
Preggo stuff, Baby Stuff, Toddler your best finds here!!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 11/12/2008 10:53:47 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
LOL! Thanks guys!
We are also pretty sold on getting a BOB for our larger stroller... found it at Mountain Equipment Co-op for $415 and free shipping in Canada, which is about $80 less than most retailers.

Does anyone think that prices of such items will increase by next summer, particularly Canadian prices with the dollar dropping?
Bob increased their prices when I was looking sometime this year. It went from 359 to 389 for the single revolution, so not sure when they are going to raise it again. If you find a good deal and know for sure you really need it, I''d go for it. However, the tough part is knowing if you really need it or if the baby jogger is actually going to meet the majority of your needs well. Don''t get me wrong, I love the BOB, but if I had the jogger mini, I''m not sure how much I would need the BOB. My only other stroller is the maclaren umbrella, and before that I was using the BOB and snap and go strollers as my two.


Mar 5, 2006
DD congrats on picking your stroller, it looks great. As you buy more and more, you realize that the baby is a comin''!

In general baby gear we''re having a good time. We''re picking up the crib and dresser this week, we have our stroller picked out that I posted above. I haven''t been buying much, except I did buy some nice bamboo kimono style outfits and gowns. Someone suggested that kimono tops seem a little less traumatic for first time parents of a newborn
With the baby on the way the hubby and I have gotten our butts into gear, and next week we''re having the entire interior of the house painted. Then later this month, new carpeting. So my house will be very, very hectic for the next month, but we figured better now than after the baby comes!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 11/12/2008 11:05:10 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Bob increased their prices when I was looking sometime this year. It went from 359 to 389 for the single revolution, so not sure when they are going to raise it again. If you find a good deal and know for sure you really need it, I''d go for it. However, the tough part is knowing if you really need it or if the baby jogger is actually going to meet the majority of your needs well. Don''t get me wrong, I love the BOB, but if I had the jogger mini, I''m not sure how much I would need the BOB. My only other stroller is the maclaren umbrella, and before that I was using the BOB and snap and go strollers as my two.
Good points. The jogger mini is not a jogging stroller, it is much more equivalent to a Maclaren or something like that. It has hard tires, not pneumatic, and although it has suspension on the front wheel apparently it isn''t very smooth on bumpier grounds. I think in the winter especially it will not be a good stroller where I live because the sidewalks are always covered in patches of ice and salt laid down to cut the ice, also snow drifts etc. That is my main thought: the city mini is not a winter stroller and we do go for walks that time of year! It also probably isn''t the most comfortable for long days out and about on sidewalks or cobblestone areas, or on grass in parks, again because of the suspension... but as you mention, maybe it will be fine! DH is also a runner and likes having something for that. Anyways, that is our thinking, but it is tough!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 11/12/2008 12:28:04 PM
Author: *Lindsey*
In general baby gear we''re having a good time. We''re picking up the crib and dresser this week, we have our stroller picked out that I posted above. I haven''t been buying much, except I did buy some nice bamboo kimono style outfits and gowns. Someone suggested that kimono tops seem a little less traumatic for first time parents of a newborn
I have seen these kimono style tops and they seem nice... has anyone had any real experience with them?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
We used the kimono style Ts (they make short sleeve and long) for the first few weeks. Their necks are so wiggly it did make us feel better. Also suppose to be more gentle on the nub. After that just regular onesies. Don't forget my suggestion of the zipper sleepers (NO SNAPS!) Carter's are my favorite by far. Good price, cute patterns, thick, and really withstand lots of washings. I know they make newborn ones. They are uber cheap at Costco. Otherwise BRU usually have buy one get one 50% off. I am not using ANY snap sleepers for my next kid. So not worth it when you are tired and the baby is cold.

ETA: gowns are great for easy diaper changes too. I swear newborns constantly need their diaper changed. Luckily it slows down!


Aug 16, 2007
Just an FYI that Target has the Britax Marathon car seat on major sale (or a glitch on their website?) for about $43 plus free shipping!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 11/16/2008 8:28:15 PM
Author: Sabine
Just an FYI that Target has the Britax Marathon car seat on major sale (or a glitch on their website?) for about $43 plus free shipping!

