
Swap-A-Roo = Not for You?

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Jun 26, 2006
I do tend to wonder what is wrong with a piece that is continously listed shortly after being purchased. It tends to make me think that the buyer was somehow disappointed with the item to have listed it so soon after buying it. I totally get that people have buyer's remorse, but it is unusual for several people to ahve buyer's remorse over the same item so quickly after receiving it. Of course, there may be nothing wrong with the item, but it does raise a red flag for me.


Aug 19, 2009
Nope, I am a cold hearted buyer :cheeky: I like that fickle pickles save me money! My budget is far smaller than most PSers and I really like getting a good deal. I have no issue buying from PSer who I don't click with or find irksome, but if I have reason to think that they would not be honest in a transaction then I would not purchase from them. Other than that...bring it on Fickle Pickles:)

P.S. Circe, if you mean NF's sapphire ring, I'm right there with you. I literally yelled outloud at my screen when I saw that it had come and gone! My DH thought I was nuts ;))


Dec 29, 2004
I wouldn't buy something that kept coming up over and over again because while it could be perfectly fine (and most likely is), I would wonder and wouldn't want to be right about thinking something is wrong with it. I also that perceive things that are used by multiple people should be priced accordingly, but that doesn't always happen with gems (nor should it always be the case). So it's a mental thing.

I also agree re: not buying from someone I don't care for. Nothing really wrong there, IMHO. I want to do business with people/businesses I like. I don't shop at Walmart, so I'm one of *those* people. :cheeky:

Honestly, lately with all the scrutiny around here with what's being sold and bought, I'd just rather stay away altogether...but I suppose never say never...I still have half dozen things from Phoenix's collection that I would love to own, hehehehe. But no, I have neither sold, nor bought, so we'll see.


Jul 27, 2005
Dreamer_D|1323024848|3073992 said:
There is an assumption underlying your post, Deco. Can you spot it? ;)) I think your question implies there is something wrong with selling jewelery after a short time, or something wrong with not keeping items forever and ever like Gollem :tongue: I am glad YOU will never ever sell the item you bought on DB. But why do you care if others do? And don't try to say you don't judge when people sell quickly, or perhaps at all ;)) Clearly you are a hoarder. Don't hate on the "fickle pickles"!
LOL! Wait, I'm still trying to spot the "hate"!??! And if you saw my house it would only confirm your "hoarder" suspicions! Though I'd certainly rather be *called* a "fickle pickle" than a "hoarder" -- sounds way cuter! P.s. -- I don't care if others enjoy the switcheroo merry-go-round-o-bling. I was merely curious if other folks had the same thought process i.e. "what's so wrong w/that that no one seems to keep it for long." It's a phenomenon that's happening more in the Public PS Eye than ever before and has consequences in perception IMHO.


Dec 29, 2004
decodelighted|1323036896|3074088 said:
Dreamer_D|1323024848|3073992 said:
There is an assumption underlying your post, Deco. Can you spot it? ;)) I think your question implies there is something wrong with selling jewelery after a short time, or something wrong with not keeping items forever and ever like Gollem :tongue: I am glad YOU will never ever sell the item you bought on DB. But why do you care if others do? And don't try to say you don't judge when people sell quickly, or perhaps at all ;)) Clearly you are a hoarder. Don't hate on the "fickle pickles"!
LOL! Wait, I'm still trying to spot the "hate"!??! And if you saw my house it would only confirm your "hoarder" suspicions! Though I'd certainly rather be *called* a "fickle pickle" than a "hoarder" -- sounds way cuter! P.s. -- I don't care if others enjoy the switcheroo merry-go-round-o-bling. I was merely curious if other folks had the same thought process i.e. "what's so wrong w/that that no one seems to keep it for long." It's a phenomenon that's happening more in the Public PS Eye than ever before and has consequences in perception IMHO.

Deco, I honestly think it's a fair question, and the answer may be of interest to the fickle pickles (which, by the way, nothing wrong with that!). I don't talk offline to anyone about what I see on the PS loved forum. I do visit every couple of days, and I have noticed some pieces making the rounds. First thing I do think (because I'm not always up to speed on what is going on in the poster's jewelry life), is: I wonder what's wrong with that piece?

