
Which PS personalities do you gravitate towards?

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Mar 13, 2005
Which personalities do you gravitate towards, and what are your traits/preferences? Now that I''m more active on this forum, I find myself gravitating towards certain posters. We most likely have some or all of these in common:

-My sense of humor is more playful and rowdy than dry and sarcastic.
- I prefer funny over cute.
- I''m attracted to athletic and masculine guys over nerdy ones.
- I like dogs better than cats.
- I appreciate those who are the first to ask questions than the first to voice judgement.
- I have a tendency to stay off-topic, and I apologize in advance.
-For some reason, I use these emoties the most:

-I try to be modest and conservative in my posts, but the liberal and dorky side just oozes out.
-I have a sick need to name things, including sparklies.
-I''m a tomboy at heart, so I''m not very girly.
-I prefer warm and colored diamonds.
-I prefer vintagy styles.
-I haven''t warmed up to halos or bezels yet.
-I prefer eye-clean over mind-clean.
-I prefer curved shapes over angular.
-Double Income, No Kids
-I love romantic and scary movies.
-I am NOT a morning person.

What about you?
I find more often then not even though I am an extrovert most of my friends IRL are introverted, so I guess I am attracted to polar opposites of myself. Sometimes I wonder why/how I became friends with certain people as apart from a shared past we have nothing in common, even my FI wonders the same thing. Online I tend to find friendships with people who are more so similar to me so I guess the lack of a shared past makes me find out other commonalities to share and connect with.

[*] I am a heck of a lot more reserved online, IRL I am fairly extroverted a little loud on occasion and laugh way to often and too long whereas online I tend to censor myself quite a bit not sure why but I do.
[*] I tend to fall into friendships for lack of a better term.
[*] I love cute nerdy guys.
[*] I love fluffy cute animals of all kinds.
[*] I generally love animals more then people.
[*] I like to observe and analyse you learn a lot about people that way.
[*] I overuse and abuse emoties I have a problem I have acknowledged and own it
[*] I have a weird and stupid sense of humour.
[*] I am a hopeless romantic.
[*] I love sparklies.
[*] I very rarely dress up - I am a very casual chikita
OMG - we could be twins, seriously! You sound just like me!!! Just a few exceptions though...

* I am an extrovert
* I am VERY dry and sarcastic.
* I prefer funny over cute.
* I''m attracted to confident men who are good, and I see they are good, at what they do
* I like dogs better than cats.
* I stick to the topic, but I think my posts are boring
* I''m a tomboy at heart, so I''m not very girly (but I LOVE anything pink and sparkly!
* I prefer warm and colored diamonds.
* I prefer vintagey styles.
* I love bezels - still iffy on halos though
* I prefer eye-clean over mind-clean.
* I prefer angular shapes
* Double Income, unmarried, no ring, no Kids
* I LOVE romantic and scary movies (I was embarrassed about the romantic movies, but I''ve accepted that I like them)
* I am NOT a morning or afternoon person.
* I prefer male friends to female friends
* I prefer jeans to formal attire (I think I am a hippy at heart)
* I need to feel strongly about a post to actually post
* I hate digital organizaer/calendars - I like paper ones...
* I only post when I feel I can contribute - so that isn''t very often
Hello Ladies!

-I don''t know what my sense of humor is, I just know I crack myself UP!
-Hm... I like all animals. What I like about them is what makes them soo unique to themselves.... as long as they are cute and cuddley.. and make snuggles with me.

-I love emoties, but don''t know how to use all the others.
- Which I guess makes me computer illiterate.
-I am probably judgemental, though I try hard not to be.
-I get easily distracted and often go off topic, but my DOC told me I am a card carrying member of A-ADHD... so I''ve got an excuse!

