
Weekly Workout Thread 12th Feb till 18th Feb

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all

I was thinking about the laughs we were having yesterday about flabberlanches and the sad memories of not being picked for team games at school.
I was the kid who was always last in races, couldn''t climb a rope, vault over a horse ( wooden!) run fast enough at rounders ( softball) I remember the humiliation of being given dirty looks by more athletic schoolmates when the teacher would make me go onto their team, as no one would pick me. I guess you are imagining a huge kid? I wasn''t, just carrying a few extra pounds than I should, but I was by no means the biggest kid in school. I was just useless at sports. As I grew the puppy fat left me and I bounced between one silly diet and another, used to exercise with this rope contraption as there wasn''t much available for home use in the eighties. This cycle of dieting and losing weight continued over the years until one day I woke up. It is hardly surprising in my opinion that being overweight can lead to some serious self esteem issues, after all, being the '' fat kid" and not being wanted for school sports is hurtful and can easily lead to the rotten cycle of thin = good/ valued/ liked/ loved/ popular and fat = bad/ lazy/ worthless/ unwanted, you get the picture.

It isn''t surprising that so many people in a similar situation go through adulthood the same way and never try to help themselves. It seems that staying in shape is easier for some people than others and once you reach adulthood it is a choice. You can choose to put the bad memories behind you and take the first step of trying to eat better and workout, or you can stay as you are and accept that it is very likely you will stay the way you are if you do nothing to change it.

This doesn''t mean you have to go mad and start exercising like a demon and living on lettuce leaves, just make a start towards a healthy new you with exercise and making better food choices. Things are so much easier for the healthy minded than they were, I remember slimmer''s bread made with pure cellulose
, fudge slimming sweets you ate before meals to curb your appetite, diet pills galore and all manner of schemes which would make your wallet thinner if nothing else! Caring for yourself has never been easier, take advantage of that!

As Ellen mentioned, I have the last laugh as I wonder how many of my skinny, athletic schoolmates are now unfit and overweight??? I could have let the memory of being unwanted for games put me off exercising thinking I would be useless at that too, but I didn''t let that stop me and the rewards are huge! I can workout as well as the next person, and probably a great deal better. It is never too late to change your life and this is what you will find will happen once working out becomes part of your routine!

Have a great week everyone


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday morning everyone!

This whole discussion about sports in our youth launches me right back into my non-athletic childhood too. I was not fat as a child, but I was slow and uncoordinated. However occassionally I would be picked to play certain sports (soccer for instance) because I was, as one of my gym teachers put it, *fierce*. I've never been sure what he meant by that, but I'm taking it as a compliment, LOL.

Last night was a gorgefest of mediocre quasi-Chinese food. Our friends who had the baby last week were dying for Big Bowl (not sure if you all have them where you are but think P.F. Changs if that helps). We did a huge order for pick-up (half of which was wrong, but I digress) and we proceeded to sit at the dining room table for hours and pick at it while the baby slept for the first real stretch of time that day. It was great to see them and the munchkin in person, but really I should have moved away from the table MUCH sooner.

Question for all of you: Does anyone work out EVERY day, or even more than five days a week?

My week's plan is to work out five times, taking tonight and Friday off, but since I have absolutely nothing to do tonight I was thinking, well, maybe I should just go to the gym anyway since I have the time.

ETA: I forgot to put in the most important part of last night with our friends. The wife and I were talking about working out (she used to be a work out fiend until she got pregnant) and I told here that I worke dout 19 times in January and that I had lost a little weight. Her husband piped in right away and said, I've been meaning to tell you since you walked in the the door that you look great! Happy dance!!!


Dec 9, 2005
Hey everyone! I just wanted to say I am still "on the wagon" so to speak, even though I don''t post everyday. I a doing the South Beach thing and so far it is going really well. I a even going to try and stick with phase 1 for an extra week or two. My problem lately has actually been eating enough food. I end up not eating everything I am supposed to during the day so I think that might slow down my metabolism so I am going to work on eating everything I a supposed to on most days.

