
Cushion cut guide for dummies?

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Date: 3/11/2007 12:07:21 AM
Author: boston_jeff

For example, here''s one from James Allen that looks very similar. Do you see any difference? here.

See, to me that one looks more crushed ice than the one I posted.

Here is one of the ones you like with the 4-pav that looks pretty crushed ice to me as well:


Maybe I just don''t know what crushed ice is supposed to look like, I''ve always pictured it to look the way a radiant does.

I guess I don''t know what I like?
This one looks like a winner to me. Can you tell me if I did good?

Shape: Cushion
Carat weight: 1.21
Cut: Premium
Color: H
Clarity: VS2
Certificate: GIA

Depth: 65.8%
Table: 62%
Polish: Very Good
Symmetry: Good
Girdle: Slightly thick
Culet: None
Fluorescence: Faint
Measurements: 6.86*6.06*3.99
Ratio: 1.13

It''s got the cushion brilliant pattern that you like, Boston Jeff...

But the symmetry is only "good" which bothers me. Should it be better?
The table is borderline too, huh?
Date: 3/11/2007 12:17:25 AM
Author: luckystar112

See, to me that one looks more crushed ice than the one I posted.

Here is one of the ones you like with the 4-pav that looks pretty crushed ice to me as well:


Maybe I just don''t know what crushed ice is supposed to look like, I''ve always pictured it to look the way a radiant does.

I guess I don''t know what I like?

First, I don''t really like the 4-pav! I did look into them at one point, though...

Like I said, I think the one I posted from JA looks a lot like the one you posted. There are subtle variations in all the cushion cuts, including the modifieds, so you might be seeing a subtle difference that I cannot. Like I said, you should ask the vendor for more information.

And yes, I agree, crushed ice cushions do look something like a radiant...
Unlike a round, a picture is going to be necessary for anyone to give you any type of real advice on a cushion...

The table does look a little big, but it could be OK...

I have been told that "Good" symmetry could be fine... it needs to be evaluated on a stone-by-stone basis-- it depends if the symmetry throws off the bottom facet angles. You would have to ask the vendor or use an independent appraiser.
I linked to a pic of it. It''s hidden in the word "this" lol.

Thank you for your help though, I really appreciate it. It''s fun seeing the chain happening. I saw Cehrabehra''s thread when she first inquired about cushions, then she got informed and taught you, and now you''re informed and teaching me. It''s kind of cool. Now, if we could all teach local B&Ms. lol.

BTW my boyfriend works about a block away from WF. Maybe in a month or so I have them call some cushions in and my boyfriend can just go check them out over there. I think that would be the perfect balance between internet purchasing and chain B&M purchasing. The tax might be a little crazy though. Oh well.
Date: 3/10/2007 10:31:47 PM
Author: luckystar112
Cehrabehra- I found the other post and I can''t really explain why it rubbed me the wrong way, but I guess it doesn''t really matter anyway. I thought bowties were bad, you knew they weren'' said
I don''t know they aren''t - I *think* they aren''t LOL What we like in diamonds is totally subjective and personal. If I were to take a poll right now - the vast majority of people would say BOW TIES EVIL or at least would try really hard to avoid them. They do wonderous things - and if they''re aiming at something dark like a dark shirt, dark skin, dark hair - they reflect dark color!! But if they''re aiming at something pink they reflect pink! :D I''m very fair, maybe that''s why it doesn''t bug me?? I took a bunch of pics of my stone when I was wearing black one day and got a ton of serious bowtie shots but they''re actually pretty cool to IMO. Check em out: and my fav pic that I posted in another thread:

Seriously - it''s just an opinion. I''m in the minority. I''m Underdog here to vouch for the benefits of the generally unloved qualities! LOL
Date: 3/10/2007 10:31:47 PM
Author: luckystar112

I understand that there are a trillion differences in cushions, however I feel like the questions I asked are kind of universal to cover all different types of cushions, and they are mostly yes or no questions. I also know that some of my questions don''t have a right or wrong answer. For example, the color question. I just want some guidelines...a ballpark range... advice on what would be considered unacceptable in a cushion...anything! For instance, in a princess I know you should stay away from thin girdles since they chip, but in a cushion should I steer clear from thick girldles since people like to hide weight there?

