
Three Cheers For Nancy Pelosi!

Here is a really beautiful interview by Andrea Mitchell of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi held on the 75th anniversary of D-Day. The Speaker is unwaveringly patriotic and courteous; she refuses to say a partisan word. She mentions that her uncle was killed at The Battle of the Bulge. My great uncle was part of the invasion of Normandy and also took part in the battle of the Bulge. I feel everyone who benefitted from the Allied invasion of Europe in 1944 should watch this lovely interview with the Speaker.

These 3 freshman congresswoman needs a good spanking from Pelosi. Pelosi is a smart cookie. she knows that these 3 congresswoman can cause the Dems. to lose the house in 2020.

These 3 freshman congresswoman needs a good spanking from Pelosi. Pelosi is a smart cookie. she knows that these 3 congresswoman can cause the Dems. to lose the house in 2020.


Dancing Fire-

I'm glad you are suddenly taking an interest in the future of the Democratic Party and have been working to insure that it has a prosperous future. I didn't realize you cared.

Dancing Fire-

I'm glad you are suddenly taking an interest in the future of the Democratic Party and have been working to insure that it has a prosperous future. I didn't realize you cared.

The socialist D party will have no future. Yes, I'd care about the future of our daughters and grandkids I don't want to see them suffer living in a socialist country. Whatever happened to the great D party of JFK?
Yes Omar...“some people did something” horrible 18 yrs ago today.
DF, your trolling game is REALLY weak. :lol:
What facts? dude you wouldn't know a fact if ya fell over it. You just throw out red bait hoping you can needle democrats, what you don't understand is that when you do this it continues to confirm the belief that republicans are uninformed, unread, unschooled, uneverything voters, Facts? I love them, throw them out and we can discuss. Otherwise you are just another Fox news listener who wouldn't do research because Fox news aligns with your red view that I've got mine and tough luck for you.

I'm trolling b/c I stated the facts?
Louboutin did it? :)) Well...vive la France!
FAKE impeachment! . If the Dems have any guts they should let the house vote for impeachment. Pelosi just 1570605999862.png to please her boss AOC.
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What did I tell you guys a week ago? FAKE impeachment! :praise:

Pelosi is a smart politician. Unlike the Squad whom has no idea that an impeachment would help Trump win in 2020.
Mike Pence looks so constipated. Why is he sitting with his jacket buttoned? Is that some kind of modesty requirement placed on him by Mother?

My big dream is, if Liz is nominated to run against Trump, that she chooses Pete Buttigieg as her running mate. I would pay a lot to watch the debates between PB and VP Pence. ;)
I watched the Italian president and his interpreter with infinite amusement as Trump went from rudely answering him about trade to launching into a tirade that appeared to mainly free association on the theme pf the 2016 election today. Kudos to him for keeping his cool. (I liked his three-piece suit, too. My husband still wears those from time to time.) Or maybe his English was simply not good enough to follow Trump's mad ravings. I always admire Queen Elizabeth for staying calm and keeping a straight face when she is stuck with Donald Trump. I know that her Majesty understands his English, even though it is nonsensical.
Trump tweeted a photo attacking Nancy Pelosi. She made it her Twitter cover photo.

Trump tweeted a photo attacking Nancy Pelosi. She made it her Twitter cover photo.


This has been shown on MSNBC repeatedly; on "Morning Joe alone I saw it at least three times today. The irony is that Trump released the photo, thinking that it would show Nancy Pelosi in a bad light. If one looks at the photo closely, she looks like a school teacher reading a naughty boy the riot act. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (beside Trump) and Steve Scalise (far end of table on the right) have their heads bowed in shame! The subject on which Nancy Pelosi was confronting Trump was what was his plan for ISIS is now and, if he wanted to bring the troops home was Saudi Arabia, where he had just sent 3,000 American troops,"home"? This was a subject that had bipartisan support, thus the shame from Steve Scalise and the Pentagon. No one wants ISIS and Russia to win...except perhaps Donald Trump. Even Lindsey Graham is strongly condemning Trump over telling Erdogan he had a green light to invade Syria and attack the Kurds!

I am so glad someone mentioned DT sent 3000 troops to Saudi Arabia to protect the oil of the butcher of Saudi Arabia. DT's buddies Erdogan and the Crown Prince of SA get all the help they need.

DF, try not to make ridiculous statements like taking a vote on the investigation for impeachment. It doesn't require a vote. DT says it, and you believe it. Unfortunately, I am ready again to call you some names. I have no patience for you. You are just a lemming.

DF, try not to make ridiculous statements like taking a vote on the investigation for impeachment. It doesn't require a vote. DT says it, and you believe it. Unfortunately, I am ready again to call you some names. I have no patience for you. You are just a lemming.

