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Apr 25, 2008
FF and I went to the bank today to pull out my diamond from the safe deposit box to take it to the jeweler that we''re using to make my engagement ring.

We put the ring away in July, and haven''t been back since.

We try to get in, and there is absolutely no record of us owning the deposit box that has my ring in it. None. Nothing on paper, nothing in the computer. The branch manager calls people for nearly 2 hours trying to confirm that we own the box. After those 2 hours, she tells us we can''t get in.

I am FREAKING OUT that the bank lost my diamond! I don''t know what I will do if they screwed something up. I''ve been worrying about it since we left the bank. I am so bummed. She said she will call someone on Monday to get it sorted it out, but I can''t help but freak that maybe it''s not there. I'' so mad at Bank of America!

However, we did go ring shopping and had fun.
You don''t have a key to the box there?
I''m sure it''ll all sort out, but still I can''t believe that, that''s a big mistake to make! Sending lots of luck that it gets resolved right away
We do have a key. With the box number on it. But they couldnt prove that WE owned it, so they didnt let us in. It seems there has to be SOME sort of better system. FF was pissed!
Holy crap! This sounds like something that could only happen in a nightmare!
Oh my goodness! That is pretty scary! They better come up with something to fix this! Do they not give you any papers when you get a safety deposit box? Sorry, I know nothing about how that works. Wow, I don''t even know what to say. I am in complete shock. People put stuff in them to be SAFE and retrieve it when they want. Oh man. I am freaking out for you! I would be calling everyone at BOA.

Keep us updated.
Yeah, we didn''t get any sort of contract or anything to take home. We just got two copies of the keys. We haven''t received any information about it.

That box is simply NOT linked to our names, which is weird, because there is the paper we fill out to get it, and we sign that. Plus, there''s the information that is in the computer, which they entered right in front of us last year. I don''t know how they could have messed things up this badly.

I think part of it was the LaSalle Bank/BOA merger. We opened it when it was LaSalle. I just can''t believe that they could''ve messed up on it in two separate areas. That takes some seriously bad organizational skills.
Oh my! I''m so sorry you''re having to deal with this! That is just terrible on the banks part...I''m shocked. But don''t worry, I''m sure it''ll work out. Just try to stay positive!
Ok. That''s about the weirdest thing I have ever heard. How come you can''t describe the ring and the contents of the box and be done with it? It seems to me that if you have the key then it''s obvious. And don''t you have to PAY for a safe deposit box? That seems really bad. They lost the paperwork, records of payment and can''t figure out who owns it? Banks are supposed to be as safe as you can get.
Date: 3/7/2009 5:13:53 PM
Author: allycat0303
Ok. That''s about the weirdest thing I have ever heard. How come you can''t describe the ring and the contents of the box and be done with it? It seems to me that if you have the key then it''s obvious. And don''t you have to PAY for a safe deposit box? That seems really bad. They lost the paperwork, records of payment and can''t figure out who owns it? Banks are supposed to be as safe as you can get.

I know, Ally! We even asked if we could just verify the contents that were in there (without us taking it out, just for peace of mind), but she said she can''t access the box without having the owners of it in there with her. Since she couldn''t prove it was our box, she wouldn''t let us in. It''s dual-controlled, obviously.

I understand the needing the verification, I mean... if someone had stolen our key and hadn''t bothered to verify the true owners, then they''d have my ring right now.

I just cant fathom how a bank could mess something up that badly.

Also, they didn''t have us pay when we opened it. We also never received a bill. We asked when we went in about that, and then it became obvious that they just dont have the box linked to our contact information. However, they don''t drill a box unless it''s delinquent, and it''s not delinquent until its unpaid for a year, which wouldnt be until this July.

It''s gotta be there. I''m just... worried. Really worried. It''s an heirloom without any cert or proof, so if we lost it, it''s lost. Forever. I''d be crushed.
Wow! I have never heard of such a thing. It''s a true nightmare. I have to say though, that you are handling this far better than I would be. There would have been a scene had that happened to me! I can''t even imagine! I really hope this all gets straightened out on Monday! Keep us posted!
Date: 3/7/2009 5:25:15 PM
Author: CrookedRock
Wow! I have never heard of such a thing. It''s a true nightmare. I have to say though, that you are handling this far better than I would be. There would have been a scene had that happened to me! I can''t even imagine! I really hope this all gets straightened out on Monday! Keep us posted!

Yeah, FF was about to make a scene, I had to keep him calm. He told the branch manager we were NOT leaving until we saw that ring.

When I got out to the parking lot I cried. I know... lame. I was just really frustrated.

We have to wait to Monday to hear anything. FF wants to close our accounts there, but I think that''s a bit harsh.

I''ll update once I know anything.
HOLY CRUD!!! What a mess. Elle, I really hope you''re able to get this all straightened out. Do you have insurance for it?
Date: 3/7/2009 5:36:24 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
HOLY CRUD!!! What a mess. Elle, I really hope you''re able to get this all straightened out. Do you have insurance for it?

Ugh. No. We put it away in the safe deposit until we were ready to re-set, then we were just going to insure the entire piece when it was done.

I guess I shouldn''t have just assumed that it was 100% safe in a bank, but it seemed silly to insure a ring for a year that I wasn''t wearing.
Date: 3/7/2009 5:27:29 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Yeah, FF was about to make a scene, I had to keep him calm. He told the branch manager we were NOT leaving until we saw that ring.

When I got out to the parking lot I cried. I know... lame. I was just really frustrated.

We have to wait to Monday to hear anything. FF wants to close our accounts there, but I think that''s a bit harsh.

