
Weekly Workout Thread 26th Nov till 2nd Dec

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Sep 26, 2006
Aw Marcy! Diamonds are the new chicken soup remedy for a cold. What a wonderful hubby!! Yes take some Nyquil...I got through my cold 2 wks ago by taking Theraflu (knocked me out and made me sleep) at night and then Vicks cold syrup during the day (to keep me knocked out). I was in bed for 1.5 days and then back at work full force.

Sleep is the best treatment, whether you can do it with or without meds. Feel better!!!!


Aug 12, 2005
Ebree, on the healthy fat intake, I always shoot for around 30 g per day...I get a lot of my fats through using EVOO and i love olives anyway, so just a few of those, cooking with or using olive oil in salad dressings a few days a week, plus a handful of nuts or sometimes a couple tblsps. peanut butter on a slice of whole wheat with jam or jelly does the trick for me. Don''t stress out too much about those pesky extra lbs., I''m sure they will come off quickly enough with a little diligence and determination, and some positive thinking on your part!

I made good on my workout ambition tonight, came home from work, had a light dinner of progresso veggie soup and a couple Ritz crackers (snowflake shaped, how fun is that!), then I did Cardio Dance on Exercise TV for 20 minutes and then did about 10 minutes with weights. Nothing too exciting, but I''m glad I got in a workout finally, it made me feel better!

Mara, I got through the first two of three parts of Eat, Pray, Love pretty quickly, but I''ve actually been struggling with the third and final part for some reason I can''t quite put my finger on. It''s one of those personal journey to happiness type books...I guess I can relate to the author in some way or I wouldn''t have gotten through the first two parts so easily. I think I also like it because other people''s experiences just fascinate me with how they differ from my own... keep it on your reading list for something to read when you''re in a pinch, though, I think you would like the voice of this author--she''s sarcastic and dry-witted and funny without being overly cynical.

Rod, thank you for sharing your postcard-worthy pic of Tampa Bay!

Skippy, I forgot to tell you when I posted last night that your nephew is so adorable, he''s lucky to have such a beautiful auntie!

CrownJewel, your FreshDirect sounds like a service we have here called Peapod. I''ve looked into it before and the prices are not that bad compared to shopping B&M stores yourself...they offer lots of dollar-off deals adn things like that. It''s super-convenient for couples who both work and want to stock up without dealing with the stress of driving to and fro, loading and unloading all that stuff, etc. Congrats on losing a couple lbs, it''s amazing what portion control can do for your waistline!


Jun 15, 2006
Skip, how could I have forgotten to tell you how adorable your nephew is! 50 lashes for me. I just want to play trucks with him he''s so cute! You should have seen my Gram the day we went through ornaments ("Why is Cathy taking all of the good ones? There won''t be any left!" too darn funny.)

Marcy, I am so sorry you still aren''t feeling well. BUMMER! Get some rest. My hair is way cute, I don''t know why I didn''t cut it a long time ago. I only wish I''d gone a bit shorter; next time. John''s mom was quite a lady, and I''m glad she was at our wedding too. I certainly miss her.

Ebree, homemade hashbrowns? Send some over, please!

So today was work and then a long hair appt., no time for exercise. I did plenty of walking around the school I worked at though.

Mara, I''m glad you''re getting a laugh out of the thread, I am too!

Havve a great night all.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Everyone!!

Sharon, thank you "ever" so much for offering to let me help you shovel snow, but Rod will just have to pass on that. I''m glad I popped in your mind though.......That''s a compiment for sure.

Awww Marcy, I''m sorry your cold has gotten worse, but it''s nice to know the new studs are making you feel better!!

Ebree, other''s have made the same suggestions I would make. Healthy fat really does work. I''m a fan of almonds and I have a big bin of natural (nor processed in any way) almonds and raisins in my desk at work, and I snake on them throughout the day. Don''t starve the pounds off, your body will fight you on that. And you''re doing the right things by getting in extra exercise. If your weight issues began when you started a new prescription, you might want to discuss that with your doctor too. Anyway, good luck. WE ALL know how hard it can be to get those last few pounds off. Trust me on that.

Kimberly, I think a bob would look cool!! If you get/got one, you''ll have to post a pic........

Monnie, I''m glad you are getting over your cold, but sorry hubby is getting it now. I hope he feel''s better soon.

Gail, yay for losing the 2 lbs!!

Steph, I''m glad you and family are happy to be back home. Have you all made the decision whether you''re moving back to Atlanta?

