
Tweets from a lunatic

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Compare that to now: stock market in a bubble (yeah, that’s what I said) hitting new highs as Wall Street cream themselves over the possibility of more money in their pockets, almost full employment, companies have more cash on hand than at any time in history, what exactly will the tax cut stimulate over and above what it’s doing now? To what higher level is the economic engine getting revved up? Keep an eye out on inflation...the Fed wants to start raising rates also.
The only thing that we both can agree on.


Nov 7, 2004
Disheartened and demoralized that the Republicans passed this tax cut. It is the very definition of short sighted. It's giving Americans a fish (money from a tax cut), and taking away our fishing poles (public and higher education, health care, funding for infrastructure, even local and states rights to fund local projects). They keep pushing policies that create a small number of haves, and increasing number of have nots. I guess they want us to fight among themselves. They must think we are real idiots. Maybe we are.


Nov 7, 2004
It makes me realize, us, the American citizen, our working and middle class, our old and young, are not these politicians constituents anymore. Their constituents are the big business donors who give them money so they can get elected. They can't get elected if they don't get this money. The average American and their concerns, real concerns like the ability to live in safe neighborhoods, have a clean environment, and a society that allows our children to grow up and have a decent life and career, is irrelevant, because they got theirs.


May 28, 2017
So in 10 years i’ll still have a tax cut, but my medical costs will go up, and almost every senior will have less money and almost all middle class and all low income people will be paying for it?
How does taking money from people who make less than 100k a year help them? Why do companies pay less and people with the least disposable income pay more? Congress should be ashamed. Sure i want to pay less in taxes each year , but you know what i want more? For grandmas to be able to buy food , for people making miminum wage to afford rent.
I will be writing my congressman again. I dont want to pay a little less in taxes so that people who work 60 hours a week can pay more for my tax break.

What is wrong with these people? Who says congrats you get a tax cut and we are going to have those who are struggling to get by pay for it!
Truly sick people imo


May 11, 2013
Vote them out. That is all we can do. Tax cuts for the rich and business won't stimulate the economy the economy is already at full employment. I'll do all I can do to make sure Susan Collins is NOT Maine's senator in the next election, she is gone.

So in 10 years i’ll still have a tax cut, but my medical costs will go up, and almost every senior will have less money and almost all middle class and all low income people will be paying for it?
How does taking money from people who make less than 100k a year help them? Why do companies pay less and people with the least disposable income pay more? Congress should be ashamed. Sure i want to pay less in taxes each year , but you know what i want more? For grandmas to be able to buy food , for people making miminum wage to afford rent.
I will be writing my congressman again. I dont want to pay a little less in taxes so that people who work 60 hours a week can pay more for my tax break.

What is wrong with these people? Who says congrats you get a tax cut and we are going to have those who are struggling to get by pay for it!
Truly sick people imo

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
Vote them out. That is all we can do. Tax cuts for the rich and business won't stimulate the economy the economy is already at full employment. I'll do all I can do to make sure Susan Collins is NOT Maine's senator in the next election, she is gone.

I'm with you there Tekate!


Jun 7, 2014
You summed it up perfectly @tkyasx78 . An amendment was also approved with this bill that makes it easier to make cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. My guess is this will be republicans next trick to screw the country. One of my democratic senators voted with the republicans on this amendment. I will be making an angry call on Monday morning to Dick Durbin.

This could end up having a major impact on his base, not to mention the rest of the country and they are too stupid to see it. I sure hope they like working into their 80's".
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Jan 30, 2008
So in 10 years i’ll still have a tax cut, but my medical costs will go up, and almost every senior will have less money and almost all middle class and all low income people will be paying for it?
How does taking money from people who make less than 100k a year help them? Why do companies pay less and people with the least disposable income pay more? Congress should be ashamed. Sure i want to pay less in taxes each year , but you know what i want more? For grandmas to be able to buy food , for people making miminum wage to afford rent.
I will be writing my congressman again. I dont want to pay a little less in taxes so that people who work 60 hours a week can pay more for my tax break.

What is wrong with these people? Who says congrats you get a tax cut and we are going to have those who are struggling to get by pay for it!
Truly sick people imo

Spot on.

What is happening is they are nationalizing the Kansas/Oklahoma model. If you want to see what the country will look like if we keep going that direction, pay attention to us here in the cheap, hard-hearted, and stupid middle. Oklahoma has made it nigh impossible to raise taxes once they've been lowered, can't support basic services like meals on wheels, and is defunding its public schools faster than any state in the (dis)union. And still giving ridiculous breaks to oil producers. I guess they feel they have to, since oil production is a bit of a captive industry - they pretty much have to be here, and we sure as hell can't attract other business here with a crap infrastructure and crappier schools, right?

In this part of the country the largest outrage is the idea that someone deemed undeserving - and we broaden that category every day it seems - might get something. We'd (the majority) happily drive this state into the dirt, to feel righteous in our pettiness, and justified in being grasping. Of course we're going to tart it up in ideology and religion, but it's not much of fig leaf anymore.


