
Weekly Workout Thread 11th June till 17th June

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Jan 3, 2005
Hi all,

welcome home skippy...we missed you...I''m here just busy with summer stuff so not on PS as much.

today was another outside walk at the new trail near my house. of course I just went half way and turned around to avoid the dreaded locked gate. it was still about a 4 mile walk for me and the Zoe to I''m happy. Also spent 3 hours at the pool with the kids swimming and playing in the pool which I''m sure burns some extra calories too.
tonight is the weekly movie in the park so are taking the girls and will take along a picnic dinner.

so mara, did you pick up your new car??

deejay, the pool will probably destroy your manicure. maybe it''s just b/c i use my hands a lot when i''m in the pool i.e catching jumping in kids etc. my my polish starts chipping right away. you could always try it once and see how yours holds up though. oh and yay for getting the pink ipod. that is the color hubby was going to get me until he figure out through the girls i really wanted blue. you are going to love it and believe me 240 songs is plenty. I have yet to get anywhere close to that many on mine and I change the music on it often b/c i get tired of songs quickly. please report on what you think..


Aug 12, 2005
Ugh, Rod, so sorry to hear about your situation, what a PITA. I''m sure everything will work out in your favor in the end, you seem like a good person who doesn''t deserve all this nonsense!

I''ve been sick as a dog for the past couple days, I even had to call in sick yesterday because I literally could not get out of bed except to take care of the normal human functions.
I had some egg salad (made by myself) Monday afternoon that i think did not agree with my system whatsoever...I''m not used to eating eggs at all, unless they are an ingredient in something like pasta or whatever, heck I don''t even eat mayonnaise in dressings or otherwise very often, so I think I was the culprit here in thinking I could have a nice little sandwich...I actually made it for DH but couldn''t resist it the other day. He''s not ill since eating it, so I don''t think the eggs were bad or anything, just me not having eaten something so rich for a long time really messed with my body. Last year when I was doing a training walk for that breast cancer marathon walk I did, I remember eating an egg salad sandwich on our stop off at Wild Oats, and coming home and being very sick for a few hours, which I attributed to eating eggs and drinking a lot of I think I''ll never indulge ever again.

Feeling much better tonight, I had a super light breakfast and lunch today of pineapple, mango and mandarin oranges with some peach soy yogurt from TJ''s, and some toast at lunch with a little peanut butter for protein. DH is on a golf outing and won''t be home until 8 or 9 so I''m on my own for dinner which will probably be a veggie burger, I don''t want to overwhelm my tummy after the past couple days'' b.s.! And certainly no work out, I''m still feeling a bit weak and trying to drink a lot of water/fluids to rehydrate, so I don''t want to wake up tomorrow with horrible muscle cramps. I''m sure I''ll be back to normal in no time, though.



Nov 24, 2006
Monnie and Mara, I am sorry your sick. I hope you two feel better.

ChargerGrl great job on no wine!!!
Hey Mrs S! Wow, awesome on the 4 mile walk!

Rod, that sucks big time; I would be furious! Hang in there; I am crossing my fingers they let it go soon. Geez, what jerks!!!

Thanks for the Welcomes!
I ate much better today. I pulled out very lean chicken Italian sausage to make for dinner. I plan to mow the lawn this evening. Hope everyone is doing well and feels better soon.


Jun 15, 2006
Welcome back, Skippy!! School is crazy and work is too. The kids'' last day is one week from today. We''re taking our guys to La Jolla shores on Friday for a field will be quite the adventure, I''m sure!

I am doing special ed. summer school serving as an aide to a wheelchair bound preschooler and perhaps another student in the second pre-school session (they only last two hours) that has a disorder I''ve never heard of, and the name is currently escaping me. I haven''t met the boy I know I''ll have yet but am really looking forward to it. Classes are a bit less happy. I''m doing a team project and one of my teammates is a know-it-all which is not so fun.

TG, I did get bit by my favorite student twice last week. He broke skin once, the other bite left a bruise. And I''ll say it again, I''m no saint. These kids are phenomenal and I''m lucky to work with them.

Rod, I''m so sorry about this whole mess with work. How ridiculous! Hope things get smoothed over quicky.

Mara, have fun picking up the car and at dinner. What an exciting day!

What happened to Wednesday Weigh Ins? I see TG is opting out this week but what about everyone else (besides Mara)? Am I missing something?

