
Taking your ring off for others

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Moh 10

Oct 25, 2008
Wacamaster's story about losing (then fortunately finding) their 3-carat ring when passing it around to show friends at a bar got me thinking.

Do you, have you, ever taken your ring off to show it to others?

If so when, where and for whom?

For instance, only in your home and only for immediate family members, closest friends etc.
Or, never when/where alcohol is served etc.
Or, only for a trusted jeweler for prong tightening etc.

What are your personal rules about taking your ring off for others?
What do you say if someone you should trust asks you to take it off in a safe place so they can see it but you'd rather not?
Do you, have you, ever taken your ring off to show it to others?

If so when, where and for whom?
I don''t frequent bars, so never where alchohol is served, and certainly not over dinner.

What are your personal rules about taking your ring off for others?
As mentioned, only to people I trust, so they in turn treat very well because it is important to me.

What do you say if someone you should trust asks you to take it off in a safe place so they can see it but you don''t want to?
I see no reason not to.
I don't think I have ever taken it off in public. None of my friends have fingers that would fit into it, so it's never been an issue. If we were at home, I wouldn't have a problem with taking it off to show, but I might not be inclined to do so in public. I have taken it off at the jewelers to try on bands and such.

The only risk to my rings is my daughter, who sometimes snatches them from my jewelery box and pops up behind me wearing them
, but she knows they are very precious and hands them over after I have a little heart palpitation.

She also knows never to put fingerprints on the stone, but sometimes she can't resist trying them on.
I have taken mine off and let others handle it, but only close relatives and friends
Moh - This thread Link explores a lot of the issues you are asking about. Personally, I wouldn''t take my ring off while getting drunk at a bar. But other than that, I try to use common sense. Generally, it stays on my finger when out in public, because that is the safest place to be and I don''t want to lose it.
I have, It''s pretty common at PS GTGs and I have let famiily and friends try it on. Hi Moh! Long time no see! How are you doing?
I do it all the time, LOL. I was out to dinner once not too long ago with some old choir friends, and some of the younger choir members were eyeing my ring and one asked about my setting and band. I cheerfully popped them off and handed them over, and got a startled, "Really!?!?! I can try them ON!!! Squeeeal!" For my efforts.

Never would I ever take it off in a bar, or not surrounded by folks I know.
I used to take my ring off all the time when friends or colleagues asked to see it. It's my first impulse to share it. But then they put it on immediately and I realized I only wanted people I truly cared about trying on my engagement ring, if at all.

To answer your question, if someone asked to take it off and I didn't want to -- I'd say I was superstitious. You'd be surprised how easily uncomfortable situations pass if you just don't respond at all, kind of ignore the question and smile. It passes without incident. You don't always *have* to respond. It's a refreshing realization I've found recently! When in doubt, do nothing...don't react. It totally works!
i''m pretty open about who i let see and try on my ring. I''ve let classmates see it and try it on, granted they were grad students so a little older, co-workers, family, friends. I only took it off once in a restaurant for my mother in law and that was because she couldn''t stop staring. So, yes for the most part, if i know you fairly well, i will take off my ring and let you look at it, especially if i know i can out run you.
Date: 3/21/2009 10:17:45 PM
Author:Moh 10
Wacamaster's story about losing (then fortunately finding) their 3-carat ring when passing it around to show friends at a bar got me thinking.

Do you, have you, ever taken your ring off to show it to others?

If so when, where and for whom?

For instance, only in your home and only for immediate family members, closest friends etc.
Or, never when/where alcohol is served etc.
Or, only for a trusted jeweler for prong tightening etc.

What are your personal rules about taking your ring off for others?
What do you say if someone you should trust asks you to take it off in a safe place so they can see it but you'd rather not?
I usually only take my rings or any other pieces of jewellery off to give to my jeweller to clean. Even then, I keep a very close eye on them, to make sure they don't drop or scratch them.

I tend not to take them off to show to anyone else. I did that once for this girl who asked to have a closer look at my Leon micropave ring and she bl%%%dy dropped it! I was LIVID!! Luckily, it wasn't damaged and no stone fell out. I also don't like people touching my almost-always pristinely cleaned rings, particularly as I've had far too many incidents of strangers putting their filthy fingers on them. Also, like many others said on the other thread, I think it's kind of rude to ask someone to let you try on their rings. My motto is: you can admire, but at a distance!

And NEVER when alcohol is served. I'd be too afraid to drop them myself or lose them.
I wouldn''t take my ring off to show anyone else, they can see it sufficiently on my finger.
Very people have asked, but I have no problem with handing the ring over for anyone I know - friends, family, co-workers. A couple of co-workers and I passed our rings around one night while having drinks in a pub after work.
I have in the past let some of my good friends try it on but we are usually at their home or mine and BELIEVE ME..I put it back on
Only with a trusted jeweler or friends which includes a PS gathering.
I find the idea of someone relatively unknown coming up to my wife (she's the one wearing jewellery) in ordinary circumstances and asking to try on one of her jewels faintly ridiculous. She or he would get laughed out of court - not so much by DW but by anyone else looking on. Different story if this happened in a place where jewels and jewellery are the item of discussion - given an interest, she may well ask the other person if she wants to try it on. Safety, comfort and common sense rule at all times.
I''m with Lorelei. People can see my ring or any other jewellery perfectly well with me wearing it!
I have, for close friends and family members. But never while drinking

Definitely not for acquaintances or other random folks.

I just did this on Friday. My GF and I were lunching, with a glass of wine, and we were talking of "rings" and I gave her mine to try on. I have no issue with this and would do it again--but only for people I know well.