Lorelei, yay for elliptical and treddie!! And I forgot to mention that I''m still ever so proud of you for being a non-smoker now for 18 months. I passed the two year mark as a non-smoker last August. I still miss it, I guess I always will and I know those who never smoked will never understand that, but it''s a poweful addiction and was such a big part of my life (even though it was killing me).

Appletini, if your bum is sore it means you accomplished something good. So good for you!!

Kayak......what an incredible gift from the inlaws.......And yes, you won''t get to use them in Miami for sure!!

Yay for muscle night at the gym Skippy. If your arms are sore tomorrow, that will mean you did good!!

It was a typically long day at work. Charlie used a couple more vacation hours and hit the gym this afternoon. But, I didn''t get there until a little after 6. I won''t bore you with any details, but I was somehow energized tonight and I just kept going and going and going and the next thing I looked at the clock and it was waaaay past the time I normally leave. I''ll be back tomorrow night, but won''t work out as long. I should be sore somewhere in the morning.

It''s late and I need to get some rest. I hope those who aren''t sick had great days and to those who aren''t feeling too well, your colds/flu are short lived!


Jun 15, 2006
Rod, my hair is too shaggy to be considered a bob, but it is chin length. I feel wierd posting "here is my haircut" pictures, but it is darn cute. My stylist informed me that she is moving and will only be in town every six weeks in the future. She is the best stylist I've ever had and I am devastated, I begged her not to move. She laughed at me, so sad. She's a staple in my life now, I don't know what I'll do when she establishes her business in her new state and stops coming home.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 11/27/2007 11:08:31 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Rod, my hair is too shaggy to be considered a bob, but it is chin length. I feel wierd posting 'here is my haircut' pictures, but it is darn cute. My stylist informed me that she is moving and will only be in town every six weeks in the future. She is the best stylist I've ever had and I am devastated, I begged her not to move. She laughed at me, so sad. She's a staple in my life now, I don't know what I'll do when she establishes her business in her new state and stops coming home.
Kimi, put the pic in your who's who; you are so beautiful we need a pic. hehee Monnie and Mara have gorgeous pics of themselves. . . it is only fair you do the same!


Nov 24, 2006
Rod, don't work so hard. Glad you got an energizing workout in!!!

Kimi and Monnie, thanks for the sweet compliment about my nephew! Kimi, I bet he would totally love playing trucks w/you. How is your nephew??? I think they are close in age.


Oct 30, 2002
marcy, so sorry to hear you are getting sick...i have hopefully fought off my potential cold as i do feel better...will hope the same for you.

cj, yay for bacon and brussels sprouts!! i am actually finishing off ours tonite!! it''s so funny because seriously i feel like they are SO filling!! tonite for dinner i made a small plate of 8 brussels, about 2oz turkey breast, about 2 tablespoons pinto beans and about 4 tablespoons stuffing, and i can''t even finish it all!! i have 2 brussels left, 3 small pieces of turkey and a little stuffing. i really do want to eat it all since i think i should...but i feel so full and chewing the brussels makes me feel more full. and they are chock full of nutrients too which is awesome.

ebree, it''s funny because i used to also look at the fat range for spark people and think ''holy crap who eats 70g of fat''. but once i started trying to get more lean proteins and good fats in, it was all too easy actually. if you eat a handful of almonds that''s 12g fat. which seems like a ton right?? also i eat a fair amount of 2% cheese which is like 3g fat for each serving but so much in protein. so i was finding that by trying to up my protein counts, that i was also upping fat counts. which turned out to be okay as even though i was eating way more fat than i thought i was (around 60g per day really), i was also eating more protein and less carbs and i ended up losing 2.5% body fat in 2 months. so i know the idea of more fat rather than less in order to lose fat seems daunting but try eating some almonds and maybe some avocado in salads and you could probably get it covered.

lorelei, yay for skinny jeans, i don''t have any that just slide over my hips like greased lightning unfortunately hehe.
kimi yay for a cute haircut, doesn''t it make you feel awesome.

monnie i can''t believe that you manage to eat 30g of fat per day, hahaha. as i noted up above, when i try to eat more protein i just end up also eating more fats, typically ''okay'' for you fats and a lot of good for you fats but i eat way more than 30, more like 60! but i am still losing body fat, so that''s good. thanks for elaaborating on the book...i think my friend also is having a hard time with the middle to end part of the book.

eating was hit or miss today thanks to the bday of my friend/coworker. we had all these small individual desserts instead of a cake and we were all sampling bites of them during the afternoon. so i definitely had a little sugar to work off hehee. hit up the gym tonite after work and did 30 min on the treadmill doing walk/run combos. then did 20 minutes of arms and abs. owie, i did the fat burn on the arms which is lighter weights but you do it continuously for a minute at a time. boy does it seriously BURN BURN BURN. but in a good way. i am happy to see for the most part i am stabilized weight wise (fluctuating within the typical 2 lbs on the scale), then came home, showered, make myself my turkey plate and am watching some smallville while greg is at rehearsal.

hope everyone had a good day or at least a fair day!! is everyone working on their xmas shopping? seriously i feel so unmotivated this year to shop...i really just want to order up some one size fits all gift and call it a day, but of course that can''t happen!! oh well. another year!!
nite all!


