
The Official TTC Thread!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hehe, amc, then I'm just going to keep my eyes peeled for updates from you without asking you repeatedly if you've POAS yet :) The good news is that you should know one way or another within a week, so at least you don't have to worry for long. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you don't have to re-plan the wedding unless you're secretly hoping for a surprise! :)


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ah, so you are really not in the TTA camp then, are you amc? :) Since I can't decide whether to send BFP dust or BFN dust, I'll just send you dust for whatever outcome you're secretly hoping for. You'll know in a few days :)


Apr 14, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hawaiianorangetree|1308973237|2954599 said:
MP ~ This is a really special time for you and your DH. It's one of the last times that you guys get to be alone and do whatever you want whenever you want so try and savor and enjoy it for what it is because once you have your family it's gonna be a loooong time before you guys are on your own again. ;))

HOT, I love your perspective! What a great reminder to enjoy each other & our alone time as a couple. It seems we so often don't appreciate some things while we have them in abundance. Keeping you in my thoughts. When will you get to see a specialist?

Pilsn, welcome! Good luck & enjoy the process!

LC, I'm fascinated by your experience with acupuncture. Had you gone previously or just to regulate your cycles? That's pretty impressive that everything was back in line after 8 sessions. How long until you got PG?

Lizzy, welcome back from vacay! Good luck with all of the testing. You're in my thoughts.

NEL, I always love seeing that pic of you in your wedding gown with pup. So sweet! I hope you're well.

amc, keep us posted! Hoping for whatever outcome you really want. :naughty:

Sending BFP dust to all of the ladies in the 2WW!

As for me, if I O this month, it should be around the 4th. Here's hoping for fireworks! Though we're going to be staying with the inlaws, so, really, here's hoping for opportunity. SIL is 11 weeks PG, so maybe it's in the water.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, holy cow, I know you weren't really trying, but wow, you are officially in the 2WW, friend.

Monkey, glad the phone interview went well, and even happier you're getting a pulse on what you're looking for. That's the most important. Good luck on your 2WW.

Missy, 2WW for you lady! Keeping fingers crossed

MQ, good luck on your 2WW too. Hopefully it'll go quickly. At least the holiday weekend can help make it go by faster.

Ally, hope you're havng fun in Hawaii.

Lizzy! So glad to see you had a wonderful time on your vacation!!! Good for you to take the time off and enjoy yourself. I hope your new RE can start the tests and hopefully you'll get a new plan for TTC. So funny that your DH is embarrassed to drop off his swimmers. Ha ha! You asked what I would do, and I think if I were in your position, I'd do the IVF. But I really hope your doctor can give you some answers on why you have trouble staying pregnant. Also, I know you said you were thinking of acupuncture, have you given it anymore thought? It might not be THE answer for everything, but it's another "intervention" that's not as big of a step as IVF. If you don't think it's for you then I understand, but I'm just really happy about it.

Bright, I went back and checked my calendar, I actually only had 6 sessions in 7 wks of acupuncture. I went with the goal of correcting my cycles. I went before for pain but nothing fertility related. I told the acupuncturist, I'm just looking to bring my cycles back to normal, no timeline to get pregnant. I guess we were just lucky. :) I noticed that the cycle that I had acupuncture, my CM was more pronounced, so I think it definitely helped. The acupuncturist said the goal is to bring more blood to the uterus so it'll have a better lining and be more nourishing for a fertilized egg.

Hope you ladies are doing alright!



Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

You guys crack me up, I swear. I love this thread.

Any other time in my life I secretly wouldn't mind a little surprise. But it would really be bad timing since we have 20+ guests already booked to cruise with us. That means the cruise has been paid for, airline tickets booked, etc. Ha, maybe I could just wear lots of layers and look fat instead of pregnant...and get all offended when the cruise line agents ask me how far along I am?

