
COVID19: What are you stocking up on?


I saw a man walking down the grocery isle with a large bottle of bleach. No other items, just a large bottle of bleach. It stuck me as funny--cuz IM SURE he hasn't washed a floor or scrubbed a sink or done laundry in a very long time! :mrgreen2:

Sorry, but I chuckled bc of this madness.

Well be careful. You got kidlets so you do as you must. If I have to go out it will be early morning only. I won't risk going out any other time because lots of people at the moment are still going to work. As in the mode of doing volume meals that will stretch over several days, but we do go through tons of vegetables. That said, I still try to visit the farm stand as much when they're open because at least the food is locally grown (west and central FL has lots of farmland) so that money stays in the local economy. but, I will certainly go to prepackaged frozen if I have to.

Thanks, @Arcadian . . I'll be on the Costco parking lot ten minutes before they open. If the situation looks very busy I won't get out of my car... I don't have a mask , but I've been wearing gloves and disinfecting the shopping cart handle for weeks now (in addition to disinfecting my hands after I take off my gloves)... I have packed the freezer and fridge and am good at planning and cooking meals. But I won't be able to feed my kids pasta or rice with butter or oil and canned stuff for 6 weeks... Scurvy is real...
I was just in my basement, where my washer and dryer are. For whatever reason at one time I lost my mind and ordered about ten large containers of Clorox bleach from an on-line service so that I could get a lower price on each. I no longer have a cleaning woman, but when I did she didn't like to use bleach on the laundry. (She used ammonia.) So they were never touched. I love bleach on whites.

At any rate, I now still have at least five large jugs of bleach! I look as if I have been hoarding for the coronavirus. I didn't even know I had them until today! I was considering them laundry products, not disinfectants and they were put away so well that I never thought of them!

I wish the stores had chicken and chopped beef!
I was just in my basement, where my washer and dryer are. For whatever reason at one time I lost my mind and ordered about ten large containers of Clorox bleach from an on-line service so that I could get a lower price on each.I no longer have a cleaning woman, but when I did she didn't like to use bleach on the laundry. (She used ammonia.) So they were never touched. I love bleach on whites.

At any rate, I now still have at least five large jugs of bleach! I look as if I have been hoarding for the coronavirus. I didn't even know I had them until today! I was considering them laundry products, not disinfectants and they were put away so well that I never thought of them!

I wish the stores had chicken and chopped beef!

Yesterday, chicken sold out in my local market. Hopefully restocked soon; that said I have a bit in my freezer.

Congrats on the bleach! Better than a D IF any day! (or should I say, more useful?):halo::mrgreen2::wavey:
In Denver, today was first time I saw empty shelves. No fresh Vegetables. No TP. No paper towels. I’m having a home delivery on Tuesday and just decided to pick up a few things. Store was pretty empty of people too. But I saw plenty of people coming out of the liquor store. I guess some just want to drink through our pandemic! Oh I bought some yogurt, laundry detergent, dog treats and bottled water.
Short term: some meat, fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs and milk
Long term, canned fruit, canned meat, juice, frozen meat and vegetables.

Cat is well stocked up to live comfortably for the next 2 months with canned food and litter.
NZ has 8 confirmed cases and our mandatory 14 day self isolatuon rules for travelers kicked in monday 1am

had a bit of trouble doing our online grocery delivery this week
tomorrow looked great all day but when i came to do the order it was overloaded and i got kicked off and lost by time slot
next available was Thursday AM

nothing was out of stock - maybe there was less tuna to choose from but there was loo paper and soap

anyway i just got this email from countdown online shopping

Kia ora,

The safety and wellbeing of our customers, team members, suppliers and New Zealanders is always our utmost priority. We want to let you know what we are doing in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Good quality, safe food is essential to all of our health, and having access to food and groceries is also really important for our peace of mind.

Keeping food and other essentials in stock

We're very lucky in New Zealand to have some of the best food in the world, and there is plenty to go around. There's no need to stock up.

We're working closely with our suppliers to keep food moving quickly through the network and make more deliveries to our stores. If you're seeing empty shelves or some products missing, it's because the product is on its way. It doesn't mean that we're going to run out.

We'd encourage all our customers to shop as you normally would, and to be thoughtful of others to ensure that all Kiwis have access to the food and products they need.

