
When Kittens and Maus'' Meet

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Jul 20, 2007
I was going to wait until tomorrow to post this but can't wait any longer...... Anyone remember all the hubbub over the stone my boyfriend returned? ("Show me your M coloured stones" thread). Long story short: had bought a stone and setting, boyfriend freaked over the budget overrun and my POSSIBLE in person reaction to the stone (it was a 1.73 M cushion. Gorgeous setting but the pictures kinda freaked me out. It was entirely possible that I would have loved it in person but for some reason he didn't want to deal with it so..... back it went) so..... I now how a lovely eternity e-ring with a big gaping hole where the stone was.

Well........ shortly after this happened I had been reading and writing a few little quips to Little Grey Kitten about our similiar styles (gothey girls, bad finger tattoos etc.) and had happened to ask her where her antique mall was. My future sister in law lives in Seattle and I thought I'd swing by and check it out next time we were down there (I live in Vancouver, BC). Kitten told me where it was, I Googled it, and then I saw.... THE STONE! I literally GASPED when I saw it for the first time. There it was, in a repro vintage setting. I thought "No, no, no - that CAN'T be the same stone from her post last year!" ( I remembered reading this when I was first looking for a champagne stone and had run a search on here. I didn't know much about diamonds at the time and I had NO idea what the true colour of the stone could be based on the photos so I didn't think much of it at the time. Well..... below are much better representations of it (taken from Kitten's antique mall website - hope this is okay! I don't have my own pics of it yet)

So.... talked to boyfriend, told him about it.... went down on the weekend and..... it's now MINE! I am beyond thrilled with it. It is the prettiest colour I have ever seen.

The colour is....... SO hard to pin down. It's like a........ it's like a pinky peachy yellowey brownish grey? No, no, no, that's not right...... it's so variable that it's different in almost every lighting condition. In my bathroom (which is the only room in my apartment with incandescent bulbs) it just appears straight up blush pink with no other colour. In the rest of my place (all mini fluorescent bulbs of different wattages) it will appear peach coloured or flesh coloured (pinkish yellow or yellowish pink). In strong direct light (like under the halogen lights in the range over my stove) the colour will just sort of zone out and it will get that metallic steely look that low colour grades do (but in a grey colour and not bronze like most would). In general regular lighting conditions it's just kinda peachy and in low lighting conditions it is very light face up and will appear white or very off white. I haven't seen it in direct sun outdoors yet so I can't say what the fluro will do to it, but in indirect sunlight it definitely looked sort of lavender? Is that even possible???? Am I making all of this up in my head? The funny thing is that the FIRE is almost ALL on the warm side (it makes fire like a friggin contestant on Survivor!) Almost all of the fire flashes are peach or pink or orange or red or yellow! Only some are green and blue and purple. I thought that was interesting and would be interested in what the experts had to say about that?

Other things about it..... gosh, I'm so excited I forgot all the stats! It's an OEC. 1.08 carats but shallow so a bit bigger spread. Kitten's best guess for the colour grade was between about an M and a P (I think?) it's a little off round on one side but I don't think that would be noticible once set. It has a small chip on the girdle and that is my main concern. Esthetically, if it can be hidden with a prong, I don't really care, I only care about it as far as the long term structure of the stone is concerned. I'm taking it to an appraiser tomorrow who knows antique stones and she is actually quite excited to see it. When I first told her about it, I told her what Kitten had said about the colour. She basically said "I don't want to rain on your parade but..... that's not really possible". When I phoned her yesterday I said "Well - now I know why the colour was so hard to describe!!"

So.... that's it for now....... sigh...... more later (the saga of the SETTING continues! OY!!!)

colour O colour diamond - pinky-gray2.jpg
lah lah lah......

colour O colour diamond - pinky-gray1.jpg
doo dooo doooooo........

colour O colour diamond - pinky-gray3.jpg
OMG!!!!!!! It''s GORGEOUS!!!!!!
tra laaaa laaa..... forgot to mention we only bought the stone and not the setting....... some of these side photos KINDA show the colour of the stone through them - not sure how big they''ll end up.... if they''re too small to really see.... sorry!

colour O colour diamond - pinky-gray4.jpg
last one........ Kitten was great to deal with too..... one very cool lady (and she gave me some mineral makeup too!! Fun!!!!) Thanks so much!

colour O colour diamond - pinky-gray5.jpg
Date: 3/3/2009 6:40:05 PM
Author: FrekeChild
OMG!!!!!!! It''s GORGEOUS!!!!!!
Thanks FrekeChild! It''s loose right now so tonight I''m going to TRY to take some good photos of it and try to upload them (or make my boyfriend do it if I can talk him into it......) It''s easy to get photos of it upside down and sideways but will be hard to figure out how to prop it up to take a face up photo....... I''ll figure it out......

