
Prepping for a new season if AI?

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Jun 15, 2006
Well folks, tonight''s the night...what are you doing to prep for the first American Idol of the year? Any special dinner plans? Any brownies baking for the big night?

Hubby is making us dinner and we intend to be curled up on the couch with a nice little fire at 8pm sharp. I''m looking forward to it!
hehe well it''s just me tonite because greg has i''m just having a me night and having cereal and oatmeal for dinner (yum i love nights where i can buck ''dinner tradition'') and chilling out curled up on the couch for the 2 hour season premiere. is tonite the SP where they already have it narrowed down to 24 or is this the START where they show all the trips and towns they visited and who made it and didn''t? i can never remember.

nothing good has been on TV lately so i''m looking fwd to a new season of something.
Haha... Kimberly I have such a great mental image of you guys gearing up for the big night! I thought I was the only one who occasionally allows my entire day to revolve around what''s on TV that night.

We are 24-watchers too, so it''s been a busy week for us!!
ugh - one of my classes this semester is Tuesday till 8PM. Today is the first day - so hopefully it will be one of those classes where they let you leave early if you have everything done! Otherwise the DVR will get a workout.

I think tonight is where they have all the city shots - and focus on all the bad singers? Honestly (and I''m ducking behind my desk as I type this) I''m kind of bored with this part of the show. I just want to get on with the good signers so I can root for them / critique them with you guys!!
Mara: tonight they show all of the city stops.

Eph: You have to prep mentally for these things, although lots of real life stuff has been accomplished today as well. But we have been talking about it for quite some time! When my husband and I started dating we were LD and we would watch TV together over the phone, these were our weekly "dates". AI was one of the shows we watched so it brings back fond memories of those times.
Oooooh I kaint STAND eeeet!!! I''m so excited!!! And now we are totally gonna make a fire too!!

ON THE MENU: Mara''s gonna love this one
.... Chicken with Mustard Cream Sauce (from the Tilapia version in WWWHealthy Recipe Thead)/ Rice/ Steamed Broc .... with OREO Pie for dessert! (Or this funny Edys Double Churned "American Idol ICE CREAM" we found - but we had that last night ... might need a switch up)

GOOD SCOOP: I heard that Paula & Randy are both predicting a Curly-haired Male as this year''s possible winner. So keep an eye out for who they might be talking about!

THE SCHEDULE: gonna be a long haul before the top 12! There''s like 24 hours of AI in the next two months! Gotta figure out when the voting starts.

oooh deco do me a fave and report back on the chicken in the mustard cream--i had been thinking of adapting it like that as well recently. also i did make a chicken in a dijon white wine reduction sauce recently that went over fabulously with greg (and then you can use the leftovers to make yummy chicken sandwiches!!) but it didn''t have any cream in it...was super yum...the longer i let the sauce reduce with the chicken in the pan. and OREO evil woman. think i can catch a flight? hehehe. the closest i am going to get to oreos tonite is the double churned cookies and cream in the freezer...!!
I am SO ready!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 1/16/2007 3:24:04 PM
Author: Mara
oooh deco do me a fave and report back on the chicken in the mustard cream--
Will do!

In the meantime ... Here''s another report for ya: YUMMMOOOOO! Cuz LAST night''s dinner was the Turkey Mushroom Lasagna!! (Slightly modified with 1/2 Turkey 1/2 Ground Beef -- since DH wasn''t sure he could do "all turkey" HA!) That was just KKKKKRAzee good! I''d eat it again tonight & the next night & the next night again but DH wants to stick to our sched w/the chicken tonight & then repeat. He loved it too BTW & couldn''t tell the dif w/the Turkey in there - so next time: ALL turkey!

And ... now back to the AI EXCITEMENT!!!!
Date: 1/16/2007 3:35:23 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 1/16/2007 3:24:04 PM
Author: Mara
oooh deco do me a fave and report back on the chicken in the mustard cream--
Will do!