Aug 12, 2005
Hee hee, Mara, I should note that my 30 g of fat per day are the days I am behaving and not eating pizza or cheese! Also, the sweet tooth gene that runs in my family totally missed me and my head is not turned by any donut, cake, pie, or chocolate for the most part...I know, I know, I''m a freak of nature. But on average when I actually keep track of nutritional values I consume right around 30 g of fat a day. Oh, and proteins for me are of the veggie variety like beans, chick peas, dark leafy greens like spinach, etc., so that''s a factor. This whole discussion reminds me that I need to get my cholesterol checked again...I wonder if I''m in for a rude awakening as I haven''t had it checked for a few years. It used to be like 160, I think, but a few years and many slices of pizza have passed since that reading.


Apr 30, 2005
Hee Mara! I had a slight suspicion that I had dropped some fat recently, I had been a little more careful since I was feeling heavier a few weeks ago...So I tried on these tightest jeans and up they went - amazing!!
I normally had to wriggle and pull to get them up. They are really comfortable too and my abs are flat, so I am most pleased!!

Rod thanks for the congrats and you were a major inspiration to me, along with the encouragement of all the WWTers when I quit smoking!!! I find that now I don''t think about it as much, do get the odd craving but it passes very quickly. I was getting into my car the other day and there was a chap smoking in the next vehicle, it smelled completely disgusting, yet some days I can smell it and enjoy it....So I do miss it a bit, but know that I can never ever take another puff, it is a difficult addiction to break and I know I can never say I am cured and over it, I will have to be strict with myself forever.

Monnie how are you finding not smoking a few months on?
You might find you get a great cholesterol reading as smoking can increase bad cholesterol!


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning all! Well, I just got on the scale and guess what? It said I gained 6 pounds since yesterday
!! Umm, I don''t even know how that is possible. Yesterday I ran 2 miles in the morning, ran with Andrew during soccer. Cleaned my house and ate pretty darn well. I was at 1550 cals for the day yesterday. Here is a run-down of what I had yesterday....kashi cereal with 2%milk for breakfast. 1 string cheese for snack. At Panera Bread I had 3/4 bagel with LF cream cheese and LF chicken noodle soup (around 100 cals). Afternoon snack was special K ceral snack pack (around 90 cals) and dinner was Weight Watchers taco soup made with rotesserie chicken topped with 1/2 tsp. of LF sour cream and LF shredded cheese and 1 corn muffin. So not terrible, but a little carb heavy. I think I had too much sodium and not enough water b/c my fingers are really swollen this morning (I can''t get my rings off and they are new, so I know they usually fit). Anyway, I am going to be downing the water like a crazy woman today to try to get rid of this and try not to freak out too much.

Skip, I just went back through and your nephew is sooo cute. Little boys that age are so much fun! Great pic of you too!

Marcy, sorry you are not feeling well...I''ve found that diamonds are a miracle cure though

Rod, love the picture...don''t you just love FL this time of year? Oh, to answer your question, we are actually going to be here for at least a few more months....they decided to put Adam in charge of a project down here that should last a few months, so we''ll see in about Feb. or so what the plans are...I have to tell you, I am not sad about not moving during the holidays again this year...and the winter in So. Florida is fab!

Kimi, I would love to see your pic...I need a new hairstyle. I love short hair, but have been afraid to do it for the past few years b/c I thought my face was too chubby, but now that I''ve lost the weight I might just go for it!

Lorelei, yay for the skinny jeans...that is the best feeling!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Skip, my nephew turns two tomorrow and started preschool yesterday (so young!). My sister got a part time job, working the days he''s in school. Big, exciting changes in their family! I need to call my sister and find out about his first day.

Mara and Skip, new haircuts are so fun. I wish we''d gone shorter like jawline; next time. Part of me wants to try a pixie cut, but I''m feeling a bit unsure (John would not like it AT ALL!).

So my weigh in for today: 127.6. Not too bad for the week after Thanksgiving.

