
The Official TTC Thread!


Apr 14, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, amc!

I've been using an app called woman calendar to chart & am not sure how to export them. (Will look into it.) Of all of the cycles since March, only one showed the classic temp pattern indicating ovulation (the others were just up & down). I'm reading TCOYF & it seems I might have some anovulatory cycles going on. I hope this is just a symptom of coming off the pill, but don't know yet. I was going to wait until 6 months with no luck to see the doc again, so maybe next month?

Your chart for this month looks great! Fingers crossed....

Have you posted pics of your puppies anywhere?


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1308866812|2953375 said:
Thanks, amc!

I've been using an app called woman calendar to chart & am not sure how to export them. (Will look into it.) Of all of the cycles since March, only one showed the classic temp pattern indicating ovulation (the others were just up & down). I'm reading TCOYF & it seems I might have some anovulatory cycles going on. I hope this is just a symptom of coming off the pill, but don't know yet. I was going to wait until 6 months with no luck to see the doc again, so maybe next month?

Your chart for this month looks great! Fingers crossed....

Have you posted pics of your puppies anywhere?

What type of phone do you have?

There are some posts of the pups a few pages back. I have been trying to post another one today but for some reason my phone is having data issues. Sigh.

Oh, here's one I had on my computer...I don't think I posted it yet...I know, it's June...but I couldn't resist. It's santa pup! Wearing USMC dress blues pants...I think it's a stunning combo.

santa pup.JPG


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

And another...don't you wish you could ever sleep this well?

relaxed fatty.jpg


Apr 14, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, how adorable! What sweet little faces! And the marine santa outfit is the best! :love:

I have an iphone.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi BrightSpot, Since you're just coming off HBC it is very possible it's just a side effect from the HBC. You might want to save the charts and maybe mix OPKs into the mix too. Only to tell your GYN about it. Some doctors will "believe" in charting, some only believe in OPKs. Also, I had a really good experience with acupuncture to sort out my cycle, so I'll always suggest that too.

AMC, Such cuteness with the puppies! Looks like you're on your way to 2WW, and your OPK results are quite confusing. I never got anything that made sense out of digi OPKs, but had a positive looking Wondofo this past cycle.

HOT, I hope the time moves along a little quicker for you. Hard for this to be the case, I know, but y'know what I mean. Um, good luck in with the video with your DD. Yikes!

Monkey, hope you're doing OK in the 2WW. Good luck on your interview.



Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1308886727|2953751 said:
Oh, how adorable! What sweet little faces! And the marine santa outfit is the best! :love:

I have an iphone.

When your chart is pulled up press the home button and the power button at the same time. Just for a second. This will take a screen shot of your screen and save it to your images. Then you can email it to yourself.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brightspot, welcome! I’ve been off BC since March, and while I’m pretty sure I’m ovulating regularly, I haven’t had any luck yet either. Like LC said, it may just be taking awhile for your fertility to kick in, but the good news is that if ovulation is an issue for you, there is so much they can do for that.

LC, hey there, thanks for checking in. Hope you and the little one are doing well!

amc, I love that picture of the little guy on his back! I just want to grab his cheeks!

Lizzy, I can’t remember when you were going to start with your tests, but I hope everything is going well.

HOT, Mannequin, Missy, and sba, I hope all is well with each of you!


Mar 16, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OMG, I sleep like that puppy! LOL! They are crazy cute, amc.

BrightSpot - WELCOME! :wavey: I've been off BC since February and this month was the first time I really felt like and confirmed that I ovulated. Hope you have some luck with your cycles soon!

MP, how are you doing? Good luck on the job interview!

HOT - First home project is home office cleanup/organization. Then I want to work on tearing out some landscaping in our yard. One section of the backyard is a bit of a jungle due to the previous homeowners' choices. Maybe I should watch that baby video too? :bigsmile:

Missy - Hope your cycle ends soon! When we decided to TTC, I was never more excited about AF coming so that we could get the ball rolling!

