
Weekly Workout Thread 28th April till 4th May

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May 14, 2006
Hi everyone
I can''t believe it''s friday already
It''s getting way too close to my exams. I''m heading into college and work for the day. Today is my last day of work before my exams and I have so much study to do once that''s done. My eating has been pretty good but I probably won''t be able to fit in trips to the gym for the next week. Amber is still getting her nightly walks though so at least I''m getting some exercise done.

Mara-I can''t wait to get to that stage when I have no jiggle on my bum and thighs-I think I could jiggle for both of us at the moment

Appletini-glad to hear that you had a great workout!

Lorelei-well done on fitting in a cardio!

Skippy-one pound will be gone off you in a few days. Don''t worry about it. The main thing is that you enjoyed your anniversary. Hope you enjoyed yoga. Sorry to hear that there are fires.

Linda-hope that your headache is gone.

dragonfly-sorry to hear that you were sick. Glad to hear that you''re feeling better now.

Patiently-hope that you''re feeling better today.

Sarah-I love love love wii tennis! Have you tried the boxing-I felt like I''d done a full work out after playing that. I''ll try my best to de-stress but I don''t think that will happen until 2pm this day two weeks when the exams are over!

Something-I don''t think I eat enough fiber also. I eat brown bread occasionally but I know that I need to eat more. Fresh air always makes me so tired! We have to handle cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, cats and small animals like rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters. We have ten minutes per animal and with the sheep we have to be able to turn them over and examine them (they''re so heavy) and with the cattle we have to be able to cast them so they lie down and we can examine them. That always makes me so tired. Horses we have to put on a bridal, take off a shoe etc and small animals it''s mainly sexing them and just being able to handle them in general, checking their teeth and claws etc.

Spark-glad that you had another amazing workout!! Well done!! I left my card in the gym but I''ll write down the workout next time at the different levels she wants me at. I have to do the elliptical, cycle 20km on the bike, rower, lots of other weights, running on the track, swimming and then doing her classes three times a week. Phew-I''m tired even writing that!

Rod-I''m keeping everything crossed for you! That job sounds fab! Sending bucket loads of fairydust. mmm fried egg and cheese sandwiches-I love them! Congrats on being down a pound! With all the exercise that you do, do you have to watch what you eat or can you pretty much eat what you like within reason?

Marcy-sorry to hear that you had a bad day in work. It''s never nice hearing people giving out about you. Glad that you went shopping! You have to do summer school? That''s a pity that you don''t have the whole summer off.


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

Went on a good walk yesterday, and played kickball with my students for 45 minutes. Lots of good exercise. We had a delicious dinner, I'll have to post the recipe.

Just wanted to pop in and say have a great weekend.



Nov 29, 2004
quick update: went for my 30 min walk/jog this morning but changed my routine to 3 min walk 3 min jog.


Jul 22, 2007
Thank you all for your fiber tips! I''ve looked into the link (thanks Skippy) and also into cereals (doc gave me samples of Fiber One), flax seed (I can only find it on the shelf, and I thought it was supposed to be in the cooler), and powders. For the most part, they smell like rabbit food. I have a very strong smeller and have smelled a lot of rabbit food through the years, and I can say definitively, they''re related. I think I''ll try to get myself used to the cereals because they have so much fiber, and I''ll get some powder to mix in with my tea or something. That should give me a good boost. And, I''m sure I would eat fiber in the muffin variety! Thanks again to each of you for the advice.

bee~ Handling all the animals in one day would be exhausting! Sheep are astonishingly heavy, they don''t look their actual weight. And, the stink that can come off a horse''s hoof...blech! Good luck!

Yay for good workouts, good interviews, and good fiber!

Have a great weekend!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Friday!

It's just a lovely morning in Tampa. It was too breezy to sit on the front terrace, but we have three other's to choose from, so we sat on the back terrace, which overlooks the tree's. It is pretty isolated from wind, so we could see the tree's swaying and hear the breezes, but not feel them. We're going to have low sodium/low fat vegetable soup and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch - Yummm. I think we're shutting the job search down for the day and going to a move like we did last Friday. The new Iron Man movie got a great review, so while everyone's at work, we'll see it this afternoon without crowds! Of course I can't go to a movie without having popcorn, but one has to have some treats in life, right?

