
Weekly Workout Thread 8th Jan till 14th Jan

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Dec 28, 2005
Kimberly, so sorry to see in addition to your loss, you are sick too. You've had all the bad, now things will be good again.

Lorelei, so sorry to see you don't feel too good either. Dipping FRENCH FRIES IN MAYO........
My My My.........Mustn't do that too often you know.........LOL You must do an extra 60 minutes on the elliptical as pennance!!!!

OK.......didn't check in yesterday at all. It was a crazy day. We wound up not making it to the gym as we decided to have both our Mercedes Teflon coated and that took the better part of the day and we had to jocky both cars to the dealership to get this done. But, we are so pleased to have had them both done and since the Teflon coating is supposed to keep the finish showroom new for a long long time, we are pleased to have protected the inside and outside of both cars.

Then last night we had our dinner with our frineds at the restaurant owned by the developer of our (hopefully) new condo. Oh My God........this is truly 5 star in quality and price, but the food was just so exceptional. I had a rock shrimp and goat cheese salad as my appetizer, then I had what they called "Deconstructed Ginger Butter Infused Maine Lobster (Mara
) It was just phenominal. And they went out of their way to ensure we were enjoying our evening since we are almost "Family" if we ever finalize the negotiation on the condo. The developer (the dad) even managed to be there to stop by and offer his welcome to us. It was a lovely evening to be sure. The only thing I did bad food wise was to have a peice of Key Lime Pie, which was the chefs specialty desert and let me tell you, after living in Key Lime Pie country (Florida) for the last 12 years, it was absolutely superb (as well it should be for $9.00/slice). So, I had to do extra pennance myself at the gym today.

Today, we officialy joined the gym we've been working out at for the last month. It felt good to feel permanent at a good gym again. To make up for the Key Lime Pie, I worked out for over 3 hours and pushed harder on the elliptical. I traveled over 9 miles in 45 minutes and burned more than 740 Calories. I was just burning up the elliptical and it felt great.

Tommorow is Monday and we usually don't work out. Since our realtor has a meeting with the developer tomorrow morning to get the counter, we're meeting him for dinner tomorrow night, likely for Sushi. Yummmm.

We also managed to make it to the last day of Talbot's Men's 1/2 Yearly Sale where many items were 70% off. I bought a new coat for $79 which was originally $350. What a deal. I also got a couple new sweaters for $29, which were originally $95.

All in all, it was a great weekend. Again, Kimberly and Lorelei, please feel better real soon!


Apr 19, 2004

Late catching up here. My last weeks exercise was hampered by overdoing it with my lower abs on Monday and susequent bladder/ligament pain the rest of the week.

Oh Rod, you are making me very hungry! Your meal sounded wonderful.

Kim; I am very sorry for your loss. Take care.

Hope all others not feeling well are on the mend.



Oct 30, 2002
omg rod that lobster sounds DIVINE. yet another reason for us to head over to NC...hehe. seriously we are thinking of coming out there in may for a little scouting trip...we are going to the east coast to see greg's family for memorial day and we are considering flying into raleigh, staying for 2 days then driving the 4 hours to maryland to see greg's dad for a few days, then probably driving the 4 hours further to see his mom in pennyslvania for another few days as well as some of his friends and family in NJ. then flying out of NJ or something. anyhow if we do end up doing the fly into raleigh thing i will let you know for sure!!

i went for a 45 minute walk today, about 2.5 miles most likely. it's COLD out but it felt good to be out and about. my stomach muscles were kind of bothering me but when i came home i stretched them out and put the heating pad on so they feel okayish, nothing really painful, just kind of sore still. so hopefully i can take the day off tomorrow then workout tuesday with another walk, maybe at the gym this time.

i just had a snack of some cateloupe (which was not good so i tossed it) and a bowl of kashi strawberry fields cereal. soon i'll head over to the store to get the rest of the makins for the pot pies...woo hoo.

welcome back becky! rod i am so jealous of your long hoo. i feel like such a slug, i think being inactive is making me SLEEPY. i took a 2 hour nap after the walk. ugh!


Jul 23, 2006
Well I just had a delicious dinner of pepper steak over whole grain brown rice...yummy!!! I used the low sodium soy sauce and it was very tasty. I''m thinking about whip and blueberries.........yummy....i didn''t get to "formally" work out this weekend, but i''ve been eating i consider housework a good workout...up the stairs...down the stairs... laundry...folding is a great arm


Mar 26, 2006
Today I did an hour on the exercise bike, which wasn''t so bad once I settled into a groove (but I bet my butt is gonna be sore tomorrow from that hard plastic seat!). Only burned 376 calories compared to 600 or so on the eliptical, but I am DETERMINED not to hurt myself so I want to keep mixing it up a little on different machines.

I had a pumpkin muffin and fat free cream cheese for breakfast, a seared tuna salad with vinigarette dressing (just tipping the tines of my fork in) for lunch, and snacks were a rice cake and some pudding so far. The happy hubby is making roasted chicken stuffed with lemons (not exactly the "engagement chicken, but close, LOL) and green beans for dinner. So it''s been a pretty good food day.