Date: 2/12/2007 9:18:43 AM
Author: Dee*Jay

Question for all of you: Does anyone work out EVERY day, or even more than five days a week?
I just started working out 2 weeks ago and I have gone on the elliptical every day except Friday, when my little puppy got spayed. I don''t go on for as long as you do (yet!) but it has felt really go to be active everyday. I am really lucky to have an elliptical and treadmill at my house though. I really like that I can feel myself getting fitter everyday. You forget how addicting exercise can be when you haven''t done it for awhile! I hope everyone has a great, healthy week!


Apr 30, 2005
Good to see you Indie

Dee - congrats on your compliments, you deserve them as you have worked really hard!!!!!!!!!!

I would love to be able to work out for 6 days a week, but I normally manage 4 or 5 times a week.

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Another week of fun and exercise!!

Keep on TRACKin


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/12/2007 9:56:23 AM
Author: Modified Brilliant
Another week of fun and exercise!!

Keep on TRACKin
You betcha Jeff!


Apr 30, 2005
I am reminiscing here at some of the daft things I have done or tried in my time on my quest for a slim figure!

The rope contraption I mentioned earlier used to hook onto a door handle, and you used to pull the ropes and it would yank your legs up, thus supposedly toning one's midsection. It was a recipe for not only looking like a fool if you were caught using it, but also an easy way to a slipped spinal disc!

The slimmers sweets - you took these things before meals as they were supposed to kill your appetite, they didn't work for that, but were nice for a sweet binge!

Slimmers bread - cellulose and cardboard were the main ingredients of these things - one bite and the whole roll or bread slice exploded in a mass of powder and crumbs, dip it into soup and it rapidly dissolved into a pile of goo....

Cider vinegar - add to a glass of hot water and drink before meals, or a tbs 3 times daily...
Didn't work either.

Crispbreads - more cardboard/ cellulose

Very sad feeling my whole diet regime was ruined if I went over 1000 cals a day = 1001 cals = failure.
Not good!

Anyone else with unusual slimming methods?


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 2/12/2007 10:13:12 AM
Author: Lorelei

Anyone else with unusual slimming methods?

I have never tried this, but my mother was on the grapefruit diet once. I think she had to drink a full glass of grapefruit juice before every meal. Yuck!


Apr 30, 2005
I have heard of the grapefruit diet, it can''t POSSIBLY be as bad as the Cabbage Soup diet...


Apr 7, 2006
At long last, I feel inspired to go to the gym again! Honestly, reading this thread has been a HUGE motiviation ... but unfortunately it took me a while to go from sitting in front of my computer and reading about it to actually DOING it, but I did go twice this weekend and am remembering how good it feels to get in a workout

I did the elliptical, and though I only did it for 15 mintues, it''s a start, right? And I burned 120 calories in those 15 minutes, so I know that I just need to work on my endurance and get myself up to at least 30 minutes if not more. I hate this stage -- the "ugh, I''m out of shape and embarrassed" stage. But we all go through it at some point or another, so I''m not going to feel bad about myself for pooping out on the elip -- I''ll improve, it just takes time and dedication.

Anyhow, I learned some new crunches to do that don''t require me to go all the way flat down (I get positional vertigo, which is part of the reason why I got so lazy the past few months. Boooo.), and I can *definitely* feel those! My arms and legs can tone up pretty easily, but damn, those abs do take work!

In addition to the gym, I had a big PS weekend in that I was enjoying my yummy Fage 2%, and I got a pair of AE Hipster jeans
I love the jeans EXCEPT I think I now know what "muffin top" is -- yikes!!!
As long as my shirt covers the waist, the jeans look great, but *I KNOW* what''s going on under that shirt, and it''s not making me very happy. So that is my new motivation for going to the gym. I''ve always been thin (I''m just under 5''5" and 114), but thin ain''t enough! I am in serious need of toning


Jun 15, 2006
At about 19 I decided I would take Dexetrim to help myself stop snacking. I weighed about 125 lbs and had no need to lose weight, but I thought I''d try it anyways. I took it for a few days and ended up shaking uncontrollably and having the worst road rage imaginable. I pulled over at a gas station cried hysterically for about 15 minutes and vowed never to try any crazy dieting techniques again.