So for probably the only time in my life, I'd love some BFN dust. Which I feel dumb/bad for saying seeing how this is a TTC thread.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy I honestly don't know what I would do. I think that IVF could be very stressful on a number of levels. Is it as stressful as more losses? I don't know... my choice about how to proceed might depend a little on which path would be more difficult emotionally and psychologicaly. Without going through both experiences that is hard to really weigh for yourself though. I'm sorry I am not more help. I honestly cannot say for sure how I would proceed!


Mar 16, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Interesting developments tonight... I went to dinner and a movie (Bad Teacher - funny!) with some buddies I teach with at school, and while driving home, I got a weird taste in my mouth. It was like my teeth were made of metal! I got home and looked it up, and it's a preggo sign, LOL. I also started feeling bloated and a bit crampy today, but AF is not due for a week and I usually don't PMS this early. Cautiously optimistic! :) Hubs has Thursday and Friday off, so I am going to wait to test until then so he can get the results with me.

Hope everyone had a great day today! Will check in again soon.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MQ, I think several of the ladies talked about getting cramps around this time. I've never heard of the metallic taste, but that sounds promising as well. Good luck!

amc, well, BFN dust for you then. Feels weird saying that on this forum :) If you aren't KU, make sure you take extra precautions until your wedding! (unless of course you don't mind a BFP before the wedding)

AFM, I've officially entered the overanalyzing phase of the cycle. Yesterday I had heartburn/ingestion, and I was like, ooh, NEL had that before her BFP, but then I figured out it was because I had watermelon at lunch, which sometimes gives me heartburn. And then I thought I had cramps, but I'm pretty sure it was just that I was wearing higher-rise pants than usual, and the button was poking in to me. Sheesh, you think I'd be more rational about this by now. No phantom symptoms today and feeling ocmpletely normal. I know we'll get our BFP when the time is right.

Hope all you other ladies are doing well!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, if you have too many coincidental sympoms it may not be such a coincidence :wink2: But I do understand the overanalyzing--I feel like 7dpo is really, really hard. It's too early to test, but late enough that you start thinking anything might be a symptom. You've been amazing with being laid back this cycle, so I'm hoping you can get through the next few days without too much stress and maybe accidentally POAS this weekend?

MQ, keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I got my TCOYF book today and it is HUGE! I didn't know it had so many! So I'll start reading today :))

No more cramps and bloating today...I thought for sure AF was coming yesterday but NOOOO. Now I'm just left feeling like this ????? I already told myself I'm not wasting any more sticks because I really have no clue where I am in my cycle this month.

I hope everyone is doing well!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1309267450|2956970 said:
amc, well, BFN dust for you then. Feels weird saying that on this forum :) If you aren't KU, make sure you take extra precautions until your wedding! (unless of course you don't mind a BFP before the wedding)

Ha, thanks.

Okay, so this is weird. I think I posted on here a while back about how I was surprised about my temp shift happening when it did because I didn't have any O pains at all, and I get them every month. So what did I get yesterday? Those exact pains on my right side. It felt identical to what I normally get when I O...but was exactly a week late. Thoughts?


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello everyone! I'm back with a few questions. I'm charting my first cycle off of BC. No evidence of ovulation so far (except for some left side dull achey pains which I've felt before mid-cycle when I wasn't on BC). I thought for sure I would ovulate last weekend. No temp shift or anything. I have been using a non-BBT thermometer so far but I did I ordered one from Amazon (along with a 50 pack of OPKs and TCOYF). It came yesterday so I stuck it in my mouth and took my temp. Then I used my regular one and it was reading 0.4 degrees lower than my BBT. Odd! The BBT does seem easier to get a seal on since its a bit bigger and a hard plastic case instead of a flexible rubbery tip. I didn't expect the discrepency to be that high. I'll finish this cycle (on CD 22 or so) with the non-BBT though. The annoying thing about the BBT is that it beeps continually while doing the measurement. I figured out how to cover the little speaker hole so I don't wake up DH. He is typically still asleep when I take my temperature.

Did anyone else experience horrid nipple sensitivity coming off of BC? If I'm chilly in the bathroom getting ready for a shower and I brush my arm over my nips it is downright PAINFUL. I hope this goes away.

