
Weekly Workout Thread 7th May till 13th May

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Jul 23, 2006
well it was an awesome fun weekend, but now i''m back on track.
i''ve been gardening and doing yardwork for the past 2 hours---man what a good workout. i''m using muscles that the gym or workouts just don''t do for legs and shoulders are hurting in the good workout way.
anyways everyone is way too critical of themselves and i agree it has a lot to do with celebrities looking like 12 year old boy bodies these days. i like having some curves...if curves were good enough for marilyn monroe then they are damned well good enough for me. people still rave about her body--i bet they won''t be raving about these stick thin actresses in 10 years, let alone 40 or 50. anyways i''ve been REALLY good eating today
so i''m back on track. i did get on the scale and was 1 pound heavier....not too bad for drinking at least 1000 calories besides eating a lot at the bbq and game in a day.

Hooray for skinny mirrors......gotta love em.


Oct 30, 2002
just wanted to check in and say that i tried two Kashi frozen entrees so far... the Lime Cilantro Shrimp one last week and the Southwest Chicken one today. for anyone who has not tried them, they typically have about ~250 cals and like 5g of fat but really high levels of protein and fiber, aka 4-6g fiber and 15-20g of protein. the Lime Cilantro was good, not fabulous, I mixed it with some mango salsa and it was tasty, i really like the rice which is like a barley wild rice kinda thing, with a great texture. But the Southwest Chicken was YUMMY. like REALLY yummy. i had that one today. i didn't even mix anything in. it's a little spicy but in a good way and it has black beans, the tasty rice, a sauce and chicken with red and green peppers. seriously tasty. i got another lime cilantro shrimp also. anyway so far these two are good...a few of the other ones have more cals like 350 so i won't be trying those, but i totally recommend these two, but the SW chicken over the shrimp if you have a choice.

anyway today is moseying along... i am going to take a short walk outside in a few even though it's like 90 degrees, i just have to get out for 10 minutes! i am not walking to my mom's to get P tonite, i had her drop her off at home and figure i will go home and then walk around when the sun is going down since it's going to be too warm before then. so anyhow, hope everyone is having a good day!!


Mar 26, 2006
The doctor called and left me a message that my CT scan came back and my lungs are great. I do however have some arthritis in my spine and two small spots on my liver.

Hopefully she'll call me back and tell me what the he!! is going on. I was much healthier before I started getting tested!

Based on the bad/weird news from the doc I at a lunch of several mini candy bars. Now I feel a little sick. Not sure whether it's from the candy, the arthritis or the spots...


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 5/7/2007 6:59:15 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
The doctor called and left me a message that my CT scan came back and my lungs are great. I do however have some arthritis in my spine and two small spots on my liver.

Hopefully she''ll call me back and tell me what the he!! is going on. I was much healthier before I started getting tested!

Based on the bad/weird news from the doc I at a lunch of several mini candy bars. Now I feel a little sick. Not sure whether it''s from the candy, the arthritis or the spots...
I can''t believe your doctor would leave a message telling you you have two spots on your liver without speaking with you directly. And I don''t blame you for eating the candy bars either. Chances are you feel sick from a lunch of candy. I''m sure the spots are nothing to worry about, but your doctor needs to sit down with you in person and explain things.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. But I''m sure they''re not needed at all.


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 5/7/2007 7:53:25 PM
Author: Rod
Date: 5/7/2007 6:59:15 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

The doctor called and left me a message that my CT scan came back and my lungs are great. I do however have some arthritis in my spine and two small spots on my liver.

Hopefully she''ll call me back and tell me what the he!! is going on. I was much healthier before I started getting tested!

Based on the bad/weird news from the doc I at a lunch of several mini candy bars. Now I feel a little sick. Not sure whether it''s from the candy, the arthritis or the spots...

I can''t believe your doctor would leave a message telling you you have two spots on your liver without speaking with you directly. And I don''t blame you for eating the candy bars either. Chances are you feel sick from a lunch of candy. I''m sure the spots are nothing to worry about, but your doctor needs to sit down with you in person and explain things.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. But I''m sure they''re not needed at all.

Seriously--isn''t that the worst "phone-side" manner you''ve ever heard of!

I''m sure it''s nothing too, but geez...


