
Opinions Needed Cushion Diamond Doesn't Sparkle


Dec 9, 2017
Hello Ladies,
My boyfriend and I made plans to get engaged soon. We both picked the diamond out. Well actually I picked out three and he picked out one from those. He told me that he knows nothing about diamonds and I know a lot more than him. He asked what setting I want and I said either single halo or double halo. He got the diamond ring custom made. We live together so when he got the ring he told me. While I was in the shower he told me he hid the ring. A few weeks later I did our laundry and was folding his clothes and putting them away. I saw one drawer was messy and over flowing with clothes. So I took them out to re-fold. I saw a white rectangular box into one of the folded shirts. I thought it was empty and wanted to throw it out. However I decided to double check in case he put something in it. I opened it and found another smaller box in it. I opened it and saw my ring. It looks beautiful. It looks icy white but it didn't really sparkle like crazy. I took it to the window where the sun was shining and it also didn't really sparkle. It just looks super clear probably because its a D color. I assumed it didnt really sparkle because cushion diamonds don't really sparkle that much. After looking at it for about two minutes I put it away the the way I I found it. While re-folding his other clothes the GIA certificate fell out. He isn't the best at hiding things. LOL The GIA certificate said
Carat: 0.8
Color: D
Clarity: VS1
Depth: 67.3%
Table: 61%
Symmetry: Excellent
Polish: Excellent
Girdle: Medium to Slightly thick
Culet: None
Fluorescence: None
Measurements: 5.62 x 5.20 x 3.49

I looked at Lumera Diamonds I believe the website is called to help me pick out a good cushion diamond. My diamond looks amazing except when I did the calculation for ratio (5.62 ÷ 5.20) = 1.08. On the website it says that the ratio of 1.08 is either fair or poor. I know I am responsible for this diamond, because it was one of the three I picked out but I over looked at the ratio. I was concerating on the other specifics. I also didn't specifically want a D color I wanted D-G. This diamond just happened to be a D color. Anyway, the diamond looks icy white and clear. But it doesnt really sparkle too much. I am worried its because the ratio is considered "fair" or "poor." It has been really bothering especially after my boyfriend and I went to the mall and while he went into clothing store I went to the Tiffany store across. I saw cushion diamonds both with and without a halo and they all sparkled like crazy. I don't understand how that is possible. I used Lumera Diamonds criteria to pick my diamond and all of it is excellent. The only thing I over looked is ratio which is fair/poor.
Is my diamond bad because of the fair/poor ratio?:cry2:
How and how much diamonds sparkle is ALL about lighting. And jewelry showroom lights are designed to show diamonds off - that sort of lighting environment is the absolute best any diamond will ever look!

Yours, by comparison, was viewed for a very short time in suboptimal lighting, was possibly grubby with skin oils and ringbox fuzz, and the inspection experience was probably shrouded in a thick layer of guilt about having peeked at all :mrgreen2:

Either leave off worrying until you get it “officially”, or talk with him about your concerns (which obviously means ‘fessing up) and give the stone a proper, lengthier, more objective evaluation. Nothing useful will come of obsessing about those numbers and those two minutes.
Hello Ladies,
My boyfriend and I made plans to get engaged soon. We both picked the diamond out. Well actually I picked out three and he picked out one from those. He told me that he knows nothing about diamonds and I know a lot more than him. He asked what setting I want and I said either single halo or double halo. He got the diamond ring custom made. We live together so when he got the ring he told me. While I was in the shower he told me he hid the ring. A few weeks later I did our laundry and was folding his clothes and putting them away. I saw one drawer was messy and over flowing with clothes. So I took them out to re-fold. I saw a white rectangular box into one of the folded shirts. I thought it was empty and wanted to throw it out. However I decided to double check in case he put something in it. I opened it and found another smaller box in it. I opened it and saw my ring. It looks beautiful. It looks icy white but it didn't really sparkle like crazy. I took it to the window where the sun was shining and it also didn't really sparkle. It just looks super clear probably because its a D color. I assumed it didnt really sparkle because cushion diamonds don't really sparkle that much. After looking at it for about two minutes I put it away the the way I I found it. While re-folding his other clothes the GIA certificate fell out. He isn't the best at hiding things. LOL The GIA certificate said
Carat: 0.8
Color: D
Clarity: VS1
Depth: 67.3%
Table: 61%
Symmetry: Excellent
Polish: Excellent
Girdle: Medium to Slightly thick
Culet: None
Fluorescence: None
Measurements: 5.62 x 5.20 x 3.49