Yeah...I bought two but I''ll believe it when I see it
It''s on all the major baby deal websites so act fast before they sell out.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
BABY PROOFING: make sure if you buy Safety One door latches they are the WIDE latches (not regular) they come in a 14 pack at Target. I bought the regular (after using the wide on other cabs/drawers) and DH is all pissed b/c they don''t allow enough gap to put your finger in the drawer to unlock it
They are kind of a pain to install so thought I would save you guys the headache. Also bought Safety One''s cheap gate...I think it is called perfect fit to keep her out of our laundry room (cat litter is in there). It is not installed but will let you know what I think when we do.


Mar 5, 2006
I know that Tacori said that you can never have enough burp cloths... last night I started snapping some up. I had a good time since we "confirmed" for the second time via US that we''re having a girl, so it was fun to pick up prints. I love these pink and damask cloths.



Mar 5, 2006
And "juicy lemon." Maybe they will cheer me up when the baby is puking all over my clothes



Mar 5, 2006
OK and I picked up this cute changing pad!



Mar 5, 2006
I picked up my first diaper bag last night from eBay. It''s the Elizabeth satchel from Storksak and I got it in grey. Can''t wait for it to get here!


mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Lindsey I''m DROOLiNG over your purchases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing finds all around!!


Mar 5, 2006
Just wanted to add my two cents- late to the party but I have a ten month old daughter (Leah) and a serious shopping festish, LOL, so maybe someone can benefit from my "research".

We had the Chicco KeyFit travel system and LOVED it. We live in a second-story condo so it felt so much safer to carry Leah up and down the stairs in the infant seat, plus we didn't have to wake her up if she fell asleep in the car. And the one-handed fold on the stroller rocked. I just gave our system to my friend who is expecting in March- it's still in great condition and it's very easy to install.

When Leah outgrew the infant seat, we went to a Britax Boulevard carseat, which she hates. I think I should have just gotten the Marathon but in any event, the Boulevard is hard to adjust and was hard to install. I did order one of the $48 Marathons from Target when that hit but got an email from Target later that it was a typo, and they offered me a $25 gift card (which I took) to forget the whole thing.

We also went with the City Mini stroller that DD posted (in black- I wanted the green but DH got veto power). We tested it at USA Baby and as soon as my husband saw how easy it was to fold, that was it- he wouldn't consider anything else. You literally just pull on a strap in the seat and the thing folds. It's easy to maneuver and I love the huge sunshade as Leah is very, very fair and we live near Houston so lots of sunny days. The only thing I don't like is that it only faces forward- I like strollers that face toward mommy or daddy as Leah likes to interact with us. Which brings me to...

Baby carriers. I've tried a Hotsling, a Baby Bjorn, a peanut shell, and finally a Beco butterfly (I bought one when they were half off.) I love the Beco and think we'll get lots of wear out of it since you can use it as a back carrier, too. Leah hated the cradle hold so we didn't really use the Hotsling or the Peanut Shell, and the Baby Bjorn was a waste for us.

I've tried so many diaper bags- a Skip Hop Duo, Skip Hop Dash, a Petunia Picklebottom, Fleurville Lexi tote, and a Fleurville Mothership. My favorite bag is actually just a large LeSportsac tote that isn't designed to be a diaper bag. The only drawback is that it doesn't have pockets. The Mothership is my second choice- I need a big bag as I tend to take home with me when I leave. I got it at the Fleurville seconds sale for $38 (it has some minor flaws that you wouldn't notice if you didn't look for them really closely). Sign up with Fleurville and they'll email you when they clean out the warehouse.

We have the Space Saver high chair- I bought it used from a co-worker for $15 and it works fine, and the tray fits in our dishwasher on the bottom. I like that it's not another piece of furniture, then when she's ready for a booster then we're all set.

Other must haves are the Tiny Love Symphony in Motion mobile, stroller mobile and gym mat (in fact, anything by Tiny Love rocks), Bumkins bibs, Trumpette socks (we have the Mary Jane style, which my husband loves, and some with dots that I love), The Usborne touch and feel books (they're the ones that are all "That's not my _____" and are such a great way to get a baby involved in books), Pedipeds shoes, the Whoozit by Manhattan Toy, the Miracle Blanket, aand the Angelcare Monitor, which we still use because if Leah learns to get out of the crib (or is taken out- I'm paranoid), we'll know it. Oh, and I got lots of adorable burp cloths and bibs from (handmade items, mostly WAHMs).