Dec 28, 2005
I''m glad you liked the Kashi meals Mara. I tried about 3 of them, including the Cilantro Lime Shrimp and just didn''t like them at all. Our trainer gave us a meal to try that is sealed and does not need refrigeration of any kind. It has about the same calories as a Lean Cusine (can''t remember the brand) and for people who live in hurricane prone climates like Tampa, these could be a really good thing to have in one''s pantry. They''re fully cooked and can be eaten right out of the box. I''ll report how it tastes and the brand when I eat it.

I did about 25 minutes of just core strength training then I had a great 45 minute run on the elliptical this afternoon. Even though I was tempted to do some weights, I passed them by and headed directly to the elliptical. The unassisted chinup bars were callling my name, but I had to tell them to hush and I let them know I''d visit them tomorrow. LOL

We met for sushi at our 2nd favorite sushi spot and it was just fantastic. They had a special roll tonight of lobster salad which as just full of lumps of lobster, SO GOOD. The rest of the rolls we had were different varieties of tuna''s and also SO GOOD. Then we went to Starbucks for a cup of coffee. It''s actually chilly tonight and I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, so we had to sit inside instead of out under ''my'' century old oak tree. It''s really unusual to have temps this cool in May, but we''ll take them as blistering hot is just around the corner.

I hope you''re all having a nice evening.............


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 5/7/2007 8:01:10 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Seriously--isn''t that the worst ''phone-side'' manner you''ve ever heard of!

I''m sure it''s nothing too, but geez...
Um, yeah. Seriously DeeJay, I''d be havin a lil bedside talk with that doc.

And I''m sure it''s nothing too. Geez woman, will you get a clean bill of health so we can shop carefree??

*lil humor injection there*

Let us know what the doc says.


Jan 25, 2005
Date: 5/7/2007 6:59:15 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
The doctor called and left me a message that my CT scan came back and my lungs are great. I do however have some arthritis in my spine and two small spots on my liver.

Hopefully she''ll call me back and tell me what the he!! is going on. I was much healthier before I started getting tested!
Your doctor must be smoking some serious crack. Or else the info is nothing to worry about and she assumes you would just know that.
Right. I''d be calling every 30 minutes till she got back to me. You don''t just leave a message like that!!

At least you only ate a few mini candy bars. I could have easily polished off a bag!!


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 5/7/2007 8:07:21 PM
Author: Ellen
Date: 5/7/2007 8:01:10 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

Seriously--isn't that the worst 'phone-side' manner you've ever heard of!

I'm sure it's nothing too, but geez...
Um, yeah. Seriously DeeJay, I'd be havin a lil bedside talk with that doc.

And I'm sure it's nothing too. Geez woman, will you get a clean bill of health so we can shop carefree??

*lil humor injection there*

Let us know what the doc says.

Ellen, I might be more fun to shop with like this -- caution thrown to the wind and all!

And FG, I can't even talk to her for a few days becuase part of her message was that she will be out of pocket for a conference starting tomorrow morning.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 5/7/2007 8:09:27 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Ellen, I might be more fun to shop with like this -- caution thrown to the wind and all!

And FG, I can''t even talk to her for a few days becuase part of her message was that she will be out of pocket for a conference starting tomorrow morning.
LOL! well, whatever you thinks best.

And isn''t that NICE, she leaves you that and then LEAVES?? I seriously would be making calls to whomever and telling them this is HIGHLY unprofessional and you don''t want to SIT on this news. MAKE her get back to you.


Jul 23, 2006
deejay---sorry that your dr is a complete ASS!!! what kind of nonsense is that? good luck with the spots---and then she leaves!!!
hope you get a 2nd opinion or a new dr.


Mar 26, 2006
I feel bad that I ended up inadvertantly hijacking this thread. I swear if I ever get to work out again I will write all about it...


Jun 15, 2006
Ah, back in much cooler San Diego reminded of why I so love living here after spending the day in 100 degree dry heat Palm Springs...YUK! My grandmother was wearing a turtleneck and sweatshirt, the crazy woman! And she wasn''t even warm.

It wasn''t a morbid day at all, it was really pleasant and good to see my mom, it just seems like a lot of mausoleum visiting in a one week period; I guess my sarcasm didn''t translate well.