AFM, I am 4DPO and feeling absolutely no symptoms of anything. Hubs and I are working on rental houses right now and that is keeping me too busy to focus on the TWW. We have one house that needs to be done by Sunday, and then another house and my old condo need to be worked on/cleaned for showings soon. We have five properties and have a bid in on a short sale right now, too. My husband's investment idea, not mine. Oy! :sick: I literally spent an hour in Home Depot last night with him figuring out how to do chain link fencing. Some date. I didn't even get a Home Depot hot dog. LOL!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mannequin, I think I'm a day or two behind you. I find the 2WW is easy the first week, but then I start to obsess the second week when you might actually start to feel symptoms. At 4dpo you shouldn't be feeling anything yet, so that's a good sign :) Sounds like you have your work cut out for you with the rental properties. My DH has one and would like to acquire more. I'm not overly keen on the idea, but he reads financial books all the time and is convinced we should do it. Ugh.

amc, I love the pic of the puppy on his back. I just want to smoosh his floppy cheeks.

Brightspot, welcome! I stopped HBC at the end of February, so I've been off for about 4 months. I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating regularily because I charted for a few months, but still no luck. I agree with LC that you might just not be fully regular yet after coming off HBC, but if ovulation is an issue for you, the good news is that there are lot of ways to fix that. Definitely wouldn't hurt to set up an appointment soon.

LC, thanks for popping in! I'm cheering all of you on in the barely pregnant thread! I've got a phone interview set up for tomorrow to hear a little bit more about a possible job opportunity. Based on the description I'm not exactly sure if it is something I'm interested in, and I feel like I might be a little overqualified (based on my education and experience), which means I would probably have to take a significant pay cut. But if it would make me happier and less stressed out, I will consider it. It at least feels good to be taking the first steps and going through the process.

Lizzy, I can't remember when you were going to start your testing, but I hope everything is going well!

Hope everyone else is doing well.


Apr 14, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I think I've been going overboard lately with too much internet research & not enough chatting with others who are going through this too. Seems like this process can be a bit stressful. It sounded so fun... :wink2:

I guess my body is taking its time sorting things out.

Mannequin, I'm glad your cycles seem back on track. Fingers crossed for this month. Maybe it's good to have a distraction to take your mind off of this, though the properties sound like a lot of work! Good luck!

Monkey, thanks for the positive thoughts. I was taking HBC continuously for several years (no placebo, no period), so maybe it's taking longer to work its way out of my system. I'm definitely going to set up a doctor's appointment if nothing happens this month. Good luck with your phone interview tomorrow!

LC, I had no idea some docs didn't believe in charting! I guess I should give the OPKs a try too. How often did you get acupuncture? From some of the recent posts, I guess it worked! Congrats!!

AMC, you're a genius! I just got my iPhone about a month ago & am still figuring out how to use it. This is so much easier than trying to export the charts via my app. Thanks for the tip!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1308954555|2954354 said:
AMC, you're a genius! I just got my iPhone about a month ago & am still figuring out how to use it. This is so much easier than trying to export the charts via my app. Thanks for the tip!

No problem! It was one of those things I found out by accident.


Jan 17, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP ~ at the time the Dr said I wouldn't have much chance conceiving on my own so I said 'great! No more birth control then?' and she quickly back tracked and said that there was still a chance it could happen, but unlikely. It was my normal dr who wants me to try for another 6 months before he will send me on. I think in Australia you have to try for 12 months before they will refer you to a fertility clinic. I'm thinking that I will at least need to have another laparoscopy to clear out the endo again and loosen things up. I'm hoping that's all it is going to take, but if that doesn't work we will have to look into IVF, which i am unsure about atm. I have a friend who recently found out she was pregnant and she has only one damaged tube and something going on with her uterus, so it is possible to fall pregnant with problems. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
You know September isn't That far away for you and it sounds like you have plenty going on yourself to keep you occupied. I know that it must be disheartening to have not got KU yet but keep on going! I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that it's normal to take around 6 months to fall pregnant under normal circumstances so in the grand scheme of things (even though I know it doesn't feel like it for you) it's early days yet. Were you ever a LIW? I remember at the time I thought the proposal was taking so long and I just wanted to be married already. Now that I am married and the proposal, engagement, planning, wedding and honeymoon are all behind me I look back and think about how fast it all really was. I'm trying to look at TTC that way too now, that even though it seems to be taking forever right now and I want to be pregnant already, I know that when it does happen and ive got a little Bebe in my hands I'm going to look back and think wow! That went fast! This is a really special time for you and your DH. It's one of the last times that you guys get to be alone and do whatever you want whenever you want so try and savor and enjoy it for what it is because once you have your family it's gonna be a loooong time before you guys are on your own again. ;)) I hope I'm not over stepping the boundaries here. I just thought you might like a different perspective on TTC.