-Sometimes in the middle of a story, I forget what I was talking about, get sidetracted, but always manage to get back to point. My story telling has been compared to Georges Seurat''s painting with all the little dots... a mess from up close... but from far away once it is done, you see the beautiful picture.
-DINK also..well I have furbabies
- I LOVE romantic movies, that involve like warped time, Peggy Sue Got Married, and Family Man, and also anything that involves gender role reversal or like cross dressing... She''s the Man, Just One of the Guys, Sorority Boys... I AM SUCH A DORK!
- I AM A MORNING PERSON! ha! I get up at 4:45 every morning... and 6 on the weekends.
- IRL My friends are soo completely different from each other. But I love them all just the same. My BEST friends are dorks... loyal, trustworthy, dorks. I have fly by night "friends" that don''t fit that description... but my real friends - 100% dorkilicious. The way I put it... my guy friends are failed hookups. He wanted to date, but was "nice" and I am shallow, and he was bannished to friend land... FOREVER.
- I ALWAYS dated HOTTIES. (Except my first BF... but I learned quickly after that heartbreak.. better to be the heartbreaker than the heartbreakee... so I upped the standards a lot... and well lets just say, self confidence helped.) Dh is a hottie... though I don''t date anyone else, anymore. Weird thing, I always had a hot man on my arm.. but the cool dork by my side. It is like... pretty in pink-ish... and NO, I do not end up w/ Duckie.
- I love the 80''s.
- I LOVE SPARKLIES, I too prefer the more rounded off shapes.
- I rarely dress up also. Running shoes are my best friend.
- I am an introvert, though people think I am an extrovert. Really it is my ADHD coming out and raring its ugly sexcrazed head! haha!
- I prefer male friends to female ones, only because female ones get moody and jealous, male ones just want to eat pizza and drink beer with me! and don''t need to change out of 20 outfits to go out and grab a pint!

- I need to write to learn... unless it is useless or I can somehow form a mnemonic device in which I almost always use sex to remember something...
- I enjoy relating to other people... and so I often post responses.
- I love PSers! I gravitate towards people that are funny, and nice, and lighthearted. Sure, life gets hard and you need to be serious every now and again... but too much of that causes wrinkles.
hmmm... I guess I am tapped out... who''s next???
- My sense of humor is dry and sarcastic.
- I prefer intelligence over cute, smart, or any other attribute.
- I''m attracted to nerdy ones.
- I like dogs better than cats. I aspire to become the person my doggie thinks I am.
- I appreciate those who speak their minds. No need to fart unicorns and rainbows for this woman.
- I''m not a tomboy or girlie. I''m just very independent and not easy to categorize.
- I prefer antique diamonds.
- I prefer classic styles, with vintage a close second.
- I prefer eye-clean over mind-clean.
- Single Income (but it''s a good one
- I love movies, but I''ll take a great book first.
- I am NOT a morning person. Bedtime is somewhere after midnight, but the alarm goes off at 5:30

- I''m an extrovert when I''m around people, but I don''t have a need for company. I''m happy alone with the puplette.
- Dry, sarcastic, dirty sense of humor... at least in person
- I like the nerd-chic guys.
- I like all animals equally. I have 2 cats, a bird, and fish... but I want dogs.
- I prefer compassionate and straightforward people
- I use
most often... and now I''ve just started to analyze why....
- Even with all the new info I''ve learned on PS, my diamond taste hasn''t changed. I prefer rounds, and simple settings.
- I''m a girly tomboy ( I love dressing up, shopping, and make up, but I''d rather play tackle football than scrapbook or knit with you)
- I HATE mornings.
- I love to analyze and observe people in their surroundings
- I''m a serious introvert. Like... to an unhealthy degree
- I get along better with guys because of my inability to "open up" to female friends.
- Pitiful income...

- I''m a loner, and I get anxiety about social situations. I panic in a room of people I don''t know.
The nice ones.
My sense of humor is "not quite right", thankfully so is hubbs
I appreciate intelligence over opinionated
I''m attracted to "odd" and slanted people (where you have to cock your head sideways so it makes sense) Ahhhhh!

I prefer hairless guys that will get their hands dirty but don''t sweat (lol)
Hello, my name is Karen, I have too many pets, I cannot help myself. (3 dogs,1 cat,3 snakes,1 frog,6 lizards,2 turtles, did I forget anybody?)
I lurk mostly to unwind as much as to watch the interactions, I have learned much about diamonds too, rarely add my .02 to threads
There are personalities here that I miss when they seem to go away
I am creative, like to build and make things, love to cook
I love halos, but don''t see me having one, love modern & bezeled too (pisces) I''m so confused
Eye clean is good enough to be mind clean for me, needs super sparkle
1 out of the house child
High action films for me
I gravitate toward those who are straightforward and no-nonsense, but always respectful and kind about it. People who may share a negative opinion, but only if it can accomplish something or help someone.

