
Prepping for a new season if AI?

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we were at our friends for dinner and I missed the show except for Chris who I didn't think was as bad as the judges. I looked forward to ya'll remarks filling me in and it's good to know I didn't miss much. I did she sanjaya's flat iron hair, what the heck was that and who thought that look would be cool on him??? eek..

deco, i'll go with you on your top 3 for the boys in hopes they make it through, i really don't care about the rest one way or another. I most disappointed in brandon, I thought with his back up experience he'd really shine and it's been very meh..

looking forward to the girls bringing it once again.

oh and just a sidenote, they've been playing melinda doolittle's funny valentine on the radio here in nashville...this town LOVES her....
Deco''s got my same three. BUT - I''m starting to really feel the love for Chris Richardson. As pointed out, he''s my homeboy! (well at least from VA.
) That said, he''s likeable.

Sanjaya needs to go. Surely that straight hair did not win friends and influence people. But, if he''s going to be VFTW, he made it WORSE last night.

I generally agree with Deco''s top three. and here is my random snarkitude.

Chris Timberlake - I do like him. plus, he''s my friend''s friend''s cousin! How could I not. Anyhoodle. I do like him. Plus, the little girlies are going to LOVE might as well like him.

Chris Sligh - I get that he''s good, he''s just not for me. Plus there is something kind of smug about him that I find kind of offputting. On the plus side, his lisp was not as noticable as he sang a song without a lot of s that was good.

Blake - I love it when he breaks things down all funkified Blake style. Weird opening song though...not much energy.

Brandon - actually, I did like him last night. I know the judges were blown away, but I thought he was good. Plus, he''s a hottie. which always helps.

Jerod. SO meh. And the eyebrows. again with the eyebrows. He is very white-bread...if that makes sense.

Sundance (I keep calling him Sunshine) - holy vomit eddie vedder! That was a pile of steaming poo. Yuck. I HATED it. bad bad song choice. Bad singing. FEH! Generally, if you are going to mess with a kind of music that has a certain sound, um, you can''t suck while you do it. And Sundance - he sucked like a dyson.

Sanjaya - yeah, I still don''t hate him. Sorry. Think he''s kinda cute and stuff. Don''t know why. Of course, I am the same person that kinda liked Mace early last season...

Powder - well, I about peed my pants when simon commented on his eyes and his hat...hehee. I didn''t love the song. Didn''t love his voice. I''m quite lukewarm on him.

Did anyone else notice that Paula took some mean pills before the judging? She was being rather harsh. Not that I care. Just noticed is all.
Brandon - wierd song choice but he sang it well, he has a very nice voice and should be allowed to stick around.

Sundance - oh my goodness, that was awful.

Timerlake - I can''t get past him wanting to be JT. I know you all like him and I''m trying to get it, but I just don''t.

Sanjaya - AGH, he freaks me out. He was better than last week, but that''s not saying much.

Blake - He was good, but nothing spectacular tonight. He should go through.

Chris Sligh - It was a decent performance, and I still like the guy.

Stacey - What the h*)& was that?

Jerod - He keeps singing these great songs that he just doesn''t have the voice for. Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, I just don''t think he stacks up! I know he''s not trying to but I can''t get past the whole singing songs that are so much bigger than he is thing.

My guess is the big announcement will be that Michael Jackson is coming on (he''ll do anything for money right now, he just went to Japan where he sold 30 seconds with himself at $3500 a pop. Just sick).
the guys were VERY boring last night. its not even worth commenting on any performances last night. hopefully sanjaya will go home (finally) because hes kinda creepy---like a stepford wife.....the straight hair has GOT to go....oh well theres always tonight---barba the trainwreck is still round so that''ll be amusing to watch her be snotty when they critique her.--as if its not justified.
Date: 3/7/2007 9:31:11 AM
Author: littlelysser
Did anyone else notice that Paula took some mean pills before the judging? She was being rather harsh. Not that I care. Just noticed is all.
I noticed she was critical, especially for her. I wouldn''t call it mean, but yeah, I told my hubby I''d never seen her actually be critical of that may people in one show.
my top 3

Chris Sligh

Still not digging Timberlake. He just seems cocky and jerky and honestly not my cup of tea in the looks department. Didn''t like the country song thought he sounded super affected and wanna-be twangy

Baldie was a little crazy looking, I think he is super conscious of his big ole ears that he thinks that tucking them into his hats will mask the fact that he may take off at any stray breeze

Sanjaya is so horrible there are not even words

Sundance annoys me so much I can''t even watch him, we fast forward past him every week
wow - it really does seem like 2 different shows!!
The guys are all going to be dropping like flies once they have to compete with the ladies!!!