John is making veal and corn for dinner. I have had a really long day, I did an hour of school work before leaving for work this morning and just spent another two hours working on the same project. I''m worn out.

Have a great evening all.


Mar 26, 2006
What a crazy workout that was! I went to the gym with the HH tonight because he got these guest passes for his birthday that will expire soon and so I thought what the hell, I''ll go with him a couple of times and make use of them. I tried to take advantage of using equipment that I don''t have at the tiny gym where I go, but that only lasted for two machines... I did 20 mins on the rowing machine, 10 mins on the gauntlet (which is like a treadmill only it''s stairs--that thing is HARD!), 30 mins on the treadmill and 10 mins on the bike to be me to an even 500 cals. And I''m coming in today a little over 1400 cals because I really wanted a piece of toast with apricot jam on it after dinner, even though I really should have been done eating for the day.

Kimberly, I did weigh in in an unoffical way this morning, but I''m mad at my scale...

Skippy, what brand of sausage do you get? I''ve been on this big sausage kick lately myself and would love to find some other kinds.

Monnie, I hope you feel better! OH, and I was listening to NPR this morning while I was getting dressed and there was an ad for Ravinia. They said the cicadas are out but they''re having the music anyway.
Are you kidding me?!? I wouldn''t go sit in the grass and get bombarded by big ugly bugs for hours if Beethoven himself rose from the grave and was playing!!!

Mrs. S., thanks for the advice on the pool and the manicure. That''s what I was afraid of.

Mara, where''s the car???

TG, I completely understand the french fries. That is the ONE food that I am the worst at resisting. Yum...

Phoenixgirl, you plowed through a workout video even though you felt ill? You''re a much better person than I am, LOL!

Skippy, I have, over time, trained the HH to try things on before he buys them. It''s hard work, training these men, but it pays off in the long run.

Charger, good for you for working out while you''re on the road! I could never do it.


Jun 15, 2006
Welcome back, Skippy!! School is crazy and work is too. The kids'' last day is one week from today. We''re taking our guys to La Jolla shores on Friday for a field will be quite the adventure, I''m sure!

Ugh, I hate when people say "work is crazy" and then I did just that and it took me too long to figure it out so I couldn''t edit! Work isn''t crazy, Skippy, it''s actually really great; I think I''m just feelilng that summer fever thing that all people who work in education do. The kids have grown so much in every way over the last few months. One of the non-verbal kids picked up a football the other day looked at me and said "A ball!" with a huge grin on his face and it was one of the most amazing moments I''ve ever experienced. Anyways, I just wanted to correct myself because I''m so lucky to do what I do and there was no reason for me to be dramatic!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/13/2007 9:01:49 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Welcome back, Skippy!! School is crazy and work is too. The kids'' last day is one week from today. We''re taking our guys to La Jolla shores on Friday for a field will be quite the adventure, I''m sure!

Ugh, I hate when people say ''work is crazy'' and then I did just that and it took me too long to figure it out so I couldn''t edit! Work isn''t crazy, Skippy, it''s actually really great; I think I''m just feelilng that summer fever thing that all people who work in education do. The kids have grown so much in every way over the last few months. One of the non-verbal kids picked up a football the other day looked at me and said ''A ball!'' with a huge grin on his face and it was one of the most amazing moments I''ve ever experienced. Anyways, I just wanted to correct myself because I''m so lucky to do what I do and there was no reason for me to be dramatic!
Thanks. I love reading about your kids and how passionate you are about teaching! That is so awesome! YOU ARE AWESOME! Kuddos to a wonderful teacher.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/13/2007 9:01:48 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
What a crazy workout that was! I went to the gym with the HH tonight because he got these guest passes for his birthday that will expire soon and so I thought what the hell, I''ll go with him a couple of times and make use of them. I tried to take advantage of using equipment that I don''t have at the tiny gym where I go, but that only lasted for two machines... I did 20 mins on the rowing machine, 10 mins on the gauntlet (which is like a treadmill only it''s stairs--that thing is HARD!), 30 mins on the treadmill and 10 mins on the bike to be me to an even 500 cals. And I''m coming in today a little over 1400 cals because I really wanted a piece of toast with apricot jam on it after dinner, even though I really should have been done eating for the day.

Kimberly, I did weigh in in an unoffical way this morning, but I''m mad at my scale...

