
Now I really did it :((


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Your Mum is a good sport @MamaBee, that hat is hilarious. Your lucky friends, I’m sure they appreciate all the time and effort you’ve gone to baking for them.

Wow, look at the colours of those leaves @missy. I hope you can get the bleeding back under control. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, I’m with you about hanging on to the bits and pieces we were born with. I had a male gynaecologist (came up as hyena in auto correct :lol: ) who was pressuring me to have a hysterectomy when I was 30! I declined and stuck it out. Oh my, what a beautiful puss, such a lovely colour.

I’m happy to confirm that the fish and chip shops are alive and kicking in the UK @lambskin, we always had cod too.

Fingers crossed that your earrings are soon winging their way to you @marcy, and we’ll try and forget about you not ‘needing’ any more bling when you retire. :mrgreen:

Good luck with your application @springerspaniel, how exciting to have this is the pipeline. Thank you for your good wishes, yes, it’s been quite the marathon, but we’re here now, and looking forward to the next chapter of our lives.

I’m so sorry to hear about your friend’s mother @canuk-gal, no wonder you feel down. I hope you hear soon about your appt, but it’s positive your Dr isn’t feeling too concerned about your current results. Woohoo to your Mum feeling so positive about her new home.

We went to the outlets at San Marcos yesterday, it was sad to see some of the shops we like have gone, sign of the times unfortunately. I did get a pair of leopard print jeans, not as horrendous as they sounds, they’re quite subtle actually :lol: We also got Colin a lovely Stetson, he’s a real Texan now, but really it’s because it has really wide brims to protect his face and hopefully no more skin cancers.

We’ve just been up to the house to meet another pool builder, and the septic tank is in, although on the downside, the windows are now delayed even further. :doh:They’re now saying 10 weeks, ugh!

After that, we went to a local olive grove and had lunch, the weather is a beautiful 72 deg F, and we sat outside in the sunshine enjoying the view.

Can’t believe another week has whizzed by, and it’ll be Friday tomorrow.

Big love and hugs to all the lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy FriYAY!

@Austina I am sorry about the window delay but glad you enjoyed a gorgeous sunny day in the Olive grove and had lunch. So exciting you are getting a pool. I loved growing up having a pool and was even on the swim team in school. Your shopping trip to the outlets sound like fun and yay for scoring leopard print jeans. They sound very snazzy. Smart protecting Colin from the sun. It wreaks havoc on our skin but especially those who have past skin cancers.

@springerspaniel thinking good thoughts for you and your application process. Fingers crossed.

@bling_dream19 happy friYAY and have a great weekend.

@Slick1 yay tomorrow is the weekend.

@canuk-gal when is your echo scheduled? Thinking good thoughts for you. Tommy's echo is scheduled for Dec 23rd. He is going to be so scared and I think they have to shave his chest if I recall correctly because we did that for another of our furry babies. Oh well it needs to be done. Have a lovely weekend.

@marcy hope yesterday went smoothly at work. And tomorrow is the weekend. Soon every day will feel like a weekend day. :)

@MamaBee happy FriYAY. Have a good one.

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is well. We enjoyed a lovely cycling day yesterday despite little sun. The temps were milder than we thought they would be. It was a good ride.

On the famous Asbury Park Boardwalk.
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Today is a rainy day so errands shall be accomplished. Enjoy a lovely FriYAY filled with yay. XOXO.
May it be as sweet as you are.

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Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!! Hope everyone is keeping well and safe.

@missy keep on cycling!! I walked today as it was too blustery for a ride. I called my GP's office to ask where I was in the ECHO queue and they confirmed the lab received the req. So I'll wait for a call from them. Thanks for asking.

Not too much going on here, pretty low on the thrill-o-meter as @marcy would say.

Going to Nordy's tomorrow as they have my favorite NEST candles on promo. Then DH and I will hit happy hour at our fav Italian place. I'd better reel it in as my jeans are getting tight! And the only wardrobe I want to be replacing is my jewellery!!!



