
The Official TTC Thread!


Feb 20, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

sba -- I was in the same position. I ended up seeing an RE bc of wonky periods, and I wasn't ovulating either. And YES, it is a very easy fix. I wish you the best. I know it's hard when everyone seems to be getting BFP's and you can't even get in the 2WW! Trust me...I have been there. I hope your appointment goes well!

lliang -- you are the sweetest cheerleader. I love how you post on numerous threads and are geniunely happy for everyone, no matter what stage they are in.

Katy -- CONGRATS!!!!! This is going to be such a fun baby boom to follow! :appl: :appl: :appl:


Nov 13, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow, this place is bumpin' :naughty: ... literally!! Congratulations girls!!


Mar 16, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, how many did you get? I would start trying them once you get other signs of ovulation coming, like CM. My Wondfos came as a combo pack - 40 OPKs and 10 HPTs. I started using them this month after being off BC since February. I haven't been temping, but I did enter my cycle data into Fertility Friend and started testing on CD 13 because I was feeling some O pains. I got a dark Wondfo and confirmed my positive with a CBE smiley test on CD 21.

Did your TCOYF book come yet? I read that as soon as I came off BC and it is AMAZING. I learned so much!


Jan 7, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you everyone, so much! It is amazing what a difference a day makes... esp with some reassuring blood results and an ultrasound, eh ;-)

I felt quite queasy all morning - struggled down a chai (am forgoing coffee for a while) but couldn't really eat anything until lunchtime. Better since then but I wonder if this is morning sickness starting? Boobs are very sore. Still spotting a little but nothing new or newly worrying. Am trying assiduously to be reliable in taking my preg multivit, folate and vitamin D every day. Feeling a bit mournful about all the food/drink abstinence (cheese! cured meats! wine! sushi! fresh mayonnaise!) but of course that is nothing compared to the reason why I am doing it :)

I cannot believe the number of BFPs we are seeing here in the last week! Is it the power of the collective PS mind?! Nel, Katy - congratulations!!


Nov 20, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone!!! I am trying to be thrilled but really don't think it'll be real til at least the first ultrasound, if I make it that far. So I'm trying hard not to even think about it! (Yeah, not going so well :)) ) I'm analyzing every little thing. I'm experiencing some pretty regular cramping (or twinges, since what I consider cramping is downright awful kinds of pain). Also, my boobs were never sore last time, but they kind of are right now, so I'm hoping that's a good sign :)) I'll take all the sticky dust you've got on hand, but I expect you to share it with all my newly pregnant friends, too!

It's so crazy how many of us there are! We did have a drought for quite some time, so you had to think it was inevitable! But it's awesome to know there will be so many of us to share this experience. I am so looking forward to it.

sba, sorry you've been feeling so down. Your doctor seems WONDERFUL, and I am so glad he is not making you jump through crazy hoops to solve the problem. You will be a momma soon!!! Also thank god your RE seems just as awesome. Hopefully you'll only know him for a very short time!

pancake - sorry to hear the MS is setting in :(( I'm dreading that myself. I'm not a puker, so I've only thrown up a few times in my life ever and I am terrified of that nauseous feeling. Ahhhhh pregnancy!!

Good luck again to all of you in the TWW... many many hugs and tons of dust sent your way.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mannequin yes I got the same combo pack as you. My TCOYF book didn't come yet! I'm just worried I won't have real signs of O, so maybe I'll start a little early once I get AF. If I was in the pill she'd be here this weekend but I'm sure that won't be the case!


Jan 17, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ally ~ I feel silly. At my Drs there are signs everywhere, "please do not call regarding test results as the doctor will not give results over the phone'' I never thought about the fact that I already had the results so it wouldn't be a problem. :rolleyes: Dr said the level was ok and to keep taking my pregnancy supplement.

