
Yssie's reset thread!

Yssie|1321931400|3066545 said:
Thanks Uppy. I appreciate your thoughts.

It's interesting - I had all sorts of hesitations and concerns about going handforged, but this wasn't one of them. In fact, this wasn't even something I *thought* about as a potential limitation - I just assumed it would be done the way the WF is done, because that's all I've ever seen!

And I suppose VC didn't warn me because he didn't think of it as a potential limitation either, because despite the number of things I thought to specify to the nth, at no point did I explicitly draw out the trellis/shank meet... had I known I would have chosen tri-wire, though.

If the choice you give me is indeed my choice - handmade vs. aesthetic - aesthetic is going to win every time. I honestly didn't know that was my choice, and of course there were no sketches or waxes or CADs to warn either of us of upcoming disagreements! I suppose certain people are just not cut out for lack of foresight in design, and I'm one of them...

Don't be too hard on yourself in this area. I am probably one of the worst worriers in all the world and have found that the things that I worried about were not the ones in the end that ended up happening. It's the crazy, off the wall, never thought of thing that popped up out of nowhere to be the fly in the ointment. I think it just serves to show us that no matter how anal we are, we're not completely in control of anything. It really does not speak to our shortcomings so don't torture yourself with the things that you could not have possibly known. It makes you human - not defective.

The good news is that you have five beautiful stones to work with (and the setting is truly just a 'holder' for these gems) and the funds to try to make this right for yourself. Support from DH is wonderful and another blessing. You will get this straightened out one way or another and be happy again. Hang in there!!
Thanks so much for your encouragement susi, HOT, MGR. I was in tears last night, and I kept thinking 'it's a ring for God's sake, pull yourself together!'... I'm just so, so frustrated. And I understand where Charmy, Frankie, and Ame are coming from now, I think, all too well... it's not a good place to be. In a lot of ways the fact that this was so pricey is incentive to get it fixed faster, and damn the extra cost - when it's been this much and it's not perfect, what's a bit more?

I've arranged to send it to the vendor I met with last Sunday, to see what is and is not feasible in terms of editing/re-doing with the slight tweaks I want. He has an amazing bench - I had the opportunity to see several examples of their work, and it is spectacular.

If we do go ahead with a remake... I think I need to step back, for my own sanity. I will specify that I want:
1. Nickel white gold, 18k
2. 8 evenly spaced prongs on the centrestone, and one on the last stone
3. The orientation I want the stone set in (it needs to be done a specific way to cover inclusions, and I was delighted to see an example of a stone set in exactly the way I would want while I was there, with prongs on the upper girdle facet meets, so I know they can do it).
4. The shape of the shank - I'm going to ask them to clone the WF shank, the way it widens at the bottom (palm-side) and tapers/pinches in up the shoulders toward the end-prong.

The exact design, the exact wirework... I will wait and see what *they* think before making any decisions.

The vendor explained that a hand-carved wax can have the excellent finish on the interior that I'm looking for. I don't know if the samples I saw were hand-forged, cast, hand-assembled... what I do know is that someone polished the interiors of the undersides of the baskets to a higher shine than on my VC, even! And, of course, a wax has the huge advantage of letting me see the overall design.
Yssie, I'm so sorry to hear that you're not thrilled with every little aspect of your ring.

I agree with you on the bits that you'd like changed, though. For as hands-off as I am, my one major concern with my own hand-forged ring was the way all the swoopiness would meet the shank. I wanted it to be one continuous piece, and my jeweler agreed that he would only hand-forge it if he could do it that way. I have no idea how he did it, but he split all the swoops off from the shank to make the curls that jut out to the sides of the basket, as well as the fleur-de-lis type of thing that reaches up from the sides of the shank to meet the E-W ends of the diamonds. I guess what I'm saying is: I would be upset about exactly the same element as you are right now. The transition affects the way the ring looks from the side angles, and that would drive me batty.

