
Request for kitty dust...


Apr 22, 2004
Firstly, my deepest condolences. Reading all the posts made me tear up and relieve my own kitty loss. I can understand the raw pain you are going through, the emptiness, the quiet house, the lack of companionship, and all the little reminders of EQ, even if removed, makes you break out in tears out of nowhere. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Project wise, do not rush this. It is much too important to get it wrong right off the bat. You want this experience to be memorable and successful.


Aug 5, 2010
LM: I first read this thread a few days ago and every time I tried to respond, I could not find meaningful enough words. Your love is palpable, the pictures of EQ amazing and even in her decline, you can see, through the lens of your camera, the trust and love she felt for you. What finally put me over the top, and made me feel right there with you, was the picture of you with EQ and then the picture of the three of you - the sadness in your DH's face is heartbreaking.

I am so, so sorry that she is no longer there at night curled up between your legs. But I am sure that she is still with you and will be around you at least for a while. It sounds absolutely right that you see her in the bathroom and you hear her jumping off the bed; it sounds like she wanted to leave just about as much as you wanted her to. The world is soooooo lucky to have such loving people as you and your DH in it. And yes, EQ was as lucky to have you, as you and DH were to have her. Big, big hugs. :wavey:

By the way, your boss sounds pretty great.


Nov 16, 2008
VapidLapid|1354938184|3326001 said:
Honestly neither of them seems right for your project or your style. It might be best not to put time pressures on getting someone started. A little time spent finding the right person(s) could work out better. I dont know what part of the country you're in but Im guessing pgh area since the only one of those two jewelers who's website even stated where they are was in pgh. SO I took the liberty to search for a lapidary artist in that area and found this guy
I was thinking perhaps he could carve the onyx or black jade and drill out the setting holes, and then maybe someone like Daniel M could do the metalwork? I dont know anything about this guy, just what I gleaned from his website. If he is not right someone will be, you will find them.

I'm actually in Chicago. One of the jewelers (Ashdone) did get back to me last night. I asked for a final quote from her. She is the one who said she would pave set the rhinestones, bezel set the eyes and nose, make the pendant hollow to add cremains, and engrave the back.

Paul Michael is the one I'm waiting to hear back about the black onyx. I'm a little concerned about his lack of communication, so may go with Ashdone.


Nov 16, 2008
I've made my decision. I'm going with Ashdone. Paul Michael never got back to me, and that bothers me. Liz at Ashdone has been great about communication. I am confident she will honor EQ's memory properly. I will keep you all posted. I am so happy to be doing this....Liz said it will take at least a month, so I will be sure to post updates here.

Thank you so much for caring and for keeping up with this thread. It truly means the world to me!


Dec 31, 2006
Hi Lil Misfit, how are you feeling?


Nov 16, 2008
Hi CJ. Thanks for asking. I am doing ok. I picked up her ashes on Monday and that turned out to be harder than I thought it would be. :(sad When I got home with the box, DH and I couldn't bring ourselves to open up the box and remove the urn for a few hours. After a while we felt comfortable enough to do so, so we did, and we placed it on a shelf in our living room and surrounded it with some of her pictures. It's just a basic urn, as it was the only one available that would give us access to her ashes, so I looked around for something custom for her and found a company that makes custom porcelain urns in the shape of a sleeping kitty and they use pictures that you send them to make it look like your kitty. They even add a heart shaped name tag on the collar with her name and the years of her birth and death. So, I ordered one of those.

My memorial book is finished and is being shipped by Shutterfly and I should have it by Friday. I've also spoken to my tattoo artist, as DH and I plan on getting memorial tattoos (a black maneki neko with a smirk on his face, glowing gold eyes, and a halo) and he has agreed to incorporate a small amount of her ashes into the tattoo ink when we get them done (the beginning of next year as he is booked solid this year).

And...we've begun our search for a new kitty to adopt. We were originally going to wait a while, but Peanut just seems so depressed, and he's not really a lapcat and tends to stay in the back part of the house (territorial issues when EQ was alive) and I just really miss having a love bug curled up on my lap. :love:

We looked at a couple of kitties last night and are interested in one of them, but don't want to be impulsive, so we are going to look at 2 more tonight and hopefully another one this week (waiting to hear back from the foster parents on when they're available). We considered going to a breeder for a bengal or another maine coon, but decided that it would be better to adopt a fostered/sheltered kitty who needed a good home. We are looking at long haired kitties that have maine coon genes/traits, as Peanut is a maine coon and we really love his disposition and personality and think another one would complement him well.