I've tried so many bottles, as I couldn't nurse long (my milk never came in, sadly). At home we use the Born Free and Dr. Brown's glass bottles the most, but for the care provider we use the same versions in plastic. After Hurricane Ike (no water or electricty) we discovered the Playtex bottles with the disposable inserts and those things are the bomb. I just don't like the waste of the plastic disposables (there's no BPA though.)

I hope someone finds this info useful!! I get so many good ideas from other mommies so I'd love to pass that on somehow.


Mar 5, 2006
Chickflick, thanks for all of the good product opiniona! I''d been eyeing several of the carriers you mentioned, so that was helpful.

I''m almost 22 weeks and we''ve finally gotten stuff together. We were going to buy a crib when I last posted in November, but then chose a different crib which we ordered yesterday. The furniture store said it will take 6-10 weeks to deliver, so it should be here one week in February. We ended up getting this crib and dresser without the hutch:

We''re ordering the glider in the next few weeks, I''m just biding my time for a (hopeful) sale. We''re going to order the lullaby glider from Pottery Barn. I think I''ve been to that store 6 times in the past two months to sit in that chair, so I''m pretty sure that it''s the one. I was waiting until we picked out our bedding to choose the fabric for the chair. I went to the fabric store with MIL today and we ordered the fabric for the baby''s room. Mostly pear green with accents of light blue, chocolate, and cream. The drapes will be pear damask which is very pretty.

Bought this car seat today: I had a 25% off coupon code, plus a $50 gift card so I got a great deal on it. MIL is ordering the stroller for us, we''re still going with the Mutsy 4 Rider.

My mom and MIL have been buying tons of clothes... goodness! Am I the only one not thrilled with the flowery explosion that seems to be infant girl clothes? I''d rather have simple, comfy onesies and soft pieces that the baby will be comfortable in. I also prefer solid colors, and anything without the "flower explosion" that I just mentioned

Does anyone know where I can get muslin swaddling blankets for cheap? I refuse to pay $44 for the name brand (Aden something) pack of four -- it''s just cotton muslin!


Dec 9, 2008
Just thought I''d bump this thread for new moms or preggos that have been doing their research! I just read the WHOLE thing and am now so excited and overwhelmed! All the stroller talk led me to the Maclaren site where I found their Grand Tour LX and I fell in LOVE, until I googled and found the price
. Does anyone have any new updates on strollers? I won''t be needing one for a long time, but I seem to have caught the bug! We live in the ''burbs, so lightweight is key, as is easy-fold. I love the idea of a bassinet, especially if it''s okay for the baby to sleep in it in our room for a while after ''it'' is born (doesn''t seem very nice to call the baby ''it''-?). I''d like to have one stroller, at least for a while, that can do mainly sidewalk/indoors but possibly some light off-roading. DH will never go for the $ of the Grand Tour LX, he would seriously go into cardiac arrest if I even suggested it.
DD- I really like your choice in the City Mini, but do you think you will mind that the baby cannot face you?
I''m open to any suggestions! I also have to say, you guys are unbelievably amazing for the amount of support/knowledge/experience you share with each other. It is truly awesome!

(p.s. Would it be okay for the baby to sleep in a stroller bassinet as it''s main sleeping location until ready for a crib? Or is the space too small/ not padded enough?)


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 2/8/2009 6:34:25 PM
Author: natalina
DD- I really like your choice in the City Mini, but do you think you will mind that the baby cannot face you?

(p.s. Would it be okay for the baby to sleep in a stroller bassinet as it''s main sleeping location until ready for a crib? Or is the space too small/ not padded enough?)
When the car-seat adaptor is in place, the baby does face you... so at least for the first 3 months baby faces you. The canopy has two very large plastic windows, and so after baby is in the main seat it will still be easy to see him/her. So for the price, I am fine with the configuration!