At this point, I agree with you that the aesthetics are more important than the hand-forged vs. cast issue. I didn't ask for my ring to be hand-forged, my jeweler chose to do it partly because I think he believed his bench could do it, and he knew me well enough to know that if it didn't turn out perfect, I would be okay with waiting for the cast version to be made, anyway.

Are there any design elements that you're still tweaking at this point? Any other changes to be made?
Yssie, I had to come over here and catch myself up on the latest. I'm so sorry that you're not completely happy with your ring!

I do think that your idea of adding the trellis wire to meet up with the last prong will look the best, if your local jeweler can achieve it. I really hope he can help you out, or at least inform you of what you best options are. I'll be checking this thread for updates. Good luck!
Thank you, Haven and S&I.

Haven - it really does affect the view from all angles. Burdeen's sculpted yours beautifully, and the head is fully integrated into the shank - it looks completely seamless. I wish I had known to worry about it, and to specify what I wanted - or at least find out what the likely outcome was, and go from there!

Oh well. I've learnt something, I guess.

Hand-forged... sounded nifty. It was very important to DH, one of the things he originally specified, and after all the recent chatter on PS I wanted to find out what all the fuss was about for myself! DH is very willing to go cast now, though, or whatever we wind up doing... Once they have the ring I'll find out what they're thinking, and give them my four Wants and we'll go from there.

Do you see something else that would benefit from changing or tweaking?

S&I - thank you - it sounds like that's a well-liked change! I'm talking to David of DBL in NYC, and we're in upstate NY, so not exactly local but it's close enough to drive down for an afternoon.
It's so hard to know what you're going to want tweaked *before* you have the actual ring in your hand, Yssie. I completely understand that.

Looking at the side view of both your rings (the "what I like" vs. the "current"), I think one thing that really helps your three-stone look so fluid from that view is the prong that swoops up from the shank and curls around to cradle the side stone on the far end. (If that makes sense.) I know you like the single prongs on the outermost stones, but I think that swooping prong has a large effect on the appearance of your ring from the side because it obstructs the part of the shank that sits on top of your finger and curls up to become a prong on the center stone. My own ring has this effect with the swoops that curl out from the base of the shank and meet on the side of the basket. I didn't even know it would happen, but I love the look. (Okay, I'm not sure any of that made sense. Sorry.)

The other difference I see between your three-stone and your new setting is that the prongs that swoop up from the shank on your three-stone end up being the outermost swoops, while the ones that swoop up from your shank on your new setting are placed beneath the swoops that swing from your center stone to stones 2 and 3. I don't know if it would make a difference, but for some reason I think the layering on your three-stone looks a bit more fluid. However, I'd have to draw it out to see if I really think it matters. Maybe during my office hours, I'll play around with this one for my own amusement.

I am so sorry to be chiming in late but I wanted to let you know that I know exactly how you are feeling and I am happy to hear that you aren't, "going to live with it." When you spend that much time and effort on a project, you deserve to have it be remarkable. Several years ago I had a custom piece made for me, I had it re-made twice and it's still not to my liking and I hardly ever wear it; I cringe when I think about what was spent.

I do have a question, when the customer isn't pleased with the outcome and would like changes made, shouldn't the jeweler have some sense of responsibility to work with the client on making the necessary changes until they are happy?

Please do not feel guilty, fee lucky and blessed that you have a supportive and patient husband and that you have the funds to start new.


roppongi said:

I am so sorry to be chiming in late but I wanted to let you know that I know exactly how you are feeling and I am happy to hear that you aren't, "going to live with it." When you spend that much time and effort on a project, you deserve to have it be remarkable. Several years ago I had a custom piece made for me, I had it re-made twice and it's still not to my liking and I hardly ever wear it; I cringe when I think about what was spent.

I do have a question, when the customer isn't pleased with the outcome and would like changes made, shouldn't the jeweler have some sense of responsibility to work with the client on making the necessary changes until they are happy?

Please do not feel guilty, fee lucky and blessed that you have a supportive and patient husband and that you have the funds to start new.