Missy~ I hear ya on the crabby moods! Hopefully they go away soon. :)

Bright spot ~ welcome! I'm no expert when it comes to the tempting, charting OPKs etc but I did go off BPC last October and it took a good 5 cycles before they settled down. I think it's a good idea to go and see the dr sooner rather than later though.

MQ ~ oh you have gotta love gardening! Good luck with that. :) the video was good! I learned a few things too. As we all know, sperm can last up to 5 days (longer in other cases; Hi LC! ) once inside but the reason for their survival is that once they reach the Fallopian tubes they go to sleep? When a woman ovulates it wakes the sperm up and they go find the egg! Pretty cool huh? I always thought they just swam around aimlessly :lol: I have to say the animation of the movie was incredible. Once the egg was fertilized they showed the surface of the egg exploding like individual shot guns going off to create the protective barrier. Even DH was interested in watching. LOL on the home depot hot dog. Here in Australia it's a Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings :lol:

Amc ~ that's an awesome trick with the iPhone! I've been taking screen shots all morning. :D

Hi to everyone that's reading!


Oct 11, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, everyone! I guess I'm finally de-lurking and tentatively joining this thread. DH and I are going to start actively TTCing #1 this August, but I thought I would jump on board with this thread a bit in advance. My IUD will be removed next week during my Pre-TTC checkup/pap. I'm hoping my cycles return to normal quite quickly. If they don't... well... we'll adapt! For the first few months we're hoping to take it easy and do every-other-day BDing from post-period through anticipated ovulation, but I have my BBT and OPKs waiting in the wings *just* in case :devil: We're a young couple (25, 28), and while we'd love to start our family within the year we have PLENTY of time to enjoy this process. I am trying to stay mellow about it all!

I'm excited to learn the ropes from the BTDT mamas and TTCers and can't wait to share in the excitement as all of you ladies get your much-desired BFPs!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hawaiianorangetree|1308973237|2954599 said:
As we all know, sperm can last up to 5 days (longer in other cases; Hi LC! ) once inside but the reason for their survival is that once they reach the Fallopian tubes they go to sleep? When a woman ovulates it wakes the sperm up and they go find the egg! Pretty cool huh?

HOT, wow, didn't know that about ninja sperm! How 'bout that!!! Just wanted to say you have such a GREAT attitude about how long it seems to take but in the grand scheme of things it's not that long at all.

Pilsn, I enjoy reading your posts in the WbW thread, nice to see you poking in here. Best of luck with your TTC journey. :)

Bright, it does take a while for your body to get back to normal. I was on a "non-standard" HBC regimen (Seasonale, 4 periods a year), and believe me, it took a WHILE for me. And to be honest I'd probably still be waiting if I didn't get sick of it and do acupuncture. I went once a week for about 8 wks. I honestly didn't start acupuncture to get pregnant, I just wanted shorter cycles. My cycles were progressively getting LONGER (31 days, 45 days, 55 days, 65 days), until finally I said "Enough's enough," and scheduled an acupuncture appt. I told the acupuncturist "I'm just looking to get my cycles back to normal." So it was low stress on me and low stress on them too. Y'know?

Monkey, how was your phone interview. TBH, if you're overqualified, push to see if they'll expand the position or create a more senior one for you. I've been in roles where I have been overqualified and I was never happy. But if they really like you, they'll make something work. Y'know? And worse comes to worse, you'll get some extra practice on interviewing etc. That never hurt. Remember: you're interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you. You really want to make sure this is the right fit. Y'know? Best of luck!!!



Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HOT, that's a great way at looking at all of this. I'm learning a lot of patience during all of this and being humbled by the realization that not everything happens on my timeline. One good thing about TTC is that it has brought DH and I even closer because we're working through this as a team. And you're right, we do need to focus on enjoying time as a couple before our lives are turned upside down with a baby. Even though it sounds like it is a long shot, I'm sending good vibes and dust to you for a surprise conception. But we are so lucky to live in a time where there are so many options available to deal with fertility issues.

Hi PPM, and welcome. You definitely have the right attitude going into all of this. It's exciting to be taking this next big step in life, isn't it? I don't have any experience with IUDs, but a lot of us on here have had our cycles return to normal pretty quickly after stopping HBC, so it may happen quicker than you expect!

LC, thanks for stopping in. Hope you and you little poppy seed are doing well.

