
GOG August Vintage Round Rings, anywhere????

I would love to buy your ring, but I believe it's out of our budget at this time. However, you could also create a listing for it on DB and then post it in the Pre-loved Jewels section if you're absolutely positive you want to sell it.
You could list on DB or consign with GOG
I would absolutely consign with Jonathan. Then he can handle all the details of the sale for you. I'd suggest getting some kind of diamond band that you could later wear as a right hand ring since it might take a little time for it to find the right buyer.
baby nurse|1330026157|3132615 said:
wintotty|1330014533|3132463 said:
baby nurse|1330009482|3132416 said:
As DS pointed out (thank you, DS!), I have a 3.40 L AVR and I LOVE it. It really is a ball of fire and has a lovely creamy look to it. I purchased an AVR instead of an actual vintage stone for the same reason you mentioned; I wanted an OEC diamond with maximum optics and didn't trust my inexperienced eye to search for a genuine vintage stone and find one of similar quality to the AVR.

I hope you keep your ring; it's exquisite and surely one of the nicest ones on PS! Better yet, I hope you keep your lovely ring and manage to find the OEC of your dreams!

I LOOOOOVE your AVR, it looks spectacular on your have a small finger size, so the size looks massive (in a good way)! I have 6.5 size so I'm hoping to go a little bigger than yours, too bad I used to be size 4.75 and getting older and having a baby, and being currently pregnant doesn't help at all.

I too am very interested to see what kind of setting you are going with. Do you have any prospects? Are you going to have White or Yellow metal? If I do AVR with warmer color, I want to explore the Yellow metal setting and see if there are any out there I might like....

Thank you, wintotty! I'm sure you will find a stone equally beautiful! Heaven knows, it just takes patience.

The setting will have simple lines, likely something like DS's Vatche Tiffany replica (Bliss has the same). It will probably be in yellow gold but I would love to pair it with a wedding band from VanCraeynest and I'm concerned that the detail on an 18kt band might quickly wear away, so I "may" opt for platinum.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

babynurse...I am rooting for platinum for your AVR. Did you see ForteKitty's amazingly gorgeous L color OEC set in platinum??? Oh my, is that a gorgeous ring! [URL=''][/URL]
Let me know when you sell your setting. I will be the first in line to buy it!
Here is the link to the SMTR thread for my AVR:

I just added some new pics of my trio including my AVC. I am also going to start a new thread with some pics that I've taken in different lighting. My AVR is a J and it just absolutely GLOWS, particularly when there is very low lighting. Literally. Glows :-) Like magic. Hehe :naughty:
diamondseeker2006|1330055873|3133031 said:
I would absolutely consign with Jonathan. Then he can handle all the details of the sale for you. I'd suggest getting some kind of diamond band that you could later wear as a right hand ring since it might take a little time for it to find the right buyer.

Yup! I decided to give Consignment a try! I was just assuming after paying the commission fee and all, I was looking at $5K or so, which didn't seem "much" to go through the wait and hustle.... But the amount Jon told me was just too big for me to ignore. :Up_to_something:

I have the Yellow diamond double halo ring done by DBL, so I'll be wearing that most of the time.....and I have a few LM bands I can stack!
CharmyPoo|1330070301|3133148 said:
Let me know when you sell your setting. I will be the first in line to buy it!

I am selling the setting, Charmy!! Let me know if you are serious!! (I'm shipping my ring to GOG on Monday)
PA-C|1330095952|3133288 said:
Here is the link to the SMTR thread for my AVR:

I just added some new pics of my trio including my AVC. I am also going to start a new thread with some pics that I've taken in different lighting. My AVR is a J and it just absolutely GLOWS, particularly when there is very low lighting. Literally. Glows :-) Like magic. Hehe :naughty:

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your ring, it just looks perfect with J color, which still is pretty white for antique style ring! I also adore your AVC pendant.....I hope I can get the AVR or AVC pendant to match the ring!
You asked for opinions and I'm with you....for months now I thought I wanted an OMC, preferably from GOG ...AVC; but after looking at ring after ring, stone after stone... I, too, fell in love with the facet pattern of an OEC. GOG has no large AVR's and I was wanting 10-11mm stone and probably won't be ready to get one for several months. Hope and pray they have some larger rounds coming down the pike soon.

Do you know if Jonathon has some large rounds being cut?