I have never been a fan of weight loss programs, even though I used one, Weight Watchers, to help get my big weight loss started. Before this I had never understood the very basics of weight loss and weight gain. I was not stupid, but it just wasn''t something my family ever discussed. We ate when we felt like it, mostly unhealthy foods and I ate very little (read: 1 bean burrito from taco bell served as an entire day''s intake on a few occasions) when I didn''t like the way my clothes were fitting. I just so happened to always enjoy exercising (I lived on my bicycle in HS and for the first year or two after) and I managed to stay thin because I was always out and about on my bike (and eating poorly when I felt I needed to lose a few, as mentioned above) with friends and then later with a boyfriend who loved mountain biking. I started gaining weight when he fell off his bike and sustained a head injury that put him in a coma for a week and left him incompetent in many ways for about a year. During all of this I decided to move back in with my parents so I could stop working so much and focus on school, they lived 5 hours away. I didn''t know anyone and I started eating a lot and the exercise stopped. Within a 2 year period I gained about 60 lbs. But I was so unaware of my body and my size, it was truly frightening, I had no idea I weighed 199 lbs until I went to the MD. Anyways, I decided to go on WW but didn''t love it as I felt that they didn''t encourage exercise enough and I just am not a fan of meetings and such. So I worked it out my own, using very strict methods of losing and 68 lbs. came off. I have been w/i 10 lbs of my final weight post-loss for about 4 years. This is the first time in 3.5 years that I''ve been back at that final weight (~132 lbs) but am not nearly as strict as I was at one time.

I am spending the day observing in a classroom. John is responsible for dinner. I''m not going to work out today. But I am commited to doing 4 workouts this week for a total of 2000 calories burned.

Our two nights of eating out are already planned for this week. Tomorrow night we have play tickets, we always go out on play night but I''m not sure where we''re headed and Wednesday we''re going to our fave Italian place for V-day. I''ll just have something super healthy tomorrow night but Wednesday I am SPLURGING!! Gnocchi for me! We''ll probably eat out one night this coming weekend as welll, but I don''t really like eating more than two meals out a week, it just seems so bad to me. Oh well, I''m in total control of what I put in my mouth and I managed a great calorie count last week while eating 3 meals out, I can do it again!

Anyways, weight loss programs just never made sense to me. My dad went on Jenny Craig for a long period of time, but as soon as he stopped being spoonfed their meals the weight came back. It''s all about learning how to eat, how much to eat and how to find balance between treats and normal good-for-you foods.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/12/2007 10:36:07 AM
Author: ellaila
At long last, I feel inspired to go to the gym again! Honestly, reading this thread has been a HUGE motiviation ... but unfortunately it took me a while to go from sitting in front of my computer and reading about it to actually DOING it, but I did go twice this weekend and am remembering how good it feels to get in a workout

I did the elliptical, and though I only did it for 15 mintues, it''s a start, right? And I burned 120 calories in those 15 minutes, so I know that I just need to work on my endurance and get myself up to at least 30 minutes if not more. I hate this stage -- the ''ugh, I''m out of shape and embarrassed'' stage. But we all go through it at some point or another, so I''m not going to feel bad about myself for pooping out on the elip -- I''ll improve, it just takes time and dedication.

Anyhow, I learned some new crunches to do that don''t require me to go all the way flat down (I get positional vertigo, which is part of the reason why I got so lazy the past few months. Boooo.), and I can *definitely* feel those! My arms and legs can tone up pretty easily, but damn, those abs do take work!

In addition to the gym, I had a big PS weekend in that I was enjoying my yummy Fage 2%, and I got a pair of AE

Hipster jeans
I love the jeans EXCEPT I think I now know what ''muffin top'' is -- yikes!!!
As long as my shirt covers the waist, the jeans look great, but *I KNOW* what''s going on under that shirt, and it''s not making me very happy. So that is my new motivation for going to the gym. I''ve always been thin (I''m just under 5''5'' and 114), but thin ain''t enough! I am in serious need of toning
Yay for you - of COURSE that is a great start, we all had to start somewhere and you did great!
Once you get going, it is amazing how fast you get fit and you will be pedalling away with the best of them soon! Keep it up and check in here when you can, you will get results fast!