We ended up having fast food at my aunt and uncle''s to avoid trying to get my grandmother in and out of a restaurant. I ate 1.5 red burritos from Del Taco, 270 calories and 8 grams of fat for one...not to shabby. For a fast food splurge.

Dear John called me on the way home to tell me he''d picked up pre-made tamales from the best Mexican restaurant in San Diego (in our opinion anyways) while he was out working today, so I guess tonight will be a bit of a splurge as well. I guess that''s what happens when I''m not around to give my input on the infamous question, "What''s for dinner?"

I''ll come in at about 1800 cals for the day, which isn''t tragic, but I really wanted to reel it in before we head to Maui as I know it''s going to be a total food-fest while we''re there, even if we only eat 2 meals a day, as per our usual vacation routine.

I have an observation in the morning, so I''ll do my workout in the afternoon tomorrow.

Sounds like everyone is off to a great start this week. Keep up the good work!


Aug 12, 2005
Ugh, DeeJay, sorry to hear your doctor isn''t the brightest bulb in the box when it comes to leaving messages for patients! Try not to worry too much, though...when my dad (who''s 66) had a PET scan about a year ago they found some spots on his lungs that they dismissed (over the phone) as calcium deposits (he is a smoker), my mother was livid because they didn''t call them in to tell them in person. It turned out to be basically nothing, but since my dad had had cancer it was a major concern of my parents'' that this could''ve been cancerous spots that spread to his lungs suddenly and the doctor seemed so nonchalant about it. Sometimes they are just ridiculous with trying not to concern people over what they consider to be trivial things. You are a young lady who is in seemingly very good health though (I''ve seen you!) so I''m crossing my fingers that you have nothing to worry about!

Mara, I tried the soy/flaxseed cereal ground up in a PB, banana, almond milk, and vanilla ice cream smoothie concoction today, it was quite good! Thank you for the suggestion on the other thread, I would never have thought of it. I put about 1/2 cup of the cereal in a ziploc bag and pulverized it with a mallet and then poured that in with the a whole cut-up banana, 2 tbsp. peanut butter, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/2 cup ice cream and some crushed ice and it made about 16 oz, so I split them in half and drank one and the other is in the freezer for later! It was really good, I''m so glad I tried it. It was more like a shake than a smoothie but totally hit the spot and had a good nutty flavor from the cereal and pb. Next I think I''ll try the cereal with raspberry sorbet and almond milk and crushed ice to get that fiber but make more of a smoothie (thinner consistency).

I''m not totally out of the woods yet post surgery but I am feeling 95% better! I''m off the prescribed pain meds and onto Advil so I can at least drive if I need to and run brief errands around the neighborhood. In a couple days I think I''ll be feeling up to walking around the block a few times, and by the weekend I think I will be ready to do some planting but nothing too strenuous. I''m amazed at how quickly I''ve bounced back but I am making a point of not trying to push it too much too soon, ya know?

congrats everyone on the WWT, you all are just moving right along and doing so well.


Jun 15, 2006
DeeJay, I meant to tell you how sorry I am that your MD chose to share such information with you in a phone message! You continue to be in my thoughts...healing vibes coming your way!


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 5/7/2007 9:06:01 PM
Author: monarch64
Ugh, DeeJay, sorry to hear your doctor isn''t the brightest bulb in the box when it comes to leaving messages for patients! Try not to worry too much, though...when my dad (who''s 66) had a PET scan about a year ago they found some spots on his lungs that they dismissed (over the phone) as calcium deposits (he is a smoker), my mother was livid because they didn''t call them in to tell them in person. It turned out to be basically nothing, but since my dad had had cancer it was a major concern of my parents'' that this could''ve been cancerous spots that spread to his lungs suddenly and the doctor seemed so nonchalant about it. Sometimes they are just ridiculous with trying not to concern people over what they consider to be trivial things. You are a young lady who is in seemingly very good health though (I''ve seen you!) so I''m crossing my fingers that you have nothing to worry about!