In the meantime ... Here''s another report for ya: YUMMMOOOOO! Cuz LAST night''s dinner was the Turkey Mushroom Lasagna!! (Slightly modified with 1/2 Turkey 1/2 Ground Beef -- since DH wasn''t sure he could do ''all turkey'' HA!) That was just KKKKKRAzee good! I''d eat it again tonight & the next night & the next night again but DH wants to stick to our sched w/the chicken tonight & then repeat. He loved it too BTW & couldn''t tell the dif w/the Turkey in there - so next time: ALL turkey!

And ... now back to the AI EXCITEMENT!!!!
we actually make our spaghetti sauce with 1/2 turkey 1/2 gb and i love the combo!! it gives it kind of a twist of different flavors. if you get the super lean gb it''s pretty much just as healthy (maybe a little less on the fat side) but yes very yummy!!! i might try it with a mix for the lasagna in the future!! love that lasagna.
Eating burritos early. Taking a long hot bath. Dressing in my lounge pants and top. Curling up to watch with intensity! I''m sooooooooo looking foward to Idol!

Wow! Just look how far Jennifer Hudson has come. She was truly UNBELIEVABLE in dreamgirls. For Christmas I recieved C. Daltry''s CD & Carrie Underwood. Loved both. Also was given Clay Aiken Christmas Songs - not so great.
I just got home from almost 2 weeks in florida and I can''t wait to sit in front of my TV on my comfy couch and watch...
Sans a few songs, I dig Taylor''s album. I don''t have any others. So glad so many of my fun PS friends are getting geared up for a fun night!
I can''t wait!!!!
I can''t wait either...but I''m like Cailet in that I get sick of all the audition recaps after around the 2nd week. ;)

I haven''t heard Taylor''s album, but I absolutely love Chris''s...err I mean Daughtry''s.
No brownies here...but I am super excited that AI is beginning again! It''s almost like a sign of spring, lol! I have the DVR all set to record all new episodes, I am ready to go. In fact, I just turned on the tv upstairs and caught a bit of last year''s finale episode...
I am SO SO SO excited! I have had it marked on my calendar for weeks! Hurray!
I am planning a dinner of Mara''s low fat mac and cheese a meat of some sort cause Derrick can''t just eat mac and cheese, which is fine cause we''ll have left overs. I was going to make pot roast but I was out of a key ingredient, so we''ll have that tomorrow night, I guess...
So it''s mac and cheese with either meat loaf or grilled chicken....You can''t beat meatloaf and mac n cheese...

I second fire&ice on Jennifer Hudson. SHE WAS AWESOME in Dreamgirls. I was on the edge of complete sobbing her singing was SO good!
American Idol is KICKING themselves for letting her go that is FOR SURE! If you haven''t seen it- you must go soon! It won''t be in the theatres much longer...

Deco- please report on the Oreo Pie...Mara and I share that same love for all that is Oreo...ahem...Los Altos Grill....sigh...

Are you making it yourself? Does it have a bitter sweet chocolate sauce? (I am trying to get a taste visual here)...
omg bitter sweet chocolate sauce and oreo pie. heaven. hmmm think that double churned oreo with some hersheys on it counts? LOL. whipped cream? hmm we just might be over in los altos this wkd lol!!
*SQUEE* killing time unti *IT* starts here in the East!!!

Date: 1/16/2007 7:34:00 PM
Author: jorman
Deco- please report on the Oreo Pie...Mara and I share that same love for all that is Oreo ....Are you making it yourself?

I shoulda made it myself .. but it was more like *assembled* by me! Total impulse purchase of DH''s in the grocery store -- some kind of pre-made Oreo Pie Crust & Oreo flavored instant pudding + Cool Whip concoction. It was *okay* (made it a couple of nights ago actually .. just having it again tonight) ... but it made me want to remember some AWESOME Oreo Mud Pie recipe an old gal pal used to make .. with real choc pudding & oreos & whipped cream & other yummy stuff. THAT was fan-freakin-tastic.

