
Are you worried about the Coronavirus?


Feb 11, 2006
Too many people have mis-interpreted what individual civil rights means. With rights comes responsibilities . Many seem to forget that. A Societal Contract with each other is not only forgotten, but never learned in the firs place. I know most of you, probably all know that.

Last week I read about someone who wrote a most interesting piece and I'll lay it out here and if you wish to give it some thought, which I have been doing, I'd like to hear it.

Can we, should we consider what has been happening as Genocide being perpetrated by the US Gov't on its citizens. The meat packers, the nursing homes and no masks for all tell a sad story. History is not going to look at this incident without horror.

I just sold stock that I held for 15 yrs.( I kept others) Unless a vaccine is found, I am at a loss. A poll today shows 25 % of our citizens will refuse to take the vaccine.

Stay alive folks.



Things are just crazy right now. Some people are making fun of anyone choosing to wear masks to grocery stores or to pick up takeout or whatever. Mind, some of the places now require masks so it isn't like it is just a handful wearing. I guess they expect people to ignore signs outside the store saying they are required? Anyway, one woman in my local FB group passed on that her son had a customer approach him and make fun of him for wearing a mask (son is employee at the place). The son was all business trying to help the guy and the customer got right next to him and blew on his face.

It is so bad that some people are feeling like they can't wear masks as much as they should due to this sort of thing.

Disgusting people - they need to be reported so someone of authority.


Apr 11, 2008
A poll today shows 25 % of our citizens will refuse to take the vaccine.
What would be the reason for refusing vaccination? Is it from the people who doesn't vaccinate their kids?


Mar 23, 2013
What would be the reason for refusing vaccination? Is it from the people who doesn't vaccinate their kids?

I can probably guess it has to do with timing.

I wouldn't take a fast tracked vaccine that didn't have proper trials, personally. I also wouldn't do it until I knew the side effects and the likelihood of them.


Jan 9, 2015
@missy , no, unfortunately not.

Politicians haven't given out any requirements for masks. Just because they are not readily available, I'm sure.

We (kids, au pair, DH and I) got ours from my oldest friend who made them for us. She made them in the right sizes and with whimsical prints (ponies! Yay!)

DH bought reusable high quality cotton masks for his employees on March 16th, generously also offered to cover their families. They haven't been delivered yet...

I need to clarify my Post: one ist not required to wear a mask as a private citizen.
However employers have to provide masks for their employees, whinjave to wear them at their workplaces. Hence the Costco employees wearing them at work.

Schoolchildren are required to wear them in some schools as well (over a certain age).

And my DH does have disposable masks for his employees and the cotton ones are scheduled to arrive Monday.


Sep 1, 2009
What would be the reason for refusing vaccination? Is it from the people who doesn't vaccinate their kids?

I have been seeing people claim it is a poison created by Bill Gates to reduce the world population. So vaccine is actually intended to kill people. I have also seen people insist that Bill Gates created microchips that go in vaccines and this is his way to microchip everyone so the government can track us all.

It is all frantic with no reasoned arguments to back anything up. Just desperation and fear.


I have been seeing people claim it is a poison created by Bill Gates to reduce the world population. So vaccine is actually intended to kill people. I have also seen people insist that Bill Gates created microchips that go in vaccines and this is his way to microchip everyone so the government can track us all.

It is all frantic with no reasoned arguments to back anything up. Just desperation and fear.

Crazy, warped minds.


Mar 22, 2017
Things are just crazy right now. Some people are making fun of anyone choosing to wear masks to grocery stores or to pick up takeout or whatever. Mind, some of the places now require masks so it isn't like it is just a handful wearing. I guess they expect people to ignore signs outside the store saying they are required? Anyway, one woman in my local FB group passed on that her son had a customer approach him and make fun of him for wearing a mask (son is employee at the place). The son was all business trying to help the guy and the customer got right next to him and blew on his face.

It is so bad that some people are feeling like they can't wear masks as much as they should due to this sort of thing.

Like @missy, I will not let anyone intimidate me into doing what I need to do to protect myself. I'm actually preparing to order pepper spray or mace, so that if someone intentionally gets too close to me in an attempt to harass or intimidate me, they will experience some consequences.