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!

It's a sunny windy day with chance of rain. But so far bright and sunny.

@canuk-gal hope they call you soon to schedule the echo and that is is perfectly A OK. Have fun today at Nordstrom's sale. I love NEST candles. And enjoy happy hour at your favorite Italian place. Sounds like a lot of fun! LOL same. The only wardrobe I want to have to add to is my bling haha. Luckily I wear leggings as tights so they always (generally) fit. :lol: I comfort myself saying a we get older it's face or body so adding a few lbs to soften the face isn't bad at all. Right? :sun:

Hi to everyone else. Hope you had an awesome FriYAY and are having a wonderful weekend.

We took a drive to see the Autumn colors yesterday and it was just gorgeous. Unfortunately the photos didn't come out great due to the rain and windshield being spotted. We played cards for the rest of the afternoon. It was a quiet peaceful relaxing day.

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Happy weekend girls. Whatever you are doing enjoy and be safe. Sending you big hugs and lots of love.
May your day be purrrrrfectly cozy and happy.

If only all of us could relax like the kitties.

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Jun 8, 2008
Have a beautiful Sunday girls.

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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Sorry to have been MIA for a couple of days. We’ve been really busy here, don’t ask me where the time goes, the days just whizz by. Friday Colin and I went shopping for Kim, as she’s had guests over, and that took 2 hours to get everything she needed, then we went to fill up the car, and by the time we got home it was already after lunchtime.

Wow @missy, that view is something you’d never tire of, no wonder you’re enjoying staying at the shore. It’s so beautiful and serene. I can’t say I’ve seen any beautiful leaf colour change here, things are still pretty green. Hope everything is OK with you, and fingers crossed the meds are helping your bleeding.

I hear you on the tight clothes @canuk-gal, I swear Kim is deliberately fattening us up! Hope you get your appt soon.

I spent the day yesterday cleaning and doing laundry, and when Kim got back, we spent all evening prepping food for her guests today. One of them has severe allergies, so we had to be so careful with everything we made (mainly Vietnamese dishes) not to cross contaminate anything, plus make vegetarian dishes. Started cooking at 8am today as her friends were coming at 10am for brunch. They enjoyed all the food, including Saitan chicken, which isn’t chicken at all, and Kim said she was going to tell them I made it. I said if the don’t like it, you’re not putting the blame on me :lol:

Adam has his booster yesterday, felt a bit achy and tired, and Kim’s just gone for hers. She had quite an extreme reaction to her first 2 shots, so hopefully she’ll be OK when she gets back.

I forgot to mention that I received a text from CVS before mine telling me to drink at least 16oz of water before I went. We FT our friends yesterday, and she was telling me that since her booster, her arm has been really sore. She went to the Dr and he said that this continuing soreness after the booster has been reported, and can last up to 3 months.

Tomorrow Colin has his driving test, so let’s hope he passes, because I can’t get insurance on my car until he’s got a licence!!!! What is this, the 18th century? OY!

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are enjoying a peaceful and relaxing weekend :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

@missy glad to see you are still able to ride and get some great pictures! I am quite content with my new lens. I sure enjoy the brilliant colors of the fall leaves there and as always the pictures of ice cream look delicious. The beach photos always look so calming and peaceful. We are having horrid winds here too. Phooey.

@Austina our nearest outlet mall has lots of closed stores as well; sad to see. Nice that Colin picked up a cowboy hat - I have no idea where mine is but I know I have one.

@canuk-gal I hope you get your ECHO appointment soon. Did you buy out the store at Nordy’s? Good luck to Colin on his driving test tomorrow?

We had a quiet weekend. I finished the latest Mitch Rapp book and got all of our laundry done (for now). My new lens seems nice but I haven’t ventured outside with it because it is so windy. We rented the latest James Bond movie last night and had popcorn for supper. Speaking of supper I need to ping Marty it’s time to COOK our steaks.

