
Are you worried about the Coronavirus?


Jan 26, 2003
Thank goodness you’re doing better. May your breathing continue to improve Karl!

I am sorry it is still touch and go, Karl. I hope you improve as the day goes on. Prayers continue.


Aug 4, 2008
I am sorry it is still touch and go, Karl. I hope you improve as the day goes on. Prayers continue.
Thank you so much. The prayers and concern is greatly appreciated from everyone.


Jan 26, 2003
HI Deb,

Kick him out. He won’t even go to the doctor to confirm that he has the virus.

He did promise me yesterday that he would go on Monday (which is tomorrow). He wanted to go to a minute clinic first to shorten his wait at the Emergency Room. He and my daughter both went to a local emergency room a few months ago and then were too impatient to wait to hear results or get treatment. They cannot wait three or four hours. They are both very anxious and impatient.

I also did hear some horror stories from Matt's childhood about medical staff attempting to give him injections without telling him they were going to do so. I do not know how credible the stories are, but he claims to be so terrified of needles (I know this to be true) that he broke the jaw of a male nurse who attempted to give him an injection in an emergency room when he was 13.

He has a monthly injection from an RN who comes to the house daily to watch him take his pills. He has to give it to himself. No one else can touch him with a needle.


Jun 8, 2008
@Karl_K how are you feeling this morning?

@TooPatient how is your DH doing?
How are you feeling?

@AGBF how was Matt last night and today? Is he going to get checked out? I hope things are going more smoothly. (((Hugs))).


Aug 4, 2008
@Karl_K how are you feeling this morning?

@TooPatient how is your DH doing?
How are you feeling?

@AGBF how was Matt last night and today? Is he going to get checked out? I hope things are going more smoothly. (((Hugs))).
not to bad.
Comparatively to the last few nights I got some decent sleep.
No major events, but was awake every hour or so.


Jan 26, 2003
not to bad.
Comparatively to the last few nights I got some decent sleep.
No major events, but was awake every hour or so.

I'm glad things are better. I hope they continue to improve. If you were awake every hour or so, some improvement can surely be used. Prayers continue.


Sep 17, 2008
My brother went home yesterday. From wht I was told they want to delay surgeries as much as they can, and he's responding to the treatment. I hope this trend continues as he's at home on some exceptionally heavy antibiotics. If he stops responding they'll cross that bridge when they get to it. So lets hope he continues to get better.

@Karl_K I'm glad you're doing better. do you think its stress thats adding to it? I know where I am higher than normal allergy counts are contibuting to strawberry hives and asthma issues for me but the stress is not helping either. (I'm generally a stress junky, can handle a lot but these are some unprecedented times.)


Jun 8, 2008
My brother went home yesterday. From wht I was told they want to delay surgeries as much as they can, and he's responding to the treatment. I hope this trend continues as he's at home on some exceptionally heavy antibiotics. If he stops responding they'll cross that bridge when they get to it. So lets hope he continues to get better.

So relieved for you and your family @Arcadian and continued good thoughts being sent your brother's way. May his recovery continue to go well.


Aug 4, 2008
@Karl_K I'm glad you're doing better. do you think its stress thats adding to it? I know where I am higher than normal allergy counts are contibuting to strawberry hives and asthma issues for me but the stress is not helping either. (I'm generally a stress junky, can handle a lot but these are some unprecedented times.)
Yea stress has been bad.
Multiple Doctors told me Covid would most likely kill me so be real careful and with things opening up and people doing stupid stuff. With my Wifey's job she is out and about and we have people coming here. I wont let them inside but still they are at the door.

Plus I'm getting shack happy and want to get out. We are going to go for a drive today I think.


Jan 26, 2003
My brother went home yesterday. From wht I was told they want to delay surgeries as much as they can, and he's responding to the treatment. I hope this trend continues as he's at home on some exceptionally heavy antibiotics. If he stops responding they'll cross that bridge when they get to it. So lets hope he continues to get better.

I am so glad to hear that for now he does not require surgery.I pray that the antibiotics continue to heal him.


Sep 17, 2008
Yea stress has been bad.
Multiple Doctors told me Covid would most likely kill me so be real careful and with things opening up and people doing stupid stuff. With my Wifey's job she is out and about and we have people coming here. I wont let them inside but still they are at the door.