Mar 22, 2017
Wearing masks in public here is now the norm and a sign of respect for other people. When you see someone who is not wearing a mask it seems odd.

For the first time I can remember, I am healthy instead of constantly fighting off some germ or bug. I plan to make wearing a mask part of my life even after Covid, for travel or in groups.
With all the beautiful handmade masks, it’s a fashion statement!

The person who blew on the woman’s son should have been arrested.

I agree - especially in airports/airplanes. Once it's safe to travel - and I don't expect to feel safe traveling for a VERY long time - I will absolutely do it with a mask from now on. And probably anywhere else public in the winter, when it's flu/norovirus season.


Mar 22, 2017
What is wrong with us???

Yup. That is one big part of what I meant when I said that the US is a sick society, and will remain a sick society even after certain politicians are gone. There's a long-standing current of extreme cruelty and selfishness here that's been here for generations.


Jun 8, 2008
Like @missy, I will not let anyone intimidate me into doing what I need to do to protect myself. I'm actually preparing to order pepper spray or mace, so that if someone intentionally gets too close to me in an attempt to harass or intimidate me, they will experience some consequences.

Thank you @OboeGal because of your post I just ordered pepper spray on Amazon. My first pepper spray purchase ever. I got the pink one supporting breast cancer research. Greg said be careful because whoever we use it on is going to be pissed. Well if they stay away from me I won't use it but if they try to intimidate me I won't allow it. As you wrote there will be consequences indeed.


Jun 8, 2008
have been seeing people claim it is a poison created by Bill Gates to reduce the world population. So vaccine is actually intended to kill people. I have also seen people insist that Bill Gates created microchips that go in vaccines and this is his way to microchip everyone so the government can track us all.

These people are insane. No one rational can believe any of that.


Sep 10, 2003
I will not let anyone intimidate me into doing what I need to do to protect myself. I'm actually preparing to order pepper spray or mace, so that if someone intentionally gets too close to me in an attempt to harass or intimidate me, they will experience some consequences.

I bought some that has a green dye in it that doesn't wash off easily which will make it easier for police to identify the person sprayed.


Apr 11, 2008
I can probably guess it has to do with timing.

I wouldn't take a fast tracked vaccine that didn't have proper trials, personally. I also wouldn't do it until I knew the side effects and the likelihood of them.
I didn't think of that, that actually makes a lot of sense. I don't think I'll line up to get 1st round of vaccines that had to be fast tracked. I'd rather be overly cautious and stay home longer if I can.

I have been seeing people claim it is a poison created by Bill Gates to reduce the world population. So vaccine is actually intended to kill people. I have also seen people insist that Bill Gates created microchips that go in vaccines and this is his way to microchip everyone so the government can track us all.

It is all frantic with no reasoned arguments to back anything up. Just desperation and fear.


Dec 9, 2013
Yes exactly! One should have fun with it and make it a fashion statement. It's not so hard to wear a mask when out. Some people are ridiculous and as you wisely point out some are behaving criminally.
You live in a civilized and respectful place and I wish it was that way everywhere. So happy you are well and safe!

Greg and I are making plans. When should we arrive? :cheeky:

It would be so great to have you here! And the kitties too!


Mar 2, 2009
Haha I actually volunteered for my hospitals clinics vaccine trials but was turned down due to my potential work exposures.


Jun 8, 2008
Sharing a post from a friend.

I am so tired of seeing posts promoting the "plandemic"

conspiracy! Perhaps those who think it has merit should read this.

Kat Montgomery

May 6 at 5:17 PM

**EDITED TO ADD: I wrote this post to help my friends sort through misinformation and did not expect it to go viral. Several commenters have asked me to cite sources, and I agree that this is important to do. I still have a day job, but I have edited to include primary sources for all points when possible.**SECOND EDIT: People seem to not understand that PubMed (ncbi) is the international database for cataloguing medical research studies and instead think it only contains government-funded information or research. This is not the case. It is basically the Google of peer-reviewed research studies.**

*The following statements represent my personal informed views and not those of any institution*

First, background: I’m a physician (specifically a board-certified pathologist, which includes microbiology and laboratory medicine) with a master’s degree in epidemiology.