Marcy, I'm sorry you had to sit through such a negative phone session. I've had to sit through those in the past and they are never fun. Woo Hoo for getting the shirt you've had your eye on for months!

bee*, I hope the stress of your upcoming exams doesn't get to you much. Deep breaths! You'll do great. On your question about whether I can eat what I want? Not really. I come from a family of pretty big (overweight) people and it's really easy for us to gain weight. So, I'm very careful with what I eat. I have relaxed things a teensie bit over the last few months. Even with all the working out, I could gain weight easily if I wasn't careful. For me, it's going to have to be a lifelong change in what I eat.

Good for you Apple changing the walk/jog times to 3 minutes each! That's a good combination for sure.

Have a great day everyone!


Feb 21, 2005
hello wwt! i haven't had much time to be online lately, but i saw somethingshiny's fiber query and wanted to add: search for the pumpkin bran muffins i posted in the healthy recipes thread a while back. tasty and fiber-filled! i usually eat 25-30 grams of fiber daily, mostly from natural sources like whole grains, beans, fruits, and veggies. another option you might want to consider are vitamuffins. they have chocolate muffins that are 6g fiber each and pretty tasty as a sweet treat.

as for me, i am keeping up with the healthy eating/exercising routine but feeling a little depressed because these stubborn extra few pounds don't seem to want to budge. it's not the end of the world or anything, but i would still like them gone! i am thinking that i might need to pick up my cardio a little since my body seems to have adjusted to my current level, but i'm not totally sure how to do so and a personal trainer is not in the budget right now.

eta: for all you cupcake fiends, i am making the pistachio rosewater cupcakes from vegan cupcakes take over the world for an indian-themed dinner party on saturday. i will report back!


Jul 22, 2007
Thanks SB! I read that recipe a while back and it sounds good, think I''ll give it a try. Dr says to shoot for 30 grams a day, I added up what I normally eat and it''s in the 8-15 range. Supposedly I''ll feel more full with more fiber, too. That would be nice.



Nov 24, 2006
Somethingshiny, for a delicious low cal snack w/9 grams of fiber are the Fiber One bars and super yummy!!



Nov 24, 2006
Well this morning my shoulders and back are sore which is good because we were holding poses. Today I am meeting some girlfriends for lunch and we are going to Chili's and I will order off the Guiltless Menu items. It still is windy here
I am looking forward to this weekend because we have no plans which is super nice. Happy Friday all!

SS, I can't do the crane pose either; I looked at it and no way can I do that. hehe

Rod, I want to say whoo hooo for a good phone interview and keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
I will come check in tonight


Oct 30, 2002
sb i totally want to hear how those cuppies turn out, the picture is just divine. i love rosewater so def want to try that recipe soon.


Oct 30, 2002
o and miss lorelei, the pilates reformers are really expensive i think, so not sure people buy them for home. i thought about renting hehehe but that is why i pay to use the ones at my little training gym too so it's like renting.


Jun 25, 2007
Hey all. So I''m depressed today. I did around 120 crunches, which was good, and did 20 squats and 20 plie''s. I normally walk with my G-ma (She''s a little powerhouse, walks faster than me), so we went to go walk (I took 3lb weights to give myself some extra challenge), and we get to where we go down a dirt road and there are
thugs!!!! Walking down our Rd!!! I''m talking gangster looking, clothes in a pillow case carrying thugs
so we walked our little rd once and had to go back in. Tonight it is TOTALLY ON. I''m working my butt off. I gained about half a pound (part of which I think is retained fluids though) which sucks, but I''ll get it back off I''m determined

Short - Good job on the healthy eats! Sounds like a plateau, I''ve been trying to beat the 130lb one myself (I''m at 130lb, but it just won''t budge haha). Maybe try some different exercises you don''t normally do? One thing I''ve found is that if I have one or two meals a week that are not necessarily bad but not virtuous either, it amps up my metabolism and makes it work a bit harder, so then when I go back, it burns off the lbs.


You said you were holding poses.... do you do yoga??? If so I would love some pointers!!!

Keep up the great workouts everyone! Tomorrow I''m hitting up the farmer''s market and then going to work out for a good portion of the afternoon I think. Maybe go jogging, do some yoga, and then do the crunches and squats, or try some new moves.