Skippy, what brand of sausage do you get? I''ve been on this big sausage kick lately myself and would love to find some other kinds.
The highlighted item cracked me up! You are so funny DeeJay!

The sausage I buy is Han''s Chicken Sausage Spicy Italian. One link is 150 calaroies and 9 g of fat. They are pretty good; I buy them at Whole Foods and Wild Oats has them. I also buy a spicy chicken Charrizo at Trader Joes that is good too! Hope that helps. What do you buy?


Dec 28, 2005
So sorry your not feeling well Monnie. I hope the eggs didn''t make you sick but they certainly could have. We had eggs Saturday morning before our training session and they upset both our stomachs. I don''t have any interest in having eggs anytime soon, that''s for sure. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks for the sympathy everyone. I''ve decided I''m just not going to let that awful company get me down. I don''t think there''s a judge on the planet that would think they could prevent me from working for the company I worked for 15 years before my 4 month stint with Satan. Ugh.........he''s the most heinous little man I''ve ever come in contact with. But hey, he''s a millionaire, but I''m thinking if there are designated after life locations, there''s someplace terribly hot set aside for him.

Today''s episode surely helped to fuel a harder workout at the gym. Every machine I used was his evil little face and I pushed each one even harder. This was not the wisest thing I could do as in the last week I seem to have developed a Ganglion Cyst on my wrist. One would never know it to look at me, but it''s just a hard bump on the corner of the underside of my left hand. I''ve had this occur before and it will just go away, but it is painful and tends to push on a nerve with pins and needle sensations, which is also common. I could have it operated on, or have it aspirated, but most people just recommend letting it go away all by itself. I guess if it doesn''t in a few weeks, I''ll go see my orthopaedist and let him take care of it.

Otherwise, things are good. It''s cooler here tonight. We had a front come through, which is unheard of in the middle of June, so after getting home, we had dinner on the terrace and read the paper afterwards and it was just so pleasant. The heat will return, so any cool we can get is surely a welcome relief.

Mara, I hope you''re sitting in the cool new Mini and/or taking pictures for us to see your new baby. I hope the delivery of the car was a fun experience. It''s not everyday you get to pick up a brand new car, eh??

Have a great night everyone. Tomorrow''s Thursday and that means the last evening workout for the week. Friday is just around the corner, so Sushi night is almost here. YAY.


Jun 15, 2006
Okay, DeeJay, I just needed to read for comprehension purposes, not scan! I''m so sorry about the stupid scale...I vote that you throw it out the window.

Skippy, you''re too cute. I do love my job, I''m so lucky!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/13/2007 10:26:23 PM
Author: Rod

Thanks for the sympathy everyone. I've decided I'm just not going to let that awful company get me down. I don't think there's a judge on the planet that would think they could prevent me from working for the company I worked for 15 years before my 4 month stint with Satan. Ugh.........he's the most heinous little man I've ever come in contact with. But hey, he's a millionaire, but I'm thinking if there are designated after life locations, there's someplace terribly hot set aside for him.

Good! I am glad you aren't going to let that jerk rent space in your brain for his stupidty (it ain't worth it since he isn't pay for that space)! Hang in there
Remember karma will come back and haunt him


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/13/2007 10:33:39 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 6/13/2007 10:26:23 PM
Author: Rod

Thanks for the sympathy everyone. I''ve decided I''m just not going to let that awful company get me down. I don''t think there''s a judge on the planet that would think they could prevent me from working for the company I worked for 15 years before my 4 month stint with Satan. Ugh.........he''s the most heinous little man I''ve ever come in contact with. But hey, he''s a millionaire, but I''m thinking if there are designated after life locations, there''s someplace terribly hot set aside for him.

Good! I am glad you aren''t going to let that jerk rent space in your brain for his stupidty (it ain''t worth it since he isn''t pay for that space)! Hang in there
Remember karma will come back and haunt him
''Aint nothing for rent in my head Skippy, that''s for sure. Thanks!!


Nov 8, 2005
Rod, that stinks! I hope it gets resolved fast and painlessly.

I got a water bill for $522 today! It was in error - they billed us for 37,000 gallons of water used when we actually used 2000 according to the meter. But I have to spend tomorrow morning getting that straightened out. What a hassle. I am just so glad it was in error!

So far today I ate 1520 cals and burned 900! I ran on the treadmill for almost 7 miles. I am going to have about 200 cals of breyers light in a few minutes.


