what I understand, it sounds like the appraiser was able to:

1) Confirm that the center stone indeed matches what the GIA report specifies, correct? If so that means the appraiser was able to confirm laser inscription in the girdle, inclusions, etc to verify that the center stone is what the GIA report says it is. That would eliminate your concern that it is a clarify enhanced stone, but would also mean it is a deeply cut stone if it's truly 2+ carats with 6.75mm...granted, I'm only familiar with round shape, so fancy shape experts please chime in, but that mm doesn't seem to correlate to the carat. Also was the appraiser able to confirm that there is no chip/damage to the stone, given that the original certificate is from 2011?

2) Confirm that the value of the center stone is well below what your SO paid:

The only concern that the appraiser raised is that the diamonds are severely overpriced for what they are worth (about 10k overpriced) and suggested SO return them though he said it may take time and difficulty to get a refund.

In your OP, you mentioned that:

After his card was swiped and he signed the credit card receipt, the store handed him a store receipt/bill of sale that indicated no refunds. It also indicated that if a certified appraiser places the value BELOW what is listed on the receipt, then the store would issue a refund.

Wouldn't that mean this appraiser's statement/appraisal paperwork alone would qualify you to get a refund? If the seller is still refusing to give you a refund when your situation clearly meets the condition that grants refund (stated on the receipt provided by the seller himself) - I feel like you have more than enough to make your case!
Good luck OP, I'm rooting for you! :wavey:
Unfortunately since your SO accepted the special order clause on the receipt... that one seems like it will be difficult to fight :(

Is an exchange - or perhaps a partial refund - a lower-lift possibility that you and SO would be happy with? It sounds like the centerstone itself is nice!
I am so sorry to hear that the rings appraised for so much less than your SO originally paid for it. Did the seller not tell your SO that he would at least refund the difference if it were appraised for a lot lower? The practices of this company seem to be very conflicting. I hope that you're able to reach a resolution through your credit card company.

Further, @Hephephippo, just a gentle reminder that you do not have to respond to everyone individually on this thread. Even if they directly call your attention via re-posting your comment or commenting to you, it is not your job respond. Some people are just negative and are looking for attention - if you get my drift....;-)

ETA: I send good wishes for a quick and successful resolution to this unfortunate situation.
Unfortunately since your SO accepted the special order clause on the receipt... that one seems like it will be difficult to fight :(

Is an exchange - or perhaps a partial refund - a possibility? It sounds like the centerstone itself is nice!

Credit card companies often resolve in the favor of the customer. That's why they offer such protections and insurances as part of a credit card offer. I don't know the outcome of this but to be honest, they issued the receipt post the purchase. I'm talking about the invoice not the credit card receipt. Plus, I believe that a special order requires a purchase order -- they don't have one. And if they magically present one, then they are shadier than I thought and I will sue them.
@alamana Do you work for so far unnamed vendor?

Nope. Don't work in the trade at all. I just hate to see someone come on here, in the midst of hysteria over a ring they don't like that their boyfriend shouldn't have bought, and claim they have been deceived by the merchant when they haven't been. I don't think that is fair at all. And given the totality OP's posts, I don't believe everything she says. I'm a lawyer. I naturally look for holes in stories and misleading language, and I've seen a ton of it here from OP. It bothers me. That's all. I certainly don't work for a jewelry vendor.

ETA: I'll add here that I'm not the only person who has had a problem with this on this thread.
“Appraiser’s only concern was about 10k overpriced?! Not as bad as you thought?!” My dear, I don’t know how it could be much worse. I hope your guy can get a refund. He’s going to be met with resistance of which I hope he can be resolute and firm in handling. Your appraiser is correct in saying this could take some time. It infuriates me that he was taken advantaged of like this. Buyer beware, always! I wish you luck.

Edit** Oops I was typing when you posted your results. Sorry for this outcome.
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Nope. Don't work in the trade at all. I just hate to see someone come on here, in the midst of hysteria over a ring they don't like that their boyfriend shouldn't have bought, and claim they have been deceived by the merchant when they haven't been. I don't think that is fair at all. And given the totality OP's posts, I don't believe everything she says. I'm a lawyer. I naturally look for holes in stories and misleading language, and I've seen a ton of it here from OP. It bothers me. That's all. I certainly don't work for a jewelry vendor.

No wonder. You're a lawyer and trained to look for loopholes when in fact a lot of people just speaking freely and openly and tell a story carelessly. You're one of those lawyers that people love to hate because you will find everything wrong in a picture that's right just to make your case and win, even if it means painting a person wrong and attacking a character just to convince the jury that the witness has a history of lies.

Sure it's your job, but do yourself a favor and don't bring it everywhere you go. You must see the world as a dark place. I feel so sorry for you and your soul.
I am so sorry to hear that the rings appraised for so much less than your SO originally paid for it. Did the seller not tell your SO that he would at least refund the difference if it were appraised for a lot lower? The practices of this company seem to be very conflicting. I hope that you're able to reach a resolution through your credit card company.