And on the Chicken in Mustard Cream Sauce front .... I think I put in too much mustard. 3 tablespoons instead of 2. *I* liked it but DH scraped much of the sauce off. Maybe because it wasn''t as much of a contrast as with the mild fish/spicy sauce?? I think we''ll try it again with less mustard next time. The THYME & Mushroom combo was delish! And it finally used up the darn chicken breast pieces that had been in the freezer forever!! (Kept forgetting to defrost in time HA!)

Can''t wait for more LASAGNA tomorrow night
& another glass of this Copolla 2004 Claret I got as an x-mas present. Best red I''ve had in a long time & not too pricey (I went shopping online for more!)
I am watching and I am happy...

Though I must admit, I don''t really enjoy the cringe-worthy folks that can''t sing and it has always been their dream to sing, and just REALLY CAN''T sing. Oh and of course the totally crazy folks that show up, ya know, dressed like apollo creed and sing italian arias, that of COURSE cannot sing. I much prefer the later critique of folks I cannot stand - Bucky, I''m remembering you - that can still sing, ya know?

Anyhoodle...I''m here and I''m watching.

Oh, and dinner was unfun chinese takeout...sigh.

Bring on the final 12!!!!
i am tivo'ing it so i can ffwd through the really skeery parts. of which i am sure there will be many...hee.

oh deco...this oreo cookie dessert at this local die for. imagine homemade sweet cream ice cream...homemade oreo cookie crusts made with graham crackers and chocolate. homemade bittersweet chocolate syrup. whipped cream. fresh. all together. omg. orgasmic. i don't share. YUM. if you are ever out here, we will GO.

ETA okay just watched. 17 out of 10k? yikes!!! some of these people were just sooo funny. wizard of oz lion girl? the guy who could dance and juggle and 'sing'? LOL. and what the heck was up with PAULA??? she was sooooo limp and listless and CRACKED OUT!!!! seriously girlfriend. in the previews for next time she looked way more animated. scary. and what about the girl with the crazy blue eyeshadow at the end who had a degree in vocals or whatever? eeeee.

other door.
OMG, hopefully tomorrow night (it IS on again tomorrow, or am I crazy?) is much, much better. Maybe I should just become one of those fans who only starts watching when the final 24 are decided upon? jeez.

Yeah, what was up with the lion girl??? "Do you guys want this poster?" LMAO!
I couldn''t believe they only 17 out of 10k went thru too and out of the ones they showed only the one girl with really long wavy hair who sang somewhere over the rainbow stands out to me. I thought Jewel looked beautiful though...
Date: 1/17/2007 12:11:21 AM
Author: Mara
and what about the girl with the crazy blue eyeshadow at the end who had a degree in vocals or whatever? eeeee.
I was just saying the whole time the "biggest fan" girl was on there -- Wherever it is that she trained should pray she doesn''t mention them, and then they should send her an apology fruit basket and refund her tuition.

other door.
I''m not a hug fan of jewel - but she did look really pretty and it was SUPER cute how towards the end she would try to shout out the "other door" before the contestant crashed into the broken/locked one..
Date: 1/17/2007 8:11:48 AM
Author: mrssalvo
I couldn''t believe they only 17 out of 10k went thru too and out of the ones they showed only the one girl with really long wavy hair who sang somewhere over the rainbow stands out to me. I thought Jewel looked beautiful though...
I couldn''t believe how few made it either!

I liked that gal as well, and the Mexican? girl with the curly hair that was really cute. I think she may have potential...
I really liked the girl w/ the long super curly hair who sang over the rainbow. The other curly girl sounded way too much like Shakira, not enough personality of her own for my taste. I thought the others that we saw them put through had decent voices but nothing special or exceptional. I loved the tough chick''s (Army reservist, auto shop worker) personality, she had a good voice but nothing that got me excited. I usually prefer men''s voices to women''s so last night was odd for me.
Date: 1/17/2007 1:40:12 AM
Author: monarch64
''Do you guys want this poster?'' LMAO!

HAHAHAHA that was my fave line too!! I kept repeating it ...

