
Ragdoll "parents" -- this thread''s for you! Brag and post photos here!

A close-up. Such a handsome little lad!!!

Squeak and his VERY devoted daddy!

Awww...THANK YOU Lynn for the DUST and for the ADORABLE new pictures of handsome Mr. Bentley. Mr. Ollie goes in first thing tomorrow morning for his cleaning, so I''m totally on edge (Amber goes in on Thursday).


I just can''t get over how GORGEOUS he is - thank you thank you for the new pictures.

The fetching is just too precious isn''t it?? Amber does that and it gets us every time - so darn CUTE!!
Last one for now.

I hope Katie sees these and posts some of Zooey!!!

Date: 5/3/2010 7:32:31 PM
Author: Lynn B
Last one for now.

I hope Katie sees these and posts some of Zooey!!!
LOVE how his beautiful striped markings are coming out Lynn - he''s such a STUNNING cat.

And I agree - we''d love to see some new pictures of adorable Miss Zooey
Date: 5/3/2010 7:31:02 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Awww...THANK YOU Lynn for the DUST and for the ADORABLE new pictures of handsome Mr. Bentley. Mr. Ollie goes in first thing tomorrow morning for his cleaning, so I'm totally on edge (Amber goes in on Thursday).


I just can't get over how GORGEOUS he is - thank you thank you for the new pictures.

The fetching is just too precious isn't it?? Amber does that and it gets us every time - so darn CUTE!!

Awww, thanks AG. I'll be thinking of you and Sir Ollie tomorrow morning. GAH, I know I'd be a wreck. Has he ever had that done before (the cleaning)? Well, please post an update tomorrow, OK?

Oh, something interesting regarding kitties and their toofies. My mom's cat, Missy, is 4 years old, the sibling to DD's Buster. I took her to the vet for my mom today for a check-up, and the vet commented on her teeth. They are pearly white, absolutely no plaque or tarter AT ALL.. really beautiful. She eats only Wellness Indoor dry cat kibble and a few of those silly Temptations treats daily, and my mother has never once brushed her teeth. The vet said to tell my mom that whatever she is doing, just keep doing!
Date: 5/3/2010 7:34:23 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
LOVE how his beautiful striped markings are coming out Lynn - he's such a STUNNING cat.

Thanks, AG! You should see his tail, it's getting so full and stripey. I'll try to get a photo to show you!
OK... I just now took a few pictures to try to capture The Tail. Now, I well know it''s no Tail Like Ollie''s Fine Tail
(FEW can compare to THAT!!!)... but here''s a couple of photos showing Squeak''s pretty stripey little tail. OH, how I LOVE it!!!


Last one for now.
Thanks for lookin'' !

Date: 5/2/2010 3:32:06 PM
Author: AmberGretchen

I think it might be time for some more Bentley and Zooey pictures as I''m sure they''ve both grown, yes?

Also because it will distract me - my precious angel baby Ollie Cat and his sister Amber both have to go to the vet this coming week for dental cleanings. Even though I know its routine, and they''ve done the bloodwork beforehand and everything is OK and they''ve both always been SUPER healthy, I''m still terrified.

Anyone have any cute pictures (for distraction) and/or dust (for luck) that Ollie and Amber do fine in their cleanings??? I''m a bit like this:
Oh I''m here! So sorry it took me so long! My mother and sister came to "visit me" (but mostly to see Zooey) yesterday. I''m sure Amber and Ollie are going to be just fine but I am sending lots of dust your way! Also I have pictures for your distraction needs! So sweet of you to ask for them

My mother brought me this clock for my place but Zooey decided it was for her and jumped on it and laid down! It''s also one of those ones that auto-sets so when we turned it on the hands started automatically moving to the right time and she was chasing the hands around! So cute! I tried to grab my phone to get a video but was too late.


Also Bentley is just so handsome, Lynn! Zooey is sitting here with me looking at the pictures! I LOVE his stripey tail!!!