Further, @Hephephippo, just a gentle reminder that you do not have to respond to everyone individually on this thread. Even if they directly call your attention via re-posting your comment or commenting to you, it is not your job respond. Some people are just negative and are looking for attention - if you get my drift....;-)

ETA: I send good wishes for a quick and successful resolution to this unfortunate situation.

Thank you very much. I'm out of energy and wish to give further thanks but this is all I have for now. Thank you.
You got a ring you initially liked but you overpaid. You liked it until you read reviews. Your bf didn’t read his receipt and dispute the custom order. I’m not seeing where you have a case. There is nothing shady about the ring and it’s his fault he went in unprepared.
Alamana I totally get your point, she just doesn’t want to take the blame.
Folks, one more nasty word and you'll both be in time out.
Minions. You get product for X value but got product Y instead. Merchant promised to take exchange and guarantee return if they can not validate the value. Assessment already proved the value was lower yet merchant backs out in their promises. What do you not see wrong with that????
@Hephephippo Chalk it up to an expensive lesson learned. Hopefully you can love your rings and put this behind you. It doesn’t need to define your engagement. Not sure what more you can do aside from your cc co disputing it. Small claims court perhaps?
You got a beautiful 2 ct ring that sparkles like crazy and an eternity band, you paid too much. Lesson learned. Enjoy your beautiful ring and post a photo.
OP as the diamond report has an older date, did the sales assistant say to him that the ring/s were lower priced as it had been a returned special order and that was why he was getting a deal? Just wonder if that may be why they were trying to sell the wedding ring at the same time. You should challenge this, it is not fair if Special Order was never mentioned to him.
Even though you paid more than the appraised value for your stone,
The tax exemption saved you over $2,600. Small consolation but...
Definitely call your CC company and see if they offer any purchase protection on this (which is different than a dispute).

Also, did so ask for 10k to be refunded? Or are they claiming this falls under a special order clause?

OP, do what you need to do. Since your objectives here on PS--to garner info on how to proceed with your ER have been fulfilled--I wish you good luck.

Best of the season.

I spent some time in the diamond district this summer and one vendor in particular was extremely pushy. Had no interest in figuring out what I wanted. Just wanted to sell me something. I listened to them selling to other people as well. One woman was demanding her husband buy something and make payments on it for her. I could tell the people had no idea what they were doing.

It doesn't surprise me at all that they said no to a refund. But I do think the special order thing is shady.
I spent some time in the diamond district this summer and one vendor in particular was extremely pushy. Had no interest in figuring out what I wanted. Just wanted to sell me something. I listened to them selling to other people as well. One woman was demanding her husband buy something and make payments on it for her. I could tell the people had no idea what they were doing.

It doesn't surprise me at all that they said no to a refund. But I do think the special order thing is shady.

Sounds shady, I agree. If he walked in and walked out with a ring and setting with a 6 year old certificate-- seems shady as that can't possibly be a special order.

OP, a few times I called the state attorney general's office just to talk with someone about an issue and to see if they have had similar complaints about a vendor (I'm talking in situations like this where you can't shake that feeling you have been had) and to see if they have any suggestions. Just a thought.
No wonder. You're a lawyer and trained to look for loopholes when in fact a lot of people just speaking freely and openly and tell a story carelessly. You're one of those lawyers that people love to hate because you will find everything wrong in a picture that's right just to make your case and win, even if it means painting a person wrong and attacking a character just to convince the jury that the witness has a history of lies.

Sure it's your job, but do yourself a favor and don't bring it everywhere you go. You must see the world as a dark place. I feel so sorry for you and your soul.

What?! i don't know either one of you, but have you considered that lawyers might just routinely look for defects or weaknesses in someone's story, the way engineers look for defects or inadequacy in products? Yes, it's looking for the negatives, in a way. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it. :lol: As you sense by now, it's the people who DON'T look for the negatives and don't thoroughly research all sides of a dilemma who get blindsided. If you don't like the message, too bad. But that doesn't make it any less valid.

I hope you get your ring worked out to your satisfaction. If you don't, get engaged and start planning your wedding and sort the ring business out as you go. It stings to overpay for something, but this has happened before and people have managed to locate other diamonds on the "virtual list" and wrangle an exchange. Good luck to you, sincerely. But don't let this interfere with your relationship.
dang, I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. I will say that I once disputed a very big charge on my credit card - and won. For a kind-of-sort-of-similar-but-not-quite situation. Good luck, I'm sorry it had to come to this stress/hassle. Can't wait to see you on the flip side (with a new screen name, since yikes - this thread got nasty) so we can help you find the ring of your dreams!
Were these rings resized? Maybe that is enough for the store to call it a "special order?" I have seen that on ebay: No returns if item has been resized or altered in any way.
But I agree that if a reputable appraiser appraised the rings at *a full retail value* less than what was paid, that should be basis for a return. Most of those appraisal-value return policies are based on full retail value, not wholesale or insurance or estate value or anything other than a brick and mortar retail value.