Yeah 17 out of 10K is crazy! Part of me wonders if they''re not showing us some of the "good people" to keep the top 24 a suprise ... yet, the realist in me knows they''re just stretching this darn thing out as much as possible!

Everytime an Army type came on I''m like "They''re getting through" ... they know they can''t "make fun" of people who have a husband in Baghdad!

I liked the Shakira girl -- she was spunky & adorable ... and the Auto Mechanic Chick had "makeover" written all over her! (In a cute way ... like she''d turn out Kelly Clarkson-esque)

OOOOOOOH can''t wait til tonight! Though I heard Seattle was the weirdest city they went too.

p.s -- we ended up polishing off that IDOL Ice Cream instead ... I think we need the Oreo Pie recipe from Mara & Jorman''s place ASAP!!!!!!!
oh i really liked the shakira chick, she seemed like she''d at least make the show exciting for a while, lol!! when she was trying to pick up on ryan seacrest and she''s all ''well you are kind of short like me''...HA HA. zing!

it cracked me up when she was like ''oh yeah i didn''t want to sing the hips don''t lie at first because i don''t want you to think i''m trying to be like shakira'' and they were all ohkay...because she coulda been her twin practically. but i really liked her personality, aka take lemons and make lemonade kinda thing. i''d love to see more of her. and the over the rainbow gal was fantastic.

i LOVE seeing all the super crazies that come out of the woodwork. i mean why do half of these people even bother? to be shown in the ''worst of'' show? yikes.
OOohhh you guys reminded me of what was making me SO MAD last night.


That sixteen-year old boy who left in tears?? "I just wanted to start out FAMOUS?" Uh, duh ... who doesn''t but that takes TALENT you doofus. And his MOM tells him "Don''t worry honey, you''ll be famous!" Does she have EYES??? Oh my gosh! It''s one thing to tell kids they''re special, that they''re pretty, that they''re smart ...

BUT "GOING TO BE FAMOUS?" C''mon, Mom. Those judges were telling him the truth. Singing is not his future. It''s not something you can "work harder at" if you don''t have some gift to begin with ... and instead of helping him DEAL with rejection ... perhaps learn some healthy COPING SKILLS ... she just rejects the rejection. "Nope! You are STILL going to be FAMOUS I promise!"

Parents of the world -- I swear this does not help your kids! Yeesh!

The same thing about that "Want the poster?" girl ... Someone should have stopped humoring her "Look I drew you a picture" party trick a LONG TIME AGO. At TWENTY or however way-too-old-for-that she was, concerts should start TURNING YOU AWAY if you bring hand-drawn signs to leave for the talent.
Sweetheart -- time to turn this stuff up a notch? Have PHOTOSHOP?? This ain''t Mom''s refrigerator any more and for godsake

NO ... Paula Abdul is not rolling up your POSTER BOARD, carrying it on a plane, stopping by the frame shop & hanging it on her Paula Abdul WALL?????
Date: 1/17/2007 11:40:14 AM
Author: decodelighted
OOohhh you guys reminded me of what was making me SO MAD last night.


That sixteen-year old boy who left in tears?? ''I just wanted to start out FAMOUS?'' Uh, duh ... who doesn''t but that takes TALENT you doofus. And his MOM tells him ''Don''t worry honey, you''ll be famous!'' Does she have EYES??? Oh my gosh! It''s one thing to tell kids they''re special, that they''re pretty, that they''re smart ...

BUT ''GOING TO BE FAMOUS?'' C''mon, Mom. Those judges were telling him the truth. Singing is not his future. It''s not something you can ''work harder at'' if you don''t have some gift to begin with ... and instead of helping him DEAL with rejection ... perhaps learn some healthy COPING SKILLS ... she just rejects the rejection. ''Nope! You are STILL going to be FAMOUS I promise!''

Parents of the world -- I swear this does not help your kids! Yeesh!
I know! I said to hubby, WHY would she say that, it''s so wrong!!? And he goes, Oh, she''s just consoling him, give her a break. I''m like, of course she can console him, but PLEASE don''t tell him he''s GOING to be famous, because he''s not.
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