I wonder this myself. That's a lot of money to have to just give up and start over somewhere else. There are also a lot of Leon threads where customers are unhappy with the final outcome and he will do nothing to try and fix the problem. It doesn't make sense to me when the customer is spending so much on something that is so important.

Anyways, I wish you the best with your ring Yssie! I think your ring is stunning, but I understand your concerns and I think I agree with DS regarding the placement of the prongs (not sure how that would work with 8-prongs though...)
Hi Yssie, I just want to chime in that in my personal experience, a hand-carved wax has a more delicate and fluid feel than CAD pieces. I can't say with authority this is always the case, but my pieces that are cast in hand-carved wax have far smaller prongs than CAD pieces. Good luck and I'm so glad that you found someone local that you like. IMO, it's still the best experience all around when you can meet your vendor in person.
Well... the ring is in the mail off to DBL, along with the empty threestone setting for reference, for an assessment. We'll see what they think.

Haven - Thank you!

I had to stare at it for a minute and pull up your pics to compare, but I see *exactly* what you're saying wrt to prongs swooping outward. The fivestone doesn't have that because we decided not to include inner prongs at all, but... it does make a big visual difference. The effect could be similar if the VC shank pinched in toward that single prong, and the two under-prongs leading up to the centre started closer together, but the effect would necessarily be reduced since those prongs are making smaller angles - it wouldn't be nearly as wide and dramatic a swoop.

Hmm, that's a tough one. I think if we need those wide swoops it'd have to be a non-integral design element - as fancy curls or something, but not actually prongs, since if we add actual prongs there we're going to run out of room on my finger! Thoughts? Ideas?

Roppogni - Thank you as well for coming into this thread!

I'm so sorry to hear of your own experience :-( I am hoping this round is more successful. David is remarkably frank, which I appreciate, and the pieces I saw were truly awe-inspiring.

I've emailed him to indicate the four things I won't compromise on (metal type, 8 prongs on the centre, tapering shank, centrestone orientation) and told him I'm very open to discussion on the rest - design, changes, etc. Hopefully the bench will be open about what it can and cannot do, and what will and won't look nice, and we get a wax or something to clarify the details...

I spent yesterday feeling guilty, I think I've got it all out of my system now. I'm not going to settle - it'll just nag me until I do something, so I may as well do it and get it done sooner and not drive myself crazy worrying over it! And my husband really is being wonderfully supportive - so long as I don't eat into the football fund ::)

stargurl, Roppogni - I had some concerns when I first got the ring and he was receptive to having me ship it back and making the changes I wanted - stone reorientation, adding the triangular engraving. When I contacted him yesterday regarding my continued dislike of the shank/trellis meet he indicated that he would be unwilling to work on the ring further as he felt it would not stay in the same condition. He indicated from the first that this would be an incredibly complex design to handforge, and he has apparently been unwilling to recreate the trellis aspect since. He also indicated that the changes I would want aren't minor, and I guess a partial remake would be difficult as well.

From my perspective - I would have been very happy if he'd said "send it back and I'll change it", but... he didn't. And I don't want to work with a vendor who doesn't want the job, as I think that rarely ends well for either party, so I haven't pushed him - at this point I'd rather put the money elsewhere.

sapphirering - thank you, it's good to read some personal experiences with both! I found some pics of your pieces in your threads. Could I ask you to post some more pics comparing the pieces you refer to? I would love to see - the pieces, first, and your thoughts comparing them :sun: From what I understand some waxes are carved and finished by hand before casting, some are designed and machined w/ CAD/CAM and then finished by hand, and some are just machined and then the piece is cast - is that correct?
Yssie, I just hope you are confident about workmanship with whomever you go with for a remake. I'd look at the magnified images of all the solitaire rings on their website to see if it meets your expectations. I personally would also have to see some three stone trellis rings that they have made before considering anyone else.
Yssie, I'm looking forward to hearing what DBL has to say.