I slept terribly last night. I plan to exercise when I get home if I don''t fall asleep!

Maybe we''ll go out to dinner tonight. That sounds like a good idea.

Have a great day all.


Oct 30, 2002
morning all!! happy wednesday...closer to friday, whee. hehee. going back to work after a holiday is always such a drag! at least now we all have xmas to look fwd to, but after that ...wah!!

is everyone sticking locally for the holidays, any fun travel planned for WWT'ers?

having my breakkie of egg whites, 2% cheese, high fiber wrap (for whoever asked about it, it's the Sonoma Factory Artisan tortillas made by La Tortilla Factory, they are 60 cals and like 8g fiber and 5g or 6g protein)...and coffee! i have been on calls since 7am today *zzzz*.

on a really fun note, one of my close cousins is pregnant and just was admitted last nite because she started labor! the baby is 2 weeks early but apparently the doctor says she is 'fully cooked' so my cousin is excited she is coming early since that's 2 weeks more she doesn't have to be preggo!! so i'm waiting on word, though i just got an email from another cousin who is in LA telling me that her parents are at the hospital and my cousin's mom is flying it sounds like the family is well covered. hopefully this afternoon we'll have the first great-grandchild in our family for grandma! i already have ummm 2-3 christmas gifts for the new baby, and have already bought her a load of stuff, i just love buying for other people's babies hehee.

so anyhow, hope everyone is having a great morning thus far. yay kimi for a nice low scale # after thanksgiving!! marcy hope you are feeling better. monnie, yay for not smoking and lorelei, BIG yay for your long-term non-smoking, that is awesome woman!! and yay for fat loss helping you into the jeans, gotta love it.


Feb 21, 2005
hi everyone! the thread is so busy this week - i guess everyone is feeling newly motivated with the holidays!

lorelei, i am so happy that you finally posted a pic of jasmine - she is gorgeous!

i managed to eat too much on thanksgiving as usual, but am back to my regularly scheduled healthy eating now. my cold hit me full force starting friday, so i haven''t gotten in much exercise lately as i''ve been too exhausted. but i am finally feeling better today and plan to bike at home tonight. it quite cold here, which always kicks in my cravings for excessive amounts of comfort i''ve been drinking lots of hot tea to help fill that urge without all the calories. last night i made cupcakes, just cause i wanted the house to smell like baked goods! but i only ate one and brought the rest to work today, so the damage is minimal.

lots of people at thanksgiving (who i haven''t seen since last year) commented on how i''d lost weight and look really good, so that was nice. i haven''t actually lost all that much weight (10 pounds total), but i am only 5''0, so it really shows on me.

oh, i also read eat, pray, love and enjoyed it, though i did think that the first 2 sections were much better than the last one.


Apr 19, 2004

Thank goodness no more shovelling snow this morning!! Rode the bike and ususal weights. I keep saying I will get back to the gym and the pool, but "something" always seems to get in the way--but I know the exercise in the pool would be easier on my knee so I should "get at it".

Enjoy your day, folks!!



Nov 24, 2006
Hey all, my arms are sore today so I got a good workout yesterday. I plan to go walking pretty soon; it is nice and sunny out but kind of cold (low 50's). I bought some jeans yesterday at Costco for cheap so that when I lose weight I won't feel bad spending lots of money. I weighed myself and I am still up 1 lb from Turkey day.

Today on Oprah is the most jaw dropping weight loss if anyone wants to tune in.

Steph, traveling sometimes keeps the weight on for a few days because the elevation makes the body retain water and freaks out so weigh yourself toward the end of the week and you may not have gained 4 lbs. Thanks for the sweet compliment on my nephew; they are so cute when they are little. My sister were giggling on the phone because we were looking at pics of my nephew when he turned 1; he was such a fat baby. I love those fat baby's!!! hehee Great job running!

Mara, glad you got a great burn burn burn workout in! I am doing the gift card thing; I think it is too hard to figure out what my family wants. I sent my sil clothes for my nephew from the gap; I love shopping online and they ship to them which is soo easy. Mara, sending your cousin safe delivery vibes and prayers. No travel plans for us; we spent way too much seeing family this past year ($3k)
so it will be nice not spending money on airline tickets for the holidays for once!!!! I do love to see family but we flew out more than normal this year.

Lorelei, yay for no longer smoking; my hubby will be smoke free this spring for 3 years. He use to get sick so bad when he smoked so I am relieved he no longer smokes. A close friend of mine is awaiting a heart transplant (which is sooo sad) because he smoked for years and years and I think that is what helped scare my hubby to stop.