I looked at Lumera Diamonds I believe the website is called to help me pick out a good cushion diamond. My diamond looks amazing except when I did the calculation for ratio (5.62 ÷ 5.20) = 1.08. On the website it says that the ratio of 1.08 is either fair or poor. I know I am responsible for this diamond, because it was one of the three I picked out but I over looked at the ratio. I was concerating on the other specifics. I also didn't specifically want a D color I wanted D-G. This diamond just happened to be a D color. Anyway, the diamond looks icy white and clear. But it doesnt really sparkle too much. I am worried its because the ratio is considered "fair" or "poor." It has been really bothering especially after my boyfriend and I went to the mall and while he went into clothing store I went to the Tiffany store across. I saw cushion diamonds both with and without a halo and they all sparkled like crazy. I don't understand how that is possible. I used Lumera Diamonds criteria to pick my diamond and all of it is excellent. The only thing I over looked is ratio which is fair/poor.
Is my diamond bad because of the fair/poor ratio?:cry2:

I’m sorry that I can’t offer any specific advice about cushions, but ... it is possible that your bf has handled the ring and the diamond is dirty ... it’s also possible that you looked at it with very poor light. If you took it to the Tiffany store, I can almost guarantee that it would sparkle just like the rest because the lights are designed to make any diamond sparkle. Jewelry store lighting is the worst for making diamond comparisons.

When you took it to the window, did it get indirect light or were the sunbeams shining directly on the diamond? The indirect, or say the light from a cloudy day, will show you brightness and contrast but doesn’t produce the blinding sparkle show of sun beams going directly into (and out) of the diamond. Even the best diamonds can look blah in the wrong light.

For your sake, I hope there is nothing wrong with the sparkle of your diamond! I’m sure you’ll get more helpful comments soon.
Thank you. I believe it was indirect sunlight.
Thank you. I believe it was indirect sunlight.

Good. Do you remember seeing a nice even mix of dark and light spots and good brightness? That’s what you would want to see in that light.

I honestly have no idea how the ratio affects the performance of a cushion, but I do know what it’s like to anticipate and overthink a diamond! lol :twirl:

There’s a good chance your diamond will give you the sparkles you want. You’re not the first person to comment that the diamond just doesn’t sparkle the way that was expected ... many of those cases were the round brilliant shape with which I’m more familiar and were considered super-ideal. The thing is that diamonds are mirrors, and they reflect what they “see.” I’m guessing (fairly safely) that this will be your first diamond :wink2:

So ... I hope you rest a bit easier. Hopefully it is a good cut and gives you all the sparkle you want. Now all we need is a cushion expert to comment on the spec’s. Do you have any light performance images? A link to the diamond?
"Do you remember seeing a nice even mix of dark and light spots and good brightness?"
I don't remember. I remember the diamond was super glass. Very pretty but like very very white.

Yes, this will be my first diamond. According to website the cut was "very good." But than I read that GIA doesn't grade cushion diamonds for cut.
Oh and I forgot to mention no I do not have any images.
Oh and I forgot to mention no I do not have any images.
Did you have images when you originally picked the stone? Either way, I wouldn't obsess about it too much yet since you haven't seen the stone in a variety of lights. But after you have, If you still aren't happy, then talking to your bf about it is the best thing to do.
No I didn't have any images when I pick the stone out. I well my BF bought it from Eternity by Yoni.
Ratio doesnt really affect what you see under the table. A 1.08 is just not as square as a 1.0 ratio (stating the obvious).

What is the return policy on the stone? I suggest he give it to you in a timeline that allows you to fully evaluate the stone and determine
whether its a keeper or not. We can help if you have links to the stone he/you picked. Cushions are not the easiest to pick if you dont know what
you are looking for.

Unfortunately, numbers do not tell you much about fancy cut stones because the cuts vary so much (numbers work well for rounds). We need
up close pictures/videos/ and aset images.
Ratio doesnt really affect what you see under the table. A 1.08 is just not as square as a 1.0 ratio (stating the obvious).

What is the return policy on the stone? I suggest he give it to you in a timeline that allows you to fully evaluate the stone and determine
whether its a keeper or not. We can help if you have links to the stone he/you picked. Cushions are not the easiest to pick if you dont know what
you are looking for.

Unfortunately, numbers do not tell you much about fancy cut stones because the cuts vary so much (numbers work well for rounds). We need
up close pictures/videos/ and aset images.

Cushions are fancy cuts. They cannot be evaluated by numbers, and the l x w ratio only tells you how square or rectangular your stone will be. It will NOT affect the performance.
CUT determines a diamond’s performance. You have “very good” cut by reference, which indicates that it should perform well, in preferred lighting conditions. Sunlight is not a preferred lighting condition, unless the diamond is tilted in a favorable way to capture a stone’s best qualities.
FF needs to propose ASAP so you have time to evaluate this diamond in different lighting environments, and determine if the halo is creating obstruction, or you need to return your diamond for something that makes your heart sing.
Take it back out while he is in the shower, and soak it in HOT water with a few drops of Mr. Clean lemon. After about 5 minutes, scrub it with a soft toothbrush. Soak again for a few minute, scrub again.

Rinse in warm water. Btw, use distilled or boiled and cooled to warm water so the minerals won’t leave anything behind. Blow dry the ring.

On second thought, do this while he is at work or something. Lol.

Then see. It could just be filthy from him looking at it, holding it, showing to his mom, whatnot.

Dirt and oil can make a very big difference in sparkle.