
Weekly Workout Thread 8th Jan till 14th Jan

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Sep 26, 2006
hi shortblonde! The Edy''s Slow Churned Light Ice Cream is the BEST BEST BEST. Does not taste light AT ALL. Holy cow it''s good. I need to go buy some. I like the French Silk the most.

I get the tingly toes too when I''m on the elliptical (which I have not had access to in a while). Someone told me it''s a circulation problem. I know it''s not because my shoes are too small, because I cannot find adult sneakers that are small ENOUGH for me. Every sneaker I try on is always too big. I cannot deal with the stiffness of kid''s sneakers, so that''s not an option for my 4.5 feet. I just put up with the slightly large adult sneakers.

TGal!! I didn''t mean to sound like I was laughing about the hiking. I just had a funny mental picture of someone with a giant backpack on a treadmill. I think there is actually an environmental awareness ad that shows a hiker on a treadmill. In real life, I do love hiking and I don''t think there''s anything wrong with wearing hiking boots on the treadmill if they''re more comfortable for you, Aurelia!!! FI and I are thinking of hiking Machu Picchu before we attempt Kilimanjaro. A friend of ours just got back from Kilimanjaro and loved it.

Jeff, I was talking to my FI about martial arts classes!! There are so many places in NYC, and it''s something I''ve always wanted to do...not only for the discipline and strengthening, but also for self-defense. I was almost attacked in NY and have been kind of traumatized and paranoid ever since. Even if I don''t ever need to use it for self-defense, I still like the body conditioning involved in martial arts.


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 1/8/2007 7:09:43 PM
Author: TravelingGal

When I walk those major inclines, my toes tingle and kind of fall asleep, so I must be doing something wrong...or tying my shoes too tight!

My toes actually tingle on the eliptical too unless I periodically change my foot position (i.e. ride for a little while on my toes or my heels). But I don't think my shoes are too tight; maybe just too much of the same motion for too long? I'd be curious to know for sure though.

So I'm just back from dinner at Wildfire. I was doing OK until that dessert platter came around and my girlfriend and I split that piece of chocolate cake, LOL.

I did manage to bring home 1/2 of my steak and some of the mushrooms (but I did eat all the fries... ).


Feb 21, 2005
sure thing!

Pumpkin Spice Bran Muffins
• 1 15 oz. can pumpkin
• 1-1/4 cup wheat bran
• 1/4 cup canola oil
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 2 large eggs
• 3/4 cup buttermilk
• 1 cup white whole wheat flour (also called whole wheat pastry flour)
• Pinch salt
• 2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
• 2 tsp. baking soda
• 1 tsp. baking powder

Preheat the oven to 375°F. In a large mixing bowl, combine pumpkin, bran, oil, and sugar. Stir in the eggs and buttermilk. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, spices, baking soda and baking powder. Stir into the pumpkin mixture just until mixed.
Lightly grease the wells of a muffin pan with cooking spray. Scoop the batter into the pan. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-28 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Remove the muffins from the oven and allow them to cool in the pan for five minutes before taking them out of the pan to finish cooling on a rack.
Yield: 12 muffins.
Per muffin: 150 calories, 5 grams fiber, 4 grams protein

A note about white whole wheat flour: I have taken to using white whole wheat flour (aka whole wheat pastry flour) in everything in place of all-puropse white flour. It has all the same whole grain nutritional benefits as regular whole wheat flour, but has a lighter flavor and texture. Commonly available brands are King Arthur and Bob's Red Mill. I can get it in the baking aisle at my local supermarket, but I know that Whole Foods carries it as well. If you can't find white whole wheat flour, you can sub 1/2 all-purpose flour and 1/2 regular whole wheat flour in this recipe - using all regular whole wheat will be to heavy.

Edited to add: I make a batch of these and put them in the freezer, since it's just me eating them. Then I just pull one out and microwave about 1 minute until warm and defrosted. Not quite as good as fresh baked, but close.


Oct 30, 2002
omg i am so going to try making those, maybe tonite. how yummy do they sound. and i have pumpkin in my pantry and lowfat buttermilk in the fridge how convenient, heheee. i typically use 1/2 white and 1/2 whole wheat so that sounds perfect. thanks!!


Dec 29, 2004
Them muffins sound good!

Equ, hey there girl! Good to see you had a fine food/workout day. Yes, I know her''s on my shelf right now and I read it some time ago. I went through a travelogue whore period awhile back. I have all of Bill Brysons books, plus "Round Ireland with a fridge" and "McCarthy''s Bar" (I was on an Ireland fix).

CJ, I didn''t think you were laughing about the hiking at all! I thought it was a funny mental picture as well...I was just saying, Heck, I''d do it even if it looked funny because I lost so much weight in hiking boots and a backpack without trying! Not too much opportunity to wear either in Los Angeles...think they''d call the funny farm patrol if I went to the gym in boots and a fully loaded pack?