This is a three day weekend for me so tomorrow in addition to doing an hour on the eliptical I plan to rearrange the furniture in the living room and our bedroom. (Won''t the HH be surprised when he comes home tomorrow?!) So that will burn some more calories too (I just have to be careful to lift with my legs, which is something I often forget when I get into that couch movin'' frenzy!).


Aug 3, 2006
DeeJay, it''s good to mix it up w/ cardio machines. And re only burning around 300 cal an hr, I think it''s good b/c that means you''re probably in the fat burning (vs cardio conditioning) stage. I don''t really understand how all that works (a calorie burned is a calorie burned, right?), but it''s probably good to do some of each! you mentioned being determined not to hurt yourself--are you talking about your shins still? or just in general? in any case, be careful moving that furniture!!

Mara, I hope your tummy feels better soon!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 1/14/2007 6:36:33 PM
Author: Mara
omg rod that lobster sounds DIVINE. yet another reason for us to head over to NC...hehe. seriously we are thinking of coming out there in may for a little scouting trip...we are going to the east coast to see greg''s family for memorial day and we are considering flying into raleigh, staying for 2 days then driving the 4 hours to maryland to see greg''s dad for a few days, then probably driving the 4 hours further to see his mom in pennyslvania for another few days as well as some of his friends and family in NJ. then flying out of NJ or something. anyhow if we do end up doing the fly into raleigh thing i will let you know for sure!!

i went for a 45 minute walk today, about 2.5 miles most likely. it''s COLD out but it felt good to be out and about. my stomach muscles were kind of bothering me but when i came home i stretched them out and put the heating pad on so they feel okayish, nothing really painful, just kind of sore still. so hopefully i can take the day off tomorrow then workout tuesday with another walk, maybe at the gym this time.

i just had a snack of some cateloupe (which was not good so i tossed it) and a bowl of kashi strawberry fields cereal. soon i''ll head over to the store to get the rest of the makins for the pot pies...woo hoo.

welcome back becky! rod i am so jealous of your long hoo. i feel like such a slug, i think being inactive is making me SLEEPY. i took a 2 hour nap after the walk. ugh!
You inactive??
Hardly. You are one of the most active people on this thread. I realize that sometimes I get carried away and I am hopelessly single minded, but I think you have a bit more balance in your life than I do. I just get so focused on the working out that I sacrifice a lot of other things in life. I guess it''s better than eating the unhealthy way I used eat, not working out and smoking. Anway, never doubt your active accomplishments dear Mara. You are way more active than most people I know.

We actually cooked a real dinner tonight. We have lived in this crappy apartment for almost 2 months now and it''s the first time we''ve used the oven (crappy oven, I should say). But we had a really nice meal at home for a change. We baked nice thick pork chops, had sauteed fresh asparagus and carrots. It wasn''t a fancy meal, but it was a nice and wholesome meal.

Then, I finally went to the iTunes store to download some fitness music for my new iPod. All our CD''s are still in our condo in Tampa, so I either had to go buy new CD''s or download music from iTunes. It was way cheaper and simpler to download dance and fitness music and now I can''t wait till I get to use my new iPod on the elliptical Tuesday night.

I hope everyone had a good start to the upcoming week and it''s not too cold in your neck of the woods. It''s actually still warm in Raleigh, but they say that by the middle fo the week, it will be quite cold. At least I''ll be able to wear some of the new sweaters I''ve been buying since coming up here!

PS: If you and Greg do make it to Raleigh, I hope you''ll let us show you around when you''re here. Since I know you love Sushi as much as I do, we could take you to our favorite Sushi place here!!


Jun 15, 2006
I am still sitting on the couch doing a whole lot of nothing. My body is achy and just plain yuck! I''m taking Sudafed and the psuedoephedrin in it is making my heart flutter.

John is making steak, brussel sprouts salad and bread for dinner. Hoping to get a bit of iron in me to give me energy. I''ve had some oatmeal (I threw out 1/4 of it) a protein bar and a handful of almonds today. I''m getting hungry.

Keep up the good work, gang!


Oct 30, 2002
oh we''ll totally let you show us around rod, we would love it!! i''ll keep you posted on if/when we end up doing it in may.

okay just wanted to check in and say that the pot pies are a total success!!! they are SO cute! i actually took pictures. hehee. best part is each 10oz pie is only about 450 cals even with the pastry tops. yum yum yum!!! greg pronounced them awesome and ''nice and light''...hehe. i''ll post the recipe later. back to eating now.


Apr 24, 2004
I caved in to temptation and had a couple of sausages at the bbq yday, but we went for a long walk afterwards, so hopefully it''ll be ok.

Dinner was dory fillets with a salad, so I didn''t blowout on calories, thankfully!

It''s monday down under, and I will wait to post in the new weekly workout thread about what I did today!

Hope everyone''s had a good week!


Jan 5, 2007
i made it to the gym this morning but just so tired. felt like i hit a plateau.

that''s why i constantly change things up.

in terms of cardio. if you have a clean diet, two cardio sessions of 30-40 minutes on a treadmill up hill at 12-15 percent are awesome for burning the amount of fat you wanna burn.
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