
Are you worried about the Coronavirus?


Sep 1, 2009
With meat processing plants shutting down and others at half capacity (that number from a grocery guy who talked with their supplier so not confirmed, but believable), I am a little worried about what impact this may have on pet food supply.


Mar 22, 2017
With meat processing plants shutting down and others at half capacity (that number from a grocery guy who talked with their supplier so not confirmed, but believable), I am a little worried about what impact this may have on pet food supply.

This was my concern as well. There are lots of alternatives people can turn to for protein and still stay reasonably healthy, but not our dogs and cats. :blackeye:

ETA: Just a word of warning for dog owners, if normal supplies of meat and/or dog food become difficult to get: do NOT feed fatty cuts/types of meat to dogs. They cannot handle very much dietary fat at all - not nearly what humans and cats can handle. Fats can quickly give them pancreatitis, which can make them at best terribly ill, and easily can kill them.
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Sep 1, 2009
This was my concern as well. There are lots of alternatives people can turn to for protein and still stay reasonably healthy, but not our dogs and cats. :blackeye:

ETA: Just a word of warning for dog owners, if normal supplies of meat and/or dog food become difficult to get: do NOT feed fatty cuts/types of meat to dogs. They cannot handle very much dietary fat at all - not nearly what humans and cats can handle. Fats can quickly give them pancreatitis, which can make them at best terribly ill, and easily can kill them.

We have enough food on hand for 6-8 weeks for dogs and a bag is (hopefully) being delivered Monday. Cats are set for about 6 weeks with about 3-4 weeks more (hopefully) being delivered by Wednesday.

CBD drops for my senior seizure kitty are set for about 5 months now. Don't want to risk running low on that!

I hope everyone has enough and the animals don't go without!


May 17, 2014
Don't know if this will help but we use tinned sardines in spring water for my dog when we worry she eats too much kibble.

I have a peculiar relationship with kibble.

Tinned sardines, eggs served with cooked pumpkin (fresh not tinned), carrot or potato suits her quite well.


Jan 26, 2003
My daughter's fiancé smokes a lot and has lung issues. He coughs all the time. For the past week or so he has felt worse, it seems. He is worried he has lung cancer but doesn't want to go to the hospital because of covid19. Apparently he coughed up blood and said he feels chest pain and pressure and finds it hard to breathe. He is sure he doesn't have covid19. He also has mental health problems and poor judgement. I cannot get him to go to the hospital today. I did tell him he could not finish painting my fence until he saw a doctor. (I am paying him to do this.) I fear he may have covid19. But, of course, I want him checked out in general. I told him it could be his heart. It could be something that could be cured with antibiotics. He won't listen. He has a very, very troubled past which I have never gotten into detail about here. I have feared, for a long time, that that he would bring covid19 back and give it to me although I have isolated myself almost completely.


Sep 1, 2009
My daughter's fiancé smokes a lot and has lung issues. He coughs all the time. For the past week or so he has felt worse, it seems. He is worried he has lung cancer but doesn't want to go to the hospital because of covid19. Apparently he coughed up blood and said he feels chest pain and pressure and finds it hard to breathe. He is sure he doesn't have covid19. He also has mental health problems and poor judgement. I cannot get him to go to the hospital today. I did tell him he could not finish painting my fence until he saw a doctor. (I am paying him to do this.) I fear he may have covid19. But, of course, I want him checked out in general. I told him it could be his heart. It could be something that could be cured with antibiotics. He won't listen. He has a very, very troubled past which I have never gotten into detail about here. I have feared, for a long time, that that he would bring covid19 back and give it to me although I have isolated myself almost completely.

Oh no! That sounds awful. I hope he agrees to get checked out sooner rather than later. Is there anyone he would listen to about getting looked at?


Jan 3, 2020
@AGBF That sounds really hard! Has he had a bad experience before with hospitals? I wonder if he is anxious about having to go on his own with the visiting restrictions in hospitals currently? ::)


Jan 26, 2003
Oh no! That sounds awful. I hope he agrees to get checked out sooner rather than later. Is there anyone he would listen to about getting looked at?

The people who might influence him (his uncle and his grandmother) know better than to push him. At least that is how I read the situation being relatively new to all of them. I know that he has told both of them about his situation.

We had a major showdown today because he was playing loud rap music on my deck. I asked my daughter to ask him to turn it down because I didn't want my neighbors bombarded.A bit later after my daughter and he came back from a short walk she called me to come downstairs saying, "It's really serious".He apparently bought a new, loud boom box today which is what he had been playing on the deck. He had turned it off because I asked, but then he took it on the walk with my daughter and blasted loud rap music with vulgar lyrics throughout the neighborhood. My daughter was upset because he wouldn't turn it down for her.

His argument was that he had turned it down for me on my property, but that no one could make him turn it down on the street.

A couple of days ago our mail wasn't delivered because there is a difficult substitute mail woman who is very bossy. She ordered him to step back from where he was waiting for the mail and he refused. So she drove off. (He was saying he wouldn't because it was his property. I told him perhaps she wanted six feet of space. He told me she had on a mask and gloves. And so forth. Judgement.)

