
Please help me choose e-ring for $3,000 budget!


Apr 9, 2012
Hello everyone, this is my first post :)

I have been having a hard time deciding my e-ring within the $3,000 budget, and I thought I would seek more opinions here.

Here are some of the settings I'm thinking,




I know these are completely different, but I like them all and it's really hard to pick only one!

With setting #1, I found a 0.71 ct/H/SI2 stone to go with for around $2,000. With any of the rest of the settings, I think it will be 0.4 - 0.5 ct because of the higher setting prices and my limited budget.

I'm wondering if I should go for a bigger stone in a solitaire, or get a half carat with more detailed setting. I don't mind a smaller stone (since even a half carat is considered rather large in a country I'm from), but I'm kind of tempted for a bigger diamond as well...

I still haven't decided which yet, but this is what my wedding band will look like.


A plain platinum band accented with a single burnished set diamond, or three tension set diamonds.
I would like something simple for my wedding band. My ring size is about 5 1/2.

What do you think you would do? Looking forward to your opinions!
First impression --- the biggest stone you can afford in the lovely BN petite nouveau solitaire. It is a classic and simply and sophisticated. There are other vendors who sell a very similar simple solitaire as well, so feel free to browse james allen, white flash, ID jewelry, eternity diamonds... lots of others out there!

I'd say go simple and this could be a temporary setting until you can afford to upgrade to a more intricate or detailed (or BLINGIER!) one later on. Most people are sentimental about their stones - but the settings, seem to be something they are willing to upgrade so by purchasing a bigger stone now, it is just setting you may upgrade later.

Wow - wordy, but bottom line - big stone now! :bigsmile:
I totally agree with Enerchi...get the biggest diamond and least expensive setting now. Then later, you can change settings. I honestly would go with the least expensive white gold solitaire setting now and change to platinum when you are ready to upgrade your setting, maybe for an anniversary. But do go ahead and get a diamond wedding band in platinum if you know what you want at that time. I wouldn't go with a single diamond in the wedding band because it will drive you nuts since it will never stay in the right place.
Totally agree. You can get a plain setting for 300-450 bucks. Stick to that and put the money toward the stone. And also if your lady would consider something other than a round, like an Oval your budget will also be able to stretch farther that way too. Ovals cost much less per carat than rounds and they face up large.
Agreed. Go for a solitaire and get the bigger diamond.
I might be inclined to go with James allen on this one. They have a nice knife edge solitaire for under 500 that you can get in 4 or 6 prongs. You can also choose 3 stones you like to be evaluated by their geminologists and get the images you need to make an informed decision.
Oh, I like your choices- that's about what I would be looking at (if I weren't a lady in waiting :mrgreen: ).

First I would consider if I would like the engagement ring to sit flush to the wedding band. I'm no expert but all of the settings you chose don't seem to grant that (please correct me if I'm wrong).

Regarding size- as I am living in an European country where diamond engagement rings are not nearly as popular as in the US or other countries, I would go for a smaller stone (max. 0.5ct, maybe a little bigger depending on ring size). But that's just me- i wouldn't feel comfortable with a bigger one (and as a sentimental person I'm not a fan of upgrading). Maybe you should visit a jeweler and try on various diamond rings, just to see what style/size you like on your hand.
Thank you all so much for such great advice!!

Seems like many of you would go for a bigger carat over the setting. Makes sense as resetting a diamond is much easier (cheaper) than upgrading a diamond...

So, I have been thinking and reading all the comments here, and I've decided to go with either #1 BN Solitaire or #2 WF Felicity Solitaire.

I just found out that the biggest stone I can get for #1 and #2 are;


0.7 ct
D60.4%, T59%
5.74 x 5.76 x 3.47 mm


0.62 ct
D59.7%, T61.0%
5.53 x 5.56 x 3.31 mm

So that's about 0.08 ct and 0.02mm (diameter?) difference I guess. Do you think it's noticeable at all? Or nobody would know unless I tell them?
If the measurements are bigger, does that mean the diamond will actually appear larger??
It's an eye visible difference at .02 so yes, it will look and be bigger. I would go for the larger one if you can afford it. But I am concerned that a 6 prong solitaire would swallow that diamond whole unless it is really well done. I'm going to suggest a 4 prong look for it. Pretty, affordable and has a surprise diamond in the head. My favorite for a plain solitaire in budget