How long will baby be in your room? I think a stroller bassinet could work for 3 months or so perhaps... I think that Janinegirly and maybe Curlygirl used their stroller bassinests in the beginning so maybe they can chime in.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
natalina, if I could do it again I would ONLY buy the snap ''n go now and then decide what you want 6+ months from now when the baby is ready for her/his next stroller. Since they come out with new stuff all the time I really would wait. The snap ''n go is SOOO perfect. I love it (in fact we have two). Also my daughter would NOT like facing me at her age. She likes to see where we are going not where we have been. They get bored with you fast. Good luck.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
baby bedding buzz kill alert

I see some of you have fallen in love with expensive sets. If you can afford it and love it GO for it. I thought I would be the voice a reason and tell you what you REALLY need (vs. want). A fitted sheet and a mesh bumper. That''s it! The only part of my set I use is the crib skirt (though now that it is on the lowest setting you can barely see it), lamp and the valances. The quilt...useless. Even now she does use a blanket but it is a receiving blanket. The quilt would be WAY too heavy. The bumper...dangerous once they can roll (which is when we moved her into her crib). Mobile...taken down at 6 months when she could sit. Honestly it was cute and matched but that''s it. There are better mobiles out there. Diaper stacker....annoying. A tote/bin much easier to grab. I didn''t spend too much on mine so I don''t feel THAT guilty about all the stuff in storage now. So just thought I would be a dream crusher but feel free to ignore me!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 2/8/2009 9:14:49 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
baby bedding buzz kill alert

I see some of you have fallen in love with expensive sets. If you can afford it and love it GO for it. I thought I would be the voice a reason and tell you what you REALLY need (vs. want). A fitted sheet and a mesh bumper. That''s it! The only part of my set I use is the crib skirt (though now that it is on the lowest setting you can barely see it), lamp and the valances. The quilt...useless. Even now she does use a blanket but it is a receiving blanket. The quilt would be WAY too heavy. The bumper...dangerous once they can roll (which is when we moved her into her crib). Mobile...taken down at 6 months when she could sit. Honestly it was cute and matched but that''s it. There are better mobiles out there. Diaper stacker....annoying. A tote/bin much easier to grab. I didn''t spend too much on mine so I don''t feel THAT guilty about all the stuff in storage now. So just thought I would be a dream crusher but feel free to ignore me!
LOL Tacori. So true. All I have is a fitted sheet, mesh bumper and ultimate crib sheet (handy when she was younger and I had to do a quick change if she spit up). They only had the ultimate crib sheet in white at BRU and her bed looks as sterile as a hospital bed. But it''s practical and she doesn''t care. I bought her fitted sheets somewhere online when I saw them on babycheapskate for about $5. I like the bed to be as boring as possible so she just goes to sleep easily.

So that and the miracle blanket when they are younger and a halo sleep sack when they are older. That would be my recommendation.


Apr 9, 2005
Date: 2/8/2009 11:12:50 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 2/8/2009 9:14:49 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
baby bedding buzz kill alert

I see some of you have fallen in love with expensive sets. If you can afford it and love it GO for it. I thought I would be the voice a reason and tell you what you REALLY need (vs. want). A fitted sheet and a mesh bumper. That's it! The only part of my set I use is the crib skirt (though now that it is on the lowest setting you can barely see it), lamp and the valances. The quilt...useless. Even now she does use a blanket but it is a receiving blanket. The quilt would be WAY too heavy. The bumper...dangerous once they can roll (which is when we moved her into her crib). Mobile...taken down at 6 months when she could sit. Honestly it was cute and matched but that's it. There are better mobiles out there. Diaper stacker....annoying. A tote/bin much easier to grab. I didn't spend too much on mine so I don't feel THAT guilty about all the stuff in storage now. So just thought I would be a dream crusher but feel free to ignore me!
LOL Tacori. So true. All I have is a fitted sheet, mesh bumper and ultimate crib sheet (handy when she was younger and I had to do a quick change if she spit up). They only had the ultimate crib sheet in white at BRU and her bed looks as sterile as a hospital bed. But it's practical and she doesn't care. I bought her fitted sheets somewhere online when I saw them on babycheapskate for about $5. I like the bed to be as boring as possible so she just goes to sleep easily.

So that and the miracle blanket when they are younger and a halo sleep sack when they are older. That would be my recommendation.
Couldn't agree more. Save your money for things your baby REALLY needs--fancy, expensive bedding is nice if you can afford it but totally NOT a necessity. Trust me, they don't care what they pee, poop and spit up on!!


Apr 9, 2005
OK, I''m finally ready to make a bold move and endorse a stroller besides the Bugaboo!!