I''ll update once I know anything.
HAHA I can picture it now. Only it would be the other way around with us. I''m the freaker-outer! And I would def close my accounts in a second! I''ve switched banks for far less. I guess this is why one person should be the calm rational one a relationship!
So sorry you have to deal with this!
I wouldn''t close your accounts yet. Being a customer with BoA history gives you leverage.
Wow, that is really scary. I am sorry you had to go through this. I agree, I''m sure the merger between LaSalle and BoA is to blame here. I hope it will get cleared up ASAP on Monday. Keep us posted.
Date: 3/7/2009 5:58:39 PM
Author: FrekeChild
What she said.

This is unbelievable. I am so so so sorry Elle. I hope they work it out soon.
Date: 3/7/2009 6:10:29 PM
Author: Clairitek
Date: 3/7/2009 5:58:39 PM

Author: FrekeChild


What she said.

This is unbelievable. I am so so so sorry Elle. I hope they work it out soon.

Believe me, if anything happened to that diamond, heads WILL roll.

I''ve had my eye on that diamond since I was 2. I can''t even begin to understand how I''d feel if they lost it.
Is there insurance on it?
Date: 3/7/2009 6:49:29 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Is there insurance on it?

No... silly me thought it''d be safe in a safe deposit box.

I''m seriously kicking myself for that one.
I'm sure they still have it though. If they don't, then I will go out there for you and heads will roll. K?
Date: 3/7/2009 5:18:26 PM
Author: elledizzy5
Date: 3/7/2009 5:13:53 PM

Author: allycat0303

Ok. That''s about the weirdest thing I have ever heard. How come you can''t describe the ring and the contents of the box and be done with it? It seems to me that if you have the key then it''s obvious. And don''t you have to PAY for a safe deposit box? That seems really bad. They lost the paperwork, records of payment and can''t figure out who owns it? Banks are supposed to be as safe as you can get.

Also, they didn''t have us pay when we opened it. We also never received a bill. We asked when we went in about that, and then it became obvious that they just dont have the box linked to our contact information. However, they don''t drill a box unless it''s delinquent, and it''s not delinquent until its unpaid for a year, which wouldnt be until this July.

It''s gotta be there. I''m just... worried. Really worried. It''s an heirloom without any cert or proof, so if we lost it, it''s lost. Forever. I''d be crushed.

Oh, dear God that is not good! Do you have the paperwork from when you opened it? They had to have you sign something when you opened it. Without that, you may not have a leg to stand on, despite being able to give an exact list of the contents of the box.

I am so sorry. I hope this mess gets straightened out.
Date: 3/7/2009 7:02:12 PM
Author: FrekeChild
I''m sure they still have it though. If they don''t, then I will go out there for you and heads will roll. K?

Hahahah. Thanks Freke!

I know they probably have it. It just really sucks that they offered me no peace of mind. They couldn''t even promise the thing hadn''t been drilled yet. Nothing.

ANYTHING would have made me feel better. FF is running over there Monday morning first thing and pulling it out. Maybe we''ll insure it.
Geez. I would too if I were him.

So I was just thinking that after this scare, maybe it''ll prompt him to get it on your finger faster where you KNOW it will be safe. If he hasn''t thought that yet, maybe you should give him the idea. (I mean, all you have to do is look down at your hand and make sure it''s still on there!)

Also, did you find any settings?
Date: 3/7/2009 7:27:15 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Geez. I would too if I were him.

So I was just thinking that after this scare, maybe it''ll prompt him to get it on your finger faster where you KNOW it will be safe. If he hasn''t thought that yet, maybe you should give him the idea. (I mean, all you have to do is look down at your hand and make sure it''s still on there!)

Also, did you find any settings?

Haha, FF has a time picked, I''m pretty sure. No getting him to budge. He''s a stubborn one!

We looked at a lot of stuff, and no premade setting really struck a chord with me.

FF knows I really like the MWM Torchiere and the Legato Sleek Line at WF. He hates 6 prong rings, so he doesn''t like the Torchiere for that reason, but he really loves the detail on it, so I think he might try and custom make something that has some details similar to that.

FF does NOT want me to have something that isn''t at least (in his eyes) somewhat original. He wants to have some say in a more original detail that I don''t know about, so that it''s a surprise when I get it. So we''re trying stuff on, seeing what I like, and he''s going to try and have something custom made that I have no say in.

Scary, but I think he''ll do a good job. He''s got a great eye for detail and really knows my style. He was scoping out some loose Aquamarine emerald cut stones for me as well, since he knows that''s my CS weakness. He really wants to buy me an aqua.

So, post bank-drama it was a really good day.

Wow that came out longer than I anticipated.
I feel your BF''s pain. I wanted something no one else had too. Is he thinking of going to MWM or is that an option? I think he''s made some modified Torchiere''s with 4 prongs. I think I saw that somewhere...

I''m not a huge fan of the 6 prongs either, but I wanted them for the safety of my stone. If it were a sapphire or diamond, I totally would have gone the 4 prong route.

I''m glad you guys still had fun though. That''s really good. I don''t know that I would have been able to chill out after that, and I''m pretty sure if that had happened to us, FI probably would have threatened some bodily harm if they didn''t at least offer to look in the deposit box to make sure it was still there.
Oh wow, I would be IRATE about the bank thing. I hope it gets worked out ASAP!

Ring shopping would make my day (a little) better, too. Also, it''s really cute that he wants to do something original as a surprise. I can''t wait to see what the setting ends up looking like!
Omg, Elle that''s just awful. I''m sure the ring is still there! BoA just needs to get its act together and figure out how to verify you''re the owners. That''s just ridiculous. I totally don''t blame your BF for wanting to say something - I''d be furious too. I really really hope it gets sorted out on Monday!
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