Speaking of backpacks...I miss my cockroach avatar...I think I''ll have to dig it up....................


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 1/8/2007 11:29:39 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 1/8/2007 11:18:40 AM
Author: Mara
morning everyone!

this morning i decided to try something new...a friend of mine is in love with oatmeal and swears by it. she''s losing some weight and concentrating on eating things with low sugar and carb intake (she''s borderline diabetic) and says oatmeal is a miracle food for her! so i was like okay lets see. so this morning i microwaved some oatmeal in a bowl with water. added a handful of fresh blueberries, a dash of heavy whipping cream and some sugar free maple syrup. it''s yummy but the berries are throwing me off, lol, they are really tart so it''s kind of working against my maple idea! next time i might not put the berries into the oatmeal. but in any case it''s still really yummy and it has fiber and protein . i love maple and brown sugar oatmeal but oatmeal has so many calories and typically doesn''t keep me full so it will be interesting to see if this does better than the oatmeal i have had in the past (aka quaker or kashi).

lunch was going to be the whole foods salad i got yesterday but now i am wavering..i might just eat some vegetable beef soup and save the salad for dinner tonite. we''ll see. my stomach/esophagus feels a little better this morning, so we''ll see how the day progresses. today is not a gym day so i plan to take P for a walk tonite when i get home and get a little outdoor exercise in. it''s been rather chilly the rest of the country is experiencing such warm weather in the east coast that greg was asking me ''so why do we live here in california?'' the other day, hahaa.

yay DJ i am so glad you feel this is working for you. your steak and fries sounds awesome. that is kind of my mentality too. if i know i am going out at night, i try to have a more lean eating day...aka no splurges elsewhere and nothing super large for calorie intake. that way when i go out at night, i can do whatever i want and chances are it''s not THAT bad for me. well sometimes it is, hah...but a small steak and fries is not bad! have a side salad as well with just oil and vinegar (on the side) that you can supplement with. sometimes you just gotta have fries!

have fun at the gym nejarb. it is pretty inspirational to hear about people''s workouts on here. i was thinking about it on the way to the gym yesterday. sometimes i go to the gym with the intention to only do like 30 minutes...aka if i am feeling tired or if i am not feeling totally up to par. but then i think well gosh ROD is over there doing 3 hour workouts. lorelei works out an hour every day. so come on, is 30 minutes really cutting it? hehe. so sometimes that definitely mentally pushes me too. like yesterday because of my stomach thing i thought oh 35 max on the elliptical. but i felt okay so i went to 50. sometimes i have to FORCE myself to stop, because i don''t need a higher calorie burn anymore. there was a time when i wanted the 700 or 800 cal burn but now honestly if i do that 4x a week i''d have to eat way more to not lose, and i just am not into it. i''m at a place now where i am comfortable with what i am eating and what i am doing for workouts and even though sometimes i wish i could work out longer or harder, i''ve already reached my goals. it''s kinda sad! hahaha. the other day greg was like ''well you should just work out less'' when i told him about those 2 lbs i lost last week, and i said ''but i LIKE it!!''. so now i am trying to find some sort of balance between food and workouts so that i can maintain happily. i might add in another fresh fruit serving a day or a dairy like milk or cheese or a slice of toast or at least it''s a natural calorie addition with some benefits, aka not a processed snack.

anyhow hope everyone has a great day. good luck with the tasting aka not tasting, AP!! and congrats on getting the fridge stocked with good stuff. that is half the battle, honestly.

Hehehe.....This works for me too - thinking well Mara has been burning such and such calories for example, it inspires me to work harder and I don''t feel so alone, knowing my WWT buddies are hard at it too! Real people and real results, that is what is so great about this thread!

I hope you are feeling better Mara

And so you guys know, if I ever think I don''t want to go the gym, I think Mara works out virtually every day and or Dear Lorelei works out an hour each day, so you get your but to that gym and get moving!!! This thread has been such a motivator to me.

Good job on the weight loss Amanda and glad to know I help to motivate you too nejarb!!

It''s Monday, and as you all know we usually go for Sushi on Monday and Friday, but our CFO and his wife invited us to the North Carolina Museum of Art for dinner and a Monet Exhibit. The food was overpriced and they made a really attempt at gourmet, but the company and the Monet Exhibit was just wonderful. We saw a lot of Monet''s in Paris at the Monet Museum there and it''s always exciting to see his works of art in person. We especially love his impressionistic winter and snow scenes. They''re just magic.

Tomorrow, we''ll be back at the gym for the three consecutive nights, doing our nearl 3 hour a night workouts. Then Friday, like clockwork Sushi!!

Hope you''re all having a great start to the week.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 1/8/2007 9:48:00 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 1/8/2007 7:09:43 PM
Author: TravelingGal

When I walk those major inclines, my toes tingle and kind of fall asleep, so I must be doing something wrong...or tying my shoes too tight!