Most of you know that as a city dweller, I''ve been Bugaboo''s biggest fan. It is an absolutely amazing stroller if it''s your only means of transportation. We''ve used it as a "snap and go" and as a place for my newborns to sleep. I have walked miles and miles with it and never had any problems. To me, it is truly the Mercedes of strollers! I know people think that they are too common but there is a reason why. It''s a damn good stroller and I will always recommend it. But the one major drawback (besides the price) is that it doesn''t come as a double nor can it be converted to a double stroller. When I found out I was pregnant again, I was pretty devastated about retiring my Bugaboo and having to buy yet another stroller (we also have the Maclaren Volo for traveling). But, alas, I had no choice and started doing the research. Fortunately, I fell in love once again!!

We decided on the Phil and Teds Sport. What a fantastic stroller!! It is a 3 wheel stroller which kinda turned me off at first, although I''m not sure why, but then when I pushed it for the first time, I was SOLD! It has such a smooth ride and can handle city streets and sidewalks incredibly well. It turns so easily and is fairly lightweight. It has a great bag underneath for storage. And the best part: it is sold as a single stroller but you can buy a second seat and make it a double!!! And you don''t have to be an engineer to put the second seat on--it can be popped on and off in seconds with no problem! I absolutely LOVE it. It is the ideal double stroller for someone who lives in a city and needs something streamlined in order to get into elevators and narrow supermarket aisles. You can start using it when the baby is a newborn as the seat reclines fully flat like a bed and you can still put the other seat on so your bigger child can ride sitting up while the infant is laying down. From the front, you can''t even tell that there is a second seat attached, it just looks like a regular single stroller. I can''t say enough good things about it. The price is not horrible either when you consider how expensive some of these other strollers are (including my beloved Bugaboo). I could go on and on but you won''t believe me until you try it out for yourself!

So, knowing what I know now, if I had to do it all over again I would have bought the Phil and Teds from the start. If you plan on having another child within a few years (or less!) of your first one, this is really the way to go. It eliminates the need for an additional stroller and all the complicated choices you have to make when selecting a double. All you have to do is buy the additional seat and you''re all set!

I''m still holding on to my Bugaboo for a while before I ultimately sell it because I really do love it but for now, my heart belongs to those Kiwis, Phil and Ted!!!


Dec 29, 2004

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Hi gals!
I''m needing help from my American friends.

Our nursery is small, and the change table that came with our nursery set (from SIL) is very petite. It fits into the space-challenged room, but does not accommodate a standard change table mat (31" or 33"). It only allows for a 28" mat.

I''ve found this Kicka$$ mat, made in the UK, available in the US, but not in Canada. (??? this goes back to my rant about Canada feeling like a 3rd world country concerning shipping - ANYWAY!)

Here is the product: Kuster "jelly baby" change mat in cream.

One seller on Ebay has them...but won''t respond to my question about colour

What else can I try?
Have you seen these around anywhere? Will THEY ship to Canada?
(I live in an igloo...does that mean I can''t have it?! JOKING!)


Feb 17, 2007
Hmmm...too bad I can''t contact you Mela, I''d be happy to ship one to you...I''ll keep my eyes open for them.

so cal girl

Mar 22, 2007
Since I found out I was pregnant, I have read through this entire thread, and I just have to say thank you to all of you for information you have shared.

I did have one quick question, though. There was a lot of talk about the Uppa Baby Vista, but I''m not sure if anyone actually bought it and has been using it. I really value the opinions on here, so I was just wondering if anyone had a review of it from personal use.



