
Am I crazy?!

This may or may not be helpful in regards to considering gcal 8x. Have a quick read of this, and then check out the hearts arrows pattern on each diamond certificate. When I did this, I could see the cut precision issues @DejaWiz was talking about.

PS - you don’t actually have to read it, really just look at the examples!
PS - you don’t actually have to read it, really just look at the examples!

Thank you for sharing that! I’ve read it before but it was a good refresher. I feel like I’ve taken a crash course in diamond grading over the past 2mos so some of it has fallen through the sieve. (but I am by no means an expert AT ALL!)
Surely it can’t be this difficult?! There seems to be a plethora of labs out there & yet I can’t find one that meets my standards! Not sure what that says about me.
I find diamonds can look quite different when loose compared to when they are set. I know light play is supposed to be all from the table and so it shouldn't matter etc etc. But my experience playing with many many loose diamonds over the years leads me to conclude that set diamonds look different than loose -- they look way better! Sometimes an enclosed setting increases contrast. Sometimes having it held up off the hand helps.

If you haven't sent yours back yet try creating a little tinfoil cup for it and see what you think. Also clean it with a gem cleaning cloth, as finger grime can really make a big difference too. And if you have a diamond holder that allows you to hold the stone off your hand try that too.
Thank you for sharing that! I’ve read it before but it was a good refresher. I feel like I’ve taken a crash course in diamond grading over the past 2mos so some of it has fallen through the sieve. (but I am by no means an expert AT ALL!)
Surely it can’t be this difficult?! There seems to be a plethora of labs out there & yet I can’t find one that meets my standards! Not sure what that says about me.

I think the problem is all the choices, and I totally understand your dilemma! Doesn‘t mean anything bad bout you! Part of the fun is the hunt! I suggest you try to have fun with it instead of beating yourself up! I can’t wait to see what you end up with!
Ahhh, bummer. Thank you for looking anyway!

Quick question: do you typically wear darker colored clothing, and were you when you took those pictures of the 3.33?
Quick question: do you typically wear darker colored clothing, and were you when you took those pictures of the 3.33?

Pretty sure I was, yes. I do wear a lot of darker neutrals. And, my phone case is navy. Did a quick little test, moving my phone camera from directly in front of the stone & then off to the side, there’s definitely darkness coming from that for sure. I really really want to love the 3.33 that you helped me pick. I haven’t yet found another one that is better cut, and all I’ve been doing is looking. Part of me does feel like if I settle on it, I’ll be happy. But there’s that nagging part that worries, ya know?
Pretty sure I was, yes. I do wear a lot of darker neutrals. And, my phone case is navy. Did a quick little test, moving my phone camera from directly in front of the stone & then off to the side, there’s definitely darkness coming from that for sure. I really really want to love the 3.33 that you helped me pick. I haven’t yet found another one that is better cut, and all I’ve been doing is looking. Part of me does feel like if I settle on it, I’ll be happy. But there’s that nagging part that worries, ya know?

Yes, I definitely know: a nag/bother now will always be there going forward and you can never mitigate it in your mind, no matter what you try and do.
Want me to search some GIA graded HPHT options in the 2.9-3.4 carat range?
Yes, I definitely know: a nag/bother now will always be there going forward and you can never mitigate it in your mind, no matter what you try and do.
Want me to search some GIA graded HPHT options in the 2.9-3.4 carat range?

I would literally send you & your wife out for dinner if you did that for me!! Because I know you’ve already helped me so much & I do not take that for granted. Max 3.6cts.
I would literally send you & your wife out for dinner if you did that for me!! Because I know you’ve already helped me so much & I do not take that for granted. Max 3.6cts.

Found a GCAL 8X HPHT with a 40.8/34/57 combo.

When you hear back from JannPaul, also get a quote for their new Nova along with the Decagon - you can find some great comparison pictures and videos here at PS and on their YouTube channel.
I find diamonds can look quite different when loose compared to when they are set. I know light play is supposed to be all from the table and so it shouldn't matter etc etc. But my experience playing with many many loose diamonds over the years leads me to conclude that set diamonds look different than loose -- they look way better! Sometimes an enclosed setting increases contrast. Sometimes having it held up off the hand helps.

If you haven't sent yours back yet try creating a little tinfoil cup for it and see what you think. Also clean it with a gem cleaning cloth, as finger grime can really make a big difference too. And if you have a diamond holder that allows you to hold the stone off your hand try that too.

That is a really good point. @Lauren Penney, could you get one of those ring stone holders so you can try the diamonds on? If you’re ordering more loose stones, this would be a helpful tool.
Found a GCAL 8X HPHT with a 40.8/34/57 combo.