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 6/13/2007 9:01:48 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
What a crazy workout that was! I went to the gym with the HH tonight because he got these guest passes for his birthday that will expire soon and so I thought what the hell, I''ll go with him a couple of times and make use of them. I tried to take advantage of using equipment that I don''t have at the tiny gym where I go, but that only lasted for two machines... I did 20 mins on the rowing machine, 10 mins on the gauntlet (which is like a treadmill only it''s stairs--that thing is HARD!), 30 mins on the treadmill and 10 mins on the bike to be me to an even 500 cals. And I''m coming in today a little over 1400 cals because I really wanted a piece of toast with apricot jam on it after dinner, even though I really should have been done eating for the day.

Kimberly, I did weigh in in an unoffical way this morning, but I''m mad at my scale...

Skippy, what brand of sausage do you get? I''ve been on this big sausage kick lately myself and would love to find some other kinds.

Monnie, I hope you feel better! OH, and I was listening to NPR this morning while I was getting dressed and there was an ad for Ravinia. They said the cicadas are out but they''re having the music anyway.
Are you kidding me?!? I wouldn''t go sit in the grass and get bombarded by big ugly bugs for hours if Beethoven himself rose from the grave and was playing!!!

Mrs. S., thanks for the advice on the pool and the manicure. That''s what I was afraid of.

Mara, where''s the car???

TG, I completely understand the french fries. That is the ONE food that I am the worst at resisting. Yum...

Phoenixgirl, you plowed through a workout video even though you felt ill? You''re a much better person than I am, LOL!

Skippy, I have, over time, trained the HH to try things on before he buys them. It''s hard work, training these men, but it pays off in the long run.

Charger, good for you for working out while you''re on the road! I could never do it.
DeeJay, no way, no how would I go to an outdoor event with the current state of the infestation! LOL! I listen to NPR all the time, missed that heads up the last couple days, though...and yeah, if Beethoven himself were playing I still wouldn''t even consider it!


Oct 30, 2002
evening all!! we just now got home..i'm just checking email before bed!! the car took us a long time to get through all the paperwork and all that, so we were there from like 6pm til 8:45pm...then we drove to my parents house which is about 10 min from there and surprised them ! so then we had to give rides...and then we finally made it to dinner at 9:30 where we scarfed burgers and fries and giggled excitedly. the car is AWESOME. i am SOOOO jazzed we got the loaded up version, it is seriously absolutely sweet. i can't rave about it enough. and all the perks it has from the various packages it has, i mean come on i have been driving my old same car for 11+ years now....power windows is a perk for me. so the fact that it has all these amazing amenities, wow a girl can seriously get used to this. i drove home with the sunroof open as it was 93 today so the evening is pretty was too cool!!! the car is also equipped with bluetooth as one of the packages which means it speaks to my cell phone, and i can conduct my conference calls through my car and its speakers...which is part of why i wanted this package. it's the sport version too with the sport package, so it has all these special snorty sport features, bigger tires, more pep aka horsepower, sport suspension etc etc. i had so much fun driving it, i am already getting used to it, scary...!!! hehee. i have to remember to take it easy as this thing does 0-60 in like 4 seconds so it will be easy to get carried away. i will take some pictures tomorrow for you guys and greg's family to see the new addition to our family hehee. greg already wants to take it for a drive tomorrow night, haha. at first i wasn't soooo excited about the silver color but honestly it looks snazzy esp with the black contrasts. and the sport package also has 17" tires so they make the car look that much more badass, which greg just loves haha.

funny story too, so we took my car over so that we could trade it in. i knew we wouldn't get much for it but we just didn't want to deal with selling it on our own so we were prepared to take whatever. well they gave us a credit for it of like $500 but they didn't want the car!! so we brought it back home with us and are probably going to try to sell it and get some $$ back or we might just donate it and take the tax writeoff. it was so funny though because our nice salesguy was like well we'll give you the credit but .... we don't really want the car. i was like well we don't want it either! he said if we wanted them to get rid of it entirely they would, but we said nah.

so anyway we are all snuggled in for the night, the new car in it's new space on the garage. my poor old corolla has been relegated to street parking a block away...i hope we can find it a good home or donate it or something where someone can use it because it's still got some pep in it...even if it is verra old. also my mom made a good point that portia's nails might scratch the leather in the car so i will have to do the whole towel in the car when she rides in it. i already feel myself getting the 'new car paranoia' where you don't want anything to happen to it and park far away etc. i swore i'd never be like that and yet here i am.

hope everyone had a fabulous day!! it was definitely a treat for me today, new car AND a cheeseburger and fries with a handsome hubby? what more could a girl ask for?!