Kimi, Happy Birthday to your cutie nephew ( I remember the pic of him in the sink for your wedding, so cute and fat). I love those fat fat fat baby's! hehee I get my hair cut tomorrow (I didn't want to because I wanted to grow it long enough to give to locks of love but I can't take it anymore). My hair is way too thick and gives me a head ache when it grows too long. Yay for for your weigh in!

Shortblonde, it is great to see you! Glad you saw family you hadn't seen for awhile! Great job losing the Turkey day weight; that is awesome!!!

Sharon, wow, snow! Post pics for us if you can. hehe Yay for biking and weights. How is the knee?


May 9, 2006

Hey gang! I had major brain fog and low energy yesterday -- it took me hours just to write the sub plans, so I knew I was having a "one step back" day. It''s ok, healing isn''t linear. I totally blame DH, though, for freaking me out and sucking up all my mojo in the morning. He was all gung ho after talking to the insurance company and getting a fair quote on the car (it''s totaled. Better the car than me). He practically pounced on me, pre-coffee, mid-morning fog and said that as soon as I found the title to the car, we could get the check.

I looked and looked and looked. For two hours. I was getting highly agitated, frustrated, and embarrassed that apparently my organization is a giant sham, because when it counts I can find 15 receipts from Target, 10 Victorias Secret Catalogues, and 5 Chicken recipes (I am my own weird version of the 12 days of Christmas) but NO car title.

I was in tears (it''s the brain fog...I''m still not quite myself after the car crash). Then hubby leaves the house to do his thing, calls me and says, "Hi! I''m at the bank! We put the title in the safe deposit box, remember?"

The sad thing is, he was so proud of himself for finding it that I couldn''t put my foot up his tush like I wanted to.

Today my bruises are a lovely pea green with specks of purple. I am considering taking a job as a part-time National Threat Level sign thingie.

I did finally Bowflex today for the first time since the accident (Dr. ok''ed it). I went VERY slowly, which is of course, the right way to do it anyway, and used much lighter weights. My poor legs are useless right now, but my back and arms feel so much better now that I stretched them a little. My legs are protesting and will probably kick me when I least expect it. My legs, apparently, act independent of my will. Go figure.

I have found I need to exercise in the morning. I don''t procrastinate, I feel great all day, I make better eating choices. I just need to get through the next 3 weeks of waking up at 4 and working out after work (which I just tend to talk myself out of because I''m exhausted)...even over the summer I didn''t work out much in the afternoons. How do you people go to the gym at night????? I''d be falling asleep, drooling all over the handlebars of the equipment!

Question -- how long do you guys workout? It seems a lot of you work out for an hour or so...even if it''s not all in one shot. Is that right? An hour a day for like 3-5 days a week?

Kimberley -- I was just wondering if you are starting to see the results of all your work on your arms? You''ve been focusing on them only a few weeks...I''m just curious if there are visible signs yet.
Crown Jewel -- rock on for losing a pound over Thanksgiving! And you''re at 110-112???? You must be so petite!
Rod -- your photo is breathtaking! I''m a sucker for a gorgeous sunset. DH and I are headed to Sanibel over Christmas, so I''m hoping for a view *just* like yours!
Monnie -- so glad you are feeling better. I hope your hubby takes care of himself!
tdiddy -- I am totally in love with your avatar! 60 minutes of cardio is so excellent! Whoo!
Marcy -- feel better, hon.
Lorelei -- work those pants! I''m so happy for you! Do you find things like that to be motivating for you?
TanDogMom -- I know you know this, but I keep reading that alcohol just fouls up a person''s even if the calories work out in your favor, your body just doesn''t process them at all. That plus dehydration. But, as you saw, it''s not a "real" gain. Yea!
Kayakqueen -- awesome workout! I love that damned parade...the floats and bands are so cool, plus I take it upon myself to bust on any over-the-top cheesy production number. Which is not as healthy as your workout. I''m just sayin. Do you remember that cool mylar reflective bunny float? Loved it!
Mara -- I would probably be a balloon in the Macy''s parade if I worked at your office. Unfortunately, if it''s out, it''s hard for me to resist. Especially if I break it into little pieces, because I think all the calories fall out! However, the scones sound TO DIE FOR! Have you posted those on the healthy recipe thread thing? If not, can I beg you to do so? I gladly offer up some sort of virtual bauble. I am so happy you have a personal trainer...I think that is the coolest thing and it seems to be paying off.
Lynsey -- lol about your trainer being an interrogator. That''s excellent. Take care of yourself!
EBree -- do not, I repeat, do not enable me by discussing your delicious hashbrowns. Now I have taters on the brain. Yum.