Mara, I tried the soy/flaxseed cereal ground up in a PB, banana, almond milk, and vanilla ice cream smoothie concoction today, it was quite good! Thank you for the suggestion on the other thread, I would never have thought of it. I put about 1/2 cup of the cereal in a ziploc bag and pulverized it with a mallet and then poured that in with the a whole cut-up banana, 2 tbsp. peanut butter, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/2 cup ice cream and some crushed ice and it made about 16 oz, so I split them in half and drank one and the other is in the freezer for later! It was really good, I''m so glad I tried it. It was more like a shake than a smoothie but totally hit the spot and had a good nutty flavor from the cereal and pb. Next I think I''ll try the cereal with raspberry sorbet and almond milk and crushed ice to get that fiber but make more of a smoothie (thinner consistency).

I''m not totally out of the woods yet post surgery but I am feeling 95% better! I''m off the prescribed pain meds and onto Advil so I can at least drive if I need to and run brief errands around the neighborhood. In a couple days I think I''ll be feeling up to walking around the block a few times, and by the weekend I think I will be ready to do some planting but nothing too strenuous. I''m amazed at how quickly I''ve bounced back but I am making a point of not trying to push it too much too soon, ya know?

congrats everyone on the WWT, you all are just moving right along and doing so well.
Great news, monnie! I saw my mom today and she just had grafting done on her front gums and I thought of you.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 5/7/2007 8:01:10 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 5/7/2007 7:53:25 PM
Author: Rod

Date: 5/7/2007 6:59:15 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

The doctor called and left me a message that my CT scan came back and my lungs are great. I do however have some arthritis in my spine and two small spots on my liver.

Hopefully she'll call me back and tell me what the he!! is going on. I was much healthier before I started getting tested!

Based on the bad/weird news from the doc I at a lunch of several mini candy bars. Now I feel a little sick. Not sure whether it's from the candy, the arthritis or the spots...

I can't believe your doctor would leave a message telling you you have two spots on your liver without speaking with you directly. And I don't blame you for eating the candy bars either. Chances are you feel sick from a lunch of candy. I'm sure the spots are nothing to worry about, but your doctor needs to sit down with you in person and explain things.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. But I'm sure they're not needed at all.

Seriously--isn't that the worst 'phone-side' manner you've ever heard of!

I'm sure it's nothing too, but geez...

How horrible, I am so mad at that doctor!
How dumb is that; I can't believe they do not know they are scaring you! Keep us posted. You are in my prayers. I am so sorry. I hope you get it straightened out first thing in the morning. I bet Rod is right.


Nov 24, 2006
Did Step Aerobics tonight; I loved all the combo''s. I never seen so many new and different steps; it was soooooo much fun!!!

I ate much better today. I had Fage in the morning, black bean soup for lunch, toast, 100 cal pack of cheetos, Chicn''Less Nuggets potatos, salad and fruit.

Glad you are feeling better Monarch! Yah, for a great walk Mara! Yah, Rod for core and ellip workout! Glad you had a nice quick trip Kimberly!


Oct 30, 2002
wow so much evening activity!! monarch i am glad you loved the smoothie, it sounds yummy!! and glad to hear you are doing well! DJ hope the DR finds out what is wrong with you soon, but i am so not surprised to hear it's dragging out and they are not finding much...that is sooo western medicine!!! it's just so random half the time. kimberly, i love tamales, mmm hope you enjoyed them. skippy good for you for getting step class in today!

so got home and went for a 2.25m-ish walk with portia, it was pretty warm but it felt good to be out and walking. then i made us dinner which was tortilla crusted tilapia, alexa fries, and roasted garlic asparagus..yummy! we ate outside on the patio and there was a little breeze as the sun went down, so nice!for dessert we shared a few small cookies and some cayenne dark chocolate and now i am having the rest of the vanilla bean gelato (3/4 of a serving actually!).

rod as a dark chocolate lover, you might like these dark chocolate bars we found, they are by Vosges, you may have heard of them, but the gal who makes them does all sorts of funky flavors that sound weird but work really well when it comes to dark chocolate. the one we had was the Cayenne Dark one and it's spicy!! but really good. anyway i saw her get written up in some magazine and i was so curious to check out her flavors then realized that some chocolate we'd picked up in Carmel was Vosges!! So now we can't wait to try other flavors. it takes us like 3 months to go through one bar since they are so dark and rich.

anyhow today i only did about 3miles total in walking but i figured it could be a lighter day...tomorrow it's back to the gym and arm weights. hope everyone had a great day!!


