
off to er


Aug 4, 2008
When it rains it really pours.
We called my wifey4vr's mom on facebook live for mothers day and her dad was having another stroke or a tia, he failed the stroke protocol and was showing heart issues on the heart monitor. He is on the way to the hospital by ambulance.


May 1, 2007
Oh no! I'm sorry Karl.


Jun 8, 2008
Oh Karl I’m so sorry. Bucketloads of healing dust to your FIL.


Sep 1, 2009
When it rains it really pours.
We called my wifey4vr's mom on facebook live for mothers day and her dad was having another stroke or a tia, he failed the stroke protocol and was showing heart issues on the heart monitor. He is on the way to the hospital by ambulance.

I'm sorry. You guys really need a break! I hope he recovers well and is home soon and your breathing gets easier.


Jan 26, 2003
TooPatient is right. Unless God is giving you the trials of Job for some reason we do not understand, your family has been inexplicably stricken. I will be praying for all of you.


Aug 18, 2013
When it rains it really pours.
We called my wifey4vr's mom on facebook live for mothers day and her dad was having another stroke or a tia, he failed the stroke protocol and was showing heart issues on the heart monitor. He is on the way to the hospital by ambulance.

@Karl_K -

I just don't know what to say, This is just extraordinary. Praying for you and for your FIL as well, and thinking of you all today.


Aug 4, 2008
When it rains it really pours.
We called my wifey4vr's mom on facebook live for mothers day and her dad was having another stroke or a tia, he failed the stroke protocol and was showing heart issues on the heart monitor. He is on the way to the hospital by ambulance.
His diagnosis is "Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome"
Basically he might come out of it on his own or he might not.
His preference is no vent so if he can come out on his own without crashing he will come out of it.
Even putting him on a vent would not change much with this diagnosis but no vent is his preference.
So he is on a no vent dnr and its in the Lord's hands.


Jun 7, 2014
I’m sorry Karl. Sending dust, prayers and positive thoughts to your father in law and your family.


Aug 18, 2013
I am a medical mess lol
I have had doctors throw up their hands as they walk out the door because they do not know what to do with me.
I had a really great doctor but the medical group dropped my insurance with no notice so had to switch doctors.
My current doctor is the throws hands up type so after this mess am going to have to find another.

Low lung volume - probably an effect of being born by emergency c-section with the cord around my neck. Or just genetic no one knows.
Sleep apnea
messed up jaw that makes copd act worse, the way the nerves run make it pretty much unoparabe. Dentist made it worse by not knowing what he was doing and tried to fix my bite using a plate system. Using all the insurance money so when I got to see a doctor who might have been able to help there was no insurance money so could not get it fixed during the growth phase when it might have been possible without surgery,
On oxygen 24/7 amount varies depending on how im doing.
Arthritis in joints badly.
Have had 4 dvt's and a pulmonary embolism as well as dozens of superficial blood clots. On blood thinners for life.
Had pleurisy that was deemed to dangerous to remove by surgery so have a lot of scar tissue around one lung and reduced capacity even more.
Have had a heart attack sometime.
High blood pressure
Have enlarged right ventricle from copd.
I am a lot overweight.
Have a lot of allergies.
Went for many years with no insurance so could not get any of this treated for a long time.
Birth defect in the bones of my back, deforming my back.
Badly damaged both knees as a kid and elbow as an adult.
I'm a mess and a half.
I have had a couple doctors look at my medical history and ask me how are still alive. Then I tell them how I cracked my skull open twise before the age of 5 and show them the scars.

I feel you on all of this. I thank God particularly for two positive characteristics I have; I heal better and faster than anyone I know - and - I have massive lungs. Huge. About double normal size. My oxygen sats sit around 97-100 all the time, so I figure if I can get O2, I'm well placed for a lot of things. On the other hand....