Good hygiene and safe food

We have always had very thorough cleaning, hygiene and food safety processes in our supermarkets and right through our supply chain.

To make sure we're doing as much as we can, we've also put in place even more cleaning and sanitising for each of our sites, and are installing hand sanitiser and wipes for our customers to use across our network of stores.

We're also following the Ministry of Health's guidelines around hand-washing and cleaning, and have reinforced this with all our teams.

Supporting our team

As a business which comes into contact with millions of Kiwis every day, we have a responsibility to help keep people safe. Right across our business we're following the government's requirements around self-isolation for any of our team members who are returning to New Zealand from overseas travel, as well as any of our supplier partners who are coming into our stores. We are supporting our team with leave if they have been impacted by self-isolation requirements.

Our online team is here to help

Our online service is experiencing high demand, and our personal shoppers and drivers are working very hard to provide a great service. If you're a first time online shopping customer, welcome!

If you're self-isolating, or you'd just be more comfortable with us dropping your groceries off at the doorstep without any contact, please let us know in your Delivery Instructions in the online checkout. We will leave your groceries on the doorstep and send you a text to let you know they're there.

Our teams are doing all we can to serve you during these busy and challenging times. We thank you for your continued patience and support.

Natalie Davis
Managing Director​
This is a one off service message. Please do not reply to this email as replies are not monitored.​
Woolworths New Zealand, 80 Favona Road, Mangere, Auckland, New Zealand.
Copyright © 2020 Woolworths New Zealand Limited.

@Arcadian I didn't get out of my car at the supermarkets. The news have (finally ) sunken in and all parking lots were packed. Not worth it to risk catching the virus.

I have stocked up the pantry very well. I guess I'll do what I did today on Wednesday . If the supermarkets are empty I'll go, otherwise I'll wait. I can see the inside of my small supermarket in my village and the produce shelves were fuller than normal. Fingers crossed it stays this way
Nothing really. Just doing my weekly shop as normal on a Thursday mornings, apart from some running around at weekend to get much needed pain relief for my elderly mother & her new pacemaker.
NZ has 8 confirmed cases and our mandatory 14 day self isolatuon rules for travelers kicked in monday 1am

had a bit of trouble doing our online grocery delivery this week
tomorrow looked great all day but when i came to do the order it was overloaded and i got kicked off and lost by time slot
next available was Thursday AM

nothing was out of stock - maybe there was less tuna to choose from but there was loo paper and soap

anyway i just got this email from countdown online shopping

Kia ora,

The safety and wellbeing of our customers, team members, suppliers and New Zealanders is always our utmost priority. We want to let you know what we are doing in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Good quality, safe food is essential to all of our health, and having access to food and groceries is also really important for our peace of mind.

Keeping food and other essentials in stock

We're very lucky in New Zealand to have some of the best food in the world, and there is plenty to go around. There's no need to stock up.

We're working closely with our suppliers to keep food moving quickly through the network and make more deliveries to our stores. If you're seeing empty shelves or some products missing, it's because the product is on its way. It doesn't mean that we're going to run out.

We'd encourage all our customers to shop as you normally would, and to be thoughtful of others to ensure that all Kiwis have access to the food and products they need.

Good hygiene and safe food

We have always had very thorough cleaning, hygiene and food safety processes in our supermarkets and right through our supply chain.

To make sure we're doing as much as we can, we've also put in place even more cleaning and sanitising for each of our sites, and are installing hand sanitiser and wipes for our customers to use across our network of stores.

We're also following the Ministry of Health's guidelines around hand-washing and cleaning, and have reinforced this with all our teams.

Supporting our team

As a business which comes into contact with millions of Kiwis every day, we have a responsibility to help keep people safe. Right across our business we're following the government's requirements around self-isolation for any of our team members who are returning to New Zealand from overseas travel, as well as any of our supplier partners who are coming into our stores. We are supporting our team with leave if they have been impacted by self-isolation requirements.

Our online team is here to help

Our online service is experiencing high demand, and our personal shoppers and drivers are working very hard to provide a great service. If you're a first time online shopping customer, welcome!