In the last day or two, several friends have shared or posted about a video “documentary” called “Plandemic”. The film depicts now-discredited former researcher Judy Mikovits who shares a plausible-sounding narrative about the current pandemic. The problem here is that nearly all of her scientific statements are demonstrably false. If you have more to add to this list, or credible data to the contrary, please start a discussion. I suspect there are many more false claims in this video, but these are just the ones that stuck out to me as a physician with epidemiology training.

- She states “There is no vaccine for any RNA virus that works." Incorrect: Polio, hepatitis A, measles, to name a few. (Source:
- Her retracted paper was actually not about vaccines at all, even though she insinuates that it was. (Here is the article:
- She states that Ebola could not infect humans until it was engineered to do so in her laboratory. This is false. (Here is an article describing an outbreak of Ebola in 1976, long before Dr. Mikovits was conducting research:
- Likewise, many other zoonotic viruses have been shown to gain mutations that allow them to infect humans. This would not be some kind of new, crazy idea. We actually predicted it years ago: we just didn’t know exactly which virus or when it would occur. (Here is an article from 2015 discussing the likely emergence of future coronavirus pandemics: )
- She states that the US was working with Wuhan to study coronaviruses years ago, like it’s a “gotcha” moment: yes, of course we were doing this – Wuhan is a coronavirus hotspot and it makes sense to study this family of viruses where it naturally occurs. (Same article as above: )
- She states that COPD lungs are identical to COVID-19 lungs. As a pathologist, this is ludicrous – any practicing physician would be able to tell COPD from COVID-19, both clinically and histologically. (One article discussing an overview of tools for diagnosing COVID19, one about CT specifically, and one about histology specifically )
- The statement taken out of context from the CDC death certificate recommendation reads in full “In cases where a definitive diagnosis of COVID-19 cannot be made, but is suspected or likely (the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed”. In these instances, certifiers should use their best judgment in determining if a COVID-19 diagnosis was likely. Testing for COVID-19 should be conducted whenever possible.”. My physician colleagues are not being pressured to put COVID-19 on death certificates when it should not be there. (Here is the actual document with instructions for
filling out death certificates from the CDC: )
- The idea that physicians are incorrectly diagnosing COVID-19 due to financial incentive is also ridiculous. Medicare sometimes bundles payments for some conditions (i.e. if you have a heart attack, medicare may pay XX for your treatment) – it’s possible the hospital could get paid $13,000 for your COVID-19 admission, but do you know what that’s based on? The fact that the average cost of a hospital admission for a respiratory condition is $13,297. (I can’t post a scientific study here, since this isn’t a scientific fact, but this article describes the procedure in detail:…/fact-check-medicare-…/3000638001/ )
- She states that hydroxychloroquine has been “extensively studied in this family of viruses” – in fact, it has not been studied well in coronaviruses. It HAS been studied in malaria, which is not a virus. (Here is the one study that was performed that people like to cite, and it is an in vitro study (not in humans), of SARS (not COVID-19), and chloroquine (not hydroxychloroquine): ). And yes, it is considered an essential medicine for the treatment of malaria. Not for coronaviruses.
- Furthermore, the data on hydroxychloroquine are much weaker than they originally appeared: the small study that was highly publicized was not a randomized controlled trial, and the only patients who died were those who received hydroxychloroquine (and these were EXCLUDED FROM ANALYSIS!). This is terrible science. Even so, we want to investigate all possible treatments, so controlled trials are being conducted on hydroxychloroquine right now. (One study published on May 7 shows no benefit to using hydroxychloroquine )
- She insinuates that there is a hydroxychloroquine shortage as a result of reduced production. In fact, the shortage has resulted from an increase in demand: people who take this medication regularly are writing extended prescriptions and because physicians are using it for COVID19 patients because they have nothing else to try. (…/health-forum/fullarticle/2764607…).
- “All flu vaccines contain coronaviruses”. Nope, absolutely false. (In fact, it’s so false based on the way vaccines are made that there are no studies specifically stating this claim. It would be like trying to conduct a study to examine whether humans can live with zero oxygen. Nope, we can’t. No study needed.)
- The ideas that sheltering in place somehow harms your immune system or that you may reactivate a virus in yourself by wearing a mask have been thoroughly debunked in other posts and I won’t get into the details here. Both national societies of emergency medicine have condemned the statements of these doctors, one of whom is not board-certified. (Please refer to Dr. Kasten’s post and others about these)

