
The race is on...

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Can I just have a wee whinge?

So turns out BF wanted to take me to NY to pick up the ring. And it was to be a surprise. And as I said above, I had twigged but I wasn''t saying anything. Last weekend he let it slip (silly boy!) so we had talked a bit about it since, but I had no idea when it was meant to happen.

I have just had him on the phone. He got an email from an airline about their transatlantic seats sale, and he went online and checked prices. He booked tickets and was sooo happy with the deal he got. He managed to get first class seats into JFK for an amazing price. He was beyond chuffed.

An hour later he went back online to look at his booking again and chuckle in delight at the surprise in store for me (the first class seats bit) and his booking came up as cancelled. He rang the airline and they told him they made a mistake putting up the sale prices (even though the sale started yesterday and he only booked this morning). They are cancelling his booking and refunding him the money. He is in bits. He''s so upset he can''t even bring himself to get angry.

He has talked to the consumer ombudsman but they''ve been very little help. I''ve asked some of my lawyer pals to look into it for us. He is emailing the major radio stations. Aaaaargh!!! I''m so mad! This nasty airline has upset my man and scuppered his surprise!
Aaaargh he just double checked and it would cost him €770 to rebook with economy seats. That's $1200. To rebook business class would cost him €6000 EXTRA (= $9500 extra)!

He's really beating himself up about it.

Well that just sucks. Even with the difficult times that airlines may be having (here in the US at least) you would think that customer service wouldn''t suffer and that they would just do the right thing. I''m so sorry Del.

How''s that thesis coming along?? 4-5 weeks now until it''s ready, right?
Oh no!!! I can''t stand when businesses do that!
They made the mistake, own up to it for cryin out loud.

Sorry, Dels, that really bites. But I''m sure everything will work out okay.
Sadly, legally, they are perfectly entitled to discharge the contract once they provide a remedy. Imagine having to tell distraught BF that?

What I am trying to confirm now is whether they get to dictate the remedy (they are offering a refund, we want a replacement booking, even economy will do). This is something Irish law is vague on and I have run into difficulty before trying to get a straight answer out of the consumer ombudsman. A consumer is entitled to one of a repair, replacement, or refund. But it''s unclear if the vendor gets to mandate which of those three. I think the consumer should get to choose...

Stephanie - the thesis should be ready in about two months. And now I know the dates BF was planning on making the trip and that would have coincided perfectly. But sadly thesis is taking way too long. Such is the way with these things. If I am done for the end of July I will be impressed.
They always take longer than you think. But it will provide for one amazing end result.
Thanks Stephanie, I really appreciate the support

The flights thing has gone mad - it''s all over national radio here. The airline are still refusing to honour the tickets though
How sweet of your BF to organise that trip, still holding hope that you will both get your flight :).

If it is on the radio and being broadcast you have a fighting chance to get a ticket at the promised price bad publicity is definitely not good.

Good luck with the thesis it will all be worth it in the end :)
We''ll see! I have my doubts we''ll be able to do anything about it
The national confessional radio talkshow is starting in another hour so we''ll see if it crops up on there. Nothing like someone ''talking to Joe'' in Ireland to set the big guns quaking!

Thanks for the good luck wishes, I need them!
Oh oh oh it seems like the whole country is ''talking to Joe'' about this! Might be a solution yet
ugh hopefully they will give you something. I heard about that on the radio this morning. Those flights were amazing value!
Well from listening to Liveline (never thought I could be so fond of Joe Duffy!) sounds like the National Consumer Agency has come out on the side of the consumers. Really putting their neck on the line there. Say their legal advisers reckon we are entitled to those seats, yay! They also said they were shocked the airline has let this bad PR go on for five hours now and that it was telling that there has been no comment from the airline since this morning.

I''ve read every textbook and note I have on contract law, trying to find a way the airline can get away with this and I don''t think they can. For goodness'' sake they should just do the decent thing and just give everyone economy seats on the flights they booked. We''d be delighted with that! They look like a right shower of stingy you-know-whats at the moment!
I have a feeling that they will give everyone economy seats. I''ve been reading some websites and I can''t see them giving business seats but I think that they should honour the bookings by giving the economy ones. I thought that they would have resolved it by this stage as it was 7.30 this morning when I first heard about it!
Have you seen this? Now they know what PR is!

Dang it, I'm getting next to no work done now! Quick, someone sing Eye of the Delster!
yeah I saw that on the askaboutmoney site! They''re never one to miss an oportunity!! I''m the same-I''m meant to be studying but have the concentration span of a newt at the moment.
We''re as bad as each other!
I''ve just started watching Judge Judy now so that''s another hour not studying!
Current poison here is Matt Cooper... here''s going to cover the flights fiasco apparently... !
did they come to any resolution yet? I''m onto watching sex and the city dvd''s now-just not going to get any study done today!
No word yet! I''m still online, stalking that AAM thread
Ann Doyle is just about to do a segment on it on the news... next item after the current one...
Wow they totally underestimated the amount of flights booked this morning! It''s gone up threefold. I''m still keeping my fingers crossed for you!
I think it''s about 100 bookings, but about 300 seats. Airline big wigs are still hiding out in the ''bunker'' as the Consumer Agency lady called it! We''ll see what tomorrow brings
WOOHOOO they climbed down! We are going to New York!!!



Date: 4/18/2008 8:22:23 AM
Author: Delster

WOOHOOO they climbed down! We are going to New York!!!



Date: 4/18/2008 8:40:39 AM
Author: Lorelei

I am sooooooo excited!
Yay, that is GREAT news!!!!!!!!!! Sorry it took so long, but that is a great resolution!!!
Yup we are delighted! I''ve never been to New York before

Lots of people are still raging mad though. The airline has agreed to give everyone economy seats but there are people who want to hold out for premier class. This''ll be interesting to watch!
Date: 4/18/2008 9:03:28 AM
Author: Delster
Yup we are delighted! I've never been to New York before

Lots of people are still raging mad though. The airline has agreed to give everyone economy seats but there are people who want to hold out for premier class. This'll be interesting to watch!
Yeah, that will be interesting to see how it pans out, but it is great for you guys! New York is such a fun city, and there is SO much to see! Do you know your "can't possibly miss" places to see yet?
Yayyyyy!!!!!!!!! How exciting! When is this happening??
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