Other than the nipple issues the only other change I've noticed so far is in my skin (finally realized that the lack of BC is why I'm having more issues) and a bit more productivity in terms of CM, but no EWCM yet.

Fingers crossed for some fresh BFPs soon! I know a few of you are in the TWW. Amc- I will hope for the BFN you are looking for this time around so your cruise plans can go off without any problems. Lizzy- my thoughts are with you while you and your DH sort out the next step.

I'll leave you with this "you know you gearing up for TTC when..." tidbit. The second I got home yesterday (well after using my BBT) I took one of the OPK strips out of its package, peed in a cup, and dunked it (negative). Goodness. I have them in my home for 3 minutes and am already PingOAS. This is gonna be a looooooooong almost-year before we start trying. I may have to hide those things from myself, outside of the bathroom.



Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ugh. Sorry for the huge image. I didn't realize that it was THAT large. Oops!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek|1309283888|2957128 said:
Amc- I will hope for the BFN you are looking for this time around so your cruise plans can go off without any problems.

Thank you! And good luck to you with temping. I've been pretty good this cycle, I am sort of surprised I didn't forget more often than I did. Oh, and here's today's chart:

I took an OPK this mornig because of the pains I had yesterday...obviously negative-

june chart.JPG



Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

A slight downward turn. That may indicate what you're hoping for, right? That seems too late for some sort of implantation dip (and aren't those typically a much more drastic drop?).


Jun 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, I'm a lurker on this thread, but with your high temps and positive opks it would seem to me that O occurred already. It's possible that the pain you're feeling could be implantation pain.... What did it feel like exactly? I've had implantation pain twice (both times on 8 dpo) and it felt to me like a dull achey pain, noticeably on one side or other. Mine lasted for a good while - like over 20 min.

It seems a bit early to me for your temps to fall in prep for AF, unless you typically have a shorter luteal phase. I wonder if that slight dip you have there could be related to implantation, although typically they say it's a larger dip than that - like a difference of 0.4, at least. I guess the next couple days will tell! If your temp rises again tomorrow, that might be a sign that it was related to implantation, and you might be able to test within a day or so to see what you get.

Oh, and if you're preggo, you may be able to pick it up on an opk. Opks can pick up hcg as well, so they will often show a medium/pretty strong line if there's hcg in your system. Of course, it's better to confirm with an hpt as well - since you can't be completely sure whether you're picking up LH or HCG on the opk. I was just looking at your opk and thinking it looks kind of darkish...... but ANYWAY!! That's just speculation on my part. The next couple days will tell for you, I guess.

How're you feeling? Anxious? Excited? Apprehensive?


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sha|1309288222|2957188 said:
amc, I'm a lurker on this thread, but with your high temps and positive opks it would seem to me that O occurred already. It's possible that the pain you're feeling could be implantation pain.... What did it feel like exactly? I've had implantation pain twice (both times on 8 dpo) and it felt to me like a dull achey pain, noticeably on one side or other. Mine lasted for a good while - like over 20 min.

It seems a bit early to me for your temps to fall in prep for AF, unless you typically have a shorter luteal phase. I wonder if that slight dip you have there could be related to implantation, although typically they say it's a larger dip than that - like a difference of 0.4, at least. I guess the next couple days will tell! If your temp rises again tomorrow, that might be a sign that it was related to implantation, and you might be able to test within a day or so to see what you get.

Oh, and if you're preggo, you may be able to pick it up on an opk. Opks can pick up hcg as well, so they will often show a medium/pretty strong line if there's hcg in your system. Of course, it's better to confirm with an hpt as well - since you can't be completely sure whether you're picking up LH or HCG on the opk. I was just looking at your opk and thinking it looks kind of darkish...... but ANYWAY!! That's just speculation on my part. The next couple days will tell for you, I guess.

How're you feeling? Anxious? Excited? Apprehensive?

Thanks for the response. The pain is sharp...I'm not sure how to describe it. Have you ever held your pee for so long that it actually hurts? Well, it's that same sort of pain. Except to the side. It lasted for several hours, probably from around 4pm until 10pm. It's actually there today as well, but not as strong. I'm thinking that it may be a cyst or something. It's a totally normal pain for me, it's just happening at a weird time. And I agree, I defintely O'd on CD 14.

