
what to do when you dislike your custom setting?


Nov 20, 2015
so even after multiple pictures, videos sent and specific language used with the local jeweler I used, my setting ( of course) did not turn out the way I wanted. In fact, things I specifically said I DIDn'T want were in fact, part of the setting. It is a beautiful ring, it was supposed to look exactly like a Victor Canera halo I saw here on pricescope but it doesn't. The main thing I dislike is that the halo itself has diamonds that are too small ( which I specifically said I didnt't want) and so it looks 'cheap' to me. Also, the other difference is that I asked that like the VC version, my stones on the halo were set to tilt towards the fact of the diamond , creating more of a seamless look that the face of the diamond being higher set than the halo, which is what they did. I also don't like ( and did specify) that I don't like the look of the prongs sticking straight up the way they do, they seem very noticeable to me.

I've had it for a week and been wearing it and sometimes i like it alright but most of the time it looks generic to me. It's also possible that i'm being too picky, but after having stalked a million rings I love I wanted mine to be perfect, and cost wasn't an object. I'm feeling disappointed that the very specific things I asked about didn't seem to be considered but now I fear I can't do anything about it.

I don't know what to do. I can't afford to throw 3500K out the window ( I used my own diamond) and I highly doubt they'll return it. am I just stuck with a ring I don't love? Could i have at least the upper diamonds reset the way I want/ any thoughts or advice appreciated.

Will post pics. image_255.jpg image_253.jpg image_255.jpg image_254.jpg


Jan 4, 2015
Your right not nice

If price wasn't an object I ask why did you not just go for VC

the prongs need elongating and be pointy basically you need to restart with VC - I am being to harsh had another look just get those prongs sorted and it will be ok

And what do you mean they will not return your stone?


Apr 21, 2010
First of all, even if they did a re-make, they won't be able to do a VC-type setting... if they could have, they would have done so already.

Second, what is the vendor's stated return policy, particularly with regard to custom items?

Third, did you document your order specs at all? Regardless of the stated return policy, if you can show the finished ring deviates enough from the order specs, you still may have a case for a return/refund for the setting.

Fourth, if you are able to get a refund, wait until you've saved enough and then go to VC for the setting.


Nov 20, 2015
i went local because I live in michigan and I was concerned about ordering a ring from somewhere that I wouldn't be able to see it in person until i got it which turned out to be the case anyway. I showed a video ( emailed it, along with several other pics of the vc with double halo) to the jeweler) and I specified i wanted the halo around the stone to be flush with the stone and to tilt toward the stone. I also specified I didnt want the prongs to 'stick up" which of course they do.

I trusted that the pictures i provided, and the specific things i said i wanted and didnt want would be enough. And as I feared, their interpretation of what I was asking for was not what i want. I will write the jeweler an email and let him know I'm not happy with it, I doubt he'll take it back. I may just be stuck with it and I'm really upset with myself that I didn't either make it more clear ( although, I did give several pictures, said several times i wanted the setting flush with the stone , and specified i wanted the halo diamond to be set at an angle).

I guess the worst case is i try and sell the setting, it's platinum and has about a carat an a half of diamonds so its not awful its just not the dream ring i wanted so much.


Oct 8, 2011
I wanted more finger coverage so reset my stone with a cushion halo and I ended up not wearing it because I hated the end result. The vendor offered to redo but i felt that they just didn't have the skill to make what I wanted so I didn't bother taking further actions. At the time, I felt that it would be wasteful to make a completely new setting with a different vendor so I just left things as is. Then after months of not wearing the ring, I finally realized that it was even more wasteful to let a beautiful diamond sit in the jewelry box. So I started researching for a new setting and talked to other vendors about my options. Eventually I found one who took the gold and diamonds from the existing setting, and used that (little) money to offset a portion of the cost for the new setting. Also, I realized in the process that although halo looks beautiful, it wasn't for me so I ended up making a 3 stone ring.


Jul 31, 2014
I think the most noticeable issue is the prongs. Of course other vendors will not be able to exactly re-create a VC piece--VC's work commands a premium price for a reason. But I think they could have done a better job of making the halo look more seamless, especially because the prongs do stand out. I think the ring would look much better if the prongs were changed, but if you are still unhappy with it then I would suggest telling the jeweler and seeing if you can re-coup some of the cost (hopefully they take returns in some form!) I found this photo of a VC halo (I think from PS--sorry to whoever's photo this is!)--and the prongs are more delicate and much more of a pointed shape vs. round. Maybe go into your jeweler and show this pic compared to your ring in person?



Feb 14, 2014
I notice though, that you had them tilt the inner halo stones inward - TOWARD the center stone, whereas the VC has them tilting outward - AWAY - curving downward over the "edge".

