
Am I crazy?!


Jan 3, 2024
New here!
We’re upgrading my e-ring for our 20th anniversary. I’m looking for around 3cts, round. I purchased a stone from Adiamor with the help of dejawiz, which looked great on paper but once I received it, I felt… underwhelmed? I was surprised at how dark it seemed in the center (although, I’ve since been told this is “normal”?). I think I was just expecting it to be brighter & more sparkly? If anyone has time & is bored (no one does, I know!), would you send me some loose labs that might wow me? I’d be ever so grateful!

For reference, the stone I bought is: LG572339878

We don’t have a budget necessarily, and now I wonder if this is a case of, if I’d have spent more, I would be happier with the result? My husband wants me to be happy & I know I’ll never upgrade again so I really want it to be perfect. I’m not generally difficult to please nor high maintenance, this just feels like a significant purchase that I want to get right, you know?IMG_4914.jpeg
You aren't crazy! You like what you like and there's nothing wrong with that.

Can you post a pic of the report for the stone you got?

And is it the dark arrows that are bothering you? Just wsnt to help figure out how to find you an alternative
IMG_4953.jpegI do wonder if it’s the arrows that are bothering me? But I also know that cut is the most important factor & I want the best cut I can buy, so it’s not that I DON’T want H&A necessarily, you know? Are some arrows maybe less prominent?
IMG_4953.jpegI do wonder if it’s the arrows that are bothering me? But I also know that cut is the most important factor & I want the best cut I can buy, so it’s not that I DON’T want H&A necessarily, you know? Are some arrows maybe less prominent?

Cut is definitely the most important thing and the cut on yours is pretty top notch. But that doesn't mean it's your "flavor" so to speak. Have you looked at other shapes? even old cuts where the arrows aren't as "dark" and instead rhe facets are kind of softer?
I would really love to stick with round to be honest. I don’t love any other shape like I love a beautiful round!
Maybe I just need to get used to it. I’m driving myself crazy looking at what’s available out there & second guessing this stone, but maybe it’s just fine. I just am surprised that it’s not…. I don’t know, brighter?

The cut looks fine, although the arrows are quite dark based on the video. Perhaps try a different flavor with a lower crown angle and a higher pavilion angle? The arrows can look more silvery and make it appear brighter.

For example this one

The cut looks fine, although the arrows are quite dark based on the video. Perhaps try a different flavor with a lower crown angle and a higher pavilion angle? The arrows can look more silvery and make it appear brighter.

For example this one

That's not a bad idea. I personally like giant thick arrows but I know others don't. So maybe the higher pav would help OP feel like it's brighter overall
if this is going to be your one and only upgrade take your time to be sure

The cut looks fine, although the arrows are quite dark based on the video. Perhaps try a different flavor with a lower crown angle and a higher pavilion angle? The arrows can look more silvery and make it appear brighter.

For example this one

That's a great point. There may also be a minor amount of paddling contributing to the darkness. I really like the alternative you posted.
I am not an expert but had you considered a gcal8x stone from adiamor? I have seen good reviews on those, and the reports give actual images!
Hi, Lauren Penney!
Simply put: if you're not jiving with it, then send it back - there are thousands of diamonds in your carat range out there to pick from!

The odds are in your favor.
Find a 56ish table 34c 41p with longer 80% lgf% that is tight and symmetrical.
If that's still too dark for you then pick a different design.
OP, you are not crazy, each to their own and all that.

As the others have already mentioned, if the stone does not sing for you despite looking good on paper at least, then return it and start again as there are many other lab-grown MRBs available in your budget etc...

Perhaps consider other cuts too!

Personally, I don't like MRBs and would not buy one myself. I like OECs and ECs, and quite fancy the look of a step cut hexagons. However, as I have said, each to their own.

DK =)2
I totally understand what you are saying. I've had a very similar experience with my own lab grown diamond. Excellent on paper but underwhelming in reality and in a very bizarre way.
I have seen all kinds of good and bad natural diamonds but even the ones which had a bad cut or were very included, were not underwhelming in this "specific" way. It is something that i can't quite describe or put into words.
Since this will be your one and only upgrade, you have to get it right. Send this one back and start over. Don't give up until you are fully satisfied.
Good luck and happy 20th anniversary!!!
Find a 56ish table 34c 41p with longer 80% lgf% that is tight and symmetrical.
If that's still too dark for you then pick a different design.

Thank you for that feedback.
How do you think these might perform comparatively speaking?

Thank you again for your assistance! Much appreciated.
Thank you for that feedback.
How do you think these might perform comparatively speaking?

Thank you again for

The cut looks fine, although the arrows are quite dark based on the video. Perhaps try a different flavor with a lower crown angle and a higher pavilion angle? The arrows can look more silvery and make it appear brighter.

For example this one

I’ve been browsing Adiamor & found this one. Thoughts?
Thank you for that feedback.
How do you think these might perform comparatively speaking?

Thank you again for your assistance! Much appreciated.

1st one is very close but a 41 pavilion if you can find one is important for what you could try as is the longer lowers.
40.8 and longer lgf% like the first one is a good second pick if you can not find the other.
Im not at m PC to check the crystal so just commenting on the cut.
Not a fan of the graining/straining on the CVD ones, the HPHT ones have blue nuance.
1st one is very close but a 41 pavilion if you can find one is important for what you could try as is the longer lowers.
40.8 and longer lgf% like the first one is a good second pick if you can not find the other.
Im not at m PC to check the crystal so just commenting on the cut.
Wondering about this (41pav). I think it might check all the boxes?!

Wondering about this (41pav). I think it might check all the boxes?!

Its close enough to tell if a different flavor of h&a round is good for you.
78% lgf could be just a bit longer.
Its close enough and very well cut.
The crystal needs looking at and im not at my pc.
@DejaWiz @Kim N how is the crystal and price on this one?
Im not at my PC to check.
Are these stones solely sold by Adiamor? I tried to enter the LG number on StoneAlgo just to see their cut score but it wouldn’t accept it.
I know stonealgo takes GIA and IGI, but not sure about GCAL.
Its close enough to tell if a different flavor of h&a round is good for you.
78% lgf could be just a bit longer.
Its close enough and very well cut.
The crystal needs looking at and im not at my pc.
@DejaWiz @Kim N how is the crystal and price on this one?
Im not at my PC to check.

I'm seeing cut precision issues and questionable material quality for all of them, unfortunately.
...including the GCAL 8X.
I'm seeing cut precision issues and questionable material quality for all of them, unfortunately.
...including the GCAL 8X.

thanks, that is sad.
I'm seeing cut precision issues and questionable material quality for all of them, unfortunately.
...including the GCAL 8X.

Ahhh, bummer. Thank you for looking anyway!
I actually like the cut on the HPHT stones; too bad about the blue nuance.

If it doesn't need to be from Adiamor (although I haven't checked to see if Adiamor has it), this could be an option.