Jul 22, 2007
Skippy~ Those DO look delightful! I bet they don''t smell like rabbit food!! My little sis can do the crane pose, but she''s super-athletic and has great balance. But, she can''t fold in half like I can!! When is your next class?


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 5/2/2008 3:10:14 PM
Author: somethingshiny
Skippy~ Those DO look delightful! I bet they don't smell like rabbit food!! My little sis can do the crane pose, but she's super-athletic and has great balance. But, she can't fold in half like I can!! When is your next class?
Somethingshiny, Thursday's is my class; I can go on Sunday but I will slowly increase to another class. It is 1 hr of Ashtanga yoga and then 1/2 hour of Restorative yoga which of course I love. I use to do this class all the time but then got busy and stopped going but it felt soooo good to go back. I can see why you love it!!! Awesome for your sis; that is amazing and that is awesome you can fold in half! Try the Fiber One Bars and I am pretty sure you won't be disappointed
When I first bought them I ate 2 or 3 once and Mara teased me about it since they have so much fiber and fill you up pretty quick.

Dragonfly, wow, good for all the resistance work; sorry about your walk, yikes! That is awesome your grandma is a great walker and you can lose that half pound. Yes, I start back up with yoga, thanks.

ETA: KimberlyH, have a wonderful time w/your family!!!


Mar 16, 2005
Hi WWT friends! Sorry I have been MIA the last few days, but wanted to drop by and say hello. I have been entrenched in decorating my house like a madwoman! Adam convinced me to try to paint our kitchen cabinets white and if they didn''t turn out the right way, we would get new ones. They are actually turning out great! However, I am such a perfectionist that I am only doing 1 cabinet door per day so they are coming out just right and look like it is a factory finish. So between coats of paint, I have been running around buying curtains and pictures for the wall, etc. I have been working out almost everyday and have been eating really well, so I am on track. I have been lurking and will make personal replies later, but wanted to wish everyone a great weekend!


May 14, 2006
Evening everyone. I''m just back from my walk with Amber and just checking in before heading to bed.

Kimberley-glad to hear that you had a nice walk. Definitely post the recipe!

Appletini-well done for fitting in a jog.

Something-thanks for the luck! I definitely need it!

Enjoy the movie and the popcorn Rod! Now peanut butter and jelly does not sound nice together-all the American students in my year eat them and I haven''t plucked up the guts to try them yet. My family are pretty big also so I know that I''ll have to always watch my weight. I was hoping that you''d say you could eat what you want now
I was sort of hoping that I could do that once I get to my goal weight and doing lots of exercise but I know that''s not a realistic view.

Skippy-enjoy meeting your friends for lunch! I loved Chilli''s when we were in Orlando. Sorry to hear that you''re sore.

dragonfly-sorry to hear that your walk was cut short.

Steph-enjoy decorating!!

Talk to everyone tomorrow. Night!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everybody!

I had a short night of sleep. The wind kept me awake and I was thinking about assorted things. Rats.

I am so excited the weekend is finally here. The wind was horrible today. It was blowing about 40 miles an hour and gusting in to the 80’s. We went out for lunch and it was horrible. Aak. Tomorrow we are going to warm up to the 50’s again. Yippee.
Our toasted cheese sandwiches were divine for supper. My husband kind of groaned when he heard that was what I was cooking for supper but he later agreed they were really good.
Lorelei, those reformer machines sound great.
Bee, good luck vibes coming your way for your final exams. I have at least 2 classes and maybe 3 classes this summer. I teach 2 online and offer a weekend class at an outreach school 35 miles away. I do that for 4 weekends. It takes a great deal of time but flies by since it’s over in 4 weekends.
Kimi, that’s wonderful you had a great walk yesterday and played kickball with your students.
Hi Appletini and Somethingshiny.
Rod, how did you like the movie? It looks pretty good. Now I’m hungry for a PBJ. I enjoyed my grilled (actually more toasted) cheese sandwich tonight. Yes, it is amazing how many different versions of one story there are out there. I always try to learn things from bad experiences so hopefully it will help me out with some future difficult employee.
Shortblonde, yay for keeping up the healthy eating and exercise. Those stubborn pounds will find you mean business and just go away.
Skippy, that is too bad you are a bit sore today but it must mean you had a great workout. I hope you enjoyed your lunch at Chilils.
Mara, you are becoming a cupcake expert. Yummy.
Dragonfly, how scary to run in to a bunch of thugs. I hope you have some great workouts this weekend.
Steph, your cabinets will look terrific. I believe if you are doing something you should do it right the first time.
Well, I’m off to the treddie.
Have a wonderful weekend.


Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, hope you have sweet dreams. It is windy here but not as windy as you all. I hope the wind dies down for you.

Steph, yay for the cabinets looking great!

Lunch was great. I had a chicken sandwich from the guiltless menu; it was wonderful to see my girlfriends and another friend showed up so it was wonderful just relaxing and chit chatting. We might do a margarita night so we can relax w/out our hubby's sometime next month. hehe

Sweet dreams all


Mar 26, 2006
So today I get completely ready to go to the gym and as I''m sitting here typing out one last email before I leave for the elliptical my phone rings and this potential buyer says, so instead of showing me that property at 10:00 tomorrow morning like we had planned, I will actually be driving down that road in a little while, so can you show it to me in 30 minutes instead?

And of course I did.

Maybe I will get to the gym tomorrow...


Dec 28, 2005

If you're into blockbuster movies, I heartily recommend Iron Man. It was a fun movie and I thought Robert Downie Jr., was a great super hero. Gwyneth Paltrow was great as was Jeff Bridges. And the movie had a good message while serving up spectactular special effects! I feel pretty confidnet there will surely be a sequal or two from this one!

Dinner at favorite Sushi place #1 was terrific as usual. It's such a comforting Friday night thing for us. Of course it was followed by FroYo, then decaf coffee under the oak. Tomorrow will be a regular gym day for us, as will Sunday.

SB, don't be discouraged. Sometimes the body fights super hard to keep those few extra pounds. We all hit plateaus. Your's will pass. Just keep up working out and eating healthy and the extra weight will come off. There's nothing wrong with adding additional cardio to give your weight loss a boost though. One of the trainers at our gym dropped 15 pounds over 4 weeks, simply by running 12 - 15 miles a week more. Anyway, don't be depressed. You'll hit your goals as long as you stay on course.

Yay for being sore from your yoga session Skippy! I'm glad you enjoyed your girlfriends at lunch today! No plans on a weekend can be a great thing. So, enjoy your no plan weekend a lot!

I'm glad you stayed awary from the thugs dragon. Better safe than sorry, right?!

Hey Steph, I'm glad the cabinet painting project is going well. Any news on Adam and what caused his blood pressure to spike so high?

bee*, it's funny how your part of the world as well as Australia and New Zealand, think peanut butter and jelly is an atrocious combination!! Now, I'm betting you grew up on either Marlmite (sp?) or Vegemite, right? I tried Vegemite once, years ago when we had next door neighbors from New Zealand and we were visiting them one day and they were fixing toast with Vegemite. It looked so good to me, like apple-butter, so I asked for a taste. They said it probably wouldn't taste good to me, and explained it was their version of peanut butter but was made of yeast and salt and was what they had as kids growing up. I thought well if you liked it so much as a kid it has to be good, so I tasted it and Oh My God, it was just awful. I guess it's all what we grew up with right? LOL

Wow, those winds are really strong Marcy. Anything above 74 mph is hurricane force, so you're talking about some seriously strong winds there. I can see why you couldn't sleep too well. Yummmm, toasted cheese sandwiches sound good. I'm glad Mary liked them too.

I guess that does it for this Friday. Sleep well everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Rod, oh my goodness that story about the vegemite is soooo funny; my husband love that stuff.
I tried marmite and thought this
His mother loved it but then again she grew up eating the stuff. Glad sushi was yummy!!! I want some; I better remind hubby we need to get sushi. hehe

DeeJay, darn to your client messing up your workout schedule. Grrrrr! Hope you get to workout soon!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 5/2/2008 1:34:59 PM
Author: Mara
o and miss lorelei, the pilates reformers are really expensive i think, so not sure people buy them for home. i thought about renting hehehe but that is why i pay to use the ones at my little training gym too so it''s like renting.
I thought they probably would be...blast. I bet gyms around here wouldn''t offer such luxuries, an ancient groaning treadmill and a creaking exercise bike would be about the best I could find more than likely


May 14, 2006
Woohoo it''s Saturday! I''m heading to the library again today and then D''s aunt is taking the two of us out for lunch in a fancy restaurant. Then it''s back to the library afterwards. This day two weeks I will be done

Marcy-sorry to hear that you didn''t get much sleep last night. That sucks. I''m always so grouchy when I''m tired. Thanks for the good vibes! Wow-you''re definitely kept busy with all those classes! Hope you had a good time on the threadmill!