Nov 24, 2006
Hey all!

Wow, Mara; you sound like you had a great day!!!! When ever you talk about food, it almost feels like I was there (excellent descriptions). heehehe I love Alexia potatos, yummy! Yeah for the walk!

I will be walking tonight.

I will post more later but I am wishing everyone a great day! Wow, Kimberly I am so excited for you that your Hawaiian vaction will be here before you know it.

DJ, have you talked to the doctor????


Apr 30, 2005
Dee I am sure you are fine my darling, I will never understand health professionals who can blithely leave a message like that for a patient without giving that poor patient the chance to ask questions, especially a frightening message such as yours

I would hunt her down or her superior as Ellen says


Jan 3, 2005
Hey all...

dee jay, ok girl, your doc sounds nutso to leave you that kind of message and then leave town. I''d be calling the office demanding to talk to someone who can interpret the results otherwise my vivid imagine would just run wild. anyway, i hope her taking off means the results are nothing to worry about but the whole thing is strange to me.

so, i got up and walked Zoe for 1 mile and will do another mile later tonight with her. hubby and i then hit the gym and i did the Arc again. i usually do the one with out the arms but they were taken so i had to do the one with the arms which is harder. it was alright though and i was able to cheat and not use the arms the whole time.
today is one of those days where i just feel hungry all the time. i ate miniwheats with blueberries for breakfast and was starving after my workout and forgot to bring a bar of some sort. my kids had swimming lessons so we didn''t get home until just a little bit ago. lunch was hummus and i''m thinking of making the fage peanutbutter combo too. that usually fills me a bit and curbs my desire for something sweet.

i hope everyone has a happy tuesday!!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 5/8/2007 1:45:59 PM
Author: mrssalvo
Hey all...

dee jay, ok girl, your doc sounds nutso to leave you that kind of message and then leave town. I''d be calling the office demanding to talk to someone who can interpret the results otherwise my vivid imagine would just run wild. anyway, i hope her taking off means the results are nothing to worry about but the whole thing is strange to me.

so, i got up and walked Zoe for 1 mile and will do another mile later tonight with her. hubby and i then hit the gym and i did the Arc again. i usually do the one with out the arms but they were taken so i had to do the one with the arms which is harder. it was alright though and i was able to cheat and not use the arms the whole time.
today is one of those days where i just feel hungry all the time. i ate miniwheats with blueberries for breakfast and was starving after my workout and forgot to bring a bar of some sort. my kids had swimming lessons so we didn''t get home until just a little bit ago. lunch was hummus and i''m thinking of making the fage peanutbutter combo too. that usually fills me a bit and curbs my desire for something sweet.

i hope everyone has a happy tuesday!!
My thoughts exactly. DeeJay, it''s time to get a new doctor. That''s just unacceptable and unforgivable.


Dec 28, 2005
Mara, the chocolate sounds fantastic. I believe we had some when we were in Raleigh and it was the one with the cayenne, which was a shock as I didn''t realize it had the pepper in it until I took my first bite. But, I did think it was really good and oh so smooth and creamy too!!

I will be heading to the gym soon. I''m feeling anxious today, so a good workout is just what Rod needs. I know it''s only been 3 weeks on the job search front, but I''m getting antsy. I have an interview Thursday with a small permanent placement company who would like someone like me to start an IT placement group. It would be commission only, but it could be interesting. I''m just not sure how I feel about 100% commission at this stage of my life and career. There is another company who is interested, but they keep dragging their feet and telling me they''re working on finding the "right" spot for me. I just need to relax and realize that jobs at my level don''t grow on tree''s and realize I have much to offer and the right thing will come along, but it''s hard. I have to find a way to pay for the brand new BMW I ordered over the weekend.........LOL

Anyway, I hope all''s well with all of you. I''ll check in later.


