
Weekly Workout Thread 11th June till 17th June

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Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/15/2007 11:47:36 AM
Author: monarch64
Well, I got some bad news position at work was eliminated effective immediately and now I''m unemployed, wah!
Actually I''m really not that broken up about it, I will miss the people but it wasn''t exactly my dream job so I''m looking at this as an opportunity for positive change, which kind of excites me. Really the only negative is going through the hassle of changing insurance carriers since DH and I were both on my policy through my company and now we''ll have to switch to his, which is way more expensive and not as good, plus he doesn''t have dental, so in my upcoming job search that will be a primary concern as far as benefits packages. My two bosses who delivered the news were really cool about it and offered letters of recommendation and references, one even gave me his card with his home # which was really nice. I started at this company as a temp a couple years ago and was permanently hired, but I had a feeling it might not last forever so it''s not a complete shock, plus I''ve been toying with the idea of finding something new and more challenging anyway. I''m definitely a glass-half-full kind of gal.

So, I guess I''ll have a little more time on my hands to work out now, hee hee!

I''m really looking forward to going out with my girlfriend for dinner and some retail therapy tonight. I think mama deserves a new pair of shoes to offset the morning''s negative energy, LOL!
I''m so sorry to hear about being laid off Monnie. Having just been through this, I know how it feels. Sounds like you have a great positive attitude though and since you had not been there too many years, it wasn''t a horrible shock. Still, losing a job is just not fun by any stretch of the imagination.

I was actually getting used being unemployed (hmmmm, not good) and kind of loved my schedule (maybe a bit too much). But I recommend you take some "me" time and not dwell or stress on this. It''s usually a good idea to stick to some type of routine. For example, while I didn''t bound out of bed at 7 AM everyday, I did get up at a reasonable time and took a shower and got dressed and had some breakfast. Then I hit the job boards for a couple hours, then I took some "me" time and sat under our oak tree at Starbucks and enjoyed a cup of coffee, followed by lunch with Charlie, then back to job boarding only till 3 PM. At that point, I shut the job search off and spent the last few hours of the day doing what I wanted. For me, that meant going to the gym in the afternoon when the gym wasn''t crowded and it was just the best thing I could do. I did it every day and I so enjoyed my extra time at the gym. It helped to give me additional purpose and I knew I was doing something really good for me mentally and physically.

Now, what you do is completely up to you. But make sure you create a game plan and stick to that plan, with extra "you" time thrown in.

Again, so sorry you''re having to go through this. There''s a terrific position sitting out there for you I''m sure!!


Aug 12, 2005
Thanks everyone for the supportive sentiments! Just one of those "sh*t happens" things, ya know?
Rod, you give great advice. I do remember when you were going through a similar situation, and your current advice makes a lot of sense. I know it''s important to keep up a routine of some sort, and I will heed your words and remember that throughout this process. This is another fork in the road for me, and having just turned 30 it''s also a time for self-examination and re-evaluation of my goals. We don''t have children yet, so it will be relatively easy for me to take some "me" time and really look at what my career options are without making a hasty decision.

So instead of wallowing in self pity all day, I managed to do 2 ExerciseTV workouts! First I did an 11 minute bellydance cardio, and then I found the funniest workout ever: Booty Beat!
It was 7 minutes of uh, stripper-esque moves, but so fun and a really good workout! I was laughing most of the way through it, the lead gal was trying to be really sexy and it seemed really silly to me. Definitely a mood-booster!

I had my other half of my Taco Bell bean burrito for lunch, later I''ll have a snack before I head out to dinner. I checked out the Cheesecake Factory menu online, they don''t have nutrition info but I found a grilled portabello burger I can probably order without cheese or whatever sauce they use, so I''ll have that and FRIES! With all the fry talk this week I figure I''m entitled to my share, right?!


Dec 28, 2005
Glad my advice might be helpful to you Monnie. And good going on the two workout video''s. Just think, you might be a tad poorer throught this process, but you''ll definitely be in better shape physically, which means you''ll be in better mental shape to handle the stress of this this little downturn in your life! What was really surprising for me was that everytime something really negative happened to me, my back used go out on me. And so I would have to run to the chiropractor like 3 - 4 times a week. So, imagine how pleased I was to note that throughout my entire time of having been laid off, moving to Raleigh, quitting my job in Raleigh and returning home to Tampa without a job, I never had ANY back problems. And that I attribute to all the core strength training I do. Yet again proving the tremendous benefits of working out!! Anyway, I know you''ll do well through this period in your life and you''ll emerge even stronger than before!!


Mar 26, 2006
Hey, I have a question: How do you know when you need new workout shoes? I know they say every 500 miles, but I can''t figure that out. Honestly, who can track that unless you''re a runner or something and know that you go X miles/week in those shoes? Or like the elliptical, at the end of an hour I''ve gone 5 miles or so but my foot really didn''t move that much, so do you count those miles?

Anyway, is there an easy way to tell? Can you look at the tread and tell? What if only the very edges around the heel are worn smooth but the rest is still very good?