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 2/12/2007 10:34:05 AM
Author: Lorelei
I have heard of the grapefruit diet, it can''t POSSIBLY be as bad as the Cabbage Soup diet...
I worked with a woman who did the cabbage soup diet. It gave her severe intestinal and gas issues and we all suffered the consequences as there was only one staff bathroom. It was truly horrible.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 2/12/2007 10:36:07 AM
Author: ellaila
At long last, I feel inspired to go to the gym again! Honestly, reading this thread has been a HUGE motiviation ... but unfortunately it took me a while to go from sitting in front of my computer and reading about it to actually DOING it, but I did go twice this weekend and am remembering how good it feels to get in a workout

I did the elliptical, and though I only did it for 15 mintues, it''s a start, right? And I burned 120 calories in those 15 minutes, so I know that I just need to work on my endurance and get myself up to at least 30 minutes if not more. I hate this stage -- the ''ugh, I''m out of shape and embarrassed'' stage. But we all go through it at some point or another, so I''m not going to feel bad about myself for pooping out on the elip -- I''ll improve, it just takes time and dedication.

Anyhow, I learned some new crunches to do that don''t require me to go all the way flat down (I get positional vertigo, which is part of the reason why I got so lazy the past few months. Boooo.), and I can *definitely* feel those! My arms and legs can tone up pretty easily, but damn, those abs do take work!

In addition to the gym, I had a big PS weekend in that I was enjoying my yummy Fage 2%, and I got a pair of AE Hipster jeans
I love the jeans EXCEPT I think I now know what ''muffin top'' is -- yikes!!!
As long as my shirt covers the waist, the jeans look great, but *I KNOW* what''s going on under that shirt, and it''s not making me very happy. So that is my new motivation for going to the gym. I''ve always been thin (I''m just under 5''5'' and 114), but thin ain''t enough! I am in serious need of toning
Good for you ellaila!!! (And you''re right, you are thin!!!). Hope your workout times improve and toning is successful (I can''t get myself motivated to do it, I can spent 75 minutes on the elliptical, but ask me to do situps and I''m like BLECH! One of these days!)


Apr 30, 2005
It''s all about learning how to eat, how much to eat and how to find balance between treats and normal good-for-you foods.

Spot on Kim - add a healthy amount of exercise and there is the recipe for success right there. Also I know how it is to want to try diet pills, but even if they do suit you, as soon as you stop taking them you start eating like fury, they are really no help long term in my opinion, also the safety factor and possible side effects which come with them is a huge concern.


Oct 30, 2002
well i was never really into any fad dieting. only one time in my life i did do a lower fat thing where i ate less than 20g of fat a day, but i just mostly ate better-for-me things (fruits) and less portions...i also was having some digestion issues so it helped me to cut mostly fat out of my food so it was a double positive.

i love food way too much to ever try anything like grapefruit solely for a week or whatever. oh but i did eat some of those cardboard lower fat cookies back when i was younger and they first came out, man the lower-fat stuff has come SUCH a long way!!! it used to be all so gross! now even low-carb bread or the 100 calorie english muffins or 'sugar free' stuff tastes almost as good if not as good as the original AND it typically doesn't make you sick either (like some of the old original sugar-free stuff used to!). other than carrying an extra 10 lbs here or there throughout my years, i typically have mostly always had the same body shape. i used to be athletic in HS and then went to the gym through some of my 20's but of course there were years stretches where i never went. i am way more active now than i have probably been since HS! so that part does feel good. i think it's so awesome that anyone who was a chubby or overweight child manages to get a trim result on their body and keep it there, child obesity is getting serious and it makes me so sad to see all these chubby children out there and think about how miserable their parents are setting up their lives to be..what struggles they will have! anyone else have those ads all over their town, billboards about preventing child obesity? also we have radio ads here going on as well.

so i ended up having a light day yesterday which i love...about 1250 calories. but i figure it makes up for my gorge-fest on saturday by going to both johnny rockets and mexican lol. so the two days pretty much even out to my 1700 average. plugging stuff into my spreadsheet it seems that i am at about 1750ish average for 7 days which is range on SP is 1700-2100 and the body calculator calories thing i did said about 1700-1850 a day to maintain (minus workouts though...). according to my spreadsheet, i should have had a 3500 calorie deficit between what i consumed vs what my body burned and my workouts but hopefully the scale is even this week and no changes. then i'll know my maintenance plan is working!