I know I missed some''s not personal, it''s brain fog!



Jun 6, 2007
Just a quick check in. Work is killing me today. Can''t wait to go to the gym and take some of this frustration out. Scott recently thought it would be fun to invite 20 of our friends down to Miami to visit us for new years. He forgot that 1) He will be out of town until New Year Eve. and 2) I am working all week. I have to smile at the fact that he has such a good heart and wants "the best New Years ever"...but his lack of planning is driving me up the wall.

Anyway, just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful day/evening. And Jas, I LOVED the mylar bunny. It was made to replicate a sculpture done by a certain artist but I completly forgot the name.

Date: 11/28/2007 2:30:17 PM
Author: jas

Today my bruises are a lovely pea green with specks of purple. I am considering taking a job as a part-time National Threat Level sign thingie.
OMG... that almost made me fall off of my chair laughing!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 11/28/2007 2:57:14 PM
Author: Kayakqueen83

Date: 11/28/2007 2:30:17 PM
Author: jas

Today my bruises are a lovely pea green with specks of purple. I am considering taking a job as a part-time National Threat Level sign thingie.
OMG... that almost made me fall off of my chair laughing!
Ditto! Jas, you are too funny; t, he threat level is always changing! Glad the insurance company is going to give you a nice amount; again I am very happy you aren''t totaled.

Kayak, your man sounds like my man, very sweet but. . . hehee


Nov 29, 2004
Okay I have a confession. Today we went to Taste of Texas which is really yummy steakhouse in Houston for one of our work holiday luncheons. And I started off so good, a group of us were even having a conversation during lunch about exercising and eating healthy, blah, blah, blah, I even got grilled veggies with my filet, no rolls, but then it was time for dessert. At least I did split that biggest piece of key lime pie I have ever seen with my manager, but OMG my half was so much more than just a serving. And when I had almost finished it off someone mentioned the "maintain don''t gain" program and I suddenly remembered I''m trying to be good. So I guess that means tonight at book club I have to be really good (I''m brining Ellie Krieger''s Edamame hummus) and limit my vino consumption


Jun 15, 2006
Skippy, how long is your hair? If you have 8" to cut off, or can hang on a bit longer, Pantene is involved in a project called Beautiful Lengths; check out this website: for more information.

Jas, I am not seeing lovely results in my arms yet, which is making me want to go to the gym, but I am just not willing to fork over the money for a membership when I have the tools at home. I just need to make better use of them. It''s time to do some research, but I''m in "I don''t wanna research" mode because I do so much of it for school. I also think the fact that I was once so heavy has an impact on the visual results (I feel stronger and they are definitely more muscular, it''s just not visable). I need to do more pushups.

I just got home and haven''t decided whether I''m going to hit the elliptical or the sofa. I am so tired. We''re going out to dinner tonight, yum!

Have a great rest of your day.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 11/28/2007 6:31:35 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Skippy, how long is your hair? If you have 8' to cut off, or can hang on a bit longer, Pantene is involved in a project called Beautiful Lengths; check out this website: for more information.
Kimi, when my hubby comes home I will have him measure it. Gosh, I hope it is long enough; I think it was 7 inches so I was bummed out I couldn't wait long enough to give it to Locks of Love. I grew my hair 11 inches and gave it to Locks of Love after my 1st year of marriage (you can see how long it use to be in my Who's Who). Thanks a million for the link; crossing my fingers it is long enough

ETA: Kimi, I have one more inch to grow. I am going to call to cancel my hair appt. I hope it growns quick.


Mar 5, 2006
Who said that restricting calories has to suck? I had such a good day food wise and I feel so satisfied! No one could look at what I ate today and say that I am deprived

Breakfast was fresh mango slices, I wasn''t super hungry. Lunch was a tossed salad with Trader Joe''s raspberry walnut & gorgonzola dressing. It is delicious! I am always searching for the perfect raspberry vinaigrette -- this is it for me! I also had TWO cups of Trader Joe''s organic brown rice. Do you know how much rice that is? It''s a ton! Somehow a cup of their brown rice is 160 cals vs. the traditional 200 cals for brown rice. Maybe it has a higher water content? Then throughout the day for a snack I had 3 clementines and 3 bite size baby ruth bars (smaller than the fun size bars, the bite size are 30 cals a piece.)

Dinner was fantastic. I picked up a bottle of Trader Joe''s champagne pear vinaigrette (do I sound like a commercial yet?) and I love it! So I had a huge tossed salad with the pear dressing and dried cherries. Then, the best part! I had a good size chunk of warm focaccia bread topped with european butter, an ounce of irish cheddar, and four blue cheese stuffed olives. Pure heaven! And all for 1300 calories! Of course my protein intake royally sucked today, but I just wasn''t in the mood for meat.