Geez, things like this drive me crazy...


Nov 24, 2006
I heard every 6-9 mo if you exercise regularly. I do it about every 8 mos even if they still look new. It always stumps me when I see people with shoes that look like 3 years old because you need good support.


Dec 28, 2005
DeeJay, I too have heard every 6 - 8 months, but I really think it''s more important if you''re actually outdoors running in your fitness shoes. For muscle training (weight machines and free weights) the shoes are not really a significant factor. As long as you can securely plant your foot, you''re likely OK. For ellipticals, your feet don''t really do that much moving either. Your shoes do take more abuse on treadmills though. In thinking about my own shoes, I have an inside pair for the gym and I purchased a higher quality (much better cushioning) shoes for running. I''ve actually used my gym pair inside now longer than recommended, so I plan to replace them very soon. Good question!


Mar 20, 2003
It's been quite a day.

On Sunday DH drank too much and got sick all over the downstairs bathroom. I tried to clean it up, I really did, but I couldn't do it. So he did. Apparently by using an entire container of Lysol wipes and some paper towels and flushing them down the toilet.

This morning DH informed me that there was standing water in the basement shower and that it appeared to have flooded into the drain that is luckily in the middle of our basement floor. DH declared that it was probably backed up rain water. I went down to look and after DH flushed the toilet upstairs, it was quite clear that what was coming up in the toilet and shower was our own sewage. So I tell DH this, who doesn't believe me. Why don't men believe their wives about things like this? Don't get me started on the argument we had about where to place the dryer vent so as to be above ground level. Anyway . . .

So DH calls Rotorooter (sp?) who charges us over $500 but fixes the problem (supposedly -- I've been too scared to go down there). Rotorooter man helpfully puts a camera down there to find out what the problem is. DH calls me and tells me in a patronizing tone that I mustn't put Lysol wipes in the toilet anymore. Good grief. I think I was very laid-back about the disgusting filth and unnecessary expense, but I wasn't going to let him convince himself that it was my fault. "Right, honey, I didn't, that was you on Sunday night."

Anyway, today was the last day of work for us teachers!
We had a giveaway where you could get a gift certificate here or there, and guess what I won . . . one free month at a weight loss clinic. The brochure had all of these images of overweight older women on it. My coworker joked that I am already thinner than the "this could be you!" women in the pictures.

So maybe I'll go and see if I can get my body fat tested and use their equipment, but I am definitely not going to enroll in any extreme program ("guaranteed to lose 1.5 pounds a week"). Yeesh. What a bad "prize"! Because either you give it to someone who doesn't need it (the principal joked about how he needed it, but it said clearly "weight loss center for women" on it), or you give to someone who does need it who will feel embarrassed about it.

Oh, and I passed one of my student's parents in the hall several times but didn't place her so didn't say hello. She stopped me after a few trips and asked if I was indeed Mrs. Phoenixgirl, and I said yes, and she said, "I didn't recognize you. You've lost weight." And it was a statement, not a question, so that was even better.


Jun 15, 2006
Wow, it sounds like it has been a day of bad news for phoenix and monnie, I am so sorry!

Fries, fries, fries, oh how I love fries! Mara, Monnie and Rod it''s unbelievable how irresistable the stupid little things are!

We took the boys to the beach today, it was an absolute blast. We had one outburst (our little drama king didn''t want sand on his feet and he threw a fit because he couldn''t keep clean after rinsing off), and the rest of the time they were just fantastic! I am worn out though, from following those boys around in the water and then coming home and doing 2 hours of schoolwork.

John is making grilled steak, corn on the cob, and fruit saland for dinner, yummy! I''m going to go hang out on the patio and read, I need some downtime.

Have a wonderful evening all.


Dec 28, 2005
Oh my Phoenix, I know it was a terribly trying experience for you, but you told the story in such a way as to make me crack up laughing! And, I am sorry for laughing out load at your awful experience, but I just could not help myself. I am sorry for the drama, but did enjoy the story none-the-less. (If you did not intend this to have any amusing moments, my most sincere apologies!) For DH's birthday, you must give him a box of Lysol Wipes, or at the least put them in his Xmas Stocking. And, trust me, most of us have been there with you through some experience that is remarkablly similar. On a brighter note, congratulations on winning the month at the weight loss clinic, which it sounds (from the parent's compliment) you most definitely do NOT need. WAY TO GO!!

Sounds like you had a terrific day at the beach Kimberly. And yes, why are fries so darn appealing? We're actually talking about going to a little restaurant that has the best 1/2 pound burgers and fries, called Daily Eats (cute name don't you think?) tomorrow night. Sometime's there's nothing more comforting than a good old hamburger and fries.

Dinner tonight at our Sushi spot was terrific as usual. We always have the same ("Thank you for waiting") waitress and she always automatically puts in our Tempura Appetizer and brings out my beer and Charlie's Merlot without us ever having to ask for it. Plus, she just seem's to get such a kick out of the two of us and gives us a hug and kiss when we come in and when we leave. She helps to make the dining experience ever so special. Then of course we wound up at our favorite Starbucks and had coffee and Panera Scones and people watched, which is a major sport at this Starbucks.