My toes actually tingle on the eliptical too unless I periodically change my foot position (i.e. ride for a little while on my toes or my heels). But I don''t think my shoes are too tight; maybe just too much of the same motion for too long? I''d be curious to know for sure though.

So I''m just back from dinner at Wildfire. I was doing OK until that dessert platter came around and my girlfriend and I split that piece of chocolate cake, LOL.

I did manage to bring home 1/2 of my steak and some of the mushrooms (but I did eat all the fries... ).
I wouldn''t worry about your toes tingling on the elliptical. According to my trainer and other''s I''ve asked, it''s not a circulation issue. It''s caused by not really moving your feet for a long period of time, while pushing them in a pretty much stationery position. If you ran the same distance and intensity you would not have tingling toes. And yes, I sometimes get tingling toes and then I remember I need to move my feet and stretch my toes during a 45 minute workout on the elliptical to avoid the tingles.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 1/8/2007 3:50:25 PM
Author: eleguin
Happy Monday everyone!

For the past few weeks I have been on a pretty strict workout routine. I've been doing at least half an hour of cardio every night when I get home from work (minus a few nights when I didn't get home till midnight). Last week was great because I was able to get off work so early (around 7-8) so I got home with plenty of time to work out. I did about 1 hour of cardio on a few of those days. It definitely feels great afterwards!

This weekend was marked by a lot of food
On Friday my friend and I went to Bond St, one of the hip sushi places that people in NYC like to rave about. All the reviews were spot on because the sushi was so delicious! It was so good and nice to look at, I couldn't help but snap a picture of it:


I can't even imagine how many calories are on that platter (which I shared with my friend, not on my own!!), but sometimes you just can't feel that bad about food that good. Restaurant week in NYC is coming up at the end of this month. I already have 3 reservation and can't wait!

So on Saturday, FI and I went to visit my parents. My mom had gotten an 18 pound turkey for free after spending some amount of dollars at the supermarket over the holidays, so she cooked up what looked like thanksgiving dinner part 2. She also packed us half the turkey to take home since we are so busy during the work week. We got home that night and I did 1 hour of cardio and burned 500 calories.

Yesterday we stayed home to watch the NFL playoffs (more like FI watching and me complaining about losing the TV for 8 hours). I made a strawberry and banana shake with a little bit of low-fat milk and lots of ice. It was so yummy and filling. For dinner, I made my own version of jambalaya using a mix of seafood and meat (shrimp, scallop, chorizo, and some of my mom's turkey) and lots of veggies (peppers, onions, celery) and long-grained rice, seasoned with paprika, pepper, and thyme. It came out soo tasty!

We've got a lot of leftovers for tonight. I was thinking of making some tortilla wraps with my whole wheat flower and using that to wrap some turkey and veggies with peking duck sauce. Peking duck is one of my favorites and the sauce is really what makes it taste so great. It works great on turkey too and I believe turkey white meat is healthier than duck. I am also going to the gym tonight for hopefully 1 hour.

I've felt more 'snacky' than usual these past few days. I tend to feel that way the week before that time of the month. Does anyone else have increased cravings around that time? How do you combat that?

Anyway, happy working out this week everyone, and happy eating too! :)

As a sushi lover, this is just a beautiful thing to behold!!!!


Feb 17, 2006
Date: 1/8/2007 10:28:56 PM
Author: Rod
Date: 1/8/2007 9:48:00 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 1/8/2007 7:09:43 PM

Author: TravelingGal

When I walk those major inclines, my toes tingle and kind of fall asleep, so I must be doing something wrong...or tying my shoes too tight!

My toes actually tingle on the eliptical too unless I periodically change my foot position (i.e. ride for a little while on my toes or my heels). But I don''t think my shoes are too tight; maybe just too much of the same motion for too long? I''d be curious to know for sure though.

So I''m just back from dinner at Wildfire. I was doing OK until that dessert platter came around and my girlfriend and I split that piece of chocolate cake, LOL.

I did manage to bring home 1/2 of my steak and some of the mushrooms (but I did eat all the fries... ).

I wouldn''t worry about your toes tingling on the elliptical. According to my trainer and other''s I''ve asked, it''s not a circulation issue. It''s caused by not really moving your feet for a long period of time, while pushing them in a pretty much stationery position. If you ran the same distance and intensity you would not have tingling toes. And yes, I sometimes get tingling toes and then I remember I need to move my feet and stretch my toes during a 45 minute workout on the elliptical to avoid the tingles.

Really glad to hear this because I have the same problem. It''s like my feet "go to sleep". I started sort of rotating through my feet while I''m on it and that does help but it''s hard to remember to do that.

Didn''t get to the gym tonight because we had a 3 hour neighborhood meeting and I''m exhausted but I''ll get there tomorrow.