These are the kitties we looked at last night...

And these are the ones we're going to look at tonight...

And hopefully this one this week...

Princess is the only short-hair we looked at, and she's cute, but a little bigger than I was anticipating and a little too stand-offish for me. I really liked Hoshi, but I think I'm going to fall head over heels for Tinkerbell and/or Katniss. I really want a female, but DH wants to check out Wally, so we are going to look at him, too. Though, I'm a little worried about his age. I was hoping for a younger kitty.

I will keep you posted. This is very exciting!


Dec 31, 2006
Oh, Lil Misfit, I know just how you feel...I haven't shared this with you yet because I did not want to take away from EQ...and because I don't want to talk about it much at all, for a few different reasons...but I want you to know that on 12/1/12, same day as your lovely EQ, I put my sweet boy to sleep I totally understand all the ups and downs and emotions that you're feeling. It feels good to share this with you and keep it at that...

I wish you could take all those gorgeous cats! I love them all. But Katniss pulled on my heart a little bit differently, although I realize it's probably the way the picture was taken. Really, they are all adorable, and I am so happy for whoever gets to go home with your and your husband because man will they get tons of love.


Nov 16, 2008
CJ2008|1355334701|3329472 said:
Oh, Lil Misfit, I know just how you feel...I haven't shared this with you yet because I did not want to take away from EQ...and because I don't want to talk about it much at all, for a few different reasons...but I want you to know that on 12/1/12, same day as your lovely EQ, I put my sweet boy to sleep I totally understand all the ups and downs and emotions that you're feeling. It feels good to share this with you and keep it at that...

I wish you could take all those gorgeous cats! I love them all. But Katniss pulled on my heart a little bit differently, although I realize it's probably the way the picture was taken. Really, they are all adorable, and I am so happy for whoever gets to go home with your and your husband because man will they get tons of love.

Oh, CJ! Big hugs to you, sweetie! I had no idea you were going thru the same thing at the same time. Thank you for sharing with me. I hope that you are feeling a bit better these days, too. It's true what they does get easier with time. I am finding this out. It's still very difficult, though. Much love to you!!!


Jun 23, 2011
I have to say that Katniss looks absolutely adorable. I think it's nice to get a kitten if Peanut will tolerate one. There's something very healing about a little ball of energy to make you smile again and keep you VERY busy! Big hugs and can't wait to see your new baby and your new bling too! ::)


Apr 19, 2010
Princess and Katniss are TOO CUTE!!!!!! Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better LM. And I have to say, that is really cool that your tattoo artist can put some of the ashes in the ink, I've never heard of anyone doing that. Be sure to come back and post pics once you guys get them done.


Nov 16, 2008
2,649 I fell absolutely in love with Tinkerbell and we brought her home tonight! :appl: She is such a little sweetheart who just let me love on her for about an hour. She's a tiny little thing, only 5.75 pounds, but very soft/shiny and full of love! They gave her a clean bill of health, and she's microchipped and up to date on all of her vax. She's currently under our bed right now, as she acclimates to her new surroundings, and we'll keep her there, away from Peanut, for a while, until it seems as if she is ready to meet him. I've been through this before, so I'm familiar with the process of introducing new cats to the household.

I will be sure to post pics of her as soon as she comes out of her shell a little bit. I can't wait to get to know this little gentle soul! :love:


Nov 16, 2008
FYI - they've removed her picture from their website when we adopted her, so unfortunately if you didn't see her pic before, it is gone now. Sorry...


Oct 4, 2011
Well well well!!! Congratulations to you, LM , and the new member of your household!!! How wonderful! Can't wait to "meet her" on PS and see pics - I'm so happy that you are feeling a slight bit better and are moving forward.

You can never replace a lost love, but instead, open your heart again to receive a new love. :halo: Congratulations!!


Nov 16, 2008
You're right. NO ONE will ever replace EQ, but there is room in my heart to love other kitties!

Tinkerbell (Tinks is what I've been calling her) came out for a few minutes to eat some food, but then went back under the bed. I managed to snap a pic of her under the bed. She's squinting from the flash, but you can kind of see her.