We're heading off to the spa and pool soon. Tomorrow morning, we have our training session at 11:00 AM. This week, no eggs before we go. I know our trainer will push us to the breaking point like he usually does, but I think it's the best hour of the entire week.

I think the 1/2 Yearly Men's Sale has started at Nordstrom, so we'll definitely check that out tomorrow. I'm hoping they have some good deals on athletic shoes as I commented earlier it's time to replace my gym shoes soon. I like Asics a lot and they often have a couple pair on sale when they have the 1/2 yearly sale.

Have a great evening everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Gosh PHXGRL, so sorry. I hate when that happens!

Kimberly glad you had fun at the beach! YUM grilled steak. I love food off the grill!

Yum Sushi!!! Rod have fun at the spa lucky duck!

I had a big lunch so I am not hungry. I met some work friends for lunch and chit chatted about work since I have been gone for 2 months. It was fun to see my close work friends. Then my cousin cancelled because she is a Project Manager and had some deadline to get done. I just mowed our over 2 1/2 week talk lawn; it was a good workout. I am pooped. hehe

Have a lovely evening everyone


Mar 26, 2006
Tonight one of my best friends called and asked us to dinner with him and his girlfriend. We went out to my favorite Mexican place and split the guac, some sort of fried cheese with spicy salsas, and a crab salad. For an entree I had the grilled port tenderloin with a spicy tomato and onion salsa, but I did give in to the chocolate cake for dessert. I only had one glass of wine though since I was supposed to drive home, but somehow the HH ended up doing it.

When the pups came in from doggy daycare this evening they smelled SO BAD I had to give them a bath. The HH decided at that moment to take a nap, so I was on my own. What a circus--and a wet one at that! All''s well that ends well, but it was a little tricky there for a while with wet dogs and baby shampoo and shower hoses spraying everywhere, LOL.

Off to bed with the clean dogs now. For some reason I''m sooooo tired tonight...


Nov 25, 2002
Hi, all......checking in. Week has been CRAZY busy, but good too.

DJ: Know what you mean about loading up the Ipod. When I got mine, I spent nearly ALL day for two full days loading stuff up. Take heart - it gets better once it's done, and it's easier when you're adding as you go. I know you're gonna love it. Oh...and GIRL!!!!!!!!!! you look AMAZING! Keep up the great work!

Mara: YAY on the car. I'm so jealous on the bluetooth thing! I'd love my next car to be bluetooth capable and Ipod compatible! LOL

Rod: My goodness, that sounds so unlike you! Glad it was a temporary flare up at those girls. I know it's frustrating--I feel it too, but I try to focus on the fact that they are focused on THEM, so they probably aren't trying to upset me. They are probably oblivious, despite how obvious it seems.

FG: Gal, that sounds like THE BEST use of Fage I've heard of in a while, and I'm DYING to try it now. Kudos!

Mon: So sorry about the job elimination. Even though you were feeling like it was time ot make a move, it's still tough to have it foisted upon you suddenly. I know that you'll find the joy in having unexpected free time to regroup, though. Same thing happened to me at precisely the same time----about a month after I turned 30. I had been with that company for nine years. Took my time figuring out what I wanted to do next, and spent a total of nearly six months before getting back into a job. Best thing I ever did....I felt refreshed, reenergized, and ready to go. My next significant job is the one I still have.....11 years later.

Kimberly - day with the kids sounds fun - don't you love the end of school year?! Fun times!

Skippy - nice you're back and jumping back in with zest!

So much going on lately! It's the end of my fiscal year, and this year has been a particularly tough one. Last year was the first time in 10 years that I've missed my annual goal, and it was only by 7%. This year, my goal doubled!!!! and I'm off by about 20%, but I'm closing in on it a bit. I've had a LOT of dialogue w/clients this week, and it looks like good things are brewing for this month. So that's happy news.

To mix things up, I enrolled in a Latin Street Dance salsa class being offered through work for the next six Monday evenings. WAY fun and VERY physically demanding, so I'm looking forward to a fun way to keep moving. First class was this week, and it was a BALL!

Tonight, we splurged a bit to kick off the weekend and went out for Brazilian Rodizio.....SO yummy. I'll be going to my folks on Sunday with hubby to spend the day with my father, so that's fun. All else is well.

Like Rod, I had a very uplifting week on the 'people noticing' front....two things. I stopped into the coffee place on Monday....hadn't been to that particular one in nearly a year (we usually go to the other one down the street a bit). Gals behind the counter realized it was me and RAVED about how good I looked and how much weight I'd lost. That felt really good. Tuesday, I went to a company-wide meeting held at a local Sheraton. During a break, I was standing at another table chatting with a few gals. One of them, Judy, motioned to me to come over, and she went on to tell me how fabulous both Rich and I look. Even though we're doing our thing predominantly for health reasons, it's BIG-TIME motivating to get such positive encouragement.