Aug 3, 2006
Date: 1/8/2007 10:56:30 AM
Author: Lorelei
AWESOME weight loss Nej - CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, that was AmandaPanda, not me!

In fact, I think I gained weight! Or the great scale I bought last month isn''t that great. I went to the Y again this morning and worked out on elliptical for the first time in years. It felt like a serious workout, but I only burned 300 calories according to the machine. I felt like I was really pushing myself, at least compared to how I feel on the treadmill or walking/jogging outside, which is the only exercise I did at all in 2006. (I didn''t exercise much at all in 2005.) So it''s interesting--you read about how you have to mix your workouts up to get the most benefit from them, b/c your body adapts, and today it was so clear that this is true. My body had definately adapted to walking and jogging.

so, on my scale that I bought last month, my weight is 145 and my body fat is 30%. I thought the weight was accurate and the bf was high, but the scale at the Y(actually scales--I tried 3-4 of them) said that I weigh 149. They test body fat there by 2 methods, electric and callipers. I got tested w/ the latter this morning and it said 23.8%. This seems more accurate to me, but it is maybe a little low. I made an appt to test it using the callipers on Wed. The # itself really isn''t that important, but it''s nice to know that I''m probably not quite as chunky as that cheap scale made me feel!

Tonight I made a lighter version of pan fried fish--orange roughy coated in egg whites and bread crumbs and then spray hot pan w/ olive oil, toast on each side for a few minutes, then bake in hot oven for 5-6 min (I added lemon juice and chopped parsley on top after it cooked)--and steamed broccoli and carrots. Oh, also made small side of whole wheat angel hair pasta w/ lots of tomato sauce. It was a really yummy and satisfying dinner.

I''m really excited to get back to the Y tommorow and push myself on the ellip again. It made me feel SO out of shape, but in a good way, like I''ve been in denial about it for 2 years and now I''m finally doing something about it. Good night everyone!


Oct 30, 2002
nejarb...whether you use the scale at home or at the gym, just be consistent and use only that scale. i don''t have a scale which is great because i can only weigh myself at the gym, so it''s always consistent. and remember, weight is not the end all to be all!! if your body fat really is 23 that is quite good so you can be packing some heavy muscle it sounds like. in any case, working out will definitely add a new element to the whole thing for you!

dinner tonite was awesome. i had more of the salad and less of the chicken...and then a little bowl of ice cream (probably 2 servings)....dreyers slow churned cookies and cream YUM. let it melt a bit, swirl it around a lot. yum.

i think i might make those pumpkin muffins tonite, gotta make sure i have all the stuff in the house...!! rod so funny about the different ways we all inspire ourselves using some great people on this thread. have a great night everyone!


Oct 30, 2002
okay muffins are in the oven! man these are some huge muffins too...haha.

i modified the recipe a bit. i actually discovered the white flour i bought yesterday IS king arthur white whole wheat flour, lol, so i used that. i only used 1c of bran and it's oat bran and not wheat but in muffin recipes i have found it seems they are almost intercheangeable. 2/3c buttermilk instead of 3/4. 2 egg whites instead of full eggs. instead of sugar i used sweet leaf sugar subsitute and just 2 packets. i added 2 tablespoons of flax seed and used 3 tsp of brown sugar. only 1 tablespoon of oil (i know oil isn't bad in recipes really but i have such a mental block about pouring any sort of CUP measurement into a recipe, lol), added a dash of vanilla and way more pumpkin spices, lol.

total overall is 1360 cals for 12 muffins so it's about 113 per muffin. i actually have been searching for a muffin under 150 cals that is a bit larger than my cranberry bran ones, so this might work out to be a good adaptation. i realized it was kind of like making a pumpkin pie into muffins. and pureed pumpkin is amazingly healthy for you! i am so happy that you posted this recipe, shortblonde!

anyhow the muffins look great, 2 more minutes. i also sprinkled some cinammon on the tops of each. it's funny because my coworker is addicted to my bran cranberry muffins and so she will be super jazzed when i come in tomorrow with these. she keeps asking me when i am making more muffins!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 1/8/2007 11:26:06 PM
Author: nejarb

Date: 1/8/2007 10:56:30 AM
Author: Lorelei
AWESOME weight loss Nej - CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, that was AmandaPanda, not me!