Jun 7, 2014
That's what's scaring the hell out of me @ksinger! All one has to do is read up on how trickle down played out in Kansas. Apparently reading and researching is a lost art in this country. Why would anyone actually read when Fox News will tell them everything they want to know SMDH

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
That's what's scaring the hell out of me @ksinger! All one has to do is read up on how trickle down played out in Kansas. Apparently reading and researching is a lost art in this country. Why would anyone actually read when Fox News will tell them everything they want to know SMDH
I only trust MSNBC and ABC news...;)2


May 28, 2017
Today he tweets he obstructed justice.

So the timeline with the implication in this tweet:
Feb. 13: Trump fires Flynn ( technically flynn resigned ) knowing he lied to the FBI ( he admits this in the tweet)

Then on

Feb. 14: Trump asks FBI Director Comey to let the investigation -

Does he not realize that not only does he admit he didnt immediately report the crime ( flynn lying to the fbi under oath) but he is admitting he ACTIVELY tried to cover it up by asking comey to let it go? Doesnt he have a lawyer who can explain obstruction to him?
What ever amount of money he is paying those lawyers, they should be fired, if they are saying he should be admitting new crimes of obstruction. Seriously he has the worst lawyers ever! No brain cells used at all?

I mean the lester holt interview over why he fired comey months later was evidence enough, but now he is throwing a second obstruction charge on the table.
Donald J. Trump
I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!


Jan 26, 2003
I am feeling the way I did after Trump won the election. I hope that Mueller keeps moving. The Republicans who are keeping Trump in office just for their tax cuts for the rich are the evil that The Founding Fathers were worried about. And we now need to see whether checks and balances work in a time when we really need them.


May 28, 2017
This morning trumps lawyer told the media he wrote the tweet! Now my gut says he is not being honest because that lawyer cannot be that stupid. But the lawyer did not say that trump didnt know flynn had committed a crime when he talked to comey either!!
Why say you wrote it if you wont also deny the part where the client broke the law???

It is worse that a vetted statement drafted by counsel that admits to a crime is MUCH MORE INCRIMINATING than a tweet tossed off by a person who is just an idiot . Earlier in the day yesterday they were saying that trump was trying to parahprase cobbs statement .
No matter which lie trump goes with i hope he leaves office soon.
If pence is clean on all this i hope they get him in the office asap. I dont think pence would start a war with NK to divert attention and he wouldnt embarass this nation abroad every time he opens his mouth. While pence doesnt sit well with many on the left- he wont send our military out to war to cover his ego. He has some sence of shame and will use a brain more than trump


Jan 22, 2017
I hope the tax cuts are in place long enough for everyday Republicans to suffer from it. It’s the only way they’ll realize that tax-cutting has consequences — that it’s meant to have consequences such as reduction in Medicare, Social Security, and infrastructure. That this will eventually hurt them and their children, not just “others”. The deficit caused by this tax bill will be too big that cuts in welfare and Medicaid (benefits for “others”) will not be enough. I hope y’all have money in the bank (or wherever you keep ‘em).

One good thing is that it will stop the wall —where will Trump find money with the US digging $1T hole in the budget even after accounting for increased growth? Trump will bankrupt the US the same way he bankrupted his businesses.


May 28, 2017
I hope no one making under 50k a year has to pay more becuase of these tax cuts. My parents are retired. They are on ss and my dads small pension. Making him pay more so i could pay less is just wrong. They worked their whole lives and put money each paycheck into ss and to see republicans saying they are going to “look at” ss medicare and medicaid next is beyond upsetting. They couldnt get hired even if they wanted to. Anyone over 80 should not have to worry about their ss being cut as taxes go up.


May 28, 2017
One good thing is that it will stop the wall —where will Trump find money with the US digging $1T hole in the budget even after accounting for increased growth? Trump will bankrupt the US the same way he bankrupted his businesses.

I doubt trump will let the wall idea go. It is a catch phrase that he liked and used a lot. He seems to be going back to a lot of his old slogans. He is back to continually condemning a private citizen again who has 0 chance of taking his job and who doesnt even work in government now. Bashing on her as if he believes 2 wrongs would make a right. He seems to revel in living in the past in many ways.


May 11, 2013
@Calliecake saw this on my twitter feed from a guy named Lance Ulanoff, I thought those here might get a laugh today..

Trickle Down Economics
Trickle Down Economic
Trickle Down Economi
Trickle Down Econom
Trickle Down Econo
Trickle Down Econ
Trickle Down Eco
Trickle Down Ec
Trickle Down E
Trickle Dow
Trickle Do
Trickle D

That's what's scaring the hell out of me @ksinger! All one has to do is read up on how trickle down played out in Kansas. Apparently reading and researching is a lost art in this country. Why would anyone actually read when Fox News will tell them everything they want to know SMDH


Jun 7, 2014
Our stealth jets have arrived in South Korea. Rhetoric is heating up with Kim saying President Trump is begging for a nuclear war.