Oct 30, 2002
sounds like everyone is having a pretty good day! i've been in all day meetings so just checking in..! i hate meetings like this because basically there's no movement and a lot of brain power expended haha. i can't wait to get to the gym and actually move my body around a bit! rod, don't worry you will find a job but yeah it might take some time.

eating has been pretty good considering i am in this meeting..they brought bagels this morning and i had a half (the skinny bottom half with hardly any bread!) of a super nutty grain one with a bit of honey walnut low-fat spread on it. i forwent the boxed lunch and brought my own...which was some brown rice and broccoli from home heated in the micro with a veggie burger. i also had some of the green salad that came with lunch which had some bleu cheese and bacon and i didn't even need dressing since the bleu cheese was so tasty. i did have a cookie that came with the boxed lunches, oatmeal raisin, and then a few of my own 20 cal cookies which were tasty. tomorrow i am in the same meeting again for a 2nd day, and we are supposed to go out for lunch so we'll see how that turns out!

i am hitting up the gym in about 30 minutes for my workout, hoping to burn around 500 cals total with elliptical and arm workout...then i am meeting our neighbors for some dinner at this local place...greg has a reheasal so we are going just us three. i typically have a salad made up of greens, mango, oranges, avocado, grapefruit, pistachios and bleu cheese with vinaigrette, and some minestrone, yummy!!! so that should be a fun diversion this evening.

hope everyone has a great evening!!


Jun 15, 2006
DeeJay, you didn''t hijack the thread, don''t be silly!

It''s been a quiet day for me. I observed this morning and have been taking it easy this afternoon, which feels really great! I''m working for the next three days, we have dinner guests on Saturday, lunch w/ our realtor on Monday and we leave on Tuesday, so it was nice to be able to carve out some "me" time.

We''re having lemon chicken and artichokes for dinner, much better for me than tamales! It''s really DRY here (6% humidity) so something light and fresh sounds good and that should fit the bill.


Jan 20, 2006
DeeJay hope you have managed to be reassured by your doc. Honestly I am not surprised that she did this. I know lots of doctors and spent most of my twenties around med students and really they can be so socially lame and poor communicators.
I now have a lot to with a medical students prorgam and they have a large portion of their course deidicated to interpersonal communication etc
On topic I am about to get on the elliptical for 1/2 hour and then have a protein snack.


Dec 28, 2005
I feel ever so much better since having a good workout. It''s just amazing what exercise can do for the mind, body and soul. All my favorite ellipticals were taken this afternoon, so I had to use one that was just plain hard. I still kept the RPM''s in the 90 plus range, but it was difficult at the level I usually do. Thanks for the reassurance Mara. I know it will likely take some time to find the right job. Fortunately, we''re in decent financial shape and able to weather me being unemployed for a while.

It''s a beautiful evening in Tampa. There''s a low pressure system off the coast of Georgia that is bringing much dryer and cooler air our way. It''s good and bad. From southern Georgia through northern Florida, it''s bone dry and there are many significant fires burning out of control and because of the low pressure system, it''s pushing the smoke directly at us. It was eerie this morning as the smoke in the upper atmosphere was so thick it blocked the sun. Finally, the winds picked up and blew it away, but there''ve been advisories all day for people with respiratory problems to avoid the outdoors. Fortunately, I have no problems.

I hope your workout was good Mara. I know how draining all day meetings can be. I''m sure working out will help you a lot.

Your dinner sounds great Kimberly. You and John are always are having something yummy. Don''t forget that if you ever get tired of him, we''ll gladly take him down here........LOL

Hope your elliptical session was good katebar.


Jul 23, 2006
well i had a good outdoor workout. i walked and did lots of yardwork. my arms are killing me. anyways i ate really well and prob came in at about 1350 calories
....way better than saturday nights calorie intake
. tonight for dinner i had soup and a white meat chicken(like tuna, but chicken...not a jessica simpson comment) sandwich. its 70 calories per serving and i had 2 plus whole grain bread.

i sent out my resume and hopefully i get called---keep your fingers crossed!!!

good day all!!!


Nov 24, 2006
Okay, I had a pretty good day. I ate about 1450 calories. I only walked a mile because it poured; who knew it was going to rain?!?!?! Oh well
we can always you the rain here in sunny New Mexico!!!!

Rod something will come your way; the perfect job is waiting for you! Yah, for dodging the bagels Mara; that was a tough one!!! Yah NYC for hard yardowrk!!!

Have wonderful evening
Mr Skippy and I are going to watch Law and Order tonight; catch you tomorrow
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