Skippy-glad you enjoyed your lunch. Margarita night sounds like fun.

Dee*Jay-sorry to hear that work got in the way of your workout. Hopefully the viewing went well.

Rod-glad you enjoyed the movie. D and his friends are trying to drag me to that but so far I''m not budging! I told them if they come watch sex and the city with me I''ll watch iron man with them
We don''t eat vegemite or marmite in Ireland much at all-I think it''s our neighbours in the UK that eat marmite more. We''re into good old fashioned bread and butter in Ireland
Although bread, butter and jam (jelly) is also really tasty. I love your vegemite story!! I''ve never tried that either.

Hi Lorelei

Well I''m off. Hope you all have a great Saturday. Talk to you later.


Apr 30, 2005
Hiya Bee

I hope you have a nice lunch!

I always have a pot of Marmite in my cupboard and have it thickly spread on toast each morning - YUMMO!!! AND it is good for you too!!


May 6, 2007
Hi Everyone- I have been gone all week- i mean from the world of exercise,hehe. But it''s good to see that all of you are doing well. Hope you have a great weekend!

Skippy I am gonna check out those bars! They look yummy- Good for you for getting back to yoga- I do like it when I do it- especially the corpse pose!

Bee lucky you going to a fancy lunch! Hope you have fun.

Rod- glad you enjoyed the movie. It sounds like a good one. I like robert downey jr.

Deejay, I hate when I get side tracked from the gym when I really mean to go. sorry.

Marcy, hope you are feeling better today and got a better nights sleep. I have been sleeping terribly but somehow still am waking up at 630 each morning. I think my body is jazzed up on all those hormones!

Steph- hope the decorating is going well! How do you stay motivated? Are you guys getting ready for something special? I start but then don''t finish.

Dragon- I hope you get back out there to exercise with your Gma. that is so cool.

Sorry if I missed anyone. Take care all. I am going for a massage today- not sure if I''m gonna exercise- I''m nursing a cold and feeling yuck. Maybe just a walk with the dog.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all, I just woke up at 10am so I feel terrific; I think it was because I couldn't sleep the night before. I am taking car of my sister Golden Retriver; I was telling hubby I wish my sister would give me her dog (wishful thinking I know). I love her golden; he is so cute and loveable!!!

I need to run to Costco, go for a bike ride and tonight hubby and are getting sushi (Rod, the power of suggestion). hehe

ROD, I am glad you loved the movie; I told hubby I would go with him but he wasn't wanting to see it. He is very into reviews so if someone gives it a boo he won't go. Maybe by the end of the weekend we will go. I did rent a movie we need to watch so we will see. Rod, I wish you lived out here; you guys do the funnest things!!!

BEE, how is Amber? I have a boyfriend here for her. hehe
Happy studying, you go girl
Enjoy your fancy lunch; I want know what you get.

MARCY, I hope the wind slows down; I am nervous saying this but I will knock on wood afterward but the wind has died down today but come back Mon or Tues. Do you do open face sandwiches in a toaster oven? I should try that with a slice of tomato, yum.

DEEJAY, I hope you make it to the gym today!!! How is Demon doggie? Soooo cute in your avatar!!!

PAVELOVER, how are you feeling? How many weeks along are you; did you get your excercise question answered? The bars are YUMMY and I am not kidding
That is mainly why I am going to Costco because they sell the monster box of the Fiber One bars. hehe Good to see you

MARA, I am thinking of making cupcakes for my sewing class on Monday. hehe


May 14, 2006
Evening everyone. Lunch was great with D''s aunt today. She''s quite an odd woman but I get along very well with her luckily as she''s obsessed with D. Quite literally! The first time I met her nearly nine years ago she told me that she was jealous of me going out with her nephew
. But she told me today that a psychic told her that D was going to meet and marry a lovely girl that she''ll approve of and she told me that had come true so she was very happy[:bigsmile:. Ok on to the good stuff- we had squid for starters, Cod for main course and Baileys Cheesecake for dessert
. The cod was to die for-really tasty. I had the car parked in college though so I didn''t have anything to drink. It was delicious although it did go on for four hours! I thought that I''d never get back to the library. Thankfully it''s a bank holiday weekend over here so we have three days off so I can catch up on some more study on Monday.