As far as the OPK, I'm not too surprised with the result. I'm not sure how long you've been lurking but I tend to produce pretty decent lines on any day of my cycle. I looked at my May OPK progression and this one is about as dark as the last one I took, which was on CD19. I'm on CD23 right now, so the OPK thing doesn't concern me too much. Yet.

How am I feeling....right now I'm a little anxious. I would love a baby and I would love to be pregnant. I just don't know how we would logistically deal with our wedding. I wouldn't have a problem canceling/moving up our wedding, but we have 20 guests who have already booked their cruise and flights. That's my main concern.

Oh, and I think someone else asked about my luteal phase. This is my first month temping, but last month it was 14 days from O pain to AF. Although last month was the month o' crazy OPK positives, so it's hard to say exactly when I O'd. But even without OPKs or temping, I'm a pretty standard 14 day from O pain to AF, regardless of whether those pains are on day 14 or 15 (since I usually have a 28 to 29 day cycle).

As far as testing, I'm not even considering it yet. I'll wait until I'm late. AF is due on Monday or Tuesday. I just don't want to start analyzing every little thing and freaking myself out unnecessarily though, you know?


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek|1309287043|2957169 said:
A slight downward turn. That may indicate what you're hoping for, right? That seems too late for some sort of implantation dip (and aren't those typically a much more drastic drop?).

That's what I was thinking...those are usually pretty big dips. Mine is small.


That temp is from about 6am and I normally get up at 7. The damn puppies started barking though, so I figured I would temp since I was awake anyway. So I'm not sure if an hour makes a difference? Oh and now that I think about it again...I got up to pee at 4, so that temp was after 2 hours of sleep and not 4 like you are supposed to have...does that make a difference?


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek|1309283888|2957128 said:
Did anyone else experience horrid nipple sensitivity coming off of BC? If I'm chilly in the bathroom getting ready for a shower and I brush my arm over my nips it is downright PAINFUL. I hope this goes away.

Other than the nipple issues the only other change I've noticed so far is in my skin (finally realized that the lack of BC is why I'm having more issues) and a bit more productivity in terms of CM, but no EWCM yet.

Hi Claritek! No nipple sensitivity for me! This is my first month off BC. My skin seems fine, a little more oily than normal but no breakouts! Also, more CM for me too, but no EWCM yet either :((

Crampyness and bloating are back...I think I jinxed myself when I posted earlier because it went away and came back. Grr. I just hope this is normal and nothing else is going on with me!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy0483|1309293326|2957269 said:
Clairitek|1309283888|2957128 said:
Did anyone else experience horrid nipple sensitivity coming off of BC? If I'm chilly in the bathroom getting ready for a shower and I brush my arm over my nips it is downright PAINFUL. I hope this goes away.

Other than the nipple issues the only other change I've noticed so far is in my skin (finally realized that the lack of BC is why I'm having more issues) and a bit more productivity in terms of CM, but no EWCM yet.

Hi Claritek! No nipple sensitivity for me! This is my first month off BC. My skin seems fine, a little more oily than normal but no breakouts! Also, more CM for me too, but no EWCM yet either :((

Crampyness and bloating are back...I think I jinxed myself when I posted earlier because it went away and came back. Grr. I just hope this is normal and nothing else is going on with me!

I didn't get this either. My skin did break out a bit, but stabilized over time.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Claritek you CANNOT use a regular thermometer to measure BBT. It will give you data that is meaningless. Regular thermometers are designed to give temps within a roughly .5 degree F level of accuracy. BBT thermometers give temps within a .1 degree level of accuracy. You need the latter to see a pattern.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Claritek, I totally had that sensitivity after stopping birth control. In hindsight, I think it corresponded to when I ovulated. My skin was fine the first two months off, but ever since, it has been acting up a bit. Only a few spots here and there, so it's not horrible, but I never seem to have a completely clear face lately and it's annoying! I also had random cramping my first month off of BC. Now, I think I'm pretty much back to normal.

amc, I'm guessing today's temps doesn't mean much because it is only slightly off the previous day. Time will tell...