Amc~ hi! Looking at your pics I'm kind of glad I'm not doing OPKs. It looks very confusing! At least you have time on your side to get all of this sorted out before you start TTC later on in the year. I have nightmares about going to work and getting on the train before I've still got my ugg boots on (it's winter here) At least you realized before you left home. :)

Monkeyprincess ~ I think part of the reason I am so relaxed about the whole thing is that I already know what problems I have and no amount of worrying and POAS is going to change that so I kind of have to be ok with waiting for now. I would imagine that a lot of the stress and anxiety that people feel when TTC is the fear of the unknown, (not that am saying there's anything wrong, but we have all played the 'what if' game) I know it would drive me crazy. Another thing that I am finding that helps is, I made a list of all the projects and things that I would like to complete before we have the baby. The sheer length of the list is making me grateful that I've got a six month buffer. :razz: I'm currently finishing off our kitchen renovation that was started nearly 2 years ago. :oops: I went shopping yesterday and bought a new dining table and buffet and some storage ottomans that I am going to create a bench seat out of. I've still got to buy the lighting for the room and organize the splash back. I'm doing a glass splash back with wallpaper. No one has really done it around here before so I've got my work cut out trying to find someone willing to work with me on it. All of that is just the first project on the long list of things to do! So yeah, trying to keep busy with other stuff is good for me.

Sba ~ hi :)) I'm sorry to hear that you have been having a hard time. It's great that your Dr is being proactive and it's giving you something to feel positive about. And the 30th is not very far away at all! Not ttc related but I got a referral for a dermatologist the other day and called to book an appointment, the first available one was for the 5th of December. I really wish that I didn't put it off
for so long.

Missy ~ I have no helpful advice on when to start using the 'wanfus' but I do have a funny anecdote for you. :razz: last month I bought a cheap pregnancy test and the cup they gave you to pee in was the size of a thimble! Lol. I burst out laughing when I saw it but I was busting when I got home so I couldn't go and find anything bigger to use so I had to give it a go. I'll be better prepared next time. I hope your stuffy nose goes away soon!

LC ~ thanks, I am taking a pregnancy tablet (we don't seem to have prenatals here, they just tell you to take the pregnancy ones) with iron. It's nearly out so I may see if I can find one with a larger dose. I've never had my iron done before but I should not be surprised that it was a little on the low side since I'm always so tired.

Hi to everyone else. :))

AFM not much to report. I got hold of my doctor and he wasn't worried about the iron levels as I'm already taking a supplement. Do any of your husbands take anything to help with their swimmers? My husbands friend gave him a bottle of preconception tablets for men after he was joking that his were probably bumping into each other. He said they were full of zinc so that must be important. He thinks he should get to eat a dozen oysters for O week to keep the supply up naturally. :lol: he will do anything for oysters.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hot - The size of a thimble! Hahaha oh my that's pretty bad! My stuffy nose is better today, but I have the dry cough that starts with a "tickle" in my throat. Of course I saw online somewhere that some woman get these signs in early pregnancy. I pretty sure our timing was all over the place this month so I'm probably just plain ole sick!
Your husband saying his are probably swimming into each other! That's pretty funny :)

Mannequin - Thank you I will check that out! I've tested out a few just to see what the POAS fun is all about!!! (no positives of course!) Even the control line is pretty light in color, ugh these should be fun to work with!

This may be a dumb question so just a warning!! Just wondering if it's true, does drinking Mt. Dew really lower sperm count??


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hawaiianorangetree|1308747819|2951871 said:
Amc~ hi! Looking at your pics I'm kind of glad I'm not doing OPKs. It looks very confusing! At least you have time on your side to get all of this sorted out before you start TTC later on in the year. I have nightmares about going to work and getting on the train before I've still got my ugg boots on (it's winter here) At least you realized before you left home. :)

Yeah, it's weird. I apparently O'd on CD14...which is the same day I got my positive OPK (along with positives on CD15-16).

Even today's OPK could be positive-

Even if I ignore the test strips and just go with the digis, those positives were on CD14 and CD 15. Maybe I O'd like RIGHT before I took my temp on CD15, so my temperature changed but the LH surge was still in my system?

I swear, guys have no idea how easy they have it...


june chart.JPG


Mar 16, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy0483 said:
Mannequin - Thank you I will check that out! I've tested out a few just to see what the POAS fun is all about!!! (no positives of course!) Even the control line is pretty light in color, ugh these should be fun to work with!

I had questions about mine when I first started using them this month, especially when I saw a surge darker and then lighter! It was nothing compared to when I actually O'ed though. The few cycles I had off BC before this month were not "textbook" length, i.e. 28 days, more like 33 and 37. I waited until CD 13 to start testing after my last cycle knowing I would probably O later than most. Luckily, I could feel it coming and knew when to start. Good luck, happy peeing! LOL

AFM, I enjoy running during my summer vacation. I tried jogging today and it was muggy and I couldn't keep my HR under 140 unless I shuffled along. I can walk faster than that jog! Any thoughts on exercise during the TWW?