In fact, I think I gained weight! Or the great scale I bought last month isn't that great. I went to the Y again this morning and worked out on elliptical for the first time in years. It felt like a serious workout, but I only burned 300 calories according to the machine. I felt like I was really pushing myself, at least compared to how I feel on the treadmill or walking/jogging outside, which is the only exercise I did at all in 2006. (I didn't exercise much at all in 2005.) So it's interesting--you read about how you have to mix your workouts up to get the most benefit from them, b/c your body adapts, and today it was so clear that this is true. My body had definately adapted to walking and jogging.

so, on my scale that I bought last month, my weight is 145 and my body fat is 30%. I thought the weight was accurate and the bf was high, but the scale at the Y(actually scales--I tried 3-4 of them) said that I weigh 149. They test body fat there by 2 methods, electric and callipers. I got tested w/ the latter this morning and it said 23.8%. This seems more accurate to me, but it is maybe a little low. I made an appt to test it using the callipers on Wed. The # itself really isn't that important, but it's nice to know that I'm probably not quite as chunky as that cheap scale made me feel!

Tonight I made a lighter version of pan fried fish--orange roughy coated in egg whites and bread crumbs and then spray hot pan w/ olive oil, toast on each side for a few minutes, then bake in hot oven for 5-6 min (I added lemon juice and chopped parsley on top after it cooked)--and steamed broccoli and carrots. Oh, also made small side of whole wheat angel hair pasta w/ lots of tomato sauce. It was a really yummy and satisfying dinner.

I'm really excited to get back to the Y tommorow and push myself on the ellip again. It made me feel SO out of shape, but in a good way, like I've been in denial about it for 2 years and now I'm finally doing something about it. Good night everyone!

Apologies Nej, CONGRATS Amanda on your terrific weight loss - I must need glasses or learn to read more thoroughly....


I didn't work out last night as sore back again, but I did do both days of the weekend. Rod it is a great motivation to know that you, Mara and Jeff and everyone are hard at it too, it really helps me get my backside out there and also to not skate out of a workout by thinking - thats enough/ I'm tired/ don't have time to finish/ must check on the dog/ blah blah...

Welcome ShortBlonde

CJ - I wish I had known years ago that weight management was all about balance and exercise and that perfection doesn't do it. I have been so brainwashed by various fad diets/ slimming clubs that if you go over your thousand calories for example that you have failed and weight loss has just slipped out of your grasp...
The angryfire is justified here as this attitude caused me so many problems and misery in my efforts to be perfect, despite what some experts and slimming gurus say or used to say - rigid diets are not the answer, finding a way to make mainly healthy choices and exercise long term is what works, not a strict diet which doesn't teach you a thing about long term weight maintenance.
So it is a case of changing thinking really, even a few days of not hitting your best food choice or exercise goals doesn't mean you have failed, just part of your path to a new healthy you - you know you can improve next time and do better the next few days!


Mar 26, 2006
Short, those muffins sound wonderful! Maybe Mara will ship us all one this morning to have for a snack.

Rod, I'm glad that the tingling in my toes is nothing to worry about. I figured it was just because my feet weren't moving, but it's nice to hear it from somone else!

Well, the bad news is that my filet/french fry/chocolate cake adventure last night has my weight back up where it was at the beginning of last week. The good news is I'm wearing the black pants that I could only get it not a few weeks ago with control top panty hose without them (thank god!). I'll take the way my pants fit over what the scale says any day, LOL.

Today I will be light on the calories and I'll do another hour on the eliptical tonight, so hopefully I'll counteract some of that dinner at Wildfire. I do have about 3-1/2 oz of filet left and three big mushroom caps, but I'm going to have those for beakfast and lunch and dinner will be light.

ETA: nejarb, what do you mean by your body adapting? Is it that you get more efficient at the workout or something else?


Dec 23, 2004
Well, I made it to the gym this morning, but only for 30 minutes. Better than nothing!

I ate pretty well yesterday. I had a homemade turkey and cheese wrap (about 230 calories) and a yogurt. I was very good and didn''t taste anything at class. We made bagels and they smelled yummy and I was hungry! But I was good. Of course, I had some extra salmon at dinner, but I figure that better than the alternative.

Today we''re making pain au chocolat so it''s going to be extra hard!


Apr 30, 2005
I am not Nej
- but I do think she is right about our bodies adapting Dee. It is good to mix it up as our bodies do get used to doing the same thing, as a result we don''t progress so much. I tend to mix up the time I spend on the treadmill and the ellip to get some variety going, also intervals are good on the treadmill - you go faster for a couple of mins, then slow it down with perhaps more of an incline for a few mins etc and mix it up that way.


Jun 15, 2006
Morning all!

My parents came for a suprise visit yesterday and wanted to go to a local Mexican restaurant and i thought crap, there goes my calorie count for the day. But the menu actually had a healthy dining section w/ nutritional values listed so I was able to stick to my calorie goal for the day, YIPEE! I was actually under, I ate 1100 calories yesterday total (it wasn''t intentional).

Hubby came down with something last night, it''s either the stomach flu or food poisoning. He''s leaning towards fp because of the symptoms. I am just keeping my fingers crossed thatif it is sf I don''t catch it is I''m scheduled to head to Sacramento to visit a friend who had baby in Decemeber on Thursday.