I'm going to do some sketching later on to see if I can flesh out some ideas. If I don't draw it out I can't even conceptualize the design so I'm sure some of what I wrote earlier wasn't even clear. I see what you're saying wrt the swoops being smaller since they'd curl around small stones. I do wonder if that would make a visual difference at all, but I'm inclined to think it would. The fact that you have those milgrained rings beneath those stones is definitely a plus, because that gives you something on which to attach/connect added design elements.

The question about a jeweler's responsibility when the customer isn't 100% satisfied is really interesting. I think jewelers ought to get a feel for their customers before accepting a project like this one, and to then determine if they'll be able to fully meet the customer's needs and desires. I'm sure it was pretty clear via all of your correspondence with VC that you have very specific ideas about the design, as well as high standards for finishing and symmetry, etc., so I'm inclined to say that I'm a bit surprised he won't be tweaking the ring until you're completely happy with it. It's a difficult situation, to be sure. Unless of course there was some statement made that once the ring is completed any further changes will be done at additional costs to Yssie. When we had my ring made we discussed what would happen if I was unhappy with it, and our jeweler said he would then remake it. This was a concern just because hand-forged rings are a big risk for both parties, as nobody really knows what it's going to look like until it's finished. Sticky, sticky.
diamondseeker2006|1321987450|3066905 said:
Yssie, I just hope you are confident about workmanship with whomever you go with for a remake. I'd look at the magnified images of all the solitaire rings on their website to see if it meets your expectations. I personally would also have to see some three stone trellis rings that they have made before considering anyone else.

I actually had the opportunity to see several examples of their work in-person on Sunday - probably twenty different designs, some simple and some flowy - so I am very confident in their workmanship and the quality of their finish. I wish I had thought to ask about taking some photos...

Now, I was also (and still am) very confident in VC's workmanship as well. I have learnt that Good Workmanship does not equal Aesthetic Yssie Wants. This is where the sketches and wax will be invaluable, and the ability to drive down and discuss in-person as necessary, I think.
Hi Yssie, the hand-carved wax pieces are my wedding bands which I think you have seen from my other posts. I do have issues with the way the stones were set, but the prongs are teeeny-tiny. Now, because it's hand-carved wax, the rings aren't a perfect circle. BUT, when I put them on, they actually fit better! (They're slightly oval.)

I'm sorry but the CAD pieces are in our security deposit at the bank. They were from BGD, so I know that they do good CAD pieces. I had a pair of pave-style earrings done by them. Maybe this isn't an apples to apples comparison, but if BGD, who does top CAD work, can't produce pieces that are as delicate as my local jeweler, then it's telling me something. BGD's prongs are thicker and more "stubbly", and the metal rim/perimeter is also thicker.

You mentioned different ways that hand-carved and CAD wax can co-exist in a piece. I think my Fusaro 6-prong solitaire is like that. The 6-prong basket is made separately from the shank and the donut and then soldered together. The finish is fantastic, and it is as light as a hand-forged piece. I almost think that the shank is hand forged because the curve is so smooth and delicate and I have yet to see that in a cast piece. But I can't say for sure. Fusaro seems to be a dying business but at one time they produced fabulous jewelry.

Anyhoo, this is all just my personal, anecdotal experience. You have a great and exacting eye, and I think that being able to see the different stages of the ring in person will be the best way for you to iron out any kinks in the design process. I can't wait to see the final product!
S&I|1321974769|3066775 said:
Yssie, I had to come over here and catch myself up on the latest. I'm so sorry that you're not completely happy with your ring!

I do think that your idea of adding the trellis wire to meet up with the last prong will look the best, if your local jeweler can achieve it. I really hope he can help you out, or at least inform you of what you best options are. I'll be checking this thread for updates. Good luck!

Agreed. I also like the added trellis wire you drew on the photo. Best wishes to you! That is good you are going forward to get the ring you want. 8-)
Haven|1321987941|3066912 said:
Yssie, I'm looking forward to hearing what DBL has to say.