- Lastly, private companies removing false information from their platforms does not represent repression or promotion of propaganda. It’s helping to promote the spread of sound scientific information. If you think lies should be permitted to circulate freely alongside the truth with the intention of reaching people who won’t be able to tell the difference, you are part of the problem.



Sep 17, 2008
Palm Beach County will begin reopening pursuant to the State of Fl Executive Order 20-112 as amended by order 20-120 effective 12:01am on May 11. Palm Beach County will begin reopening pursuant to the State of Florida Executive Order 20-112 as amended by order 20-120 effective 12:01 a.m. on May 11.

Residents may provide or obtain services at the following establishments authorized to proceed to Phase 1: Restaurants and food establishments licensed under Chapters 500 or 509, Florida Statutes, may allow on-premises consumption of food and beverage, so long as they adopt appropriate social distancing measures and limit their indoor occupancy to no more than 25 percent of their building occupancy. In addition, outdoor seating is permissible with appropriate social distancing. Appropriate social distancing requires maintaining a minimum of 6 feet between parties, only seating parties of 10 or fewer people and keeping bar counters closed to seating. In-store retail sales establishments may open storefronts if they operate at no more than 25 percent of their building occupancy and abide by the safety guidelines issued by the CDC and OSHA.

Barbershops, cosmetology salons, and cosmetology specialty salons that adopt appropriate social distancing and precautionary measures as outlined by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation at the following link: [].

Museum and library facilities may open at no more than 25 percent of their building occupancy, however, at this time Palm Beach County will not be opening these establishments and County library services remain virtual.

For up-to-date reopenings, go to Reopening Plans and for questions click here FAQs. Effective Monday, May 11, all Palm Tran riders shall be required to wear facial coverings. Palm Tran continues to limit the number of passengers on board buses to ensure social distancing.

On the subject of beaches, County Administrator Verdenia Baker briefed the board on Friday, May 8, on the plan to open beaches. The plan includes the recommendations of a working group, input from cities, input from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office and from the PBC Parks and Recreation Department. The details of the beaches opening will be finalized at a special meeting to be held on Friday, May 15. The board voted to open all private and public beaches effective no later than May 18, by way of County Order 2020-006. Social distancing procedures would remain in effect.

Commissioner unanimously approved a draft list of expenditures related to a $250 million grant from the federal Cares Act. The funds must be used by December 31 for COVID-19 related costs that were not already in the county budget. The programs funded include Emergency Food Distribution, Individual & Family Housing Assistance, Human Services Assistance, Restart Small Business Grant, Business Grants, Countywide Testing, Non-Congregate Sheltering, Re-employment Training and Broadband Enhancements.


Sep 17, 2008
While the numbers of infected rise as there's no longer restrictions on testing and many counties have testing facilities, the number of daily deceased continue to fall in the state. There's no longer a doubling and we're going backwards which is a good thing.

Still, I'll not be going out for dinner anytime soon. I will support the local economy as I have, with ordering out once a week. I won't be going to many stores either. Probably a good thing because I saved money (lol) The beach will be out of the question for a little while. The reason why PBC is holding off is they need to know the legality of making beaches resident only for now. (basically if you're not a resident, they don't want you there)

Bars and clubs continue to be closed.

Miami Dade and Broward have thousands of cases more than we do, they will continue to be on lock down.


Sep 17, 2008
And they're closing Coco Beach because people are being disgusting (they are not picking up their trash...effing humans!!!:angryfire: ) this might also to Naples Beach. People are Day Tripping and leaving trash everywhere.


