
#JOTW Acinom's colors

apacherose said:
Me, too. I honestly have such affection for this bunch of internet groupies. My husband might say I need to get out more.... but whatever. It is so great to be able to share. Are you doing white gold? (sorry if I missed it if you said) This peacock ring is right up my alley- I love the romantic lines and intricate detail.

I feel the same way about all of you! Yes, the romantic theme and details make my jewelry heart sing. :)

picante27|1445472721|3940869 said:
I think white diamonds might get lost in the setting, they kind of blend in with the platinum details instead of accent. I like the blue or green best, yellow might look good too or maybe tiny purple sapphires?

Edit to add that your stone looks great in the setting!
So exciting!!!
Thank you for chiming in and your kind words :wavey:

apacherose and lovesvintage : I am already looking forward wearing this ring. picante and Green Lake did such an amazing design job.
apacherose: the setting will be made in my favourite metal: platinum.

Thank you for your recommendations picante. I agree that white diamonds get totally lost in the setting. Have not thought about purple yet, but I might prefer the green/blue peacock tones.


Blue green peacock colouration is my choice.
Another vote for blue-green.

DK :))
Though peacocks come in other colors,to me the instantly distinguishable "peacock" colors are blue and green with only a bit of purple
Thank you so much for sharing your ideas Chrono, Sparkliesluver, DK & Niel . And I do agree with you.

I have a preference for green accent stones. The lovely ring designer confirmed however that the green diamonds are more of a olive green. I do not like the combo of teal and olive based on the pics. So, it's now a choice between yellow diamond, blue sapphire or light blue. What do you think?

I appreciate your thoughts again :wavey:


My vote goes to blue sapphires!
Tough one, given the choices, yellow diamonds look the best combo with the main stone to me.

DK :))
I think the yellow will pop out most, which is important since its sad when accent stones get "lost" in a ring. I'm excited to see what you decide, and either way the ring will be beautiful!
Thank you for chiming in ricezo, DK & lovedogs! I will going to make a choice between the yellow diamonds or the blue sapphires.
The yellow accent stones will be the most apparant and will create the highest contrast. The blue accent stones stays more in line with the peacock theme. It will take a while before the stone will be set so I have quite some time to think about these two options.
I just received a photo of the sapphire with a lighter hue from the Green Lake designer:



The lighter toned sapphire looks great! Not too light.
I like the light blue sapphires, they would look very similar to the medium toned blue diamonds in my original ring. I prefer the blue green combo as well, that's why I chose it for my ring, lol. But, yellow would stand out and look amazing too.
It needs something bright and electric. Think bright chrysoberyl or blue topaz!

Great choices- I like all the accent options. Sorry I am not more helpful. I think I'd personally try to stay with the traditional peacock palette, just to go with the 'theme', but, visually, all the options are attractive.

You did say you liked a green accent the best- are you ruling out emeralds because they are softer?
I think Chrono might be right here. She is recommending bright accent stones and I agree. The size difference in your stones would allow you to have bright accents without taking away from the sapphire. The accent stones are so small in size and will be diffused somewhat by the setting metal around them that it makes sense for them to be bright. They will not compete with the sapphire, and yet will make the whole piece cohesively bright and peacock-like. :)) Darker accent stones will make the sapphire pop, but will not do much to add to the cohesive design. This ring will be gorgeous!
oooh I also love the idea of bright accent stones. I was thinking of suggesting something bright like blue topaz/chryso, but didn't know if you were 100% set on keeping the color palate consistent. I would also consider a light/bright purple amethyst, but that might be too hard to find in melee size.

I think my favorite combo is with the blue topaz, but that might just be my personal obsession with blue/green stones :lol:
OMG Acinom! I should have opened this thread earlier. I love the blue green zircon. I have always admired Picante27's peacock ring and I am certain I shall love your version as well. I predict PSers will be seeking out blue green zircons.
I am going to stray from popular opinion and vote for the yellow or purple. The photo with the yellow stones next to the zircon had much more zing to them and the two others (don't hate me) are just not working as well for me. In picante's original design the center stone and the side stones draw much of the same feel of the teal barbs on the "iris" portion of the peacock tail feather eye. Acinom's zircon reminds more more of another equally beautiful portion of the the peacock plumage--the blue green of the outer portion of the eye. I think that in looking at the photo she posted with the profile of the peacock the yellow saddle feathers beautifully accent the majesty of the blue and green of the rest of the animal. Likewise, in the first photograph of the zircon and accent stones my eye was really drawn to the yellow stones. They just make the center stone POP (like a peacock)! I do love the blue and green combo and the teal and blue combo work SO well for picante's teal stone but I feel from the photos posted the yellow stones did the best job of highlighting the colors of the zircon. It might be because picante's stone is a solid, uniform teal whereas your stone is teal but through a beautiful blending of green and blue and hints of gold in some photographs. To me the accent stones should accent the center stone and while the knee jerk response is to think blue or green for peacocks they do come in a rainbow of colors and open up the realm to find the stones that make the center stone sing. I think it would be worth asking green lake to work up photographs with the yellow side stones (I think a vivid purple could be amazing too) to compare. They did you a bit of a disservice plopping your stone on picante's design photos because it skews the mind a bit towards her ring and colors versus your ring and your stone--your stone has similar tones but also has vastly unique features and I'd love to see the design photos feature that before you make your final choice.