AFM, I had the phone interview yesterday, and it seemed to go well, but after hearing more about the position, I think I'm going to keep looking for something else that will be a better move for me career-wise instead of continuing with the interview process. But it was good to brush up on my interviewing skills. Busy week ahead at work, so there wasn't be much time to focus on the 2WW, which is good.

Hope everyone else is doing well!


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! Back from Vermont and Boston! It was a great week to destress and refresh! I am soooo behind in this thread!

First off, congrats to all the new preggo's - Katy, NEL, Pancake, LC! Woo Hoo!!! I am hoping they are super sticky. Please keep stopping by though because I will miss you all in this thread if you don't!

Monkey, I am glad that at least you are interviewing. Even if this position isn't what you are looking for, at least you are proactive, you know? What day are you post ovulation now? I hope this is your cycle!

Pilsn, welcome!

HOT, hello and welcome! I have also had a bumpy road in TTC so I am right here with you. I'm curious as to why your doctor says he doesn't think you will get pregnant on your own, but then didn't refer you to a specialist. Is it an insurance thing? If there is something physically wrong that can be fixed, it just doesn't seem right that you would have to wait another 6 months you know? IVF may be in my near future too and I'm not sure how I feel about it as well. But I've been pregnant 6 times, and have lost 5 of them, so I'm not sure if I want to keep risking getting pregnant on my own at this point.

Brightspot, hello and welcome!

Mannequin, hello! Hope the 2ww goes by quickly for you!

LC, how are you feeling? Good to see you checking in!

AMC, those puppies are too darn cute! Still getting many positive OPK's huh? Temping seems to tell you a lot. But you could always have your doctor run some blood tests when you get close to O to check your hormones if you continue to worry about it.

Missy, sorry to hear you are in a cranky mood. I totally understand. Where are you in your cycle now? 2ww?

Ally, are you back from Hawaii yet?

Sorry if I missed anyone. I am still trying to catch up.

AFM, I am back from vaca and back to TTC mode. It was nice to have this month off however, I foresee us taking another month off as this next cycle I will be doing the Clomid challenge. So it would be our decision as to whether or not we want to try or not while taking Clomid. The risk of multiples will be higher so we'll see. AF is due this week and that will jumpstart all of my testing. As soon as day 1 hits, I have to call the office, get scheduled for the HSG, get my Clomid prescription, get blood work, etc etc. My DH also has to bring his spermies in for an analysis. He has to physically bring his sample in. I can't do it for him. So he's all embarassed now. I told him "Look, I have to go thru uncomfortable testing, and possibly IVF. So if you just have to do your business and drop off some sperm, consider yourself lucky" LOL! We will have to make some major decisions soon as to what we plan to do. It causes me anxiety. If all of these tests come back with no red flags as to why I keep miscarrying, we will then have to make a decision as to try one more time on our own or go right to IVF. We get pregnant so easily, but the pain from the losses is getting to be too much. IVF can't guarantee anything, but it will give me a leg up by implanting the best of the best embryos you know? But IVF is a MAJOR next step. I'd love for it to happen naturally again like it did for my son, but I'm not sure I'll get that lucky again on my own. WWYD?


Nov 20, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy!! I have been waiting impatiently for your return! Good luck with all the testing! I hope that it does provide some answers for you, and that you find it easier to make a decision on Clomid. Sounds like it's not quite what you're looking for, but it's possible that it could be a good last shot before IVF. I don't know what I'd do in your situation - after one early loss I can understand a little fraction of how awful it must be to keep experiencing the cycle of hope and devastation. It just has to be frustrating to know that you got your DS without all the assistance you're considering now. So I think try not to make any firm decisions until you know what the test results say, and then just follow your heart.

Monkey, glad to see you're in a good spot on the job search! It's so true, it's way better to wait for something that's a better fit. Sending you preggo dust AND job dust!!!

ally - I hope you're having an amazing time in Hawaii and I hope you come back with some good news for us!

Pils, welcome!! I think we planned our weddings at similar times! I hope your stay in the TTC thread is short and sweet. :))

HOT, Bright, Mannequin, thinking of you all!

I am hoping the BFP train comes back around! I think most of you ladies are in the TWW, right? Fingers crossed!!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, it sounds like you had a good time in VT/Boston. You definitely deserved a vacation, so I'm hoping you got a chance to relax, laugh and enjoy family! It sounds like the testing will start this week, but I'm hoping it isn't overwhelming for you. If nothing else, it must be really nice to think you might get some anwers soon.