Sorry if I made anyone hungry
I am a bit jealous of the husband, because I found frozen chocolate croissants at TJ''s tonight... you leave them out on the counter overnight to thaw and proof (puff up), and they''re ready to go in the oven in the morning. I love chocolate croissants! They are 300 cals a piece, so maybe on the weekend. So I will be making those for him this week, after I asked him how much he would love me if I made him croissants every morning. This will eventually go in the "why I deserve a diamond upgrade for out 10th anniversary file." I can say "honey, remember when I made you chocolate croissants while I was dieting?" and then I will seem saintly and he''ll have to give in

I hope that everyone is having a great week! I bet you are all enjoying eating light after Thanksgiving... I always eat whatever I want that day, and it feels nice to have lots of fruits and veggies afterwards.


Dec 28, 2005
It''s nearly 11, so this has to be quick.

Jas, you are a riot. I loved reading about the title hunt. Good for hubby that he remembered where it was to begin with. Good for hubby he was far from you when he found the title........LOL And finally, I''m probably not the one to ask about how long I''m at the gym as I''m obsesses (possessed perhaps), but my workout consists of the following:

Core exercises - 20 minutes
Machines, Weights, Pushups, Chinups, Dips, More Machines - 1 hour minimum (sometimes 1.5 hours)
Elliptical - 35 minutes at a minimum 90 RPM

Kimberly, please don''t feel embarrased to post a pic of yourself. I''m sure your new hairstyle is cute as can be!

Steph, glad you get to stay put for the holiday. Moving can be a real bummer this time of year. And yes, winter in Florida is pretty darn terrific!

Today: Worked hard, too late, then went to the gym later than usual , but did my full workout, and got home later than normal, only to get up tomorrow and repeat!

Sleep well everyone!


Jun 29, 2006
hi all,

yesterday i was a cardio fiend! i did 95 minutes of cardio (elliptical/bike/treadmill) while watching dancing with the stars at the gym. if only i could be so easily distracted into doing more cardio EVERYday. so today was light with 35 minutes on the elliptical and a core strength routine.

i tried the new turkey minis at ruby tuesday for dinner....not usually my pick for restaurants but these turkey burgers were really good. and it came with the salad bar, which i love b/c it has tons of fresh veggies to load up on. yummo! lunch was cottage cheese and a baked potato. breakfast was the usual bran flakes and berries. today i stocked up on my boca breakfast which i can''t get enough of these days so i am stoked for breakfast tomorrow. and i''m down another half pound for the week already with no fluctuation either way for 2 days, so it must be for real!! wohoo!

tonite was low key and relaxing b/c i got to the gym early so i worked on some more xmas decorating. and it was warm enough to take my dog for a super long walk - which he loved. and i officially booked my wedding date/site.

hope ya''ll are having a good nite!


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 11/28/2007 6:44:41 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 11/28/2007 6:31:35 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Skippy, how long is your hair? If you have 8'' to cut off, or can hang on a bit longer, Pantene is involved in a project called Beautiful Lengths; check out this website: for more information.
Kimi, when my hubby comes home I will have him measure it. Gosh, I hope it is long enough; I think it was 7 inches so I was bummed out I couldn''t wait long enough to give it to Locks of Love. I grew my hair 11 inches and gave it to Locks of Love after my 1st year of marriage (you can see how long it use to be in my Who''s Who). Thanks a million for the link; crossing my fingers it is long enough

ETA: Kimi, I have one more inch to grow. I am going to call to cancel my hair appt. I hope it growns quick.
Skip, one more inch is no big deal in the grand scheme, you can do it! My cousin, who is a breast cancer survivor, just donated to the Beautiful Lengths project; she was in your same shoes, wanted to donate to Locks of Love but was losing patience and just wanted to hack her hair. She cut hers on Monday, and I haven''t spoken to her, but am sure she''s glad she waited, and found an alternative. I hope it grows quickly too. I remember how painful it was for my cousin to lose her hair, and I can tell you that the people who will benefit from your patience appreciate it more than you may ever know. So I''ll thank you, for being such a kind person who wants to do good. Hang in there.


Aug 31, 2005
Thank you all again for your support! It is shocking, at first, to see the recommended amount of daily fat you're (I'm) supposed to have, but I take comfort in knowing it's recommended for a reason.