Jordan - for a 17yr old girl can really sing. Beginning was a bit rough, but once she got into the chorus she really ran with it. She seemed to be having fun too

Sabrina (is that her name?) still not digging her. Something about the tone of her voice and the fact that she looks so harsh whenever she gets on stage - But she seemed to be on key and trying hard

Stephanie - her hair was looking much better last night - it didn''t distract me as much as it has in the past. I was actually kinda sorta starting to like her! Besides the racing stripes on the dress that is.

LeKisha - girl can sing - no one can doubt that - she looked a lot prettier last night too. Her reaction to her family was too cute! "I told them not to act up!!" he he

Antonella - on first listen of this song I actually thought, wow she wasn''t as ear-bleeding-inducing-horribly-icky as she has been in the past! Then I listened to the little clips at the end where she was smushed in the middle of all the girls that actually have talent and I shuddered and took back that thought. The more I hear of it (via radio and what-not) the worse it sounds. But she did bring the hooker boots to the table and we all know how America loves to vote for that. I''m focusing all my energy on hoping she is out of here but who knows.....

Haley - it''s totally true what Simon said: "I don''t know your name!" I had to look it up real quick while typing this. She is SO forgettable and not even entertaining or enjoyable to watch when she is on stage -- I''m guessing she is definitely gone this week.

Gina - I liked the energy and the outfit. I liked where she was trying to go with the song choice, I just don''t think she actually got there. She sounded super winded the whole performance, and didn''t really hit the spots that need to be hit for that song to work. I''m kinda hoping she will stick around if only for variety''s sake!!

Doolittle - seriously - she blows everyone out of the water. I think that Lekisha and her are pretty similar in raw talent - but I think doolittle really knows her own voice, what it can do, how to push it , where to push it, how to accentuate the good parts and not show the bad parts and really SELL it on stage -- whereas Lekisha is still learning those things. I don''t really care if the humble pie is an act cause the girl deserves to win the show (at least as it stands right now) Seriously all of her performances are recording studio ready! I just hope that she sticks to more modern, sleek looks cause when she wears some outfits she looks like a housewife from the 50s

is that all of them? i guess so

I''m hoping (and praying) that Antonella and Haley go home.
Although if the hooker boots work I think Gina/Jordan could take Antonella''s spot on the plane ride home...
Jordan - wierd song choice, but she has a pretty voice.

Gina - I really liked her last night. She seemed comfortable on the stage and sang her song well. She''s not the best of the best, but up there in my book.

Haley - OMG the girl belongs on a Disney cruise ship. She irks me.

Antonicky - just go away.

Stephanie - she sang one of my all time fave songs, and it was too close to the original, but she has a beautiful voice.

Lakisha - sang really well, top 2.

Sabrina - she has a great voice but I didn''t like the song choice and she hit a few sour notes along the way.

Doolittle - fake humility or not, she can just flat out sing. She and Lakisha are neck in neck in my book for the #1 spot.
great reviews cailet and kimberly! i totally agree.

we''ll see what happens tonight!
Date: 3/8/2007 9:51:12 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Jordan - wierd song choice, but she has a pretty voice.

Gina - I really liked her last night. She seemed comfortable on the stage and sang her song well. She''s not the best of the best, but up there in my book.

Haley - OMG the girl belongs on a Disney cruise ship. She irks me.

Antonicky - just go away.

Stephanie - she sang one of my all time fave songs, and it was too close to the original, but she has a beautiful voice.

Lakisha - sang really well, top 2.

Sabrina - she has a great voice but I didn''t like the song choice and she hit a few sour notes along the way.

Doolittle - fake humility or not, she can just flat out sing. She and Lakisha are neck in neck in my book for the #1 spot.
Can you please remind me what Stephanie sang?


i thought jordan was great last night.....doolittle was awesome, even with no neck....lakisha was great too

haley and barba need to go home---tonight!!! barba sounded so flat and out of tune.....haley looks like she should be on a pre teen nickelodeon show....the rest--ehhh
Okay. SO top three:

LaKisha. I sooooo puffy heart her. and her family. and her not supposed to act up. and her song. and her voice. and her EVERYTHING! I LURVE HER!!!!!