I really cannot take what a pig sty he has turned my home into. He is angry I won't let him shoot a pellet gun in my yard or use my Jeep for commercial fishing purposes during a lock down for covid19. He feels I am placing lots of restrictions on him. In reality he is in my house and using my car while I pay for the gas!

Did I mention he has no judgement?


Jan 3, 2020
@AGBF Gosh that sounds like a really complicated situation. But after all it is your house! ::)
I'm sorry but I wouldn't stand for it! Is he staying with you permanently or just lockdown is in place?


Jun 8, 2008
@AGBF I'm sorry, what a troubling situation. I don't know what advice to give you because I get the feeling kicking him out is not an option. Please be careful and take good care of yourself. His judgment is indeed questionable so I am worried for your safety. (((Hugs))).


Sep 1, 2009
The people who might influence him (his uncle and his grandmother) know better than to push him. At least that is how I read the situation being relatively new to all of them. I know that he has told both of them about his situation.

We had a major showdown today because he was playing loud rap music on my deck. I asked my daughter to ask him to turn it down because I didn't want my neighbors bombarded.A bit later after my daughter and he came back from a short walk she called me to come downstairs saying, "It's really serious".He apparently bought a new, loud boom box today which is what he had been playing on the deck. He had turned it off because I asked, but then he took it on the walk with my daughter and blasted loud rap music with vulgar lyrics throughout the neighborhood. My daughter was upset because he wouldn't turn it down for her.

His argument was that he had turned it down for me on my property, but that no one could make him turn it down on the street.

A couple of days ago our mail wasn't delivered because there is a difficult substitute mail woman who is very bossy. She ordered him to step back from where he was waiting for the mail and he refused. So she drove off. (He was saying he wouldn't because it was his property. I told him perhaps she wanted six feet of space. He told me she had on a mask and gloves. And so forth. Judgement.)

I really cannot take what a pig sty he has turned my home into. He is angry I won't let him shoot a pellet gun in my yard or use my Jeep for commercial fishing purposes during a lock down for covid19. He feels I am placing lots of restrictions on him. In reality he is in my house and using my car while I pay for the gas!

Did I mention he has no judgement?

Wow. So much (all!) of that is just beyond any sort of acceptable behavior. I'm sorry you are dealing with that!

I'd be prone to call the police next time he walks through the neighborhood blasting that so called music. Most places have nuisance noise ordinances and that may violate them. (I know it would in my city!) Let them tell him he can't behave that way.

I hope your daughter is seeing what her life would be like with him and really reflecting on if that is really what she wants. Sending you hugs as I know this is hard on you and there is no easy solution.


Jan 26, 2003
@AGBF That sounds really hard! Has he had a bad experience before with hospitals? I wonder if he is anxious about having to go on his own with the visiting restrictions in hospitals currently? ::)

I was typing when you posted this, Niffler. He was badly abused s a child and doesn't like to be touched by anyone. He cannot be alone in a house. I do not think he is afraid to go into a hospital alone. He did it once before when I had to leave him at the ER during this covid19 period. But he has many fears and phobias.


Jan 9, 2015
@AGBF I'm sorry, what a troubling situation. I don't know what advice to give you because I get the feeling kicking him out is not an option. Please be careful and take good care of yourself. His judgment is indeed questionable so I am worried for your safety. (((Hugs))).


Sorry you have to deal with this.

I'm not known for my patience. I can't even imagine having to deal with my DDs poor choice. I get that it's much much smarter to NOT pressure anything in those kind of scenarios. But it must be so hard.


Jan 26, 2003
I'd be prone to call the police next time he walks through the neighborhood blasting that so called music. Most places have nuisance noise ordinances and that may violate them. (I know it would in my city!) Let them tell him he can't behave that way.

I had not wanted to get into specifics that could identify him, but I cannot call the police. I mean I would if he were to be violent, but my goal has been to keep him out of trouble. If he has no contact with the police until July of next year he will be off probation. If he screws up his probation he goes back to prison. He has never been out of prison for as long as he has been this time. He has been homeless and in prison for most of his life since high school.


Jan 3, 2020
@AGBF I did wonder about his history. In my prof life I had significant experience of working with clients with similar backgrounds (criminal justice etc). This is hard. It's in your home. I have the utmost compassion for people with difficult backgrounds. But I could close the door on my work and go home.
This must be really stressful for you! I'm sorry. (hugs)
I think @missy puts things into perspective so eloquently. I tend to 'call a spade a spade'. Look after yourself, decide on your absolutes- those things you will not compromise on in your home (antisocial behaviour, verbal abuse etc). Seek support from any local agencies if you can.
Stay safe and don't be afraid to involve the police if absolutely necessary.
I know you want to help which is fantastic but you ultimately cannot take on all his life choices.