Quick question for you: is part of infertility treatment covered by your insurance? I feel like this varies--some of my friends (and I) have insurance that covers IVF--or at least some of it--and some of my friends don't. I feel like it might factor into the IVF decision.

My friends who have done IVF had great success and wish they'd done it sooner. It is a drain both physically and emotionally, but the whole TTC process is, especially for those who keep hitting roadblocks, so they were prepared for it. That being said, if I were you, I would probably wait and see what the test reveals. If your doc really does feel that IVF is the best possibility for you, then I'd probably just go for it. But if something is revealed and the doc thinks there is a good possibility of you staying pregnant through another means, I'd forego the IVF for now. I'm definitely thinking of you this week!

MP, I think you have a great attitude about the interviews. I was in a similar situation last year when I thought I'd switch jobs before TTC. I'd interviewed for a position that was slightly below my experience level. They ended up going over the salary range to try to make it work, but the interviewer and I agreed that it probably wasn't the best long-term solution. I believe in waiting for the right opportunity and sometimes that even happens within your own company. I know it will work out for you no matter what happens!

To the new ladies--HOT, PnPsmom, and Brightspot--I hope you're all doing well!

amc, have your temps stayed up? I'm assuming so--at least you know what your post-O temps are now!

All of the ladies in the TWW--MP, MQ, Ally (who I think is still in Hawaii) and possibly Missy (right?)--I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, welcome back! I hope your little getaways were just what you needed to take a much needed break from all of this TTC business. I hope all of your upcoming tests go well this week and that it isn’t too stressful. I know my DH would react the exact same way to bringing in a SA specimen. I can see why it would be uncomfortable for them, but like you said, you have had to go through far more invasive things, so the guy does get off pretty easy.
You have a big decision ahead of you. IVF seems like a big step, so I can understand your reluctance to go straight to that. I can also understand your reluctance to TTC while on clomid considering that ovulation and conception are no problem for you. What does your DH think? My thoughts will be with you as you make your decisions these next few weeks.
I think I’m either 5 or 6 dpo. Thus far, I have been able to keep my expectations and fretting to a minimum, but I suppose that will change as I get closer to d-day : )

Katy and NEL, hi to both of you! Thanks for checking in with us and for your well wishes! I'm cheering for both of you as well!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NewEnglandLady|1309183383|2956102 said:
amc, have your temps stayed up? I'm assuming so--at least you know what your post-O temps are now!

Yep! Well, I did forget to temp for a few days...but they are up. It's funny, in ff there's a little note saying that my O based on temps doesn't correlate with my OPKs. Yeah, duh.

june chart.JPG


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, interesting that your temps are still climbing. I'm not a temp expert (I only temped for 2.5 cycles), but maybe it's normal for the temps to keep climbing as the pregesterone is absorbed. And FF is sort of funny. I entered my very last temp today (after 18dpo your temps get wonky). As soon as I entered the temp, I got a message from FF--naturally, I thought the message would say "your temps have been above the coverline for 18 days, which likely means you're pregnant! Go test!", but no, instead I got a message saying that FF was no longer confident that I ovulated and they took away my O-day. HA!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NewEnglandLady|1309189995|2956206 said:
amc, interesting that your temps are still climbing. I'm not a temp expert (I only temped for 2.5 cycles), but maybe it's normal for the temps to keep climbing as the pregesterone is absorbed. And FF is sort of funny. I entered my very last temp today (after 18dpo your temps get wonky). As soon as I entered the temp, I got a message from FF--naturally, I thought the message would say "your temps have been above the coverline for 18 days, which likely means you're pregnant! Go test!", but no, instead I got a message saying that FF was no longer confident that I ovulated and they took away my O-day. HA!

I think the pattern is sort of interesting as well...looks like a little staircase. How cute. I'm going to see if I can do some research on different patterns and such. Because I'm a dork like that. And that's funny about your FF's interesting how it does that sort of thing. Once again, I want to be a much easier!


Mar 16, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Lizzy! I am sure you will make the best decision possible about what to do. Best of luck to you!

AMC - *raises hand* Also a dork. I'd be researching patterns, too. I'll be temping next cycle if I don't get BFP. Hope the puppies are letting you sleep!

MP - Bummer about the job not being the right fit. I hope something better comes your way soon! We'll be testing together soon! Holy cow!

Welcome, Pils! :wavey:

Stilllllllllllllll waiting! ::) Today is 7DPO for me. Next forecasted AF is supposed to be next Tuesday, so if I wanted to test early, I could test in two or three days. Should probably find out before July 4th - we are going up north camping for that weekend and where there are illegal fireworks, there is beer.