oh and in case anyone missed it in my gargantuan post yesterday, i had my body fat tested and it's 18.9 down from 20.5ish!! sooo excited!! i figured for sure i'd lose some muscle mass during those 2-3 weeks i could hardly do anything but i guess either not or i managed to get it back within the last 2 weeks. anyway, i am very happy. the trainer guy was like 'wow that's really great'...whee! i'd like to maintain that now so we'll see.

who else is planning their week in anticipation for valentine's day? me me me! i know we'll have sweets at work that day, and i want to indulge at least a little, and also we are having a fabulous dinner out that night with drinks and yummy food so i figure if i can eat well today and tomorrow and stay a bit under my calorie range it'll help even out for wed, lol. also i might get *gasp* a donut on v-day as a treat to myself. i love them and i have been daydreaming about a chocolate glazed french cruller (!) so i was thinking i might bring donuts in for people at work. yes i will be one of THOSE people, hahaa. or maybe i'll just do the $5.00 v-day sugar cookies from the market, probably cheaper than feeding 30 engineers a bunch of donuts. but i'll still get my donut..
i told greg and he was like 'hey i want a donut too!'..hehe. on our 2nd date we bonded over donuts, we both love them but have them very rarely.

oh and on a random nutrition note, everyone's stores has those v-day decorated bakery cookies right?? well the hard ones with sprinkles are about 90 cals each, but the super soft mushy gushy sugar cookies with the frosting on them? yes the awesome ones. 210 each. yep. stick with the smaller harder v-day shaped ones with sprinkles only!!

breakfast is frozen steel cut oatmeal with some bananas, and coffee. snack will be a 60 cal smoothie. hope everyone has a great morning...even though it's monday, bah!


Jan 6, 2005
Lorelei - thank you so much for starting this week''s thread again and for sharing your experiences, especially re: being the fat kid in school. Its so motivational for me to hear that others went through this too and have overcome it to get fit and learn to live with themselves and their bodies.

I too was the fat kid who wasn''t good at sports in school, and I was in school with the same kids from kindergarten-8th grade (that''s from age 5-14), so everyone remembered, and even when I started slimming out because I was doing a ton of ballet, it didn''t matter and they still called me fat. Between that and the warped perspective that comes from doing ballet 40 hours a week, I had (and still have) a pretty messed-up view of these things. When I was dancing, I did all kinds of crazy diet things, including the cabbage soup diet, and the only one that really worked for me, the tofu and rice and protein powder diet, when those were basically the only things I ate, even though I was doing intensive gym workouts 4-5 times a week on top of dancing 40 hours a week. When I was helping my mom clean out her garage I found some pictures of me from high school. My weight fluctuated a fair bit, and what struck me is that while I still think that my body looked better when it was that slender (who doesn''t?), my face looks awful in some of them, like my eyes are too big for it, and I remember how miserable I was, with stress and guilt connected to every bite I put in my mouth and so much of my identity and happiness tied up in my weight and my appearance.

I was talking to my DH about this last night, and the deal I''ve made with myself this time, after yo-yoing my weight all through college and these first couple of years out, is that I''ve set a realistic goal for myself, but that I am recognizing that half the battle is physical (getting the exercise and eating reasonably and seeing where that takes me weight-wise but not doing anything crazy I can''t sustain), but the other half is mental (not getting obssessive and letting my weight rule my life, and learning to live with myself and hopefully eventually even like the way I look at whatever weight I end up at).

Anyway, I really appreciate everyone sharing their stories - its very inspirational to hear that people like Kim and Lorelei have really figured this stuff out and gotten to a place where they are OK with themselves and it sounds like they look and feel great. I really hope to do the same.


Apr 30, 2005
OMG - KIM - that must have been dreadful with your Cabbage Soup eating colleague

Mara - I was watching a TV show some time ago, Maury Povich or something and there was this huge 2 year old still in diapers , he was absolutely enormous and he kept squawking for foods such as peanut butter on toast ( after he had just demolished a mammoth breakfast) He was even trying to steal his Dad''s PB on toast and guess what??? He was successful. Then he went to lunch and he was eating huge portions of fried restaurant food, but the thing was that he wasn''t the only kid on the show, there were more like him....Unbelievable.