That, and the prongs are the major differences I see (on my phone).


Nov 20, 2015
thank you everyone for your thoughtful responses. Actually, this was one of the exact pictures I gave the jeweler. Its as if we are just not seeing the same thing. That said, I emailed him and he sent a nice response asking me to come back and see what we can do- I don't see how he can really change the existing setting though. The biggest issue, other than the prongs ( which might be fixable) is the way the halo diamonds are set- on my setting, they are flat, not angled upward. Most of the most beautiful halo settings, VC, harry Winston, they all have the diamonds around the main stone set in an upward angle. The diamonds he has on my setting are too small and in comparison to the prongs they're set in, it looks very 'metal-y'.

In the long run, I might just have to sell the setting, see what I can get and apply it towards the VC setting ( which, sadly, is only 1K more than what i paid for this and I would have gladly paid that to have what i want. But I'm sure VC won't take what I paid in credit and I highly doubt the jeweler I bought from will give me a full refund.

Possibly there's some way he can take out the stones around the halo, replace them with larger pave stones and set them at the angle so that stone and halo are graceful rather than 'clunky' which is how it appears. At the end of the day, I know these aren't 'real' problems, and I feel bad about even complaining but this is a dream ring after waiting forever for the right guy. I don't want to be one of those poeple who doesn't love their ring and therefore doesnt wear it, like you mentioned, but I can already tell this is a ring I like but don't love and adore and i really wanted to love and adore it. I do feel i was specific enough ( i mean 15 close up pics and a video) are enough that this was a pretty big miss. I'll hope this works out without me having made a 4K mstake because i didnt order from VC in the first place. I wanted to try and keep my dollars local and I feel I made a mistake in doing so. Thanks again sos much for the helpa nd advice.


Dec 17, 2008
Why dont you take it back with all your documentation you gave them stating the things that you wanted and didnt want.
Tell them it's just not going to work because they didnt do what you asked...

In this email I asked that the halo be tilted (and it's not).
In this email I asked for small prongs like this picture (which they're not).
In this email I asked for such and such size melee (which they are not).

They will probably want to remake it. I would probably let them do it with the understanding in writing that if it doesnt come
back looking like this picture (I assume you showed them a picture of a VC like you wanted) then you get a full refund.

I agree with the above posters that if money was no object than you should have gone with the master that made the ring you loved
(hind sight, I know ;( ).

Good luck...


Apr 30, 2005
This is exactly why I'd never have a custom setting made ... or have my kitchen remodeled, etc.
It's not only that don't trust people to deliver such important, personal, and expensive things.
I just do not believe the process itself is bullet-proof enough for my personality.

There's a saying, If you want something done right, do it yourself.

Some things are just too complicated to spec ... the exact curve of each part of the head, the exact amount of metal visible on the inside of the halo, how perfectly the granite patterns of the backsplash and counter match where they meet.
There are just too many things to specify.
Many decisions must be entrusted to the maker.
Many compromises must be just accepted by the customer.
Obviously I'm not saying be happy with 10K yellow gold when the contract specifies platinum.

We fall for getting tricked into believing that others can do it 'right' if we just communicate well enough.
The only way they can fully get into our minds is for them to become us ... impossible.
Yes, sometimes the results are satisfying, but sometimes not.

So, It's off-the-shelf stuff for me, and it's a yucky-1970's-crappy-looking kitchen for me.

So to answer the question, "What to do when you dislike your custom setting?" is just live with it and live and learn.
Don't commission custom stuff unless you are prepared for it to not come out 'right' (rather, YOUR version of right).
If you do commission things accept that it may not come out right, and be prepared to just live with it.


Dec 17, 2008
ringo865|1451414440|3967949 said:
I notice though, that you had them tilt the inner halo stones inward - TOWARD the center stone, whereas the VC has them tilting outward - AWAY - curving downward over the "edge".

That, and the prongs are the major differences I see (on my phone).

Good fine ringo...they are tilted the wrong wonder it doesnt look seamless. That's what happens when you work with
a jeweler who is not up to the par with a jeweler like VC.

Edit - have the wrong terminology which may have confused your jeweler. The halo should be tilted downward
away from the stone...not upward from the stone.


Nov 20, 2015
hi ring865-

actually i think i miss-spoke. I showed them the VC and asked they angle the stones exactly the same way- they didnt angle them at all.

I went in , showed them the Emilya VC pcitures and video, said " can you make this EXACT" ring, they said yes, and this is what I got. It is not in the least the same. It looks similar, sort of , but the differences are obviously clear. :((

I will do all of the above, but in the end I dounbt they'll eat the $$ ( even though I'm sure they can resell) no matter what proof I show. I would love it if they offer to remake, and if they can do it right that's all I wanted but if they can;'t, yes, a refund ( even an 80% refund) would make me very happy.

