
Paging Poptart and LoveinBloom!!!

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Angeline: Glad to hear that you are going to be able to get the ring you want! I hope you get another chance soon to look at the rings again. I would almost take a trip out there just to see the workshop and everything because it all sounds so fun. I agree that an OEC would look beautiful in that setting! I was also reading about your baby and that is so great about both yours and Diamondseeker''s adoptions! I am actually adopted myself (although not from China, lol). It''s a wonderful thing!

Diamondseeker: I hope that you are able to get a VC soon! I don''t think you would really NEED to upgrade your stone, though. It''s a gorgeous diamond, so it would look beautiful in one of those settings.

LIB: That''s so neat that you are adopted, too! I am mostly Arab though. Nothing cool like mongolian. My family is also German and Irish, like your mom and dad. Kind of creepy, isn''t it?

Hi Angeline! In regards to 1012 with an ~1.5 ct, I didn''t think the diamond got swamped even though I''m fairly certain it was the larger version of the mounting I saw. Yup, the pic at Micky Roof has a giant stone in it. I think the stone in that mounting might be photo edited though, because if I remember correctly the stone sat up just a tad bit higher in the setting I saw. I do think that 484 has more of a solitaire look to it (even though it does have sidestones) and thus will let the center diamond be the star. In my opinion 1012 is absolutely beautiful and like DS said, perhaps better for a RHR. From far away it looked like a mound of sculpted sparkly that did enhance the stone, but made it less distinct at a distance. If you want ppl to be able to appreciate your diamond first and the mounting second even from afar, the other mounting is might be a better choice.

Thanks about the birthday wishes! We''re still deciding on whether to elope. We both really want to go somewhere and have a private ceremony just the two of us...but we are afraid if and when our families find out it will hurt them because we did not include them (and it is not our intent to exclude them). I am also afraid they will feel we are unappreciative for all the $$$ they put up for our ceremony and reception. Even if we do elope we will still go ahead with the wedding in October though. The private ceremony would just be our little secret for as long as possible...
. It is such a hard decision even though I know in my heart what I really want to do

Oh and I found the pic of your "dalmation" in the dogs thread...she is just A D O R A B L E Angeline! If you don''t mind me asking, what prompted you to decide to adopt (this question is for Diamondseeker as well!)? FH''s "little" brother was about 11lbs. when he was born, and FH was a little over 10lbs and 5 days late
! I''m thinking the logistics of childbirth may not go well with me and my asian frame. I''m really liking the idea of adopting especially because I had such a positive experience being adopted myself
Hooooray Poptart is here
! Welcome back! How are you doing?

I think being from the middle east is way cool
. If you don''t mind me asking, how old were you when you were adopted? I was 11 weeks old, so I have no memory of it. In fact, if I didn''t look so different than my parents the fact that I was adopted would probably never have occured to me
. LOL it is kind of weird all of these coincidences we have going on. My life seems so bizarre in all areas sometimes that I''m kind of used to it anymore
Date: 7/9/2007 2:59:09 PM
Author: Love in Bloom
Hooooray Poptart is here
! Welcome back! How are you doing?

I think being from the middle east is way cool
. If you don''t mind me asking, how old were you when you were adopted? I was 11 weeks old, so I have no memory of it. In fact, if I didn''t look so different than my parents the fact that I was adopted would probably never have occured to me
. LOL it is kind of weird all of these coincidences we have going on. My life seems so bizarre in all areas sometimes that I''m kind of used to it anymore
Yay I''m here! It took me a sec to find the thread again. I was like 3 days old when I was adopted. My mom''s agent (?) just happened to be in the room next to my bio mom working with another adoption. So I don''t remember being adopted, or being told I was adopted, for that matter. I look really different from my family though. I''m really small framed with long curly hair and they are all blue eyed and irish/german looking, lol. But my dad was from Jordan, so I do look kind of Arab but not much.

Did you ever look for your birth parents? I am eligible this year so I am thinking about doing that, but am kind of nervous about it.

I read your post about eloping, and I don''t think it''s such a bad idea if that is what you really want. It''s not like you have to tell them, haha. Or at least not for a while. We got married first in a private ceremony and then had a big wedding ceremony a month later. That seemed to work pretty well. It''s a lot less stressful when there are less people staring at you getting hitched, haha.