Plus I'm getting shack happy and want to get out. We are going to go for a drive today I think.

Same, Covid would not be kind to me. I get pneumonia way too easy. the shot will not save me with Covid.

Like you I'm pretty sick of being in the house and I do miss being able to go to the park nearest me. Will hopefully take a bike ride in the next few days in the more denser mostly unwalkable one (it has quite a few gators and not too many rest stops) I have an e-bike so can buzz on by if I get too tired to

Some of the people I work with are stressing about how they will manage with DC offices opening. Its got to be done for sure but its still a few weeks too early IMO.

Do take care, and getting out of the house may help lots with the stress.


Jan 26, 2003
@AGBF how was Matt last night and today? Is he going to get checked out? I hope things are going more smoothly. (((Hugs))).

Matt did not go to the clinic or the Emergency Room today as he had said he would. He said that he thought his symptoms were due to his increased smoking due to depression and that he was going to quit smoking.

He and my daughter had a painful conversation today in which he denigrated her. The truth is, although he put his criticisms unkindly, many of them are warranted.She is impossible to live with, which is why I was sure she would never get married.

It is all far too much to explain. I am just trying to make sure there is no violence if they break up and he moves out.


Aug 4, 2008
Matt did not go to the clinic or the Emergency Room today as he had said he would. He said that he thought his symptoms were due to his increased smoking due to depression and that he was going to quit smoking.

He and my daughter had a painful conversation today in which he denigrated her. The truth is, although he put his criticisms unkindly, many of them are warranted.She is impossible to live with, which is why I was sure she would never get married.

It is all far too much to explain. I am just trying to make sure there is no violence if they break up and he moves out.


Feb 12, 2020
Hope everyone affected/with loved ones affected have a speedy recovery!

My SO has just changed to a new job that requires him to go to the office next Monday. No more safety of isolation for us... :shock:


Jun 8, 2008
New development...concerns about a Covid 19 related syndrome affecting children. A rare but dangerous condone associated with Coronavirus.

The NYC dept of health is reporting a serious syndrome. Fever, rash, stomach illness related to Kawasaki disease. Can lead to heart problems.

15 Children Are Hospitalized With Mysterious Illness Possibly Tied to Covid-19
The health authorities in New York City issued an alert saying that the children had a syndrome that doctors do not yet fully understand.


The boardwalk in the Rockaways in Queens. Children are less likely to become seriously ill with Covid-19 than adults. But some do.

The boardwalk in the Rockaways in Queens. Children are less likely to become seriously ill with Covid-19 than adults. But some do.Credit...Kirsten Luce for The New York Times
Joseph Goldstein
By Joseph Goldstein
  • May 5, 2020Updated 12:25 a.m. ET

Fifteen children, many of whom had the coronavirus, have recently been hospitalized in New York City with a mysterious syndrome that doctors do not yet fully understand but that has also been reported in several European countries, health officials announced on Monday night.
Many of the children, ages 2 to 15, have shown symptoms associated with toxic shock or Kawasaki disease, a rare illness in children that involves inflammation of the blood vessels, including coronary arteries, the city’s health department said.
None of the New York City patients with the syndrome have died, according to a bulletin from the health department, which describes the illness as a “multisystem inflammatory syndrome potentially associated with Covid-19.”
Reached late Monday night, the state health commissioner, Dr. Howard A. Zucker, said state officials were also investigating the unexplained syndrome.

The syndrome has received growing attention in recent weeks as cases began appearing in European countries hit hard by the coronavirus.
Updated 9m ago

“There are some recent rare descriptions of children in some European countries that have had this inflammatory syndrome, which is similar to the Kawasaki syndrome, but it seems to be very rare,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, a World Health Organization scientist, said at a news briefing last week.

It was not immediately known whether children in other parts of the United States have come down with this illness. New York City has been the center of the pandemic.
Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, tends to be much more dangerous for older people and those with underlying health conditions. Children are less likely to become seriously ill than adults. But some do. In New York City, six children have died of Covid-19, according to data from the health department.
Reports of children sick with the unexplained syndrome in New York City have been circulating for several days, but Monday’s bulletin was the first time the city’s health authorities warned doctors to be on the lookout for patients who might have it.