Enjoy the weekend, all!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/15/2007 10:57:32 PM
Author: aljdewey
Hi, all......checking in. Week has been CRAZY busy, but good too.

DJ: Know what you mean about loading up the Ipod. When I got mine, I spent nearly ALL day for two full days loading stuff up. Take heart - it gets better once it's done, and it's easier when you're adding as you go. I know you're gonna love it. Oh...and GIRL!!!!!!!!!! you look AMAZING! Keep up the great work!

Mara: YAY on the car. I'm so jealous on the bluetooth thing! I'd love my next car to be bluetooth capable and Ipod compatible! LOL

Rod: My goodness, that sounds so unlike you! Glad it was a temporary flare up at those girls. I know it's frustrating--I feel it too, but I try to focus on the fact that they are focused on THEM, so they probably aren't trying to upset me. They are probably oblivious, despite how obvious it seems.

FG: Gal, that sounds like THE BEST use of Fage I've heard of in a while, and I'm DYING to try it now. Kudos!

Mon: So sorry about the job elimination. Even though you were feeling like it was time ot make a move, it's still tough to have it foisted upon you suddenly. I know that you'll find the joy in having unexpected free time to regroup, though. Same thing happened to me at precisely the same time----about a month after I turned 30. I had been with that company for nine years. Took my time figuring out what I wanted to do next, and spent a total of nearly six months before getting back into a job. Best thing I ever did....I felt refreshed, reenergized, and ready to go. My next significant job is the one I still have.....11 years later.

Kimberly - day with the kids sounds fun - don't you love the end of school year?! Fun times!

Skippy - nice you're back and jumping back in with zest!

So much going on lately! It's the end of my fiscal year, and this year has been a particularly tough one. Last year was the first time in 10 years that I've missed my annual goal, and it was only by 7%. This year, my goal doubled!!!! and I'm off by about 20%, but I'm closing in on it a bit. I've had a LOT of dialogue w/clients this week, and it looks like good things are brewing for this month. So that's happy news.

To mix things up, I enrolled in a Latin Street Dance salsa class being offered through work for the next six Monday evenings. WAY fun and VERY physically demanding, so I'm looking forward to a fun way to keep moving. First class was this week, and it was a BALL!

Tonight, we splurged a bit to kick off the weekend and went out for Brazilian Rodizio.....SO yummy. I'll be going to my folks on Sunday with hubby to spend the day with my father, so that's fun. All else is well.

Like Rod, I had a very uplifting week on the 'people noticing' front....two things. I stopped into the coffee place on Monday....hadn't been to that particular one in nearly a year (we usually go to the other one down the street a bit). Gals behind the counter realized it was me and RAVED about how good I looked and how much weight I'd lost. That felt really good. Tuesday, I went to a company-wide meeting held at a local Sheraton. During a break, I was standing at another table chatting with a few gals. One of them, Judy, motioned to me to come over, and she went on to tell me how fabulous both Rich and I look. Even though we're doing our thing predominantly for health reasons, it's BIG-TIME motivating to get such positive encouragement.

Enjoy the weekend, all!
You go Alj. It's really wonderful when people notice how hard you've been working on being healthy and fit and they tell you so!! I know I'm not working out so other people will notice it, but it is really affirming when someone does.

And you're right, it wasn't like me to get so angry. I wish I really believed the girls were just working out, oblivious to the fact that anyone was waiting, but alas, the reason I lost my temper was because they absolutely knew I was waiting and they seemed to delight in the fact they could inconvenience me. It still didn't give me license to repay their rudeness with a dose of rudeness myself and for that I sincerely regretted saying anything.


Jun 15, 2006
Yay for compliments, al!! The end of the year is fun. I''m working summer school and will be serving as an aide to a wheelchair-bound pre-schooler, I''ve never dealt with a child in a wheelchar before, so it''s one more adventure to add to my list. I think I''m going to have a difficult time with diapers.

We had a delicious dinner. John is such a great cook. He''s waiting for me to watch Law and Order with him....


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/15/2007 11:16:46 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Yay for compliments, al!! The end of the year is fun. I''m working summer school and will be serving as an aide to a wheelchair-bound pre-schooler, I''ve never dealt with a child in a wheelchar before, so it''s one more adventure to add to my list. I think I''m going to have a difficult time with diapers.

We had a delicious dinner. John is such a great cook. He''s waiting for me to watch Law and Order with him....
Yet another reason you should be nominated for Sainthood. You are an inspiration Kimberly!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/15/2007 11:22:57 PM
Author: Rod

Date: 6/15/2007 11:16:46 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Yay for compliments, al!! The end of the year is fun. I''m working summer school and will be serving as an aide to a wheelchair-bound pre-schooler, I''ve never dealt with a child in a wheelchar before, so it''s one more adventure to add to my list. I think I''m going to have a difficult time with diapers.