Oct 4, 2011
Beautiful colouring - hint of tortoise in her or is that just flash? She looks like she is smiling, so lets hope that's a good sign!


Oct 4, 2011
CJ2008|1355334701|3329472 said:
Oh, Lil Misfit, I know just how you feel...I haven't shared this with you yet because I did not want to take away from EQ...and because I don't want to talk about it much at all, for a few different reasons...but I want you to know that on 12/1/12, same day as your lovely EQ, I put my sweet boy to sleep I totally understand all the ups and downs and emotions that you're feeling. It feels good to share this with you and keep it at that...

I wish you could take all those gorgeous cats! I love them all. But Katniss pulled on my heart a little bit differently, although I realize it's probably the way the picture was taken. Really, they are all adorable, and I am so happy for whoever gets to go home with your and your husband because man will they get tons of love.

CJ! I'm so sorry you were going thru this as well - but silently! I'm so sorry for the loss of your little man.... I hope you are doing ok--- I'll keep you in my thoughts CJ :halo:


Aug 14, 2009
Ohh LM she's gorgeous!! And goodness she's a tiny little thing - our smallest is 11lbs and she seems so small, and Tinkerbell is just half that!

I'm glad to hear that you're starting to feel better - and ditto tammy, Tinkerbell and Peanut should keep you busy ::)

CJ - I'm so sorry for your loss :(sad I'll be thinking of you too.


Dec 31, 2006
Tinkerbell is gorgeous :appl: can't wait for more pics...

And thanks for your thoughts and words Lil Misfit, Enerchi, and Yssie...


May 11, 2009
LM, I am so pleased that you've saved a life and opened your home to a beautiful new addition. I know everyone grieves and recovers differently after a significant loss, but I am of the type that must soothe the pain with fresh love. I think Tinkerbell will calm your hearts while you heal from the passing of EQ.

Please post more photos of her when she's more settled and content. :love:


Nov 16, 2008
Thank you everyone. And, CJ - still thinking of you, sweetie.

I will post more pics of Tinks as she gets acclimated. She did jump up on the bed a few times last night, but didn't snuggle. I think she was just checking out her her new digs. We've confined her to our bedroom for now, and Peanut is a little concerned, as he usually has free roam of the house. He was meowing outside the door this morning, and Tinks was just sitting on the rug staring at the door. I think they will be prepared to meet each other this weekend.

Peanut is having some issues, though, unfortunately. When we came home last night with Tinks we noticed a strong fecal odor. DH looked in the litter box and discovered that Peanut had had quite a large episode of diarrhea. He also seemed to not feel well. Then this morning I found another episode of the diarrhea just outside of the litter box and DH found some under the dining room table. Peanut is a very sensitive kitty and the last time he had a bout of diarrhea it freaked him out so bad that he would run whenever it would happen, and well..we have hardwood floors and he's got these *snowshoes* (tufts of fur between his toes) that make him slide everywhere. So, basically we ended up with diarrhea streaks all over the walls. Not fun :nono: So...we don't want that to happen again, obviously. I've placed a call to the vet and theyv'e suggested that we add Culturelle (a probiotic) to see if that helps. We're not sure if he's stressed out over EQ's loss or if it's because we've been experimenting with his food (although that's never been an issue for him). I know it can't be stress over having Tinks, because this started before we even brought her home, although I'm sure it's not helping matters.

Please keep your fingers crossed that it resolves and I don't have to spend my weekend scrubbing my walls! LOL


Nov 16, 2008
Tinks is coming out of her shell. She spent the night sleeping on top of DH's clean laundry on his nightstand and was still there when I woke up this morning. :love: Which means I was able to get some better pics of her!






May 11, 2009
What a GORGEOUS kitteh! I love long haired puds. One of our foster 'kittens' (she's now about 10 months old) is a long haired black smoke, the first long haired cat I've ever had in the house. It's like having a portable, fuzzy hot water bottle in the wintertime. :lol:


Aug 4, 2010
Lil Misfit, I read this all thread and I know what you were going through...

My Dalmatian dog Enzo, my baby, my love became an angel this morning :(sad ... my ex husband and I adopted him when he was around year and a half old, we gave him everything we could, he was the king in our little castle. Past 6 months we spent trying to get his kidneys to work normally (he had kidney stones), and everthing looked ok until 3 days ago when he became so week and suffered significant pain. Last night I spent half of night with him and my ex, and when Enzo finally calmed down I went home thinking he just might get through this.