I could have ordered from VC but I live in a small ish town and wanted to try and buy local.


Dec 17, 2008
They probably only need to remake the top halo part. The halo can probably be disconnected from the ring/shank at the
top of the structs. Actual hand-made settings are made in parts like that...shank, halo, structs are all separate pieces.
Not sure how your ring was made though.

Redoing the top halo may not be as big of an issue as you think. Whether they can get it closer to VC...well, it's a possibility.


Jun 17, 2009
I'm sorry you're not happy with your ring - FWIW even though it's not your dream ring I think it's pretty - and I think if the jeweler can improve the appearance of the prongs it will at least make you a little happier with it.


Nov 20, 2015
a few more pictures..

Thank you :)

I agree it is very pretty, and I think if just the little things I mentioned could be adjusted it would be as close as i could hope for.
img_1347.jpg img_1346.jpg img_1345.jpg img_1347.jpg img_1344_0.jpg


Jan 4, 2015
wow the pave looks so much better up close - get those prongs done pointy and you may just have a winner


Jun 17, 2009
Violetjane, I think it is a really pretty ring! Yes, I think if the prongs can be altered and maybe the center stone lowered a little (although it might not be possible and it looks fine) you will be happier with it. You can also look into getting a refund if you would like to start over but that doesn't always go smoothly with custom work. I hope you and the jeweler can figure something out, let us know how you make out.


Jan 4, 2015
junebug17|1451421220|3968006 said:
Violetjane, I think it is a really pretty ring! Yes, I think if the prongs can be altered and maybe the center stone lowered a little (although it might not be possible and it looks fine) you will be happier with it. You can also look into getting a refund if you would like to start over but that doesn't always go smoothly with custom work. I hope you and the jeweler can figure something out, let us know how you make out.

Nail on the head lower that stone - point those prongs - then its a winner


Dec 22, 2015
Do people like halo because it makes the center stone look bigger? I never understood that...


Jul 31, 2014
violetjane|1451416118|3967964 said:
a few more pictures..

Thank you :)

I agree it is very pretty, and I think if just the little things I mentioned could be adjusted it would be as close as i could hope for.

Seeing it up close gives me much more hope! I wasn't able to see how well-done the halo was from far away--maybe because I was distracted by the prongs. I agree with others that if the halo/prongs could be changed it might be a complete winner. I am loving what I see, and think with a few modifications it will be breathtaking! :appl:


Jan 11, 2006
They'd have to remake the whole ring to redo the halo. I wouldn't even consider having them take off the head and replace it or it could end up looking worse! They might be able to do something about the prongs. I think the ring is pretty. But as others have said, a typical local jeweler just usually won't be doing Victor Canera level work. That's why Victor's work costs more, and if that level of perfection is what you like, you need to pay him for it. Sadly, we could have recommended Brilliantly Engaged who does a nice halo very close to the price you paid.

Oh, and to answer one of your questions, taking the tiny melee diamonds out to reuse them is not going to be financially beneficial. Most of the money in the ring is the labor.


Jan 7, 2009
Violetjane- sorry you don't love your ring.
I agree with DS
A few general points about custom making jewelry:
The first step is looking at the jewelry a seller offers to see what type of work they do.
Some of what you're identifying are aspects that are specific to manufacturing methods.
Some of the aspects we're discussing are beyond the ability of most benches- some don't even realize it.
Specifically, cast, versus hand forged- that's the high end type of halo rings frequently discussed here on PS. Many B&M Jewelers dont carry Hand forged and are not familiar with it.

You might not be able to change some of these details
For example, placement and shape of prongs/ height of the diamond.
In general most cast halo rings have the diamond sitting slightly on top of the halo
A well done hand forged ring is designed in a manner that allows the diamond to sit lower in the ring. To do that the hand forged wire halo is formed to perfectly fit the stone. Once the diamond is lower in the ring, that totally changes the angle of the prong to the diamond.

The good news is that based on what I see from the pics, you've still got a great looking cast ring! A lot of our clients love cast rings.


Jun 14, 2009
Sphene|1451420076|3967998 said:
wow the pave looks so much better up close - get those prongs done pointy and you may just have a winner

Overall I find the ring to be very attractive. To me, it's mostly the prongs that I dislike. Of course I'm on some kind of claw prong kick at the moment. Prongs are sort of splitting hairs that aren't they? Unless you specifically asked for one type or another.