Aug 8, 2005
Hello ladies! I need to lose 50 pounds. Fast.

I''ve got some serious health issues due to weight gain that seems to be caused by some medication I''m on.

What do I do?

Our apartment complex has elliptical machines and tread mills as well as weight training equip. I know I need to weight train to build muscle to keep weight off... but I need to lose the weight super fast. Should I stick to mostly cardio? How many days a week (everyday?)....

We are also dieting.

And my medication will be changing in about a month.

I''m a little anxious about this... but then again I have GED so that''s not exactly a shock.


Oct 30, 2002
hmmm gypsy...well welcome first off.

i don't know how easy it will be to just drop 50 lbs. i dropped 20 lbs over about 9 months and i was watching what i ate and working out about 5-6x a week. so it can take some time. they say it's not really healthy to drop weight more than what...1lb a week or something? so that's about 4lbs a month so it could take a while. is 50 lbs a realistic goal for you...aka do you really have 50 lbs to lose? i don't remember you being overweight last i saw you!

what worked for me was counting calories and working out like a fiend. i'd start working on cardio to burn the fat, then you can add in weight resistance and training once you have started dropping weight. i recommend to find out how many cals per day you should be eating to reach your goal weight within your timeframe. but it won't let you put in more than 1.5 lbs weight loss a week i think? anyway, that is what i used to find out how many cals i should be eating to lose my weight. i meant to lose 10 lbs but then somehow it just turned into 20.

anyway, hang around and get some knowledge, we have a great group here...some of us are in maintenance, some of us are just starting and some of us are in the middle of their really IS a lifestyle change that you have to commit to for life...start eating more healthily and working out and it should work out in the end. it might take you a while and not sure if you can get all 50 lbs off what you want, but a huge perk is regardless of your weight, you will be REALLY FIT.


Dec 29, 2004
Mara, whoo hoo! Congrats on the car...we need pics! And I had to laugh when I read that they didn't want the corolla...I have never heard of a car dealer giving money but not wanting the car. Aw...poor thing must be so sad was rejected and now is street parked!

How long do the cicadas stay around for? I'm still traumatized over the photo that Mon posted awhile back.

Gypsy, I don't think there is a healthy way to lose weight fast. Heck, I can't even lose a little weight slow. Hehehe. But I cheat, so what can I say. If you are dedicated and exercise and eat right, it will melt off. You have a lot of people here on the WWT who are a testament to that.

Well, I did do that 5 mile walk/run today. Also had a very low cal day to make up for the French Fry Fest from yesterday (glad to see I'm not the only one who can't resist the cry of the fry!) Next two weeks will be a sister in law flies in tomorrow from Oz. We are going to Vegas for one night and I'm sure we'll be eating a bit at home as she will make all kinds of goodies that TGuy misses. Then a business trip the following week. Fortunately my SIL loves to work out so I am taking her to my pilates class tomorrow and we will go walking/running whenever possible.

Tomorrow is Friday, yay!!!!

ETA, Mara beat me to my post. But I'd agree that counting calories and working out is the way to go. I lost 10 pounds before my wedding that way and while it was hard, I didn't feel like I was suffering. By the way, it took 3-4 months to work off that 10 pounds.


Jan 13, 2006
Mara, congrats on the car, I can feel your enthusiasm!

And I remember that feeling when we got our first new car. We were having such a hard time finding the options we wanted in the color I wanted. It was in 02 when the new Altima came out, they were selling like hotcakes. The dealer finally found one in Indiana, with just about every bell and whistle the car came with, way more than we needed/wanted. Only thing missing was side boards which I didn''t want anyway. I''ve never regreted it.

You''ll probably find yourself speeding a lot, be careful. Fast cars are dangerous....

And about parking far away? I STILL do, 5 years later. No dents from doors in it. People are rude. I look at it as exercise as well as keeping my car nice.

Have fun!!

p.s. I just remembered something. I don''t know if it applies to all cars, but when we got ours, they cautioned us not to go over a certain speed limit (I think it was like 70?), and not to floor it for the first 1000 miles, to let the engine get broken in correctly. If they didn''t tell you that, you might check!