Wow Poptart, you were fresh off the vine! Ya know, every year on the day my parents got me they ask, "Do you want to find your birth mother?" and every year my reply is always "nope." Maybe this is kind of strange but I never really had any interest in meeting my biological parents so far, but I guess that could always change in the future. Are both of your biological parents in the US? That would make things a lot easier. If you were adopted from the other side of the world that could make things more difficult. I''ll be interested to know how it goes if you start looking...

Well, we''re still deciding on what to do about getting married. I''m really terrible at making decisions like this

Speaking of decisions....I wonder what Angeline is up to

Hey Angeline, have you made anymore decisions on your rings yet and will you revisit VC soon since Larry is back from vacation?
Howdy folks - sorry for the radio silence. I rang Larry and he''s actually away this week as well.
and then next week my dh can''t get any time off. So I''m not sure what I''m going to do. Getting all confused now I can''t race there and make a decision. I''m starting to think I might just put it in a cheap temp setting and think about it all a bit more. I really don''t want to make a decision then wish I had chosen something different. The trouble is that I like so many different types of settings. I''ve already got a heavy plat setting from my last stone that I only liked for about 2 months. Sigh. Chronically indecisive!

Your input was really helpful on the 1012 LiB. That is what I though it might look like. I *think* I want the center stone to really stand out.

I''m pretty blown away by the adoption similarities that are running here! I''m also really grateful for what you guys said about it being a positive experience. I worry about what my little girl might think when she''s a bit older. I''m hoping she will feel the same way as you do. In answer to your question re adoption, LiB, we went the adoption route because it was proving really hard to have one on our own and I wasn''t happy spending SO much money on IVF etc. Did try it a few times but couldn''t justify any more rounds. I''ve always thought it might be great to adopt and it was!

I hate my indecisiveness! I wish I could just say ''Yep that''s it!'' and choose a setting and love it forever. How do people do it? You should see me trying to order in a restaurant!

LiB: I actually want to meet my bio. mom for a couple weird reasons, firstly is to get some more medical history on myself. Totally selfish, I know, but with all the technology and medical advances with family medical history, I want to be as informed as I can. I would also just like to talk with her and get an idea of WHAT she was possibly thinking when she had me so that when I have children I know what to look out for. I know that probably sounds silly too, but not only was I adopted due to teen pregnancy, but so was my bio. mom. So it''s a trend that I broke and want to keep broken. It''s just always been something in the back of my mind that I''ve wanted to do, but I didn''t jump on it the second I turned 21 or anything. I''ll get around to it when I have the time and feel completely ready.

My father, to my knowledge, does not live in the US, or at least left when I was young. He might be back after this long, I am not sure. If I could find him that would be neat, but my hopes of that are pretty much none.

Angeline: I know what you mean about being indecisive! I always feel like I waver on what I like. I like certain styles of things, but sometimes narrowing it down to one specific thing is impossible. I usually end up picking (by accident) the most expensive thing out of everything that I liked. I hope that you can get a chance to go back to VC sometime in the near future. I bet if you see it for a second time you will be able to make a sure decision. I had to talk to Larry a few times and think it over for a couple weeks before committing to getting the ring myself. I think if I knew I was going to have to wait a while and couldn''t decide yet, I would also get a temp setting that I could use later as a RHR.

You know, on the adoption front things have been pretty cool. I hope that someday I will be able to have kids naturally, but if it ever comes to IVF I have already decided to consider adoption rather than being that invasive.

Good luck with your ring hunt!

Wow, this has to be the strangest coincidence I''ve seen in awhile! Who''d have thought that Poptart was adopted! Amazing!