I think buying from a PSer can be more dangerous than people think...and not because of any shonky behavior. What is beautiful to one person can be meh to another once that person sees the item IRL. Then if there's no return policy, you don't want to relist the thing saying "Well, it wasn't as nice as I thought" or "It was misrepresented when I bought it" because A) you won't get a sale that way and B) if the PSer who sold the item was really nice and really did think the item was all that, then you don't want to hurt their feelings.

Generally that's why I don't do business with friends. Things can get messy! Not saying that's the way it's here, but those are just the thoughts that circulate through my head when I see a piece coming up again and again.


Sep 3, 2009
I don't care who owned something previously or how many of them. If it speaks to me, is in acceptable condition & the price is right, I'm all over it.

I have several pieces I bought from an estate jeweler -- don't know who had it before or if it had a million owners & don't care. I love each of them -- and would never be able to call them mine if their previous lives mattered to me.

I assume the seller(s) of a gem or jewelry loved it at least briefly (there are many reasons for not keeping something) & if it's not damaged, I'd snap it up.

--- Laurie


Nov 24, 2006
NovemberBride|1323035351|3074074 said:
I do tend to wonder what is wrong with a piece that is continously listed shortly after being purchased. It tends to make me think that the buyer was somehow disappointed with the item to have listed it so soon after buying it. I totally get that people have buyer's remorse, but it is unusual for several people to ahve buyer's remorse over the same item so quickly after receiving it. Of course, there may be nothing wrong with the item, but it does raise a red flag for me.

I agree with this! It makes me wonder if there is something wrong with it, why didn't they like it or keep it? I mean it is only a natural thought to have. :halo: ditto TGAL's thoughts too!


Jun 17, 2009
I never think there is something wrong with the item - I just assume the person changed her mind, and that usually turns out to be the case. Maybe it's just me, but I really don't see it happening very often? I'll admit there have been a few times I've been surprised to see items in SMTB and then very quickly see them listed on the pre-loved forum, but I certainly don't think that's a bad thing at all - just something that got my attention. (disclaimer: these cases weren't instances of flipping - just a realization the item wasn't right for them)


Oct 20, 2007
kenny|1323031217|3074048 said:
Maisie|1323022082|3073968 said:
I'm not sure if I would buy something from a seller I don't get along with.

Are you joking?
If the item and the price are groovy, why not buy it?
You are not marring the jerk selling it.

I admire Liz Taylor's ability to put a former owner of the Krupp diamond (a Nazi wife) into perspective and turn a negative into a positive.
After all, all this baggage is just junk in our heads - so why not be victor over it instead of victim of it?

I agree with this. I recently inquired about a piece that I really wanted. The price was a bit too high so I thanked the seller for their time and wished them luck in selling it. The email I got back came across as snotty. It said that they felt they were asking a fair price, knew the item was worth more, and needed no luck to sell it as it was worth it. I knew I recognised the name so I looked up the seller on PS. Sure enough, it was someone who has come across as rude in their posts several times before and when called on it always said that they simply told it how it was. I was really glad I didn't start a financial transaction with this person.

I generally don't care how many times an item has been around the block, but I really don't want to deal with sellers who I don't like. It's not worth the stress.


Jun 29, 2011
junebug17|1323038421|3074102 said:
I never think there is something wrong with the item - I just assume the person changed her mind, and that usually turns out to be the case. Maybe it's just me, but I really don't see it happening very often? I'll admit there have been a few times I've been surprised to see items in SMTB and then very quickly see them listed on the pre-loved forum, but I certainly don't think that's a bad thing at all - just something that got my attention. (disclaimer: these cases weren't instances of flipping - just a realization the item wasn't right for them)
I have seen it happen one or two times, which was enough to at least put me on guard for it. This was before DB/pricescope had any sort of connection.

edit: ohhhh I mis-interpreted what you said. I meant, I have seen pieces pass through people's hands before quickly, and then someone discloses that there's something "wrong" with the item.


Dec 18, 2007
NovemberBride|1323035351|3074074 said:
I do tend to wonder what is wrong with a piece that is continously listed shortly after being purchased. It tends to make me think that the buyer was somehow disappointed with the item to have listed it so soon after buying it. I totally get that people have buyer's remorse, but it is unusual for several people to ahve buyer's remorse over the same item so quickly after receiving it. Of course, there may be nothing wrong with the item, but it does raise a red flag for me.



