
The Official TTC Thread!


Jun 26, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats KTF :appl:

Bella, Krissie, thinking of you both, hope good news is on its way...


Mar 2, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations KTF - wishing you a healthy and happy 9 months.


ps - my original post was swallowed up by the new PS, which em, not sure if I'm mad keen on, will take time probably.

Po - Fairydust3.gif


Jul 8, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

dcgator: The onesies are adorable. But I hate myself for finding them so darned cute. I like to think I will be the classic Victorian mother dressing the baby up in frills but I seem to be bucking that trend despite myself. But I think I will only cross the line if I wear *in public* anything that Britney Spears wore during her pregnancy. Do you remember that unfortunate 'I've got a golden ticket' ensemble she wore? Now note, I said *in public* because between you and me I'm damned sure gonna buy and wear tops like that, but I will keep them for sweats days; at home. So yeah, I think the gorgeously frilly outfit baby might have a tasteless onesis underneath it; but that will be my mommy dirty secret. Shhhh. He/She can go the therapy later on and blame it all on the slightly inappropriate onesie. Anyhoo; did that ramble take your mind off 2WW :devil: ? Best of luck honey.

Miscka: I couldn't read a chart if I tried. But I wish you bundles of luck!

Brightlight:How evil of FF to put you 2WW when you are not! No woman TTC likes the 2WW, never mind being told you are waiting when you are still in game mode. Good luck!

As for me: Nothing to report. Just gettin' on with life. I put a deposit on a little car yesterday so I can be scooting about here, there and everywhere. 1st on the list is to get to the hairdresser. Does anybody else have serious grey going on - where the hell do the little blighters come from. Well anyway I have a grey hair convention that is about to be seriously terminated for lack of venue. I'm gonna try high and low lights to blast them away rather than an all over colour. We will see. Plus I will be irresistible to DH - all the better for TTC. Good luck to ALL!

ETA1 Neh ne nah ne ne... Yes I edited...bah....the shame... :blackeye:

ETA2 Oooh, nobody noticed I edited that time. Since 2.0 a big notice has come up when I have snuck back in to edit my idiot spelling, but I got away with it just now. Well apart from me writing this...rats.

Carry on.


May 20, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Steel said:
dcgator: The onesies are adorable. But I hate myself for finding them so darned cute. I like to think I will be the classic Victorian mother dressing the baby up in frills but I seem to be bucking that trend despite myself. But I think I will only cross the line if I wear *in public* anything that Britney Spears wore during her pregnancy. Do you remember that unfortunate 'I've got a golden ticket' ensemble she wore? Now note, I said *in public* because between you and me I'm damned sure gonna buy and wear tops like that, but I will keep them for sweats days; at home. So yeah, I think the gorgeously frilly outfit baby might have a tasteless onesis underneath it; but that will be my mommy dirty secret. Shhhh. He/She can go the therapy later on and blame it all on the slightly inappropriate onesie. Anyhoo; did that ramble take your mind off 2WW :devil: ? Best of luck honey.

Miscka: I couldn't read a chart if I tried. But I wish you bundles of luck!

Brightlight:How evil of FF to put you 2WW when you are not! No woman TTC likes the 2WW, never mind being told you are waiting when you are still in game mode. Good luck!

As for me: Nothing to report. Just gettin' on with life. I put a deposit on a little car yesterday so I can be scooting about here, there and everywhere. 1st on the list is to get to the hairdresser. Does anybody else have serious grey going on - where the hell do the little blighters come from. Well anyway I have a grey hair convention that is about to be seriously terminated for lack of venue. I'm gonna try high and low lights to blast them away rather than an all over colour. We will see. Plus I will be irresistible to DH - all the better for TTC. Good luck to ALL!

ETA1 Neh ne nah ne ne... Yes I edited...bah....the shame... :blackeye:

ETA2 Oooh, nobody noticed I edited that time. Since 2.0 a big notice has come up when I have snuck back in to edit my idiot spelling, but I got away with it just now. Well apart from me writing this...rats.

Carry on.

Steal, hahahahaha! So, I guess you won't be seen out and about with one of these cute Tummy Ts then? ... b9ftctqv62 Re: grey hair, I've got them too. I've always had a few greys ever since I was a teenager. Then, when I went to get my hair cut last year, I noticed a whole bunch of greys as the hair stylist was playing around with my hair! I'm not really sure what to think about my cycle. I did a chart overlay, and the pattern is the same as previously with a temp drop several days post O, but it didn't go below the coverline before. My temps pre-O may not have been accurate, so my temp on 5 dpo still may not have been below the coverline. The ewcm is new though, so I'm still considering myself fertile. If I did O on CD20, AF should be coming in about 5 days. I guess I'll have a better idea next week regarding O.