Take care.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!

Decent day--cool but no wind. DH went for a ride, but since I had to get groceries I opted for a walk. Very nice for this time of year in the Rockies.

Big snowfall warning for parts of our province, I am hoping it misses us. For once I want the predictions to be correct!

Went to the mall for my NEST candles--BIG MISTAKE! Had to drive around for a parking spot--and line ups 10 people deep. I had my hazmat suit on, but still! Eyiyiyi. My favorite glitter sneakers are finally at their life's end--but I called around before I am doing another mall's fool errand!

Stay safe and well folks!



Apr 19, 2004

@marcy--what did you think of Bond? DH asked me if I wanted to rent it at home. But I like the big screen Bond experience. We are accustomed to weekday matiness which are almost empty. I'll think about the theater--which always gave me the creeps--bc of snifflers and non handwashing folks. But I think now it is more sanitary?



Feb 24, 2017
Colin and Adam watched the new Bond film last night while Kim and I were prepping, he said it was OK, but wasn’t that thrilled by it @canuk-gal


Apr 19, 2004


Feb 27, 2007
@canuk-gal and @Austina that would be my assessment as well. It was okay but certainly not fabulous. We were entertained anyway.


Apr 19, 2004


Jul 20, 2012
Good morning NIRDI's!!

@marcy...yes, fall is now winter as we've had our first official snow of the year. Not much accumulation thankfully, but it is here nonetheless--did manage a walk, & its not looking as nice as it was a few weeks ago, as evidenced with the 'Was' & 'Now' photos below. Marcy, good luck with your retirement--such an exciting time of life-- no doubt you will find many fun things to occupy your time & energy.

Here's a couple of weeks ago:
and what it looks like today:

@missy--such sweet relief re biopsy results. At least for me, all the mental churning involved was/is so energy sapping! Now with answers in hand, hopefully you've been able to catch your breath. & my CT results were clean, thank you & yay. I especially loved that image you posted earlier of that gorgeous yellow word, such beauty in nature! Thank you for sharing. Hoping the best with your appointment next week. And that pic of the vultures!!!! Oh my word!! Love your cloud, sky, & water pics--thank you so much for posting!

@canuk-gal Isn't it such a relief your Mom has settled in, yay for that. My condolences to you & your friends Mom. Good you can be there for support to her during this difficult time. & sorry to hear about your EKG, hopefully things will check out with your Echo. If it's not one thing, it's the other, no? Todays diagnosis tools like Echo Cardiograms, CT's & MRI's etc open the potential diagnosis window quite a beneficiary, I now have a whole slew of kooky things we are following. Thankfully I might add. Good to have care & hope for the best with your Echo.

Hi answer your question, I live in Michigan! Although was not too excited about the northern climate of this region when I arrived, I now am so thankful to be here for a variety of reasons. Don't let my photos fool you, it's not too hard to take a bad picture when such beauty abounds--I just basically point & click my iPhone & know nothing else about photography. Enjoy exploring your new neighborhood!

@MamaBee You are a dear friend to bring your girlfriends home made pumpkin bread! And your Mom, what a fun loving gal she is with her turkey hat, love it!

@Austina I say go for the leopard print jeans--if you feel good in them, then why not? You only live once, am I right?? :). So liberating isn't it. Right now, I want to cut my longer hair to right below my shoulders, & have an apt tomorrow. DH has always loved my hair, but I'm just not feeling it anymore, so it's time to try something new. What fun with designing your pool, landscaping etc. Eating outside in 72 degree weather sounds wonderful!!

@springerspaniel , Good luck with your fellowship application! And for your speech Friday, kudos to you for doing it & hope you knocked it out of the park! Something like that is totally out of my wheel house. Nope. Could not do it, it's just not 'me' to give a 'talk' to a roomful of people. You must be a doctor/researcher?