Saw your ring listed on is beautiful, can you still wear it while it is listed?

Your ring is on this thread and there is one L 2.78 AVR and of course it is awesome was not set in a ring yet.

Wintotty, I saw your ring on GOG. I truly hope the setting sells with the stone because it is really perfection. I knew your diamond had increased in value significantly. I do hope it sells so that you can get what you want, but on the other hand, very few rings will ever be more beautiful than that one!

Guy with a first time post here. Just bought a 1ct, G color, Si1, GOG AVR engagement ring for my amazing girlfriend. (shhh! i haven't proposed to her yet!) I went to GOG's brick and mortar store a few weeks ago to look at purchasing a H&A. They brought out the H&A round I saw online next to this AVR for comparison... and that was it :o ... the AVR just blew me away when I saw it in person. I had seen it on the website before, but the pictures and videos just don't do it justice.

In real life there is not nearly that much shadow under the table, the camera was in super close. Pic is taken on a male pinkie finger.

As a semi-clueless guy, I'd like to hear from all you ladies out there if you think the inclusion pictured under the table is too noticeable or not. I still have time to return the stone if so...
AVOEC, welcome! It looks beautiful! I think she will be thrilled with it. I know I would. :naughty:
Beautiful! Don't be shy to take more pictures and share!
wintotty|1330097099|3133303 said:
CharmyPoo|1330070301|3133148 said:
Let me know when you sell your setting. I will be the first in line to buy it!

I am selling the setting, Charmy!! Let me know if you are serious!! (I'm shipping my ring to GOG on Monday)

I missed this post :(

I am hoping it is still for sale.
AVOEC|1334200125|3169009 said:

Guy with a first time post here. Just bought a 1ct, G color, Si1, GOG AVR engagement ring for my amazing girlfriend. (shhh! i haven't proposed to her yet!) I went to GOG's brick and mortar store a few weeks ago to look at purchasing a H&A. They brought out the H&A round I saw online next to this AVR for comparison... and that was it :o ... the AVR just blew me away when I saw it in person. I had seen it on the website before, but the pictures and videos just don't do it justice.

In real life there is not nearly that much shadow under the table, the camera was in super close. Pic is taken on a male pinkie finger.

As a semi-clueless guy, I'd like to hear from all you ladies out there if you think the inclusion pictured under the table is too noticeable or not. I still have time to return the stone if so...

All you are seeing is the reflection of the camera in the diamond. It's called obstruction and it happens with any diamond.

I think she's going to be on cloud nine. It's gorgeous. I'd rather have one of those over an RB any day of the week.
Yes, it is truly gorgeous, AVOEC! I'd have one, too, if the supply was more plentiful in the range of specs that I like. That is the biggest problem...access to stones.
diamondseeker2006|1334236623|3169183 said:
Yes, it is truly gorgeous, AVOEC! I'd have one, too, if the supply was more plentiful in the range of specs that I like. That is the biggest problem...access to stones.

Yeah, that was the challenge. I was originally looking at H&A stones mostly because the selection was very limited for near colorless AVRs in my price range. Ideally I would have liked an Si1 with a more peripherally located inclusion, but like you said, selection is limited. No (affordable) diamond is perfect, so finding the right set of compromises is the name of the game i guess. I'm hoping that this just barely eye-visible inclusion is a small price to pay in exchange for an otherwise optically awesome and rare round.

Here is a video of the stone that shows that inclusion well:

In real life, if you're looking really-really close, the inclusion looks like a piece of dust landed on the table, if you can see it at all.
that is one awesome OEC, NO, you can't see the inclusion in the video and I definitely would not return this beautifully cut diamond because of "a speck of dust on the table" Most people do not realize that when someone is admiring your diamond they do not see the inclusions unless they are noticeably black and glaring....that diamond sparkles so brilliantly it will NEVER be noticed by anyone but you. Congrats you did a great job your GF will love you even more now...LOL!

My daughter is getting ready to get engaged and I let her watch the GOG video comparing the AVOEC and H&A and she picked the did my husband. They are killer diamonds! Better than probably 99.9% of all stones on the market in my opinion. But then I just don't care for the facet structure of the modern H/A stones...JMO and to each his own. I think if everyone saw the comparison live like you did they would choose the AVOEC's.

You should start your own thread and post more these stones!

Good job!