Dec 30, 2006
Addy|1323039501|3074110 said:
kenny|1323031217|3074048 said:
Maisie|1323022082|3073968 said:
I'm not sure if I would buy something from a seller I don't get along with.

Are you joking?
If the item and the price are groovy, why not buy it?
You are not marring the jerk selling it.

I admire Liz Taylor's ability to put a former owner of the Krupp diamond (a Nazi wife) into perspective and turn a negative into a positive.
After all, all this baggage is just junk in our heads - so why not be victor over it instead of victim of it?

I agree with this. I recently inquired about a piece that I really wanted. The price was a bit too high so I thanked the seller for their time and wished them luck in selling it. The email I got back came across as snotty. It said that they felt they were asking a fair price, knew the item was worth more, and needed no luck to sell it as it was worth it. I knew I recognised the name so I looked up the seller on PS. Sure enough, it was someone who has come across as rude in their posts several times before and when called on it always said that they simply told it how it was. I was really glad I didn't start a financial transaction with this person.

I generally don't care how many times an item has been around the block, but I really don't want to deal with sellers who I don't like. It's not worth the stress.

That email would annoy me too.


Aug 22, 2009
packrat|1323030557|3074042 said:
vc10um|1323017442|3073924 said:
One of my friends purchased a colored stone from packrat off DB right before the Preloved forum came about. I know that at least 3 PSers had their hands on that stone before it came to my friend, but it was just because it wasn't "right" for any of them. It's now found a home with her and she wears it every day in a lovely custom DanielM setting. So even if I knew the stone/ring/jewelry item had been in a few hands before it came to me, I'd have no problem with it, as long as I loved it!

...unless, of course, it had bad juju. :wacko: ;))

Oh that's so nice! Which stone was it-the round mint tourm? Did she post pics and I missed them?

I don't really wonder if there's something wrong w/a piece if it's for sale again, if it's a higher dollar item then I tend to think oh no, I hope nothings wrong with *them*, like unexpected bills or something, b/c I know how hard it is to part w/some of the pieces.

In the case of the Aurora, when I saw it listed I got that topsy turvy feeling in my stomach and *almost* wished I hadn't just gotten done paying for four AVC's for my band so I could get it instead.

packrat, I don't believe she ever posted pictures...she doesn't really have a good camera and was never satisfied with the shots. You can see the etsy listing here, though...turned out quite nice, I think...and I'm pretty sure she's worn it every day since she got it from Dan.


Jun 29, 2011
Addy|1323039501|3074110 said:
I agree with this. I recently inquired about a piece that I really wanted. The price was a bit too high so I thanked the seller for their time and wished them luck in selling it. The email I got back came across as snotty. It said that they felt they were asking a fair price, knew the item was worth more, and needed no luck to sell it as it was worth it. I knew I recognised the name so I looked up the seller on PS. Sure enough, it was someone who has come across as rude in their posts several times before and when called on it always said that they simply told it how it was. I was really glad I didn't start a financial transaction with this person.

I generally don't care how many times an item has been around the block, but I really don't want to deal with sellers who I don't like. It's not worth the stress.
Funny thing about free markets... stuff sells for what it's worth. If it's not selling, you must be asking more than it's worth. :rolleyes:

Sorry to be snarky but dealing with sellers like this is my least favorite thing about buying on the secondary market.


Dec 12, 2008
vc10um|1323040411|3074116 said:
packrat|1323030557|3074042 said:
vc10um|1323017442|3073924 said:
One of my friends purchased a colored stone from packrat off DB right before the Preloved forum came about. I know that at least 3 PSers had their hands on that stone before it came to my friend, but it was just because it wasn't "right" for any of them. It's now found a home with her and she wears it every day in a lovely custom DanielM setting. So even if I knew the stone/ring/jewelry item had been in a few hands before it came to me, I'd have no problem with it, as long as I loved it!

...unless, of course, it had bad juju. :wacko: ;))

Oh that's so nice! Which stone was it-the round mint tourm? Did she post pics and I missed them?

I don't really wonder if there's something wrong w/a piece if it's for sale again, if it's a higher dollar item then I tend to think oh no, I hope nothings wrong with *them*, like unexpected bills or something, b/c I know how hard it is to part w/some of the pieces.