My father's side of the family has a genetic deformation in the right ascending coronary artery. It's like a kink in its structure. In our family, on that side, you turn get a stent. Fat, thin, smoker, non-smoker - for your 50th birthday - a stent. That's just the way it is. On my mother's side, chronic hypertension. I was diagnosed with this when I was 33. I'd been feeling weird and made a dr's appt. As I reversed out of the driveway, I collected one of the decorative stone pilons on one side of the driveway. Didn't care. Kept going and to this day I remember the deep gouging sound of the pilon taking out the entire right hand side of the car. Still didn't care, I was so out of it. Got to the dr who took my BP - it was 260/160. So I hear you on the hypertension thing. Mine has been well controlled for years now, but I have to be careful and, obviously, even now I have ongoing heart issues as well as auto-immune.

When I was 14, I pulled a drowning girl out of a public swimming pool and herniated 10 discs - 8 in my spine and 2 in my neck. It caused so many structural issues that I've had to live with ever since. But worst of all, 15 years ago, during an on-the-table examination by a neurosurgeon, while he was trying to check my range of mobility, he overdid it and 2 of my herniated discs burst and pierced the meninges and I bled out cerebro spinal fluid and almost died. I had a year on my belly, a 3 year total recovery, and I gained 130 lbs - and I was always 20lbs chunkier than ideal to start with. During that period I ran the gamut of pain and disability, but have slowly clawed my way back, down 98lbs, 32 to go. It's taken the full 15 years and multiple set backs. And even now - heart issues, and a brand new stent, as of a week ago. So I know as well as anyone that weight loss is not necessarily the entire answer. But it's part of it, and I'd encourage you not to give up on that. I say this with -zero- judgment, and NOBODY knows better than someone who's overweight that it's necessary to lose weight - like - d'uh, y'know? I cannot tell you how many times people who had no idea of my pain levels, my immobility, my level of effort, and on and on and on would say to me, "You need to lose weight." YA THINK?? I used to go home and talk to DH and say to him, "I wanted to respond - 'Come closer so I can spit in your eye.' " People can be so stupid and ignorant as to the way chronic illness can sap the will to live - forget diet and exercise! But there IS hope down the end of that particular tunnel, Karl, and you deserve to be able to claim it. So regardless of where you are right now, I'm going to hang onto hope for you for better days and improvement and forward momentum, even if, like me, it takes decades.

You are my brother in the struggle - and I get that. Bodies, man - they're tough for some of us. Praying for you in the ongoing fight - for energy and intelligence and patience and joy and love. And for health. Loads and loads of health. ox


I feel you on all of this. I thank God particularly for two positive characteristics I have; I heal better and faster than anyone I know - and - I have massive lungs. Huge. About double normal size. My oxygen sats sit around 97-100 all the time, so I figure if I can get O2, I'm well placed for a lot of things. On the other hand....

My father's side of the family has a genetic deformation in the right ascending coronary artery. It's like a kink in its structure. In our family, on that side, you turn get a stent. Fat, thin, smoker, non-smoker - for your 50th birthday - a stent. That's just the way it is. On my mother's side, chronic hypertension. I was diagnosed with this when I was 33. I'd been feeling weird and made a dr's appt. As I reversed out of the driveway, I collected one of the decorative stone pilons on one side of the driveway. Didn't care. Kept going and to this day I remember the deep gouging sound of the pilon taking out the entire right hand side of the car. Still didn't care, I was so out of it. Got to the dr who took my BP - it was 260/160. So I hear you on the hypertension thing. Mine has been well controlled for years now, but I have to be careful and, obviously, even now I have ongoing heart issues as well as auto-immune.