Sometimes Zooey has little kitty dreams when she is sleeping (her paws move and her mouth will move...its basically all kinds of adorable) and I always think things like "oh I bet she is dreaming about playing with Bentley!"

Zooey also plays fetch! I LOVE IT! She has these little white fluff balls that are her favorites because she can carry them in her mouth easily. Other things (like little balls and such) she''ll chase FULL SPEED down the hall but she wont bring them back. She''s so silly!

Here is another picture for AG''s distraction! This one if from about two weeks ago but it''s one of my favorites. I''m almost positive she knows what the camera is and poses for some of the shots.

Here she is on the window sill watching the traffic

Oh my!
Apparently I missed resizing that last picture! Sorry!

Last one for now. I hope these helped get your mind off worrying, AG! I''ll be thinking about Ollie today!

Now...I think this picture is just funny!

ADORABLE pictures of Miss Zooey! THANK YOU for sharing! (And, um, I really liked the BIGGER one! Sometimes I gotta go put my glasses on to see the smaller ones!!!

BTW, has Zooey lost any baby teeth yet? They are at the age where that should be happening. Squeak HATES me to look in his mouth, so I don''t do it very often - but last time I looked, he still hadn''t lost any.

And how much does she weigh? He''s about 5.5 pounds now.

How did Ollie''s teeth cleaning go? Is he home now, all safe and sound? What did the vet say? Hope everything is good, and will be looking forward to your checking in!
Katie - I also ADORE the new pictures of GORGEOUS Miss Zooey - I love how much "cattitude" she has, and her coloring is so delicate and beautiful
Thank you for posting the pictures to distract me - that plus a very full day of phone calls at work definitely helped!!

I have a vet update on Mr. Ollie - poor little guy had a damaged and infected tooth that the vet had to extract
I felt so bad for his little self that we never noticed anything - now I''m worried that the poor guy might have been suffering and we never knew

The good news is he should feel MUCH better with the tooth out. When I called the vet about an hour ago, they said he was awake and eating (that''s my boy! Loves his food...) and that we could pick him up in another couple of hours (so about 45 minutes from now). So I''m about to leave work, stop by home to grab the hubby, then we''ll go together to bring our precious little boy home. Vet said he is doing well though, and they''ll do some testing on the extracted tooth to determine if there''s anything we can do to prevent a recurrence.

Fingers crossed for a quick recovery for my sweet little boy, and that the vet can give us some tips to keep his precious little mouth all healthy!
Date: 5/4/2010 4:41:26 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Katie - I also ADORE the new pictures of GORGEOUS Miss Zooey - I love how much ''cattitude'' she has, and her coloring is so delicate and beautiful
Thank you for posting the pictures to distract me - that plus a very full day of phone calls at work definitely helped!!

I have a vet update on Mr. Ollie - poor little guy had a damaged and infected tooth that the vet had to extract
I felt so bad for his little self that we never noticed anything - now I''m worried that the poor guy might have been suffering and we never knew

The good news is he should feel MUCH better with the tooth out. When I called the vet about an hour ago, they said he was awake and eating (that''s my boy! Loves his food...) and that we could pick him up in another couple of hours (so about 45 minutes from now). So I''m about to leave work, stop by home to grab the hubby, then we''ll go together to bring our precious little boy home. Vet said he is doing well though, and they''ll do some testing on the extracted tooth to determine if there''s anything we can do to prevent a recurrence.

Fingers crossed for a quick recovery for my sweet little boy, and that the vet can give us some tips to keep his precious little mouth all healthy!

Oh no! An infected tooth??? What tooth was it? I wonder what caused that? Please keep us posted on what the vet says after they do their testing.

Awwwww... poor sweet little Ollie! Please give him extra cuddles and chinny-skritches from me, and head bonks (*gentle* ones!) from Boo and Squeak.

Hugs to his worried mama, too!
Date: 5/4/2010 4:41:26 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Katie - I also ADORE the new pictures of GORGEOUS Miss Zooey - I love how much ''cattitude'' she has, and her coloring is so delicate and beautiful
Thank you for posting the pictures to distract me - that plus a very full day of phone calls at work definitely helped!!