I'm not sure how much you dislike it...and of course would suggest you speak with a jeweler to find a resolution first and formost. I would think that the jeweler or designer would want to make you happy to keep you as a repeat customer.

Did you see a CAD?

However, if push comes to shove and you absolutely hate it there might be something you can do if you charged it with your credit card, some sort of dispute. Of course I think working with the jeweler is obviously the best option.

Im pretty particular with the looks of halos and find this one to be attractive.

I do agree that going custom sometimes it's hard to get on the same page, EVEN with pics. I have found there can be little changes taken by the jewelers during production. It always surprises me because I come in with pictures and I'm very very specific. I guess that's where artistry comes in? Sometimes I liked the tweeks, and sometimes I didn't so much....

Is the quality good? That is an important thing to consider if its well made... even if its not 100% what you wanted.

Good luck.


Jul 20, 2012
Rosie, I'm sorry I don't have more to offer re your dilemma as I've never had a custom ring like that made like others. I do hope you find a solution where you can fall in love with your ring, you deserve no less.

There are a handful of us on the boards from MI, count me in as one who is interested in the jeweler.... good luck in this journey, hoping for a positive outcome.


Mar 1, 2011
David Klass and Steven Kirsch have reworked some other PS'ers rings before. I would contact them about possible options on altering your existing setting.


Nov 20, 2015

I agree with you regarding difficulty in adequately getting an idea across, even with pictures. I also agree with you about the prongs, to me they're quite prominent and take away from the overall look because of that fact.

If I could change 3 things, I would ask that the prongs be elongated or narrowed and molded downwards to be less obvious, and either the stone be lowered again ( they already did it once, and the result was better however you can now see the notch on the inside of the prong where it was- not noticeable to anyone but me or the jeweler, but still there) and I would want the stones surrounding the halo to be larger so that when looking at it from a normal distance in regular light, it doesnt look like metal- in good overhead light, its nothing but sparkle and very pretty. But in natural light you don't see the diamonds really, and while platinum is nothing to sneeze at, to me the smaller pave diamonds remind me of marcasite ( :wall: )

One thing I know Pat did, which shows his quality consciousness is that he ddn't do single cuts he did something fancier- however i think the reason VC does single cuts is that it creates that vintage glamour look that many of us on PS love in a halo.

I don't believe he can replace the main halo stones, but maybe he can. Even if he could change the angle, from 'flat' to the upward angle, that would be flatter the stone AND remedy the problem of the main stone looking raised- the other issue with the raised diamond is that I can see the edge of the diamond from the side and i find it unattractive.

I appreciate the comments and the kind words, it is a lovely ring and I have hopes that I can tweek it. I'll keep everyone posted, and continue to comment if you have thoughts. -:)


Dec 17, 2008


May 11, 2013
it's a lovely ring.. I think for me it would just be that the prongs are not VC (not that I ever had a ring by VC! but what I have seen here and on facebook!) the prongs are just too bulky.. I have no clue on if they can be fixed, but I will say, I once had a ring custom made and I hated it, it was a terrible job, paid 2K... the jewelery who owned the shop in Texas died.. I was heartbroken.. I've not had a lot of luck with settings that I like really.. I think Kenny said some truth for me.. Happy New year and your stone is gorgeous btw.


Jan 4, 2015
Yet again I am sure you mean angled down - not up that would look very off


Oct 24, 2012
diamondseeker2006|1451435744|3968157 said:
They'd have to remake the whole ring to redo the halo. I wouldn't even consider having them take off the head and replace it or it could end up looking worse! They might be able to do something about the prongs. I think the ring is pretty. But as others have said, a typical local jeweler just usually won't be doing Victor Canera level work. That's why Victor's work costs more, and if that level of perfection is what you like, you need to pay him for it. Sadly, we could have recommended Brilliantly Engaged who does a nice halo very close to the price you paid.

Oh, and to answer one of your questions, taking the tiny melee diamonds out to reuse them is not going to be financially beneficial. Most of the money in the ring is the labor.

I'm with DS. You sound like you REALLY REALLY want VC quality in every aspect of the ring. True, he jeweler might be able to improve the prongs, but will that get you to the point of personal peace and satisfaction? I'm guessing not. Though maybe I am wrong. The inner halo is not tilted correctly. FYI. Choosing non-single cuts changes the whole look of the halo too! Also you are right. There is too much metal between each melee, which doesn't allow it the smooth profile that you see on the VC halo. I don't think that the jeweler can shave down the metal between every melee. If you want EXACTLY the VC look, only VC can make it. Please consider this before you spend more money. And please don't just believe it when people say "they can do it". I can say that. Doesn't mean anything unless they have proven it.

I would save money, sell the current setting, and send it to CA to have VC do it when you are ready.
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