Sep 10, 2003
And they're closing Coco Beach because people are being disgusting (they are not picking up their trash...effing humans!!!:angryfire: )

One news source reported that 13,000 lbs of trash was picked up :o:(sad


Sep 17, 2008
One news source reported that 13,000 lbs of trash was picked up :o:(sad

Yes and thats just straight sad. I just read that Naples beach is closed. I get it, people want to go places but damn, clean up after yourselves you lazy effs.


Sep 17, 2008
this has been one of the worst months for fire seasons to date.

Panhandle burned like you wouldn't believe but I think they're now mostly contained because they got rain there. Different set of fires closed roads and could be smelled from my house (southwest of me) thankful for the rain to knock back the pollution from this stuff and while not yet contained far as I knew this morning, may be if we get enough rain in the next few days.



this has been one of the worst months for fire seasons to date.

Panhandle burned like you wouldn't believe but I think they're now mostly contained because they got rain there. Different set of fires closed roads and could be smelled from my house (southwest of me) thankful for the rain to knock back the pollution from this stuff and while not yet contained far as I knew this morning, may be if we get enough rain in the next few days.

I hope you get rain. We are entering fire season here in California as well. I'm hoping it goes easy on us.


Apr 11, 2008
This was an interesting article about indoor risks using real case examples, about going back to work, eating at restaurants, etc. Makes me even more cautious even with social distance measures for indoor activities.



Sep 10, 2003
On Friday, the 15th, all retail establishments in my county are allowed to reopen as long they adhere to the governor's plan. A couple things that I like about the limitations changed practices of some businesses:

1. Seating must be 6 ft apart in restaurants. Over the past few years, eateries began crowding as many tables as possible into their establishments. One thing I HATED were eateries that had seating along a wall with the tables placed 3 inches apart. Not only was it impossible -- unless you are as thin as a sheet of paper -- not to swipe your butt over the table next to you in order to sit down on the wall side, it was also difficult (at least for me) not to eavesdrop on interesting conversations at tables next to me. And it was impossible to carry on a soto voce convo in an open and loud eatery. I'm looking forward to not having to cup my hand over my ear and repeat "what?" with my dining companion.

2. Continuous sanitizing of surfaces. Should have been done as a normal business practice imo. What a pleasure it is to see clean card readers at checkouts and to have shopping cart and basket handles cleaned after each use.

3. The physical distancing rule in general. No more shopping carts rammed into my butt because the person behind me thinks it'll make the checker faster. There are a whole lot of good things I like about physical distancing.

What sorts of things do you all like about reopening guidelines in your area?


Aug 29, 2014
@Matata Oooh good point about those places with crowded tables! It will be soo nice to get rid of that!


Jan 3, 2020
So this is a picture in our UK news this morning of people commuting in London. Rammed in nose to nose on the Tube, many not wearing face masks! :blackeye: This is concerning!



Jun 8, 2008
What sorts of things do you all like about reopening guidelines in your area?

I like that we (NY) are taking things slowly. And that our Governor says even when we re-open if numbers start increasing at an alarming rate he will shut things down again. I hope he remains steadfast to that principle. In my opinion the greatest danger is opening too quickly and then experiencing a rebound far worse than the initial death and economic toll.

So far NYC has only met 4 of the 7 criteria for reopening and I am glad Governor Cuomo is taking our reopening carefully and slowly. Three.NY state areas are reopening the 15th as they have met all 7 criteria.

The 7 criteria for re-opening are:

Screen Shot 2020-05-13 at 7.48.52 AM.png

Cuomo established seven requirements for reopening last week, including a 14-day decline in hospital deaths, a drop in hospitalizations, and sufficient testing and contact tracing. The three regions meeting the criteria for an initial reopening on Friday, May 15, are the Finger Lakes (near Lake Ontario), the Mohawk Valley (in Central New York), and the Southern Tier (along the border with Pennsylvania).

The reopenings in those regions will start with so-called “phase 1” businesses, such as construction. White House and Centers for Disease Control guidelines somewhat aggressively put socially-distanced sit-down dining in phase 1, but in New York, that higher risk category of hospitality is considered phase 3.

As of this morning, New York City only met four of the seven criteria, the poorest rating among the state’s 10 regions.

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