Mischka, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm missing some temps too from being sick. At least the ones you have are accurate. I'm not even sure about the ones I do have. Judging by your previous charts, I'm guessing you ovulated sometime between CD8-12 -probably more like CD10-12. Sorry, that's probably not helpful at all.


Apr 9, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Laila, thanks!!! I agree, crazy early! Only reason I considered it was the soy, which can bring an earlier O I think. Who knows! Thanks for chiming in, I appreciate it.

Steal, lol, yay for a car! And a hair appt. I don't dye mine, but I want to! I need a cut for sure. You will surely feel fresh and :naughty: when you are done, something about having done hair does that to a lady!


Jun 27, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all.

Well, I feel like I'm starting all this without full comprehension of what I might be doing, but DH and I have decided to stop preventing as of this month. We were going to hold off until I got a "real job" but I'm turning 31 in a few weeks so feel like the time is getting short. I have a cousin whose daughter is one year old, and we'd like our kids to be kind of close in ages. Plus, I'll be finishing up this position June 30, 2011 so I could just start the new job later and be able to take a longer amount of time off for the baby. A delivery a little earlier than that wouldn't be ideal but wouldn't be the end of the world either.

So DH brought out the bottle of prenatal vitamins he bought at Costco 6 months ago and started force-feeding them to me....ha!

Other than taking the vitamins, not getting trashed (though being on call 24/7 makes that impossible too), and going about business as usual, anything else I should be doing?


Nov 25, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello ladies!

I went away for the holiday weekend and it's a brand new website! Started my first "official" cycle of TTC last week and am very excited about the process. I'm at CD9 today, and usually O between CD16 and CD19, so the marathon will commence this weekend. My plan is to not test during the 2WW until at AF is at least a week late...but...who knows if I'll really hold out that long. I'll get my POAS addiction satisfied starting tomorrow with the OPK with the :) . I really like those much better than the CVS brand. Takes the guessing out.

Good luck to the ladies in the 2WW.......hold strong!


Mar 22, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well after some thinking and discussing with the husband, I think we are jumping in officially to TTC #2.

Like Basil, we aren't going full out just yet with charting/temping etc. We just aren't going to do anything to prevent anything from happening. If we have no luck doing it that way after a few months then we will start with doing all the testing and what nots.


Apr 9, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

WELCOME Tao and Basil!!!! :wavey: :appl:


Aug 15, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Steal - You are too funny with your baby dressing ideas. I think you future little one will be just fine and will look adorable in whatever its dressed in. It also did keep my mind momentarily off the TTC process, so thanks :wink2: That is really exciting that you are getting a new car. Have fun with your new ride!

MIscka - I am going to guess that your O was soewhere between CD8-CD11. I think that especially with SI, you might have had an earlier than usual O. Either way, hopefully you will find out in a few days, right? So, depending on your DPO, you may be with me. I am currently 8DPO. I am going to bite the bullet and test tomorrow, fully knowing that it might not show yet, even if I am KU, but I might as well use those. When you going to try to test.

Basal - Welcome to the TTC hood. It sounds like you DH has the right idea to get you on the prenatals. Other than the no bindge drinking, I would recommend getting a healthy food and work out rountine so your body can be in tip top baby making shape. Otherwise, enjoy the TTC process! :wavey:

Tao - Welcome back I guess :naughty: I hope that you have a short and sweet second stay!

Wellism - Yeah for officially joining the TTC process. I hope that you get KU during your 1st official go :bigsmile:

Ryan: How are the injections going, are you getting your ultrasounds yet? Good luck!

As for me, I don't want to get into symptoms or anything else, but I will say that one of my coworkers actually asked me if there was something I needed to tell her, i.e. I am KU, (which I don't mind from her) because she said I was "glowing". That made me really :bigsmile: . As a mom, I really hope she's right :wink2: . I think I will be testing tomorrow (and the next few days) and because it wil onlyl be 9DPO, I am not going to try to have any expectations and just stay positive. Well see if I can keep that superstar attitude through the next few days, but I am really going to try. Good luck to the rest of the ladies in the TTC pool!


May 20, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DC, good luck!

Welcome Tao and Basil! Tao, as I was lurking on my phone yesterday, I saw that you were the last poster. I was sure someone was preggo since you are the official second line confirmer!


Aug 17, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

dcgator said:
Well see if I can keep that superstar attitude through the next few days, but I am really going to try. Good luck to the rest of the ladies in the TTC pool!

Keep up the positive attitude DC - it goes a long way (and helps with the glowing). Side bar: I had someone at my office ask me this week how old I was. When I reveled my true age to her she was shocked and blurted out she thought I was "so much older". I guess this means I'm lacking that pregnant glow most women get. Made me laugh. Pretty darn hard.

Thanks, ladies for the well wishes!


Mar 22, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

We should not allow digital test on here....the last test posted by KTF(u) was a digital....I had nothing to offer or help out with!! (Well besides a huge congrats!!!!)