I''m suppsoed to work out today but if my parents are brave enough to come over that might not happen, we shall see.

Everyone continues to do wonderfully, good job gang!

Those muffins sound great, I may have to try them out!


Oct 30, 2002
just reporting back to say the muffins are yummy!!! greg and i split one last nite (wasn't in my calorie plan but whatever, it's healthy, lol)...and they could use a bit more sugar BUT i actually like them like this. greg was like oh more sugar. but he's thinking of it as a pumpkin pie kinda thing. i'm like honey they are supposed to be bran muffins. good for you with a bit of flavor. and for me they fit the bill. and they are the prettiest bright color too from the pumpkin. and man do they make huge muffins for 12. next time i might make them a bit smaller and make more like 15...the only reason is that they took forever and a day to cook. the recipe said 28 or something like that and i really had them in there for like 40! and they were still a tiny bit moist in the bottom. i find also with buttermilk that nothing quite cooks entirely all the way through sometimes. like when we make buttermilk pancakes they are still really moist and you sometimes think they weren't done but you know you cooked them long enough kinda thing. for someone who doesn't like that moist dense flavor, subsitute with milk and you'll be fine. but they are super yummy and cakey moist inside. greg took one this morning and i am taking 3 in for me and my 2 i can see they will be all gone in a few days.

this morning i did oatmeal again, but i actually microwaved the water and then poured it over the oats and cooked them rather than microwaving the whole thing. it worked great...i mixed in 2 teaspoons of brown sugar and also a tsp of my Joseph's syrup (love this stuff) and YUM. WAYYYYYY better than the oatmeal i made yesterday. i might have this for dinner again tonite. i'm excited because greg has rehearsal tonite which means that he gets home later, and typically i make us something then eat half and warm his again. but i thought you know i am going to have a lazy night and eat what i want to eat! so i told him it'd just be a soup nite (aka campbells) and he was like okay sure. so that means i can eat WHATEVER I WANT for dinner. if i want waffles for dinner or oatmeal or just 2 big bowls of cereal...i can do it. hehehe. it's not really that big of a deal, but last nite i wanted breakfast so badly but i had chicken for us...and i was like i can't eat breakfast and make greg just eat whatever just on a whim! haha. but tonite i can!! so i am jazzed. only thing is that because i typically eat a large calorie dinner (aka 600) i will have to have more cals throughout the day OR just have cereal AND oatmeal tonite or something to make sure that i meet my range. ooh cereal and oatmeal sounds like a plan. hehee. or oatmeal and waffles even better. two breakfast things in one night. woohoo.

today is a workout day too...500ish cals. i'm looking fwd to it. my stomach thing has subsided a fair amount so maybe it was just pulled muscles, the weird esophagus thing....i was thinking that i MAY have picked up a heavy pot and jammed it against my chest on saturday which could account for why my whole front trunk area and esophagus are was hurting, i may have bruised it. because yesterday it was much better and today it's even better. our bodies are so complex. i was going to make an appt today if i didn't feel or see improvement but i think that things are straightening out hopefully, so keeping fingers crossed that the stomach thing was just the pulled muscles and the esophagus was just some hazadous pot activity and we're all good. we'll see i guess!!

have a great day everyone, keep up the fabulous work and good luck with the chocolate croissants amanda (those are my favorites!!) oh and deejay i doubt that your one night mini splurge really got your weight back up to wherever it doesn't sound like you ate that much and i tend to not believe when you eat a bit more your weight jumps that much...kimberly hope hubby feels better, being sick to the stomach is no fun! hope you don't get whatever it is either. make sure to take your vitamins today!

lorelei it's funny isn't it how far 'dieting' has come since i was used to be total fad diet, celery and cottage cheese, blah blah GROSS. now people are finally realizing it's about a lifestyle change where you actually continue with it forever as the plan, not just taking off the 10 lbs for an event. and there are so many more healthy options that are YUMMY now! people realize that you can basically eat almost anything as long as you do it in the right manner. imagine if all our parents knew that? hahaa. i mean who wants to eat celery and cottage cheese forever? i have to say that i get a little thrill every time i make a fun new recipe in a healthy way and it comes out good! it's like 'take that celery and cottage cheese!'...hehee. like mac and cheese. i was telling my coworker about my recipe and she was like 'healthy mac and cheese? isn't that an oxymoron?'...but ITS NOT. and that's what is so wonderful! the fact that you can take something that is probably like 3x your daily fat allowance with all sorts of clogging items going on and make it 'better' for you. of course it's not a big salad but it's not BAD either. and it has beneficial properties when made correctly, just like almost any type of food. anyway, rambling now but i love how far 'food' has come in terms of how people can view it and use it for their bodies. and ENJOY it too.