If you're self-isolating, or you'd just be more comfortable with us dropping your groceries off at the doorstep without any contact, please let us know in your Delivery Instructions in the online checkout. We will leave your groceries on the doorstep and send you a text to let you know they're there.

Our teams are doing all we can to serve you during these busy and challenging times. We thank you for your continued patience and support.

Natalie Davis
Managing Director​

This is a one off service message. Please do not reply to this email as replies are not monitored.​
Woolworths New Zealand, 80 Favona Road, Mangere, Auckland, New Zealand.
Copyright © 2020 Woolworths New Zealand Limited.


We've had similar information from our supermarkets too. Whilst people are panic buying, stock will deplete quickly, but we're assured there is plenty coming through the supply chain.
We've had similar information from our supermarkets too. Whilst people are panic buying, stock will deplete quickly, but we're assured there is plenty coming through the supply chain.

i just read about a couple of over zealous check out operates with a mother of 7 doing her regular 2 trolley shop who was so imprarrased she left the store and then another lady with a baby and a toddler buying 3 packs of nappies (2 different sizes) and the little pip squeek asked if she was hording
i just read about a couple of over zealous check out operates with a mother of 7 doing her regular 2 trolley shop who was so imprarrased she left the store and then another lady with a baby and a toddler buying 3 packs of nappies (2 different sizes) and the little pip squeek asked if she was hording

:-o It's awful. The world has gone mad!
once this is all over im planting a bushman's friend Rangiora (toilet paper shrub).
the backs of the leaves are white and fuzzy and soft and have medicinal properties
i have used them
p-13866-enz (1).jpg
So yesterday the line to get into Costco in Brooklyn was crazy long...hours long. Snaked around the block 4 times literally. We abandoned ship and drove to another state to go to a less crowded Costco. It's going to be a long haul. One day at a time, one hour at a time.

Not sure what we should do...stay here or go to the shore where it is less crowded but still CV is going strong in both places...there is no escaping it. The question is where would it be smarter for us to be. We just don't know and we both want to stay put in the city for as long as it makes sense. Since we are closer to my parents and closer to friends too. Easier to help should people need us here. #uncertaintimes
I have stocked up on everything....and I do mean everything, but in my overly focused stocking frenzy I forgot to stock up on booze. I realized I wanted to have it just in case i wanted to, you know...forget there was a virus trying to kill everyone in the world.

What did i do?
I think some people (given our Costco mad experience yesterday) need to stock up on common sense! Please. :pray:
I have stocked up on everything....and I do mean everything, but in my overly focused stocking frenzy I forgot to stock up on booze. I realized I wanted to have it just in case i wanted to, you know...forget there was a virus trying to kill everyone in the world.

What did i do?

You did good @House Cat ! Remember alcohol depresses one's immune system. Now isn't a good time to drink too much. #justsaying #bewell

And I posted some potentially good news re treatment of Covid-19! Good news maybe on the horizon and reason to celebrate...fingers and toes crossed!
You did good @House Cat ! Remember alcohol depresses one's immune system. Now isn't a good time to drink too much. #justsaying #bewell

And I posted some potentially good news re treatment of Covid-19! Good news maybe on the horizon and reason to celebrate...fingers and toes crossed!

Good point Missy, but man! I just want all of this to go away!

I read it! It makes me hopeful. Maybe we can all stay in our houses until they finish their medical trials!
We're not stocking up

We live in a very small city apartment, but even if we had the capability to stock up we wouldn't. Other people doing so is causing a run on supplies and that will hurt the most vulnerable. I wouldn't want to be the cause of that!

The benefit of city living is small groceries shops all around and a good delivery system which has introduced contact free delivery. We expect a lot of substitutions with our grocery delivery which may result in odd meals, but that's fine.
We're not stocking up

We live in a very small city apartment, but even if we had the capability to stock up we wouldn't. Other people doing so is causing a run on supplies and that will hurt the most vulnerable. I wouldn't want to be the cause of that!

The benefit of city living is small groceries shops all around and a good delivery system which has introduced contact free delivery. We expect a lot of substitutions with our grocery delivery which may result in odd meals, but that's fine.

We have a house in the burbs, but we aren't stocking up either. I agree with your thoughts on this. We live in Florida and hurricanes make me mad, because people hoard and but what they don't need or won't actually use. It's worse than a hurricane currently here.