That''s how I feel about the people I like and have respect for in real life, so it''s no different on PS.

There are many PSers whom I''ve connected with on and off PS that exemplify these qualities, and I''m glad to have met them because I really enjoy talking with them!
I dislike posters with a ''young'' outlook. Peppy make me click away
Date: 2/18/2009 11:16:51 AM
Author: Tuckins1
The nice ones.
I could not have said it better myself!
Though I will say that nobody here has ever been anything but nice to me
I actually don''t find myself drawn to one type of person on this site vs. another.

The longer I''m here and the more I post the more appreciative I become. I certianly "enjoy" the imput of some above others, but I find that everyone is interesting...
I love PS'ers who love to have a laugh.
I also think there is a time for being serious and I hope I recognise that pretty well.
I want to support and sometimes be supported.
I am a bit insecure and find it hard to make up my mind so some straight talking is good for me.

I think everyone will have a group of people that they just seem to feel comfortable with, as well as aquaintances that are fun to chat with too.

There are people who I look for on here and enjoy chatting with them. They are the ones who I would love to meet at some time.

On the other side of things there are a few posters who I avoid. Either because I simply don't get along with them or because their posts are maybe over the top offensive or plain nasty. There is enough of that in the 'real world'... I don't want to spend my relaxation time dealing with that too.

I think I annoy a couple of posters, but I guess not everyone likes everyone else
I gravitate to people who don't take themselves (or others) too seriously. I also appreciate those who can be open minded and those who are not petty. If someone can't take a joke, then I probably wouldn't know how to feel comfortable around that individual IRL.

I like: funny, quirky, sweet, kind, smart (but not necessarily intellectual), interesting, inquisitive, outgoing (b/c I am not IRL), life-of-the-party types

I dislike: judgmental, obvious, snarky, pretentious, know-it-alls
<<<-----ETA: I've only encountered 1 or 2 of those types here on PS...
Date: 2/18/2009 2:53:59 PM
Author: Maisie
I love PS''ers who love to have a laugh.
I also think there is a time for being serious and I hope I recognise that pretty well.
I want to support and sometimes be supported.
I am a bit insecure and find it hard to make up my mind so some straight talking is good for me.

I think everyone will have a group of people that they just seem to feel comfortable with, as well as aquaintances that are fun to chat with too.

There are people who I look for on here and enjoy chatting with them. They are the ones who I would love to meet at some time.

On the other side of things there are a few posters who I avoid. Either because I simply don''t get along with them or because their posts are maybe over the top offensive or plain nasty. There is enough of that in the ''real world''... I don''t want to spend my relaxation time dealing with that too.

I think I annoy a couple of posters, but I guess not everyone likes everyone else
I love my Bruddah....
Date: 2/18/2009 3:04:53 PM
Author: Lorelei

I love my Bruddah....
Aww and I love you too Bruddah.

We should form a Bruddahood. And do Brudderly things. Like singing special songs and wearing funky hats
Date: 2/18/2009 3:35:27 PM
Author: Maisie

Date: 2/18/2009 3:04:53 PM
Author: Lorelei

I love my Bruddah....
Aww and I love you too Bruddah.

We should form a Bruddahood. And do Brudderly things. Like singing special songs and wearing funky hats
ROFL!!!! * weep*

* clears throat*....

better not.....
Date: 2/18/2009 3:43:49 PM
Author: Lorelei

ROFL!!!! * weep*

* clears throat*....

better not.....
You are a bad influence. You always lead and I follow.
Date: 2/18/2009 3:52:17 PM
Author: Maisie

Date: 2/18/2009 3:43:49 PM
Author: Lorelei

ROFL!!!! * weep*

* clears throat*....

better not.....
You are a bad influence. You always lead and I follow.
Lorelei you totally threadjacked. I think you should apologise to the nice lady and get yourself away home.
Date: 2/18/2009 1:43:48 PM
Author: musey
I gravitate toward those who are straightforward and no-nonsense, but always respectful and kind about it. People who may share a negative opinion, but only if it can accomplish something or help someone.