In the case of the Aurora, when I saw it listed I got that topsy turvy feeling in my stomach and *almost* wished I hadn't just gotten done paying for four AVC's for my band so I could get it instead.

packrat, I don't believe she ever posted pictures...she doesn't really have a good camera and was never satisfied with the shots. You can see the etsy listing here, though...turned out quite nice, I think...and I'm pretty sure she's worn it every day since she got it from Dan.

Ohh I remember seeing that listing and thinking how pretty the ring was..the stone looks so different in Dan's pics I didn't even recognize it-how funny! I'm so glad she liked it and set it..turned out so lovely, just needed the right home!


Feb 27, 2010
I prefer pre-owned. Intriguing are the stories known or unknown and the more affordable prices.


Jan 21, 2008
Yes, the items are most likely blameless.

It's not like buying a used Audi or Mercedes where you could be inheriting some awful problems that made the owner decide to pawn it off on someone else.

And although I know you're talking about our perceptions and reactions, from a purely rational point of view, as Gypsy said, people can have their things newly verified if they want top dollar, and anyone can ask for that, as well, I suppose.

I'd be very willing to buy from a trusted PS'er, at less than retail. I agree with Kenny about that. What percentage off retail- that's the question I have.


Apr 30, 2005
Imdanny|1323045804|3074171 said:
I'd be very willing to buy from a trusted PS'er, at less than retail. I agree with Kenny about that. What percentage off retail- that's the question I have.

The answer to that question is, it varies.

One buyer might pay near today's retail if he/she wanted the item badly enough.
Others may consider anything higher than 50% of retail to be too high for them to buy.

People just vary and that's fine.
I respect other's right to set their own comfort zone when buying used stuff.
I respect other's right to set their own comfort zone when selling used stuff.
I do not respect legislating prices by PS Admin or the PS Morality Police Squad.

Unless we want recurring drama here I believe it is important to abandon the idea that there is ONE percentage that is right, or fair, for every transaction that everyone should be bullied into.
That mentality will lead to fights since both buyers AND sellers post here.

Sellers want high prices.
Buyers want low ones.
Neither is wrong or bad.

There is nothing wrong with a seller pricing it low for a fast sale or high for a lengthy sale if they didn't want to sell it for less than that.
If you as a buyer think a price is too high don't buy it, or make an offer.


Jun 29, 2011
Kenny, sellers have a right to ask whatever they want, but buyers also are entitled to be annoyed about high prices, for a variety of reasons. They also have a right to say whatever they want (within the PS rules and general cultural expectations of politeness). There's nothing wrong with discussion and debate about pricing, or "fights," if that's how you choose to characterize it.


Apr 30, 2005
MissStepcut|1323046491|3074180 said:
Kenny, sellers have a right to ask whatever they want, but buyers also are entitled to be annoyed about high prices, for a variety of reasons. They also have a right to say whatever they want (within the PS rules and general cultural expectations of politeness). There's nothing wrong with discussion and debate about pricing, or "fights," if that's how you choose to characterize it.

We ARE having this discussion (again), and I'm glad it is taking place since it is clearly an unresolved issue to some here. :))


Jun 29, 2011
kenny|1323046770|3074186 said:
MissStepcut|1323046491|3074180 said:
Kenny, sellers have a right to ask whatever they want, but buyers also are entitled to be annoyed about high prices, for a variety of reasons. They also have a right to say whatever they want (within the PS rules and general cultural expectations of politeness). There's nothing wrong with discussion and debate about pricing, or "fights," if that's how you choose to characterize it.

We ARE having this discussion (again), and I'm glad it is taking place since it is clearly an unresolved issue to some here. :))
FWIW I agree with you that there is no "right" reduction off of retail. And several successful sales support your position on that. Certain beloved vendors' items, particularly popular styles and pieces... they can definitely command those higher prices, as evidenced by actual transactions that have taken place as a result of the Pre-Loved section. I am certainly not disagreeing with you about that! I just get the sense you would rather people not criticize/comment on pricing, which I obviously disagree with.


Feb 15, 2007
TravelingGal|1323036833|3074087 said:
I wouldn't buy something that kept coming up over and over again because while it could be perfectly fine (and most likely is), I would wonder and wouldn't want to be right about thinking something is wrong with it. I also that perceive things that are used by multiple people should be priced accordingly, but that doesn't always happen with gems (nor should it always be the case). So it's a mental thing.