When I was 14, I pulled a drowning girl out of a public swimming pool and herniated 10 discs - 8 in my spine and 2 in my neck. It caused so many structural issues that I've had to live with ever since. But worst of all, 15 years ago, during an on-the-table examination by a neurosurgeon, while he was trying to check my range of mobility, he overdid it and 2 of my herniated discs burst and pierced the meninges and I bled out cerebro spinal fluid and almost died. I had a year on my belly, a 3 year total recovery, and I gained 130 lbs - and I was always 20lbs chunkier than ideal to start with. During that period I ran the gamut of pain and disability, but have slowly clawed my way back, down 98lbs, 32 to go. It's taken the full 15 years and multiple set backs. And even now - heart issues, and a brand new stent, as of a week ago. So I know as well as anyone that weight loss is not necessarily the entire answer. But it's part of it, and I'd encourage you not to give up on that. I say this with -zero- judgment, and NOBODY knows better than someone who's overweight that it's necessary to lose weight - like - d'uh, y'know? I cannot tell you how many times people who had no idea of my pain levels, my immobility, my level of effort, and on and on and on would say to me, "You need to lose weight." YA THINK?? I used to go home and talk to DH and say to him, "I wanted to respond - 'Come closer so I can spit in your eye.' " People can be so stupid and ignorant as to the way chronic illness can sap the will to live - forget diet and exercise! But there IS hope down the end of that particular tunnel, Karl, and you deserve to be able to claim it. So regardless of where you are right now, I'm going to hang onto hope for you for better days and improvement and forward momentum, even if, like me, it takes decades.

You are my brother in the struggle - and I get that. Bodies, man - they're tough for some of us. Praying for you in the ongoing fight - for energy and intelligence and patience and joy and love. And for health. Loads and loads of health. ox

Praying for the both of you. - @Karl_K and @mrs-b , God Bless and take care. Q:wavey:


Oct 15, 2010
@Karl_K not sure how much a family can take at one time, but I pray you your father in law to recover. I'm thinking of you too-- not just praying!


Feb 12, 2018
@Karl_K I don’t know why you’re getting more than your fair share of bad mojo, but I sincerely hope that there’s light at the end of that tunnel you’re in. Thanks for checking in and I hope your wifey is holding up okay. You and your family are in my thoughts.


Aug 4, 2008
I feel you on all of this. I thank God particularly for two positive characteristics I have; I heal better and faster than anyone I know - and - I have massive lungs. Huge. About double normal size. My oxygen sats sit around 97-100 all the time, so I figure if I can get O2, I'm well placed for a lot of things. On the other hand....

My father's side of the family has a genetic deformation in the right ascending coronary artery. It's like a kink in its structure. In our family, on that side, you turn get a stent. Fat, thin, smoker, non-smoker - for your 50th birthday - a stent. That's just the way it is. On my mother's side, chronic hypertension. I was diagnosed with this when I was 33. I'd been feeling weird and made a dr's appt. As I reversed out of the driveway, I collected one of the decorative stone pilons on one side of the driveway. Didn't care. Kept going and to this day I remember the deep gouging sound of the pilon taking out the entire right hand side of the car. Still didn't care, I was so out of it. Got to the dr who took my BP - it was 260/160. So I hear you on the hypertension thing. Mine has been well controlled for years now, but I have to be careful and, obviously, even now I have ongoing heart issues as well as auto-immune.

When I was 14, I pulled a drowning girl out of a public swimming pool and herniated 10 discs - 8 in my spine and 2 in my neck. It caused so many structural issues that I've had to live with ever since. But worst of all, 15 years ago, during an on-the-table examination by a neurosurgeon, while he was trying to check my range of mobility, he overdid it and 2 of my herniated discs burst and pierced the meninges and I bled out cerebro spinal fluid and almost died. I had a year on my belly, a 3 year total recovery, and I gained 130 lbs - and I was always 20lbs chunkier than ideal to start with. During that period I ran the gamut of pain and disability, but have slowly clawed my way back, down 98lbs, 32 to go. It's taken the full 15 years and multiple set backs. And even now - heart issues, and a brand new stent, as of a week ago. So I know as well as anyone that weight loss is not necessarily the entire answer. But it's part of it, and I'd encourage you not to give up on that. I say this with -zero- judgment, and NOBODY knows better than someone who's overweight that it's necessary to lose weight - like - d'uh, y'know? I cannot tell you how many times people who had no idea of my pain levels, my immobility, my level of effort, and on and on and on would say to me, "You need to lose weight." YA THINK?? I used to go home and talk to DH and say to him, "I wanted to respond - 'Come closer so I can spit in your eye.' " People can be so stupid and ignorant as to the way chronic illness can sap the will to live - forget diet and exercise! But there IS hope down the end of that particular tunnel, Karl, and you deserve to be able to claim it. So regardless of where you are right now, I'm going to hang onto hope for you for better days and improvement and forward momentum, even if, like me, it takes decades.