That's how I feel about the people I like and have respect for in real life, so it's no different on PS.
As usual I agree with Musey! (I think we'd be friends IRL - you remind me a lot of my MOH!)
I like posters with a clear view of things, but who don't need to say things in a disrespectful way. I think I enjoy these posts so much because I myself can be a bit indecisive. I love the funny ones (tlh and Freke come to mind, but there are loads more!) I love the helpful ones, (again, Neatfreak and Lorelei come to mind, cos they were among the first to help me when I first joined, as was Bee* - my fellow Irish gal! Also Karl, JulieN, all the knowledgeable ones...there's loads more!)
I shouldn't be naming names like this really, because I do like all posters. Most of us are probably drawn to a forum like this because we appreciate different attitudes and personalities.
Really I can't think of any posters I don't like. Maybe cos I haven't been around long enough

OK enough of the lovefest, here's my (long, sorry) list:

- I have a mixed sense of humour - I think of myself as playful, but I've been accused of being sarcastic by some of my thinner skinned friends!
- I'm attracted to guys that aren't skinny, but aren't too buff. Nice bit of definition, and a cute bum! And I love when they are passionate about something, and good at it. Basically, everything FI is!
- I'm definitely a dog person.
- I usually use the smiley emoties cos I'm usually smiling!
- I way overuse !!! and ... but I'm trying to cut down.
- I was a tomboy in my younger days but I'm getting more girly. LOVE da pink.
- I dress like a college student. I'm trying to change, and it's going better and better...but comfy usually wins.
- I love lower coloured diamonds - I-J-K diamonds. Have never seen a well cut lower colours than those IRL but I think I'd likey.
- I admire halos but never wanted one. I love semi-bezels.
- Eye-clean all the way! Doesn't have to be perfect on paper.
- I prefer curved shapes over angular for diamonds, and angular over curved for gemstones.
- Single income because I'm still a student for a few more months, engaged, want to further my career before kids.
- I love funny movies.
- I am DEFINITELY a morning person. I'm pretty much useless to everyone after about 9pm, unless there's something going on.
- I am quite indecisive, but I'm working on it. I think it's all about the deeper issue of getting to know myself, bla bla.
- I am RIDICULOUSLY impatient. I have given up working on that.
- I love a bargain. But I will splurge if I think it's worth it.
- I used to have more guy friends, but since college my favourite's are my girls.
- I embrace change. Probably because of the impatience.
- I read at a sprinters pace, and I'm antisocial when I'm in the middle of a book.
- I don't post all that often, only when I think I can say something of value, or it's a fun thread (like this one!)
Date: 2/18/2009 3:59:23 PM
Author: Maisie
Lorelei you totally threadjacked. I think you should apologise to the nice lady and get yourself away home.
You are sooo nice Maisie... your avitar looks like you are bringing a flower peace offering... and In terms of the OP... I gravitate towards nice posters!
Date: 2/18/2009 4:04:43 PM
Author: Porridge

As usual I agree with Musey! (I think we'd be friends IRL - you remind me a lot of my MOH!)
I like posters with a clear view of things, but who don't need to say things in a disrespectful way. I think I enjoy these posts so much because I myself can be a bit indecisive. I love the funny ones (tlh and Freke come to mind, but there are loads more!) I love the helpful ones, (again, Neatfreak and Lorelei come to mind, cos they were among the first to help me when I first joined, as was Bee* - my fellow Irish gal! Also Karl, JulieN, all the knowledgeable ones...there's loads more!)
I shouldn't be naming names like this really, because I do like all posters. Most of us are probably drawn to a forum like this because we appreciate different attitudes and personalities.
Really I can't think of any posters I don't like. Maybe cos I haven't been around long enough

OK enough of the lovefest, here's my (long, sorry) list:

- I have a mixed sense of humour - I think of myself as playful, but I've been accused of being sarcastic by some of my thinner skinned friends!
- I'm attracted to guys that aren't skinny, but aren't too buff. Nice bit of definition, and a cute bum! And I love when they are passionate about something, and good at it. Basically, everything FI is!
Ahh.. thanks! glad I make you laugh!
and mmmm I do like me some nice tushie! I have no idea, but great legs with a nice bum at the end is very appealing... That is why men were made faster than women... gives me something to run after, and enjoy the view.
Date: 2/18/2009 1:43:48 PM
Author: musey
I gravitate toward those who are straightforward and no-nonsense, but always respectful and kind about it. People who may share a negative opinion, but only if it can accomplish something or help someone.

That''s how I feel about the people I like and have respect for in real life, so it''s no different on PS.

There are many PSers whom I''ve connected with on and off PS that exemplify these qualities, and I''m glad to have met them because I really enjoy talking with them!
Yup. That about covers it for me too. Thank Musey, for being so eloquent.
Date: 2/18/2009 4:07:56 PM
Author: tlh

Date: 2/18/2009 3:59:23 PM
Author: Maisie
Lorelei you totally threadjacked. I think you should apologise to the nice lady and get yourself away home.
You are sooo nice Maisie... your avitar looks like you are bringing a flower peace offering... and In terms of the OP... I gravitate towards nice posters!
Hey thank you!
a fun idea are some of mine:

--dogs over cats
--pets over kids
--very practical over emotional
--close friends not lots of casuals
--really appreciate frank honesty (yes my butt looks big in that)
--not a girly girl but appreciates fashion, likes pink
--nester not a partier
--independent not codependent
--life is short so i speak my mind and move on
--memory like an elephant though...i rarely forget a detail
--has a myriad of hobbies/interests instead of just one
--love comedies/funny laugh vs anything serious
--tropical relaxating vacation over working vacation
--lover of length over brevity
--planner/scheduler, not along for the ride
--love mornings ... but only when i am not required to be getting ready for work

--always want to be learning something new, love a challenge
--extremely loyal to my inner circle
--impulse shopper but also an over-planner on the 'big' things (balenciaga!)
--'why wait' kind of mentality vs 'save it for a rainy day'
--can be social when desired or required but really am more introverted and prefer time alone
--impulsive and forgetful at the same time
--either like it or i REALLY don't and it rarely changes

Fun thread! I''m not in the mood to list all about myself though (reminds me of that Facebook 25 facts deal I''ve been avoiding LOL) so I''ll just talk about other folks...

I appreciate about 99.5% of the personality types on here. Its awesome to get input from & hear about people different from myself. I''d probably *gravitate* to -- or identify the most with the posters who are

*able to laugh at themselves
*have a sense of irony
*appear to have a deep well of life experiences to draw from
*seem to have good intentions

The only posters I *bristle* at are ones who are cruelly, obliviously self-involved (every thread is all about them), pointedly boast about their luxuries in threads celebrating more modest items/purchases/achievements & think everyone is jealous of/copying them all the time. Oh yeah, and trolls.
Date: 2/18/2009 1:43:48 PM
Author: musey
I gravitate toward those who are straightforward and no-nonsense, but always respectful and kind about it. People who may share a negative opinion, but only if it can accomplish something or help someone.

That''s how I feel about the people I like and have respect for in real life, so it''s no different on PS.

There are many PSers whom I''ve connected with on and off PS that exemplify these qualities, and I''m glad to have met them because I really enjoy talking with them!

I totally agree. In terms of other things:
I love both cats and dogs and most other furries
I love people that can have a sense of humour and not take themselves too seriously
I''m a fan of the tough love approach and think that it can be done in a nice way

2/18/2009 12:16:59 PM
Author: cnspotts

Hello, my name is Karen, I have too many pets, I cannot help myself. (3 dogs,1 cat,3 snakes,1 frog,6 lizards,2 turtles, did I forget anybody?)
I lurk mostly to unwind as much as to watch the interactions, I have learned much about diamonds too, rarely add my .02 to threads
There are personalities here that I miss when they seem to go away

...and you have been here for quite a while! Would you like to be added to the Pricescope Census? (Sorry to threadjack!)

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