I have a vet update on Mr. Ollie - poor little guy had a damaged and infected tooth that the vet had to extract
I felt so bad for his little self that we never noticed anything - now I''m worried that the poor guy might have been suffering and we never knew

The good news is he should feel MUCH better with the tooth out. When I called the vet about an hour ago, they said he was awake and eating (that''s my boy! Loves his food...) and that we could pick him up in another couple of hours (so about 45 minutes from now). So I''m about to leave work, stop by home to grab the hubby, then we''ll go together to bring our precious little boy home. Vet said he is doing well though, and they''ll do some testing on the extracted tooth to determine if there''s anything we can do to prevent a recurrence.

Fingers crossed for a quick recovery for my sweet little boy, and that the vet can give us some tips to keep his precious little mouth all healthy!
Oh no!! I hope he''s back to his usual self quickly! And that they find out what went wrong!
This thread is.. cuteness overload!!

Zooey is just so squishable, and my goodness Bentley is growing up to be a total heartbreaker
Date: 5/4/2010 5:16:08 PM
Author: yssie
This thread is.. cuteness overload!!

Zooey is just so squishable, and my goodness Bentley is growing up to be a total heartbreaker

Awwwww, thanks yssie!!!!


Aw! Thanks you guys for your sweet comments about Zooey! I promise bigger pictures from now on Lynn!


AG- "Cattitude" is the PERFECT way to decribe Zooey! I love that!

Poor Mr.Ollie and his tooth
My sister''s cat, Alcott, had the same thing happen. But I am sure Ollie feels better now and is glad to be home! Give us updates on how he is doing please!

Date: 5/4/2010 4:41:26 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Katie - I also ADORE the new pictures of GORGEOUS Miss Zooey - I love how much ''cattitude'' she has, and her coloring is so delicate and beautiful
Thank you for posting the pictures to distract me - that plus a very full day of phone calls at work definitely helped!!

I have a vet update on Mr. Ollie - poor little guy had a damaged and infected tooth that the vet had to extract
I felt so bad for his little self that we never noticed anything - now I''m worried that the poor guy might have been suffering and we never knew

The good news is he should feel MUCH better with the tooth out. When I called the vet about an hour ago, they said he was awake and eating (that''s my boy! Loves his food...) and that we could pick him up in another couple of hours (so about 45 minutes from now). So I''m about to leave work, stop by home to grab the hubby, then we''ll go together to bring our precious little boy home. Vet said he is doing well though, and they''ll do some testing on the extracted tooth to determine if there''s anything we can do to prevent a recurrence.

Fingers crossed for a quick recovery for my sweet little boy, and that the vet can give us some tips to keep his precious little mouth all healthy!
I have grown up with cats that have teeth problems and can tell you a little. My vet says in his experience cats that were outside for any length of time are much more likely to have tooth problems, so it is probably not your fault at all.

As for how to tell, the easiest way is if his breathe really stinks and does not get better. I know cat breathe is never really perfume, but you know when there is a rotted tooth from the smell.
Thank you so much, everyone, for the sympathy and good thoughts for Mr. Ollie. He is home, and doing much better - he''s a bit dopey from the drugs and everything, but his appetite is prodigious (he''s already had 2 servings of wet food and several fingerfuls of his favorite Greek yogurt
. He''s even showing some interest in playing with his toys

Thank you so much for the insight BIH - unfortunately, I''m a bit at a loss, since he has never been outside (and never will). He was rescued as a one-week old orphan, then he was bottle-fed until 8 weeks, when we got him. The vet is trying to determine what else might have caused it, and we''re planning to try to get him (and our other kitties) to accept us brushing his teeth, plus applying this sealing stuff the vet recommended once a week.

