
Which of 5 Diamonds

1) No. It has a knot, which is usually a "Run away" inclusion for most people, and the graining makes it look more like an SI1 to me (and not a great one at that).
2) I really like this one. Has the "fat" arrows that I personally prefer (obviously this is just a preference).
3) Saw on your other thread. I like it.
4) I don't like the arrow pattern in the video. It looks "messy" somehow.
5) Another one where I don't love the video. And I think 33 crown is risky without an ASET/IS
thank you again for all your input - which once would you choose and why?

diamonds are rather confusing and i just want to make sure i make the right choice.

Really appreciate your help.
1. LOVE the color but I would not pay for D that has med blue fl. Specs look great. I would not get a stone with a cavity... it is on the side but I just personally would not get a cavity.
2. Clarity & specs look great... I still would not get med blue with colorless but with F definitely better than with D, I suppose.
3. #s look ok, maybe not as good as some of the others, not sure about all the TWs under the table, & the med bl f again that I think is a negative with colorless range.
4. Like this... would make sure inclusions have no adverse effect, also would like to see optical image without the distorted 360.
5. Pass. Too shallow, fl issue, don’t go below 1ct, vvs not necessary especially in that size.
#6 no
Thank you for taking the time to review each one.
I really appreciate it.
I vote for number 2 or 3 though I prefer the inclusions and lgf’s in number two. I’m not bothered by medium blue fluorescence, however.
If you want size, keep it to the first 4. If you want quality of color and clarity, AND a more nicely balanced looking diamond - number 5, no question. None of the other 4 have a faceting pattern that compares to it.

But the best diamond, without doubt, is the one your fiancee wants. Does she value size or quality? Color? Clarity? The 'pretty factor'?

Our recommendations can only help to a point. It's HER taste and preference that you should be seeking.

Good luck!
I think she probably knows even less about diamonds than myself - and that is a not a disservice to her at all - we are just not very knowledgeable in this area.

I think sparkle is maybe most important

Here in Edinburgh if you start asking the jeweler about crown angles and depth etc they look at you as if you are crazy
Here in Edinburgh if you start asking the jeweler about crown angles and depth etc they look at you as if you are crazy

Also ask about Pavilion Angles and LGF %
cause it's your money that your spending on a very expensive item so you are entitled.
Here in Edinburgh if you start asking the jeweler about crown angles and depth etc they look at you as if you are crazy
The same is true across the UK, don't worry... :lol: lol

If you are happy to share your budget and preferred specs, we might be able to find one of the 'superideal' stones that fits! :)
Around a carat, round cut

Approx £6000 but happy to stretch the budget for the right stone

Thank you very much
Here in Edinburgh if you start asking the jeweler about crown angles and depth etc they look at you as if you are crazy
For sure, even the supposed “high end” shops have GIA Very Good cuts displayed in their windows... Definitely consider looking at some of the US websites like Whiteflash, even with VAT added you’ll get a better diamond for less money
I like this if you're looking for a super ideal with a nice trade up policy.

Out of your list above, #2 would be my choice.
My guess is that OP likes BN because prices include VAT. If we look at WF or others I think we need to both convert budget to USD AND account for vat (no clue how much that is). That's why I was trying to stick with BN. But no harm at all in expanding the search!
its a little easier yes

What do people make of James Allen?
UK VAT is 20%, and there is a 2.5% Import Tax on diamonds set into jewellery (although I'm not sure if the tax is on the finished piece rather than just the diamond - it will be on the HMRC website but it is a mission to use!).
UK VAT is 20%, and there is a 2.5% Import Tax on diamonds set into jewellery (although I'm not sure if the tax is on the finished piece rather than just the diamond - it will be on the HMRC website but it is a mission to use!).

20%+ = Ouch!
its a little easier yes

What do people make of James Allen?

It's just a little harder because you have to ask a sales associate for the GIA/AGS report but if you see something you like by all means...
20%+ = Ouch!
Agreed! lol

I guess that if one was buying a stone with a high enough value, the return trip to the USA could be cheaper than the VAT you would pay, so if you had mailed your packaging and receipt home, hadn't emailed or posted on social media, and subsequently forgot to declare your cash purchase upon arrival back in the country at some ungodly time of the morning... that would be tax evasion and one could not condone or recommend that ;-)
My sister is in america and MAY be able to bring it back for me.
Not that i am thinking of doing this - it’s just that 20% is rather a lot.
James allen seem to have a lot of stones that can be delivered this week and they have lightscope images
I would go with three if price isn't an issue... that bigger spread will be noticeable :D

If you're stretched financially, go with two which looks great as well.