Melinda - I get that you guys love her. I see that she is talented. But there is something odd about her. don''t know what it is. Perhaps she has a stylist and an assistant? Perhaps that she shared a pretty personal secret instead of sharing that she liked raisins or something like that? I don''t know. And the lack of neck and abundance of face is always a bit distracting to me.

Gina - Okay...I kind of love her too! Finally she wasn''t all looking like a punk and singing laura branigan. It struck me as genuine and way good! Yay! Very authentic and good. Plus, I totally dug pickle!

The rest:
Jordin - good. she is really cute. didn''t love the song. seemed kind of off key.

Sabrina - eh. just didn''t care for the song...blah. or the dress. She''s trying to be a big soul singer-y type, and I think we''ve established that Melinda and LaKisha and Stephanie kind of have that one locked up.

ANtonella - okay, I thought it was nice that Simon gave her props for standing up throughout all the media stuff. However, she sucks. Saying she has a voice that is as good as Lekisha but its different is like saying I have a body as killer as a supermodel - even though it is different. Fact is, it is totally different...but still, no where near as good. know what I mean?

Haley - i threw up a little when she sang about her heart''s wing flying.

Stephanie - she was good. picked a big song. i liked her dress.
Date: 3/8/2007 11:30:29 AM
Author: littlelysser
Okay. SO top three:

LaKisha. I sooooo puffy heart her. and her family. and her not supposed to act up. and her song. and her voice. and her EVERYTHING! I LURVE HER!!!!!

Melinda - I get that you guys love her. I see that she is talented. But there is something odd about her. don''t know what it is. Perhaps she has a stylist and an assistant? Perhaps that she shared a pretty personal secret instead of sharing that she liked raisins or something like that? I don''t know. And the lack of neck and abundance of face is always a bit distracting to me.

Gina - Okay...I kind of love her too! Finally she wasn''t all looking like a punk and singing laura branigan. It struck me as genuine and way good! Yay! Very authentic and good. Plus, I totally dug pickle!

The rest:
Jordin - good. she is really cute. didn''t love the song. seemed kind of off key.

Sabrina - eh. just didn''t care for the song...blah. or the dress. She''s trying to be a big soul singer-y type, and I think we''ve established that Melinda and LaKisha and Stephanie kind of have that one locked up.

ANtonella - okay, I thought it was nice that Simon gave her props for standing up throughout all the media stuff. However, she sucks. Saying she has a voice that is as good as Lekisha but its different is like saying I have a body as killer as a supermodel - even though it is different. Fact is, it is totally different...but still, no where near as good. know what I mean?

Haley - i threw up a little when she sang about her heart''s wing flying.

Stephanie - she was good. picked a big song. i liked her dress.
i have to agree about doolittle. once she mentioned personal assistant/stylist, i dunno, i just didn''t connect with her anymore. and then the ocd thing last night. i just think it all adds up to strange & humble fake. yes, i like her voice... but i just prefer lakisha. she''s much more breath of fresh airish to me.
So ... I *liked* the girls ... but not their *singing* ... more like *personally*. I''m sorry but the singing was MEHMEHMEHMEHMEH. Even usually good singers picked SNOOZY songs. But okay ...

#1 - LAKISHA (The Lakisha Memorial Position
) ... I wanna SQUEEZE her! She is terrif-tastic. There is just something so spontaneous & suprising about her -- who knew she was kinda funny?? And her "humble" -- GENUINE. Not OVER-humble. I can''t quite explain the way I feel when she sings except that it reminds me of KELLY & FANTASIA in that you are just ROOTING for her to hit every note, SOARING WITH her and she never lets you down.

#2 - JORDIN ... she is just MTV/Nickelodeon/WB adorable & that VOICE! And her smile & her beaming parents ... I like her. I thought that song was KICKIN'' and that she has the most potential as a "performer" -- tv, movies, it all.

Here''s where it gets choppy for me ... WEIRD songs ladies, WEIRD songs -- and here''s where it stops being about "singing" in my list.

#3 - GINA ... love her! love pickle! Want to see more of her -- thought she BUTCHERED that song I don''t like anyway. Would be crushed if she didn''t advance though.

#4 - SABRINA ... love her! love the dress! Hated the song and her singing the song and all things musical about that performance. Afraid for her - she might not cut it.