I'm going to do some sketching later on to see if I can flesh out some ideas. If I don't draw it out I can't even conceptualize the design so I'm sure some of what I wrote earlier wasn't even clear. I see what you're saying wrt the swoops being smaller since they'd curl around small stones. I do wonder if that would make a visual difference at all, but I'm inclined to think it would. The fact that you have those milgrained rings beneath those stones is definitely a plus, because that gives you something on which to attach/connect added design elements.

The question about a jeweler's responsibility when the customer isn't 100% satisfied is really interesting. I think jewelers ought to get a feel for their customers before accepting a project like this one, and to then determine if they'll be able to fully meet the customer's needs and desires. I'm sure it was pretty clear via all of your correspondence with VC that you have very specific ideas about the design, as well as high standards for finishing and symmetry, etc., so I'm inclined to say that I'm a bit surprised he won't be tweaking the ring until you're completely happy with it. It's a difficult situation, to be sure. Unless of course there was some statement made that once the ring is completed any further changes will be done at additional costs to Yssie. When we had my ring made we discussed what would happen if I was unhappy with it, and our jeweler said he would then remake it. This was a concern just because hand-forged rings are a big risk for both parties, as nobody really knows what it's going to look like until it's finished. Sticky, sticky.

Sorry Haven - I meant to reply earlier but had to run to a meeting. I have just enough time to reply before I have to run into another!*Please* do draw me something, if you have some time! You are really talented at this - I would love to see what you come up with :bigsmile:

David emailed me another ring with a design kinda like this that I really liked the look of too - obviously going into very different territory.

Okay, that's a diamond with a moustache. But that's the gist of it.

The "leaves" are pretty big, though... and I'm dead set on the 8 prongs. My stone is large enough to handle some setting bulk but I think 8 leaves would just be way too much... I can't see a way to elegantly accomodate the 8prong requirement, but maybe I'm just not seeing the right things? And how to add two pairs of sidestones on either side?


Re. the second bit - no, we didn't discuss any of that - there were no conversations about what would happen if I didn't like it, and no conversations about whose responsibility further tweaking would be. I didn't think to have it, which was actually extraordinarily idiotic given that I knew I'd have NO idea how it'd actually turn out. The addition of the crossbars was actually something that came up very late in the process, which probably should've tipped me off to the fact that there might well be other unexpected surprises, but - well, more lessons learnt. I'm not terribly happy as I do think there must be something that can be done - albeit something a bit more than a bit difficult, perhaps, but something... but then I suppose we're back to pushing jobs on vendors who don't want them, and likely negative outcomes.

Honestly, I'm just praying the DBL creative process will work magic of the sort I saw on Sunday, and I'm planning to take a big step back and let them have at it.


sapphirering|1321988978|3066923 said:
Hi Yssie, the hand-carved wax pieces are my wedding bands which I think you have seen from my other posts. I do have issues with the way the stones were set, but the prongs are teeeny-tiny. Now, because it's hand-carved wax, the rings aren't a perfect circle. BUT, when I put them on, they actually fit better! (They're slightly oval.)

I'm sorry but the CAD pieces are in our security deposit at the bank. They were from BGD, so I know that they do good CAD pieces. I had a pair of pave-style earrings done by them. Maybe this isn't an apples to apples comparison, but if BGD, who does top CAD work, can't produce pieces that are as delicate as my local jeweler, then it's telling me something. BGD's prongs are thicker and more "stubbly", and the metal rim/perimeter is also thicker.

You mentioned different ways that hand-carved and CAD wax can co-exist in a piece. I think my Fusaro 6-prong solitaire is like that. The 6-prong basket is made separately from the shank and the donut and then soldered together. The finish is fantastic, and it is as light as a hand-forged piece. I almost think that the shank is hand forged because the curve is so smooth and delicate and I have yet to see that in a cast piece. But I can't say for sure. Fusaro seems to be a dying business but at one time they produced fabulous jewelry.

Anyhoo, this is all just my personal, anecdotal experience. You have a great and exacting eye, and I think that being able to see the different stages of the ring in person will be the best way for you to iron out any kinks in the design process. I can't wait to see the final product!