I just wish someone would humor me in answering my original questions, no matter how broad they might be
how can someone tell you what is unacceptable in a cushion though? Mine is a low J - borderline K and there are people here wouldn''t *think* of going lower than an F and would MUCH rather have a D. I love the mild yellows k-p and I really can''t stand the vivid yellows and most people are the opposite there... what is "acceptable" is - well... whatever you want!!

if you want to have a white diamond, stay in the colorless range... if you like warmth or just don''t care one way or another... but want the biggest stone you can find... drop in color!

Weight can hide in more places than a girdle in a cushion... many more places... the crown, the bulge, the shoulders.. to name three more.

You have to weigh EACH AND EVERY cushion individually. it is like a mobile where a dozen things or more can tip the balance kattywonker, and it is up to you to decide at any moment, okay I''ll give here... but not there....
Date: 3/10/2007 10:31:47 PM
Author: luckystar112

I think what I''m going to do, is what dianne said and let a vendor be my eyes. I just don''t know if my boyfriend is willing to buy on the internet. This is big part of why I asked these questions. If he isn''t willing to buy off the net, I would at least like to be able to give him some good advice on how not to be duped in the form of a one page list of things to look for and things to steer clear of. And I can''t give him this information if I don''t know it.
There''s no one page list... I''m sorry. There are too many variables. But there''s good news!!

If you aren''t going to buy online, then start hitting the street and use your eyes! They''re the best tool anyway :)
Date: 3/10/2007 10:35:48 PM
Author: luckystar112


At the time I guess I just felt kind of stupid afterwards because I had always thought bowties were bad too. However, I never knew the thing about brunettes...I''M a brunette! Maybe I should try to find a minimal bowtie? EEEK!
modern cushions (which are much easier to find in local stores anyway) don''t have bowties!!!
Date: 3/10/2007 10:40:37 PM
Author: luckystar112

I remember reading this in the Boston Jeff thread...
I know I like the 1.15 range
I want my diamond to appear white, but NOT icy white but NOT yellow either. I like a hint of warmth, so I guess an H or I or J with fl? I just remember reading that an H cushion will appear more yellow than an H round due to the facets. So my color question was basically, at what point will a cushion start to look ''yellow''. Warm is okay.
Does the culet even make a difference in the outward appearance of the diamond? I''ve never understood that.
color thing is individual - some people think a G is WAY TOO WARM and I''ve always wished my J was warmER. Even though it''s a low J.

as for culet - depends on how big it is. anything medium and below is unlikely to be seen at all.... well... hard to see. Mine is slightly large and it is hard to see.
haha I love those pics...thank you so much!

My favorite was the one where "all the little moss people came to worship at the Mystic Crystal..."
I thought that was cute. Those pictures made me even more excited to get a cushion!
Date: 3/10/2007 10:33:12 PM
Author: boston_jeff

Hey, I''ve given you a few days off!

Hopefully you recharge your batteries tommorrow, because I may have a few pictures/specs on Monday!
At least I''m not totally sick anymore... bleh. I''m still not perky though.
Date: 3/10/2007 10:53:08 PM
Author: luckystar112

Date: 3/10/2007 10:41:28 PM
Author: Gothgrrl
I heard nothing but raves for Mark at ERD.

I''ve heard this too, and I would really like to get in touch with him, if I can convince my boyfriend. I''m just afraid he''s going to tell me that I won''t be able to afford a 1.2-1.5 cushion with our $5000-$5500 budget. Which there are plenty of cushions on that site within that budget, but I''m afraid he''s going to tell me they are all duds.

A stupid fear, I know.
you''ll never know unless you try :) At some point you go okay.... too yellow... I''ll drop in clarity... or too included I''ll drop in size... or too small I''ll drop in color...
Date: 3/10/2007 11:03:07 PM
Author: boston_jeff

The problem is that cushions vary so much that there really aren''t guidelines to apply to all cushion cuts. I know this might be hard to believe, but it is true. People could be more helpful in general if you decided whether you are looking for an antique-cut or a more modern cut.