@bling_dream19 Hi there & thank you re the photos. I just love nature & the outdoors, and just take pics of whatever I think is beautiful! One day, I envision myself older & less able to 'go', & I think I'd like to paint. So maybe a few of these images will be a painting by SB one day...who knows, but that's my plan right now. :)

Jack is getting more & more frail & his eating has been touch & go. Well he actually quit eating for 3 days. Was drinking some water, but not eating at all, so we switched him to burger & rice. We knew once we crossed that bridge, there'd be no going back. That began late last week. He vomited it all up within 30 minutes & his vomiting has been intermittent. Since he's been hit or miss with his stomach, I've been feeding him really small amounts, then waiting 20 -30 min, then another couple of spoonfuls etc. We have a vet appt, I just want them to check his blood & liver levels, & see if his tummy/abdomen feels right. This vomiting is not his first rodeo & I'm wondering if there may be something more than meets the eye, or if it was his stomach being so empty when the food finally hit it. Am looking forward to the vet appointment. Jack on the other hand, will be an absolute wreck....

We had dinner out with our 30 year next door neighbors tonight at a wonderful Italian place downtown, we laughed & laughed. They are dear people & we are so lucky to have them next door to us.

Adele One Night Only just started & I want to watch it, hope everyone has a good week ahead & sweet dreams tonight!!

(Hope there are no typos, Adele's voice is simply a-mazing.)



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Monday!

@marcy lovely that you enjoyed a peaceful weekend and are loving your new lens. Sweet. Hopefully the wind will slow down and you will be able to take photos outside. Nice you finished your latest book and got laundry done. Countdown to retirement begins. XOXO.

@Austina sounds like a lovely gathering with Kim's friends and how nice of you to help. Glad Adam got his booster and Kim too. My arm was sore after the first two vaccines for a long time. Not months but weeks for sure. Yes time is flying by. The colors here are truly gorgeous. One of the nice things about living in the NE. Good luck to Colin and fingers crossed he passes his driving test....I am sure he will. XOXO.

@sarahb gorgeous photos. Glad your CT results were clean, what a relief. I don't have answers yet. Far from it but today I meet with my gynecologist to get my biopsy results. I hope she agrees with my friend that they are benign. She hasn't communicated the results to me yet and today is the day. I doubt she will have answers for me but as long as the results are benign I will take it from there. Ugh I am so sorry about Jack. Sending him bucketloads of healing vibes and lots of gentle hugs and good wishes. Big hugs and have a good week. Hoping Jack bounces back.

@canuk-gal sounds like a lovely weekend and a good walk. With autumn weather walking is always nice. Glad your dh got a bike ride in. Sorry about the crowds at Nordstrom but glad you got your NEST candles. Hugs.

@Slick1 hope you had a fun weekend. Hugs

@bling_dream19 hope you enjoyed a lovely weekend. XOXO.

@MamaBee did you get to visit your mom? Hope you had a good weekend. XOXO

@springerspaniel hope you enjoyed a sweet weekend and got all the stuff you needed accomplished.

@mrs-b how is sunny warm California? I hope you are soaking up all the delicious rays and feeling well.

We had a quiet weekend. Yesterday we went to our Brooklyn apartment to get some things. It was one of our most peaceful weekends I think. No cycling, no walking @rainwood I was a good girl LOL. See I told you I am very disciplined. Unfortunately no change but we shall see I am going to the gyn today.

Have a wonderful Monday girls. Big hugs.

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Sep 26, 2011
@sarahb all my thoughts for you and Jack. I hope this is a temporary issue. He is such a wonderful dog.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!

Good day to do squat--super foggy out and only 2C. Hung out inside all day listening to the renovators banging least I used the elliptical and stationary bike.

Just made shepherd's pie--such an exciting life I lead. We will rent Bond tonight.

I got a call from my Surgeons office and they offered me a date of Wed Nov 24th. If my ECHO tomorrow is normal I will take that date. See what unfolds.

Keep well and safe NIRDIs.