When you hear back from JannPaul, also get a quote for their new Nova along with the Decagon - you can find some great comparison pictures and videos here at PS and on their YouTube channel.

The proportions and brilliance image are great, but I feel like GCAL is slipping a bit on the 8x stones with the painting and what looks like some leakage in the symmetry image on this one.
Are you tied to Adiamor, Lauren Penney?

No not one bit!! Someone had mentioned their gcal8x stones so I was looking at them but absolutely not tied to Adiamor. If anything I’ve been a bit disappointed in their customer service, tbh.
I would be eternally grateful to any of you experts on here if you were to share any ~3-3.6ct (ish) round lab diamonds that you stumble across. Obviously not loving the thick dark arrows, I like stones a bit more on the bright side, and cut is of upmost importance to me. I’ll love you forever!
I would be eternally grateful to any of you experts on here if you were to share any ~3-3.6ct (ish) round lab diamonds that you stumble across. Obviously not loving the thick dark arrows, I like stones a bit more on the bright side, and cut is of upmost importance to me. I’ll love you forever!

What are your thoughts towards H&A brilliant cushions?

Tagging extra eyes:
Kim N

This one has 40.8/34.1/56 combo and definitely longer lowers due to the thinner arrows patterning. Any thoughts about the overall optics and cut precision?

Tagging extra eyes:
Kim N

This one has 40.8/34.1/56 combo and definitely longer lowers due to the thinner arrows patterning. Any thoughts about the overall optics and cut precision?

Not sure if I’m quoting your posts right on here, sorry if it’s a mess. I’m so new at this.

I don’t love cushions. I really dislike princess cut & I find cushions are so similar that I can’t get on board. I love that round that you shared, though. I also stumbled on this one…. Thoughts? Looks pretty bright in the video?

Tagging extra eyes:
Kim N

This one has 40.8/34.1/56 combo and definitely longer lowers due to the thinner arrows patterning. Any thoughts about the overall optics and cut precision?

Or (the 41 pav is what drew me):
Unfortunately, that one is probably going to have quite a dull and dark center due to the pavilion twist and bad optics.


Okay, thank you. Just when you start to think maybe you’re learning!… :wall: This is an art form, you guys!!
I’m comparing these two:



I’m in Canada so I have to pay duties to import, so just want to do my due diligence before I commit.
Not sure if I’m quoting your posts right on here, sorry if it’s a mess. I’m so new at this.

I don’t love cushions. I really dislike princess cut & I find cushions are so similar that I can’t get on board. I love that round that you shared, though. I also stumbled on this one…. Thoughts? Looks pretty bright in the video?

This one could be more precisely cut.
@Lauren Penney, there’s a lot of info on this thread, so I want to ask a few questions so that we can help you better.

- @Kim N has posted a couple of 3.25s, and @DejaWiz posted a 3.17. Did you not like them? All three look really great.

- Are you wanting to find the stone yourself? If so, we can hold back on suggestions and wait to comment on what you pull.

- Are you going to take more photos of your stone-in-hand with different clothing/phone case/lighting? That will help us quite a bit. We sort of don’t know what we’re chasing. At this point, your stone should display great optics and something is off. If we simply replicate our same system, we might lead you straight back to the same problem.

- I suggested Jann Paul. Are you not going to go that route? That is guaranteed brightness, but you have to wait on a stone as large as you want.

- Maybe no one explicitly told you to steer away from steep and deep? 41 pavilion angle is great, but pair is with a shallower crown angle. 41/>35 isn’t what you’re going for.

- In the pursuit of brighter, don’t forget that a diamond needs contrast in these magnified views. An all white looking stone isn’t going to bounce a ton of light back to the eye.

I know you said you’re a gemologist of sorts, so please forgive me if any of this came off as patronizing/pedantic. Just trying to help!

PS - @mayalNau’s stone holder suggestion is great. $10-14 off Amazon.
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IMG_4967.jpegIMG_4988.jpegIMG_4989.jpegIMG_4990.jpeg@Lauren Penney, there’s a lot of info on this thread, so I want to ask a few questions so that we can help you better.

- @Kim N has posted a couple of 3.25s, and @DejaWiz posted a 3.17. Did you not like them? All three look really great.

- Are you wanting to find the stone yourself? If so, we can hold back on suggestions and wait to comment on what you pull.

- Are you going to take more photos of your stone-in-hand with different clothing/phone case/lighting? That will help us quite a bit. We sort of don’t know what we’re chasing. At this point, your stone should display great optics and something is off. If we simply replicate our same system, we might lead you straight back to the same problem.

- I suggested Jann Paul. Are you not going to go that route? That is guaranteed brightness, but you have to wait on a stone as large as you want.