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, I'm no expert, but if your temps stay the same or rise a little, FF may switch O day to yesterday. That would be more consistent with your + OPKs (so the O would happen 36 or even 48 hours after your first +). If you're temping to avoid, I'd avoid for another day just to be safe! The good news is that your LH surge is definitely fading now--you can see the test line is back to being more faded than the control.

sba, it's good to see you back--I can completely understand the break. I'm so glad you scheduled an appt. because it's always better to know if something is wrong and then do what you can to remedy it rather than not know at all. And the 30th is only next week, so you won't be waiting for long, which is good!

Cheering for all of you ladies! For all the newcomers, I hope your stay is short and sweet and I'm sending lots of dust for you ladies in the 2WW! I keep trying to wean myself off of this thread, but it's hard to just lurk!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NewEnglandLady|1308760021|2952013 said:
amc, I'm no expert, but if your temps stay the same or rise a little, FF may switch O day to yesterday. That would be more consistent with your + OPKs (so the O would happen 36 or even 48 hours after your first +). If you're temping to avoid, I'd avoid for another day just to be safe! The good news is that your LH surge is definitely fading now--you can see the test line is back to being more faded than the control.

Thanks for the tip! Actually to avoid we have another method, known as "a litter of puppies." Works like a charm :roll:
May 17, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies, just a quick post to wish Monkey and MQ a happy TWW and fun BD'ing to Missy and HOT!

Hugs to SBA - I'm sorry you've been felling down but glad you have an appt next week!

HOT, I'm glad you called the doc. Sorry to hear that it may take awhile to conceive but sounds like you've got a long list of things to do to keep you busy! My DH doesn't take anything even though I encourage him to take a multivitamin.

AMC, I'm glad you're charting because it'll give you more clarity on when you O. I would take Dreamer's advice and pay attention to your CF, if you're not doing that already.

Lizzy, hope you're having a relaxing and fun vacation!

Pancake, NEL, LC and Katy: I haven't had a chance to read to JBP thread to catch up on your pregnancies so I hope the nausea and/or MS hasn't hit you yet. Sending lots of Sticky vibes to you all!

Claritek, looking forward to when you join us!

Sorry if I missed anyone.

I'll be on vacation so most likely won't check in. I'm not bringing any HPT with me so I'll test when I get back next Friday. Until then, Aloha!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1308760284|2952017 said:
NewEnglandLady|1308760021|2952013 said:
amc, I'm no expert, but if your temps stay the same or rise a little, FF may switch O day to yesterday. That would be more consistent with your + OPKs (so the O would happen 36 or even 48 hours after your first +). If you're temping to avoid, I'd avoid for another day just to be safe! The good news is that your LH surge is definitely fading now--you can see the test line is back to being more faded than the control.

Thanks for the tip! Actually to avoid we have another method, known as "a litter of puppies." Works like a charm :roll:

I would be very surprised if your O day changes, and if FF does that I would not trust it ;)) The rule for identifying O day is a shift of at least .2 degrees F above the previous 6 temps, which is pretty clearly on CD 14. I think OPKs are wackadoo for you. It is possible that the first positive was accurate, since if you caught the end of the surge that am and O'd about 12-20 hours later (perhaps 24 hours after the initial surge began in the night when you did not test), then it could match the temps. But that does not explain the subsequent positive OPKs.


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer_D|1308761765|2952048 said:
amc80|1308760284|2952017 said:
NewEnglandLady|1308760021|2952013 said:
amc, I'm no expert, but if your temps stay the same or rise a little, FF may switch O day to yesterday. That would be more consistent with your + OPKs (so the O would happen 36 or even 48 hours after your first +). If you're temping to avoid, I'd avoid for another day just to be safe! The good news is that your LH surge is definitely fading now--you can see the test line is back to being more faded than the control.

Thanks for the tip! Actually to avoid we have another method, known as "a litter of puppies." Works like a charm :roll:

I would be very surprised if your O day changes, and if FF does that I would not trust it ;)) The rule for identifying O day is a shift of at least .2 degrees F above the previous 6 temps, which is pretty clearly on CD 14. I think OPKs are wackadoo for you. It is possible that the first positive was accurate, since if you caught the end of the surge that am and O'd about 12-20 hours later (perhaps 24 hours after the initial surge began in the night when you did not test), then it could match the temps. But that does not explain the subsequent positive OPKs.