So much for worrying if Trump will mess with my parents Social Security and Medicare.

If something awful were to happen how could anyone believe a word out of Trump's mouth? I loathe this president.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
One good thing is that it will stop the wall —where will Trump find money with the US digging $1T hole in the budget even after accounting for increased growth? Trump will bankrupt the US the same way he bankrupted his businesses.
The same place where Obama found the $10 trillion.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
It makes me realize, us, the American citizen, our working and middle class, our old and young, are not these politicians constituents anymore. Their constituents are the big business donors who give them money so they can get elected. They can't get elected if they don't get this money. The average American and their concerns, real concerns like the ability to live in safe neighborhoods, have a clean environment, and a society that allows our children to grow up and have a decent life and career, is irrelevant, because they got theirs.
And the Dems. can't get elected if they don't keep enough Americans in poverty. Yup, so easy to demonize the top 5% ers. whom are already paying most of the taxes in this country.


Nov 7, 2004
And the Dems. can't get elected if they don't keep enough Americans in poverty. Yup, so easy to demonize the top 5% ers. whom are already paying most of the taxes in this country.
Dancing Fire, that's just not true. In the last 20+ years, Americans in general did better under Democratic presidents than under Republicans presidents. Democratic presidents are less likely to create huge deficits, underfund essential government services, and also the economy does better (Carter was an exception.). You can also tell, because places in the US who lean liberal, are the more AFFLUENT areas of the US, in particular cities. The areas that vote red, in general have worse economic indicators, and receive more personal and Federal welfare. Sorry if the truth hurts.

ps I don't feel this is an exact indicator, as I don't feel presidents can control the economy the way that people think they can. I think one needs to be more fine-grained and look at legislation that has been executed, and it's impacts over the long term. This tax plan will hurt the US in the long term and make us less competitive on the world stage (in addition to increasing suffering of Americans).
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Jan 22, 2017
And the Dems. can't get elected if they don't keep enough Americans in poverty. Yup, so easy to demonize the top 5% ers. whom are already paying most of the taxes in this country.

If you think Democrats’ policies are so bad, then you should be chafing at the bit to move yourself and your entire family out of California, which is a beacon of Democratic policies (voters voluntarily passed a tax increase!). So why have you remained a California resident for decades and decades? You can move to Idaho or Kansas or Alabama, if you really think life is better under a Republican regime.

C’mon, @Dancing Fire , put your money where your mouth is.


Aug 22, 2012
You are welcome to come to Idaho @Dancing Fire. Having lived where you are for much of my life, I am happier here. California is not the state of my youth that is for sure.


Jan 26, 2003
F.B.I. ‘Destroyed’ Flynn’s Life for Lying, Trump Says,
I saw this in "The New York Times" today (the other half of the headline is Trump blaming Hillary Clinton for Flynn's problems). I thought immediately of the joke in which the child says to his mother, "Everything I do you blame on me".

There has been much derisive talk of "special snowflakes" (meaning our sensitive kids). Please. Let them color in their coloring books. This tough guy who fought terrorists in the army can't man up to dishonesty and take the consequences? It's Hillary Clinton's fault? It's the FBI's fault? It's somebody else's fault? He was the subject of peer pressure? Flynn didn't say it was someone else's fault, but Trump did. The man has no honor. ) Trump, not Flynn.


Sep 23, 2017
That's what's scaring the hell out of me @ksinger! All one has to do is read up on how trickle down played out in Kansas. Apparently reading and researching is a lost art in this country. Why would anyone actually read when Fox News will tell them everything they want to know SMDH
Indeed and everyone who lived through Reaganomics should know better. Very short sighted and greedy thinking. What happened to the GOP as the party of fiscal responsibility?


Jun 7, 2014
Oh @bludiva , Fiscal responsibility is only important when a democrat is president.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
If you think Democrats’ policies are so bad, then you should be chafing at the bit to move yourself and your entire family out of California, which is a beacon of Democratic policies (voters voluntarily passed a tax increase!). So why have you remained a California resident for decades and decades? You can move to Idaho or Kansas or Alabama, if you really think life is better under a Republican regime.

C’mon, @Dancing Fire , put your money where your mouth is.
I don't mind paying more taxes depending on how they spend it. I have no problem with our state spending on educating our kids and senior citizens. I just don't like for them to spend it on the able to work bodies.


Sep 23, 2017
I don't mind paying more taxes depending on how they spend it. I have no problem with our state spending on educating our kids and senior citizens. I just don't like for them to spend it on the able to work bodies.

I agree with you I just think there are different definitions of able to work...I'm ok with spending tax money on helping to remove barriers that make it hard for people to get a job to begin with (education, job training, workforce re-entry). I think there are a lot more areas that people on opposite sides of the political spectrum agree with vs. disagree with, politicians play us to keep us fighting on the margins.
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