You are my brother in the struggle - and I get that. Bodies, man - they're tough for some of us. Praying for you in the ongoing fight - for energy and intelligence and patience and joy and love. And for health. Loads and loads of health. ox

I have lost and mostly kept off 60+lbs for a couple years(my weight varies up and down 15lbs or so) but need to lose another 100 that I have not been able to touch.


Sep 10, 2003
but need to lose another 100 that I have not been able to touch.

@Karl_K Have you seen the fasting thread? Essentially you could choose to eat your meals within a 6 or 8 hour window and then you don't eat anything after that. I lost 90+ lbs 3 yrs ago eating my (healthy) meals between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you Google Jason Fung you'll find his books, vids, etc. where he explains the health benefits and how to's of fasting.


Aug 4, 2008
My FIL is hanging in there. They after much work got his BP under control. He opens his eyes and looks at them when they talk to him but isn't talking yet.

Physically im having an ok day, not a lot of energy but breathing has been reasonable on higher than usual oxygen flow.
Mentally i'm exhausted.


Aug 4, 2008
Have you seen the fasting thread? Essentially you could choose to eat your meals within a 6 or 8 hour window and then you don't eat anything after that. I lost 90+ lbs 3 yrs ago eating my (healthy) meals between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you Google Jason Fung you'll find his books, vids, etc. where he explains the health benefits and how to's of fasting.
I tried something simular and my blood sugar went unstable.


Jun 23, 2005
Karl, I hope you are feeling a bit better. I am sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I hope all things work together to pull him through this crisis. I hope you and your wife can get some rest in spite of the upset.


Sep 10, 2003
I tried something simular and my blood sugar went unstable.

It shouldn't if you do it properly and under your doctor's care. Fung's speciality is diabetic patients some of whom are morbidly obese (400+ lbs) and knows what he's doing. Not trying to push anything on you but it wouldn't cost you anything but a bit of time to research his successes. You've nothing to lose but those stubborn 100 lbs.


Jan 3, 2013
Continued prayers outgoing for you and yours @kark_k


Mar 31, 2018
@Karl_K I hope and pray you will feel better soon...


Aug 4, 2008
It shouldn't if you do it properly and under your doctor's care. Fung's speciality is diabetic patients some of whom are morbidly obese (400+ lbs) and knows what he's doing. Not trying to push anything on you but it wouldn't cost you anything but a bit of time to research his successes. You've nothing to lose but those stubborn 100 lbs.
Thanks I will look into it when im not so stressed out.


Aug 18, 2013
I have lost and mostly kept off 60+lbs for a couple years(my weight varies up and down 15lbs or so) but need to lose another 100 that I have not been able to touch.

60lbs is a bunch, and it never just comes off by itself. So you're obviously doing something right.

I'm glad your FIL is hanging in there and I'm praying for improvement.

And yes - you must be completely wrecked. I hope you sleep well tonight and can mentally get some space to think about anything other than health issues. When I'm unwell, I get burnt out going over the same issues again and again and again. Praying for mental space and calm, both for you and your wife.


Dec 9, 2013
Karl, each time I see that you have posted on PS I celebrate. I was worried about you!


Oct 2, 2014
Karl, I'm not on PS too much because I find the internet addictive, but I just wanted to say that I am very sorry for your troubles. I will pray for you and your wife's family. I hope you feel better soon.


Apr 20, 2017
Prayers for you and your family, Karl.


Aug 17, 2018
Sorry to hear about your health and your father-in-law's. I'll be praying for you and your family.


Feb 29, 2012
Sending you continued prayers, Karl.


Sep 1, 2009
Hugs and prayers to you and Wifey. Hope you are breathing well today and FIL is able to recover.


Jan 26, 2003
Thank you for updating us, Karl. Continued prayers for your father-in-law and strength for your wife. Also prayers for your health.
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