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I hope you got positive news at the gyn today @missy, and there’s been the clarification you needed to set your mind at rest. Now to sort out the bleeding and that’ll be real progress.

@sarahb what fantastic colours and scenery. I’m so sorry to hear about Jack, I hope the vet appt went well. I hate when they get old, you just worry all the time. Woohoo to getting a clear CT scan.

Ugh, 2 degs @canuk-gal, definitely a staying at home sort of day. Glad you’ve managed to schedule your appt for next week, not too long to wait.

Any news on your earrings @marcy? I would’ve probably watched the Bond film if I hadn‘t been busy, but it sounds like I haven’t missed much.

We’ve had a busy but productive day. We went to look at more furniture for the games room, and I think we’ve found what we want. Of course, there was the hard sell to order now, but until we have at least some idea of when the house will be ready, there’s no point. After that I took Colin for his driving lesson and test, and he passed, so thank goodness for that. From there it was just a few minutes to the pool people who came out recently, so we went there to look at their design. We tweaked a few things, and have come up with a design we’re happy with, and more importantly, a price we’re comfortable with. Just waiting on the other quotes before making a final decision. By the time we got home it was 3pm, so most of the day was gone.

Got to be up at the house by 9.30am tomorrow for the pre-Sheetrock inspection, then in the afternoon, I have to take Colin to hand over his paperwork and application for his full Tx licence.

Happy Monday lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

@sarahb what a difference in seasons. Love the colors of your fall leaves. Darn that winter arrived. We had temps near 60 today - sadly the wind speed was around the same. Thank you and I am already planning assorted things to do to keep myself busy after retiring. That’s great your CT scan was clean. I am so sorry to hear sweet Jack is not doing well, mega dust to you and him.

@missy that lens is pretty nice and just thing when I’m retired I can wander out and take pictures anytime I want. Nice that you had such a peaceful weekend and drove in to your place in Brooklynn. I hope your appointment went well today with good results. Keeping you in my thoughts.

@springerspaniel I hope you are doing well.

@canuk-gal it does sound like a good day to stay in - Wednesday looks very cold here this week. I hope you enjoy the movie tonight. Nice to get your appointment for the Echo and sending mega dust for good results.

@Austina I did get news today about my earrings - they will be here Wednesday. The pictures look great. I think the Bond movie is good so I wouldn’t tell anyone not to watch it. I don’t want to say anything else to ruin the story but I don’t regret watching it. You had a busy day. Yay that Colin has his license now and that’s great you got the pool design that sounds perfect and it came with a comfortable price. I remember those choices so well. We were the first house with our backyard to the greenway. At the time the HOA only allowed 4 foot fences along the greenway. By the time later homes got built around us the HOA changed their minds and allow 6 feet fences. It is funny looking down the green way because EVERYONE has the 6 foot fence except us. Since they charged us $10,000 for the fence we aren’t about to change it to get 2 more feet plus I figure is someone sneaks in a backyard to mess with something they won’t pick the house with the shortest fence.

So as I mentioned I got my glamour shots of my earrings today. I am quite pleased with them. I am anxious to see them in person.

I did some training with my replacement today and kind of overheard the training of the new gal; she is still struggling. Some of the things she is being taught were already covered by me. She has told me several times there is a lot more to our job than she thought. I can usually tell within the first few weeks if someone will be good at our job and I don’t think she will be a natural at it.

Have a great week.

My glamour shots


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Feb 21, 2019

@sarahb what a difference in seasons. Love the colors of your fall leaves. Darn that winter arrived. We had temps near 60 today - sadly the wind speed was around the same. Thank you and I am already planning assorted things to do to keep myself busy after retiring. That’s great your CT scan was clean. I am so sorry to hear sweet Jack is not doing well, mega dust to you and him.

@missy that lens is pretty nice and just thing when I’m retired I can wander out and take pictures anytime I want. Nice that you had such a peaceful weekend and drove in to your place in Brooklynn. I hope your appointment went well today with good results. Keeping you in my thoughts.