The bulletin said that most of the 15 children had a fever and many had a rash, vomiting or diarrhea. Since being hospitalized, five of them have needed a mechanical ventilator to help them breathe, and most of the 15 “required blood pressure support.”
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“The full spectrum of disease is not yet known,” the bulletin said. Of the 15 patients, most either tested positive for the coronavirus or were found, through antibody testing, to likely have been previously infected.
The city’s health commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, said in a statement: “Even though the relationship of this syndrome to Covid-19 is not yet defined, and not all of these cases have tested positive for Covid-19 by either DNA test or serology, the clinical nature of this virus is such that we are asking all providers to contact us immediately if they see patients who meet the criteria we’ve outlined.”
“And to parents,” she added, “if your child has symptoms like fever, rash, abdominal pain or vomiting, call your doctor right away.”
Conjunctivitis, or inflammation of the eye, and swollen lymph nodes are also symptoms of Kawasaki disease.
The health department identified the 15 patients by contacting hospital pediatric intensive care units across the city in recent days. “Only severe cases may have been recognized at this time,” the bulletin said.
The 15 patients were all hospitalized on or after April 17.
WNBC-TV previously reported that Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital had treated some patients believed to have this syndrome — and that some had developed heart problems and low blood pressure.

Dr. Zucker, the state health commissioner, was asked last weekabout reports of toxic shock in younger patients. He responded that officials were aware that the virus attacks different organs, including the lining of blood vessels, something some doctors believe may be contributing to blood clots in some coronavirus patients.
“What we have been seeing is that there are some children who may have an inflammation of those blood vessels, and are developing a toxic-shock-like syndrome,” he said, adding that he had spoken to number of hospital directors about a small number of cases.
On Monday night, Dr. Zucker reiterated that state health officials were aware of multiple cases of this syndrome in New York City hospitals, and that he had spoken with medical providers statewide about it. Dr. Zucker said the state health department was also looking at Kawasaki-like cases in children and adolescents in Europe, which were the subject of an international webinar last weekend.
“So far, from what we understand, this is a rare complication in the pediatric population that they believe is related to Covid-19,” Dr. Zucker said, adding, “We are following it very closely.”
Jesse McKinley contributed reporting.


Jun 8, 2008
Hope everyone affected/with loved ones affected have a speedy recovery!

My SO has just changed to a new job that requires him to go to the office next Monday. No more safety of isolation for us... :shock:

Good luck to your son and your family @hedgehog93.


Jun 8, 2008
Matt did not go to the clinic or the Emergency Room today as he had said he would. He said that he thought his symptoms were due to his increased smoking due to depression and that he was going to quit smoking.

He and my daughter had a painful conversation today in which he denigrated her. The truth is, although he put his criticisms unkindly, many of them are warranted.She is impossible to live with, which is why I was sure she would never get married.

It is all far too much to explain. I am just trying to make sure there is no violence if they break up and he moves out.

Deb, continuing good thoughts for all of you and hoping everyone stays safe. (((Hugs))).

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
Wishing everyone good health as we go into May. Seems like we have been dealing with COVID for much longer than we have. It's as if time has slowed down.

Yesterday I went shopping and was not too surprised to find my warehouse store out of chicken and turkey. Very little pork and beef either. I am going to be introduced to a farmer soon by a mutual friend to see if we can obtain meat and eggs from him.

Yesterday I was finally able to purchase a freezer under 1k. I have been looking for awhile and a 13 cubic foot freezer finally showed up. I purchased it immediately. Today they are again out of stock, but my order shows that it will be shipped and I should have it in 2 weeks. I worry about our food supply chain now. I am not much of a hoarder (expect my bling) but have stocked up on beans and rice, canned chicken, and tuna just in case we can't get meat.


Jan 26, 2003


Aug 29, 2014
@LisaRN Many local farmers will sell you a 1/4 or 1/2 of beef/pork/lamb. They butcher it up to your specs and package it (and some pre-freeze it), so you can just toss it all in your new fancy freezer. It works out cheaper, it's much higher quality than grocery store meat, youre supporting local AND its less work! Definitely look into this option! You should be able to type in your area and see what local farms pop up on google :)


Sep 1, 2009
@LisaRN Many local farmers will sell you a 1/4 or 1/2 of beef/pork/lamb. They butcher it up to your specs and package it (and some pre-freeze it), so you can just toss it all in your new fancy freezer. It works out cheaper, it's much higher quality than grocery store meat, youre supporting local AND its less work! Definitely look into this option! You should be able to type in your area and see what local farms pop up on google :)

How much does it generally cost to have a butcher handle this? I have been considering doing this for awhile but haven't called to ask about this yet.


Aug 29, 2014
How much does it generally cost to have a butcher handle this? I have been considering doing this for awhile but haven't called to ask about this yet.

I can't speak to an actual butcher, but my local farms charge ~$5/lb (cad, so probably less in USD) of "wet weight", so your actual total weight will be quite a bit less, once you take out the bones and some of the liquid evaps during the aging. Generally a quarter beef is $1k and a half is $2k and includes the butchering. A quarter yields about 100 lbs of meat, half is 200 lbs total, so it averages out around $10/lb, so its a bit high for something like ground beef, but really low for something like tenderloin/steaks.
Vacuum packed and into the freezer and youre set for a year! We eat A LOT of beef, but the quarter works out to $80/month or so, which I think it very reasonable.

Everything is more expensive up here, so I bet a half cow in the US is much cheaper.

eta - I forgot to talk about the butchering. It's my favourite part. Say you like really thick steaks, ones the grocery stores don't carry. You just ask them to cut you 2" thick steaks, and they do it. Or if you are a small family and don't want GIANT roasts, you can ask them to do 5lb roasts instead of 10lbs (or whatever the standard is). You can really customize it to what your family likes. THere are also normally add-ons, such as sausage and burgers that they can make.


Sep 1, 2009
Just saw that one of the foods I usually get delivered for the cats is discontinued in the multi pack I usually get. I went looking for other packages of it and was less than thrilled to find many fewer options than before including some at more than double usual price and others saying only a few remaining. I did manage to find individual flavors of the food so ordered a few extra and set them up on monthly delivery. Hoping this isn't the start of a pet food shortage!


Aug 4, 2008


Sep 1, 2009
@TooPatient how is you hubby doing tonight?

Comparatively comfortable, though I do worry. His oxygen settled to 90 several times today. Hadn't been there for a few days. I do notice him breathing very shallowly and sometimes even looks like he stops breathing for a bit -- this is when awake! Sleeping with the CPAP is holding steady so that is good. Just having to worry about the hours he is awake now. It is hard when you can't tell if things are getting better and just in a bit of a dip or getting worse.


Aug 4, 2008
Comparatively comfortable, though I do worry. His oxygen settled to 90 several times today. Hadn't been there for a few days. I do notice him breathing very shallowly and sometimes even looks like he stops breathing for a bit -- this is when awake! Sleeping with the CPAP is holding steady so that is good. Just having to worry about the hours he is awake now. It is hard when you can't tell if things are getting better and just in a bit of a dip or getting worse.
Prayers are continuing.
My wifey has gotten so she knows better than I do how im breathing so I know its hard.
Dips are not unusual and 90 is still good.
Has he been doing breathing exercises?
If so when you notice him breathing shallow suggest he do some exercises.
I have not been able to get upstairs and use my bipap the last few nights so sleeping sitting up.


Sep 1, 2009
Prayers are continuing.
My wifey has gotten so she knows better than I do how im breathing so I know its hard.
Dips are not unusual and 90 is still good.
Has he been doing breathing exercises?
If so when you notice him breathing shallow suggest he do some exercises.
I have not been able to get upstairs and use my bipap the last few nights so sleeping sitting up.

Yes, he does the exercises from the link you posted. We also have a spirometer. He likes measured things to have actual numbers to point at. Suggesting he do them when I notice that is a good idea. I'm trying to get him aware of doing the shallow breathing so that he can (hopefully) reduce how much it happens.


Jan 3, 2013
This is so upsetting, especially as I live near and use NYC hospitals. It is a 20 minute video...that I. Could. Not.Turn.Off. This nurse came to help NYC fight Covid.


Full video:


Jun 8, 2008
@Slick1 I feel sick after watching this. Again, why don’t they name the hospitals?

And why did no one get back to her? The black advocacy group? The media?

She kept asking what could she do. What can she do? There has to be something more. All those people left to die. Negligence. And of course no one is held accountable. Can she get in touch with his family?

I can’t imagine the horror. :(

I feel like I want to vomit.
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