Oct 30, 2002
oh i know lorelei, it''s so scary and sad. this is the next generation budding here! the radio ads that we have playing here are sweet sounding kids asking their parents ''mommy can i have some more trans fats?''''s disturbing!!

i just remember when i was young it was very rare for there to be a seriously overweight child in the class or in the school. a little chubby was not the same thing. kids were just so much more active, less tv-sedentary, and ate in general typically more healthily than they do now and smaller portions too. and now so many are starting out overweight. thinking about the future, i wonder what it will be like in 10 years, 20 years etc. that is almost how long it can take for generational changes to really be obvious. yikes!


Apr 30, 2005
Amber I am so pleased to be able to help you along with Kim. To be completely honest, I have struggled for so many years with this and having problems with food and eating, it was only when I hit 40 that the penny started to drop! I had wasted so many years trying to be thin and perfect - in a way as an up yours to those who were mean to the overweight little kid. I always felt as if I was overweight I had failed and wasn''t worthy, get really thin and I was finally worthy of love etc etc. I look back at old pics of me when I was very thin, and part of me wants that again, but I have accepted I am never really going to be satisfied with myself - I wasn''t even back then as I was still obsessed that my waist was too large - it was my rib cage was too big with the bones sticking out and I was unhappy with those as I wanted my waist smaller, even though I was so thin and my bones were sticking out...
. I will always have a distorted view of my body I think, even though I have come along way, if I can share what I have learned and help others avoid the traps I fell into with my thinking, then I do so gladly.

Also I feel too much emphasis was put on my weight as a child, as a result often I felt that I had nothing else to offer and all I was and that people saw was fat. I only had a little puppy fat - hardly obese - and as a result I grew to hate myself for it, and no help was offered apart from being told to eat salads....There are many more issues and reasons why I probably felt this way which I won''t go into, but suffice to say I finally found out how to help myself without punishing my body as I did when I was very thin and to try to accept myself. It hasn''t been easy, but it can be done.

Blimey, I am getting carried away today!


Jun 15, 2006
It was pretty terrible, Lorelei. We had a staff of about 10 and she was not shy about letting us know what was going on with her and you couldn''t avoid the smell. YUCKY!

Kids are larger now, and have horrible eating habits. It''s so sad. Pizza should be a treat, not a staple!! I saw a Dr. Phil about this same subject the other day. There was a 4 year old who weighed 150 lbs. A 4 year old that weighed 20 lbs more than me!!! I can''t even imagine allowing my child to be that large.


Oct 30, 2002
lol lorelei i have that pesky rib cage thing too keeping me from having a truly tiny little waist. i finally just realized like a year or two ago (amazing how it takes til like 30 to realize um duh that's my body frame and it ain't changing) that i would never be small boned and tiny like a nicole richie or dainty and delicate. i am tallish and i have a medium build. i have broad shoulders and curvy hip bones and my rib cage and shoulders and hip bones won't shrink down, sure i can get rid of fat on top of those bones, but after that's gone, there ain't nowhere else to take away from!!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/12/2007 11:01:48 AM
Author: Mara
oh i know lorelei, it''s so scary and sad. this is the next generation budding here! the radio ads that we have playing here are sweet sounding kids asking their parents ''mommy can i have some more trans fats?''''s disturbing!!

i just remember when i was young it was very rare for there to be a seriously overweight child in the class or in the school. a little chubby was not the same thing. kids were just so much more active, less tv-sedentary, and ate in general typically more healthily than they do now and smaller portions too. and now so many are starting out overweight. thinking about the future, i wonder what it will be like in 10 years, 20 years etc. that is almost how long it can take for generational changes to really be obvious. yikes!
Absolutely right. There were some like me as kids who were carrying a few extra pounds, but on the whole it was uncommon. A typical day for me was toast for breakfast and I would have to walk to school for about 3 miles. Once there we had lessons and were thrown outside for 15 min playtimes come hell or high water, you had to run around in the cold to try to keep warm!

We would have lunch which was invariably inedible and revolting, mince and mashed potatoes and not much of that and a tiny square of some sort of pudding with custard. Then once that was over, it was outside again to play.

Same in the afternoon, lessons then thrown out again for playtime.

3.45 We would walk home again and I forgot to mention, often loaded down with heavy books for homework. Most kids had to walk, it was rare in the seventies for Mum''s to drive. Then after a bit to eat, it would be outside again in the summer to play until dark or homework.