Apr 30, 2005
Exactly Mara - thank goodness things have come such a long way with weight maintenance and nutrition. It did use to be all about cottage cheese and celery or the fad diets, I think I must have tried most of them. It really was like a punishment, well it felt like it, that all you were supposed to eat was

cottage cheese

( can''t stand ''em!)
lean meat and not much of that
vegetables and no potatoes ( shock horror!)
cottage cheese

ryvita and NO BREAD
cottage cheese

citrus fruit

and all of the above in small amounts, a mouse would have had a job existing with that little lot....No wonder I used to feel I had a Fat Fairy at my christening....
Naturally I used to rebel, feeling that I was last in the queue when metabolisms were handed out, for years I struggled with my body, alternated starving and eating and despairing of ever really being able to live normally and eat somewhat normally.

Until one day the penny dropped and I managed to lose one of my biggest hindrances - impatience. Something told me that in order to be able to BE a slim person and be able to enjoy life, the missing link was exercise. I also needed patience and a plan I could stick to for life without starving myself, yo yo dieting or even ANY dieting, as it had done me no favours over the past years.

Anyway, here I am - fit and trim and at peace with my body finally, it feels good!

Just some thoughts coming out here!


Jun 15, 2006
Thanks, Mara. He''s a tough cookie, he never complains or allows himself to stop working and rest when he gets sick, so the fact that he agreed when I suggested he stay in bed this morning tells me it''s really not good. I may just have to rearrange my trip, it would be so unfair to bring illness to a newborn and his mom. I also need to call my parents who are staying in a hotel nearby and warn them that coming over might not be such a good idea. It''s a good thing they had other things planned for their mini-trip!

I''m going to hop on the treadmill for a while, I''d like to burn at least 500 calories this morning.

DeeJay: Do you typically eat dinner for breakfast? You''ve mentioned doing so in several posts and I find it interesting. There was something about that in the last People magazine a woman started doing it and then wrote a book about it.


Jul 13, 2006
Ok, I was feeling lazy today. But now, I guess I''ll go do an hour on the ellipt. (my feet tingle too)

Then maybe I''ll try to make the muffins. Mara said they were delicious. Sounds yummy!


Apr 24, 2004
Mmmm those muffins sounds tasty! Tho'' I think of pumpkin as a savoury dish, as we mainly use it for baking or soups over here. Never had a pumpkin pie before!

I was on track yesterday for my food intake but didn''t get to go for a walk as it was too warm and button was being cranky.

Today we''ve got another hot day forecasted, so I''m going to go to the gym when hubby gets home from work tonight.

Food wise, it''s multigrain toast with vegemite for brekkie, and then I''ll have to go and do some food shopping because the pantry and fridge is looking a bit empty after getting back from the holidays. I have a lot of healthy stuff on my shopping list, and plan to go as soon as I''ve had breakfast so that I will not get tempted to buy junk food on an empty stomach!


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 1/9/2007 11:50:54 AM
Author: KimberlyH

DeeJay: Do you typically eat dinner for breakfast? You've mentioned doing so in several posts and I find it interesting. There was something about that in the last People magazine a woman started doing it and then wrote a book about it.

Kimberly, if I have left overs I almost always have them for breakfast the next day. And then sometimes (like today) I will eat breakfast food for lunch (today I'm having cereal and a banana). Dinner though is generally normal dinner food. Don't ask me what my rational is--belive me, there is not "grand plan"!--I just eat what appeals to me the most at the time I'm choosing, LOL.


Feb 21, 2005
glad you liked the muffins, mara. i love that they are huge yet low cal, cause they keep me full until lunchtime. funny about them not cooking through - they are totally done after 25 minutes in my oven. maybe it''s some of the changes you made - using less bran and adding flax seeds instead, which don''t soak up liquid the way bran does. dunno. the original recipe actually called for letting the bran/pumpkin mix stand for an hour before adding the dry ingredients, but i am too impatient to do that and have never had a problem! but you could try it if your muffins are too wet.

i actually prefer the taste of oat bran as well, but i recently learned that oat bran has almost twice as many calories as wheat bran - 230 calories per cup vs. 125. oat bran has more fat and less fiber than wheat bran too, so i''ve been trying to stick to wheat!


Oct 30, 2002
that''s funny sb about the calories in oat bran...i didn''t know that so i am really glad that i skimped on a few other things like the oil and sugar and stuff because the calories in each muffin probably would have ended up being more than your 150 if i had followed the regular recipe AND used oat bran. when i was originally buying stuff for muffins i could only find oat bran so that''s what i used. i will have to see if i can find wheat bran. so you do notice a taste difference with oat being more tasty?

anyway, i brought the muffins to work and my coworkers really liked them as well. my boss''s dog ate hers after she managed to get a taste of it, lol.

funny i noticed the whole eating dinner for breakfast thing too DJ...i totally cannot do that. i have to have breakfast in the morning and dinner at night. though sometimes mentally i like having breakfast for dinner but it''s never the other way around. i actually get grossed out by the idea of dinner for breakfast, hehee...i don''t know why!!! but breakfast it seems like you can have anytime!! i think greg can pretty much eat anything cold pizza, ick!!

lol lorelei, your list is pretty bleak but so true. remember carrots and celery as snacks? yack. i mean how much of that can you eat.