#5 - THAT OTHER BLACK GIRL ... see, that''s a problem. No. Not feeling her. I don''t care what the judges say I don''t think America is gonna dig her ... NO chance at being the IDOL with LAKISHA & DOOFIDDLE in the race ... so, why not leave now ... with dignity & people still not knowing your name to laugh at you later.

#6 - HALEY ... oh I know her name. I wish I didn''t.

#7 - DOOschtickLE -- I''m prepared to see her til the bitter end. But I don''t have to like it. I don''t have to buy a minute of her doe-eyed, no-neck "Who Me" Routine. I feel NOTHING when she sings ... but I do a lot of thinking ... thinking about how rehearsed every move, every wink, every phrase is. She is a caricature of typical R&B/Motown Diva. Not the real thing. And I feel a kind of DESPERATION from her that I don''t get from Lakisha or Jordin or Gina or Sabrina ... it makes me shift uncomfortably & heckle her.
I think the girls are head and shoulders above the boys. I kinda like them all except antonella. I think the reason it''s a little Meh for me is because the singers that I like all seem to have the same style.

Doolittle can really sing. I don''t know if I can get over the big weebly wobbly water head. My mind wanders - just how is that fastened to your no neck? Very distracting. Maybe I''m the one with OCD and that head.

Lakisha is my favorite. Jordin second. I like that Gina is different.

I wonder what tonight will bring. Hooker boots - too funny - but too true.
Well... at least Antonella finally went home. But Who will Vote-for-the-worst latch on to now with her and Sundance both gone?
I missed the results, who was voted off?
Date: 3/8/2007 11:11:16 PM
Author: Fancy605
Well... at least Antonella finally went home. But Who will Vote-for-the-worst latch on to now with her and Sundance both gone?

that is such great news. VFTW has sanjaya as the one to plug..
I made the mistake of checking this afternoon and was pretty surprised at the discrepancy! It predicted that Stephanie and Phil would go, and Antonella would stay...and Sundance and Haley would probably go...things obviously did NOT turn out that way!

Is anyone else just sort of not so excited about this year''s prospects? I mean, Lakisha and Melinda are great, but they are soooo worlds ahead of the rest of the competitors vocally that the whole thing just seems like why should anyone else even bother. I''m in kind of a downer mode about the whole show!
maybe it''s just me and I should suck it up and enjoy? I don''t know...I''ve been an avid fan of the show since season 3, if not before, but this year I just feel isn''t as show-stopping in my little world. I still love AI, though!
ok, I just found the results...have you westcoasters seen it???

spoiler alert if not!!

I cannot believe sabrina is gone and haley stayed? who in the world voted for Haley??? she reminds me of anne murray, not in looks but in singing style ( i know this because my dad dragged me to and anne murrey concert as a kid

anyway, not overly surprised about the guys, sad i have to see sanjaya yet again but Sunshine and Jared would have been gone soon anyway. I must admit to doing the happy dance to antonella being given the boot. so glad i''m not going to have to watch her on the tour
I''m disgusted. Really. Sabrina over Haley? I know you all aren''t feelin the love for Sundance - but at least he can deliver at times. But Sundance over Sanjaya? WTF???

Quite a bit of folks are not excited about this season, including me.
Date: 3/8/2007 10:21:18 AM
Author: merrijoy

Date: 3/8/2007 9:51:12 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Jordan - wierd song choice, but she has a pretty voice.

Gina - I really liked her last night. She seemed comfortable on the stage and sang her song well. She''s not the best of the best, but up there in my book.

Haley - OMG the girl belongs on a Disney cruise ship. She irks me.

Antonicky - just go away.

Stephanie - she sang one of my all time fave songs, and it was too close to the original, but she has a beautiful voice.

Lakisha - sang really well, top 2.

Sabrina - she has a great voice but I didn''t like the song choice and she hit a few sour notes along the way.

Doolittle - fake humility or not, she can just flat out sing. She and Lakisha are neck in neck in my book for the #1 spot.
Can you please remind me what Stephanie sang?


She sang Sweet Thing by Mary J. Blige. It''s a song that really gets to me when MJB sings it, if that makes sense, so hearing it from Stephanie just didn''t work for me.

Thank goodness that horrid little Antonella is gone. I am stunned that Haley is in the top 12, I''m telling you, she belongs at Disneyworld dressed up as Belle.

I hated Sundance''s performance of Jeremy, but not as much as I dislike SanMichealJacksonJaya, so I was a bit bummed. I don''t like Jarrod, I''m glad he''s gone.