- Jodie -
How exciting!!!! It looks GOR-GEOUS!!!!! Can''t wait to see more pictures!!!
Wow, that color is fantastic! I have no idea what you are thinking of for the setting, but I think it would look gorgeous in rose gold!
I can't wait to see how you set it! And what a cool story about how you got it! It's gorgeous!
Oops-double post!
Beautiful stone! Yah please post more shots! Can''t wait to see how you set this beauty!
What a gorgeous stone! I can''t wait to see pics of it on it''s own...
Oooohh! It''s gorgeous!!!
Its beautiful...I love that pinky peach and the gold metal sets the color off perfectly! I would love to have a stone
that color
beautiful stone! I''m sure you''ll come up with a fab setting.
What an incredible story about your search for a stone! Its gorgeous and so unique! I can''t wait to see it set!
It is beautiful!!
It''s very pretty

I must have missed the part where you went from a beautiful 1.73 cushion to a 1.03 OEC?

Did you decide you didn''t like the shape? I loved that cushion.
Well this whole thing has been nothing but a big pain in the butt from the get go and it seems to not be ending.... I LOVE the setting we got for the cushion (see it in the thread above) so we kept it thinking it would just be simple to change the head on it when we found another stone (I knew that even if I did find another cushion to go in it, it was unlikely I would find one the same size) Now it seems it's not so simple. I had spoken to Rosemary at Era Designs here in Vancouver last week about the possibility of doing so if we ended up buying this stone and she had said to send her photos of it. I did. I never heard back from her. I phoned her today. She said the setting looked very thin and narrow. Yes, it is very thin. She said she worried about it all sort of "undoing" when she soldered it. Okay, fair enough, I'm not a jewellery - I don't know these things. But then she said "it could have been made anywhere here in Vancouver and I really don't know what kind of solder they used etc etc". I had to stop and remind her (I had told her what had happened with the ring when I first spoke to her) "Oh no, I KNOW who made it - WE had it made - it was in New York - I have their name and number if you want it" (I got the impression she was kind of saying she didn't want to work on anyone else's stuff which is FINE but I wasn't real impressed with how she handled it. It seemed like she was saying this is.... beneath her). THEN she said "well I don't really know why you don't just take it to a jewellery REPAIR place". Ummmmm - okaaaayyyyy. I told her I had contacted THEM (ERA DESIGNS) because they deal with REAL antique jewellery and because they make antique reproductions, and I had wanted to have fishtail prongs done if possible (when I had mentioned fishtail prongs at a jewellery store the person didn't even know what they WERE) THEN she said "I guess I just don't really know what you want me to do with it". I went over it all AGAIN: I have a setting with a square head on it, we returned the stone blah blah blah.... then I just said "you don't want to do it - that's fine - can you recommend anyone else in town?" She said Birks (I called - they don't set outside stones) At the end of the conversation I just kind of felt like, listen lady, you don't want to work on someone else's piece, I understand, but at the VERY least, WHY are you not trying to set up a good future relationship with someone who wants to work with YOU? If she had handled that properly, she could have had me IN the store looking at HER settings and probably sending MINE back and buying one from HER. But instead I am now talking about my very unpleasant experience with her on a widely read diamond forum. Oh well........
Date: 3/3/2009 8:58:59 PM
Author: purrfectpear
It''s very pretty

I must have missed the part where you went from a beautiful 1.73 cushion to a 1.03 OEC?

Did you decide you didn''t like the shape? I loved that cushion.

Thanks Pear (and everybody) No, it was a combination of my being sort of freaked out by the pictures of the stone (worried about the colour IRL) and my boyfriend deciding that the tax would put it too far over the e-ring budget (I live in Canada and he refused to "pocket" the ring when he brought it up). He was a bit off an ass about it to tell you the truth. I KNOW what M''s look like in real life, I KNEW that the pictures were probably not representative of what it REALLY looked like.... but it was enough to set him off. My new (old) stone was considerably less expensive than the cushion so we''re saving a lot of money..... fingers crossed the appraisal goes well (that chip is just nagging at me.....)
Beautiful!!! Can''t wait for more pics!
can''t wait to see that sucker set!
Just beautiful!!!
Lovely new stone :)
Good to see another person from Vancouver, BC!!!!

Congrats on your find, it''s a lovely stone!
It''s gorgeous!!!
Very pretty!
Maus, that is one beautiful stone! It is such a unique color-even in the photos. Can''t wait to see what you do with it.
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