
San Francisco Get Together - Sept. 16th

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hey KD make sure to find a place in Napa cousin is getting married end of Sept and we had a devil of a time finding lodging in Napa or Sonoma for the weekend! they said that it''s swamped due to harvest happening now!
We''re still on Gypsy! Can I put you down as a definite yes? Yay!
Yes Waller, I will definitely be there.

Sorry... would you mind reiterating the details for me?

ETA: Cafe de la Presse (corner of Grant and Bush) at 1:15pm -- GOT IT.

Is that anywhere near a bart station BTW?
Yes it''s near Bart.... you''ll want to get off at the Powell Street station downtown.

See you there!
Great! Thanks! See you there!
orangevixen and i are driving up to SF that morning around if anyone else wants to tag along in the car from the south bay, let me know. we were talking about the train but it seemed like it was just us coming from the south, so we figured we'd just drive together and split parking. also it will get us into the city at around noon vs 12:30 on the train, so we don't lose so much time since i know some gals have to leave right after lunch!! wallermama, i can just give you a ring on your cell when we come into the area so that you can tell us where to meet you at noon.

oh also, if anyone else is going to come into the city on the train (art nouveau?) from the peninsula...if you are there by noon, we can swing by to pick you up and bring you into union square with us. i think ov's car seats 4.
Sounds good, Mara.

I can pick up 3 passengers from the CalTran station downtown at 11am. Any takers?
Any "maybe" people ready to commit? You know you want to!
okie, well, I am still going to be a maybe. I have come down w/a crappy cold, so hopefully I will be recovering by Saturday. UGH!!

If I do come, I''ve got a Cal Football game in the afternoon, so I might join for the pre-lunch shopping and for lunch, but won''t stay after.

Thanks for your offer to pick me up at Caltrain, but it won''t be necessary. I am planning to make the pre-lunch shopping and I will be taking the BART from Milbrae to Union Square. Anyone else taking the BART?

Well poo, I won''t be able to make it Saturday. We were in S.F. this past weekend, celebrating my b-day with our group of friends. Stayed in a hotel, it was great fun. DH doesn''t want to drive to the city again this weekend.

But...... we will meet you in Carmel on the 30th. Is that still on????????? Just let us know where and what time.

Linda and the hubby, who doesn''t like to drive to the city.
not sure if carmel is still on, kristy is no longer going there for that weekend after all which is kind of what prompted it in the first place, hehe.

we'll miss you this time around linda...hopefully we can catch you at the next one.

we could also do carmel in october or november as well!
Oh No, I guess I have missed some of the posts. Rick and I will be down there anyway. We are bringing the 5th wheel to Morgan Hill Thousand Trails, then driving to Carmel for the day.

I would love to do the S.F. get together, hopefully the next time. I''ll be thinking of you all and I know you will have a fantastic time.

Gypsy, of the folks definitely coming so far, most will get there at 11am and the other two will join at 12pm or so, so if you find yourself free, do you want to meet us at 11am? See this first post in this thread for details. Let us know! It started out as an 1:15pm thing, but we got greedy and decided to start early
Date: 9/12/2006 3:02:39 PM
Author: Linda W

But...... we will meet you in Carmel on the 30th. Is that still on????????? Just let us know where and what time.
Well, now I''m totally confused. When KD wrote that all the hotels they wanted were booked up, I sort of figured the same would be true for me too, and didn''t investigate.

I was really excited about an overnighter with Widget! (I know, totally weird...). And I was disappointed that KD wasn''t going to be there.

Any chance of arranging a Carmel gathering later in the year, or early next year when more peops can go?

I''d love to attend a GTG in Carmel sometime! It''d have to be a day trip for me, though. And I''d probably need to hitch a ride with someone. Fourtane''s is high on my must-see list right now, after Mara''s adventures there. Fridays work for me and unfortunately not weekends...pretty much any time in November (except Thanksgiving time of course). Would a Friday in November work for anyone else?
I''m being selfish though, so if weekends work better for most everyone else, then please go right ahead and I''ll see if I can make it.
I''ll be there with CareBear! Wer''re still meeting at 11am at Emporio Rulli Cafe, correct?
I am trying to become a "yes". If I make it, I will probably only have a +/- 12:00-2:00 window.
Date: 9/13/2006 8:41:07 PM
Author: darling
I am trying to become a ''yes''. If I make it, I will probably only have a +/- 12:00-2:00 window.

Out of optimism, I changed you to a yes...

Beacon and Flopkins, let me know when you do! I''m crossing my fingers....
YAY more food and diamonds. my two favorite things....oh and my favorite PS SF gals of course. see you saturday at noon!!!

it looks like orangevixen and i are driving up solo! we plan to stay til about sister's birthday dinner is that evening so i gotta get back home and take a quick nappie so that i don't look like death warmed over for dinner...isn't it amazing how tired you can get just drooling over baubles??? after the stanford GTG i came home and was dazed and confused on the couch for the rest of the day. hahaha.
I''m so jealoous...I''d love to see all your bling in person (and meet you all too of course
). One of these days I''m going to fly down for one of these get togethers. To make matters even worse, we''ll be in Houston tomorrow thru Sunday and I won''t be able to get to Whiteflash and I really really really need to buy something really really bad.
So where will you ladies be around noon?
Date: 9/14/2006 2:00:53 PM
Author: darling
So where will you ladies be around noon?
Since Mara, OrangeVixen, and Darling are all arriving around noon (anyone else?), maybe we should specify a place to meet at that time. How about somewhere small, like Lang Antiques? The store is small enough that 1 hour will be pleeeenty of time before we have to head to our 1:15pm lunch res.

The pre-lunchers will meet before that at 11am at Emporio Rulli (where I plan to grab a cuppa coffee!) and then improvise from there.

So, what stores should we hit after lunch? Definitely Shreve, Tiffany............and maybe Cartier? Fellici is pretty good. And I hear Mozaffarian (sp?) is nice and there's also Bulgari, Neiman's, and Saks.

I can't wait to see you all for this marathon day of bling-gazing!!!!! (and my offer still stands if anyone needs a pickup from Caltrain around 10:45ish)
I am so sorry I cannot make this get together. I would love to lunch, visit, oggle and shop at Union Square. I, however, have had some major dental work done today (I''m drooling, not from anyone''s diamonds but becasue my lip is numb!) so I will not be able to make it. Hopefully next time, and I may even have something to show by then. I have been very busy making plans for my asscher!!!

Have a great time and enjoy the day!!!
i definitely want to visit Lang'' noon at Lang''s sounds great. don''t go anywhere SUPER COOL from 11-12.
hehehee. in terms of after lunch, i am totally flex...wherever you guys think there is cool bling to be seen sounds good!
Yes Maam!
Maybe we'll just hang out somewhere generic and not-terribly-supercool like Saks or Neiman's from 11 to 12.

Swingirl, Linda W, Matata, Widget....we'll miss you!
I hope someone is planning on bringing a camera. I unfortunately lost mine.
lol kristy!

i''ll have my camera and usually there are a few more there too.
11 am? I think I can swing that. I''ll reschedule my manicure and show up with a broken nail. LOL. 11am at Emporio Rulli Cafe! Great.

Now. Where is that? LOL. I can google if needed.

Okay... work time.
11.00 - I will come over to Cafe Rulli - really want to meet everyone, so I''ll see you there.

I never heard of Lang''s so I am curious about this store.
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