- Maybe no one explicitly told you to steer away from steep and deep? 41 pavilion angle is great, but pair is with a shallower crown angle. 41/>35 isn’t what you’re going for.

- In the pursuit of brighter, don’t forget that a diamond needs contrast in these magnified views. An all white looking stone isn’t going to bounce a ton of light back to the eye.

I know you said you’re a gemologist of sorts, so please forgive me if any of this came off as patronizing/pedantic. Just trying to help!

PS - @mayalNau’s stone holder suggestion is great. $10-14 off Amazon.

I am so sorry if I gave anyone the impression that I am in any way a gemologist! Nothing could be further from the truth! I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can but I know maybe 0.001% of what there is to know. Hence, I’m here asking questions.

I like the 3.17ct that was shared, yes, it’s not that I don’t. I guess my hesitation is that it’s hard to judge because to my untrained eye, it just looks so similar to the one I have in my hand? I’m getting stuck on the darkness of the arrows in photos & videos but I hear what you’re saying about needing contrast, that’s good to remember. Perhaps it’s worth ordering the 3.17ct to compare them side by side. And then I can be satisfied that I’ve really made the best decision. I think that’s why I’m struggling? I have placed too much pressure on myself to pick THE PERFECT STONE.

As for Jann Paul, I did email 2 days ago but haven’t heard back. Another customer of theirs wrote a short review on Reddit so we were chatting a little about her experience & she said that she also found their customer service to be slow & lacking in some areas. She said they really had to pester to get responses.

I took some photos/videos this afternoon in different lighting of my 3.33ct that Deja helped me pick a few weeks ago. Let me reiterate that I don’t know what the heck I’m doing, all I know is that in some lights, the dark arrows bug me. But, like you said, maybe we need some of that contrast for a perfect stone. I guess I just wasn’t expecting this much contrast.

I am so sorry if I gave anyone the impression that I am in any way a gemologist! Nothing could be further from the truth! I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can but I know maybe 0.001% of what there is to know. Hence, I’m here asking questions.

I like the 3.17ct that was shared, yes, it’s not that I don’t. I guess my hesitation is that it’s hard to judge because to my untrained eye, it just looks so similar to the one I have in my hand? I’m getting stuck on the darkness of the arrows in photos & videos but I hear what you’re saying about needing contrast, that’s good to remember. Perhaps it’s worth ordering the 3.17ct to compare them side by side. And then I can be satisfied that I’ve really made the best decision. I think that’s why I’m struggling? I have placed too much pressure on myself to pick THE PERFECT STONE.

As for Jann Paul, I did email 2 days ago but haven’t heard back. Another customer of theirs wrote a short review on Reddit so we were chatting a little about her experience & she said that she also found their customer service to be slow & lacking in some areas. She said they really had to pester to get responses.

I took some photos/videos this afternoon in different lighting of my 3.33ct that Deja helped me pick a few weeks ago. Let me reiterate that I don’t know what the heck I’m doing, all I know is that in some lights, the dark arrows bug me. But, like you said, maybe we need some of that contrast for a perfect stone. I guess I just wasn’t expecting this much contrast.


Not sure how to attach videos…
Not sure how to attach videos…

You'll need to utilize a video hosting site such as YouTube, Imgur, etc then post the links here in your thread.
I am so sorry if I gave anyone the impression that I am in any way a gemologist! Nothing could be further from the truth! I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can but I know maybe 0.001% of what there is to know. Hence, I’m here asking questions.

I like the 3.17ct that was shared, yes, it’s not that I don’t. I guess my hesitation is that it’s hard to judge because to my untrained eye, it just looks so similar to the one I have in my hand? I’m getting stuck on the darkness of the arrows in photos & videos but I hear what you’re saying about needing contrast, that’s good to remember. Perhaps it’s worth ordering the 3.17ct to compare them side by side. And then I can be satisfied that I’ve really made the best decision. I think that’s why I’m struggling? I have placed too much pressure on myself to pick THE PERFECT STONE.

As for Jann Paul, I did email 2 days ago but haven’t heard back. Another customer of theirs wrote a short review on Reddit so we were chatting a little about her experience & she said that she also found their customer service to be slow & lacking in some areas. She said they really had to pester to get responses.

I took some photos/videos this afternoon in different lighting of my 3.33ct that Deja helped me pick a few weeks ago. Let me reiterate that I don’t know what the heck I’m doing, all I know is that in some lights, the dark arrows bug me. But, like you said, maybe we need some of that contrast for a perfect stone. I guess I just wasn’t expecting this much contrast.


If the regular black pattern that makes up arrows bothers you, then I think you should consider cuts that have more of a crushed ice pattern.

Not to belabor the point, but cutting with arrows is how RBs have good light performance.