Apr 30, 2005
Yay new car!!!!!

Minis are seriously cool
Congrats Mara!

I hope everyone who is sick feels better soon and %$#^
to your old company Rod!


Dec 28, 2005
YAY on the new car Mara. I love the Mini and the S version is a great combo for sure. Funny that they didn''t want the Corolla. You might be able to get more than the $500 credit they gave you, OR, your idea of donating it and taking the charity write off is a GREAT idea. Anyway, congratulations on the new car and may you drive it in the best of health for zillions of miles!!!

Welcome Gypsy. Mara''s advice was right on. Losing a lot of weight fast is not easy, nor a good idea. Many of us lost a lot of weight on this thread, but it didn''t happen overnight. You can safely do cardio every single day, so getting on a treadmill, or an elliptical or walking or running is a good way to drop weight. If you want to add muscle, weight training can also help you significantly. But, if your primary goal is to drop pounds, cardio is the way to go, COMBINED WITH A REDUCED FAT AND CALORIC DIET. Losing about a pound a week is a good goal. And you may find that in the first couple weeks if you work hard and reduce your calory intake, you might drop more than a pound a week, but it''s not really healthy to lose a lot of weight quickly. It really should take about a year to lose 50 pounds, so don''t beat yourself up if it takes that long. And remember, to lose weight requires lifestyle changes that should be continued long after you lose the amount of weight you want to lose. So many people starve themselves and workout while losing weight, only to go back to eating the way they did before losing weight and they put the weight right back on quickly. So, if you''re really serious about losing the weight, be prepared to make lifelong lifestyle changes.

You''ll find a lot of support here, so stick around and let us help you in anyway we can.


Apr 30, 2005
Yikes, missed your post Gyppers - welcome!
Rod and Mara are right, cardio is your best fat burner, try for at least half an hour a day and as you progress, push yourself so it is harder work. Also start guzzling water and aim for 2 litres a day, this apparently helps fat burning and to flush it out of your system. Watch the fats and don't let yourself get too hungry. Also don't rush the weight off, take your time and get into new good habits, it is an old saying but a true one, the weight is more likely to stay off, so give yourself time to do this. Once I did after many years of misery, I hit pay dirt!


Jun 15, 2006
Happy Thursday, All!

YAY for a the new car, Mara! What fun.

Welcome Gypsy. Plan on attacking the weight slow and steady, as everyone has said. Quick weight loss and magical diets are definitely not the solution for long term weight loss. It''s sorta like the tortoise and the hare. You''re a logical person, create a spread sheet and start tracking calories. Check out, start using the equipment (and sidewalks) available to you and I''m sure you''ll do great!

Today is going to be a bit busy. I work, need to go shopping for Father''s Day, my sister''s birthday and find a little "Happy Summer!" gift for my favorite mentor teacher, then come home change and go to a musical being performed by my favorite teacher''s 5th grade class. We''ll have a late dinner and the day will be done.

Have a great day all!


Aug 12, 2005
Mara, you have to rent "The Italian Job," remember that movie? Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, lots of Minis?! LOL!

TG, apparently the stupid cicadas won''t die off for another couple of weeks, I think their overall lifespan is about 4-6 weeks, so we won''t have them too much longer. In fact I''m starting to see dead ones laying about on the sidewalks, still freaky but at least they can''t land on me.

Gypsy, I agree that it may not be in your best interest to try to lose so much weight too quickly. 1-2 lbs. per week loss will get you the most sustainable results. Check out the EDiets website, there is a lot of good info there, and sparkpeople is great as well. Your doctor can probably also recommend a diet based on your nutritional needs, or he/she should at least refer you to a dietician so you can come up with a diet plan that will work for you. I think if you''re losing weight for medical reasons and with the other stuff you have going on you need to take a really healthy approach so you don''t distress yourself further physically.


Feb 21, 2005
just checking in quickly from dallas (where it is very hot outside and very cold inside - i feel like i have a totally schitzophrenic wardrobe going on here!). i got in a workout on tuesday after we arrived and i think i can squeeze in another one before dinner tonight, which is good. i haven''t been quite on track with food, but that''s to be expected when traveling and 3 days of indulgence won''t hurt me much. i did turn down the cookies and ice cream being served yesterday afternoon, so that was a small victory.

we fly back tomorrow morning and i''m planning on hitting the gym in the afternoon and getting back to my regularly scheduled eating program!

i haven''t had time to read all the posts, but i hope everyone is having a great and healthy week.