We had a delicious dinner. John is such a great cook. He''s waiting for me to watch Law and Order with him....
Yet another reason you should be nominated for Sainthood. You are an inspiration Kimberly!

I agree. I love reading her posts. I JUST LOVE HER HEART. She has a huge one

Alj, thank you. Your post made me happy!!! You go too! It is so nice you are here.

Night all


Oct 30, 2002
evening all!!! today was sooo busy at work...i had a chicken breast wrap lunch and then splurged on a donut treat in the afternoon. i ended up having 2 of my favorite types in between what i think was about 6 different conference calls lol. i was just lucky i didn't eat all 4 that i got! so the other 2 are for us for breakfast tomorrow. and man i love donuts, i am so happy i managed to just eat 2...honestly i can eat donuts all day long every day so that was a huge feat for me to do the cognitive thinking!!!

and then greg said 'don't go work out, just come home and lets go for a ride' i said okay it's friday and it's such a beautiful day out, and we are still on new car high, so no workout for me today...we headed out for half moon bay along the ocean and took a special curvy small road that goes through all these wooded areas and mountains and then popped out over near the ocean then took hwy 1 into half moon bay. we got seafood at this little dive shack favorite of ours (and fries of course!) and then drove back home along the regular road. now i'm having a bit of slow churned and it's off to bed. we had so much fun tonite with the car..i promise to take some pictures this wkd!!

tomorrow i plan to get out somewhere for a nice long walk and then sunday is a gym day. anyhow hope everyone had a great night, i really haven't read all the posts, but monnie sorry to hear about your will find something fabulous soon i am sure.


Jan 13, 2006
Monarch, sorry about the job, but maybe you''ll find something better. I do believe everything happens fora reason. Good luck!

phoenix, that was one expensive drunk. Bet he doesn''t do that again soon.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 6/16/2007 12:07:38 AM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 6/15/2007 11:22:57 PM
Author: Rod

Date: 6/15/2007 11:16:46 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Yay for compliments, al!! The end of the year is fun. I''m working summer school and will be serving as an aide to a wheelchair-bound pre-schooler, I''ve never dealt with a child in a wheelchar before, so it''s one more adventure to add to my list. I think I''m going to have a difficult time with diapers.

We had a delicious dinner. John is such a great cook. He''s waiting for me to watch Law and Order with him....
Yet another reason you should be nominated for Sainthood. You are an inspiration Kimberly!

I agree. I love reading her posts. I JUST LOVE HER HEART. She has a huge one

Alj, thank you. Your post made me happy!!! You go too! It is so nice you are here.

Night all
Agh, I''m blushing. Thanks again for all the kind words, you guys embarrass me. I can''t wait to meet the little guy! I''ve heard he''s quite precious.

Good morning everyone and happy weekend!

Hope you had an amazing drive and dinner, Mara.

I''m working on a lesson plan that has to be submitted today, so I won''t be doing anything except eating breakfast until it''s complete. Hoping to get in a walk this afternoon, we''ll see how long this stupid thing takes me to write.

Have a wonderful day, will check in later.


Aug 12, 2005
Happy Saturday, all...we''re having a relaxing day at home watching baseball on t.v. and avoiding the heat outside til it cools down later and we can walk the dogs and water the lawn and flowers. No workout for me today so far, but I''m leaving it open depending on how inspired I get later in the day.

I''ve submitted a few ressies online already, and am formulating my game plan in my head today. AlJ., I appreciate your comments and thanks for relating your experience, good to know! I definitely don''t want to just jump right into another j.o.b., I''m looking for something with longevity so I need to take enough time to find the right fit. I''m actually really happy I will have some time to get organized, both physically and mentally, so I can move forward in life with clear goals and direction.

Last night was fun, I had dinner with a girlfriend...she originally wanted Cheesecake Factory but I talked her out of it and into a great little Mexican place in the neighborhood where there''s always close parking and no pagers.
Didn''t make it to the mall to get some new shoes, but I have plenty of time to do that and I probably need to be finding something nice I can wear on interviews instead of blowing moolah on red patent, hee hee. I''m sure I''ll end up finding a way to get both, though.

Tonight DH and I have tentative plans to go see a band at a local watering hole, it''s a group of guys he went to high school with that we''ve seen play a few other times, so it should be a fun couple of hours.


Jun 15, 2006
It''s quiet here today!

I am just finishing up with school but managed to fit in a 30 minute workout when my brain started wandering in the wrong direction. It felt so good.

Tonight we''re going out to a Chicago Pizzeria (in San Diego, how wierd!). Should be interesting.

Have a terrific rest of the day all.