I do it all the time for family and friends. In fact I did it just last night at a birthday party. And I love to try on other ladies'' rings. Probably wouldn''t be so loosey-goosey if it wasn''t insured. Strangely I''m not sentimentally attached. I''d be tickled to start all over again with a new ring.
I let people i know try on my ring without any thoughts about fact a good friend, her mom, and i were all sitting around their backyard the other day and we all traded rings around, just to see how they looked on. We each have different eternity bands - mine is Uprong, hers are pave, and her mom's is channel set - it was great fun!

With friends who share my love of jewelry i think it's fun to share and try on and see what different things look like
And i know some people do, but i've never thought it was rude to be asked to see the ring...i am more flattered than anything i suppose.

I've never had someone i didn't know ask to see my jewelry at all, but i assume i would say no
for safety's sake.
For a family member yes, to get the prongs tightened etc yes, if I ever went to a PS get together again yes I would let those ladies try it on - chances are they are more obsessive then I am and now how to be careful :). For random people or friends most likely not but then depends on the friend and definitly not for a rando.

I also like it on the odd occasion on FI''s pinky finger just so I can see what others see on my finger :P.
Date: 3/22/2009 12:35:25 AM
Author: popcorn
i''m pretty open about who i let see and try on my ring. I''ve let classmates see it and try it on, granted they were grad students so a little older, co-workers, family, friends. I only took it off once in a restaurant for my mother in law and that was because she couldn''t stop staring. So, yes for the most part, if i know you fairly well, i will take off my ring and let you look at it, especially if i know i can out run you.
This made me laugh out loud!
I would not take my ring off for anyone that I did not know. And no way would I take it off in a bar setting or anywhere the alcohol was flowing!
With the new setting, my ring has been receiving a fair bit of attention, and people (friends/family) that spot it , know it''s not the same ring I had a month ago, and have asked to see it. When I lift my hand to show them, they say something to the effect of "well..take it off so I can get a better look". It doesn''t bother me at pass them the ring to take a closer look. If a stranger asked me to remove my ring, I wouldn''t..but for famliy and friends..why not ! They''ve been trying it on their fingers, then showing their boyfriends/husbands, and hinting around for a ring. (Most of my married friends only wear a band, or no rings at all). My husband who was skeptical about me resetting it into a halo style, is now in love with the ring as much as I am..and says "it so pretty to look at now" he''s been telling/showing his guy friends, my dad, his mom, his''s actually kinda funny. He never showed an interest in any of my rings before, now he asks me to take it off all the time, and will sit there examining it from every angle!
Do you, have you, ever taken your ring off to show it to others?

Dunno but for me, ultimately it''s just a piece of jewelry so if someone wants to try it on, I let them.

If so when, where and for whom?

Friends/family/co-workers. usualy anywhere unless we''re standing over a sink.

What are your personal rules about taking your ring off for others?

I have no rules. I look at it this way, I have insurance, so if something happens I''m covered. No worries.
Date: 3/21/2009 11:19:38 PM
Author: diamondrnglover
I have taken mine off and let others handle it, but only close relatives and friends
In a word: never.
I''m a really friendly, laid back gal. I''ve taken off my ring to show it to people I know, friends, family, etc. I''d rather let them hold it than have them grabbing my hand. I''ve also switched rings with a friend once or twice while in a bar or restaurant. And while at Pricescope GTG''s I''ve put my jewelry on the table and didn''t see it again for two hours!

The best way to see jewelry is to really look at it in your own hand, so I figure why the heck not? I''m not giving it over to strangers for safekeeping or anything crazy like that, but I''m pretty laid back. Of course, I don''t own a 3ct. doorknob and I do have insurance. Both those things give me more freedom I think, to be okay with handing over my ring when someone asks to see it.

Plus I''ve found it''s really cool to see how gorgeous your own ring looks from afar!!
Date: 3/23/2009 10:49:36 AM
Author: the rube
I'm a really friendly, laid back gal. I've taken off my ring to show it to people I know, friends, family, etc. I'd rather let them hold it than have them grabbing my hand. I've also switched rings with a friend once or twice while in a bar or restaurant. And while at Pricescope GTG's I've put my jewelry on the table and didn't see it again for two hours!

The best way to see jewelry is to really look at it in your own hand, so I figure why the heck not? I'm not giving it over to strangers for safekeeping or anything crazy like that, but I'm pretty laid back. Of course, I don't own a 3ct. doorknob and I do have insurance. Both those things give me more freedom I think, to be okay with handing over my ring when someone asks to see it.

Plus I've found it's really cool to see how gorgeous your own ring looks from afar!!
Ain't that the truth!
Very nice ring you got there too Rube!!
Date: 3/22/2009 12:00:58 AM
Author: geckodani
I do it all the time, LOL. I was out to dinner once not too long ago with some old choir friends, and some of the younger choir members were eyeing my ring and one asked about my setting and band. I cheerfully popped them off and handed them over, and got a startled, ''Really!?!?! I can try them ON!!! Squeeeal!'' For my efforts.

Never would I ever take it off in a bar, or not surrounded by folks I know.
I''m the same way. I take it off all the time. Tons of people of tried it on. Doesn''t bother me at all. When people ask to try it on I''m flattered.
I''m less likely to hand it to a jeweler to take to the back for cleaning! LOL

Only issue I''ve ever had is FI''s Mom was looking at it right after we got engaged while eating on the deck of the country club. She dropped it and it literally landed in a crack. Thank godness the stone was larger than the crack and it didn''t fall down! FI was already out of his chair ready to climb under the deck! LOL
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