This morning just half an hour after my ex took him to vetenerian they told him that Enzo has a very agressive cancer on his spine and it metastased to his lungs and even made his front paws paralised.... from one happy 7 year old dog just in a few days he became so ill....

We put him to sleep as soon as we found out about his real diagnosis, there was nothing we could do...

I can't describe the pain I'm feeling right now, I feel like a part of me died with him... I've been crying the whole day and can't accept the fact that my baby is gone :(sad

I'm not sure if its ok to put his picture of him... it's on my sisters deviantart...


Nov 16, 2008
Oh, Astra! I am so sorry for your loss. :(sad Enzo was a beautiful dog! My heart goes out to you and your ex-DH. It's amazing how quickly an animal's health can decline. I know how you're feeling, but please know that it does get better. It takes time, but every day I feel a little better. I will never get over losing EQ and you will never get over losing Enzo, but know that in time you will be able to look back on the good times you had together and smile.

Doing things to memorialize EQ has really helped me with my grief. Maybe it will help you? This website also helps me when I'm feeling sad:

Please take care of yourself during this difficult time. And feel free to come here anytime if you need to chat about Enzo. I don't mind sharing this thread with you. Hugs to you, sweetie!


Aug 4, 2010
Thank you so much for a rainbow bridge link, I think I'll spend some time there...

And sorry for droping in with my story, It wasn't my attention to "steal" this thread from you but I had to share this somewhere since I'm living alone at the moment and my ex is only one I can talk to, but he is in a terrible mess himself :(sad .

I was telling your story this morning to my ex DH, we talked about how hard it is to let go no matter if our beautiful animals are young or old... we think of them as our children so every loss is heartbreaking :(sad

I see you have a new kitty in your life, I wish you two all the best, and hope she will give you joy and happiness for many many years to come...


Nov 16, 2008
Astra|1355512730|3331399 said:
Thank you so much for a rainbow bridge link, I think I'll spend some time there...

And sorry for droping in with my story, It wasn't my attention to "steal" this thread from you but I had to share this somewhere since I'm living alone at the moment and my ex is only one I can talk to, but he is in a terrible mess himself :(sad .

I was telling your story this morning to my ex DH, we talked about how hard it is to let go no matter if our beautiful animals are young or old... we think of them as our children so every loss is heartbreaking :(sad

I see you have a new kitty in your life, I wish you two all the best, and hope she will give you joy and happiness for many many years to come...

Awww...thank you. Tinkerbell is coming around and we are going to try to introduce her to Peanut tonight. We'll see how it goes.

You didn't *steal* my thread at all, sweetie. Like I said, I am comfortable sharing this space on the internet with you, if you so choose. I completely understand exactly everything you and your ex-DH are going through. Don't ever feel bad about talking about how you are feeling here. I do many other PSers.

Peace and love and more hugs to you, sweetie!


Nov 16, 2008
Oh my, Tinks is quite the little lover :love: Which is exactly what I need. She will just let me love on her forever. I took these just a few minutes ago! :love: I so love her!!!





Oct 4, 2011
Awe!!! She is so totally playing to the camera!!! "work it, gurlfriend..." (or "PURR-friend"!! LOL!!)

I'm so happy for you LilMisfit, that you've found a loving, cuddly new furbaby to love! (ya, I said it before, but something about a fresh start, just helps the hurt go away --- if only slightly....)


Nov 16, 2008
[quote="Enerchi something about a fresh start, just helps the hurt go away --- if only slightly....)[/quote]

It's totally true. I'm still devastated over losing EQ, but Tinks is definitely helping me heal. She's not a replacement. No one could ever replace EQ. But, I have a lot of love to share, and I am happy to share my love with Tinks!


Oct 4, 2011
Lil Misfit|1355521942|3331526 said:
[quote="Enerchi something about a fresh start, just helps the hurt go away --- if only slightly....)

It's totally true. I'm still devastated over losing EQ, but Tinks is definitely helping me heal. She's not a replacement. No one could ever replace EQ. But, I have a lot of love to share, and I am happy to share my love with Tinks![/quote]
Totally!! you can never replace a loved one (pet or human) you can just open up and love another and hold the original first love, dear to your heart!

I'm glad that Tinks is helping you heal! :halo:
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