
What would you choose?


Jul 19, 2019
Hey everyone. I took a few days to reflect on the much appreciated feedback from my previous post. I went back to the drawing board and found these diamonds and wondered if you all see one that stands out as either significantly better or significantly worse than the others. I know none are Triple 0 hearts and arrows but I think I did an okay job of sifting through their selection. (I do want to try and stick with this seller as their diamonds meet my price point and they have the setting I like.)

The Diamonds:




I feel like I'm starting to get a little in over my head when it comes to all the numbers so I really appreciate any help. You can click on the down arrow or the word GIA on the right and it will take you to the cert.

Thanks again for all the help!
Hey everyone. I took a few days to reflect on the much appreciated feedback from my previous post. I went back to the drawing board and found these diamonds and wondered if you all see one that stands out as either significantly better or significantly worse than the others. I know none are Triple 0 hearts and arrows but I think I did an okay job of sifting through their selection. (I do want to try and stick with this seller as their diamonds meet my price point and they have the setting I like.)

The Diamonds:




I feel like I'm starting to get a little in over my head when it comes to all the numbers so I really appreciate any help. You can click on the down arrow or the word GIA on the right and it will take you to the cert.

Thanks again for all the help!
I don't see any way to access certificates from my phone or computer. Can you post a screenshot?
I couldn’t find any angles or measurements.. but based on my eyes and my preference for larger arrows, I liked number 1 and 4. They looked clean and well cut. I am not an expert though, just a amateur diamond enthusiast.
Have you run these through the HCA calculator? Only the third one (.78, H, VS2) scores below 2.
I know #2 is a 2.2 but thats all I could see. Would you choose whichever one is the lower HCA?

Also as far as the Clarity, do you see anything in the pictures that are concerning? I just want them to be eye clean.

I know #2 is a 2.2 but thats all I could see. Would you choose whichever one is the lower HCA?

Also as far as the Clarity, do you see anything in the pictures that are concerning? I just want them to be eye clean.

Nope, anything under 2 on the HCA is a "pass" and anything over 2 is a "fail". I wouldn't buy any that score over 2.
Can you post what the 4 scores are? I'm curious now how close I got.

Does it have to be with 77diamonds? I’ve never heard of them.

For sure, anything over a 2 gets thrown out. Anything under two gets further consideration but may still get thrown out.

Here is the tool:
number 4 looks hazy / cloudy a bit.
I played around with the HCA tool. Which is better for a ring a .7 or a 1.7? Or are both in the "pass" category and you can just go off looks?
I played around with the HCA tool. Which is better for a ring a .7 or a 1.7? Or are both in the "pass" category and you can just go off looks?
Both are a "pass", but then it comes down to whether the angles are in the preferred range or whether you have advanced images (IS/ASET) to help. Which ones score .7 and 1.7?
The first one has numbers in our preferred ranges (though 62.4 depth is the max we recommend). The second one might be great, or it might have leakage because of the 41pavillion and 33 crown. So I think the adiamor one is safer.
If you are open to other vendors, lovedogs is great at finding excellent stones from trusted vendors with great upgrade policies (here I'm offering lovedog's "services"!).
What do you guys think of this one:

I’m not as familiar with the vendor so I cannot speak to their customer service, offerings or reputation. Btw, I can no longer find this diamond listed on Yadav’s site (previously had link to same diamond) so makes me wonder if even available. Sometimes vendors don’t update inventory status until they check into a customer’s inquiry and realize sold to another vendor. Not uncommon for virtual inventory.

Will look for other options...
Nope, anything under 2 on the HCA is a "pass" and anything over 2 is a "fail". I wouldn't buy any that score over 2.

Does it have to be with 77diamonds? I’ve never heard of them.

For sure, anything over a 2 gets thrown out. Anything under two gets further consideration but may still get thrown out.

Here is the tool:
I am going to be contrary now ;) :lol: but Garry has previously said that the 2.0 score is not a strict cut off - IIRC he said that perhaps up to 2.5? 2.7? could be worth looking at, but they would need more analysis than those under 2. :)
Is under one bad for a ring? I think I read that somewhere... Or is it fine just not the Super Ideal variety?
I am going to be contrary now ;-) :lol: but Garry has previously said that the 2.0 score is not a strict cut off - IIRC he said that perhaps up to 2.5? 2.7? could be worth looking at, but they would need more analysis than those under 2. :)
True! But without advanced images I'd avoid stones over 2
Is under one bad for a ring? I think I read that somewhere... Or is it fine just not the Super Ideal variety?
Under 1 indicates a shallower stone that may have issues with obstruction in some cases - I think when the table is small and the LGFs are short, IIRC...

SuperIdeals should be just fine, I believe.
I am going to be contrary now ;-) :lol: but Garry has previously said that the 2.0 score is not a strict cut off - IIRC he said that perhaps up to 2.5? 2.7? could be worth looking at, but they would need more analysis than those under 2. :)

Garry has said that, and I have read many trade opinions online where the cut off at 2 works for them lol. So for me, 2 is a cut off.

But, I did buy a pendant from BN before I knew about HCA and it is a 2.5 and I think it’s gorgeous, BUT it’s small and it’s a pendant.
Is under one bad for a ring? I think I read that somewhere... Or is it fine just not the Super Ideal variety?

Under 1 works best for earrings or pendants, generally speaking.
I am going to be contrary now ;-) :lol: but Garry has previously said that the 2.0 score is not a strict cut off - IIRC he said that perhaps up to 2.5? 2.7? could be worth looking at, but they would need more analysis than those under 2. :)

Worth repeating! IIRC, the center MRB of my 3-stone (a GIA XVV) scores 2.3 HCA, but to the naked eye it performs about the same as my AGS 000 ... and I only say ‘about’ because the two are set quite differently (one open & one bezeled) which could impact how they truly compare in terms of performance. To the average passerby, they would say :love: to both diamonds. So I wouldn’t write off a diamond that scores just over 2 if you can get pics/ASET & IS images for it; it could be a great buy for someone who doesn’t require ‘ideal’ from a mind-clean standpoint. It just really comes down to what the buyer’s priorities are.
Worth repeating! IIRC, the center MRB of my 3-stone (a GIA XVV) scores 2.3 HCA, but to the naked eye it performs about the same as my AGS 000 ... and I only say ‘about’ because the two are set quite differently (one open & one bezeled) which could impact how they truly compare in terms of performance. To the average passerby, they would say :love: to both diamonds. So I wouldn’t write off a diamond that scores just over 2 if you can get pics/ASET & IS images for it; it could be a great buy for someone who doesn’t require ‘ideal’ from a mind-clean standpoint. It just really comes down to what the buyer’s priorities are.
Yes, it would be interesting to see ASET