I have a photo that shows all the blue, teal, green, and gold interplay of the eye of a peacock feather.

I thought a bit more about it...

I think that this stone would look amazing in yellow gold. Yellow gold, for what I have seen in this thread, also really suits your skin tone. Then, you could accent the stone with green or blue side stones that fit what you were thinking of and all together the ring would have the needed yellow and green/blue tones to compliment the zircon.
Sorry if this has already been suggested, Acinom, but what about tsavorites? I too like the idea of green but I don't care for the olive tone either. I believe DK just got some from JD and that's what came to mind.
Oooh! Thank you all for taking the time to share your ideas and opinions. It truly facilitates some out of the box thinking. I would not have been able to come up with some of your suggestions.

Ricezo: I agree and the mid blue is still a contender for me.
picante: did it take a long time before you decided to choose your color combo? As you know I think the light blue diamonds combine perfectly with your center stone.
chrono: thank you for the color collage!! This is very helpful. I also asked the designer to show a different color combo, after I read your post, apacherose's and sparkliesluver's. See the pic below.
apacherose: so funny, I did not even think about emerald! I think it could be a great match based on the new collage. Thank you for your suggestion.
minousbijoux: thanks for sharing your advice!!
lovedogs: thank you for chiming in!! I also love green blue and bue green combo's. 8-)
sungura: I love how we inspire each other and create new trends :lol:
niter: thanks for taking the time for an elaborate advice. And what a great idea to suggest YG. I am actually considering it now as I think it will look stunning. Initially I have chosen platinum because it's in my comfort zone and because it's so durable.
sparkliesluver: see the pic below. What do you think?

Based on the new collage I requested based on your input, I think the small emeralds will look great. Would love to hear your opinions again. I find it hard to determine what it will look like in real life, so I also added one of the video stills from Chris Auletta again as well as the vendor pic. Based on the video still the blue topaz will also look nice, although not very 'peacock' to my eyes?



I definitely like the emerald, I think it "pops" and still keeps with the peacock theme of the ring. I think my main concern before was that I didn't want the accent stones to get "lost", and thought that if the choice was between 1) keeping peacock colors, and 2) making the accent stones stand out, that I would choose option 2. But I think the emeralds gets you the best of both worlds! :appl:
Have Greenlake place a small emerald and a small topaz next to the stone and have them make a recommendation (and picture).
Out of the three choices, I really like the topaz the best. The emerald look great too, but the vibrant blue just stands out to me. Have you ruled out the yellow diamonds? I still think that would look great and also give that nice pop of color.

When designing my ring, I had actually asked for teal Montana sapphires, but at the time, they didn't have the size I needed. So, I went with blue diamonds and I'm glad I did. They are very lively and never shift color or go dark like some sapphires do. My original plan was to set it with a simulant while I saved up enough for a gorgeous K colored diamond I had my eye on. Once I got the ring, I realized two things. One, it needed color, and two, I could absolutely not stand that simulant and had to replace it immediately. :eek: So, I really just lucked into the Jeff White sapphire that happened to be the most perfect shade of teal and also matched the blue diamonds nicely. I contacted him and he just happened to have the rough, the timing could not have been more perfect.
Oh- I do like the emeralds. I have emeralds on the brain, though- that new emerald thread just speaks to me, lol.

I'd love to see real photos, too, with the topaz, diamond, emeralds, etc., if Greenlake was so accommodating.

While they are playing, definitely have the stone on platinum as well as yg, if that is on the table. You NEED to see that before deciding- at least I would, as I am typically surprised at what the metals do to the gems.
Ahem....if you want a vibrant blue, might I suggest hauyne? :devil: Gotta baby those puppies though.
While I like the swiss blue topaz on its own, it just doesn't seem right to me for this pairing. I'd stick with either the tsav or the emerald. Keep in mind your metal will be light and bright, so having a bit deeper green would be okay (in my mind). But I like both of those. I think Chrono's recommendation of having them actually place a real stone (of each) next to yours would be ideal - I think it'd really help you visualize the look.

Oooooo, hauyne. I'm always in favor of that, but I'd be worried about setting those in this way.
Chrono|1446118118|3943342 said:
Ahem....if you want a vibrant blue, might I suggest hauyne? :devil: Gotta baby those puppies though.

Have mercy- what a great suggestion! :love: