
Are you worried about the Coronavirus?


Sep 17, 2008
I don't know where I posted but I'm a little disgusted with my county RN. Its my personal belief that we need 2 weeks to be considered for phase I but people are losing their shit and you know how that goes....

If we do have a resurgence (and I sincerely hope we don't) it will be ugly.


Mar 31, 2018
@Slick1 @missy I just popped in and saw this. I watched the video and started getting sick to my stomach. I stopped everything I was doing to watch it. Why isn’t anyone listening to her? What about Governor Cuomo? OMG I’m so upset..If she names the hospitals she could lose her job..That’s why she should contact the governor or his brother on CNN to protect her so she can blow the whistle on them!


Jan 3, 2013
@missy and @Mamabean I am so sorry if I upset you. I really should have tried that spoiler alert thingy. It is so upsetting for sure...Scary indeed. Hard to watch.


Jan 26, 2003
Yes, he does the exercises from the link you posted. We also have a spirometer. He likes measured things to have actual numbers to point at. Suggesting he do them when I notice that is a good idea. I'm trying to get him aware of doing the shallow breathing so that he can (hopefully) reduce how much it happens.

Thank you for the updates, TooPatient. I depend on you and Karl to update regularly since you have a regular following here! :))


Jan 26, 2003
I have not been able to get upstairs and use my bipap the last few nights so sleeping sitting up.

Does that mean that your breathing is worse than it was a few days ago, Karl? What is happening with you?


Aug 4, 2008
Does that mean that your breathing is worse than it was a few days ago, Karl? What is happening with you?
its been off and on better and worse.
Going up stairs is hard sometimes, ok others.
Part of it is my allergies.


Jun 8, 2008
I don't know where I posted but I'm a little disgusted with my county RN. Its my personal belief that we need 2 weeks to be considered for phase I but people are losing their shit and you know how that goes....

If we do have a resurgence (and I sincerely hope we don't) it will be ugly.

@Arcadian scary as heck.
Some people have lost their minds imo.

NJ is also reopening some beaches some as soon as this weekend. I am SMH. It is too soon. I am not sure if Governor Murphy has just let each city decide for itself but it seems as if he has. Cape May is reopening this weekend.

I am in the camp that firmly believes yes, as soon as we can safely reopen let’s reopen. To end the shutdown as soon as (safely) possible. But if we reopen too soon it will be much much much worse. And more expensive in the long run. Instead of encouraging a premature opening of the economy there needs to be a smart careful plan in place that can stop the spread of Coronavirus. And for that we must test more. Critical as we get back to restarting and recovering.

I can’t speak for other states but we need more funding for small businesses, hospitals, and hard-hit states. We cannot fund our police, our fire department our teachers.

It's a crying shame that some political leaders are politicizing this virus.

May we all get through this despite ourselves.


Jun 8, 2008
@missy and @Mamabean I am so sorry if I upset you. I really should have tried that spoiler alert thingy. It is so upsetting for sure...Scary indeed. Hard to watch.

There is no need to apologize. I was not shocked when I watched the video unfortunately. I had a feeling what it was going to be about. Terrifying and heartbreaking and hard to digest.

@Slick1 @missy I just popped in and saw this. I watched the video and started getting sick to my stomach. I stopped everything I was doing to watch it. Why isn’t anyone listening to her? What about Governor Cuomo? OMG I’m so upset..If she names the hospitals she could lose her job..That’s why she should contact the governor or his brother on CNN to protect her so she can blow the whistle on them!

I was SMH the entire video. And crying. It's beyond upsetting. These are flesh and blood people whose lives matter. It literally made me feel sick. She should name the hospitals. And she should yell it from the rooftops till someone who is important and can take action listens. :(


Mar 31, 2018
There is no need to apologize. I was not shocked when I watched the video unfortunately. I had a feeling what it was going to be about. Terrifying and heartbreaking and hard to digest.

I was SMH the entire video. And crying. It's beyond upsetting. These are flesh and blood people whose lives matter. It literally made me feel sick. She should name the hospitals. And she should yell it from the rooftops till someone who is important and can take action listens. :(

I agree @missy..It’s so hard to believe that she contacted all those organizations and no one called her back. I believe her...I can feel her pain...It was awful to see. @Slick1 Please don’t apologize for posting the video. I want to be informed...good and bad...


Jan 26, 2003
its been off and on better and worse.
Going up stairs is hard sometimes, ok others.
Part of it is my allergies.

Thanks for the report. You know what to do for your breathing. Now you are willing to call for help in an emergency. That leaves prayer. I'm on it. :))


Aug 4, 2008
Thanks for the report. You know what to do for your breathing. Now you are willing to call for help in an emergency. That leaves prayer. I'm on it. :))
Thank you so much.
How are things with you?
Hows things with the guy?(im drawing a blank on his name)


Jan 26, 2003
Thank you so much.
How are things with you?
Hows things with the guy?(im drawing a blank on his name)

We are in a period of relative calm. That doesn't mean I am calm, but it means that my daughter and he appear to be getting along. Thank you for asking.


Jun 8, 2008
@AGBF hoping Matt and your DD are behaving and things are calm by you. Always keeping good thoughts for you. (((Hugs))).

ETA: Just saw your update. YAY for good news. May that continue.

@Karl_K glad you are hanging in there and yes please take care of yourself. Continued healing dust being sent your way.

@TooPatient how is school going? I seem to remember you had some decisions to make. And how is B doing? Continued well wishes your way. XO.


Aug 4, 2008
We are in a period of relative calm. That doesn't mean I am calm, but it means that my daughter and he appear to be getting along. Thank you for asking.

praying for continued calm and peace for you.


Sep 1, 2009
@AGBF hoping Matt and your DD are behaving and things are calm by you. Always keeping good thoughts for you. (((Hugs))).

ETA: Just saw your update. YAY for good news. May that continue.

@Karl_K glad you are hanging in there and yes please take care of yourself. Continued healing dust being sent your way.

@TooPatient how is school going? I seem to remember you had some decisions to make. And how is B doing? Continued well wishes your way. XO.

School is... Uncertain. I decided to try to make it work so am past any kind of refund of I drop now. With everything going on, I am having a rough time trying to keep up and am not sure I will make it through. Just doing my best and hoping to pass them if I can. My fatigue has been bad on top of just the general tired of still recovering from sick plus taking care of DH. I fell asleep sitting on the couch yesterday and just couldn't move. Even with DH doing well enough that I am sleeping all night, the fatigue is kicking me hard. (fatigue as in fatigue not just need some sleep. Sort of collapsed and can't move and even trying to take a drink of tea is more than my body will allow.)

Somehow, I have to get the garage cleared enough for the old water heater to go out (hopefully tomorrow!). Midterm on Monday that I am super not ready for. No one available to help with garage plus it is delicate stuff that would need direction anyway.

We'll see. I'm working hard to not beat myself up over school. If I can graduate,I will be ecstatic. If not, then I will do next year and know that I took care of my health and DH and that is the most important at the end of the day.


Jun 8, 2008


Mar 22, 2017
This is so upsetting, especially as I live near and use NYC hospitals. It is a 20 minute video...that I. Could. Not.Turn.Off. This nurse came to help NYC fight Covid.


Full video:

You know.......there's just so much I could say about this.

Clearly she is suffering and that is heartbreaking. However......we really don't know how much truth there is to what she is saying. I'm just a bit skeptical, considering the prior video that was posted that utterly misrepresented so much of what was happening on the ground in NY hospitals. That doesn't mean it can't be true, though - we just don't know. We also don't know how much is professional disagreement and tensions over how best to manage patients. I've become aware in recent weeks that hospitals in the best of times are seriously political places, and that there is a great deal of tension between different hierarchies of physicians and nurses, different types of practitioner, etc., over who has power, who should make what calls, who should decide protocols, whose protocol is best, etc.