Missy, sorry your cycle is confusing you. Hoping you get some clarity soon. TCOYF is really informative.

NEL, yeah, I'm pretty any symptoms were just in my head unfortunately. Nothing today other than my being uncomfortable from having to sit on my butt in front of the computer for 12 hours today.

I got a call to continue the interviewing process, but I'm not sure if I will. My husband's friend has a contact for me to call and ask questions about the company. My decision is even harder because work has actually been going better lately, but I know that it is only a matter of time before I'm fed up again. I'm not going to stop TTC, but part of me will be relieved if it doesn't happen for the next couple of months while I sort through job postings and interviews.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Katy, hi there! Hope you are doing well. Thanks for popping by. I'm not sure what I am hoping for...for them to find something wrong with the tests or to find nothing you know? If we decide to try next month on Clomid, I would definitely opt for an u/s to determine how many follicles I have.

NEL, I am going to wait until I get all of the test results back so I can make an educated decision. My RE told me that I have the highest level insurance so they fully cover IVF and I don't have to try any other insurance mandated fertility drugs before they will pay for it. She said I can do IVF tomorrow if I wanted to and it is fully covered. So that is good. However, I am just torn on whether or not I am ready to have surgery for the egg retrieval (which you are put under etc), then go thru the whole IVF process of implantation etc. It just kills me to have to do that when the fact of the matter is that we GET pregnant, so why the hell would I need someone else to get me pregnant. I just can't wrap my arms around that. However, I do fully understand that they would be implanting the best embryo and that may be the key to help me stay pregnant. So frustrating....

Mannequin, hope you are getting thru the 2ww. I'd try to hold off on testing till at least 10dpo. I hope the symptoms mean good news for you.

Missy, any news? Any sign of AF or a BFP?

AMC, I'm not sure what to root for here! Either way, I know it will all work out for you. The way I see it is that if you are pregnant and can't go on that cruise, it doesn't stop the rest of your guests from taking a vacation right? Could be a lot worse than that!

Brightspot, I hope the 4th brings some baby making fireworks for you!

LC, I actually keep meaning to call my RE office to get the name of the acupuncturist that they recommend. I definitely want to give it try.

Dreamer, hope you and baby Ryder are well! I am so torn because as I said to NEL, I can't quite wrap my arms around doing IVF when I GET pregnant you know? But I do get that they will be implanting the cream of the crop, which will help. But then I think to myself...what if that isn't the problem? And I go thru the whole process of IVF and I still miscarry. It's a risk that I need to assess with the RE and my DH to see what seems best. At this point my DH and I would like one more baby, so if they never get to the bottom of what is wrong, I'm hoping they can at least just get me pregnant and keep me pregnant to have one more little one.

Monkey, where are you in your cycle now? I am glad that work is at least better for the time being and that you don't have to put TTC on hold.

Claritek, you are so funny on the peeing on sticks. I think we all have that issue. If they are in the house, we must pee on them! I do not temp so I am no help on that. When I got off of BC, my skin did start to develop more acne, but it is what it is I guess. I never had nipple sensitivity though. Since this is your first month off of BC, maybe it could be a sign of O coming soon.

AFM, my DH and I started on an antibiotic today. My RE wants us to use it for a week as she said that sometimes infections can be a cause of miscarriages. So that's an easy thing to do. I'm expecting AF to show up around Thursday and then that will jumpstart some testing. If after all of this testing, nothing shows up...I'll be honest...I am tempted to try one more time naturally before IVF. I am also considering trying next cycle on Clomid if there are no more than two follicles that look like they could release eggs. I'm kinda feeling a little down in the dumps after coming off of the high from vacation. I didn't have to think about any of this and now it is all I can think about.