So we were invariably active back then, it wasn''t fair that I was carrying extra weight, but in all honesty, I did have a fondness for the biscuit tin!


May 14, 2006
I totally agree wiht you amber on the half physical and half mental. I have paid so much money into weight watchers and things like that, but as soon as I stopped it, the weight came on again plus a little bit more! Since Jan 8th of this year though, things seem to be much better for me. Ive started exercising regularly and my eating habits have much improved, without being overly strict with myself. I just hope that I can do this for good though!

Went to the doctor today, and I have a chest infection plus swollen tonsils so no gym for me today. I feel rotten and all Ive had to eat all day is a banana and a mandarine. Im just not hungry at all and it hurts to eat so Im just not in the mood for it. I''m going to try and have a little bit of pasta when I get home tonight.

Hope everyone has a good monday!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/12/2007 11:15:52 AM
Author: KimberlyH
It was pretty terrible, Lorelei. We had a staff of about 10 and she was not shy about letting us know what was going on with her and you couldn't avoid the smell. YUCKY!

Kids are larger now, and have horrible eating habits. It's so sad. Pizza should be a treat, not a staple!! I saw a Dr. Phil about this same subject the other day. There was a 4 year old who weighed 150 lbs. A 4 year old that weighed 20 lbs more than me!!! I can't even imagine allowing my child to be that large.
Yes pizza SHOULD be a treat and not a staple, pizza didn't exist when I was a kid!

ETA - Bee I hope you feel better soon


Jan 5, 2007
Date: 2/12/2007 9:18:43 AM
Author: Dee*Jay

Question for all of you: Does anyone work out EVERY day, or even more than five days a week?

My week''s plan is to work out five times, taking tonight and Friday off, but since I have absolutely nothing to do tonight I was thinking, well, maybe I should just go to the gym anyway since I have the time.

I currently work out 4-5 days a week.

Monday - Chest and Bis
Tuesday - Back and Tri''s - Cardio at the pool
Wednesday - Shoulders - 20 minutes on the bike
Thursday - OFF - cardio at the pool
Friday - Bis and Tri''s
Saturday - OFF - do nothing.
Sunday - Legs

And you SHOULD NOT work out EVERY DAY... regardless of what you do, your body/muscles need a full day if not more of a break.

and plus, when you take a rest day, don''t even think about the gym.

the biggest part of the gym is the mind-muscle connection. if you can get that going, you''ll see results so fast.

best of luck.


Apr 30, 2005
Mr Chips - glad you popped in ,we missed you

When you say the mind/ muscle connection can you elaborate please? I am always on the hunt for new and useful tips!


Oct 30, 2002
oh and DJ yeah...i did 6x workouts when i was losing weight but i really needed that 7th day of rest (and i would almost venture to say that if you don''t, you might need to push it harder during your workouts because i didn''t WANT to do a 7th day, i was tired!!)...and some weeks i''d do 5x if we were busy.


Aug 3, 2006
i know i''ve bashed lean cuisines in the past. but they''re not that bad! maybe they''ve gotten better in the last few years? i just had a cheese pizza and it was great.

my interview went well. i think it''ll be a good experience if they hire me. keep me off the streets, teach me the value of earning a dollar and all that. if it doesn''t work out, i''ll be fine, but i guess my resume will suffer. does it look that bad if someone looks at my resume in the future and it says "i graduated from law school...and haven''t done sh%* since"? um...but i planned my wedding and reduced my body fat by 5%!

speaking of body fat, i have a calorie spreadsheet now, styled after jadeleave''s. also, i''m cutting out wine this week, just to see what happens.


Mar 1, 2005
Well, I did 4 workouts last week, so hopefully I can do 5 this week. That''s the maximum workouts I ever do in one week. I usually take off Saturday and Sunday because I''m just too busy with other things. But I was pretty disappointed last week. I didn''t end up losing any weight, and I really wanted to keep up the one pound of weight loss per week. Oh well, I''ll just have to cut back a little more on the food.

By the way, Mara, I made the chocolate pumpkin muffins (except I just put them in a cake pan), and it turned out delicious! My husband loved it also. I want to try the diet coke cake next. Have you tried that one yet? Do I just use one can of diet coke and a box of cake mix?
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