May 6, 2007
OhOHOH! I have the uppa baby! I love it! My guy is 11 weeks old now. He has only been home with us for 8 weeks use to be sure. But, it has been great for me.
I live in a suburban area and can walk to park, groceries, etc, but in reality will probably be using it in and out of the car. I have walked to the grocery store(hung bags on caribeaners on the outsdie- the basket is roomy I think, but if you have the bassinet on, it is a bit difficult to access. I believe it is easier to access when the car seat is on, and I haven''t used the next size seat up to see. If you are interested I will be happy to snap it on and see how easy the basket is. I like how it rides and also you can lock the wheels straight or have them unlocked. I have taken it on some terrain other than paved and it performed well but not really rough or sand.
If you check out the weight totals, it can be alot to lift up and down(but I am 5'' 2" and kind of a self professed weakling. And I do fine with it, although some would prefer a lighter stroller. I also have an suv so I am safe there too. I think if you have a smaller car you should be sure it will fit and it may not leave alot of room for other stuff depending on the size of the trunk. Sometimes I like to bring all the parts, so I have the bassinet just in case along with the stroller, and then of course the baby is in the car seat which also fits on with the adapter. I have the graco snug ride I think.
I have been to the mall a few times and have not had trouble navigating through there, with the exception of tighter aisles and then it is honestly a struggle. but in most places I have been totally fine. It looks really cute and ppl have come up and asked what kind it is, and commented on how cute it is...I am not sure if this is important but I do love the looks of it.
Ohh yeah, when I first got it, it was such a struggle to close(you have to do 2 things at once- push this side button and then also push in the handlebar. It really took me a while to get the hang of it but know that i have it is usually a snap.
Ummm what else? Oh I liked the price in comparison to the more expensive ones, and I thought it came with a lot of accessories which are extras with some other strollers.
Ok well that is all I can think of now...if you have any ? let me know and i will be happy to help. Also I have been told that the customer service is excellent. I actually did call them- two areas on my stroller had tiny bits of rust- they were bolts but my dh is an engineer and did not feel it should impact the functioning of the stroller- I did call them to tell them and they asked me to send a picture- I was too busy and it was not that important to me but they did respond quickly to my email and wanted to help.
Happy stroller shopping.. That was one of my favorite things to do!

so cal girl

Mar 22, 2007
Pave - Thanks so much for all that info! That was really helpful. I did get a chance to go check out the Uppa this weekend. I really like it. The only thing I was concerned about was the size. I live in a suburban area, so we will be in and out of the car a lot. I do have an SUV, so I'm sure it would fit in my car, I am just concerned it may be hard to lift in and out. Have you taken it on many car rides? I didn't have too much trouble closing it at the store. It only took me two tries. It wasn't the easiest fold, but I did like that you can fold it with the seat on (as opposed to the Bugaboo).

Also, have you used the bassinet seperately from the stroller? It is a hard sided bassinet, so I am assuming you could rest it on the floor and use it as a sleeping area for an infant. I was just wondering if you had tried this.


May 6, 2007
Hi socal I am glad you wrote back! Obviously I have no life or I am in really big denial about all the stuff I have not been doing around the house, but I have been checking for your post! anyhoo!
Yes I put it in and out of the car frequently. As I mentioned before I am not a really big person. It is a little heavy, but I can totally handle it! maybe go back to the store and pretend you are lifting up the way you would put into a car? It would not deter me from buying it again- but sometimes I like to suffer for things that look good to me haha.
I am in love with the bassinet and totally think it is good to be used separtely. This was in my plans, but one of my cats decided to pee on it
! I mostly have gotten the smell out of it and still use it for stroller rides. I dont'' feel too comfortable leaving it lying about for them to get into again, so I don''t use it for naps alone, But I do sometimes wheel him around the house in it(and my place is not big). It is in the way in that regard when it is in a room, but so is all the other baby stuff in my house. I love the fabric, think its nice and comfy. My son has reflux and is not a fan of laying flat, so I have to prop up the underneaht with blankets or use a wedge. I think it still works nicely. Oh one thing on the bassinet- my dh noted that the canopy really doesnt provide much sun protection(you know how they are sensitive to the light in their eyes) and so I have to put a receiving blanket across the front most times. this is probably true for many strollers I would guess.
hope this is helpful. what colors did you like?

so cal girl

Mar 22, 2007
pave - You are awesome! Thanks again.

I am a little taller than you, but I have pretty much no upper body strength, so that was my worry with getting it in and out of the car. And both my mom and MIL will be baysitting for me one day a week, so they might need to be able to lift it too. I think I may take my mom to the store with me to check it out, since she is the weaker of the two.

That is good to hear about the bassinet. Not that your cat peed in it, but that you like it
. That is one of the reasons I like that stroller. It just seems like it would start to be uncomfortable for the baby being in the car seat so much of the time those first couple of months. I don''t think any of the carseats have a huge canopy either, so I think you''d need to use a receiving blanket for sun coverege either way in the beginning.

I am thinking about the green or the red, just because I want something neutral, so we can use it for another baby in the future. I really wanted the orange, but they discontinued it, and I can''t seem to find it anywhere. What color do you have?

For everyone else - What stroller do you have, and what pros and cons do you see with it?
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