Now I just hope that Amber, our orange tabby cat''s cleaning on Thursday goes better than Mr. Ollie''s. In any case, as long as both kitties are OK by the end of the week, I''ll be a much happier kitty mommy.
Date: 5/4/2010 9:32:52 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Thank you so much, everyone, for the sympathy and good thoughts for Mr. Ollie. He is home, and doing much better - he''s a bit dopey from the drugs and everything, but his appetite is prodigious (he''s already had 2 servings of wet food and several fingerfuls of his favorite Greek yogurt
. He''s even showing some interest in playing with his toys

Thank you so much for the insight BIH - unfortunately, I''m a bit at a loss, since he has never been outside (and never will). He was rescued as a one-week old orphan, then he was bottle-fed until 8 weeks, when we got him. The vet is trying to determine what else might have caused it, and we''re planning to try to get him (and our other kitties) to accept us brushing his teeth, plus applying this sealing stuff the vet recommended once a week.

Now I just hope that Amber, our orange tabby cat''s cleaning on Thursday goes better than Mr. Ollie''s. In any case, as long as both kitties are OK by the end of the week, I''ll be a much happier kitty mommy.
I am late to this, glad he is ok Amber!!!!!!! He is partial to greek yogurt??
Date: 5/5/2010 6:17:45 AM
Author: Lorelei

I am late to this, glad he is ok Amber!!!!!!! He is partial to greek yogurt??

Thanks Lorelei! We have one more kitty going in tomorrow for a dental, but hopefully this one won''t have any complications (Ollie''s big sister, Amber, who is our orange tabby kitty).

He LOVES Greek yogurt - he can recognize the sound of that specific type of container opening, and he comes running to get some. We''ve even trained him to stand up on his hind legs to take it - his favorite is to lick it off your fingers, its very cute
Date: 5/5/2010 8:17:55 AM
Author: AmberGretchen

Date: 5/5/2010 6:17:45 AM
Author: Lorelei

I am late to this, glad he is ok Amber!!!!!!! He is partial to greek yogurt??

Thanks Lorelei! We have one more kitty going in tomorrow for a dental, but hopefully this one won't have any complications (Ollie's big sister, Amber, who is our orange tabby kitty).

He LOVES Greek yogurt - he can recognize the sound of that specific type of container opening, and he comes running to get some. We've even trained him to stand up on his hind legs to take it - his favorite is to lick it off your fingers, its very cute
Bless him! Thats too cute with the yogurt!!! Our Siamese used to love yogurt but when we had him greek yogurt wasn't available but any normal yogurt he loved, he would stick his little pointy face into a tiny cone shaped pot and clean it out, he used to wrinkle his nose while he was doing it, adorable!!!

I will be sending Amber dust that her dental goes well!

Does OlliePants still do his li'l squeak??
Hi everyone - I''m happy to report that Miss Amber came through her dental cleaning with flying colors
And Mr. Ollie is back to his usual (sweet, snuggly, adorable) self

And Lorelei - Mr. Ollie Pants does still do his sweet little squeak - he never learned to mew like a fully grown kitty, but his squeak is SO cute. Actually now that I think about it, his most reliable time of the day to squeak is when he''s asking for his Greek yogurt (or for his dinner)
Date: 5/7/2010 9:14:26 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Hi everyone - I''m happy to report that Miss Amber came through her dental cleaning with flying colors
And Mr. Ollie is back to his usual (sweet, snuggly, adorable) self

And Lorelei - Mr. Ollie Pants does still do his sweet little squeak - he never learned to mew like a fully grown kitty, but his squeak is SO cute. Actually now that I think about it, his most reliable time of the day to squeak is when he''s asking for his Greek yogurt (or for his dinner)

Oh AG, that is DOUBLE good news, THANKS for letting us know!

Sweet babies, ALL of them!!!
I am so glad. Tooth cleaning does not go badly, but I hate getting it done. My family has a vet that does house calls, which is much less stressful for the cat. But you see them and they are laying there with their tongue out and they look dead. Less stress for babies, but a lot more for mommies. I live near one of the top vet schools in the country, so I can feel good about taking them in without watching them lay there and creep me out.
I am so glad to hear Miss. Amber and Mr. Ollie are doing well after their dental cleaning!!