Broadly speaking I would avoid stones with depths under 60% and tables over 62%, large culets, and extremely thick girdles. But that will only eliminate a few odd stones.
speak for yourself!! lol (see? disagreement abounds! hehe) I still wish mine was bigger!!!
That 1.5ct rule is baloney. I think that is true even if the stone is more square, but the elongated stones will be even more recognizable. Also, even if some random person thinks your nice cushion is a ''warped round'' from far away, who cares? What matters is what you want, and when you show it off people will know it is not a round.
(thanks belle lol)

I think at 1.5 ct there''s no issue about this... at the .5 ct I would go with a round.
Date: 3/10/2007 11:15:40 PM
Author: luckystar112
YIKES! So I guess it''s a cushion modified brilliant afterall, huh?
Does that mean I like them?
How come this one doesn''t look crushed-icy? Is it because of the color and clarity?

I''m seriously surprised, because the person who this diamond belongs to does nothing else but sell diamonds, (a very reputable online vendor) yet he said he didn''t recognize the facet pattern? Isn''t this a pretty common pattern?
they just have a lot of pinfire... how long the lgf and whatever the middle ring of facets is called... if you count up all of the facets this cut has more (I think - don''t quote me, just count them lol) than 58 facets. and the stone you posted has very long thin looking facets but it could still be that cert. the stone you posted might not look totally crushed icy, but it isn''t big chunky either... that''s going to have a ton of small sparkle.
Date: 3/11/2007 12:07:21 AM
Author: boston_jeff
Honestly, it looks like a typical cushion modified to me, although I am no expert in that particular cut.

For example, here''s one from James Allen that looks very similar. Do you see any difference? here. You might want to ask the vendor what makes this cut different/unique.

To my eye, this is the ''crushed ice'' look. It is not as extreme as it can be, but compared to the 4 and 8 pavillion main cushion brilliants this stone does have smaller/more splintered facets.

There is nothing wrong with liking the ''crushed ice'' look, by the way. It is not my taste, but based on the amound of stones cut in that fashion it must be popular on the market.
bah I shoulda just read ahead LOL Ditto what he said
and crushed ice isn''t bad - the ends of my diamond do that and I *love* it - tons of little sparkles of fire... I thought I *only* wanted big chunks and at first was disappointed my stone had the little stuff at the ends but then I was like wow, this stuff is cool and my stone does BOTH!! Of course having a stone that does both sounds cool but you have to realize it is *regional* and most people don''t want a diamond that has "zones" of personality LOL A more square stone would have a different symmetry.
Date: 3/11/2007 12:24:40 AM
Author: luckystar112
This one looks like a winner to me. Can you tell me if I did good?

Shape: Cushion
Carat weight: 1.21
Cut: Premium
Color: H
Clarity: VS2
Certificate: GIA

Depth: 65.8%
Table: 62%
Polish: Very Good
Symmetry: Good
Girdle: Slightly thick
Culet: None
Fluorescence: Faint
Measurements: 6.86*6.06*3.99
Ratio: 1.13

It''s got the cushion brilliant pattern that you like, Boston Jeff...

But the symmetry is only ''good'' which bothers me. Should it be better?
The table is borderline too, huh?
No - on the modern cushions IMO you can have bigger tables. I think this stone looks pretty, but you''d have to find out what its performance was like.
Date: 3/11/2007 12:49:43 AM
Author: luckystar112
I linked to a pic of it. It''s hidden in the word ''this'' lol.

Thank you for your help though, I really appreciate it. It''s fun seeing the chain happening. I saw Cehrabehra''s thread when she first inquired about cushions, then she got informed and taught you, and now you''re informed and teaching me. It''s kind of cool. Now, if we could all teach local B&Ms. lol.