@springerspaniel I hope you are doing well.

@canuk-gal it does sound like a good day to stay in - Wednesday looks very cold here this week. I hope you enjoy the movie tonight. Nice to get your appointment for the Echo and sending mega dust for good results.

@Austina I did get news today about my earrings - they will be here Wednesday. The pictures look great. I think the Bond movie is good so I wouldn’t tell anyone not to watch it. I don’t want to say anything else to ruin the story but I don’t regret watching it. You had a busy day. Yay that Colin has his license now and that’s great you got the pool design that sounds perfect and it came with a comfortable price. I remember those choices so well. We were the first house with our backyard to the greenway. At the time the HOA only allowed 4 foot fences along the greenway. By the time later homes got built around us the HOA changed their minds and allow 6 feet fences. It is funny looking down the green way because EVERYONE has the 6 foot fence except us. Since they charged us $10,000 for the fence we aren’t about to change it to get 2 more feet plus I figure is someone sneaks in a backyard to mess with something they won’t pick the house with the shortest fence.

So as I mentioned I got my glamour shots of my earrings today. I am quite pleased with them. I am anxious to see them in person.

I did some training with my replacement today and kind of overheard the training of the new gal; she is still struggling. Some of the things she is being taught were already covered by me. She has told me several times there is a lot more to our job than she thought. I can usually tell within the first few weeks if someone will be good at our job and I don’t think she will be a natural at it.

Have a great week.

My glamour shots

Oh these are GORGEOUS @marcy wow total class and sparkle, perfect for you!


Mar 31, 2018
@missy How did your visit with the gynecologist go today? I’m hoping she has a plan on how to solve your bleeding.
I trained David to sit..hahaha The other boys can do their own thing because they don’t live with me anymore...S makes me mad. I thought back to you taping the toilet lids closed when you first got married..That’s hysterical..
I did see my mom..I picked her up on Saturday. She came after lunch..but stayed for dinner. I just got notice today that they are opening the nursing homes again on Wednesday! No more restrictions! We have to wear a mask. This will be the first time we will be able with to visit her in her room. I can’t make it on Wednesday because I have a furniture delivery and pest control treatment. Chris, David, and I will visit her on Thursday.
@Austina That’s great news that Colin passed his test. That must be a relief..
Do your contractors have any idea of a projected finish date? You must be so anxious to have it finished. We had a beautiful pool when we lived in Houston. I would go food shopping..get home..get into my bathing suit and jump in to cool off. The summers are brutal there. Use tons of sunscreen!
@canuk-gal I hope your echo goes well. My ekgs are never normal..but they are normal for me. The cardiologist followed me for a long time. They stayed wonky..He said it was okay because they didn’t change over a five year period. He said some ekgs don’t follow the norm but are okay for that person.
Shepherds pie sounds so good. It’s been a very long time since I had it.
@sarahb I also watched Adele last night! I absolutely love her. My husband and I watched one of our shows. We turned the show off..I couldn’t believe she had a special that I didn’t know about! I missed about ten or fifteen minutes at the beginning. I went to one of her concerts once. It was amazing..What did you think of it?
I don’t know why you had to have a CT scan but I’m happy it’s good..
I love the before and after photos of the trees..We still have a lot hanging on…I’m starting to be able to see our pond in the back of the house. The prettiest time is when the colored leaves are still partially on the trees..but we can see the pond. In the winter the kids go ice skating on it.
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Goodnight everyone..I’m fading fast! Big hugs..tbc


Mar 31, 2018

@sarahb what a difference in seasons. Love the colors of your fall leaves. Darn that winter arrived. We had temps near 60 today - sadly the wind speed was around the same. Thank you and I am already planning assorted things to do to keep myself busy after retiring. That’s great your CT scan was clean. I am so sorry to hear sweet Jack is not doing well, mega dust to you and him.