Oct 30, 2002
afternoon wwt''ers! everyone must be out enjoying their saturday!!

today is a beautiful warm dry day here in northern california...finally warm but not too hot, it''s been in the 90''s all week and now it''s more like 80ish. had a bit of fiber one with cinnamon life this morning for breakfast then split 1/2 a glazed donut with greg...hehe. we decided to save the other one, raspberry filled glazed, til tomorrow morning. so it wasn''t even a real splurge this morning which was nice! i should do 1/2 a donut every morning, lol. then we went off to the mini dealership to pick up the floor mats for the car, the maintenance area was closed when we finally got out of there on wed night so they gave us a ticket to come back anytime and pick them up. dropped greg off at his power wagon garage and then headed up to the dentist, yak, for a cleaning. i was out of there in record time which was nice, then went off to get my dad an REI gift card for FD and a card. then went to the gym for 55 minutes on the treadmill doing the hill program, burned 435 cals by keeping it on a really high inclne most of the time, feel the burn!! the hill walking we did on our EC trip made me realize i miss that, so i want to get out and do it more outside but also the treadmills at the gym work the bootie just as well if you have the incline really ratcheted up. then went to the grocery store to pick up some staples and also items for the fathers day bbq tomorrow.

finally back at home and eating lunch!! so my 1/2 donut and fiberone/cinnamon life mix had to sustain me til now...hehee. not bad, it powered a good workout too. so now i am eating a 3oz baggie of baby carrots, garlic hummus, and peppered turkey breast...yummy. then i have really super sweet cherries as well.

tonite we are taking the new car out with our neighbors to this awesome restaurant that we love which they have not yet been to. their jalapeno cornbread is to die for and they have this grilled artichoke that makes you wonder why everyone doesn''t grill the artichokes? and an aioli that works so fabulously with it!! their specialties are things like rotisserie chicken, ribs, lamb etc...but they also have a fantabulous ahi tuna burger i adore. and it comes with a really tasty peanut asian slaw. then the crowning glory is DESSERT. this is hands down my most favorite dessert ever. it''s an oreo cookie dessert but it''s all homemade there and if it''s not up to par they actually discard it and don''t serve it that day, it has only happened once to me, i hope it never happens again because i think i almost cried that time it wasn''t available. they serve two big ice cream sandwiched oreo crust cookies in a bowl with literally a pool of the darkest bittersweet chocolate sauce and fresh whipped cream. when i say it''s to die for, believe me. i eat the whole thing by myself. i am salivating just thinking about it!!!

then tomorrow we''re bbq''ing here at the house for Fathers Day. on the menu is grilled tri-tip, grilled shrimp kebabs, sweet corn and edamame salad, alexa rosemary and garlic baked fries, and grilled peaches (greg''s mom made these for us when we visited and they were so good and healthy!! you just halve the peaches, skewer them on sticks, brush a blend of a bit of brown sugar and water on them then grill, they come out so juicy and sweet yet with a smokey taste, it''s divine when paired with shrimp or ham or similar). then my mom is bringing some sort of strawberry cake for dessert and we have mango and passionfruit sorbets. should be all very yummy!! i''m also visiting the gym again tomorrow to do elliptical.

when greg gets home we might take P for a 2m walk around the neighborhoods, that''ll catch me up mentally on my workouts as i skipped last nite which i am fine about but a little extra exercise never hurt anyone hehee. i hope anyway!!!

anyhow hope everyone had a fabulous day!!! enjoy your evenings.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi All!

It was a crazy day today! Hubby and I went up to SANTA FE to watch a cousin become a deacon for the church; I didn't think we would be gone all day!! The mass was at the Cathedral in SF and it was 2 1/2 hours long and then they had the fanciest receiption (my dad's side of the family always goes all out) it was almost like a wedding reception. They had a full sit down meal which began with salad w/apples blue cheese crumbles, and dressing, then the meal was a steak and french fries and asparagus w/truffle sauce. Then dessert was chocolate filled crepes w/berries. Good thing I only had a banana for breakfast!!!! Also, a harpist was playing. . . oh yah, I almost forgot there was all you could drink champagne (which I only had one glass). There was a gorgeous courtyard w/so many flowers and a fountain and the hotel is suppose to be haunted. I told hubby I wanted to and spend the night there and joked that we should get married again so that we could have our reception there. Also the weather was in the low 80 which was perfection added to the day. hehehe

I am meeting my cousin in 20 mins to go walking.

Mara have fun w/the neighbors! Yeah for a walk today!
Kimberly great fitting 30 min workout in!
Monarch I love the Cheesecake Factory for their ICE TEA. hehehe. Hope you get a workout in.
Where's sweet Rod?

Have a great evening everyone


Dec 28, 2005
Gee Skippy. It's nice to know you think I'm sweet. Charlie might argue and say I have my moments. LOL

It's been an action packed day, so this is truly the first chance I've had to log in. I slept really well last night, which is always a nice thing. We got up around 8 and brewed some fresh coffee and we had a scone and for a change some oatmeal, with fresh blueberries. I'm not really a fan of oatmeal, but Charlie thought it might provide some 'stick to your rib's' nutrition for our training session. Then we got ready and headed to the gym for our 11 AM session. Our trainer cooked our butts today. They have this machine called a vertimax and it was created by a local athlete here in Tampa, who's trying to sell them to gyms across America. It's all these pullies and cables and our trainer had us hooked up for the entire hour session and when I say I could barely walk to the locker room afterwards, I'm not joking. He had us jumping hooked to cables. He had us running sideways hooked to cables, running forward and backward hooked to cables, doing lunges, core exercises, pushups, and just about anything imaginable, all hooked to these cables and of course the cables have major league resistance. It was so much fun, but so COMPLETELY exhausting and I was just a heap of sweat when we were done. The good thing was that we did not falter for the entire hour and no matter what he threw at us, we stood up to it and he seemed so pleased with us.