This is a very good point--it's probably more likely to be an OPK issue. Hopefully in the next cycle or two it will be more clear and less confusing...again, hopefully :)


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, like Dreamer said, I would just go wih the temps in your case. For whatever reason, the OPKs do not seem to be a reliable indicator for you. It looks like you did ovulate on the 14th, so that's the good news. You will be a pro by the time you actually start TTC. ETA, looks like Dreamer chimed in again and confirmed my thoughts.

MQ, I have been keeping up with my regular jogging/speed walking while I've been TTC. I think if you stick to your normal level of exercise during the 2WW, it shouldn't be a problem. Once you are pregnant, your doctor will probably have advice regarding your exercise routine. I think you're in your first 2WW now, right? Good luck! One PSer, Marlie, just got KU her first go around, and maybe you'll be next!

Missy, I seem to O pretty earlier betwen 12-14 days, and I have gotten positive OPKs as early as CD10. It wouldn't hurt to start early the first month just in case, as long as you're using the cheap ones. As far Mt. Dew, I have heard that caffeine can lower sperm count, so maybe that is why you heard that. Unfortunately, my DH drinks a ton of Dt. Mt. Dew and energy drinks, which frustrates me.

HOT, you are so zen! That's a great idea to focus on getting projects done while you wait. I can't remember if you've talked about this before, but I hope that whatever issues you have do not prevent you from getting KU quickly. I agree the fear of the unknown is the worst part. At this point, I don't know if we've just had bad luck, or if there is something wrong with me, or something wrong with DH, or something wrong with both us, and it is starting to drive me a bit batty. I have an appointment in September with my doctor, and I'm hoping I can get on the path to finding some answers if we still haven't conceived by then.

NEL, Katy, LC, and Pancake, and the other pregnant ladies, so excited for you girls. I'm lurking in the barely pregnant thread to keep up with your latest happenings. How fun that you are all in this together! Keep us updated because it helps to have people who have been there, done that.

AFM, I think I'm officially in the 2ww now, so here we go again :) I'm starting to feel like the old lady around here with all the newbies now that I'm in my 5th 2WW!

ETA: Ally, have a WONDERFUL vacation! Hoping to hear some good news from you when you get back!


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, my DH usually drinks Mt Dew a lot, but it's been hot and he's been drinking more water so hopefully we're good :)) Just thought I'd ask, because I've heard it a few times! Don't worry, I'm sure you're not an old lady!! :D

Ally - Almost forgot to tell you to have a wonderful vacation!! I have never been to Hawaii, I must admit I am pretty jealous!! :tongue: :))


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, yeah, I wouldn't worry about Mt. Dew specifically :) Poor DH, we have a hot tub and DH loves to bike, but I have restricted both of those activities in an effort to maximize his swimmers. I'm moving on to the caffeine issue next! He did start taking a multi-vitamin a couple months ago though. I'm 30, so I'm not really an old lady, but with all of the regular posters getting knocked up, I feel like a veteran around here :)


Mar 16, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, thanks for the advice re: workouts. Tomorrow should be less humid and I can go faster! Excited to join you in the TWW. :appl: Maybe we'll both be lucky this time around. It's my first cycle actively TTC and I am nervous but really looking forward to a BFP.

Ally, have a great trip! Hoping for good news from you when you return!

HOT, thanks for the idea to make a to do project list. I could definitely make some progress around here on some unfinished home organization and decor.


Mar 16, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL - I have a picture to share with you! This is Buddha, my aunt and uncle's new Newf puppy. I've never spent time with any Newfoundlands before, and I love him. So friendly!



Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MQ! ohmygoodness, what cutie patootie head he is!! I'm such a sucker for pups, expecially of the newfoundland variety. I've been really itching for a third newf--I guess our third will have to be of the non-furry variety, haha. Though Byron and Bo will always be my first two babies :)


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OMG MQ he's such a cutie! I want to steal him and one of AMC's puppies too. :Up_to_something:


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1308774783|2952258 said:
OMG MQ he's such a cutie! I want to steal him and one of AMC's puppies too. :Up_to_something:

Lord, you can have them. They woke up at 5am and decided to take turns barking/whining for about 2.5 hours non-stop. Even when I fed them, one of them would take the barking shift so there wasn't a break in the noise...God forbid.