@missy that lens is pretty nice and just thing when I’m retired I can wander out and take pictures anytime I want. Nice that you had such a peaceful weekend and drove in to your place in Brooklynn. I hope your appointment went well today with good results. Keeping you in my thoughts.

@springerspaniel I hope you are doing well.

@canuk-gal it does sound like a good day to stay in - Wednesday looks very cold here this week. I hope you enjoy the movie tonight. Nice to get your appointment for the Echo and sending mega dust for good results.

@Austina I did get news today about my earrings - they will be here Wednesday. The pictures look great. I think the Bond movie is good so I wouldn’t tell anyone not to watch it. I don’t want to say anything else to ruin the story but I don’t regret watching it. You had a busy day. Yay that Colin has his license now and that’s great you got the pool design that sounds perfect and it came with a comfortable price. I remember those choices so well. We were the first house with our backyard to the greenway. At the time the HOA only allowed 4 foot fences along the greenway. By the time later homes got built around us the HOA changed their minds and allow 6 feet fences. It is funny looking down the green way because EVERYONE has the 6 foot fence except us. Since they charged us $10,000 for the fence we aren’t about to change it to get 2 more feet plus I figure is someone sneaks in a backyard to mess with something they won’t pick the house with the shortest fence.

So as I mentioned I got my glamour shots of my earrings today. I am quite pleased with them. I am anxious to see them in person.

I did some training with my replacement today and kind of overheard the training of the new gal; she is still struggling. Some of the things she is being taught were already covered by me. She has told me several times there is a lot more to our job than she thought. I can usually tell within the first few weeks if someone will be good at our job and I don’t think she will be a natural at it.

Have a great week.

My glamour shots

Wow! They’re gorgeous!!!! I love them! :kiss2:


Jul 20, 2012
@marcy LOVE those earrings--just a beautiful Ruby color, and those halos, perfect size too!! Gorgeousl!:kiss2::kiss2:


Jun 8, 2008
GM girl!. Happy Tuesday!

How did your visit with the gynecologist go today? I’m hoping she has a plan on how to solve your bleeding.

Nope, not a plan in sight. She stated the obvious. I need more P. I am taking so much P but it isn't working. In fact, the more P I take the more I bleed. But don't worry. I am not yet giving up. I have a few more things up my sleeve. First I have a call tomorrow with my HRT provider and if she is onboard I am going to do a forced shed. Unpleasant and painful but I need to thin my uterine lining. Then I continue raising my P. I am inserting 600 mg P daily and will increase to 800 mg. If that doesn't work I will decrease my E despite it not being near where it should be. And if that doesn't work I will add a different P delivery method to my rectal. And I will see how it goes. One day at a time. I have been bleeding since April. It really is too much and it is wearing on me. I am physically and emotionally exhausted. My gynecologist kept prefacing each statement with, well, I am not your hormone provider so I cannot tell you what to do but...and she was just overall not helpful yesterday.

I thought back to you taping the toilet lids closed when you first got married..That’s hysterical..

Yup, that toilet seat up just annoyed the heck out of me. Greg grew up with four boys. His 3 brothers and his dad. His poor mom was outnumbered. I wasn't having any of that. That toilet seat remains DOWN. Do what you want with it but then put it down. It took maybe a few weeks but after taping all our four toilet seats down during that first year of marriage he never makes that mistake again... thank you very much. :)

@Austina woohoo I knew Colin would pass his driver's test. Nice going. Maybe you guys can drive here after the pandemic. Hahaha can't blame a girl for trying. :)

@marcy SWOON! Gorgeous! Cannot wait to see them on you. Just amazbling. As @springerspaniel wrote, Hubba Hubba indeed. :love:

@canuk-gal good luck on the echo today. Fingers crossed for you!

@bling_dream19 happy Tuesday!

@Slick1 hope your day is a lovely one. Stay warm.

@springerspaniel hope you are done with your application and the week goes smoothly.