Mar 26, 2006
Yanno, I start off each day with the best of intentions, and things just go straight downhill from there! This morning I was going to have a whole grain bagel with fat free cream cheese to the tune of 300 cals, but then one of the portfolio managers brought in these fabulous donuts from a little mom and pop bakery near his house and I gave in to a boston cream. Based on the info I can find on line I actually didn't take in any more cals that I would have with the bagel, but from a nutrition standpoint it wasn't such a great choice. Oh well, if I stick to the rest of my plan today I should stll come in at 1195 cals, and I'm working out tonight for the third night in a row.

Monnie, one of my coworker's dogs likes to eat the exoskeletons that the cicadas shed. As if that isn't gross enough, my colleague said those skeletons seem to, um, come out the other end pretty much intact. I guess the dog's system can't really break down whatever the shells are made of so they just pass right through. GROSS!!!

Gypsy, WELCOME! This whole weight loss thing is more a tortise than a hare, unfortunately, but the good news is it does happen if you just stick with it. I've lost 17 (or 18, depending on how kind the scale is being on any particualr day) since the beginning of the year. The most important part to me though is that I haven't had to kill myself to that it happen. I have been working out regularly (with the exception of a few periods when I had health issues and couldn't go to the gym) and I've been counting my cals (but not to an *extreme* degree--ergo the boston cream donut for breakfast, LOL) and it works. You'll find this forum to be super helpful and amazingly motivating!!

Ellen, I envy your dent free car. Ours is all dinged up from people opening their doors too close and grocery carts and who knows what else. Not to mention my parallel parking skills haven't exactly helped the situation (can you say "park by feel"!).


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 6/14/2007 11:32:44 AM
Author: Dee*Jay
Yanno, I start off each day with the best of intentions, and things just go straight downhill from there! This morning I was going to have a whole grain bagel with fat free cream cheese to the tune of 300 cals, but then one of the portfolio managers brought in these fabulous donuts from a little mom and pop bakery near his house and I gave in to a boston cream. Based on the info I can find on line I actually didn''t take in any more cals that I would have with the bagel, but from a nutrition standpoint it wasn''t such a great choice. Oh well, if I stick to the rest of my plan today I should stll come in at 1195 cals, and I''m working out tonight for the third night in a row.

Monnie, one of my coworker''s dogs likes to eat the exoskeletons that the cicadas shed. As if that isn''t gross enough, my colleague said those skeletons seem to, um, come out the other end pretty much intact. I guess the dog''s system can''t really break down whatever the shells are made of so they just pass right through. GROSS!!!

Gypsy, WELCOME! This whole weight loss thing is more a tortise than a hare, unfortunately, but the good news is it does happen if you just stick with it. I''ve lost 17 (or 18, depending on how kind the scale is being on any particualr day) since the beginning of the year. The most important part to me though is that I haven''t had to kill myself to that it happen. I have been working out regularly (with the exception of a few periods when I had health issues and couldn''t go to the gym) and I''ve been counting my cals (but not to an *extreme* degree--ergo the boston cream donut for breakfast, LOL) and it works. You''ll find this forum to be super helpful and amazingly motivating!!

Ellen, I envy your dent free car. Ours is all dinged up from people opening their doors too close and grocery carts and who knows what else. Not to mention my parallel parking skills haven''t exactly helped the situation (can you say ''bumper cars!).
oh my goodness - horrible things - it gets worse! Do these...creatures have any redeeming qualities at all????


Aug 12, 2005

DeeJay, that is disgusting! I haven''t seen my dogs eat them yet...the day after the cicadas shed their skins I went out and knocked them all off our fence and garage because I couldn''t stand to look at them. And fortunately for me even if the dogs did eat them, DH is designated for poop patrol so I don''t have to worry about seeing it come out the other end, LOL!

Lorelei, I don''t think they have any redeeming qualities. In fact, I''ve discussed this several times with people around here and we''ve all come to the conclusion that they serve no purpose whatsoever. Of all the species that are endangered or have become extinct, why, oh why, can''t it be these cicadas?

Hey, LadyCiel just posted a thread about ExerciseTV. I think I have it...going to check it out tonight!