BTW my boyfriend works about a block away from WF. Maybe in a month or so I have them call some cushions in and my boyfriend can just go check them out over there. I think that would be the perfect balance between internet purchasing and chain B&M purchasing. The tax might be a little crazy though. Oh well.
totally agree - I would normally not do wf for a cushion (sorry john - love you still!!!) but if they''re close, fergettaboutit - I''d do it for sure!!! Just narrow it down and bring ''em in :) Go over the links in the thread jeff has and see if you can narrow down which cut type you like or ask WF to bring in one of each and then narrow it further... that could get expensive for you to call so many stones in though... ask them what their policy is regarding that.

As for the first part - bah, we''re a buncha posers. None of us know jack about cushions, we''re just flailing the same as you LOL
cushions are hard and beauty is in the eye of the beholder especially with that cut.

if it were me buying or telling my hubby to buy here''s what I''d do.

1) call mark t, no question he''s got the right eye for the cut
2) I prefer more square than rectagular so I''d say square cushion
3) I like higher color- so "H" or above for me
4) no bowtie (sorry cehra
5) give mark the budget and let him find the stone...
I looked for a largish 3-4ct cushion for ages

couldn''t find one in a rectagular shape that pleased my eyes.

There was always some little catch, too big culet, color off
l to w ratio not right, too chunky faceting. The list goes on and
on. I love ''em, but the hunt was just too much. I gave up.

Good luck!
Date: 3/11/2007 12:16:51 PM
Author: Ann

I looked for a largish 3-4ct cushion for ages

couldn''t find one in a rectagular shape that pleased my eyes.

There was always some little catch, too big culet, color off
l to w ratio not right, too chunky faceting. The list goes on and
on. I love ''em, but the hunt was just too much. I gave up.

Good luck!
only HERE is a 3-4 carat stone largeISH lmao!!!!!

I hear ya ann - I think they take a certain type that can to some extent just let go of perfection in lieu of unique character. Embrace the quirks!
Date: 3/11/2007 11:58:04 AM
Author: mrssalvo
cushions are hard and beauty is in the eye of the beholder especially with that cut.

if it were me buying or telling my hubby to buy here''s what I''d do.

1) call mark t, no question he''s got the right eye for the cut
2) I prefer more square than rectagular so I''d say square cushion
3) I like higher color- so ''H'' or above for me
4) no bowtie (sorry cehra
5) give mark the budget and let him find the stone...
::giggle:: the only things we''d have in common is #1 and #5 ;)
Date: 3/11/2007 1:22:28 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
Date: 3/11/2007 11:58:04 AM

Author: mrssalvo

cushions are hard and beauty is in the eye of the beholder especially with that cut.

if it were me buying or telling my hubby to buy here''s what I''d do.

1) call mark t, no question he''s got the right eye for the cut

2) I prefer more square than rectagular so I''d say square cushion

3) I like higher color- so ''H'' or above for me

4) no bowtie (sorry cehra

5) give mark the budget and let him find the stone...
::giggle:: the only things we''d have in common is #1 and #5 ;)

well, that''s ok, if luckystar takes our advice and does #1 and 5 she''ll on her way to finding a super cushion
Glad to hear your turned the corner! Update tomorrow.

Hope this has put you on the right track, luckystar!
Date: 3/11/2007 1:42:23 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Date: 3/11/2007 1:22:28 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 3/11/2007 11:58:04 AM

Author: mrssalvo

cushions are hard and beauty is in the eye of the beholder especially with that cut.

if it were me buying or telling my hubby to buy here''s what I''d do.

1) call mark t, no question he''s got the right eye for the cut

2) I prefer more square than rectagular so I''d say square cushion

3) I like higher color- so ''H'' or above for me

4) no bowtie (sorry cehra

5) give mark the budget and let him find the stone...
::giggle:: the only things we''d have in common is #1 and #5 ;)

well, that''s ok, if luckystar takes our advice and does #1 and 5 she''ll on her way to finding a super cushion
LOL I''m hearing kitty (from monster''s ink) say "Mark Turnowski!" (hehehe instead of mike wazowski)
Okay, I''m going to push the Mark T thing...

My boyfriend apparently knows someone who knows someone who sells diamonds. That makes me NERVOUS! But I''m going to beg him to call ERD as well. Does he just call the number and ask for Mark? lol. Silly question, I know...