Ah, okay. No problem! My CAD pieces are from WF - so same workmanship, quality, type of manufacture, etc. I don't have any pieces cast from hand-carved wax, but that's exactly what David said - that they can be as delicate and well-finished as a hand-forged piece. The finish on the pieces I saw Sunday was incredible.

I have never heard of Fusaro - I'll have to look it up. I agree that being able to see the different stages - or, at the very least, being able to see the final wax and request tweaks before metal is poured is the best way for me.

Thank you, sky! I will definitely bring it up when we talk next.
I really hope DBL will be able to work some magic!

I liked the Canera ring, but the transition at the ends looked a bit awkward/uneven IMO, almost like it was missing metal. I think once that's fixed it will be fab, Yssie! Glad you're not settling, as most of the time (at least in my experience) those things start to bug you more over time.
Yssie|1321988338|3066917 said:
diamondseeker2006|1321987450|3066905 said:
Yssie, I just hope you are confident about workmanship with whomever you go with for a remake. I'd look at the magnified images of all the solitaire rings on their website to see if it meets your expectations. I personally would also have to see some three stone trellis rings that they have made before considering anyone else.

I actually had the opportunity to see several examples of their work in-person on Sunday - probably twenty different designs, some simple and some flowy - so I am very confident in their workmanship and the quality of their finish. I wish I had thought to ask about taking some photos...

Now, I was also (and still am) very confident in VC's workmanship as well. I have learnt that Good Workmanship does not equal Aesthetic Yssie Wants. This is where the sketches and wax will be invaluable, and the ability to drive down and discuss in-person as necessary, I think.

Oh, great!!! I just wanted you to have success this time and seeing some of their work is definitely invaluable! I agree that sketches are essential and the wax will be very helpful, too!
Thak you Laila, and DS!! I feel like I'm back on the right manufacture track.

Seeing the work with my own eyes was what inspired me to make contact in the first place. I got to try this one on and I didn't want to give it back -

I think these too, or ones very much like it - the photos really don't do them justice. The finish is incredible in-person, even on the undersides and interiors, and some of them have really lovely wire-work, and of course the super pointy precise prongs that made me fall in love with VC's work :love:

He also sent me one they'd made for a customer - the leaf design - don't imagine I can post that though, as it's a customer's item, so the moustache will have to suffice.




roppongi|1321981492|3066846 said:
I do have a question, when the customer isn't pleased with the outcome and would like changes made, shouldn't the jeweler have some sense of responsibility to work with the client on making the necessary changes until they are happy?

You didn't ask me but I will share my view. There is a balance here - a customer has to be fair and also recognize when the vendor has done enough to try to make them happy. I am never a customer who will abuse or push a vendor over their limits or their capability.

Since I was used as a "picky" customer example, I will share a bit of my experience. My first ring from Maytal looked literally nothing like what we asked for - in almost every single aspect. I quickly realized that she was not going to be able to give me the ring I wanted and propsoed a different design. She never acknowledged that she could not do my design (which I think it is good that VC did acknowledge what he can or cannot do upfront). She did her best to make me happy and re-made the ring (the halo). I am actually not fully happy with the halo but I accepted and didn't ask for more - I felt that she did more than enough to try to make me happy and I was satisfied with her efforts. Vendors are people too and need to make a living. If they charged you for a week of work and end up working a month to make you happy ... how is that fair?

The other side to this is that a vendor should always deliver on what they promised. If the details aren't ironed out up front, why should the vendor pay the price for details that were not discussed? Here I will take my example with Leon. Leon and I discussed and agreed upon a design. When he made my ring, he made an error and made a split shank that went into two shanks instead of one. This is a case of where he didn't deliver what we agreed to - we had the design element sketched out and detailed in our work order. Leon (with all his rep here about not fixing mistakes) actually offered to remake the ring without question or giving me a hard time. I think this was fair and I wasn't asking for too much - I just asked for what we agreed upon. If I were to say, since you are remaking the ring anyways - can you make a three sided pave ring plus additional design elements - I would expect that he can say no or revise the cost because it wasn't what we agreed on.