I know that, but this would be the first time in history (if it does happen) that the speaker didn't allow the house vote for impeachment. The Dems must try to impeach Trump, b/c they know they don't have a candidate who can beat him in 2020.
My big dream is, if Liz is nominated to run against Trump, that she chooses Pete Buttigieg as her running mate. I would pay a lot to watch the debates between PB and VP Pence. ;-)

Yes, I’m with you. Mayor Pete from northern Indiana vs Good Old (closeted) Boy Mike Pence from southern Indiana.

I have a friend who delivered newspapers when he was in grade school in Columbus, IN. The Pence home was on his route. Friend says ol’ Pencey-Poo was a douchebro even way back in his high school days. Shocking, right?!

Columbus (Pence and Mother’s hometown) hosted its first annual Pride Fest back in 2017. It’s the first time I’ve made a point of going to one and I was so happy to support it.

Watching MotherBoy get schooled by Mayor Pete? I can’t think of a more satisfying debate scenario.

I am so glad someone mentioned DT sent 3000 troops to Saudi Arabia to protect the oil of the butcher of Saudi Arabia. DT's buddies Erdogan and the Crown Prince of SA get all the help they need.

And I am glad you repeated it. When is the public going to demand that Congress stop Trump from aiding Saudi Arabia; Turkey; and Russia? Mike Flynn used to be on Erdogan's payroll. I don't know why it didn't occur to me before that Trump would be in league with him, but the penny didn't drop until now. And it turns out that Rudy G. was Mike Flynn's replacement as Erdogan's unlicensed lobbyist.

DF No, you don't get it. The committees are investigating to secure evidence for the impeachable offences of Donald Trump. This is only an inquiry. When the investigation is complete the Speaker will then go to the floor of the House and ask for a vote on the "Articles of Impeachment". If that vote passes, it is then referred to the Senate for trial.

No one in history has had to go before the House for a vote on an Impeachment Inquiry.


Please stop watching Fox News

Please stop watching Fox News
I was watching MSNBC and CNN till the Mueller report came out "no Russian collusion " and Trump isn't a Russian spy. The left wing media had me fooled for 3 yrs. :(sad :angryfire:
Yes, I’m with you. Mayor Pete from northern Indiana vs Good Old (closeted) Boy Mike Pence from southern Indiana.

I have a friend who delivered newspapers when he was in grade school in Columbus, IN. The Pence home was on his route. Friend says ol’ Pencey-Poo was a douchebro even way back in his high school days. Shocking, right?!

Columbus (Pence and Mother’s hometown) hosted its first annual Pride Fest back in 2017. It’s the first time I’ve made a point of going to one and I was so happy to support it.

Watching MotherBoy get schooled by Mayor Pete? I can’t think of a more satisfying debate scenario.


Ha-ha! Pence is like every other Republican VP. Tamed by big corporations, quotes the Bible (and unlike Trump, he has read the book). Closes Planned Parenthoods in his state (with dire consequences- increase in HIV).

But his anti-gay stance...I would even feel sorry for him if this position did not hurt many young gay males who grew up among conservative Evangelicals.

But at least, seems he had some fun meeting with Varadkar and his partner!


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Ha-ha! Pence is like every other Republican VP. Tamed by big corporations, quotes the Bible (and unlike Trump, he has read the book). Closes Planned Parenthoods in his state (with dire consequences- increase in HIV).

But his anti-gay stance...I would even feel sorry for him if this position did not hurt many young gay males who grew up among conservative Evangelicals.

But at least, seems he had some fun meeting with Varadkar and his partner!

Haha he looks so uncomfortable in that image, although maybe not as uncomfortable as Mother. Yes, I live in the state he formerly governed, believe me I know all about the crap he’s pulled. He is just a symptom of the way people think here—completely backwards and without logic thanks to the religious Right. They’re easy to control and manipulate, which is why people like him and Trump were elected—they’ll believe anything.
Haha he looks so uncomfortable in that image, although maybe not as uncomfortable as Mother. Yes, I live in the state he formerly governed, believe me I know all about the crap he’s pulled. He is just a symptom of the way people think here—completely backwards and without logic thanks to the religious Right. They’re easy to control and manipulate, which is why people like him and Trump were elected—they’ll believe anything.

Hoosiers are kind and have funny sense of humor, they could do very well if they only had the courage to shed these views that are just not 21 st century. But, Pence is something else. Had he stayed with the Dems, (he was a Dem till 83), he could be much happier. As it is, he is anal-retentive inside, and has the same push outside. I don’t think it works for him.