I think the announcement they made is neat. Good for them for doing something to give back. I also thought it was funny to see the clip of Ryan and Simon in Africa. It became a bit more clear that their bickering is a bit of an act, don''t you think?

I guess that''s why Doolittle''s humble pie doesn''t bother me, I think, with a few exceptions, that''s just what the contestants do. And I really don''t care because they aren''t going to be my friends, their just people who sing.

Carrie Underwood (who I think is one of those exceptions) was fun to see, I really like her. But she looks like she got put on a starvation diet once she won.
Date: 3/9/2007 10:40:55 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Thank goodness that horrid little Antonella is gone. I am stunned that Haley is in the top 12, I''m telling you, she belongs at Disneyworld dressed up as Belle.

I hated Sundance''s performance of Jeremy, but not as much as I dislike SanMichealJacksonJaya, so I was a bit bummed. I don''t like Jarrod, I''m glad he''s gone.

I think the announcement they made is neat. Good for them for doing something to give back. I also thought it was funny to see the clip of Ryan and Simon in Africa. It became a bit more clear that their bickering is a bit of an act, don''t you think?

I guess that''s why Doolittle''s humble pie doesn''t bother me, I think, with a few exceptions, that''s just what the contestants do. And I really don''t care because they aren''t going to be my friends, their just people who sing.

Carrie Underwood (who I think is one of those exceptions) was fun to see, I really like her. But she looks like she got put on a starvation diet once she won.

I totally agree with everything you said

I like Doolittle- and all the hullabaloo about her having a PA and a stylist - when we watched I just got the feeling that they are her FRIENDS that do those things for her. I mean really -- if I was a great singer, going on to a nationally broadcast TV competition show, and I had zero fashion sense, but I had a friend who knew how to put together an outfit really well I would totally rely on that friend to be my "stylist" for the show -- we''ve all seen what happens when you let the show''s stylists take over!!!!

Didn''t really care about anyone that got cut. I figured any of them would be going home soon anyway. Sucks that I have to grit my teeth (or more accurately - press FF on the DVR) through more of Sanjaya and Haley, but there can''t be that many more left for either of them. And hey, they need some canon fodder for the first couple of weeks anyway right??
i''m still firmly ridin the doolittle matter what ya''ll say...she just can sing. and i am kind of over her big head on no neck thing...i typically don''t WATCH AI...i multitask and play online and just listen so for me it''s mostly about the voices (except when michael jackson jr is on there hula''in...that''s a must see in a strange, frightening way)...and i loved lakisha. i adore stephanie..i think she just has a voice made for R&B...she''ll do well regardless.

i was shocked to see sabrina go over haley, big mistake!!! and sundance over sanjaya? ugh! but long as my faves aren''t gone i don''t really care...but VFTW might be throwing things off long into the top 12 which could really mess things up. eeek.
Date: 3/9/2007 11:11:12 AM
Author: Cailet

I totally agree with everything you said

I like Doolittle- and all the hullabaloo about her having a PA and a stylist - when we watched I just got the feeling that they are her FRIENDS that do those things for her. I mean really -- if I was a great singer, going on to a nationally broadcast TV competition show, and I had zero fashion sense, but I had a friend who knew how to put together an outfit really well I would totally rely on that friend to be my ''stylist'' for the show -- we''ve all seen what happens when you let the show''s stylists take over!!!!

Didn''t really care about anyone that got cut. I figured any of them would be going home soon anyway. Sucks that I have to grit my teeth (or more accurately - press FF on the DVR) through more of Sanjaya and Haley, but there can''t be that many more left for either of them. And hey, they need some canon fodder for the first couple of weeks anyway right??
That is very much the sense I got when I first watched that little clip. Whether or not her humility is fake, she can absolutely sing AND perform with polish. Maybe that is why some don''t like her...she''s too polished vs. a raw talent and a diamond in the rough like Lakisha. However it makes sense that if Doolittle was a backup singer, she would have more understanding of the performance part. I think a Doolittle/Lakisha final would be cool, but I doubt that will happen.

And I am starting to see some assurance come through in her. Whether it was always there and now it''s showing unintentionally, or if she started humble and is becoming more confident is anyone''s guess. But I did notice that her eyes don''t well up with tears anymore when she''s given a compliment, which is good!

I didn''t care for Sabrina, but definitely admit that Haley doesn''t deserve to be there. Sabrina''s barely veiled look of disgust amused me though.