Oct 30, 2002
monnie sorry to hear you are under the weather!! my weird stomach thing seems to have subsided slightly but i feel still a little queasiness going on...and before anyone says 'oh sounds like you are preggo', i seriously doubt it, as i just had TTOTM hehee. so who knows if it's just a passing stomach bug or what. it doesn't keep me from eating, in fact i feel better after i eat typically...and last nite after we ate the burger and fries i felt fabulous. maybe i just need a little more food, hehee. i have had some really light days this week and my body might be going 'hey whats up with that'. on the plus side my stomach is really flat. drat that actually having to eat thing.
nah who am i kidding, i love to eat.

thanks for all the congrats on the new wheels...i am soo happy with the little bugger. driving to work today was so fun. my corolla was small but this thing is smaller, we can actually walk around the front and back of it when parked in the garage whereas before the corolla took up more space. and the pep on this thing is crazy. i will really have to watch the speed big time, it's so easy to suddenly be going 70.

monnie, i know i felt bad for my little corolla. but we'll figure out what to do with it.

ellen, lol re: the parking far away thing. what is awesome is that our parking garage at work has small spaces and then it has larger wider spaces that are probably mostly meant for SUV's. but if i park the car in one of those, i have mega space on either side, so basically no one can reach my car with their doors (well unless they were insane parkers which i guess could happen!). but there are a bunch of these types of spaces, so i just intend to always park in one of those here at work. while out and about though i'll have to figure it out!!

we actually only did a 2.5 year lease on this car, because we figure we won't want it any longer than that (though now i am questioning that hahhaa)...also if we decide to have kids, which we probably will at some point, around 2.5 years is when we will hopefully be starting that, so i would imagine that a preggo belly and resulting kidlet won't work so well in the compact Mini. we were going to do a 36 month lease but then we saw that the 30 month was only like $40 more a month and would save us $2k over the 6 months and it was a more kid-friendly timeline for i just said lets pay more and get out of it earlier.

it is just flat out amazing how expensive cars are nowadays!! i haven't had a new car ever but man, even a lease is expensive...if we bought this thing it would be way more per month and already i am choking at the payment on the lease. it's not so much about the $$ but rather 'gosh that's for a car?' and me crying about what i can't buy as much of now from month to month lol. but yeah the joy of driving this thing, i could see how people easily get sucked into expensive performance cars. hehee. one of the cool things about the Mini now is that it is basically totally integrated with BMW now and it's got a BMW engine and all that, so it's basically like a small BMW so you know you have the quality parts and the power of a larger car but don't have to pay for it. we were joking around as we did the finance work in the BMW dealership next to the Mini one that we'd be in the BMW dealership in 2.5 years for an X5 or something! we thought about spending basically the same amount we are paying for this car to get an audi A4 or something but then we thought well this is our last hurrah aka chance before kidlets come to really get a small sporty car so let's make it count. and no regrets at all actually.

anyhow, enough on the car talk, i will take some piccies later today when i get home. of course the last place i want to be is at work today...i'd rather be out driving around but oh well! gotta pay for the car somehow hehee.

tonite when we get home i am hoping to take a long walk, if greg doesn't kidnap me and take me on a drive somewhere!! we shall see. the plan is to have TJ pizzas at home as well. breakfast was the same ole and snack will be a light n'fit...lunch will either be a LC or a TJ burrito and i have cherries (They are SO in season right now, they taste so sickeningly sweet, i love them) for snack later along with some wow cow. the best part about last nite's burger splurge is that i only ate about 600 cals all day before that so even with the burger and fries i am still about 1700 cals for the day...not bad!!

DJ i hear ya on the donut. honestly i don't think your bagel with ff cream cheese is really all that much more nutritious than the donut you ate, so don't beat yourself up about it. i think the same thing sometimes about things, while my weekday breakfasts are actually packed with nutrition, on the weekends i think hmmm 350 cals for an eggs, bacon and toast breakfast or 350 cals for a donut? hehee. but somehow we mostly end up eating the eggs, bacon and toast at home. too lazy i guess!

hope everyone is having a spectacular day so far!! it's almost friday!


Dec 29, 2004
LOL...Mara, you reminded me that today is NOT friday. I thought yesterday that it was. Probably because my sisterinlaw in coming in today and it just feels like the weekend is about to begin.

Wah, it''s NOT Friday (Doncha hate when that happens?)
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