Judging by what I like, should I just tell my boyfriend to tell him the minimal?
I.E. I would like a rectangular cushion somewhere around 1.15 ratio, color can go as low as a J, wouldn''t mind some fl in there especially in the I-J range, don''t care about clarity as long as it''s eyeclean....

And then give him my budget and the weight I''m hoping to achieve and let him do the rest?

Does it usually take a while to find a stone? The reason I ask is because I don''t think we''ll be getting engaged for another 3-4 months, so if the "good" cushions are few and far between maybe I should call him up right now to have him start looking. But then I''m just afraid he''ll find someone really quick and we''ll have to tell him we aren''t ready to buy yet...which could be embaressing and a huge waste of time for him. sigh.
I think you''re list of what you want sounds good. If you can get your boyfriend on board have him call and read it to Mark and yes, just call and ask for Mark, sometimes he even answers himself.

Good cushions can be hard to find but if you''re 3-4 months away from being able to buy I''d probably wait a bit b/f having Mark look for you.
Date: 3/11/2007 2:17:09 PM
Author: luckystar112
Okay, I''m going to push the Mark T thing...

My boyfriend apparently knows someone who knows someone who sells diamonds. That makes me NERVOUS! But I''m going to beg him to call ERD as well. Does he just call the number and ask for Mark? lol. Silly question, I know...

Judging by what I like, should I just tell my boyfriend to tell him the minimal?
I.E. I would like a rectangular cushion somewhere around 1.15 ratio, color can go as low as a J, wouldn''t mind some fl in there especially in the I-J range, don''t care about clarity as long as it''s eyeclean....

And then give him my budget and the weight I''m hoping to achieve and let him do the rest?

Does it usually take a while to find a stone? The reason I ask is because I don''t think we''ll be getting engaged for another 3-4 months, so if the ''good'' cushions are few and far between maybe I should call him up right now to have him start looking. But then I''m just afraid he''ll find someone really quick and we''ll have to tell him we aren''t ready to buy yet...which could be embaressing and a huge waste of time for him. sigh.
yeah...... NOOOOOOOOOOOO run from the friend of a friend LOL

I would give a ratio range.... like 1.10-1.15 or 1.2 or whatever... and do yourself a favor and go look at J colored stones before you commit to them!! It''d really suck if it bugged you. I wouldn''t give him your budget - just the weight hahaha!! "Honey I want a (fill in cushion cut type here) that is 1.5 carats, no lower in color than a (fill in color threshold) and I want it TOTALLY eyeclean - ask Mark what that means, here''s his number! Tell him your girlfreind found him on pricescope." There are your 4 c''s and leave the cost to him ;) I wouldn''t even bring up things like fluor.... if you don''t specifically want it or don''t want it - don''t complicate things. Finding a stone WITH fluor could be hard and you might not want that to be a dealbreaker.
Date: 3/10/2007 2:43:19 PM
Author: Mrs Mitchell
How low on color can he go? I''ve heard that the lower colors face up more on cushions...but does the same flour rule apply? The reason I ask is because I saw a 1.5 L colored cushion on the diamondsbylauren website and it said with the medium fl. it faced up white. L seems VERY scary to me...even with that fluor.

Ha! I just posted in another thread to say I was eyeing up a DBL cushion - it was that one! I love love love the warmer colours and I personally wouldn''t be scared of it. If it''s any help, I''ve just received a pear cut from DBL- I know it isn''t a cushion, but the color is an M and I am very pleased with it (faint flou).

It does have a slight tint in some lights and at some angles, but it is quite a lemony tint, and to me anyway, very very pleasing. I love it, but it is personal taste - it doesnt look like an icy white diamond.

Hope this is some help- can''t wait to see what your BF picks out! This must be a really exciting time for you both.


ETA: Rachie, your cushion is beautiful!

Hey...have you see the movie comparing the 1.26 and 1.51ct cushions for sale? They sparkle like crazy!!
There is a link to it here. (scroll down a little bit)

Both are L colored! Both under budget...
I kind of want one....I''m just so nervous about the L. I can''t shake it.

Thanks Mrs. Salvo, I think I''ll wait a while before making Mark run around. :)
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