Mar 15, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - I find it a little strange that they want you to jump straight to IVF. You don't have trouble getting pg, just staying pg. Have you and DH had your karyotypes done? I'd think they need to sort out why you're having all the early losses before doing anything. It's great that your insurance covers IVF, but I'd wonder if that's being recommended first because it's easy good money for the doc. If you do IVF, are they planning to do preimplantation genetic diagnosis for you, to test to be sure the embryos have normal chromosomes before transferring them? With IVF, the shots are painful, and all the monitoring (blood work and ultrasounds daily at the crucial times) is stressful and time consuming. I had my egg retrieval without any sedation, just with local anesthetic. It wasn't super fun, but it was totally doable. The transfer was uncomfortable only because they had you do it under ultrasound guidance while your bladder was about to burst. Even if it's covered, it's a lot to go through that might not even be necessary for you.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, hugs my friend. Sorry you're feeling a little blue. I'm so happy for you with this new RE, it looks like you have a lot of options and a bunch of new plans going forward. So it's a positive thing. And, correct me if I'm speaking out of line here but, please don't view the IVF as a shortcoming or failure. It's another way we get help by nature/god/the universe to get the wonder little baby that you want. I'm glad you're open to trying acupuncture. I think it's a good tool to assist in fertility.

Monkey, I'm glad work's getting a little bit better for you. It'd be good to contact your DH's friend to get the "inside scoop" on the company. That's really important I think.

Claritek, I didn't get any symptoms coming off HBC, but I remember my nipples feeling sensitive/tender going ON a particular brand of HBC. Only for the first month. Mrs. Dreamer is our expert in charting, and even though you're not using a BBT, it's good "practice" I guess. I started with charting so I can see the O spike etc. It was all VERY interesting.

AMC, hoping you get what you want. Would there be anyway to move your wedding up? Either way it's not the end of the world.

Missy TCOYF is a big book, but a lot of it are pictures/examples/and reference notes. I found it a very quick read, and it was really interesting.

MQ Hoping the 2WW flies by. When do you plan on testing??

Hope you ladies are doing well. Thinking about all of you and cheering on from the sidelines.



Jan 7, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - I am so sorry that you are going through this dilemma! I think if I were in your position I would do the same as you are planning to, ie. I would wait for the results of all the tests and then sit down with the RE and nut out a plan based on the information you have. The other thing to remember, I suppose, is that you don't have decide now now NOW - if you need a bit of time to process the information and let it settle, that is totally ok.

Dreamer - Congratulations on Ryder's arrival! Hunter must be stoked/bemused ;-)

Claritek - I definitely experienced that nipple pain that you talked about (god, SO unpleasant! Ow ow OW!) BUT in hindsight I think it was around the time that I got pregnant (although at the time I didn't even think of the possibility). I'm wondering if it's an ovulation-related thing?

AMC - I hope that everything works out for you. I think it will, regardless of what happens... since real life is not a "Sliding Doors" scenario where you see what the outcome is for each possible path, I think things in reality have a way of meandering around to the best outcome eventually. Good luck.

MQ (those are my brother's initials, feels funny typing them in a TTC thread!!) - argh! 2WW! Fingers crossed - let us know when you test.

Brightspot - good luck for the 4th ;-)


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer_D|1309295182|2957293 said:
Claritek you CANNOT use a regular thermometer to measure BBT. It will give you data that is meaningless. Regular thermometers are designed to give temps within a roughly .5 degree F level of accuracy. BBT thermometers give temps within a .1 degree level of accuracy. You need the latter to see a pattern.

A friend told me that the BBTs are more sensitive as well. I will use it next cycle for sure. I will probably just stop bothering with this one since I know my data is well, useless. I just didn't order one before this cycle started. I wonder what this cycle would have looked like with it, now! I was excited to start charting now that I've stopped BC.

Monkey- Glad to hear that I'm not the only one. It started about a week ago, which about corresponds to CD15 or so. Hmm. They're fine when I have a bra one but direct contact is horrible!