From the gym, we had a protein shake as a meal replacement, then went to the 1/2 Yearly sale at Nordstrom, where Rod got a wonderful new pair of New Balance Running shoes that were marked down from $169/pair to $89 (such a deal!). They're my new gym shoes for sure and so comfy, I can't wait to try them tomorrow. We also got a couple pairs of shorts and some slacks for work. Then we ran into a friend we hadn't seen in some time and we sat outside at the Starbucks at the mall (also a really cool place to people watch in Tampa) and had coffee.

Then as I mentioned last night, we had dinner at Daily Eats and I had a fantastic cheeseburger with fries. I figure I had had less than 800 calories up to dinner and the indulgence would bring me back to a normal day's caloric intake. But, then they offered us the opportunity to have a slice of warm apple pie just out of the oven, so we bought one slice and took it with us to Starbucks under our oak tree. There we ran into more people we hadn't seen in some time and we had a nice evening.

To end our evening we got in the pool and spa again and all is nice with the world in Tampa for sure!!

Mara, your drive to half moon bay sounded terrific. I hope you enjoy your dinner with your neighbors.

Kimberly, glad you were able to get in the workout with everything you have going on.

Monnie, I agree with Alj on taking your time getting into another job. Lord knows I made a horrendous mistake taking the first job offered to me and it took us on that wild ride out of Tampa to Raleigh and I feel I wasted 5 valuable months of my life and the story's still not over with that mistake as you saw they want to enfore the non-compete. The moral of the story is look VERY carefully before you leap off the ledge and listen to your gut and if anything seems to good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. Anyway, take your time and take something that is truly a great fit for you and your life.

Skippy, it sounded like an incredible experience being with your cousin who became a Deacon. I'm not catholic, so I'm not really sure what that means, but I'm sure it's a wonderful thing and it was terrific that you and hubby could be there to support your cousin!

I hope you all had a terrific Saturday. We'll sleep in tomorrow morning, and we're planning a regular Sunday, with of course a nice long workout (in my fancy-dancy new workout shoes - YAY).


Feb 27, 2007
Hi. I posted this on an older post so if you already read this - never mind.

My earlier post:

Hi Everyone! Diet and Diamond forums! PS is awesome.

I having been eating 1200 calories a day since September 1st and have lost 100 pounds. Actually, yesterday morning I was at minus 104 pounds.

I have a scale, weigh all the food I eat, add up my calories and have a treat (usually chocolate) every night.

I have arthritis so can''t do much in the way of exercise but have been walking, doing stretches and some hand weights.

I really enjoy the discussion about self image. I have been having a major identity crisis lately. A few weeks ago we got a new cell phone for me and my husband took a picture of me on it. You can''t see my face because I am reading. The following Monday I was showing friends at work the wallpapers I downloaded and I found the picture my husband took. I opened it and said "Who on earth is that?" I finally noticed it was my couch, my water bottle and OMG - it was me. I did not recognize myself at all. I told my husband he had some nerve taking pictures of some lady on my cell phone setting on my couch!

Yesterday we were at the mall and I was wandering around the men''s section looking for my husband and I see some lady coming my way with the same blouse on that I am wearing. Then I realize, it is a mirror and that lady is me. Too funny.

Anyway, I look forward to following everyone''s tips and tricks.



Nov 24, 2006
Wowzers, Rod. . . great workout on the new machine!

Went for a nice walk; see you all tomorrow


Apr 30, 2005
Wow Marcy!!! Congrats on the weight loss and welcome to the thread! No worries if you can''t do much with working out, I have back trouble and know it can be hard at times but keep going with what you are doing and listen to your body.

Monnie - this is an opportunity to allow positive change into your life, hang in there girl!

I have managed some workouts this week so quite pleased with myself, eating not too bad.


Jun 15, 2006
Good Morning Friends!

Marcy, I''m so glad you made your way over here! Thanks for the congratulations, you know all about hard work and dedication.

Rod, your dinner sounds fantastic. I told John about the threat from your former boss and he wanted me to share this: with you. It''s NC case law pertaining to the non-compete order. Hope you find it helpful.

We ended up getting sidetracked last night going to dinner and ended up at our favorite Italian restaraunt instead of the pizzeria. We split a caprese stack for an appetizer and spinach salad with goat cheese, walnuts and apples then for dinner I had pesto gnocchi with chicken and John had veal saltimbocca. We split a piece of opera cake for dinner (layers of chocolate cake w/ chocolate ganache, the bottom soaked in rum). Oh, and of course a few glasses of wine with dinner, yummy! It was such a yummy meal and so nice to escape for an evening!