Lorelei-what does marmite taste like? I''ve never tried it. I''ve heard you either love it or hate it and there''s no in between.

pave-I''ve hardly exercised all week either- if you''re feeling sick, relax at home for a bit! Lunch was great fun.

Skippy-awww Amber would love a boyfriend!! She''s doing great. She''s asleep on the bed behind me while I''m trying to study. I think that she snores so loudly on purpose! Enjoy minding your sister''s golden. What''s his name? We had two retriever puppies brought into work last night and they were called Bert and Ernie-they were gorgeous!! Glad to hear that you slept better last night.

Well I''m off to do another half hour study and then to bed, if I can get Amber out of it. Night everyone.


Nov 24, 2006
Well I got back from a 40 min bike ride; we returned the Golden Compass (it was okay); in an hour we are getting sushi, yummy
Sweet dreams all

Bee, glad the aunt loves you!!! She sounds funny but in a good way sort of. hehe I love cod, sounds yummy for sure! My sisters golden is Trevor; he is so big, but such a love bug when it comes to people he knows. People he doesn''t know he growls at; he is so funny too. I love that dog; I think Trevor and Amber would make a cute couple and have cut pups, ahhhh. hehe
Yay for a 3 day weekend Bee.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
I hope you are having a great weekend.
I’ve been running around doing errands all day. I had a pancake for breakfast with lite sryup, for lunch I had raw veggies, a baked potato with a smidgen of butter and 3 oz. of steak, then for supper I had a small peanut butter and jelly sandwich with baked lays. I even had enough calories left to have a ½ piece of cherry pie at my dad''s favorite coffee break restaurant. I am going to make my low cal / low fat lasagna tomorrow. I am close to another pound gone so I am trying not to over indulge this weekend.
Skippy, yay for having a healthy lunch with your friends. A margarita night sounds like a great plan too. Have fun babysitting your sister’s dog. I cook my sandwiches on my "diamond" crusted non-stick griddle. I use cooking spray on it and put a very tiny amount of butter on the bread so it’s toasted. I used to cook them in a toaster oven with no butter but we don’t have a toaster oven anymore – all we ever used it for was toast so we just got rid of it. Adding a slice of tomato with it sounds yummy.
DeeJay, rats for being pulled away from your workout but hopefully this guy will buy something and make it worth your time.
Rod, thanks for the movie recommendation. I think it would be fun to go on a movie date some night after I’m finished with school. They had all sort of damage and power outages around town from the wind. I am posting a picture of the “wind” sock they have at our local weather bureau. It’s pretty funny.
Lorelei, your gyms sound like ours – not stocked with state of the art equipment.
Bee, it sounds like you had a great lunch; and it was a nice break from your studies.
Pavelover, my alarm goes off at 6:15 during the week and I still wake up about then on the weekend. I luckily can fall back asleep for awhile. I did sleep better last night, thanks.
Take care and have a great evening.



Jul 22, 2007
hello, all

Just stopped in to say I got me some fiber! Skippy, those fiber bars are truly delicious! I was starving so I opened them on the way home, and I gotta say, I was full for like 2 hours! I also got the Fiber One cereal with oat clusters, we''ll see how that goes. Little sis''s prom is tonight. I went over and did her makeup and our other sister did her nails. It was fun and she looks great. I always think of prom as kind of your "womanly debut" or something. And, she''s got the whole nine yards! For some reason her date (not a boyfriend) has a wacked out haircut. Remember the mullet? Business in the front, party in the back....well this kid has party in the front, business in the back. It''s a reverse mullet. Those pictures should be true keepsakes.

My butt and thighs are sore from digging flower beds. I dug for about 40 minutes and did what usually takes me a couple hours. Yoga has really increased my stamina. I don''t get winded or have to take breaks. Yay yoga!!

Marcy~ That wind sock is hilarious! Hold your hat on woman!

That''s all for now. Have a great tomorrow!
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