Thanks for the input everyone!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone for your advice. I know, absolutely not the end of the world and it would be a happy event. But no need to freak out yet. I'm still early and other than rising temps (except today) and a weird pain I really have no reason to think I'd be preggo. I've got a solid week before I reach the "oh crap" stage. And If it's a BFP then it's meant to be. Life is what happens when you're busy making plans, right?


Mar 8, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

De-lurking (okay, more like de-stalking...) for a second.

I have recently had nipple sensitivity similar to what you describe, Clairitek. Since coming off BC about 5 months ago, I noticed a heightened pain/soreness/sensitivity. Not sure if it's just the natural hormones, or if it's ovulation, or what, but I definitely experience this.

Hi to all the TTC'ers -- plenty 'o dust for BFPs ladies!


Jan 17, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPN ~ welcome! It sounds like you have a great plan and attitude towards TTC. August will be here before you know it. I hope your pre TTC appointment went well.

LC ~ thanks! I'm trying, I guess only time will tell how long it takes for the :twirl: to set in. I'm cheering you on from the sidelines in the barely there thread.

Mp ~ that's great that TTC is bringing you guys closer together. Have you had any more symptoms? Good luck with your decision about the job. Even if you choose not to continue on with the process, a little practice in interviewing has never hurt anyone.

Lizzy ~ hi! And thanks for the welcome. :)) I'm glad to see your holiday has been a great chance for you to de stress. I'm not entirely sure why the doctor is making me wait for another 6 months even though I already have a history. It's nothing to do with insurance (I don't think?) as our insurance works a little differently in Aus. I think it just may be one of those things where they have to wait even though it's not going to do any good. When I had my daughter by emergency C section after 24 hours the midwife who was on when they admitted me said "oh I knew you were never going to deliver that baby naturally, but we have to try these things!" I was so annoyed that they just didn't give me the c section, but apparently they had to try and wait for a certain period, so I'm guessing it is kind of the same situation. I understand how you feel about the possibility of IVF. It seems like such a big jump doesn't it? If I were in your position I think I would hold off on any decisions until I had the test results and go from there. I agree that it doesn't really seem like chlomid is going to be the answer for you. I think depending on the test results I would probably investigate all other options (both traditional and alternative) before committing to IVF, although I can understand why you don't want to risk another early loss.

AMC ~ well I guess only time will tell hey? If you do end up being KU, does the cruise require a doctors note to state how far along
you are or will you be able to say you are 2 weeks behind your actual date and play the 'oh I'm just carrying forward' excuse? I'll wish you good luck for which ever answer you are hoping for!

MQ ~ that was quite the list of jobs you had! How many DPO are you now? Any more symptoms?

Missy ~ not to get you down or anything but your body could still be adjusting from coming off the BCP. I remember when i first went
off it felt like Af was coming on and off for weeks but never actually happened. So frustrating! Hopefully you will have an answer either way soon!

BrightSpot~ thanks! I will go back to my doctor in October and get a referral. Well that's the plan at the moment. If I get antsy over the next few months I may go earlier and argue that it will take some time to get an appointment with the specialist. At the moment I am not too bothered with the wait as I *think* having a baby towards the end of next year will work out better for me anyway. I'll only have about 7 months off so I would rather be home over the Christmas / summer holiday period than back at work already. Completely selfish reasons I know. :cheeky: I was in a bit of a rush before as I thought my work was going to run out halfway through next year
but we just got word that funding for another 5 years looks very promising, so the urgency has slowed down a bit. Good luck for the 4th! I think we are only a few days apart in our cycles.

Claritek ~ oh I had the sore high beam nips for the first few months off of BC. They haven't been like that in the last few months which is good. My skin however, has only just settled down in the last couple of months. It's no fun looking like a teenager again. I hope this year goes fast for you so you can start trying for real!

Hi to everyone else and all the lurkers ;))

AFM I am CD 14, which supposedly means I'm in my fertile period. My cycles go from 28-30 days, so I should be ovulating soon. I'm hoping to get a bit more BDing in before DH goes back to work on Friday. He works 12 hours shifts and this weekend I'm taking my daughter to see Miley Cyrus for her BD so We won't get to see each other much let alone anything else.
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