After feeling a little guilty about the hash browns yesterday, I ate very well today (or so I thought). I came in under all of my rec. levels except for fat, which I just hit the low end of. This is approximate, as my dinner wasn't exactly measurable, but I only hit 1,050 calories, 34 g of fat and 45 g of protein. I had a small lunch (1 cup mashed potatoes) but for dinner I had 1/4 cup of hummus on 4 slices of pita with grilled onion, and a salad with grilled chicken and some really delicious red wine vinaigrette at this restaurant DH and I love. I ordered it with bacon, but it came without it and I didn't feel like sending it back.

I feel like when I really pay attention, I fall below the numbers and when I throw caution to the wind, I end up going over. I guess I just need to find a happy medium.

In other news, I got a delicious assortment of nuts and I'm going to make another batch of trail mix. DH got his own nuts, so he can have his OWN mix.

ETA: I also went to 25 mins on the elliptical today. Not a big deal, but I was at 20 yesterday. I think I'll stick with 25 for the next few days and get to 30 by the end of the weekend.

ETA2: I changed my SparkPeople goals (I want to lose 2 lbs a week) so SP upped my fat and protein and lowered my calories, but I still came under for all. Hmm.


Oct 30, 2002
evening all! we went to a really yummy dinner tonite...italian...we felt like a little splurge. we had the most amazing cheese garlic bread, it was SO tasty, and a lot of butter. felt decadent!! we also had mussels which were tasty. and i had crab cakes that had a red pepper cream sauce which i thought would be drizzled on them, instead it was drenched! and had veggies, but they were def cooked with a bit of butter, they were too tasty. hehee. on the way home we stopped at this new tart fro yo place where i got a plain tart yogurt with kiwi, strawberries and blueberries. i LOVED this stuff, rod this is probably what you and charlie get, they are so popular in LA and now all over here, but we have not gotten around to trying it til tonite. i thought i was full but seriously it was SO YUMMY. i ate my entire container hehehe. so now i am so full! but at least we had an early dinner so i won't go to bed stuffed.

no workout today...and ate pretty basic the rest of the day earlier. tomorrow i have the trainer and then a zumba class!

apple, don't feel bad about your lunch splurge, they say if you are going to splurge at all you should do it earlier in the day so you can burn it off faster!!

skip, yay for letting your hair grow a bit longer. i always think about it but i never wear my hair down when it's longer hehee.

tdiddy, all i saw was ruby tuesdays and turkey burgers and remembered that recently men's health came out with some stats on the unhealthiest foods in america. apparently RT's turkey burger was on that list as i think 1000 calories? not sure if its the same one you had but i was like holy moly!

speaking of protein, i remember seeing someone's post was it yesterday maybe...someone was saying they had a hard time meeting their minimum for protein which i think was like 35g or something? that seriously blows my mind!! i consume about 70-100g of protein per day (recommended by trainer) because of how much i work out and how i am trying to burn fat and build muscle...i have 25g by the time breakfast is over. how does one only eat like 35???

anyhow sounds like everyone is doing quite well, yay for getting back on the wagon after thanksgiving!!! i just want to continue to maintain the way that i have been this season, which hopefully won't be too hard with as much as i am doing as well. and i can umm have some tart yogurt for dessert too...25 cals per ounce! hehee. nite all!!!


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 11/29/2007 12:37:54 AM
Author: Mara

speaking of protein, i remember seeing someone''s post was it yesterday maybe...someone was saying they had a hard time meeting their minimum for protein which i think was like 35g or something? that seriously blows my mind!! i consume about 70-100g of protein per day (recommended by trainer) because of how much i work out and how i am trying to burn fat and build muscle...i have 25g by the time breakfast is over. how does one only eat like 35???

It was probably me...I have a harder time getting protein than most because I can''t eat any dairy or eggs. I had a blood test done ~4 years ago when I was having problems with heartburn, and the test revealed I was intolerant of several different things, including all kinds of cheeses, milk, and both egg whites AND yolks. No dairy of any kind for me, and DH is a vegetarian so I usually have to find my proteins from less convenient sources (nuts, greens).


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning! Well, this is so weird....I was up 6 pounds yesterday from the day before and today, I am back down 7 pounds....either my scale is broken or it was the salt intake causing me to retain water. My hands aren''t swollen this morning like they were yesterday, I can get my rings on and off easily and yesterday they were completely stuck on my fingers. Anyone else ever experience this? I downed the water yesterday to try to flush my system out, so I guess it worked. Andrew has soccer in a bit, so I will be running with him...then I plan to come home and do weights and finish cleaning my house. Hope everyone has a great day!
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