Hi to everyone else. We had a good day yesterday. We went for a walk in Sandy Hook and saw so many deer. They love the park now because there are hardly any humans in it during this time of year. I love it too for that reason :lol:

And every time I see deer it's like I have never seen them before hahaha.

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And this one is for you @MamaBee can you find the deer? :)
Screen Shot 2021-11-16 at 6.04.25 AM.png

Happy Tuesday girls. (((((Hugs))))).


Mar 31, 2018
@missy What about a D&C? I had it done when I was your age. It’s not the same problem but I was spotting after menopause. My lining was thickened. I think I remember your lining is thin..I don’t understand how you could be bleeding with a thin lining. I see where you’re going with your plan to shed the lining and then hope the P works more efficiently. I hope you’re not becoming anemic. Are you getting blood counts? Big hugs..
BTW I love the find the deer (Waldo) photos. They never fail to make me smile..
@bling_dream19 Any new bling projects? You have to post your family of bling on SMTB. I would love to see everything you have at this point. Any plans for Thanksgiving? I know you love to cook..
@marcy No one will be able to replace the way you do your job. You deserve your retirement. They will miss you. That’s a given.
Your Ruby earrings are just beautiful. The clarity of the rubies are amazing. I love them. I would love to see an ear shot. I have a pair of Ruby halo earrings. My husband bought them for me a long time ago. I never wear them even though I love them. You inspired me to start wearing them.
@Slick1 How’s school going? Did you get your booster shot? I may get the fourth one the end of March or early April since I got the third dose..not the booster. I’m following Israel’s data to see what they do. Bear is so cute! I know you’re enjoying him..I love seeing his photos.
@mrs-b How are you enjoying your new place? I’ve been thinking about you..hoping your back is still doing okay. Any photos? Will you spend Christmas there with Tim?
Time to get busy…Hi to everyone else. Have the best day! XO


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Slept badly. Howling winds woke both of us up. Hence no window replacement today cuz it is dangerous. I won't complain tho as the province to the west of us (British Columbia) is suffering horrific weather--torrential rains, flooding, landslides. :(( My sister said she though she'd get blown off the bridge!

My ECHO was uneventful--10 minute appt for a drive across town.....I will F/U with my GP in the next day or two...if it is clear then I will keep my OR date for next week.

@missy sorry you have continued issues with no solid advice from your Gyne. Big hugs.

@MamaBee I've never had an medical issues of any kind--so imagine how surprised I was to have palpitations and a (atrial) blip on an EKG.

@marcy I look forward to ear shots of your new earring. They are a visual treat! And I though Bond was meh. LOL Unusual for me as I am usually a great fan.

@Austina congrats on Colin passing his test.

I'm tired but doing to do the elliptical and bike. Too cold to do anything outside. Icy biting winds.



Jun 8, 2008
What about a D&C? I had it done when I was your age. It’s not the same problem but I was spotting after menopause. My lining was thickened. I think I remember your lining is thin..I don’t understand how you could be bleeding with a thin lining.

Thanks Joanne. The gynecologist said a D&C wouldn’t solve the problem. Because my lining would just thicken again. My lining is thick and it’s because my hormones aren’t balanced. Though they look balanced on paper. E to P 10 to 1. Perfect. But for me it’s not. As @rainwood said there’s the easy way, the hard way and the Missy way. Lol and :wall:

Praying my HRT provider tomorrow won’t take a hard stance against what I want to try and that she won’t want to take me off E. :pray:

Big hugs to you @canuk-gal. ❤️
I hope your echo results are good.


Feb 21, 2019
Nirdi shoutout!
Thank you for all of the love everyone. Thinking about you @missy I can relate to some of the things you are going through. I hope your doctor works with you on your plan.
@MamaBee I'm cooking and freezing you know it girl! So far I've made the sweet potatoes and stuffing. It's so nice to cook ahead and freeze. I'm very grateful to have a freezer now. I'm sure I'll do a collection one day.
Thinking about each of you everyday. Love and hugs to all!
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