Mar 14, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm CD1 today ;( I was hopping to be this the month, but I guess we will have to wait a bit longer.

This month I ordered the cheap pregnancy test as well as the cheap ovulation sticks, and I'm going to buy the clear blue as well and use them as the same time with the hope of more accuracy :devil:


May 20, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

gaby06 said:
I'm CD1 today ;( I was hopping to be this the month, but I guess we will have to wait a bit longer.

This month I ordered the cheap pregnancy test as well as the cheap ovulation sticks, and I'm going to buy the clear blue as well and use them as the same time with the hope of more accuracy :devil:

So sorry Gaby. Good luck this cycle!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Miska I am guessing CD 11 and the CD 10 high temp is a "discard" temp (abberation). You are covered either way so it does not really matter anyways ;))


Mar 7, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

dc, I'm pulling for you!!! Hope you get good news soon!!!


Mar 2, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


Just a quick 'drive by' to see how things are going. DC hon, I've got everything crossed for you, I really hope it's your month.

I've got nothing to report, am nearing the end of this cycle and just waiting on the she-devil to arrive and the journey starts all over again. DH and I are feeling really chilled about it all now and if and when it happens, it happens. We've been getting caught up and stressed about it all of late and we've made a decision to try and relax, so far so good.

Hope you are all well.



Aug 17, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DC - I am thinking about you and am really hoping to see a great post from you soon!


Apr 9, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

dc, come update us!


Feb 11, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies! Welcome Tao and Basil!

DC - wishing good things for you!

I'm in need of help! Would anyone mind taking a look at my chart? I would post on here but I'm not quite sure how to yet. I have fairly long cycles since I've been charting (40+ days) with ovulation tending to be around day 28. This month I got a + OPK on day 28, but no thermal shirt. My temps have actually gone lower. I've experience all other signs of ovulation, except for the thermal shift. It's been a week and I have had no other + OPKs. Any thoughts? Does this just look like an annovulatory cycle? Thanks so much for taking the time to chart obsess with me. ;))


Apr 4, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good luck and lots of dust to dcgator!!!!

Brooks - just popping in to chart obsess with you! Your chart looks good! I know it doesn't follow the traditional pattern of going above your coverline... but I think you might have ovulated! Question: are your pre and post O temps usually in those ranges? How long have you been charting - do your BBTs usually follow this pattern? I only ask because the month I got preggo my temps did a wonky thing and dipped *lower* for the first few days here and there...kind of like how yours are. It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen because I thought temps should always go up and it also made me doubt ovulation. Later, I read that this can happen for some women - their BBTs go in a "lower" range than what they usually see post-O when knocked up. Anyway, I really hope this is the case for you! You definitely covered the BD bases, so way to go! I initially debated posting my chart bc we'd look like bunnies but what the hey... :shock:



Feb 11, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bliss - thanks for the faint glimmer of hope and the quick reply! To answer your question, my post O temps are usually higher - in the range of 97.7 to 98.1. I've been charting temps since March (3 cycles) and I saw pretty similar higher temps in the previous two cycles. I just haven't been sure what to think about this one - it's just different. Also, I had several morning of light spotting right before and around the time of the + OPK. I have not had any mid-cycle spotting since stopping my BCP in November, so I wasn't sure what to make of it either. I'll be curious to see what happens over the next week. Just crossing my fingers that I am not in for another 90 day cycle!


Aug 15, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies,

Miskca, Po and Brightlight - Thanks for asking after me. Catluver, Bliss and KTF - Thanks for coming back to check in on us, and me too :wink2:

Sorry to disappear for the past couple days, but I was working a golf outing for my company on Friday and then I was away with family this weekend. Not to keep you ladies in suspense, but I still can't give you any happy news yet. I have been taking HPT's for the last 5 days, but I am still getting BFN's. I am at 13DPO, so it's pretty odd that I wouldn't get a BFP by now, but I guess stranger things have happened. The longest I have ever gone on the LP was 14 days, so if I don't get AF tomorrow, something has got to be up.

That being said, I am not trying to get everyone's (and my) spirits up. I did have some implanatation spotting and cramps at 9DPO, which I have never had before, so that kind got me thinking this cycle might be it. But, my temps have come down substantially from my highs during the LP, and are flirting with the cover line.

So, that leaves me here, not trying to jump out my skin, but eager to find out either way. :cheeky: I have some other symptoms to speak of, but I am trying not to be too positive, if you know what I mean.

Gaby - Sorry to hear about CD1, but I may be right behind you. But, I hope this will be the start of the most successful cycle yet :appl:

Brooks - That cycle does look kinda off. I'm sorry I can't be much assistance, but I guess see what happens in the next few days...

KTF - That lady sounds really rude. I bet you look just lovely. And don't worry, that glow will come soon enough.