That said - it honestly wouldn't surprise me if much of what she's saying is true. These people are utterly shell-shocked. They're exhausted. They're traumatized beyond belief. They're demoralized. They're frightened. They feel completely hopeless. In many cases, anybody with any kind of medical training are being recruited to run complex cases in specialties they know nothing about beyond a tiny bit of their training years ago in medical school, and a quick and dirty hour brush-up before their shift. In other cases where the facilities aren't as overwhelmed as they perhaps were a couple weeks ago, and the specialists are back practicing their specialties, many are probably still too exhausted and traumatized and angry to be able to practice good, clear-headed medicine. And they know that soon they'll go through it all again, perhaps worse, because we're opening up. Against any kind of basic common sense or decency. Because the 1%'s want to make money again and won the fight, and the rest of us - and particularly the healthcare workers that have been and will be the ones taking care of the rest of us - are just expendable lambs off to slaughter. It wouldn't surprise me if many, if not most, have simply given up and stopped really trying - stopped allowing themselves to care as they did before. How else are they to cope?

Those of us living in the US should be aware of our reality. We are on our own. We are thrown to the wolves. We are expendable grist for the "money machine." Soooo many are of us are going to die that didn't have to if this society had just even a fraction of the sense of responsibility to one another that literally every other western nation, and even plenty that are not usually considered "first world," have shown. Even the governors that previously showed good judgement - like our good old DeWine in Ohio - have just completely abdicated any attempt at dealing with this in a remotely careful or prudent way, or demanded that people actually behave responsibly. He's just shrugged his shoulders. Literally NOWHERE that is opening up is even remotely close to meeting the guidelines that were to be met before cautiously opening some things.

And it doesn't have to be happening. It is so bad here in the US because that is what we have created and tolerated. Everything about how we run our society left the US too brittle to even begin to cope with a real emergency. No social safety net. Basic medical care having to be desperately "earned," at the discretion and whim of the all-powerful employer. (And even then not adequately financially covered.) Too, too many forced to live on too thin a margin to have any kind of emergency fund, and then blamed for it when they're in need. (Yet somehow huge corporations are never, ever expected to have any emergency fund, and get bailed out over and over.) The vaunted, rewarded national "ethos" is that the only people who deserve to live are the wealthy, regardless of how they got that way. Forget the chronically ill. Forget the disabled. Forget the abused. Forget the mentally ill. Forget the unlucky. Forget the disadvantaged. When they struggle, it's "all their fault" and if they want to live, they damn well better spend their every waking moment - and half the time they should spend sleeping or raising their children or tending to relationships or enriching their lives in anyway whatsoever - toiling in service to the all-mighty employer and shareholders, and the politicians that they own.

This is a sick, sick society. Utterly primitive at its core. It's beyond blaming Trump. Is he despicable? Yes. Is he culpable for a lot? Yes. But he's really a symptom - a "stage" in the societal illness. When he's gone, whenever that is, this will still be a sick and primitive society.


Mar 22, 2017
School is... Uncertain. I decided to try to make it work so am past any kind of refund of I drop now. With everything going on, I am having a rough time trying to keep up and am not sure I will make it through. Just doing my best and hoping to pass them if I can. My fatigue has been bad on top of just the general tired of still recovering from sick plus taking care of DH. I fell asleep sitting on the couch yesterday and just couldn't move. Even with DH doing well enough that I am sleeping all night, the fatigue is kicking me hard. (fatigue as in fatigue not just need some sleep. Sort of collapsed and can't move and even trying to take a drink of tea is more than my body will allow.)

Somehow, I have to get the garage cleared enough for the old water heater to go out (hopefully tomorrow!). Midterm on Monday that I am super not ready for. No one available to help with garage plus it is delicate stuff that would need direction anyway.

We'll see. I'm working hard to not beat myself up over school. If I can graduate,I will be ecstatic. If not, then I will do next year and know that I took care of my health and DH and that is the most important at the end of the day.

I'm so sorry you're so overwhelmed and exhausted. Regardless of what happens with school, you have done a heroic job of caring for your husband. You may well have saved his life. Please carry that in your heart.