I''ll try to make our story brief. We already had a son and daughter by birth and did not plan to have more. It just seemed that TV shows and magazines were coming my way that talked about all the babies and children in orphanges overseas and it broke my heart. I knew that infertile couples should have every opportunity to adopt here, so we decided to look at international since there are far more babies there who need homes and not everyone can do that process. It started by me asking my hubby if I could just send for information. From there it just progressed. I was very drawn to Asian babies, although I''d love to have a child from any heritage. We did have our first adoption fall through in one Asian country before China opened adoptions to people who already had children. But I know it was meant to be because we got the child we were meant to have. Our older kids were 10 and 13 when she came home. I always tell people that I have been very blessed to have children both ways, and I love them all equally. Adoption was a fantastic experience and I am a huge proponent of it!
Poptart, I think getting biological family medical history is a very good idea, not selfish at all! I think it should be a standard thing to include, if known, the medical history of biological parents. Now my interest is sparked, and I''m asking myself a lot of what ifs...hmmmm...

Diamondseeker, thanks so much for sharing your adoption story. It is kind of strangely neat now online I''m ''surrounded'' by all of these ppl from different places having experiences with adoption. I was the only adopted kid I knew until I was in middle school and never really talked about it that much.
Hey Angeline, thanks for sharing your reasons for adopting. IVF sounds exhausting (emotionally, monetarily, emotionally, did I mention emotionally??). My mom just could not conceive and she was not a good canditate for IVF because of a vast constellation of issues. From what I was told that was a very grueling time for my parents, but they too felt adoption would be great and behold, they had the stork bring me

So is there any news on the reset front? Just wondering if you have anymore setting ideas. It was weird last week I thought Larry was back from vacation because when I called Monday he was there, but not for long. Haha I just assumed incorrectly
...will you be going back the factory to visit?

I totally understand about liking tons and tons of different styles and how hard it is to commit to just one (especially when there is a large chunk of $ involved). I just picked the one that kept popping into my head and occupying my thoughts the most (lol, I think that is what the starry eyed kids call 'falling in love' and in that respect, I was really lucky
). Spent a whole 2 years looking for a new setting, and I could have probably looked forever had I not forced myself get it taken care of before the wedding. Not saying you should set a deadline, just that previously I never understood why people were so much into jewelry shopping, but now I totally get it and it is definitely like a full time job!
Hey LiB! Good to ''see'' you. I''ve run the gauntlet since the last time I posted in setting land. From an Etoile style to simple solitaire, to tiffany channel-set look-a-like and back again.

Larry rang today to say he is going to be in the factory on the weekend so I was welcome to visit again then. What a sweetie! He knows it''s hard for me during the week with the little one. So hopefully I will be taking another visit this Saturday! And taking one of my good friends along who is also a little jewelry-obsessed. I thought it would be great to see the rings again, because I only got that one short time. Who knows what I''ll decide??

I''ll take the camera so DS, I''ll ask about the cross. How is your wedding treasure coming along LiB? BTW did you happen to GET MARRIED last week? or was it the week before now, time flies...

LOL really have run the guantlet!!! The Etoile style is really gorgeous. I love the look of bezels
but unfortuately my big fingers couldn''t pull that one off. So if you decide against Van Craeynest are you going to go back to a bigger stone? I think I read that was your original plan until you saw VC, right? So many decisions!

So I''m guessing you have a chamelion-like style? I love it when I see ppl with a definite theme or style to the way they adorn themselves. I, however, do different things from one day to the next as far as style goes (well, as far as mood goes too
). I have been doing the same thing with purses and have ordered 5. None of them are quite right so I''ll probably be sending them all back. I really want a giant leather bag but just can''t decide on a style and at first it was fun but now it is killing me! Bags are an item that are more within my budget of late, but some run as much as jewelry does
. That would be have the perfect jewelry and the perfect bag not matter what place in time the present happens to be. I think we are chasing the white whale!

Oh and no, I''m not married yet. Last week was a little hectic for DF and to top it all off, I felt really evil when I talked to my mom...she had no idea about our tentative plans, but the pangs of guilt set in when realized it might just break her heart if she wasn''t able to be there on my actual wedding day. Eloping is always an option though, so that is comforting at times
LiB, I am glad you didn''t elope. I''d suggest a very small wedding for immediate family if you decide against a larger wedding. I know, as a mom, that I''d want to be there when my children get married. So I am glad you are considering how they''d feel.
Thanks for the Mom perspective Diamondseeker! If I lived closer to my parents I would totally do the small ceremony with just the moms and dads present
. It is hard to be so far away
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