Po - Sounds like we might be in the same place cycle wise. I wish you luck surviving AF. I know she is such a serious B with me. That is kinda what I am afraid is coming too, but I guess we'll find out soon.

Anyway, good luck to the rest of you ladies in the 2WW and throughout the rest of the cycle. Do let us know how you are doing where ever in your cycles you may be. :wavey:


Aug 15, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just a quick update - AF the evil witch showed up this morning. And she was thoughtful enough to bring her friends cramps and moodiness with her too :angryfire:

Anyway, so I am on to CD1 today. I am not super upset, because I kinda thought she was headed this way. Anywho, I am going to get my CD3 bloodwork done on Thursday, just to check that box off the list. And after that, my DH and I are going to try, try again this month.

Thanks for everyone's happy thoughts and let's all send that positive energy to Brooks (and anyone else in the 2WW right now) :appl:


Nov 25, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DC- Sorry to hear that AF showed up. Hopefully your CD3 bloodwork goes well and you can start getting some answers.

Good luck!

Brooks- I know nothing about interpreting charts. I usually go by what FF tells me, but sometimes I think it is off on the dates. I try to temp consistently, but I haven't been getting 3 hours of sleep uninterruped so my chart looks weird also. Sorry I can't be helpful.

Bella- Good vibes sent your way!


As for me, I got a :twirl: OPK last night and this AM, so we will try our best. At least DH is off these next 2 days, so I don't have to compete with the weird 2nd shift schedule. We really aren't an "everyday" type couple (unlike Bliss, whose chart I just saw, wow, I wish I had your stamina, no wonder you are KU!! :naughty: ) So, hopefully things work out. When I got my surprise BFP, according to FF it was 4 or 5 days prior to O, so I hope that is the case this cycle.

Good luck to all the to hear some updates soon!


Feb 20, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DC -- I was (and still am) rooting for you big time. Sorry about AF.


Jul 8, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry DCgator :blackeye: . As we know, CD1 means a fresh start so chin up..and all. Still, it does suck.

I'm CD13 and think I o'd on Saturday (CD10 :o ) but we are well covered if I did; not that that matters. I will keep using the OPK's for another 2 ish days as a just in case.

This cycle, pre CD11, I have allowed myself coffee every day and booze almost every night. I never do that but I decided I needed to chill and hopefully I won't be able to drink in the near future so am glad to report this is nearly a booze free house; except wine & budweiser which I don't drink and one cava. I didn't really care to OPK test either but did on a whim on CD10 and got a +. Surprise! I have not chosen to check my CM so don't have a clue what it is up to. But I did buy and we have been using preseed; which I h.i.g.h.l.y recommend btw! highly.... :naughty:

Did anybody look at the website 'my beautiful cervix '? Very interesting :read: . BUT DO NOT OPEN AT WORK!

Bliss, I would love to print out your chart and show it to my GP. He insists on DH 'saving himself' for o day. Clearly your knocked up status and active sex life prove him wrong. Ha.


Apr 4, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

dcgator, sorry about AF. :nono: She needs to take a hike with Mandango!!! Well, at least your cycle and BBTs are working well! You have a nice luteal phase and it's only a matter of time! Also, yay for being proactive!

Brooks, your charts seem a lot like mine. My only wonky one was the month I got KTFU. Crossing my fingers for you! The spotting sounds very promising, too.

Wellinsm... I know! I know! We kind of went nuts that month and who knows what happened but we were like crazy teenagers. Definitely not like that anymore! :lol: I can just imagine how many swimmers were there waiting for the eggie. Poor little lady was probably overwhelmed by the mosh pit she was introduced into... Probably overdid it. She probably fainted from the shock of it all and that's when one snuck in.

Steal - LOL. If you and DH can do it, my advice is to have fun and go nuts! We didn't force ourselves but the funny thing is, the more you BD, the more you want to BD. Sorry, TMI! It's like a crazy positive feedback cycle. BD begets more BD? I read some studies that said it was better to "rest" or BD every other day so your doctor might be thinking of conserving swimmers. But newer studies show that if there are no sperm issues, every day is best. But if swimmers need to be conserved, then every other day is best. Either way, people get KTFU with one BD session out of the entire fertile period, sometimes days before... so it just takes one time! Whatever feels right for you as a couple is absolutely the right thing. Early on, we felt pressured to BD and it took the fun out of it. Once we let go more, it was fun to BD a lot so definitely mix things up!

Good luck to my ladies!!!! Drink cool refreshments and savor this amazing exciting time. It can have its ups and downs. But when I look back on it all, I feel gratitude for it. I would never have been able to survive now if I hadn't gone through what I had before. It is a gift what we go through to have a baby. I hope that it happens for you all soon!!! Yay for your 2011 babies!!!


Apr 9, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


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