Jun 15, 2006

I think that''s really interesting; my guess is you are someone who will try anything once (because you don''t compartmentalize food).

I used to be able to eat cold pizza for breakfast, but I stopped 95% of my bad eating habits (2 bowls of cereal in the morning, etc.) a long time ago and vowed never to return. I don''t think I could eat steak for breakfast though (not even steak and eggs).

I might have to jump on the muffin bandwagon as well, I need to go get the poor DH a drink with electrolytes at the store, I may pick up the muffin makings as well.

I burned 500 calories on the elliptical. Am feeling a bit tired as I slept on the couch in my office to give John some space last night and woke up every 1/2 hour or so. I''m still on track to burn 2000+ for the week so I don''t feel too bad about not doing what I normally would.


sevens one

Apr 14, 2004
I know I don''t usually post here but I do follow along.

I need some *extra good vibes*

Last Monday, Jan.1, (yes New Year''s Day) I severly sprained my left ankle on a run. I stepped on something coming
down and my foot rotated out. OUCH

I''m hobbling around on crutches and a splint. This sucks. I have gone swimming a couple of times since- but being out
of the cardio loop is doing a number on my brain!
I may try the stationary bike next week and see how I feel. I hate this. I don''t have the patience.
I had worked up to three mile runs and was doing well. Back to the drawing board.

Please feel free to give me any tips- I do appreciate it.

I have a lovely friend who is a PT- he looked at my ankle the other night and has me doing the point and flexing right now.

Did I mention that this sucks?



May 1, 2006
Well, sounds like tingling toes are pretty common! Unfortunately for me, it also happens to me in some step classes, but not nearly as often as when I'm on an elliptical or treadmill.

Breakfast was again yogurt (I eat yogurt almost every weekday morning) and I've had a few almonds as a snack. Lunch is zucchini, rice, and tomatoes with admittedly too much cheddar cheese (cheese is one of my few food weaknesses ...) I've got grapes as my afternoon snack. Dinner will likely be veggies burgers and spinach salads.

And I think those muffins may be in my weekend plans! Yum.

ETA ~ Forgot to mention my exercise plans for the day. 30 minutes on the elliptical then a 30-minute high intensity step class followed by a 30-minute strength class for lower body and the core.


Oct 30, 2002
aww sevens sorry to hear about your sprain, that totally sucks. i hate when an illness or injury derails me!! it''s like your mind is in the right place but your body doesn''t want to cooperate. i hope you feel better soon. what about trying something like pilates where you are stationery and mostly on your back during the workout? now might be a good time to get some core work going, and do things like situps, pushups, and also various types of leg lifts and kicks (on all fours, these work your butt big time!) etc.

i''m eating a muffin right now, they are soo good. i love that they are not too sugary. you can definitely taste the bran which is a flavor i like and the flax gives it that slight nutty taste. also they firmed up really nicely to where they are a little hard and crispy on the outside and then inside they are just the perfect consistency, so i guess that it all worked out in the end regarding cooking them longer and them being a bit softer inside. i actually like the contrast between outside being harder and inside being gooey-er...hehee.

oh and how i mixed it together was not following the recipe. i just put all the dry stuff together in a bowl and mixed in the wet stuff separately, it''s how i made my other muffins with bran and all that. so not sure what the differences are between one way vs the other...kinda interesting.


Sep 26, 2006
Hey everyone! I''ve been having trouble jumpstarting my week. Lorelei, I''m still trying to achieve that balance that you talk of!! My metabolism is not the same as when I was 16 and I''m having trouble getting used to that.
Yesterday was cold and rainy so I didn''t go for my run as scheduled. I have a class tonight from 6:30-9:30 and I need to get work done beforehand, so I''m not sure if I''ll get any excercise in today either. I think I need to find a shorter route through the park for days that I''m limited on time. Usually my 4 mile route takes an hour, including all the stretching and walking, and somedays an hour is too much time that I don''t have.

However, on a good note, I did find my hard-core yoga DVD on, so that should be here within a week or so. I can do that on days that I don''t feel like running, or am limited on time.

shortblonde, that recipe sounds amazing. I''m going to make them sometime this week. I''m so excited!!

OH I almost forgot! I finally found the FiberOne Honey Clusters!!!! I definitely need to add a bit of Honey Bunches of Oats to the mix, or use soy milk instead of skim milk. I had them with the HBofOats and skim milk today and it was yummy! I''ll alternate between the FiberOne and the Kashi GoLean. These are my 2 favorite cereals so far.
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