I would send you energy to help carry you through your tasks if I had it to spare, but I'm frankly too demoralized and hopeless at the moment to have any. I will ask the Universe to send you some, though. And while I'm at it, some healing dust for your hubby, for @Karl_K, and for @mrs-b, who I'm hoping is resting at home now with her beloved hubby and pups.


Sep 1, 2009
Things are just crazy right now. Some people are making fun of anyone choosing to wear masks to grocery stores or to pick up takeout or whatever. Mind, some of the places now require masks so it isn't like it is just a handful wearing. I guess they expect people to ignore signs outside the store saying they are required? Anyway, one woman in my local FB group passed on that her son had a customer approach him and make fun of him for wearing a mask (son is employee at the place). The son was all business trying to help the guy and the customer got right next to him and blew on his face.

It is so bad that some people are feeling like they can't wear masks as much as they should due to this sort of thing.


Jun 8, 2008
Things are just crazy right now. Some people are making fun of anyone choosing to wear masks to grocery stores or to pick up takeout or whatever. Mind, some of the places now require masks so it isn't like it is just a handful wearing. I guess they expect people to ignore signs outside the store saying they are required? Anyway, one woman in my local FB group passed on that her son had a customer approach him and make fun of him for wearing a mask (son is employee at the place). The son was all business trying to help the guy and the customer got right next to him and blew on his face.

It is so bad that some people are feeling like they can't wear masks as much as they should due to this sort of thing.

Disgusting behavior.

I would not let anyone intimidate me. F them. Not only are they morons with IQs well below average but they are selfish entitled morons making them that much more dangerous and noxious.



Dec 9, 2013
Wearing masks in public here is now the norm and a sign of respect for other people. When you see someone who is not wearing a mask it seems odd.

For the first time I can remember, I am healthy instead of constantly fighting off some germ or bug. I plan to make wearing a mask part of my life even after Covid, for travel or in groups.
With all the beautiful handmade masks, it’s a fashion statement!

The person who blew on the woman’s son should have been arrested.


Jun 8, 2008
Wearing masks in public here is now the norm and a sign of respect for other people. When you see someone who is not wearing a mask it seems odd.

For the first time I can remember, I am healthy instead of constantly fighting off some germ or bug. I plan to make wearing a mask part of my life even after Covid, for travel or in groups.
With all the beautiful handmade masks, it’s a fashion statement!

The person who blew on the woman’s son should have been arrested.

Yes exactly! One should have fun with it and make it a fashion statement. It's not so hard to wear a mask when out. Some people are ridiculous and as you wisely point out some are behaving criminally.
You live in a civilized and respectful place and I wish it was that way everywhere. So happy you are well and safe!

Greg and I are making plans. When should we arrive? :cheeky:


Apr 11, 2008
Things are just crazy right now. Some people are making fun of anyone choosing to wear masks to grocery stores or to pick up takeout or whatever. Mind, some of the places now require masks so it isn't like it is just a handful wearing. I guess they expect people to ignore signs outside the store saying they are required? Anyway, one woman in my local FB group passed on that her son had a customer approach him and make fun of him for wearing a mask (son is employee at the place). The son was all business trying to help the guy and the customer got right next to him and blew on his face.

It is so bad that some people are feeling like they can't wear masks as much as they should due to this sort of thing.
That really is disgusting and it makes me mad that I have to depend on the stupidity of some people to keep myself safe. Me wearing the mask is protecting THEM, why can't they extend the same courtesy to others?

So many people are fighting the mask requirement and gets pissed off when anyone tries to enforce it. Boycotting businesses that are trying to do the right thing, making fun of people who wears masks, and parents "threatening" to homeschool their kids if schools require kids to wear masks. What is wrong with us???


Jan 9, 2015
I noticed the same thing at my Costco yesterday. The employees are wearing masks because the have to. The customers are complete idiots.

There were two ladies in very very very skimpy clothes , no masks, giggling and making fun of us masked customers while in the Q.

They started flirting with the cashier. Well, "flirting", because it wasn't subtle.
He opened up a register for them and while we had been waiting for 15 minutes, he made them cut all the Q's.
The lady next to me complained and the scene was getting ugly. The two skimpy clothed ladies weren't ladies at all, as you might have guessed..