It''s a workout day, YAY! And we''re going to go house hunting, as always. John will BBQ something for dinner.

I''m subbing Mon-Wed this week and then we''re off to Chicago Thur-Mon, then it''s back to work on Tuesday. Lolts of fun!


Oct 30, 2002
hey kimberly, i wanted to say that i am glad to see you guys really enjoying your dinners out now that you are maintaining, i feel more like the tone of your posts have changed slightly if that makes sense and it seems like you guys have dessert more which of course you know i love the thought of anyone having dessert, hahaa.

so yesterday after greg got home from the store, we ended up taking P out for a walk that was about an hour and about 3 miles. our pace wasn't super fast or anything but we went for a long time, too long as both of us were like how did we end up out here, and had to walk home kind of was enjoyable but man my legs were SCREAMING. so basically yesterday, i did 3.15 miles on the treadmill at the gym on some crazy incline for 90% of the time and then walked around for another 3 miles on flat surfaces. my body must have gone into shock since i took 2 days off this week so it was probably lulled into a false sense of security from those 2 sedentary days lol. plus all i ate all day was about 400 cals til dinner so i must have been seafood dinner and donut powered from friday for most of the saturday as well, lol.

then we went off to dinner and splurged like mad. the funny thing is that volume wise i don't think i ate very much, we 4 shared a cornbread skillet and then greg and i shared a grilled artichoke. i got the tuna burger with about 1/2c asian peanut slaw and ate 3/4 of the tuna and 1/2 the burger itself and the slaw. oh and then we got a mac and cheese side to try and it was so darn good but SUPER rich. it was not much at all hardly as a tiny side, so i ate a little bit of it, but it was swimming in butter and was made of 4 cheeses, so wow. very rich. then for dessert greg and i shared the oreo cookie dessert i adore so much. i felt good after dinner and for the next few hours, but then suddenly around midnight i felt really full and bloated and my stomach was KILLING me. i ended up drinking some ginger tea to help with digestion and going to bed, but woke up a bit later and basically was sick almost all night!! i don't know if it was a touch of food poisoning or if my body just really did not like something i ate (seared tuna? mac and cheese?), but WOW. it was not fun. this morning i am still kind of sickly but feeling better, i slept intermittently all night so not feeling wonderful but oh well.

i am having cereal for breakfast with coffee...maybe should be eating dry toast or something but oh well. and coffee, haha i'm like umm isnt this a diaharetic? but gotta have a bit of coffee. then i am heading out to the gym...i will do whatever feels good, but hoping for about 45 min on the elliptical and then some weights. then gotta come home and start getting items ready for the BBQ for father's day.

anyway, so dinner last nite was divine but who knows what happened (or maybe it was something i ate earlier in the day, who knows)...hope everyone else had a better night than me hehehe.

welcome marcy and congrats on losing so much weight!! i have to say that learning to maintain was really hard for me and took almost as long as it did to lose the 20 lbs for me. it is much easier for me to be strict with myself and have 'none' of something than to learn how to have 'some' but not a lot. i think over time it gets easiser, but don't worry about that too much till you get there, hehee.

rod your day yesterday sounded fun, kudos on the good workout and yay for cheeseburgers and fries, hehe. i love me a good one sometimes.

hey monnie i have been meaning to ask, how are you doing with your...mouth stuff (for lack of a better phrase lol)...?! lorelei, good to see you miss, where are the pictures of the pretty horsie. speaking of pretty horsie, i took some pictures of the mini last nite but greg wants to take some more today, alongside his power wagon so we can send them to his family and stuff too, so once i get them all uploaded i'll post for you guys!!


Dec 28, 2005
Tell John thanks for the link Kimberly. I'm expecting to hear something tomorrow. The president is a sick man IMHO, so I'm prepared for the worst and hoping for someting a little better. I guess only time will tell, but for whatever reason, I'm not letting it worry me too much.

I'm REALLY sore from yesterday's Vertimax workout with our trainer, which is a good thing. We've lounged around and had coffee and a light breakfast, so we're going to get ready and head out for a light lunch and, followed by coffee at Starbucks, then the gym. I've always found for me that working sore muscles help's them recover much faster. So, I'll have a pretty normal workout this afternoon. Charlie wants steamed shrimp and a salad for dinner, which sounds great to me, so we'll go to the family owned small grocer with the fabulous meat and seafood to get everything we need. I steam shrimp Maryland style with a little vingegar in the water and I use Old Bay and Cracked Red pepper as seasoning. I make my own coctail sauce (I like it really really hot) out of Chili Sauce, Lemon Juice and fresh grated Horseradish (simple but oh so good).

Have a great day everyone!

And on the fabulous weight loss!! I can certainly relate to seeing yourself in the mirror and not recognizing it's you for a second!! Way to go!

Glad to hear you've had a few good workouts this week and been eating healthy Lorelei. I hope Jasmine is doing well. We'll look forward to your inspirational start to the new week!
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