AND the pave version of the Legato is STILL cheaper than the Vatche: and THAT'S hands down a winner for me. With a 70 point center and the pave in the band, that's going to be the best bet for your budget in a new ring.
Get this AVOEC on GOG and find a cheap setting on Ebay. You can't go wrong. Or see if GOG has an old setting laying around that they would set this diamond in for a small charge. Go for the best diamond. You can later find a nice setting when you have more funds. the inclusions in this SI2 look prong-able and the light performance will wow you and your friends. I SI2
This one faces up the largest for the price, just over $3k (Oh, just noticed that this I SI2 has medium blue florescence which is AWESOME!) What a great diamond for a great price. D SI2 This one is below $3,000

Read this post from someone who went into GOG to get a H & A 's stone but when compared to the AVOEC's he chose these. They have several in the $3,000 range and below.
Wish they had these stones when I was buying a diamond!

Good luck!


Guy with a first time post here. Just bought a 1ct, G color, Si1, GOG AVR engagement ring for my amazing girlfriend. (shhh! i haven't proposed to her yet!) I went to GOG's brick and mortar store a few weeks ago to look at purchasing a H&A. They brought out the H&A round I saw online next to this AVR for comparison... and that was it :o ... the AVR just blew me away when I saw it in person. I had seen it on the website before, but the pictures and videos just don't do it justice.

In real life there is not nearly that much shadow under the table, the camera was in super close. Pic is taken on a male pinkie finger.

As a semi-clueless guy, I'd like to hear from all you ladies out there if you think the inclusion pictured under the table is too noticeable or not. I still have time to return the stone if so...

Yeah, that was the challenge. I was originally looking at H&A stones mostly because the selection was very limited for near colorless AVRs in my price range. Ideally I would have liked an Si1 with a more peripherally located inclusion, but like you said, selection is limited. No (affordable) diamond is perfect, so finding the right set of compromises is the name of the game i guess. I'm hoping that this just barely eye-visible inclusion is a small price to pay in exchange for an otherwise optically awesome and rare round.

Here is a video of the stone that shows that inclusion well:

In real life, if you're looking really-really close, the inclusion looks like a piece of dust landed on the table, if you can see it at all.
Here is a transitional cut ... an .79c H VS2 for $2845 and faces up like a one carat.. It is a transitional cut not an hmmm, I would probably still choose the AVR .80c I SI2....August vintage OEC.

Width: 5.96mm
Length: 6.04mm

Shape: Round
Carat Weight: 0.79ct
Color: H
Clarity: VS2
Optical Symmetry: Traditional
Fluorescence: None
Culet: None
In House: Yes
Width: 5.96mm
Length: 6.04mm
Depth: 3.48mm
Table Percentage: 60.20%
Depth Percentage: 58.00%
Crown ∠: 34.50°
Pavilion ∠: 41.20°
Price: $2,944
(Bank wire price: $2,845)

I would ask Jonathan why this AVC .85 I SI2 Is about $500 cheaper than the .80 I SI2 AVR
Maybe you can get the AVR for $2800 too
I would highly recommend that you spend $2800 on your diamond and $200 for the mounting. Easier to get a better mounting later. but buying a $2,000 diamond and a $1,000 setting doesn't make sense to me.

Here are a couple of choices in white gold on can do more searches but I know you can find what you want for under $300 in 14k white gold. Plain solitaire semi mount $149 diamond halo under $300 (Make offer)

1.41 I OEC set in halo

Jonathan on culets and HCA not applying to anything but modern RB

by Rhino » 13 Apr 2012 16:23

Greetings PS peeps,

Just a few comments.

The culets you see in the larger AVR's are not so large that the eye is drawn to them or detracts. In every one I have examined it's more of an afterthought like ... oh yea ... this one has a culet too. Last thing to worry about.

The HCA is NULL AND VOID when it comes to OEC's and generally any kind of round diamond that is not a "traditional" round according to today's cutting with 57 facets. Particularly when lower half length is less than 75% and the mains comprise the primary reflections under the table. You will be falsely led to believe something is horribly wrong with the diamond if you use the HCA for OEC's.

What kathley said regarding OEC's and photography couldn't be more true and has been my experience over the decades as well. If you are trying to judge optics of an OEC by photography, no way. I've said it in the past and this same truth applies not only to OEC's but also OMB's as well as just about any other shape and that is ... "Photography is fine for seeing the facet structure of a diamond but impossible for judging the actual characteristics of brightness, contrast, leakage, fire & sparkle." I've seen some very beautiful photography of butt ugly diamonds. A thorough optical examination is key. At the very least an ASET exam.

Hope that helps.

I saw that you posted your engagement ring in "Show me the bling"- it looks lovely. Where did you buy it in the end?