Anyways, that's just my two cents. I believe I am picky but I choose to be fair.

Also on a side note before any heated discussions occur, my story above is in no way inferring that Yssie/Victor is doing anything wrong or unreasonable. I have no opinion on that matter other than the heart wants what the heart wants.
CharmyPoo|1322007112|3067145 said:
roppongi|1321981492|3066846 said:
I do have a question, when the customer isn't pleased with the outcome and would like changes made, shouldn't the jeweler have some sense of responsibility to work with the client on making the necessary changes until they are happy?

You didn't ask me but I will share my view. There is a balance here - a customer has to be fair and also recognize when the vendor has done enough to try to make them happy. I am never a customer who will abuse or push a vendor over their limits or their capability.

Since I was used as a "picky" customer example, I will share a bit of my experience. My first ring from Maytal looked literally nothing like what we asked for - in almost every single aspect. I quickly realized that she was not going to be able to give me the ring I wanted and propsoed a different design. She never acknowledged that she could not do my design (which I think it is good that VC did acknowledge what he can or cannot do upfront). She did her best to make me happy and re-made the ring (the halo). I am actually not fully happy with the halo but I accepted and didn't ask for more - I felt that she did more than enough to try to make me happy and I was satisfied with her efforts. Vendors are people too and need to make a living. If they charged you for a week of work and end up working a month to make you happy ... how is that fair?

The other side to this is that a vendor should always deliver on what they promised. If the details aren't ironed out up front, why should the vendor pay the price for details that were not discussed? Here I will take my example with Leon. Leon and I discussed and agreed upon a design. When he made my ring, he made an error and made a split shank that went into two shanks instead of one. This is a case of where he didn't deliver what we agreed to - we had the design element sketched out and detailed in our work order. Leon (with all his rep here about not fixing mistakes) actually offered to remake the ring without question or giving me a hard time. I think this was fair and I wasn't asking for too much - I just asked for what we agreed upon. If I were to say, since you are remaking the ring anyways - can you make a three sided pave ring plus additional design elements - I would expect that he can say no or revise the cost because it wasn't what we agreed on.

Anyways, that's just my two cents. I believe I am picky but I choose to be fair.

Also on a side not before any heated discussions occur, my story above is in no way inferring that Yssie/Victor is doing anything wrong or unreasonable. I have no opinion on that matter other than the heart wants what the heart wants.

Charmy, I'm sorry if I offended you by using your reset as an example, that was not my intent. You are merely someone else who was unhappy with the first iteration and chose to have it remade by someone else, and that's where my intent to compare ends.

I think this has been a learning experience for both me and VC. We were able to overcome the difficulties we anticipated - necessity of crossbars, actually making the trellis, etc. This particular aspect was simply not something we - either of us - anticipated (I can't imagine VC guessed I might be unhappy with the meet and chose not to inform me, so I feel safe assuming he didn't know either, as I have said he is very good with communications in a timely manner, etc.). He charged what he charged and was paid promptly, I am not fully happy with the result, he is not willing to work on it further, I am disappointed but am moving on, and that's that. It is, though, fundamentally different from your experience with Maytal in that there was no acknowledgement or deliberate lack thereof either way.
Truly no apologies required. I think our situations are very diferent. I didn't want anyone to think I was being passive argressive. I know what it feels like to not be happy after spending alot of money. I can relate.
CharmyPoo|1322009817|3067171 said:
Truly no apologies required. I think our situations are very diferent. I didn't want anyone to think I was being passive argressive. I know what it feels like to not be happy after spending alot of money. I can relate.

I very much hope to have your happy ending ::)
Yssie|1322010324|3067179 said:
CharmyPoo|1322009817|3067171 said:
Truly no apologies required. I think our situations are very diferent. I didn't want anyone to think I was being passive argressive. I know what it feels like to not be happy after spending alot of money. I can relate.