Sep 1, 2009
I had not wanted to get into specifics that could identify him, but I cannot call the police. I mean I would if he were to be violent, but my goal has been to keep him out of trouble. If he has no contact with the police until July of next year he will be off probation. If he screws up his probation he goes back to prison. He has never been out of prison for as long as he has been this time. He has been homeless and in prison for most of his life since high school.

Ah! That is rough. You are a very patient woman and putting up with much more than anyone could reasonably ask of you. Hang in there and vent all you need here. Sometimes getting it out is the only way to keep a bit of sanity for yourself.


Jan 26, 2003
Ah! That is rough. You are a very patient woman and putting up with much more than anyone could reasonably ask of you. Hang in there and vent all you need here. Sometimes getting it out is the only way to keep a bit of sanity for yourself.

Thank you. I had not thought I would need to avail myself of Priceecope for this, but it seems that I have. Matt's having a health crisis (it is certainly not his first health problem) seems to have been the last straw. He bent over, trying to catch his breath, after our "showdown" about all our differences. My daughter called me because he seemed unable to breathe. Then he went out onto the deck and smoked. I went out and gently, not in a nagging way, told him to keep an eye on the cigarette to make sure he was getting enough oxygen. I could just imagine him passing out.


@AGBF - I don't want to come off as rude however, is there a way to discuss with your daughter the disadvantage of marrying someone like him? She's setting herself up for a lifetime of abuse and many other negative situations; and how can he get a job with such an extensive record? And I hope they don't bring children into their disfunction. Is it safe for you to be living with him? He sounds like a ticking time bomb.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
@AGBF I'm sorry, what a troubling situation. I don't know what advice to give you because I get the feeling kicking him out is not an option. Please be careful and take good care of yourself. His judgment is indeed questionable so I am worried for your safety. (((Hugs))).
@AGBF ,If he was my daughter's BF I'd kick him out of my house now!. I wouldn't have let him step inside my house in the first place...JMHO.


Mar 26, 2006
@Dee*Jay thanks I will let them know! It has been such a ridiculous mess for them to try and find any PPE or disinfecting sprays/wipes in stock since Feb. If an item is in stock the prices are so inflated or the companies won’t sell to them unless they were an existing customer prior to the shortages. So sad and such crazy times!!!

Stepcut, just wanted to circle back and say my order came today. Hope your friends are successful in getting what they need!


Aug 11, 2008
Stepcut, just wanted to circle back and say my order came today. Hope your friends are successful in getting what they need!
Thanks for the update! Glad what you ordered has arrived :) I am being told that the majority of what my friends are ordering is still on back order or the orders are being canceled because they cannot be fulfilled. Such a sad situation for them. Be well!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Thanks for the update! Glad what you ordered has arrived :) I am being told that the majority of what my friends are ordering is still on back order or the orders are being canceled because they cannot be fulfilled. Such a sad situation for them. Be well!!!

I'm so sorry to hear that; I really hope they get what they need. A crazy time, to be sure. Big hugs to you -- and them!


Apr 5, 2009
@AGBF ,If he was my daughter's BF I'd kick him out of my house now!. I wouldn't have let him step inside my house in the first place...JMHO.

I agree with DF.

Recently, a doctor and her husband were shot point blank by their daughter’s boyfriend who had a similar troubled past, after a dispute about social distancing (and money). This happened in my hometown in the Midwest. They tried to do the right thing by this kid and paid for it with their lives.

Kick him out.


Jan 3, 2013
Oh my goodness @AGBF What an untenable situation. I do not have any advice other than to stay safe and keep trying to help DD see how her life would likely unfold with this man. I know it is easy for us to say, ‘he needs to leave,’ but I can see how that isn’t as easy as it would seem. It is your house and anyone in it should abide by your rules. Sending you much luck and ((hugs))

ETA he seems like he is at a breaking point with regard to respecting authority and this is a little scary to me. (I have a DB who is much the same)....


Jul 13, 2007
I'm so sorry Deb. You have such grace and patience. I would have snapped and made a mess of things by now. I understand everything is also a balancing act with your daughter. Maybe she's starting to get annoyed as well, as she didn't like the boombox treatment while on the walk. Please take care. I worry that he might turn violent or do something lacking all common sense.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
HI Deb,

Kick him out. He won’t even go to the doctor to confirm that he has the virus. He would rather put you and the woman he supposedly loves in grave harm.

If I were in your shoes, this would be a deal breaker. It would also be what I would use to judge his character from this point forward.


Aug 4, 2008
@AGBF prayers outgoing. What a hard situation.


Jun 8, 2008
Checking in with you @AGBF how did last night go? How are you?

@Karl_K how are you feeling today?


Aug 4, 2008
Checking in with you @AGBF how did last night go? How are you?

@Karl_K how are you feeling today?

thought for sure i was going to have to call 911 this am woke up wifey and was resind to going then it started to improve with the nedilizer. its still rough but above er level.


Jun 8, 2008
thought for sure i was going to have to call 911 this am woke up wifey and was resind to going then it started to improve with the nedilizer. its still rough but above er level.

Thank goodness you’re doing better. May your breathing continue to improve Karl!
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