I need some basics because we just moved yesterday and I wasn't going to move a 1/4 left olive oil bottle because it's a recipe for spills and breakage!
We had to go to the market and they had TP and paper towels in abundant supply. Hope everyone that needs it can find it now. I also managed to get a bottle of Tylenol so woohoo. Fingers crossed the madness calms down and people get calmer and stop stockpiling stuff so everyone can get what they need!

@missy..I’ve been shopping since January...and was finished weeks ago...before it got crazy. Nothing was short on supply that long ago. I would pick up one package or two of TP and supplies every time I went. This was in both Pa and Maryland. I ordered extra food from Chewy for Bailey in early February and kept it in my garage...Although my pantry is stocked...I didn’t clean out shelves to do it..Today I had to order some things through Instacart. I don‘t know if all of the items I picked will be available...but just stuff like milk, bread and eggs....The bill came to $243. I stress over tipping..What would be the appropriate tip for this? xxxooo
@missy..I’ve been shopping since January...and was finished weeks ago...before it got crazy. Nothing was short on supply that long ago. I would pick up one package or two of TP and supplies every time I went. This was in both Pa and Maryland. I ordered extra food from Chewy for Bailey in early February and kept it in my garage...Although my pantry is stocked...I didn’t clean out shelves to do it..Today I had to order some things through Instacart. I don‘t know if all of the items I picked will be available...but just stuff like milk, bread and eggs....The bill came to $243. I stress over tipping..What would be the appropriate tip for this? xxxooo

Honestly I’d tip them big. Those poor Instacart delivery people have it hard. Give them a big tip (my opinion). And I’m glad you’re well stocked!!! XO. ❤️
Honestly I’d tip them big. Those poor Instacart delivery people have it hard. Give them a big tip (my opinion). And I’m glad you’re well stocked!!! XO. ❤

How much @missy? I think the bill is $243...I have tip anxiety because I never know how much..xoxoxo
We have stacks of toilet paper - but that's because I have Crohn's disease and we *always* have stacks. I do keto, so we bought a bunch of meat. We always have a reserve of paper towel, bottled water (I drink a LOT of water, and don't like tap water), detergent, normal household cleaning items, dog food, and a few other things. The only thing we really stocked up on was my regular meds. Made sure we have 3 months of all of those. Apart from that and the extra meat, we've always had a well stocked pantry in our house.
Why are people hoarding eggs? They don't freeze, do they? We've now switched to online groceries with pick up service. So it takes up to 5 days to get them. Other than that we're doing okay. Today is the first time my DH worried about TP, lol. I said to order some, but I'm not personally worried. There are restrictions on how many of each item you can order, and I'm totally fine with that. We're cooking double as often as possible, putting the second one in the freezer.
So yesterday the line to get into Costco in Brooklyn was crazy long...hours long. Snaked around the block 4 times literally. We abandoned ship and drove to another state to go to a less crowded Costco. It's going to be a long haul. One day at a time, one hour at a time.

Not sure what we should do...stay here or go to the shore where it is less crowded but still CV is going strong in both places...there is no escaping it. The question is where would it be smarter for us to be. We just don't know and we both want to stay put in the city for as long as it makes sense. Since we are closer to my parents and closer to friends too. Easier to help should people need us here. #uncertaintimes

I wondered if you had gone to the beach house already? I would definitely want to be where there are less people, if there are going to be restrictions as to movement. Easier to be outside in your own yard? Sorry to report that I've seen people looking to rent houses in CT for a few months, in order to leave the city -- I assumed that's because they may live in an apartment with no outdoor space?
Went out to do a grocery shop, not for food for myself except for veg, cream and milk, however, most importantly, pet food and roast chicken as supplement to their normal food!

UK has now rammed up the restrictions and advised social distancing and avoid unnecessary travel and mass gatherings.

Events cancelled for this and next month, pubs and restaurants etc. are closing.

My body will benefit from the alcohol free days even though I have plenty of booze in the house as I seldom drink alone at home except when I am having a meal on Sundays.

However, I shall miss the social interactions, such as talking and listening to b@ll@cks with my drinking pals at the pubs that I frequent.

Hey ho, stay safe everyone!

DK :))