I haven't been temping, but when I tried it over the weekend a few times, I had temps in the mid to high 97s. Today may be slightly off, but it was 98.14. Hopefully that's a good sign. I am feeling zero preggo symptoms, but then again Hubs had me working at the rental house all weekend and doing a bunch of physical labor leaves little time to focus on any small twinges here and there. Yesterday alone, I cleaned and mopped the entire first floor for the new family moving in, I mowed the huge double-lot lawn, I packed leftover construction supplies in the car, and I helped install chain link fencing. Oof.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone!!

2WW for me...maybe?!? I'm not sure if/when I ovulated since this is my first month off BC. If I was still BC, I would have gotten AF this weekend (Saturday) but that didn't happen! I've tested and all BFN. Still kinda crampy/bloated, my bad mood went away though! haha.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Okay, doing some research. I looked at other charts on FF but didn't see any ones that really looked like mine. I did find this little tidbit though:
Since progesterone is the hormone that causes the upward shift in temperature at ovulation, the theory is that increased progesterone from pregnancy might cause another upward shift in temperature.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, I've read that you can have a triphasic cycle even if you aren't pregnant, so don't worry. I am assume you are taking precautions so pregnancy is not a real possibility, right?

MQ, you're halfway there! This week is going to be the tough one as far as overanalyzing :) I should also know by the 4th, and if I'm not pregnant, I intend to partake in the holiday festivities as well. Good luck to you!

Oops, I missed your post Missy. Hoping you either get a BFP soon or your AF, so you at least know where you are at in your cycle!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1309199600|2956356 said:
amc, I've read that you can have a triphasic cycle even if you aren't pregnant, so don't worry. I am assume you are taking precautions so pregnancy is not a real possibility, right?

Yeah, but you know that whole "abstinence is the only 100% method" thing? Haha. We've been so busy/tired with puppies and schedules and not living our chances to *ahem* "bond" are limited. But of course, when do you think we did it this month? Yeah, the 13th.

ETA: CD13. Not June 13th :)


Mar 16, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80 said:
Yeah, but you know that whole "abstinence is the only 100% method" thing? Haha. We've been so busy/tired with puppies and schedules and not living our chances to *ahem* "bond" are limited. But of course, when do you think we did it this month? Yeah, the 13th.

*facepalm* Doh!

Missy - Hope you get AF or a BFP soon!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1309200552|2956367 said:
monkeyprincess|1309199600|2956356 said:
amc, I've read that you can have a triphasic cycle even if you aren't pregnant, so don't worry. I am assume you are taking precautions so pregnancy is not a real possibility, right?

Yeah, but you know that whole "abstinence is the only 100% method" thing? Haha. We've been so busy/tired with puppies and schedules and not living our chances to *ahem* "bond" are limited. But of course, when do you think we did it this month? Yeah, the 13th.

ETA: CD13. Not June 13th :)

Oh wow, the timing is not great if you're preventing! I'm assuming you're okay with being pregnant since you haven't charted to prevent before (thus BDing this month was a pretty big risk)? I hope so, because I'd firmly put you in the 2WW category with your timing!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NewEnglandLady|1309203259|2956413 said:
amc80|1309200552|2956367 said:
monkeyprincess|1309199600|2956356 said:
amc, I've read that you can have a triphasic cycle even if you aren't pregnant, so don't worry. I am assume you are taking precautions so pregnancy is not a real possibility, right?

Yeah, but you know that whole "abstinence is the only 100% method" thing? Haha. We've been so busy/tired with puppies and schedules and not living our chances to *ahem* "bond" are limited. But of course, when do you think we did it this month? Yeah, the 13th.

ETA: CD13. Not June 13th :)

Oh wow, the timing is not great if you're preventing! I'm assuming you're okay with being pregnant since you haven't charted to prevent before (thus BDing this month was a pretty big risk)? I hope so, because I'd firmly put you in the 2WW category with your timing!

I know, I know. It was the sort of thing where the stars aligned and we were able to get some we did. If I got pregnant now it would be fine, I mean we both really want kids and we're ready. The problem is we'd have to figure out something with the wedding/cruise...since you can't cruise if you're more than 24 weeks at the end of the cruise, and I would be almost 26 weeks. I'm really not worried at this point but please excuse any freaking out over the next week or so. Kthanks.
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