I also agree re: not buying from someone I don't care for. Nothing really wrong there, IMHO. I want to do business with people/businesses I like. I don't shop at Walmart, so I'm one of *those* people. :cheeky:

Honestly, lately with all the scrutiny around here with what's being sold and bought, I'd just rather stay away altogether...but I suppose never say never...I still have half dozen things from Phoenix's collection that I would love to own, hehehehe. But no, I have neither sold, nor bought, so we'll see.
I'm going to steal TGal's entire post and just say DITTO.


Jun 29, 2011
Kenny, with a great deal of respect, I think you are dictating morality by trying to censor people just as much as someone saying, "I think your price is too high" is doing. You highly value freedom, but PS is founded on highly valuing and protecting the interests of consumers. Whether you respect that value or not.


Apr 30, 2005
MissStepcut|1323047400|3074196 said:
kenny|1323046770|3074186 said:
MissStepcut|1323046491|3074180 said:
Kenny, sellers have a right to ask whatever they want, but buyers also are entitled to be annoyed about high prices, for a variety of reasons. They also have a right to say whatever they want (within the PS rules and general cultural expectations of politeness). There's nothing wrong with discussion and debate about pricing, or "fights," if that's how you choose to characterize it.

We ARE having this discussion (again), and I'm glad it is taking place since it is clearly an unresolved issue to some here. :))
FWIW I agree with you that there is no "right" reduction off of retail. And several successful sales support your position on that. Certain beloved vendors' items, particularly popular styles and pieces... they can definitely command those higher prices, as evidenced by actual transactions that have taken place as a result of the Pre-Loved section. I am certainly not disagreeing with you about that! I just get the sense you would rather people not criticize/comment on pricing, which I obviously disagree with.

IMHO it's about courtesy and respect.
Criticism of high prices can make a seller feel guilty, and many here are sensitive and WILL be bullied into listing at lower prices so they don't get criticized.

Should we also criticize a buyer who got a low price for ripping off the seller?
I doubt we'd ever see a post like that.
What I'm pointing out is posters' one-sidedness, as if only sellers can be bad.
Buyers can do no wrong.
Not fair.
Not nice.

We forget that even though PS bills itself as a consumer advocate site it is sellers who finance this place.


Apr 28, 2008
Since the pre-loved forum opened, I have only seen one item go up for sale twice. Is that what led to this topic, or is it items on Diamond Bistro? I'm confused, sorry.


Jun 29, 2011
If you see someone "bullying" someone into a lower price when you think their price is fair, by all means, step in and be the change you wish to see. So far, I have only seen people pointing it out when the price asked was unrealistic. Or pointing out a fair price and how tempting it is. I have to assume people lower their prices because they want to sell and aren't getting any bites at prices that aren't in line with seller's limits.

People are certainly plenty kind and nice to sellers. We compliment sellers all the time. It doesn't seem one-sided at all. Unless you think that vendors should start threads about difficult customers. Boy would that be funny! But then, that happens sometimes too: a buyer starts a thread criticizing a vendor, the vendor comes on and shares "their side," and it comes out that the buyer was being unreasonable. Come to think of it, buyers get told off all the time for having unrealistic expectations of vendors.

I think the one-sidedness is in your imagination.


Dec 29, 2004
If I had a dollar for every time Kenny said "people vary" around here, I'd have enough to buy all the stuff currently listed on preloved, and could also afford to resell it at a loss! :cheeky:


Jul 27, 2005
kenny|1323048822|3074211 said:
Criticism of high prices can make a seller feel guilty, and many here are sensitive and WILL be bullied into listing at lower prices so they don't get criticized.
If someone is THAT sensitive, perhaps advertising their wares on a forum that allows comment isn't a great idea. Diamond Bistro does not allow public comment or discussion. Problem solved!


Jul 27, 2005
TravelingGal|1323049431|3074216 said:
If I had a dollar for every time Kenny said "people vary" around here, I'd have enough to buy all the stuff currently listed on preloved, and could also afford to resell it at a loss! :cheeky:
I would like to bully you into selling me your new Zenith for $10! IS IT WORKING YET? GRRRRRRRRRR :angryfire: :angryfire: How 'bout now?

(did you see my DH watch update?! :twirl: )


Jul 27, 2005
MissStepcut|1323049278|3074214 said:
Come to think of it, buyers get told off all the time for having unrealistic expectations of vendors. I think the one-sidedness is in your imagination.
ding ding ding +1
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