Jan 17, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy ~ yes I have heard that the flu can be an early sign of pregnancy. Here's hoping! :) I haven't heard anything about the Mt Dew before although guess the caffeine makes sense.

Amc - the puppies are cute! Think of it as good practice. :) I'm sure you will miss them once they are gone.

Ally - I hope you are enjoying your holiday! Hawaii would be a dream holiday for me. :))

MP - yay for the 2ww! Hope it goes fast for you. Do you have anything planned to keep your mind busy? I had a laparoscopy when I was 22/23? And the dr found I had blocked / scarred tubes and endometriosis to boot. She told me that the best chance to fall pregnant was in the following 3 months. Of course I wasnt in any position to have a baby at that point. Fast forward 9 years and here I am now with you lovely ladies.

MQ- lll ditto MP on the exercise. Just keep on doing what you normally do. Yay for your first 2ww! What's the first project on your list? :) I looove that puppy! He looks so moooshy.

Hello to everyone else :wavey:

AFM I swear time has slowed to a standstill now that I'm really watching the calendar. I'm CD 8 and feel like it should be 18 by now ;-) tonight I watched a show called ' inside the human body' it was quite interesting and we taped it for my daughter to watch because we thought it might be educational. Well of course the first episode was all about making babies :lol: She's nearly 11 and my husband thinks its a great idea for us to watch it together. Wish me luck!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HOT, ugh, I'm sorry to hear about your endo. and tube issues. So, did your doctor think there a still a chance you will be able to get pregnant on your own? Or do you think you will need surgery or IVF? Hoping you get a little miracle baby. I hear you on the cycle days going slowly when you are so focused on them. Hopefully, your projects will help you pass the time. I'm busy with work and may have a job interview coming up, so hopefully, I can focus on other things. My expectations are way lower now that I've been unsuccessful the past 4 cycles, so hopefully that will help as well. Good luck with the making babies video. Yikes, I'm not even pregnant yet, but I'm already dreading having to have "the talk" someday :)

MQ, darling puppy. I've only seen Newfoundlands all grown up and about as tall as me. You guys are killing me with all of these adorable pups.

amc, how much longer will you have the puppies? Do they already have homes to go to? Hopefully, you can catch up on some sleep this weekend. Did your temp stay up?

Hope everyone else is doing well!


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hot - Well my cold symptoms have went away so I'm feeling better! You're right about time standing still, I want to get this first cycle over with haha!

AFM I've been slightly moody/quickly irritated with things this week. I appologized to DH last night because I noticed I was short with him about things that I would normally just brush off and wouldn't bother to say anything! Same thing at work, I mean they get on my nerves ALL THE TIME but I mostly keep it to myself, but I've been a little mean haha :tongue: I'm always way more tired in the morning, I feel really out of it like I was missing a few hours of sleep! I find myself begging that if I'm not pregnant (really doubt that I am! We only BD 4 times so far this month and they were all spread out) then AF better come soon.

I hope everyone is doing well and hope the ladies in the 2WW are finding ways to keep themselves occupied!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1308849987|2953035 said:
amc, how much longer will you have the puppies? Do they already have homes to go to? Hopefully, you can catch up on some sleep this weekend. Did your temp stay up?

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Yep, temp stayed up. My chart is actually pretty nice looking...except for the confusing OPKs. We have two puppies who haven't been sold yet. They have another 2-3 weeks with us or so. I know, they are really really cute. But I think they would be cuter if they were "my" puppies, you know? I guess what keeps me sane is knowing that these pups are paying for my wedding :)

Here's my chart, in case anyone is interested:

june chart.JPG


Apr 14, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone! I wanted to officially join the TTC thread. I've been off the pill since January & temping since March. From what I can tell, I don't seem to be ovulating every month, but I haven't done any OPKs yet. Just temping, trying to time things right & using Pre Seed & crossing fingers. I might need to start being more aggressive since I'm older (just turned 36).

Sending everyone lots of baby & sticky dust.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1308864234|2953308 said:
Hi everyone! I wanted to officially join the TTC thread. I've been off the pill since January & temping since March. From what I can tell, I don't seem to be ovulating every month, but I haven't done any OPKs yet. Just temping, trying to time things right & using Pre Seed & crossing fingers. I might need to start being more aggressive since I'm older (just turned 36).

Sending everyone lots of baby & sticky dust.

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