I told the lady who complained (she was standing 8 feet away next to me ) that she was right, but given that the skimpy lady

- was constantly fingering her face, put her gross credit card in her mouth several times ( why!??❓) , and, wait for it :

- licked her finger (was it supposed to be sexy? IDK??)

- all while being very close to the employees she flirted with

We might just be generous and let her enjoy her last few days before she catches Covid. That worked at least for calming that lady...

In the spirit of flattening the curve and hospital bed space I hope it's just going to be a bad flu and not worse.


Jun 8, 2008
I noticed the same thing at my Costco yesterday. The employees are wearing masks because the have to. The customers are complete idiots.

There were two ladies in very very very skimpy clothes , no masks, giggling and making fun of us masked customers while in the Q.

They started flirting with the cashier. Well, "flirting", because it wasn't subtle.
He opened up a register for them and while we had been waiting for 15 minutes, he made them cut all the Q's.
The lady next to me complained and the scene was getting ugly. The two skimpy clothed ladies weren't ladies at all, as you might have guessed..

I told the lady who complained (she was standing 8 feet away next to me ) that she was right, but given that the skimpy lady

- was constantly fingering her face, put her gross credit card in her mouth several times ( why!??❓) , and, wait for it :

- licked her finger (was it supposed to be sexy? IDK??)

- all while being very close to the employees she flirted with

We might just be generous and let her enjoy her last few days before she catches Covid. That worked at least for calming that lady...

In the spirit of flattening the curve and hospital bed space I hope it's just going to be a bad flu and not worse.

@kipari at the Costco in the USA everyone, customers as well as employees alike, have to wear masks if they want to enter. Is that not the case for the Costco where you are?

Dear Costco Member,

To help protect our employees and members, effective May 4, 2020, all Costco members and guests must wear a face covering that covers the mouth and nose, at all times while at Costco. This requirement does not apply to children under the age of 2 or to individuals who are unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition.

Costco employees are required to wear face coverings, and now we are asking that Costco members do so too. We know some members may find this inconvenient or objectionable, but under the circumstances we believe the added safety is worth any inconvenience. This is not simply a matter of personal choice; a face covering protects not just the wearer, but others too.

In short, we believe this is the right thing to do under the current circumstances. Although some may disagree with this policy or question its effectiveness, we’re choosing to err on the side of safety in our shopping environments. Costco has continued to operate during this crisis as an essential business in all of our communities, and our employees are on the front lines. As part of a community, we believe this simple act of safety and courtesy is one that Costco members and employees can undertake together.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control recommends the use of face coverings in public settings where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. CDC advises that face coverings can help slow the spread of the virus, including among those who are not aware they carry it. However, the use of a face covering should not be seen as a substitute for social distancing. Please continue to observe rules regarding appropriate distancing while at Costco.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Thank you,
Craig Jelinek

President and CEO, Costco Wholesale"


Jun 8, 2008
That really is disgusting and it makes me mad that I have to depend on the stupidity of some people to keep myself safe. Me wearing the mask is protecting THEM, why can't they extend the same courtesy to others?

So many people are fighting the mask requirement and gets pissed off when anyone tries to enforce it. Boycotting businesses that are trying to do the right thing, making fun of people who wears masks, and parents "threatening" to homeschool their kids if schools require kids to wear masks. What is wrong with us???

IDK. But I would like to add "what is wrong with some of us. Because the people I know and respect are respecting others by wearing masks. The Covidiots who refuse to wear a mask are selfish and entitled and I wish the governors/mayors would place a rule in effect making it mandatory or face a fine. That is the only way to get some people to wear a mask and protect the more vulnerable among us.


Jan 9, 2015
@missy , no, unfortunately not.

Politicians haven't given out any requirements for masks. Just because they are not readily available, I'm sure.

We (kids, au pair, DH and I) got ours from my oldest friend who made them for us. She made them in the right sizes and with whimsical prints (ponies! Yay!)

DH bought reusable high quality cotton masks for his employees on March 16th, generously also offered to cover their families. They haven't been delivered yet...
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