I don''t think that Sundance was the best, but he was still kind of interesting to watch because he kept really trying to find his footing. Sanjaya is just plain painful.

I thought Antonella handled her booting with some degree of dignity. At least she was able to get through her song with bawling like that Alaina chick.
Date: 3/9/2007 12:55:09 PM
Author: TravelingGal
That is very much the sense I got when I first watched that little clip. Whether or not her humility is fake, she can absolutely sing AND perform with polish. Maybe that is why some don''t like her...she''s too polished vs. a raw talent and a diamond in the rough like Lakisha. However it makes sense that if Doolittle was a backup singer, she would have more understanding of the performance part. I think a Doolittle/Lakisha final would be cool, but I doubt that will happen.

And how awesome would doolittle/lakisha final be??? yeah i don''t think that would happen either....we can dream

did anyone else see that Sundance was doing an interview with Ryan Seacrest on the radio and Sundance said that there is one guy who is super cocky and is going around telling everyone that he already has the competition won.

Pretty funny given the talent pool we''ve got going with the guys. There isn''t anyone in there that I think could win it as it stands right now!! Oh - they also made references that Jared was super cocky (ryan kept asking if the guy sundance was talking about was someone who left last night)
KimberlyH: I am with you...I found myself getting mad at Sundance for attempting to sing "Jeremy." That is a GREAT song and there is no way he could have done it justice. But I''d much rather see him butcher "Jeremy" than to see Sunjaya week after week. Maybe this came up already, but are people actually voting for Sunjaya to keep the "sideshow" going??? Simon''s response about Sunjaya being in the top 12 was right on point (something about people having the sound turned down).

As for the girls I can''t quibble with any of the elimations. The FI likes Sabrina''s look but not her singing so he''ll be sad to see her go. Didn''t really care for her myself. I did like Gina and I think she did a smart thing. She set herself apart with the rock edge and therefore won''t be splitting votes with the pop/R&B singers. Folks who like the rock genre will be firmly in her corner. Still my favorite is Melinda. It''s all been said, but I really love the humility whether *enhanced* or not.
Date: 3/9/2007 9:07:27 PM
Author: onedrop
KimberlyH: I am with you...I found myself getting mad at Sundance for attempting to sing ''Jeremy.'' That is a GREAT song and there is no way he could have done it justice. But I''d much rather see him butcher ''Jeremy'' than to see Sunjaya week after week. Maybe this came up already, but are people actually voting for Sunjaya to keep the ''sideshow'' going??? Simon''s response about Sunjaya being in the top 12 was right on point (something about people having the sound turned down).

As for the girls I can''t quibble with any of the elimations. The FI likes Sabrina''s look but not her singing so he''ll be sad to see her go. Didn''t really care for her myself. I did like Gina and I think she did a smart thing. She set herself apart with the rock edge and therefore won''t be splitting votes with the pop/R&B singers. Folks who like the rock genre will be firmly in her corner. Still my favorite is Melinda. It''s all been said, but I really love the humility whether *enhanced* or not.
I find it hard to hear anyone but the original singer/group attempt to perform songs that are either big time stand outs, it''s why I didn''t like Jarod, he sang Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye, two of the most talented artists of the last 40 years or so in my opinion. Or why I cringed when Stephanie, who I think is extremely talented, sang Sweet Thing. There are certain songs/artists that are just untouchable, at least in my mind. I''m sure they have 12,000 song choices and I just wish they''d avoid those that are the greatest of the great, or my greatest of the great anyways...Idol contestants are you reading this?
ha ha ha
Date: 3/9/2007 11:16:50 AM
Author: Mara
i''m still firmly ridin the doolittle matter what ya''ll say...she just can sing. and i am kind of over her big head on no neck thing...

Melinda is my favorite too! (And has been since the preliminary auditions). She just makes it seem so easy. Genuine (which I think she is) or not, she is fabulous to me. I love Lakisha too! I really want to see them make it to the finale--BUT I worry about all these theme nights. I mean, I''m not sure how Lakisha would do on something like "Aerosmith night" ya know? Maybe we''ll see lots of broad themes like "Movies" and decades and such.

LUCKILY this first week seems to have something to do with Dianna Ross. With all these divas, it should be a fun show (girls wise at least!)

As far as boys go I like Beat Box and Chris Sligh--but... they still haven''t got "it" like Lakisha and Melinda do. (And if they ever get to be too much of threats to them, I will probably start disliking them the way I started disliking everyone who wasn''t Chris last season)
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