I very much hope to have your happy ending ::)

As do I :) I await the news from DBL.
CharmyPoo: Thank you so much for sharing your experiene with us. I had my ring remade as well and I just accepted the second rendition. Is it perfect? No...but it will have to do as I refuse to put anymore money into this ring. It was a very costly lesson. I am glad to hear that Maytal at least worked with you and remade the halo. In no way would I suggest that they do it for "free" but at least try to work on it. Like Yssie stated, all she wanted to hear from VC was, "Send it back and let me see what I can do."

Yssie: Don't settle. I have spoken to David in the past and found him to be extremely professional and talented. Make a punch list and make sure that every single item on that list is addressed. I am very optimistic that he will be able to deliver what you are looking for. Keep us posted during your journey.

I am wishing my PS family a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Holiday.
roppongi|1322022644|3067399 said:
CharmyPoo: Thank you so much for sharing your experiene with us. I had my ring remade as well and I just accepted the second rendition. Is it perfect? No...but it will have to do as I refuse to put anymore money into this ring. It was a very costly lesson. I am glad to hear that Maytal at least worked with you and remade the halo. In no way would I suggest that they do it for "free" but at least try to work on it. Like Yssie stated, all she wanted to hear from VC was, "Send it back and let me see what I can do."

Yssie: Don't settle. I have spoken to David in the past and found him to be extremely professional and talented. Make a punch list and make sure that every single item on that list is addressed. I am very optimistic that he will be able to deliver what you are looking for. Keep us posted during your journey.

I am wishing my PS family a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Holiday.

Thank you Roppogni. I have a list and I'm trimming the fat. I will definitely keep this thread updated as the journey continues - hopefully future PSers considering custom pieces will find it useful.
Yssie, wow, what a whirlwind experience! I'm so sorry that things aren't working out with the ring, although with all of your points, you're 100% right and although it's more money to be spent, you ought to be happy with the final outcome.

I truly hope that DBL will give you everything you want!

TBH, I got confused re: cross bars. I thought you were adamantly against them... and they weren't in any of your drawings...
Anyway, post-hand-forged experience, now you'll have as much wax to play with as necessary and all of your wishes will come to fruition!
wakingdreams53|1322075280|3067821 said:
Yssie, wow, what a whirlwind experience! I'm so sorry that things aren't working out with the ring, although with all of your points, you're 100% right and although it's more money to be spent, you ought to be happy with the final outcome.

I truly hope that DBL will give you everything you want!

TBH, I got confused re: cross bars. I thought you were adamantly against them... and they weren't in any of your drawings...
Anyway, post-hand-forged experience, now you'll have as much wax to play with as necessary and all of your wishes will come to fruition!

Thanks WD - it really has been!

DBL has received the ring and is talking to the designer this afternoon, so I should have a better idea of how we're moving forward either today or soon after the holiday. I think there's a lot of misinformation floating around - I had no idea prior to a few days ago that a hand-carved wax can translate into a finer piece than machined wax, for example - so I fully intend to document everything as best I can here. Apparently several of their pieces have elements that are hand-forged, some are fully hand-forged... David emailed me to say he's completely confident they can get this right, which is very comforting. He also said he'll be sure to send in-the-process pics to save me some driving 8) it sounds like he'll be amenable to my posting some of them, though I'll have to make sure.

Re. crossbars - I *was* adamantly against them, but I acquiesced when VC said they'd be necessary, and looking at the finished ring I think they actually add to the design, especially with the milgrain ::)

I did request the under-wire design change - where the trellis wire swoops off the centre and joins the endprong under the basket of the last stone. I'm looking forward to hearing what the designer thinks!
Yssie--This is great news!

I can't wait to hear about their ideas. I've sketched out a bunch of ideas, but they're not great. I keep coming back to keeping everything as it is and adding an additional swoop from the shank that reaches over and melds into the outside prong of stones 2 and 3. Difficult to be clear in words, but I can't scan the image at work so I'll post it later. This element would change the profile to look much more like that of your three-stone.